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Article 204 of 10082

Subject:      Viginettes - new shorts based in Equine's World - by Stasya
From:         stasya@counsellor.com (stasya)
Date:         1996/12/25
Message-Id:   <32c0b6b7.6148395@news.av.qnet.com>
Sender:       Stasya
Organization: Quantum Networking Solutions; USA; info@qnet.com
Reply-To:     stasya@counsellor.com
Newsgroups:   alt.sex.bestiality

Here are some interconnected shorts based in Equine's World. Note for the new readers. Standard quotes indicate use of speech and doubled quotes indicate telepathic communication. ------------------- Viginettes by Stasya ---------------- ""You know I must go Cory."" The voice is soft in my mind. ""I know Stealth. I've known for weeks. Doesn't make it any easier though."" Stealth is dying. Age has at last taken its toll. The body is still sleek but the fires within burn low. 20 Years of life. Ten of them as my partner. My lover. Tears fill my eyes as I cradle her head in my lap. We are in her favorite clearing. Miles away from Port City, I hold her and weep long racking sobs. ""As long as you remember, I'll be with you. ""Goodbye my love."" And those expressive brown eyes stare into nothingness. For an endless time I gently I stroke her cooling body. ""Cory?"" I nod. "I'll manage Smoke. Somehow, I'll manage." ""We'll manage."" * * * "It's time Cory." The man's voice is soft. Filled with compassion. I come back to the present. "Hello Ward. I've been remembering. This is where I held Stealth as she died.. Where I promised her I would remember her." I sigh deeply and look over at Smoke and the wolf standing next to her. They appear to be twins. Finally one of them turns away from us and leaves at a ground covering lope. ""She's ready Cory. I've done all I can and blocked off her deeper memories leading up to this. ""In about a week, she'll report you as missing while on a private hike."" Smoke sighs. ""I hate to think about how Karen will react. Especially since they won't find your body."" I look at Ward. "Couldn't we have...?" He sighs. "No. We can't risk what a serious autopsy would reveal. I wish there was a better way." We wait. Finally, another wolf appears suddenly. "She's out of range and integrated into the pack mind here. We can leave now." I *still* have problems listening to Julie speak aloud. I imagine I'll get used to it in time. Which, as I understand it, has a lot to do with where Smoke and I are headed. * * * "Been a few years hasn't it Smoke?" I'm meditating by staring at the surrounding mountains. We've 'graduated' from advanced training. On Terra-One. From now on, as world-walkers, these quarters will be our permanent home between missions. "Missions!" I snort. Smoke's mind echoes that snort. ""Bringers of Luck."" Her voice is soft in my mind. "Except on one world line my love. Ours." My thoughts are resigned. We understand the neccessity but no one enjoys it. "Not until we have to reveal ourselves to save it. And that is many centuries from now." "Still, we get to pick and choose in the meantime. Not even Allister can tell us what to do. Or where. "Shall we take that vacation first? We have yet to tour Earth on anything but training trips." She walks over and nuzzles me gently. "Old Canada?" I smile knowingly. "I'm homesick too." We vanish. * * * We've checked in and picked up a set of traveler's packs for each of us. The institute has aid stations scattered all over the world. Similar to the Traveler's stops on our homeworld, these are stocked with supplies to meet any situation. Smoke and I discovered a small lake during our training. As we head for it on foot, I let the peace wash over me. I also feel the pack-mind here. As we walk, we are joined by the wolves who call this area home. Finally, we reach the shore of the lake. As I set up our tent and camping area, I smile to myself. Smoke is in estrus. One of the young wolves asked and she accepted. They will be gone for a couple of days. In the meantime, I am being watched in turn by a wolfess. I can sense her unspoken question. ""Of course, Wisp."" My thoughts are gentle. ""I'm Bonded but hardly that closely. Welcome. ""Will you join me? I'm Cory."" She tilts her head in thought. ""You're one of us but not. How can this be?"" I turn towards her and sit on the ground. "We come from another world. Only recently did Smoke and I return to take up a greater duty here." I gesture to my side. ""Will you share yourself with me?"" Wisp regards me thoughtfully. ""Yes. It has been long since I mated with one of your kind."" I feel Smoke's chuckle as she looks on in my mind. ""Prepare yourself dear. This one tells me she's a wild one."" ""And you aren't?"" Is my rejoinder. * * * I lay amid the tatters of my clothing. I'm exhausted. It's a happy, complete, tiredness. Wisp wasn't willing to put up with letting me remove my clothing. She literally tore it off of me. In the rough and tumble of foreplay, her flashing teeth tore it into strips. Then, she paused only long enough to let me kiss her nether lips and lubricate them. Her lust inflamed me and I took her from behind as a wolf would. As I thrust into her, I could feel her mind in mine and mine in hers. Not a Bond but a closer contact such as I had shared with Grey. She braced herself as I drove myself at her. Dimly, I could hear her whimpers merge with my own grunts. Finally, with one last slamming thrust, I buried myself in her and orgasmed. Seconds after my release, she jerked away and did her own dance of pleasure and completion. Now, as I lay here on my back, she has calmed enough to return and clean me. I manage to coax her to lay by my side so I can clean her as she cleans me. Puzzled at first, she finally complies with my wish. A pause of surprise and then we are both gently working each other. As I fade into sleep I murmur.... "Thank you Wisp" ----------- Stasya December 24, 1996 http://www.av.qnet.com/~stasya stasya@counsellor.com (one web site for the alt.sex.bestiality FAQS and PIPS) "This site is available for counseling and/or confession sponsored by the Wiccan Church of Joplin, Circle of Life Fellowship. All communications relating to religious or moral questions are confidential and protected from search and disclosure." "An' it harm none, Do what thou will."

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