WWOLF11.TXT A Strange Wolf Story By SwampRat (c) 1989 The Brotherhood Of Pan 1991 The Rashathran Society "Tell me where my 'brother' is, and we will not have to go through all this." He spat at me and snarled. "Do your worst, Human!" I sighed, and put the head- band on him, then returned to the console, punched in "Auto-Range, Calibrate, Unknown Type." The machine hummed for a moment, then lit up, and the WereWolf screamed, as every nerve passage in it's body was mapped out, one-by-one. It beeped. "Neural Net Mapped. Calibrating..." I left to do some paperwork. When I returned, all parameters had been set. The creature lay like a limp rag in the chair, breathing heavily. I gave him a Level 4 jolt of Pain, About the same as a hard slap in the face. He responded with a snarl. I removed the remote box, and stood in front of him. He glared at me with reddened eyes. "Now, Will you tell me what I need to know?" I caressed his thigh, putting the Pleasure knob on the second setting. He growled. "Go hump yourself..." I smiled. Touched the box. "I will give you another chance. Where is Robert Jonor?" It snarled weakly. Moaned, as the Computer turned on it's mating urges. I Alternately put Pain, then Pleasure into the monster, until it was a quivering mass of jelly. Stroked the long snout with a finger. The eyes, half-lidded, stared at nothing. I kissed him, a Level 3 Pleasure twinge. It gasped. Kissed me back. Babbled a bunch of stuff. I removed him from the machine entirely. Let him rest, while I sorted through the facts. Rewound the tape.. Barasha came up, with a cup of coffee, and a snarl. "Why use that?" A waive of a 6-fingered hand. "I could have found out all he knew..." I smiled. Pressed my lips to a furred paw. "What happens when you return to your dimension? Besides, research is never wasted.." He nuzzled my cheek. "If, my male. If.. May we have it now?" I nodded. "Make ready to leave for Marrshend." A growl, and he left with the creature. 2 more weeks down the drain.. Robert had been following a lead on a rumor of WereWolves infiltrating a town. He would probably hit the ceiling if he saw my 'demons..' Ah, well.. A yelp came bouncing down the corridor. I had to chuckle. Barasha did have a way with males.. ..... Ira stood, panting. It was all a jumble.. He had gone looking for his dog, and found the scrap of blooded leather still clutched in one hand. Then the noises.. Horrendous howlings. He had run, and ran down the narrow path until he bumped into the Man. A strange person, wearing tinted glasses even though it was fairly dark. "Where are you bound in such a hurry?" Ira struggled to catch his breath, terror coloring his words. "I... He... Dog... Howls... Things... Following Me!" The man looked at his proof, and put an arm around his shoulder. "You found what's left of your dog.. probably coyotes. Their howls do sound eerie. I assure you, nothing is chasing you." Ira sputtered, then took the proffered flask, and took a good swig. The contents warmed him, and calmed him immensely. "You have had a nasty shock, and are probably new to the mountains..." Ira grinned sheepishly. He had just moved from New York, with his wife, on advice from his doctor. The man smiled, showing teeth that were a strange color.. Talked soothingly. Patted his back.. Ira continued on home, still in a daze, but no longer panicked.. Drinking a cup of coffee he suddenly remembered where he had seen that color before. He walked over to the silverware drawer, and opened it. There, gleaming like those metallic teeth, were the stainless steel knives... If he could have see the events following his departure, he would have been even more horrified! Perhaps even into the comforting arms of madness.. ..... The man watched until the fellow was gone, then turned and walked down a path. A half-dozen creatures appeared, misshapen monsters, not quite man or animal, but a combination of both. "Since you interfere with our fun," one snarled at him, "You can be food for new ones." One of them, too eager for it's own good, leaped at the human, roaring. Gloved hands knocked the open arms away, then latched onto the hairy skull. The creature found itself kissing the man.. Lust made the blood pound in it's temples.. Then it was flung back. The leader growled at the creature.. Another careless monster jumped at the human. This one fared still worse. A steel hand latched onto his open jaw, and twisted it, while a booted foot slammed into the exposed ribcage, cracking a few of them. The hand continued turning the mandible, dislocating it from it's sockets. It's scream of pain turned to a gurgle as a blade appeared out the back of the hairy neck. The hand moved, splitting everything from the collarbone up, into two halves. Then blurred, removing the grisly thing off it's shuddering shoulders. The