PANDURA8.TXT The New Goaltender - By SwampRat (c) 1992 The Rashathran Society "Where's The New Goalie?" One of the Outer Guards growled, impatient to get on with the carnage. A fox stretched. "Coach's talking to him now.." Charlie handed me a blue sash, which I tied around my waist. "Nothing fancy.. Understand? Just keep the sharka's in the bucket. Now.. The rules are no Spilling of Blood. No Using Magic (If possible). No Flying. And you Must stay within the field." I smiled.. "That's it? Nothing about Chewing on Butts? Or tweaking nipples? No Ban on stroking sheaths?" I grinned nastily. "Oooo.. I'm Gonna Like This Game!" The wolverine just shook his head and pointed me towards the area. * * * "Morning.." The twin foxes who were my flankers shook their heads. The bear and wolves looked disgusted. "A friggin Twink." I shrugged. "Want to forfeit? If not, I'm it.." And batted my lashes at the mountain of fur. He growled but accepted the fact. Flankers and Warriors, They had.. But it takes a Special type to be Goalie. Someone not in splints.. And since All substitutions Have to be Listed... They were stuck with me. Then the fun Really began! "I'm Robbie, and he is Johnnie." The other fox nodded to me. Since nobody had come across to us Yet, we were rooting on our Warriors. "Way to go Tir.." As one of the Wolves put a nasty tackle on a Green-striped Flanker. I was busy watching the near-nude males bounce and sway and jiggle.. A wolf made an end-run towards us. Got past One of the foxes, and then the other. I spread my legs slightly and waited for him.. "Good Day, Male.." He growled, "Fig!" And took a swing at me. I grabbed the hand and twisted it up behind his back.. Jerked him to me. "You're kinda cute.." He howled and struggled.. "But not That cute! 5 Silver indeed! What an insult.." I grabbed his neck, and propelled him back into the arms of Robbie, who had managed to rise. They both fell in a heap. "Robbie.. Be a dear and take out the Trash." Without even looking, I caught the bottle thrown at me. Carefully rolled it out of the field. "Mustn't have somebody cutting themselves.. Hey!" I yelled at one of the foxes. "Is there any rule against tunneling?" He shook his head, then fended off another attack. I smiled, and walking back, removed the three sticks from their kah, and waited a moment. The referee's conversed furiously.. But there was nothing about removing one's Own Sharkas, either. "What the? What the hell are you.." I held up my hand. Then pointed to the wooden structure. Which was vibrating.. Everything stopped for a moment as the news went through the field. All of a sudden, a pair of skunks jumped out of a hole... And found no sticks to Grab! "Gentlemen.." I gestured to the foxes. "Would you kindly escort these two back to the other side of the Border." They shook their heads, but did as I asked. "Oh Ref?" A Badger standing on the sidelines waddled over. "Yes, Poof?" I smiled. "The name is Zarren.. And can we get somebody over here to fill in that Hole before somebody steps in it and Breaks Something?" He sighed.. But nodded. "We got 5 minutes till Break. Keep yer feet away for that long.." I nodded, replacing the sharkas.. And so, when recess was called, a pair of big-types stomped the ground around the tunnel. I sat on the bench and dabbed at my forehead. "Hot work.." Charlie growled at me.. "Oh?" I nodded. "I mean.. Those Bears ought to Wear More. It almost obscene the way they bounce and jiggle, and.." I bit my lower lip. "It's all I can do not to jump on them And plant Hickeys all over those big, furry bellies!" He shook his head and muttered. "Be a dear and tell the Waterboy to get me a dipperful.." * * * The whistle blew and we went at it again.. Hmmm. A gray fox was sauntering towards us. His vest held an orange stripe, and he was trying not to wobble Too badly. I suppressed a laugh.. Barely. He made his way past the pair of foxes, who were too busy rolling on the ground to be much help anyway, and sashayed over to me. Batted his lashes.. What Bad Acting! "Good Day, Love.." I felt like asking what they promised him to make the poor fur do this. What the hell.. I took his limp hand and giggled. The reaction was interesting.. Cracked the mask That time! We chatted for a minute, then he got down to what he wanted.. And it Wasn't to see my tattoo's, either! "These your Sharka's?" I nodded. "Kinda plain. I think they would be better with some pink stripes.." He stiffened up. Then relaxed.. Hit another Button. This Was Too Easy.. I lifted one and put it in his hands.. Stroking the fingers as I did so. His jaw locked, so his teeth wouldn't snap shut in disgust. And the tension in the back of his hand.. It was all I could do not to burst. "Yes.. I see." I smiled prettily. "Here, Love." I took it back, and grabbed his pants. The fox's eyes went wide.. He barely held in a squawk when I opened the waistband and looked inside. "Nice.." Then slid the pole in, watching him squirm. Gave