WIZARD3.TXT A Wizard's Tale, the Third - By SwampRat (c) 1990 The Brotherhood Of Pan 1992 The Rashathran Society The boy licked his dry lips. Standing in the shadows, he studied the worn door. It was much easier to think about visiting the Wizard in daylight. Now, the 3 full moons shone eerily. Almost he turned back. But, his needs drove him on. He walked carefully down the path, and summoning the last of his courage, knocked on the door. It opened with a creak. "Yes?" A human voice.. Thankful for anything resembling normalcy, the lad stepped inside. A fire shed flickering light on artifacts, magical items, and stuff. A large bear sat behind a table and leered at him. The black tongue slid slowly across it's thick lips and he felt most uncomfortable, especially around the groin region, where the dark eyes were trying to burn a hole.. Someone in a robe was sitting beside the animal. "May I help you?" He shuddered. 'Now is no time to falter, Jadkahl.' "I have come to purchase a wish.." The robe moved. "1 gold piece." The youth was startled. What? No Blood? No contracts for souls? No demons? Just money?? He laughed nervously, and placed the coin on the table. The robed being lifted a large diamond pendant. "Hold this and make your wish. Be specific, or you may get more than you bargained for." He held onto the stone and closed his eyes. 'I wish to have an intense sexual experience...' The room swirled. Jadk got dizzy, then everything flipped, and he passed out. The lad awoke to a musky smell. He shook his head. "Who's there?" A booming voice came out of the darkness. He grabbed for his dagger.. and found himself naked. A grin formed.. He had wished for sex. Perhaps some large nymph, or giantess awaited him. His mind conjured up a hundred scenarios of lust-filled kisses, hands stroking him expertly. A snuffling sound came. He walked towards it, slowly. And came to a dimly-lighted opening. A snort caught his attention. "It can't be.." The boy thought so too. A long nose poked itself out. The scaly head that followed told him all he didn't want to know. A Dragon.. It pressed it's warm nose against his skin, and inhaled deeply. A tongue slid along one thigh. "It Is! A Virgin!!" Jadk huffed. Just because it was true, the creature didn't have to shout the fact to the mountain peaks. It stepped back, turned, and pulling a candelabra out from a shelf, lit the candles with a puff of flame. The golden eyes moved down his body, stared with intense interest at his crotch, then moved downward, only to return to his mid-section again. The young man felt no fear of the great reptile, just anger at having been betrayed. "If you are going to eat me, get on with it..." A strange flicker went across the eyes, accompanied by a crooked smile. "In due time, dear boy.. First," It set the candles down and settled itself in front of him, "How came you to my abode?" He had heard about a Dragon's curiosity. "I went to see a wizard to purchase a wish.." It nodded. "Not the smartest thing to do.. What did you wish for?" The lad stubbed his toe in the dirt, and hung his head. A claw slid under his chin, lifting it, making the youth stare into the twin pools of liquid fire. "Tell me.." It breathed quietly. "Sex!" He spat the word out like a piece of sour meat. Much to his astonishment, the creature didn't laugh. "Sex.." It repeated, "Was that the extent of your want?" Jadk nodded. "And how did you word your desire?" He thought a moment. "I said; 'I wish to have an intense sexual experience.' And then the room went spinning.." The monster moved the candles. "One should be careful of wishes.. They come true." A slow grin ran along the reptilian snout. So... You wished for an intense sexual experience.. And so you shall have one!" Jadkahl found himself lying on the ground. A scaled snout was pressing against his mouth. Claws ran themselves down his sides, stroking the thin thighs. A twin-tipped purple tongue slid down his chin. Past his neck.. And tweaked a nipple! "Hey!" A warm mouth followed the appendage. The lad found himself getting excited. Sex with a Dragon? Preposter... Fingers caressed his stiffening maleness. Now, the other teat was under attack. The Dragon pressed it's tail-tip against the cleft of Jadk's buttocks. Parted them.. "Oh, Yesss.." The reptile nibbled it's way down the flat stomach. "Damn, Boy.. That would not make a good toothpick.." He jerked up. "Oh, Yeah? Well, Who Asked Yo.." With a *SPLANG*, the creature shrunk to just over 5 feet in length. "That's Better." And swallowed cock, fist, and balls, in one gulp. "Ooopth.." It lisped, pulling it's arm out of it's mouth. The tongue twirled around his nutsack, covering it like a wet warm ribbon. Then slipped them out. The organ flattened, allowing the Dragon to start sucking on the erection. The youth yelped, as the reptile pistoned it's mouth on his cock. Claws fondled his balls.. Squeezed them, as he made a bunch of noises, the first of many orgasms robbing the lad of his senses.. They came back slowly. What a dream.. A paw caressed his butt. 'How was it?" No dream after all.. "Fantastic." He moaned, a tongue-tip fluttering around his still-sensitive cock-head. "But.." The dragon stopped. "'But' what?" Jadk sighed. Then propped himself up on one elbow. "When I bought my wish, I had a female, preferable humanish, in mind.." The snout split with a grin, and as he watched, the long tongue slid out, slowly licking his jutting erection. "Who did you buy your wish from?" The lad grimaced, squirming under the reptile's fondling. "The Forest Wizard Siris.." The dragon grinned knowingly. "That Old Bastard.." He breathed softly on the man's groin, absently nibbling on the youth's penis. Then swallowed it, bringing his first human lover in years to completion yet again. At last, he stroked the heaving sides, looking down at the sweating lad. "You are sweet.." Eyes stared into his. A hand pressed into the scaled cheek. He gently kissed the man, then more fiercely.. *POP* He