body was tossed off to one side, and the man stood, knife gleaming with blood. They couldn't see his eyes through the dark lenses, but they still felt fear. The mouth was open in a mirthless grin, steel fang-tips exposed. One of the younger ones yelped, urinating all over it's tail, which was tucked up tightly between it's legs. The leader snarled, and grabbed the two pieces of the now human head. The other's latched onto the remains and also snarling, followed retreated back into the woods.. All but 2. The cringing one whined.. It's brother watched from the bushes as the human walked over to the being, who was whimpering like a little puppy. He looked down at the WereWolf for a moment, then grabbing one hairy fore-arm, slid the blade across it. The runes glowed redly for a moment, then faded to black. He repeated the movement with the other side. The monster crouched quietly, slanted pupils staring into their reflection, colored by the tint of the glasses. The man sheathed his knife, lifted the animal, and pressed his mouth to the end of it's snout in a slow, languid kiss, hands holding the bony muzzle. Then he released the being, and stroked the half erect cock on it's brother, who now stood looking at the male with undisguised lust.. Gave That one tail-shuddering lip-press also. Then he walked quietly on down the path. The creatures stood there, minds in a whorl. The larger shook it's head, grabbed the youngster, and half-dragged him off. He went, but his muzzle still burned at the place the human's lips had touched him. And he wanted them touching him again... and again... Wanted to feel those gloved hands roam over his body... Wanted to caress the male with his own paws, and tongue... And a WereWolf isn't anything if not patient.. The two beings fondled each other, washing in a nearby stream. Then grinned.. And vanished down the pathway as well. ..... The next morning, the Sheriff was talking to another strange-looking gentleman, and an overly-muscular type, when they heard somebody walking up to the door. Even though the day was warmer than usual, the Sheriff shivered, as a chill ran up his spine. The man wore dark glasses, and had a briefcase in his left hand. There was something very... Wrong about the human. Mark didn't like it. As the Leader, he was slowly, but surely taking over the town, and he didn't care for things that smelled of disaster. Mike, the over-developed one, snarled quietly, as he felt his leader's uneasiness. The deputy stood up, and went into the front room. "May I help You, Sir?" The skin on his back visibly crawled, as a voice that sounded like a crypt door being opened, answered. "I am looking for this person." Sound of a photo being passed into a shaky hand. Mike turned a little more hairy, his snarl deepening. He too felt the unease, and responded to it. "I would also like to register my weapons.. that includes myself." Mark really didn't like it now... A Tracker! Son-of-a-human would be poking his nose into affairs better left uncovered.. John came out of his office, and stood by the wall, Just In Case.. Mike had his fill of the being. It was just a human, after all. He would teach the man a little lesson.. Before Mark could react, he had leaped from out of the back room, and roaring, flung himself at the guy. John's eyes widened, as the man grabbed an outstretched arm, and tossed Mike against a wall, like a sack of flour. The WereWolf bounced, and jumped up with a blood-curdling snarl, that died rapidly, as he found himself looking down the bore of a small cannon. He didn't have to see the eyes, to know that if he so much as sneezed, the human would spread him all over the wall.. And not even ManWolves are immune to having their brains pulped. The sheriff stood, stunned, looking at the piece of field artillery held calmly in one gloved hand, and the slight grin, showing elongated canine teeth, that shone metallically. "Yours..." It was not a question. Jack nodded, not knowing quite what to do. The black monster whirled, vanished under a blacker coat. But, before Mike could even so much as growl, he was jerked around, arms were shoved up into his back.. Cuffs snapped into place. He was tossed towards the sheriff, who caught him with a "whoof". "You should be more careful with your prisoners, someone could get hurt..." He signed the release sheets, put a copy in his briefcase, and nodded to the deputy. "Have a nice day, Gentlemen." Then he walked out the door. John shook his head. "He's going out to the Cabin..." Jack grunted. "You'd better get out there, and watch him..." Mike waited, feeling the steel bite into his flesh. And knew fear.. The deputy just made it ahead of the man, who drove up in a strange-looking vehicle. It was a custom-made job, that was for sure. He waited, out of sight, ready to shoot the