WIZARD4.TXT The Wizard's Pet Version 1.22 - By SwampRat (c) 1990 "Those Who Follow The Way Of The Shepherd" - The Brotherhood Of Pan The man walked quietly through the woods. Everything stilled, as he made his way along. He stopped, then moved quickly to where a buck thrashed the grass. The animal had been shot by an amateur. It had dragged itself quite a few hundred yards before it's lungs filled with blood. The druid looked at the deer, not quite dead, then squatted, and placed a hand on either side of the animal's head. Power surged between those weathered palms, and the buck lifted it's head. Eyes moved to focus on the man in front of it. He placed a medallion on it's forehead, and said a few words, that made the air ripple. There was the acrid smell of burned flesh, and the imprint was forever branded into the animal's skull. "Do you understand me?" A nod. "I can not give you back your soul.. It does not belong to me. I release it." A shudder, as the spirit left it's fleshy tomb. Only to be caught inside a bottle. The animal looked reproachful. A grin. "Not yet... In the proper place, At the proper time. Follow." The deer walked behind the man. When they got to a cabin, it stopped, held by a ward over the door. "Come.." It continued through the door, fur singing slightly. If the creature still had reason it might wonder how a simple 1-room cabin could have a castle hiding inside it. The thing followed the man to a door. "Stay." He walked onward, into a sigil etched in the stone floor. More words of power flowed off the tongue, as the runes glowed. A demon-hand appeared. "Give it to us!" The man lifted a vial, which the fingers clasped upon greedily, and vanished, leaving a bag of gold. Then another stood in the glyph. He had no wings, no halo, but he was an angel all the same. Goodness radiated out of him. The druid lifted the spirit-bottle. "Open it, and he is yours." The emissary smiled. "You know I can not do that." The wizard nodded. "I had to be sure." A flash, and the animal stood between them. The angel beckoned, and it trotted to him. "Master," it breathed. A gentle hand stroked the ghostly antlers. "No, just a friend." Looked at the man. "This weighs Not against Your Sins..." The man chuckled. "Two sides to the same coin." Quietly. "I do not give him for that reason. He lived in fear, died in pain. Let him know joy." The angel nodded. "You had better be careful. You just might swing over to our side yet..." The man shrugged. "I do not think you wish to be here, when the Demon Lords find out what was in that bottle..." Another nod, and a smile. "If you come knocking at The Gates, Gray one, I will answer.." Then they were both gone. Another chuckle. "Still trafficking with Good?" A shrug. The druid turned to the dragon. "Would you have done differently?" Green scales glittered in the torchlight. "No, I too have sat on the fence.. What the hells?" Another hand appeared. Fingers crooked. "Come here, Filth!" Arms crossed, I studied Amaorth's paw. "Why should I?" Twin goat heads grew out of the wall. Long tongues flickered. "Your tortures will be legend! I shall make you pay!" The serpent behind me groaned. "Serrpa, would you like to clean-up our latest 'guest'?" The reptile gathered up the flesh golem, and scooted out the door. Twin hisses. "Bastard Male! You will suckle on my excrement!" I grinned. "I would much rather suckle on your maleness... or do you have more than one of those as well?" Another hiss. The body materialized. Two thick goat necks came down to wide shoulders. 4 arms lay down the furry body. More fur ran along the thick stomach, opening at the crotch, and running down the goatish legs. "What's the matter? Didn't like my potion of Lust?" Eyes narrowed. "You walk a fine line, Man... Someday your ass will be mine." I lifted the pouch of Gold. Handed it to him. Caressed the back of the paw. "It's yours for the asking, Silly Boy... But first, you have to grow a cock..." I grabbed it's crotch, sliding fingers into the slit. Ho, Ho, Ho! A vagina. Hesrattha plays nasty. Paws held onto my shoulders. "Let go of me!" I lifted my head. "A kiss first." Slit-pupil'd eyes looked at me.. A growl, but he pressed a pair of thick lips to mine. I stepped on his feet, and placed my free hand on his chest, completing the circuit. Pleasure coursed through my veins, deluged the demon. It grunted, tried to resist, then pressed all it's appendages against me. This was my gift. I was a dynamometer. I actually increased certain types of power. Focused it. Bio-feedback fed on lust, increased it. We locked. The creature roared, shuddered, it's balls fell down to the first set of knees. A 15-inch cock throbbed in my hand. The thick, purple head spurted goat semen.. All over my robe. Damn! Well, it needed cleaning anyway. I just hated to loose the stuff. Perhaps I could get a couple of laps on it... The monster roared again, and I was thrust out of the seal. The demon could not leave it, but I could not re-enter either. "Bastard!" One head spat, the other tossed curses hot and heavy, in 4 separate languages. "Ungrateful. I give you back your maleness, and get thrown on a cold floor... Just a teensy lick?" "NO!" Both heads snarled in unison. The ground under him cracked. "Sssooo, I sssend you to retrieve losssst property, and you fraternissse with the enemy!" Long tentacles wrapped around the furry balls. "Fraternize, My ass!" I sulked, "Wouldn't even let me have a nibble... And After he blew his wad all over my robe too!" Hesrattha, King of Demons, chuckled. Another tentacle knocked the gold out of the shaking palm. It landed off to one side. "That for joke. Wassss fun!" Another nasty chuckle. "Ssssome want to feel your butt between fangsss, Human. Sssome want other body partsss... Well, Mussst not leave you angry.." Tentacles slithered out, touched all six corners of the glyph. The lights flickered as the field was nullified. "Master, Please..." The goat heads looked scared. "Ssssilence! Would you prefer his mouth on your skin... or mine?" A wicked-looking serrated parrot's beak, 6-feet across, clicked scant inches from the stretched testicles. A shuddering moan. "Yours for a full day. Return it as you found it Human, It's punishment has not ended." Amaorth was likewise tossed out of the glyph. A flash and it was gone. The ward glowed, then was still. 