Subject: TG: "The Virtual Revenge" (04) (WWW.RNE.COM) From: (SEAN MCFARLANDS) Date: 1996/12/17 Message-Id: <59684b$> Organization: Concentric Internet Services Newsgroups:
************************************************ *** This Story is brought to you with the *** *** blessings of Rusty-n-Edie's BBS (330)726-2620 *** *** Internet Address or RNE.COM *** *** WE HAVE OVER 20,000 ADULT TEXT STORIES, PLUS *** *** 60+ GIGS of OTHER ADULT STUFF !!! *** ************************************************ ** Check out Our Web BBS WWW.RNE.COM ** TG: "The Virtual Revenge" (Virtual Trans) The Virtual Revenge - Part 4 by Tina Douglas "Hold on there guys!" Dan shouted as he entered the room. Alex, Curt and Steve stopped in their fondling and teasing of Reggie's dainty body, but forcefully held him down as they looked up. "What the fuck for," Alex laughingly answered, allowing his hands to fondle Reggie's erect nipples as he talked to Dan. "Yeah, Dan," offered Curt. "She's just gettin good and hot! Check out this juicy little pussy!" he said as his fingers pulled Reggie's wet vaginal lips open for display. Dan laughed loudly at that. "I've got a little something special to tell you about this one, guys," Dan explained. "This little twot came in here earlier today and claimed to be our old college buddy Reggie. Remember Reggie?" Reggie's three former friends looked down at Reggie in stunned silence. Finally, Steve offered, "Um... Dan. Reggie was a guy." That set everyone into hysterical laughter. Except Reggie. He just layed prone, pinned to the couch by three strong men, and shuddered to think what Dan was planning for him. "Well, after all, this is virtual reality," Dan said as he calmed down. "This little cunt came in here looking exactly like Reggie, and tried to get invited to our party tonight. But I found out that this little bitch was really a spy from another software company. Anyone here think Reggie would presently be working as a corporate spy for a major computer company?" They all laughed again at that. "Shit," said Alex, "Reggie was a good buddy, but he's probably a fry cook at McDonald's by now, the lazy fucker!" "That's what I figured," Dan replied, "But how can we be sure?" They got a little bit more serious at this point, ignoring Reggie's seductively prone form as they conferred about ways to check Reggie's identity. Curt figured a line trace would identify the user, and Dan revealed that the line trace was registered to Astonishing Enterprises. A little more checking had revealed that Reggie was unemployed. A bit more - that Reggie's wife worked at Astonishing Enterprises. In no time, all three of Reggie's other college buddies had reached the same conclusion: that this was a spy masquerading as Reggie, probably aided by information Reggie's wife supplied about her husband's personal life. Dan left the room to check one more detail out. "Have some more fun with the cunt," Dan said as he left the room. "Listen, Alex," Reggie pleaded, "this isn't what it looks like. Let me explain!" "Oh sure, babe," Alex replied with a smirk, "Why don't you explain. Like what's your real name, and which of us would you like to fuck you first?" "No, listen!" Reggie begged, "I really am Reggie!" "Stop guys!" Steve said. They reluctantly stopped their physical teasing and turned to Steve. "I think this really is Reggie." "Thank God!" Reggie gasped. "Now could you let me up?" "Sure," said Steve, and moved to do so. But he abruptly stopped, and grabbed Reggie's wrist. "Wait a minute! Reggie still owes me ten bucks!" he said angrily to his two confused friends. "What are you talking about, Steve?" Reggie asked, trying to pull away. "I don't owe you anything." "No way, Reg!" Steve said firmly, pulling Reggie's fragile body closer. "You owe me my ten bucks, and I want it!" "Alright!" Reggie cried, beginning to become frightened again, "I'll pay you, as soon as we get out of here!" "Oh, no" Steve replied. "That's not soon enough! If you can't pay now, maybe there's some other way you can make it up to me." Alex and Curt guffawed, as they witnessed the mind game come to its conclusion. Reggie, now seeing the setup, struggled frantically to get away from Steve, who's iron grip held him firmly in place. "Now, now, Reggie old chum," Steve mocked. "A debt is a debt, and it must be payed." Reggie shrieked as Steve forcefully turned him around and proceeded to bend him over. "This might be worth something to me," he said as he slipped his hard cock into Reggie's pussy. To Reggie's disgust and horror, his female body responded eagerly to the attentions it had received, and his pussy was very wet, allowing Steve to penetrate very deeply on his first thrust. Steve pumped away, forcing a gasp from Reggie with each stroke. "Yep, this is doing the trick, buddy," he mocked. "I'd say this is worth about... five bucks. Now how will we settle the rest? Do you have five bucks with you?" Steve knew the answer, but forced Reggie to say no. "Then we'll have to figure this out." As he pumped away at Reggie's cunt from behind, he waved Alex around to Reggie's front. Reggie turned his head in disgrace as Alex's large member soon was held directly in front of his face. "Now come on Reggie. Be fair," chided Alex. "A good college man like yourself always honors his debts. With that, Alex grabbed Reggie's head with both his hands, and forced Reggie's mouth around his waiting hard-on. Now Reggie was being pumped from both ends. Though he struggled at first, he was too easily overpowered by these two large men, and was soon obediently sucking and receiving the two cocks as he was expected. "Come on now Reg!" Steve mocked further. "You're loosing points! I want you to show me how much you enjoy this, or else we'll have to find some