guy, although something told him it would probably be useless. The black robe that flowed to just above the man's booted ankles clinked metallically. Then the hackles rose on the back of his neck, as the human stood, and spread out his arms out wide. There was something going on down there... The man turned, grabbed something out of his vehicle, and said a string of words, that really made John uncomfortable, even though he didn't understand them. The guy stood, and tossed something square into the middle of the charred remains. It never reached the ground.. There was a soundless explosion, a bright flash.. When John could see again, the human was gone. The deputy had a very bad feeling about the guy, and that only intensified, as he drove back towards town. That man was trouble, in spades! ..... Tom watched the human walk towards the Large Mobilehome. Lust made him reckless. "Man.." he snarled. The male stopped, turned, walked towards the trees which hid the WereWolf.. He stopped short of them, and smiled. "How may I help you, Creature?" A paw thrust out, sliding down the jacket. "Want.. Need.." A whine. The long-fingers were grasped, and for a second time, Tom felt the cold lips press themselves against his. His erection was stroked as well. The monster growled, pulling the man back into the trees. He knelt in the shadows, nuzzling the cloth-covered crotch. The jacket was moved back. Claws scrabbled for the zipper. The belt, and latch were pawed over as well. At last, bare flesh met the not-so steady gaze. With a moan, the Wolfen wrapped his fingers around the smooth buttocks, and licked on the swelling testicles. He pressed his nose to the wet flesh, inhaling the odor.. Tom slid his tongue around the penis, while gloved hands caressed his ears. Mmmm.. He pulled the maleness into his maw, pressing his lips into the patch of hair. Sucked wildly, wanting to feel the man's cum slide down his throat. Eager to taste the sweet semen.. "Ejaculate, Male!" He snarled, clawing at the man's butt-cheeks. "Blow your wad.." One of the paws mauled the nut-sack. It was close to time... They swelled in his grasp, as warm stuff splattered against the back of his throat. Another skimmed the length of his tongue. Tom nursed on the spurting cock, drooling over it. His cheeks hollowed, wanting more of the scum. At last nothing more could be coaxed out.. By tongue, paw or fang. The WereWolf reluctantly let the softening maleness shrink in his mouth. When it was once again the size of his little finger, he kissed the tip, smearing insemenal fluid over his black lips. He stood, head bowed. "I wish to join you, Male. I want to run with you, feel your maleness between my paws, my lips.. Under my..." He shuddered with lust as a hand rubbed his cheek.."My tail. Do the same to you." The man lifted his trowsers up. Re-latched them. Kissed the horny animal. "Follow me." He walked back to the motorhome, and opened the door. The Wolfen, took a step forward.. And a 6-fingered Paw grabbed him by the butt, yanking him inside! The door shut and latched with a click.. His older brother sat in a chair. "About damn time.." He grinned at the younger animal. Shit! The bastard beat him again.. ..... Night fell with silence. Which was both good and bad.. At least Trouble had stayed in his Mobile Fortress... John emerged from the shack that was his second home, and waited. There in the darkness stood two beings, one was the man he had seen in the Office. The other... The hairs on the back of his neck rose. He didn't know how he knew, but he knew.. This was not a were-being, but it wasn't a normal animal either. This was an Old One... It was shaped like a bear. About 8 feet tall and shaggy. But there, the resemblance ended. The muzzle was longer, wider. The paws had 6 claws, one of which was stroking the mans groin, long fingers pressed into the cloth. It was one of the few creatures that could invoke fear in a werebeing. And this one was nuzzling the human, growling it's lust into his ear. A voice that would have made a dead thing crawl came on the wind... "I want to spill my seed over your smooth buttocks, and knead upon them until there is no trace.. I want to press my hugeness between the hairless mounds, and hump into them, until I cover them with sticky cum. Slowly lap it all off again.. I want to suckle on your maleness, tickle my nose with your groin hairs, caress your cock with my tongue, drink deeply of your sweet semen.." The human seemed to be taking all this quite calmly. "Barasha, you only want me now, because I smell of death." The creature growled, and slid it's penis across one robed thigh. "I want Thee Always.." Even in what little light there was, John could see the glistening tip. The slit opened, and a drop of smegma gleamed momentarily, then slowly ran down the thick