TYRANID.TXT Another Nasty.. - By SwampRat (c) 1992 The Rishathran Society Tyranids are monsters that inhabit A Fantasy Game called Warhammer 40000. They are warriors from a race called Genestealers. What if a batch of genes used to create these beings were altered... <+===================+> It had been a good fight, but a futile one. The Hive-Mind now held the ship. And one lone survivor who was unlucky enough to have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. A bulkhead pinned him to the floor. At least his suit was intact.. The Space Marine watched in horror as a Tyranid Warrior ripped what was left of the steel door apart. It's hoof clopped on the deck, as it's energy blade whipped towards him. It hissed, and made some garbled sounds. Damn this beam anyway! The creature strode over, checking each body in turn. The smaller Genestealers were carrying these off to whatever fate awaited the dead. But he was very much alive.. And very vulnerable. The creature walked around him, looking for others. When nothing came at it, the monster growled. "Male," it rasped, "Alive. Taking sample now." He screamed as the blade descended to cut open his armor. Down each leg and across the abdomen the cutter went.. And missed his flesh entirely! He sucked in his breath as the cold air bit at the exposed skin. The huge paws came down to peel the suit away. 'What did it mean.. Take a sample?' Then he screamed again and tried to struggle as the being removed the last vestiges of clothing from the man's groin and dropped to all fours. A tongue slid across the shriveled testicle sack. Warm fingers gripped it, heating the flesh, as the tongue moved upwards. Two more shapes impinged themselves. "Male not responding.. Require mind-link." The beam was lifted off him and tossed to one side. He was free! Almost, anyway. He quickly reached for the beamer by his hand.. To have it shatter under a huge hoof! Eyes stared into his. They seemed to glow. 'Do not resist..' He struggled both physically and mentally. 'Do not resist..' Everything went hazy of a sudden.. "Resistance removed. Proceed with sampling." Fingers stroked his stiffening penis, to full erection. Teeth bit gently into the fleshy tube as it disappeared into the short snout. Then it stood over the man, and lowered it's tail to him. The thick spike in the end split open and retracted, revealing a tube-like organ. This attached itself to the wide cock-tip and with rythemic pulsations slid down the length to nestle in the thatch of groin hair. The monsters swayed as the man smile dreamily. 'This is the best fuck..' A genestealer came over to fondle the swelling balls. It also stroked the plated tail which throbbed. Orgasm exploded the man's psyche into a myriad pieces. As one, the entire ship full of creatures stood and trembled, each getting a shard of the intense pleasure the Marine felt. The one standing over the human grunted. The tube lifted slowly off the man, to disappear behind the bony shield once more. The Genestealer lapped at the juices dribbling down the cock-stalk. A second one stood over the man and it too slid it's tail-horn back to engulf the still-hard maleness with a fleshy tube. It moved over the man, swaying and twisting. 'Wow..' Rick was in heaven. The smooth walls of the Tyranid's organ pulled on him. "The male requires additional stimulation." The third creature grabbed his shoulders, lifting him up. The back part of his suit was removed and discarded. It also moved it's tail to the man. This time when the horn split, it revealed not a tube but a pointed object. It gleamed wetly, looking for all the world like a cock. As the monster wedged his butt-cheeks apart with the tail-tip, the organ went to his anus as if it had eyes, and spread the puckered ring open. Then it expanded, going deep up into his guts. "I'm being Buggered!" The illicit thrill ran down his spine, returning to wreck havoc with his nervous system. Now cradled between the twin behemoths, The Space Marine went limp, letting them do whatever they wanted. Which was to fuck him from both ends.. His psyche melted with pleasure. The Hive-mind plugged itself into the human and all felt what he did. Cum spurted, to be sucked up into holding pouches inside the Tyranid. More ejaculate was coaxed out by the organ poking around his ass. One last orgasm wracked the steel-clad frame. Then his mind overloaded and Rick passed out. The creature in front of him grunted. "Harvest completed. Disengaging." It let the still dripping cock slide out and replaced the soft flesh with hard bone. The other one held the body up until the last shudder stopped. Then it slid it's organ out, cleaned it off with a strip of cloth and resheathed it. Then the raiding party disappeared back into their ships. "7 males found alive. All harvested twice." They went down to the Labs and plugged into machines that carefully emptied the storage pouches of their treasure. Some sperm were found inadequate and discarded. Most went into processing plates where they were spliced with others and implanted into eggs. The Scout ship returned to the Fleet. * * * The Empire found they had a problem. Survivors of the last Tyranid skirmish were having problems. Some had visions. Some were driven insane. Any Pysker within a hundred feet of them went berserk. They were finally rounded up and those not executed, were placed in an asteroid mining colony. Which vanished off the map! Inside a Behemoth Hive-Mind ship the new males were welcomed with more than open paws.. The End