TORTURE2.TXT This one isn't nearly so nice.. - By SwampRat, and Jack (c) 1991 The Rashathran Society I walked into the room, and shook my head. Torture devices direct from the middle ages ran along one wall. A fur-clad being lay on a table. The only reason it stood semi-upright, was the table angle. I walked over to the creature.. Way too many wounds. I lifted the head, looked into the bloodshot eyes. "How long since you had water.." He couldn't tell me. I searched up a fairly clean pail of liquid. Dropped it in front of him. Lifted the dipper to his lips.. The bear looked at me sullenly. The spark of life dimmed in the dark orbs.. Great... With a muttered curse at such amateurish buffoons, I closed my eyes, letting the power grow. Slammed both hands into his chest. "Heal!" I commanded the animal. Green fire ran along the frame, and he screamed, as bones knit, bruses disappeared, internal organs became whole again. The shaggy head flopped. Hmmpf! I absently fondled the leathery ball-sack, while studying a tray of various sharpened objects nearby. Suddenly, the door was flung open, and the magestrate jumped through the door. "Well?" Behind him were 2 burly guards. He frowned as I continued to caress the enlarged nuts. "He has passed out.. Get him fed, bathed and rested. I shall return in the morning.." They grunted as I left. The next day I walked into the room, and found it much the same, except the bear was looking at me instead of through me. "Better.. Now, Will you talk to me so we don't have to go through the mess I came into yesterday?" He spat at me. "Feeling better too.." The guards sniggered. "Perhaps you need some persuasion.." I pulled a hair from the creature and dropped it on the floor. Then dropped a strip of flesh I had found out in the courtyard on top of it. I lifted my hands them clapped them together.. Standing in the room was a body. It wasn't a pretty sight. The butchers had really been sloppy.. The Fox lost his lunch. "Yes Master?" the mound of fur and cuts croaked. The magastrate was sure he would never eat again.. I lifted the ball-sack. "This belong to you?" The zombie looked over the thing with it's one eye.. A paw felt between it's legs. "I believe so, Master.." I pressed the hairy thing in place. Once again the being was whole. The bear on the table was trying to rip it off it's moorings and scoot away from the appariation. I gave the dirty muzzle a kiss. Then walked over to the Table. Patted the bruin's thigh. Fondled his nuts.. Gave them a gentle squeeze. Tariu didn't complain one bit about where my hand was. "Ready to talk now?" The squeak was answer enough. "Bring in a scribe.." I snarled. The fox moved with rapidness. When the being was sitting down, I waived my hand. "Ask away.." The bear answered everything in a hushed monotone. Sometimes he would jerk, but he Always answered. Especially when the hunched corpse, refreshed his memory about a few events.. I slapped it's broken hip. "Return to your rest.. But before you do, I wish pay a visit to the cretins who did this to you.." Massad let go a scream, and gibbering, fell to the floor. Tariu didn't go that far.. He just did his best to squish his bulk Through the table. "You are no longer needed.." Which now sat empty... "That was one.." The Fox tried to do everything he could to burrow into the stone. "No! I Swear!! I didn't so much as Touch him!!!" The shaggy being nodded. "He watched. Laughed at my pain. Asked them to cut this off.." His paw went down moving the mold-covered fur to show a slit where his penis used to be. "Now, Magastrate.. What would you want with a bear's dick? Especially one from a corpse.. The fresh ones are so much better..." He was beyond feeling. "I ate it.." Came out in a wooden whisper. "Raw," I completed for him. A nod. "Trying to make a spell work.. Why?" The guards stood outside unable to decide what to do.. "I.. I can't get it up.. Never could. Unless it was with someone who would not laugh.." I lifted the muzzle. Gave the slime-caked mouth a kiss. Ran my hand over the furry ears. "I know many who will not laugh at you.." The eyes flashed with hope.. "Then you mea.." He too, vanished. What he did was wrong.. But there was Always hope... "Bastard! And he was so close to us.." Rang in my ears. I chuckled at the demon's plight. The creature shuffled out the door, both guards bailing out of the way. I followed.. "Take me to where you left this plane.." The creature moved still lower into the castle. The scream wasn't pretty.. I could not cure All the world's evils.. But To inflict things on the physical planes, when so much more could be gained by using the mental ones.. My fingers moved. A soul stood before me, shapeless."Who Are You.." it whispered. I opened a bottle, and like smoke moving in a stong wind, the form was sucked inside. The puzzled noises became angry ones as my deed was discovered. "Are they the ones?" No such luck.. But the pair I wanted Were on the same floor. And doing what they did best.. From the door, I could just make out something lying on a rack. The creature was sobbing, saying whatever words it thought would stop the pain.. I am usally calm about the stupidities of others.. But That was Not Now. The knife in a paw decended to open a new line of bleeding red on the brown skin. "Tell us again.." Hatred burned through me. The door fared no better. The wards placed on it were as toys before my fury. They shattered silently. I opened it without trouble. "What the hell do you want." The zombie was stared at.. "This one of yours?" A dog with one eye, and a dirty patch for another, grinned. "Yeah.. He was a good one. Sang real pretty fer me and Arrlk." The man he referred to was pulling something glowing out of a fire. "Good... I have a job for you two.." Right you are Sir.. Just let us finish with this piece of meat.. Shouldn't take more than half an hour. Especially after we sinks the Hooks in 'em.." Sharpened cresents were pointed to. "Youse can watch if yer like.. Or if yer likes we can flip him.." A grin, as his grimy partner pulled out a peg, rotating the creature. "We've only had him a few times.. And he is really tight. Haven't gotten to slicin' on it, So his butt ain't hardly been touched.." And We ain't got many diseases.." The ground split under their feet.. "Nor shall you have any more.." They looked puzzled until talons grabbed onto the man's legs. He had time to scream before being pulled into the demon's grasp. The dog was faster. He jumped at me.. To fall onto a stone table.. His partner was likewise dumped on a slab. Plants with sharp thorns wound around their ankles and wrists. A minotaur walked up, anad grabbed a handfull of ass. "Nice and tender.." He sank his teeth into the cheek, lapping at the rivlets of blood running down the leg. A huge insect clicked it's mandables together over the canine as it positioned it's throbbing abdomen, a thick opivisor stabbing between the butt-cheeks. It found what it sought, for the rod slid in deeply. The twin-prongs on either side of the insect-cock pressed firmly against the hairy thighs. Then, except for the movement of it's anterior, the being was still. The bull-man was also fishing for an oriface, his huge penis bending this way, then that.. A pair of curved claws on a chitinous arm grabbed the slick flesh. "Allow me, Brother.." It rasped. The man's ragged scream broke the silence as the pole was thrust between his clenched butt-cheeks, Going deeper with every grunt.. They looked up at me. "Do not worry.. We shall take Good care of them." I grinned mirthlesly, watching other abominations gather around the slab. The floor became stone again. I looked at the canine on the rack. He was begging me to hump him.. I shook my head in disgust. He would have pleaded for a chance to screw a rock of it would keep him alive.. He let out a shreak as I put my hands on his back. Green fire ran over the animal, closing wounds, healing cuts, and repairing damage.. "Try not to get caught again.. For I shall not be by again." The dog nodded, closed his eyes as I kissed the muzzle.. Then disappeared. The shambling mound beside me fell apart, no longer needed. There were some parts I could use. Especially those big balls.. A whirlwind sprang up, lifting me and the bunch of body parts, off. The Baron had to have his Castle rebuilt.. It seems that an entire floor collapsed, mashing everything and everybody between the stones. The strange thing that the floor sank without any warning. And it was only one floor.. The one that held the torture devices.. The End