10-feet of demon picked itself up. "My height, if you please." The sand in an hourglass flowed upwards. "When it is all at the top, you go back." The creature hissed, but nodded, now 6-feet tall. We walked out of the room, into another. A shade appeared. "Clean this. Try to salvage as much as possible." It took the garment, taking care none of the sticky globs fell to the ground. Demon-cum was valuable. The creature with 2 heads still stood in the hall. I kissed one, then the other of the goat mouths. A growl of lust came from both. "Come on. You did want my ass.." I went into the Chamber of Ecstacy. Lay on a cushion of air. Grinned at the demon. It took all of 3 steps... Then, split-hooves clattering on the stones, ran. He flung himself beside me. "Want... Need... Must..." Paws latched onto my legs, shoulders. A thick goat's cock poked my butt. Slid slickly between my cheeks. "Ahhhh!" One horned head ducked under my side, fangs nibbled in a teat. The other was panting in my ear. I felt his dick slide deeper in my ass, strong fingers clutching my penis. Pain only added to the pleasure. A neck rubbed my chest. I lapped on a horn. Moaning, the demon buggered me, smoothly, deeply, wantonly. Came all too quickly. Howling, he pressed his groin into my buttocks, spurting warm seed into my anus. "Damn, Human, You are tight... Uuunh!" He lay against me, letting the spasms of lust work themselves off. The monster nuzzled my back tiredly. "Now, it's my turn." Untangling myself, I made my way over to a vat. Gathered 2 cups worth of wine. Gave one to Amaorth. He drained it on a gulp. Reached for me. A tongue licked on my erection, another lapped at my swaying balls. "On your back." He obliged. A cloth appeared, cleaned his penis off, vanished again. I finished my drink, and tossed the chalice to one side. Starting at his goat-hooves, I licked, and nibbled my way up one leg, to his groin. There I stopped and did the same to the other one. Then I placed a "jack-leg' on either shoulder and lifted the hairy hips up. The demon moaned, placed a pair of paws on my butt, the other set teasing my chest. The furry tail rubbed my cock, then went down to cradle my balls, as I sunk deep into the fleshy ass-hole. Warm... Almost hot. The paws were insistent. He wanted it all! And I gave it. Screwed my hips into his, kissed two pairs of lips, chewed on 4 erect tits. I finally settled on a rythem which allowed me to suck on his pointed goat-cock, and pound his furred ass, without bending in half. Having 12 full inches to feast on helped. The monster squalled, ejaculate pouring down my throat. Amaorth shuddered, squirmed in my lap.. "Damnation, Human! Spill your seed into me!!" The long cock was pulled out of my mouth. "Now, Fuck ME!!!" So I did.. Up, down. We spun in circles, the demon getting in 2 thrusts to my one.I chewed on his nuts, and he growled. Claws raked my ass, stuffed my erection back into an ass-hole that tugged insistently on me, slid into my anus, stroking my prostate. A pair of mouths attacked my chest, nibbling, sucking, and lapping. The furry goatish tail juggled my swelling balls, caressing them. "Aaargh!" 'That's my li..' A sneaky orgasm hit me. The monster growled deeply, anus pulling on my spurting cock. "Yes! Coat my intestines!!" I gasped weakly.. The twin heads bleated, as jism spouted out of the hose-like cock. I grabbed it, biting on the hard flesh. The pointed tip swelled, spat another wad of semen. We did a flip. Claws holding me still, one of the heads pressed it's lips to mine, sucking on my tongue, sliding it's own across my palette. The other was gulping the strong spunk that still gushed out of the piss-slit. Inner muscles stroked my penis to hardness again. I grabbed the furred ass, and pounded it savagely. Amaorth growled, rubbing my hands. The other pair roamed our bodies, giving pleasure. This time we both howled, hairy buttocks mashing into my crotch... Then they and their owner were gone! "What the fu.. Uuunh!" A tail slid into the valley of my sweaty butt-cheeks, as I found myself balls-deep in a Wolf. He howled.. "Rrakeim.." The half-lidded amber eyes stared at me, while the long tongue slid across one hard nipple. "And why should my Brother have all the fun?" My penis flexed, swelled, erupted. Strong anus muscles milked the scum out of my nuts. The Wolf-Lord moaned, his 11-inch doggy cock expanding in my grasp. Paws latched onto my shoulders, hind legs crossed over my back, holding me in place. The canine twisted his shaggy hips, grinding his butt into my crotch. The animal growled, kissing me. I put my head on his chest, nipping at the hard, black tits. We lay on the stone floor for a while. Then he kissed me again, grinning. "I thank ye for a most pleasurable mating..." I latched onto his balls. "You're not getting off That easily!" I jacked on the bulgy penis, sucking the pointed tip, tracing the bluish veins with my tongue. Claws scrabbled at the back of my head. The demon roared, thrusting his hips up, and came.. And Came... And CAME! I kneaded the contracting testicles, extracting still more rich cream. My mouth was awash with canine semen, as Rrakeim pulled me off his still spurting penis, lapping at the spunk which ran down my chin. The Wolf mashed the doggy-cock between us, rubbing the ejaculate into our stomachs. Then, with one last squirt, he too vanished. Shit! "Demons.. Can't trust them farther than you can kick a wet noodle.." I swallowed my mouthful, took another sip of wine, and went to clean up. The End