PANDUR2B.TXT Short Stories of the Shared World, Part 3 - By SwampRat (c) 1992 The Rishathran Society Under Fire "My Liege.." The stoat came in, panting. A weary panther looked up, frown-lines heavy on his brow. "They gather again.." He nodded. "There is no hurry, Runner. Sit and rest a moment.." He again studied the skin, won at great cost. Then carefully folded it. Grinned at his Commander. "How shall I look as a robe?" The one-eyed tiger softly smiled. He was used to the dark humor of the Prince. "There were the Lights, Sire." A sigh. "Yes, and I would personally thank whoever sent them. Even if it meant my tail." The furry appendage slid down an armored thigh. It was no secret the Prince favored his Commanders by bedding them. His mate actually enjoyed watching her male tousle with another. Before joining in.. Nor was it news the entire Clan was a bit odd. Misfits from various Tribes came to settle in the Province of Thuak. As long as Nobody got hurt, What harm in variety? Some thought differently, however. Even though it was Mathokan Mercenaries that had worried his army to shreds, the Gold came from Other Places.. * * * "So, one last time I do stand before you. One last time I say Stand Firm. We are the last and to run is to die slowly. Better to die quickly, if death must be our fate. Commanders, gather your forces. We keep this rock or let it soak well in our blood." The cheer was ragged, but no less heartfelt. Hurra turned and clasped hands with each of his Captains. Gave them a kiss.. Which was returned with love, and no little measure of lust. They could barely hear the sniggers from their foe as this went on. "Let them laugh.. We shall show them We are neither Dandies, nor Figs.." The Wolf, young and full of life, clasped arms with the male who he had drank with. Played dice with. Lain beside at night.. What an orgy That had been! Initiation into a Clan that was free and wild, but solemn and dignified at the same time. "Remember me when we meet on the other side, My Lord." The Prince looked into brown eyes that one could get lost in. Warm and soft. Full of excitement.. "I won't forget, Trewen." He pressed his muzzle against the wolf's. The last mailed being went to get what was left of her battalion. 'Jazzie..' She was much like the flower.. Pretty, Wonderfully scented. And her thorns were Very sharp.. As many a male found out when they found out who they followed. A quick wit, and her martial training earned respect. Accolades she wore only when she had to. For Her Ladyship, The Emtress Jazzella Rh'Heens, disliked pomp. Also, Being a five-foot tall Ferret, She looked Horrendous in a Long Gown. Her Father had been a Warrior. Taught his only offspring how to be independent. And when both Mate and Father died of poison, while She lived because she happened to be sick, and didn't drink the wine that night, her path led to the gentle Kingdom beside the shore. There, she was given a post, then a Garrison, and now commanded all of twenty warriors. At once time nearly a hundred marched under her tutelage.. But now she took each by hand and pressed her muzzle to theirs. Some had to stoop, and one lifted her in a true bear-hug. "I shall miss you, my lady." She bit his ear. "Make me cry, and you will need another ring." The lone silver hoop rubbed against her nose. "Now put me down, before somebody thinks we are mated." Iffs slid her down his huge frame, and grinned. "I am not sure I would fit.." She smacked the rump. "To positions.. And I have no worries there, Bruin. If you are as short as your name implies.." He picked-up a waraxe that was taller than his commander. Lifted it up to stretch.. Closer to seven feet than to six, Iffs was a mountain of fur.. Who preferred sewing to wenching. * * * As they waited, a stirring came form the ranks. Then sounds reached them. Sounds of battle and strife. It got closer.. "What the.." As they watched, the entire left flank disintegrated. Chaos as beings tangled with other beings.. As the miracle got closer it became.. one person. A single dark-robed male who was ripping at everything in his path. Twin swords did the damage of ten. And Nothing alive stood in his way.. "Death-Casters!" Rippled down the line, and fur jumped to one side, not wanting the weapons pointed at them.. The creature started marching towards the row of animals. They grinned and sighted their firearms. "Now." The dozen or so magical weapons sent their death-curse hurling at the male. The being stopped.. Seemed to melt into himself. "Fools! You Should Not have Done That.." They laughed.. Then the gaiety died as a dark swirl came from the body. The black cloud coalesced.. To form a ring of immense power. The thing glowed with an unholy light.. Pulsed. Then exploded! In it's place stood a Lizard. A Black Lizard.. With eyes that were red triangles cut into it's ebony snout. And a mouthful of sharp fangs that dripped ugly bile. "So.. Ithkassa is Again brought forth to avenge his Brother's Demise." His huge fore-paws came down, crushing the ground under them. "We feel like being generous.. Not take souls. Just Kill.." His ugly laughter ran over the animals and made them shudder. Some of the foolhardier ones made a try at stabbing the creature. And found their best steel broke on it's hide. "Furries Tickle Ithkassa.." Spears either bounced or broke also. And the few idiots who tried to use their Deathcasters found out the Hard way the folly of their ways.. They got Eaten. A cat leveled his weapon at the huge target and