The Dream (c) 1995 by R. Seth Trotman The dream was always the same. A party. People surrounding him. Crowding him. Laughter, conversation, merriment all around him. And yet it was all lost. To him. The people surrounding him were nameless, the conversations in a language he couldn't comprehend. The laughter followed, and though he knew it must be directed at some witty anecdote only now completed, yet beyond him, he couldn't help feeling the eyes of the partygoers upon him. Their laughter weighed upon him like a judgement. He paused a moment at that. He tried to remember what he had done to be judged by these people, but could not. He pressed on. The people parted before him as he moved through the crowd, a modern-day Moses driving through a Red Sea of people. A smile formed on his lips at that, but only for a moment. He had to find someone. Here, among this crowd of people, his rescuer waited. The crowds pushed at him from behind, beside him. They propelled him forward. The room seemed endless, if a room it was. People moved from his path only to make way for more. The voices and laughter, distinguishable as such in any language, pressed just as resolutely upon him. Again he wondered at the crime which demanded such punishment. Forward he struggled and forward he moved. And then there were none. He stood alone in the center of the gathering. He had been propelled into a circular clearing. The walls of human bodies surrounded him on all sides, and yet there was room. He was alone here, in this small oasis. He looked about him, spinning around to see those around him. But none about him acknowledged him. They continued with their frivolity, smiling, laughing, talking with each other, oblivious even to the space they had cleared for him. And as he turned again and again, he realized he was not alone. She stood very near, and yet seemed unattainable. She was radiant in a way which he could not describe, even to himself. As he stood there, attempting to reconcile how such magnificence could exist in a world that had lost so much of its beauty, she beckoned to him. An arm, raised toward him, bent slightly at the wrist, so as to take him by the hand, and a touch of a smile in her eyes. He could not resist. He reached up and let this corporeal perfection take his hand. At her touch, he became aware once more of his surroundings. The party had ceased, and all eyes were focused on the two of them. The looks of wonder and awe on the faces around him gave him strength. Confirmed for him this vision of all ideals was indeed real. And behind her, the crowd parted, forming an aisle which led to a doorway in a nearby wall. He returned his attention to the angel, for such she must be, before him. She smiled that smile of heavenly acceptance upon him once more, and began moving through the crowd. Her eyes never once left his. She seemed to glide through the crowd, and he had the sensation of floating, himself. Her eyes held the promise of a new life for him. The promise of acceptance. Of belonging. And still she led him. They stood before the doorway now, which opened soundlessly at their approach. Through the door to the room beyond. He could feel the crowd closing in behind their passage, yet they were shut out as the door closed behind them. As the door closed out the presence of the crowd, he was released from the trance which had held him. Daring to look about for only a moment, for fear the vision before him would fade, he took in his surroundings. A large canopied bed. A blazing fireplace. And tapestries on all four walls of the chamber. Behind the bed, Romulus and Remus. The twins suckled by a she-wolf who would later start a small village named Rome. Opposite, Alphonse, son of the King of Spain, rescuing the son of the King of Sicily in his lupine guise. Over the fire, Gorlagon sitting between his wife and the queen, who is kissing a disembodied head upon a silver platter. And opposite the fire, Bisclavret, removing his clothes and placing them beneath a bush. He returned his attention to his hostess. Her clothes removed, she reclined upon the bed, legs slightly parted and a smile once again touching her eyes. A faint hint of musk licked at his nose, and he moved toward her. She raised herself up to her knees and opened wide her arms to accept him. Six teats hung from her torso and it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Odd that he had not noticed them before, but as she took him in her arms, she pressed his head to them, and he suckled. A low moan, or perhaps growl, came from her throat, and he lowered himself to sample them all. Her fingers in his hair urged him onward, pushing his head to her body and slowly lowering him to her center. She lay back on her heels and thrust herself upward, issuing a command he could not refuse. He drew himself back and gazed into her dampness, inhaling her sweet musk for only a moment before plunging into her. He nibbled and licked at her and reached upwards to grasp her teats. Reveling in the feel of her between his lips and on his face, pushing ever forward, into her. His hands massaged her, playing with her nipples just as his tongue played with her nub between his teeth. His tongue drew circles about her, as his fingers drew circles in the hair about her nipples. From one set to another, he massaged and played with the fur covered teats. She continued to growl, only louder now, encouraging him. He growled in response and felt something within him shift. His tongue now lapped at her clit and he lowered a hand to insert a finger deep within her. Another finger searched for her rear orifice. It was odd how his fingers seemed not able to separate to make the contact he desired. He began to drown himself in her scent, luxuriating in it, his muzzle pressing deep within her, his tongue eschewing out to explore her insides. A short bark and her leg was up over his head, and she was on all fours. He backed away and raised himself up, one hand going instinctively to his center, massaging himself as he moved into position. He looked down at himself and saw his fur-covered penis elongating from its sheath. His chest was covered in a dark quilt of black. Looking up he gazed once again to her fount, a golden triangle beneath her tail. He mounted her, thrusting deep within her, and clutched at her sides to give him purchase. A whine sounded, whether from him or her he did not know. The pressure built deep within him, and his newly-grown claws lengthened, as his fingers loosed their grip on her fur and retracted. They stood on the bed, locked in an embrace of passion, when the door burst inward. Thrown backwards, off the bitch, he fell to the floor and was himself. Above him, a beautiful golden she-wolf bared her fangs at the intruders. Explosions of gunfire erupted and her broken body fell into his lap. The people came around the bed and removed her from him, covered him, and lent words spoken in kindly voices, glad they had burst in in time to save him. He awoke. The dream was always the same.