his crotch a pat. "After the game, How about I come over and play with your stick.." he hesitated, then gave me the most brief kiss I Almost had.. As he turned, I grabbed his butt. Squeezed it. "And tell your coach I was Not deceived.. You are no more Gay than I am." He jerked and looked over his shoulder at me. I grinned and ruffled his tail-hair. "Better get, before I change my mind, and Jump yer bones Here and Now.. There's No Rule about Rape, Either!" I never saw anybody move so fast in all my life. I laughed 'till tears ran down my cheeks.. * * * When we returned, Charlie waited until I was sitting.. "Do you know What you did?" I nodded. "I gave a stick to a Tight-bunned fox.. And made sure we Stay in the game." He stopped in mid-snap. "What?!?" I crossed my legs. "Charlie.. Use the organ between your ears. How many Teams have gone Without having at least 1 sharka being taken.." I could see the wheels turn. "None.. Now, What would you do to a team that had an Attack-Lizard chained to the kah.. Find a way to get rid of the Lizard. Or Get together with the other Captains and have The Team Banned.. Right?" He nodded slowly. "Besides, the Warriors need something to do besides go out and strangle the local fauna. Give them Some incentive.." The wolverine growled again, But with a Grin. * * * "Here, Twink.." One of the wolves tossed me a stick. It was Green, Where all ours were Blue. "A Present? You shouldn't have.." I put the sharka in with ours. And for some time, all I had to do was watch. The few Warriors that made it past the foxes got their anatomy fondled. Those that Didn't jump and run took a swing at me. And They got dumped on their butts.. Pretty soon, Nobody wanted to have Anything to do with our sticks. Until.. A Rabbit came speeding past the pair, who watched with dismay, having their hands full at the moment. The animal bounced around like a flea on a hot rock.. I didn't bother following his antics, I just waited.. And them stamped my foot. And he obligingly jumped right into it. "Ooof!" I lifted the animal up. "Next time, Zig.." Then flung him upwards, giving the rodent a spin. Caught him. "Upsie-Daisy!" Again I tossed the fur to the sky, making sure he had good twist.. Caught him again, then twirled him a few times more.. Gave his butt a boot. "Too small.. Pity." The foxes chuckled, watching what looked like a thoroughly drunk mammal stagger off up the playfield. Barely.. I stood there a moment.. Then crossed my arms. "Well.." I waited a bit more. Then snapped my hand out and snarled a command. Out of a clear-blue sky, a bolt of lightning hit the playfield.. Everything went dead silent... Then the refs exploded! One of the foxes came over to me somewhat jerkily. "What the Hell did you do That for?" I smiled. "Sniff.." He did so. "That smell Ain't my perfume.." He looked at me. "Then.." I shook my head. "Amateurs. Stealth-cloaks do Hide one. But they Don't deaden sound.." I clapped my hands. A wind sprang up and blew a mana-powered apparatus off a fur. Who didn't have any! The feline was standing there, with his hand outstretched, smoldering. "Perhaps somebody had better get him to the bench.." The referee's had a grand old time, trying to decide who to hit with What penalty. They were Not Amused by the Cloak. Neither was the other Team's Leader. When Break was called, the Canine came over and Shook my hand. "Dandy or Not. That was a piece of work.. My Thanks." I nodded, then snapped a salute to the animal. Who automatically repeated it.. "May There be more bodies on your grave, than Hairs on your Ass!" I said in Mathokian. He grinned nastily. "So.. A Warrior in Poof's disguise." We gripped hands again.. I pressed my muzzle to his, grabbed his tail, and hooked his leg. The canine was down on the ground, eyes wide.. Jumped back up with a laugh. Shook his head. "Very Good. What Clan?" I looked around.. Then jerked my robe open, flashing the fur. He growled again. "Bastard.." I grinned. "This is Just Temporary.. A Favor to a friend." Jerked my thumb at the wolverine, who was sweating buckets at watching us. "Next time we meet, I shall be a spectator, howling about how blind the ref's are.." We both laughed.. The setter took a piece of paper from his robe. It was the same orange as the stripe on his vest. "Season Pass.." I smiled and Handed him a ticket. "Inner Row. Next Mid-day, 7 PM. We have about a dozen Dan matches scheduled. SwordMaster Haie is going to show us the Steel Waterfall Technique.. If you think you can stand being packed in with a bunch of Poof's..." He growled, but put the ticket away. "Die Well, Warrior." I smiled. "Die Hard, Live Well, And Hope Nobody Pisses in The Beer.. Again!" The setter shook his head and walked off. "What was That all about?" I sat down and drank some water. "A Date.. We Do have Dates, You Know." He stared at the receding back. "With.." I nodded. The wolverine threw his hands up in the air. "I Give Up!" * * * Things were pretty