cock-head. The werewolf found his mouth watering, and his senses reeled as the scent of male-lust drifted past on the breeze. John's clothes became constrictive, and he snarled, ripping at them, as the transformation took place. The deputy shuddered, muscles rippling under the skin, which was putting out dense hair, like a wheat field in mid-spring. It destroyed the rest of it's hampering cloth, including the shoes, and stood panting. The WereWolf's 14-inch erection demanded attention, so one paw stroked it, yellow eyes glued to the 2-feet of maleness that stood proudly beside the human. The Rrashan now pressed it's cock against his left side, where it rested in the crook of an elbow, a gloved hand lovingly stroking it. They knew of the wolfen's need.. "I go to him." The hand pressed another pearl of pre-cum out, and the monster in front of them whined. "He may come to us.." The man stepped to one side, un-curling his arm from around the gigantic cock, making the Rrashan grunt. Now, John could see the bull-like scrotum, hanging down a little over a foot. Totally devoid of hair, the twin ovals swung gently in the wind, and the animal whimpered, wanting to run his tongue across them, to nibble on the knobby globes.. He took a faltering step, then another, his need driving him forward. The human moved out of his immediate vision, and was forgotten. All that mattered was the Lust that sang in his ears. So much to play with... where to start first? Paws that could have crushed him like an egg, slid under his arms, the thumbs raking his erect nipples, as he was lifted, and his snout was pressed against an eager muzzle. He looked into slit-pupils surrounded by gray iris's, and red eyes. A mental wall, a hundred times stronger than anything he had ever encountered, rolled over his psyche, and he gladly allowed himself to be engulfed in the waves of desire. "Barasha, why don't you take him back to meet the others." The creature looked over the disjointed creature that lay like a wet rag doll in it's massive fore-arms at the only being, so far, to resist him. Not that they didn't have sex, they had glorious matings.. But the human had never succumbed, had never let him explore the inner reaches of it's tortured mind.. That made him want the male all the more... "You sure you'll be alright?" In response, the man pulled out a sword, covered in runes, that glowed with an inner fire. The Rrashan hissed, and involuntarily pulled back. The Rune-Sword was one of the few weapons his kind had no defense against. Then the edges of his mouth turned upwards, as the human pressed cold lips against the back of the huge paw that sat on his shoulder. The forth appendage stopped stroking the man's butt, and instead ruffled the fur on a hairier one. He looked at his prey, then asked it mentally if it wanted free. The response was a snarl of fear, then a sigh, as Barasha once again gave it back it's fantasy. He walked over to a large bus-like vehicle. A wide door opened, and another creature appeared. Almost a carbon-copy, except the fur color was more silverish. Muaeg looked at him. "You still desire the human..." A mouth that would have frightened a shark, split into a grin. "So do I, Brother." The werewolf moaned, as 4 new paws roamed over his body. Then the Rrashan stepped through, the rune-covered door closed, and everything was still. A car started and left for a certain place that I was told Might contain a friend and a Wolfen who had gone missing.. ..... I stood before the barn door. "You have a choice. You may send someone out, or I will come in.. And If I do, You won't like it.." A howl of hate came as an answer. So be it.. I put an HE round into the wooden doors. They exploded, buckling forward, falling with a crash on somebody. Coming closer I made out a couple of heat traces coming from beside the barn.. "All I want is Tom.. In one piece. Preferably still breathing.." "Be Mated Savagely, Perverted Food Item!" I grinned. "Come out and Play, Puppies!" A creature leaped at me from the left.. My hand shattered it's jaw. It howled in pain, doing a somersault. The gun hissed, releasing a miniature rocket. The monster jumped sideways.. And got the full impact in it's chest. It grunted, then growled. "Your puny toys..." Whatever else it was going to say disappeared with it's lungs. And torso.. The explosive turned it into a smear of color. The lower legs went one way, the upper arms another. What was left of the head and neck flew skyward.. Another snarled, backing up slowly. I shut my visor, and removed my robe. Something hit with the sound of an overripe melon. The WereWolf stood a moment more.. "I want no part in this.." "Then leave.." It snarled again, backing slowly towards the woods. Someone inside growled at the creature. It made a suggestive gesture, and ran for the