other way to work off your debt. I know! Dan has a bondage room set up! We could tie Reggie here up, and brand him, and whip him and shit on him..." That was threat enough for Reggie. Ignoring his shame, he began to really put on a show - moaning and wiggling in pleasure, only half pretense. He licked Alex's cock like a professional whore, remembering every pleasure point he had experienced as a man. He worked to muscles of his pussy to really give Steve's cock the fuck of his life! In no time the two men came. Steve pulled his cock out and sprayed his hot cum all over Reggie's naked back. Alex pulled out too, spraying his cum on Reggie's face and ordering him to lick it up "sexily." Doing his best, Reggie licked the cum from around his lips, smiling like he loved it, and wiped us the rest with his fingers, sucking the cum from them with apparent relish, though inside he was revolted and shocked with embarrassment. "That's a good girl!" Steve prodded, as he petted Reggie like a cat. "Fuck! After a ride like that I'm sure you're not Reggie, but I don't really care! No guy could ever learn to fuck and suck like that!" "I'm back!" Dan shouted, as he burst back into the room. "And I know who this really is!" he gleefully stated. He grabbed Reggie by the hair, and dragged him around that way as he explained his new knowledge to his friends. Dan told the other men that he had placed a personal call to Sandra, Reggie's wife, to find out if she'd admit to having sent a spy. Sandra was surprised by the call, but did some quick checking, and discovered that a rival of hers within the corporation was spying to try and beat her out of a promotion they were both in line for. Reggie was, of course, safe at home, and hardly even knew how to turn a computer on. Reggie continually tried to protest, but found that he could only make squeaking sounds, no words would come out. "And this," Dan said, forcing Reggie to straighten up for display, "This is Sandra's corporate rival, Christie Anderson." "I knew that was a real chick!" Steve shouted. "Hell yes!" agreed Alex. "She sucked me off like a pro! No way a guy could do that! Especially Mr. Testosterone - Reggie!" They all laughed at that. Reggie suffered their laughter in imposed silence. He was sure that he could convince them who he was, if they would only let him speak! "By the way, Christie," Dan said. "Sandra sends her warm regards." The rest of Reggie's night was filled in a haze. He was led out to the orgy, gagged and naked, and offered to every man and woman in attendance. The only times the gag was removed was when his mouth was required for servicing a cock or pussy. He was forced to take as many cocks as he could handle at one time, forced to perform cunnilingus, and forced to masturbate for the amusement of the guests. His feeble attempts to resist were discouraged early on by public spankings and other such humiliations. Suddenly, it was over. Reggie found himself instantly transported back into the familiar grayness of the virtual network; still on his back from his most recent sexual encounter. Sandra stood over him, and mocked, "That was about the stupidest thing you could possibly have done! Dan always was a paranoid asshole, but I would have expected even you to know that you couldn't escape me anywhere! I told you as much!" Reggie slowly climbed to his feet, his feminized body still aching from its long night. "I wasn't trying to escape," he muttered unconvincingly. "Cut out the bullshit, dear," Sandra shot back. "I know you too well for that. You were trying to escape by enlisting Dan's aid. You ought to know, dear, that I've considered all such possibilities. Let's go somewhere more relaxing, where I can further explain your situation." With that, the grayness of the network gradually formed itself into the solid stone walls and masculine decor of Reggie's original English Manor fantasy. Once again, Reggie found himself clad in the frilly pink maid outfit and dainty body of his fantasy girl, Gigi. And once again, Sandra appeared as a tall, well built bearded gentleman, this time clad in a long morning coat, and Victorian attire. "Fetch me a scotch!" Sandra's voice boomed. "Sandra," Reggie's girlish voice protested, "please no more games now." Sandra grabbed Reggie, easily tossed him over his lap, and proceeded to repeat the humiliating spanking he'd experienced earlier. Tears instantly streamed down Reggie's face, though he strained to hold them back. Sandra was amused, and enjoyed herself immensely as each spank caused Reggie's pretty breasts to heave and his quickly reddening bottom to wiggle in a vain attempt to dodge the next blow. After a short time, the blows subsided. Sandra's deep voice spoke softly over Reggie's sobs, "Now, now my dear. I think you may have learned your lesson. Are you ready to behave as a proper little maid?" "Yes," Reggie's voice wavered. *WHACK* A spank brought out a new squeal of pain and humiliation. "Yes WHAT, darling?" "Yes, ma'am." He quickly replied without thinking. *WHACK* Another blow brought new tears. "Do I have perky little breasts like yours?" *WHACK* "Or a plump little rear like the one I'm spanking?" *WHACK* "Or a juicy little pussy like this one?" Sandra asked as her finger probed the seemingly perfect female genitalia of her erstwhile husband.