flopped onto the ground, lips pressing the cold stone of the floor. "No!!" Somewhere above the frustrated creature, a bird sang, telling all a new day was coming. Gridunf growled, pawing his aching erection. Then he grinned, nastily. It was high time he visited the Wizard.. "Dirty, Rotten.." Need overrode sense. The reptile curled up, sucking on his cock. Spunk splashed down his throat, as he sucked hungerily. Gasping between gulps, the Dragon growled. "Just wait until I get my paws on the ol Bast.." * * * Meituhbb shuddered. Like all his kind he feared/hated anything not natural. And the Wizard definitely fit in that category.. Even in daylight, this was not an easy trek... He clasped his talisman tighter. At last! The hut almost seemed friendly after the things his imagination sculpted the dawn shadows into. He knocked on the rune-covered door. "Come.." The word seemed more than just an invitation to enter the shelter. A second shock, as he crossed the threshold. A room twice the size of the hovel he had seen from the outside, stood before him. A table with 2 animals sitting beside it took up one end. A robed figure turned from a kettle, and beckoned him in. The Buck lifted it's muzzle from the bowl in front of it, and stared at the man with an unholy interest. The bear did the same. "Are ye hungry?" He made a motion towards the pot. "Vegetable and herb stew." The man slowly shook his head. Then a bit faster, getting rid of the cobwebs. He had a son to find. The animals watched him move closer, eyes saying something he couldn't read. It definitely wasn't fear.. They grew a bit wider as his shirt slid up.. Damn thing. He sighed quietly, wishing for the hundredth time he wasn't just a poor farmer. Pulling it down over his bare legs, for he owned no pants either, Meit made his way over to the strange group. The deer quietly dipped it's nose back into the bowl, sliding it's tongue around the rim.. The man felt a familiar movement under the tattered cloth. The robed one chided the creatures, and bid the man to sit. As he did so, both animals ducked quickly under the table.. Coming up after a time with apples. But, he somehow knew That wasn't the reason for the movement. The Bear nibbled on the fruit daintily, but the eyes told him what it was pretending the apple was.. The Buck also made movements, very similar to those he had seen barmaid's use to entice a man.. He shuddered. This was too strange a place for him. But, his worthless offspring's tracks led to this place. The Wizard finally shooed the animals out a door. "At last.. Now, How may I help a Farmer of the Rhrek?" Meit wasn't even surprised any longer. "I seek my son. And the money he saw fit to remove from my pouch.." Two gold coins appeared. "These?" he stared at them. Then lifted the pieces of wealth. "Aye. Now, My worthless Son.." The Wizard threw back his cloak. The face was human, if missing an eye. The scar told of battle. He had seen axe-wounds before. That made him feel better. The man wasn't invincible.. "The Lad lies sleeping. He arrived earlier, wishing to purchase my services. I believe you have cows that no longer give milk?" He nodded wearily. So, the youth may not be so lazy after all.. But, to come here.. "Did you not say, you would bargain with the devil, if your cows would only give again?" Again, the weary nod. He had.. And wished he hadn't. "I am not him, but you may think me so, when I tell you the remedy. It may not please you.." The Farmer gritted his teeth. "For 1 Silver coin, I shall give you a counter-spell." A months harvest.. He scooped up the gold, and gave the required coin to the man. In return he got a sleepy-eyed boy, and a parchment. The words sounded foreign, but not threatening. "Now, for The nasty part.. Allow your son to leave the fields. His destiny lies elseware.." Meit finally looked shocked. "But, he is my only.." A waive of a hand. "Do you wish healthy cows or not?" The Farmer could only stare dully at the parchment. "Besides, You shall have another.. That is all I am allowed to say." The Farmer wanted to ask a thousand questions. Instead, he nodded his head, gathered up the sleeping youth, stepped out of the hovel.. And into his own yard! "Damn Wizards," he muttered. The sun was just coming up, and he looked down on his son. Perhaps he Had been too harsh on the lad.. As he came in from the fields, he found his wife talking to a strangely familiar man. "Uncle Meit!" His nephew came to greet him, no longer a child. They went into the hut, to find out his brother died during an intermittent war, and his sister-in-law had sent the boy here. Meit remembered the Wizards words.. Here was a son, who could farm the land. He even had some coinage with him, and some clothes, Including a homespun but quiet servicable pair of pants. * * * Jadkahl never forgot the scaled lips sliding on his maleness, and went to the castle, apprenticing himself the DragonKeeper. There he found more horny reptiles than even He could imagine. Every color, and size, they were all male, and all in need. He stroked the mere-dragon's neck, as it slurped between his legs, claws fondling his nuts. He had taught them well.. He gasped, arching his back, cumming. The reptile clutched his testicles, stroking them, as it gulped the man-scum hungerily. When nothing else was forthcoming, it kissed the shrinking cock, then made it's way back to it's stall. A large green dragon slid it's tongue across his butt. He grinned, and lay down next to the warm reptile. Claws gently stroked him, as the animal nibbled on the smooth ass, shoving it's penis between them. Thick dragon semen spurted onto his butt, to be lapped off by the horny creature. Then the monster curled around him, whispering dirty things into his ear. Sleep overtook him as paws caressed his body. Mmmm... He squirmed, sighing, as the dragon continued fondling him. Tomorrow he went into the woods again.. Perhaps he would ride this one. And it would ride him later.. The End