Thieves' Gambit Files: Thief1 through Thief13. These are chapters of a fantasy novel currently being marketed by my agent. It hasn't found a home yet, but TSR is considering it at the moment. It *is* a fantasy novel, but not the usual kind. There are elves and fairies, but the elves are assassins and drug-runners, and the fairies are likely to be homosexual prostitutes. There are also furries ('Morphs), some friendlier than others....some *very* friendly indeed, like Cheltie the gengineered fox-'Morph brothel slave. However, there is not much beyond an "R" rating here; I *do* wanna sell this puppy... The novel is set in World of Terath, in the city of Reshor, a dark and decadent port city where anything in the world can be bought for enough gold aurii - illegal wizard-weapons, a slave of any species, or a man's death. The Lykos Slavers' Guild and the Thieves' Guild rule the city, controlling the famed Gladiatorial Pits and the slave markets of Reshor. Thieves' Gambit is set against the backdrop of the Thieves' Guild of Reshor, and is the story of its halfbreed Weapons Master and his search for acceptance in a city full of Humans who shun him for both his face and his dark profession. Despite the fact that Kelain is an inhumanly skilled thief and assassin, the Weapons Master of his Guild, he is intensely honorable, and desires friendship and acceptance more than dealing death. Yet, hated and despised even within his own Guild, he remains painfully apart from all but a very few, trusted friends. When his only true friend gets involved with the 'Morph concubine of a drug-dealing renegade mage, Kelain must act to save his friend, and himself, as he becomes embroiled in a wizards' war that may shatter the city. Another novel, about half finished, is set around the Lykos Guild and the mercenary slaver, Jenna Blackwolf. Installments of this novel, Slaver's Luck, will be posted as elfslave(#). World background and Fantasy! system campaigns set in the World of Terath are also available online, as is the Fantasy! system itself. Write me at for more installments or more information on where to get elfboy porn and the other neat stuff. See you on FurryMUCK!