*WHACK* "No!" Reggie sobbed. "Then I'm not a `ma'am' right now, am I?" "No, sir!" Reggie cried. *WHACK* "But I'm not just some stranger either, am I? To be called `sir' like someone you've just met?" *WHACK* "No, MASTER!" Reggie nearly screamed. His now softer and more tender buttocks were throbbing with pain. His will thoroughly broken, he was ready to say or do anything to end the spanking. "How quickly we forget our manners," the masculine form of Sandra sneered. "I like `master' even better than `my lord.' Now get me a scotch!" "Yes master!" Reggie blurted automatically, and quickly hopped up to obey. He quickly dashed to the bar and poured his "master" a scotch, and placed it on a small silver tray to serve. "That's a girl!" Sandra complimented as her drink was served. "I'll make a decent maid out of you yet. Now kneel at my feet, and I'll explain a little more about your situation." "Yes, master" Reggie quickly responded, complying instantly with the command. Sandra was amazed at how quickly and thoroughly she had broken Reggie from a domineering bully, to the demure little maid that now knelt at her feet. Of course, it was only possible through virtual reality. But she wondered if such training might be able to condition him for real life. She smiled as she thought of Reggie's male body attired in the pink satin maid outfit, kneeling at her feet when she came home from work at night. That would simply not do! Her neighbors could never mistake Reggie's hairy, pot-bellied body for that of a woman. But perhaps with some cosmetic surgery... The thought would have to wait. She had more in store for him here first. "Now, little one," Sandra began, "I want you to know that the time you spend as my prisoner here will be exactly proportional to the amount of resistance you put forth. I plan to keep you here for at least one week. After that time, if I feel you've learned your lesson, I'll release you by unplugging your real body from the virtual reality interface. However, do not doubt that I'll keep you here as long as it takes to see you truly change your whole personality. I've suffered your domination as long as I will, and now I intend to turn the tables. You will learn to obey my every whim, and learn to enjoy it. For that matter, you will learn to obey nearly everyone's whim. You will learn humility, and servitude. And you will learn EXACTLY how it feels to be on the receiving end of the sexual abuse you've been dishing out for years. Do you understand?" Reggie's mind was awhirl. Half of him wanted to jump up and strangle this bitch of a wife, regardless of the consequences. The other half wanted only to agree, make her happy, and avoid more degradation and pain. Perhaps it was the stinging of the recent spanking that swayed his answer toward the latter. "Yes, master," he said in a whisper, eyes cast at the ground. But Sandra was not fooled. She knew that Reggie's will was far too strong to be broken yet. But she continued her explanation. "Any resistance will add time onto your imprisonment in the network. I have arranged for your real body to be perfectly cared for indefinitely. Your couch-potato existance for the past several months has made it virtually certain that no one will miss you. Now do you understand and accept your new situation, or is a further demonstration in order. "No, master. I understand." Reggie responded, a bit hesitantly. The hesitation was all Sandra needed to convince her that her bullying husband still existed beneath the seemingly complacent composure of her "maid." She smiled knowingly as she thought of the surprises and humiliations she had planned for him. Knowing that he remained unbroken in spirit would make them all the more pleasant. "Good. Then let us begin on a more positive note." Sandra stated. "How would you like to go out for a drink?" "Yes, master," Reggie responded obediently. "Oh, no. That attitude won't be necessary for the time being," Sandra replied, as her large masculine body quickly transformed again into her true feminine shape. "We'll go out for now as equals. But everytime we return here, I expect you to adopt the same subservient behavior. Now stand up, dear." Reggie stood, still slightly smaller than his wife, as he remained in the "Gigi" form. Sandra looked him over closely. "Well, the body will be alright, but the outfit will have to change." she observed. " I speak?" Reggie asked fearfully. "Of course, dear," Sandra replied. "I told you the subservient demeanor was not necessary, FOR NOW." She emphasized those last words with a bright smile. "Well, can I please have at least a male body for now? It doesn't have to be my own." "Hmmmm," Sandra voiced as she seemed to give his request serious thought. "I suppose, since this is an attempt at a good-will gesture on my part, we could reach a compromise." Reggie brightened upon hearing this. His dainty female body alone was degrading to his macho ego, but the way it reminded him of his numerous recent humiliations was almost too much to bear. "I'll tell you what," Sandra continued. "I'll give you a tough body, one more fitting to your usual demeanor, if you promise to behave." "I promise!" Reggie was quick to agree, anticipating his body restored to its familiar male physique. "Alright, let's go." Sandra said, and the scene immediately changed. They soon were standing in a very dark bar, filled with leather clad, tattooed and dangerous looking people. Reggie was glad he'd asked for a male body, because the guys in this bar looked like animals. But as he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror behind the bar, he gasped... That's all for now. Hope you like the way the story is going. Your feedback is greatly appreciated! I'd love to hear any comments anyone has about the story! -Tina Douglas ************************************************ *** This Story is brought to you with the *** *** blessings of Rusty-n-Edie's BBS (330)726-2620 *** *** Internet Address or RNE.COM *** *** WE HAVE OVER 20,000 ADULT TEXT STORIES, PLUS *** *** 60+ GIGS of OTHER ADULT STUFF !!! *** ************************************************ ** Check out Our Web BBS WWW.RNE.COM **
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