WWOLF15.TXT A strange shortie - By SwampRat (c) 1992 The Rashathran Society It is rumored, that in a part of the Old City, there is a certain wall where werewolves are said to gather. And, by the fitful gas lights, ply a profitable if somewhat illegal trade off those jaded individuals who seek such dangers out. It is also rumored that for a gilded coin one may walk for a space with one of the creatures, to an alley, underpass, or darkened knoll. And thence to feel the caresses that even the most bored paramour can not resist. Sometimes they say the lover finds out too late that his supposed female is instead a male.. And has the indignity to be forced into being a sheep for the lusty wolf's desires. Of course, to some that fate in not an indignity at all.. I stood, overlooking the selfsame wall, via the bridge that connected footpath with boulevard.. Fur-covered bodies did indeed converge on the wall. Some returned from the shadows, grinning. Others made small talk, or called out to the citizens who found themselves on the dark road. I went down the path and looked the assemblage over. Even though they wore no clothing, between their hairy bodies and the flickering light, it was nigh impossible to tell gender.. Some of the bolder ones shoved out their chests or bent legs to entice the passerby. I decided on a being about my height, and strode closer. "Ah.. Messier is alone?" I nodded. A paw stroked my hand wantonly. "Perhaps we can stroll down the walk together, Eh?" I nodded, letting my arm be taken by the furry being. All attempts to determine gender was thwarted by a paw pushing my hand away.. "Messier! Please.." At last we were alone and near a darkened patch of grass. "Now, We may discuss 'Business'.." The monster pulled me down and pressed muzzle to mouth, in a deep, lusty kiss. My hands moved over the gaunt sides and dipped towards the furry crotch. This time nothing restricted my fingers from grasping a pair of round balls. He grinned.. "I am also the male.." I grinned back. "I know." He looked sullen, then somewhat frightened, as I showed no signs of letting go. "Messier.." He yelped as I roughly handled him. "Stop.." "Oh, no my wolfling.. I am paying you for a dalliance. And I intend to either feel your snout on my groin, or your hips.. If you do not care to keep your end of the bargain.. I know quite a few of the beings who even now are growling impatiently for your return will be most willing to lay with me. Especially when I flash This in their faces.." I lifted a gold coin from a pocket and pressed it against the hoary cheek. In a flash, claws were wrenching the money free. The monster felt the coin, then grinned and deposited it into a pouch that was around it's neck. Greed was stronger than the revulsion he felt towards bedding another male. "Do you have oil?" halfway expecting me not to, so he could lap at my cock and use his fingers. I pulled a skin out of my pocket. "And wine.." Producing another full bladder, I gave it to the creature now lying supine on the grass. He bit the neck off and noisily drained the contents. Then clumsily tugged at my belt. I undid my trowsers, allowing the grasping fingers access. They tugged my hips down so the animal could rub himself against my bare skin. "Mmm.. This is magnifique." I opened the oil pouch and poured some into my hands. From there I spread it over the hairy groin, paying particular attention to the reddish dog-cock, which made it's owner groan with pleasure. I also mauled his balls well. The werewolf lay, claws digging into the grass, as I slid a wet finger to the junction of his tail. He lifted his hips, allowing the digit access to his puckered anus. More oil was poured onto that finger before it gained entry. The it slid in easily.. The wine was blurring the monster's senses.. He growled as I nipped at a nipple, then grabbed my butt and slid his legs up, to cross them over my back. "Do not tease me so.." He gasped as I rubbed my sticky cock-head around the well-greased anus. Shuddered and moaned as the tip split him open. Slowly the entire length slid in until my crotch was pressed to his tail-junction. With a grunt, he started hunching against me.. I reciprocated, feeling my cock move in his warm passage. Growling, he pressed a paw into my chest, the other stroking his penis. "Come for me, Male. Pump your seed into my derriere.." I grinned buggering the male wantonly. "Soon. Soon... Wha?" The werewolf suddenly arched, shooting semen all over his stomach and chest. His ass vibrated, taking me over the edge. I shoved his hips into the grass, jetting hot cum into his still twitching anal passage. Let out a few growls of my own, as the creature twisted in my grasp, rocking his butt under me. He lay in a puddle of fur and sweat. "That was remarkable.. I enjoyed this most wonderfully.." Then he grinned slyly. "Mayhaps Messier has another coin, so we may again try a dalliance, No?" I laughed, and gave him a kiss. He growled deep in his throat and pulled me closer.. Then groaned. "The dawn comes too swiftly.. I shall have to wait for another time, Male-who-ignites-my-loins." I stroked the erection, then leaned over and kissed it. "Until we meet again, furry one.." He moaned, scrabbling paws over my head, trying to shove my mouth over his cock, instead of just my lips. I grabbed the appendages, and nibbled on the claws. Then lifted his head and pressed our lips together one last time. He melted to the ground, and lay gasping. Then a hand got him up and we both departed, as the sky turned rosy pink, and the Gendarmes walked their morning beat. I returned to my motel, and took a warm shower. Then lay and listened to the sounds of the city awakening.. Perhaps next time, I would allow him to be on top. The End <+===============+> This is based on a picture I saw. It was a black-and-white drawing done by a frenchman in the 1800's. The scene was of a gas-lit boulevard, with a long brick wall spanning it's length. Along the wall were many werewolves. Some had their tongues hanging out, and some had their arms crossed, and some seemed to be howling. The caption said something about this being a street where werewolves congregated.. Now why in the world would a bunch of french werewolves laze around a particular street, looking for all the world like a bunch of streetwalkers.. Unless they were...