quiet the last Period. The foxes kept the few hardy souls at bay, and I got to pant over so many scantily-clad males.. Until the Steamroller came in. Green decided they were going to lose Anyway, so why bother with rules.. Saving face Was another matter. We had a Sharka. They wanted it back.. So they sent us a delegation, consisting of three Big Bruins. With the attitude of a pack of rabid wolverines.. They went Through the Foxes. And stomped towards me, claws gleaming.. "Twink, Prepare to Hurt!" I looked over at Charlie, who shrugged Helplessly.. Sighed. "I guess talking is out of the question?" GROWL.. "Thought not. Well.. I was hoping Not to have to do this. But..." I took my robe off. They sniggered. "Think that is going to help? We are going to pound your queer ass into the Ground.. Wha?" My Chest glowed.. A Ring of Power appeared at my feet. Moved upwards, Spinning.. As it did, my body changed. Armor-plated scales gleamed on my legs. My new tail had no hair.. Which was normal for Reptiles. I also gained a bit of height.. When the Ring had cleared my head, I lifted my legs apart, and spread my arms wide. "Furrys.." The trio went slightly green. "Master Bring Ithka Furries.." I wrapped my tail around the bucket. "Furries want Sticks? Come and Get Them!" I bent my snout down and grinning nastily, puffed flame out of my nostrils.. The three Bears passed out. "Damn! All that work, and they don't want to play.." I shrugged. Then let the 'illusion' ripple, and returned to Fur. Put my robe back on. "Sorry 'bout the 20 points..." The pair of furs lying on the ground moaned. " 's Okay.." One of the wolf Guards gingerly came over. "You Really do That?" I grinned. "Simple Trick.. The Hard Part is using a dead Species.. I mean, Do You know What a Dragon Looks Like?" He shook his head. "Neither do I.. But it Works." He tossed me the third Blue stick. I put it back in the bucket.. And the Refs had another field day, scribbling and arguing. * * * The last whistle blew.. I returned to the bench. "Sorry about losing the Game for ya, Charlie." He grinned.. "Now, Charlie.." His grin got wider. "Charles.. Get ahold of yourself." The fur leaped on me.. "You Son Of A Bitch!" I put my hand on the back of his neck, ready to put him out if he continued on.. And he kissed me! I stared at the creature, who was laughing and pounding my chest. Then the animal slapped a ribbon in my hand. It said 'First.' I looked up at him. "And.." He danced. "We Won. You Bastard Fig! Green forfeited when they sent half their Goon-Squad after you. And Orange got Yanked.. Lost their Sharkas." I nodded. "So we won backing-in.. As it were." The animal jumped and leapt and Hugged the Waterboy! The wombat Stared at him.. I shrugged. "Well, It was Fun.. But I have to get back to work." He nodded.. Then tried to shake my arm off! "Charlie.." "Yes?" "My hand.." "Oh.." He stopped trying to mash the appendage and let it go. "Thanks.." He shook his head. "That was Some Illusion.." I smiled. "I thought so. So did Three others.." He grinned and slapped me on the back. "So. What you doing Next BrokeDay?" "Watching.. From The Stands." The wolverine sighed. "I guess it's for the best. My Heart couldn't stand another day of your antics.." We walked out together. "Is SwordMaster Haie Really A.. You know..." I smiled. "The Mercenary Clans Don't care Who you bed. Long as you live Through the Initiation, You are in.." He stared at me. "Long as you.." I nodded. "Failure rate is about 1 in 3. Just don't have the Guts.. Or Sneakiness. I made it through because I could think fast. And am not above underhanded tricks.. Like licking my opponents nose when we are in a clinch." Charlie growled.. "See you at the Next Gathering?" The others had dressed by now, and were milling around with the Gallery. They perked up their ears, Trying to listen without being Too obvious about it. He Growled. "Rashathran Society Hall.. Second Floor. Mertha will be there.." The wolverine suddenly brightened. "I think She's sweet on ya.." He growled again. "What makes you think so?" I shrugged. "Perhaps the way she stuck her tongue in your ear.. And I saw Your sneak your hand through her tail-hole.. Firm, Ain't they." Charlie turned red and sputtered.. I chuckled, and walked off. To be waylaid by a certain Setter. "Illusion Is the Official Word. I don't swallow it for a moment!" I patted his cheek. "You spit it out? How wasteful." He growled. "Come on.. I Saw the Scorched Patches. Give.. How did you do it..." As we walked onward, I lifted my sleeve, and carefully peeled back the 'skin' on my hand. To reveal glittering scales.. "His Heart isn't the Only Thing I stole from the old Lizard.." The Setter slowly grinned. "I'm Glad You are on Our Side.." The End <+===================+> Pooka (Fool's Challenge) is Copyright by Tom Verre Pooka Can be found in The Furkindred - A Shared World $16.00 with Postage Mu Press 5014-D Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98105