trees. "If you are still alive after this night, we can discuss whether or not you will spike my tail to a wall." It tossed this over it's shoulder and disappeared. "Anyone want to join him?" A few more skirted past me, with snarls for their brethren. A couple of the females gave me a looking over.. It was clear what was on their minds. Their mates pulled them onward.. One lifted my helmet and growled some very graphic descriptions in my ear, finishing them with a kiss. The male's smile and his paw roaming my crotch told me I could be the filling in a fur sandwich.. "Later.. Right now I have unfinished business." A whispered address told me where to contact them.. Then all was still. "I repeat my offer.. Bring Tom out, Alive. And continue breathing.." Something resembling a cut-up toy monkey was thrown out. Still breathing.. Damn, WereWolves are hard to kill. "Now.. Those who had Nothing to do with the Death of Robert Jonor or his Family, Leave.. My quarrel is with those beings Only.." A laugh came from the structure. Something came out and speared the prone figure with a wooden post. I took off my helmet, and tossed it back into the car. The suit followed. I opened the trunk, removing a robe that clanked. My Iron Robe of War. To that I strapped the Rune Sword Of Destruction. Then I started walking towards the barn. "Fight me one-at-a-time or all together.. Either way Your heads will adorn poles, before I burn them." Something big and nasty howled then loped towards me. His snarl of triumph became a yelp of pain as his leap ended with my arm slamming his muzzle down. Then a blow with a hand hard as steel broke his neck. He flopped in the dust, unable to even twitch. "I will try to save one for you, Barasha.." This time a pair of them came. One bit deep into my arm, the other choking on my fist. It's eyes crossed as spikes went through it's head, coming out the other side, shiny with blood and brain-matter. The other one got a knee in the rib-cage. As it fell back, trying to catch it's breath it saw my hand flex and another set of 8-inch spikes slid across the back of my other hand. These went into the skull of the animal who was still trying to bite me. I jerked both free, and as the monster flopped I dropped to one knee, driving my hand through the hairy skull, mashing it into the ground. The body flopped a few times, then lay still. Silver or steel, the creature was just as dead. I stepped into the morass, and slammed my boot into the other's stomach as it roared and launched itself at me again. This time it lay in the dust, choking and heaving. I stepped to the animal, and as it growled, wrapped bloody fingers around it's muzzle. Lifted it up to give the monster a kiss.. Caressed the heaving sides. The eyes shone with hatred even as the body responded to my hand. Stood and looked towards what was left of the doors. "Anybody else want to come out an play?" No movement from the barn.. I looked down at the canine, who was trying to bite my ankles. "You will only succeed in breaking a fang.." And a howl as she did. I stroked the pointed spikes across either cheek, then along the canine forehead. One quick blow put her out.. Then I continued towards the structure. Tom was Still alive.. He was ripped to rags and a pole was stuck in his guts, but alive.. "Get 'em.." I dropped to caress the hoary neck, sliding him into darkness. Then stepped into the building. Three sets of eyes stared back at me. "You will be tastier than what we had as a snack. And no, you shall not die quickly.." A padding came from behind me, but I didn't turn.. "Your entrails shall be sweeter for your terror as you watch us chew on them.." Another growl. "And perhaps we shall pleasure ourselves upon your body.." This from the female.. "You look strong.. Much flesh can be stripped off you without touching your groin.. Would you like to feel my tongue on your maleness, as my lover rips into your ass?" The other one grinned, fondling a long cock. The Leader grinned. "You must forgive my perverted followers.. They do so enjoy playing with their food.." I crossed my arms. "First you must live long enough to eat.." The pair came at me from opposite directions, vanishing into the shadows. "My name is Mark, soon to be hanging from the rafters.." I smiled. "My name is Shadow.. Soon to trod the path of eternity." Flung both arms out.. The WereWolves found themselves staring very closely at the tips of my spikes. "Care to try again?" They snarled, once again disappearing. I dropped to one knee as claws raked the air above me. Then slammed both elbows into the furry knees, hearing them crack. The scream of pain was followed by a grunt as I tumbled the creature over my shoulder. Mark hadn't moved an inch. "Do you always prefer to let your pack get slaughtered? Most wolves would have ripped your throat out long before now.." Red eyes stared at me from the ground and the shadows. "You're not much of an Alpha-Male.." His hair grew long as he transformed into a monster. The snarls grew in hatred, while the body actually shrank somewhat. "I await you.." I stepped back and waited, arms crossed. As usual, the canine jumped straight at me. What stupidity.. Perhaps he expected his second to grab my arms or something.. I latched onto his neck and held him inches from my throat. And no matter how hard his claws scrabbled across my robe, or he arched, his muzzle got no farther. "Puppy needs lesson.." I lifted my other arm and stroked his sheath. "Perverted bastard! Let go of me.." Ok. I let go of his dick-holder and squeezed his nuts.. He didn't scream or howl, or do much of anything. His mouth was open, but no sound came out.. I dropped him onto my boot, kicking the animal across the barn. Then I turned and looked at the male. He was hovering over his mate protectively.. "Open your hand." Puzzled, he did so. I dropped a pair of very human balls into them. "Looks like You are Alpha- Male now.." I reached down and stroked his long doggy-like cock. "Too bad we are enemies. I would have liked being between you. Try not to get into trouble.. I would Hate to remove such a big salami.. I prefer mine Fresh!" He growled, and grabbed my head to kiss it. "Thanks.." I shrugged. Went out and got Tom.. Or what was left of him into the car and drove off. I later heard the townsfolk had elected a new sheriff.. A Brawny Guy with too much hair. It was a landslide, as it was he who exposed some perverted death-cult that had been draining the town dry.. Of course, his Wife helped. Some time later, I was sent this interesting book. Bound in leather.. Well, Well. Mark did have some uses after all.. The Demons and the Wolves all got together and founded a Society for Gay Monsters.. And I continued with my studies. ..... "Barasha.." The creature stopped nibbling on my butt. "Hmmm?" "Why do you Still want inside my mind?" He growled and turned me over to stare into my eyes. "Why.. Every now-and-then your guard drops.. And such wonderful images peek out. But just for a moment! Then you clamp a lid on them again.. I wish to explore your twisted mind. Taste the horrible pleasures that lurk in the recesses. Caress your perversions.." I sighed. "Alright.." All four paws grabbed me."You Mean That?" I nodded.. "For five minutes. Only!" He growled.. "That is not much time.." I kissed him. "Five minutes of Mental time is like an eternity.. Now," I lifted an alarm clock. "I am going to set this for 10 minutes hence. It's gonna take you some time to get in me. When the alarm goes off, That's it. No maybes. And if you touch it.." He looked scandalized. "Me? Cheat?!" I pulled a pair of aces from his furry arm. "Yes.." He growled and put the clock off to one side. "Relax. Look into my eyes.." His paws slowly stroked me. "Your eyes are red.." He growled and grabbed my dick. "Never mind about that! Just look deeply.. Deeper.. Deeper." I closed my eyes and sighed, feeling a warm muzzle slide downward, so it could lap at my erection. Then it stopped in mid-lick.. "Wow.. You. You didn't.." Thumbs opened my eye- lids so the being could stare into the 'windows of my soul.' "You did." He kissed me, and with one huge paw, crushed the alarm clock. It gave out one plaintive ring.. Then fell to be ground under a hoof. Another layer of my psyche was uncovered for his perusal. "Oh, My.. Now I know why you like us so." He lifted me up and cradled my body in his arms, stroking and fondling it well. The he stiffened. "What?" A Gate barred him from further explorations. "There shall be no locked doors between us, Kate!" he tugged and pulled at the bars.. Something from the other side appeared. 'Do it! Open My Prison and let me Free! So many bodies to disassemble. So many limbs to rend. So many pleasures to be taken from each dying breath, Each shuddering scream..' He saw his own body lying on a rack, cut to pieces. And a cackling human who was no longer human, taking Great joys in showing him his various body-parts drying beside the fire. 'Soon we shall eat.. Your ass was most firm and many steaks did I slice off it. Or would you prefer some of your dick? I am drying it.. It will make a good jerky. Testicle stew, perhaps is more to your liking. Or shall I stuff them and roast them until the juices sizzle..' Barasha quickly back-tracked out of my head. Held me and nuzzled me and humped my stomach.. Then dropped me in the shower. "Don't want it?" He shook his head, backing away from me. A wolf-dog came in and not only cleaned my belly of cum, but added another mouthful by sucking me off! Then helped me wash and dress. "What's wrong with him?" I shrugged. "Guess he met somebody he didn't like.." The End