fired full into the belly.. The demon grinned. Clapped his paws together.. And Things appeared. They were dark and sinuous.. And Ravenously Hungry! Within moments they had wound themselves around Anybody who had Mana-induced weapons.. The screams were horrendous, as one-by-one they were consumed. Nothing was left of the ill-fated. Not even so much as a bone fragment.. And those who stabbed at or hit at the creatures found themselves unable to so much as Scratch the monsters. "Now that Kaasaan's Pets have been fed.. It's Fun Time!" With a bloodthirsty roar, the demon-dragon flung himself into the middle of the group. And panic beget a rout that killed more then the entire war had before that time. A full third of the mercenary forces died under foot or steel, as those in the back preferred to go Through those in the front rather than stand before the damned monster.. When nothing within paw's reach lived, the dragon growled low. "They shall not return soon.." Looked the small army over and grinned. Then clapped it's paws together, vanishing as if it had never been.. Except for the mutilated bodies, huge claw-marks scarring both ground and rock, and the feeling something unclean. "What now, Lord?" The panther sighed. "We go home.. Re-sheathed his sword and shaking his head, gathered what was left of his army. * * * Two beings stood off to one side. "That was badly done.." The other shrugged. "Then why did you call that.. Beast. And from where? I have never seen the like.." The first started. "Me? I thought You summoned it.." They both stared harder at the tracks and bodies.. <+===============+> The Ambassador I stood, looking over the chaos. It was easy to see Why I was chosen. Punishment Duty.. The reason I was there? Quote - "Because Somebody Has to Be The Voice For The Smaller Nations.." Alright. But Why to Mathoka? I could see going to City and pleading your case. But asking a Mercenary Tribe not to stomp on you is like asking a hungry dino not to eat you.. Actually I found it quite civilized. Once you got used to it. If they sent me to spy, They Really screwed up.. I gave away more secrets than I Ever found out. I was too honest. Mind you, Tact is Honesty.. I just skirted thorny issues. "And what did You think of The massacre?" I would gather my thoughts. Remember What I had read on the matter. Then say - "Well.. Our Official position is it was a Great Victory. And We should show dissidents our claws." Then Taaj would collar me by a wall or give me a glass of something. "That's the Official Position.. What do You think." I would look at him. Then drop my voice. "A bunch of elders, and some half-grown cubs who could barely hold up a sword, let alone use one.. If That was a lesson, I would like to take the Teachers outside and show them what a Warrior can do!" "You didn't care for it, Then.." I smiled. Then said just as loudly. "Personal feelings are of no concern. I follow my Council's Policy." That would turn ears towards more interesting conversations.. Then quietly - "If a mouse comes up and kicks my shin, I am Not going to mash him in the dirt.. I Might pick him up by his collar and smile nastily.. And tell him it is not polite to kick beings in the shin. Especially ones who can bite their heads off.. Then I would put him back on the floor." Taaj looked at me, lapping from his bowl. "And what if he kicks you again?" I shrugged. "Then he is either a cub, who doesn't know better, or Damaged. In the first case, you paddle his rear, and send him back to his Mother. In the latter case, you ignore it. How much damage can one mouse's foot cause?" The fox smiled in his drink, and went off to torment somebody else. And guess who got called into The Council First's Private Chamber.. "There is a rumor you do not care for some of our practices.." I shrugged. "There is a Rumor Figs grow on Trees.." He grinned at me. "You fence well.. How is your arm?" I went over to his desk. "Seat?" He sat down, unsure what I was going to do. I grabbed the chair and lifted it up to my chest. Slowly let it down again.. I was not idle while waiting for words from 'Home'. Not my Real home.. I was adopted. Training was plentiful in Mathoka and I found most Teachers worthwhile. And kept up my own skill in the 'Art of The Hand.' He let out a small wheeze. "If I dropped you, it would My feet under the legs, Not yours." Rurra laughed and poured me some wine. "If I may ask a favor.." He nodded. "I would prefer hot water.. Wine and I do not get along." He looked shocked. "It is a Fine vintage.." I nodded."I am sure it is, Council First. However I do not think I shall have many audiences if I empty my stomach all over your desk." He stared at me for a time.. Then ordered a bowl of heated water. I took a small lap. "You are right.. It is a Good vintage." He growled. "Than You Can drink!" I smiled politely. "Only if I wish to eat this.." I lifted a pouch free and passed it over to the Ferret. "Place it near your nose and sniff carefully.." The animal did so. And made a face. "I can drink your wine, if I am willing to take That as well. However.." I pulled out a wood box. "I prefer these leaves to those." Rurra had to agree. When the bowl came I put a pinch of dried herbs in the water and stirred it. Then lifted my bowl in a salute and sipped on the hot liquid. "You are not afraid to show your throat?" I put the bowl down. "If I am among friends, what have I to fear? And if among enemies, one should not be drinking.." He laughed and clapped the chair arm. "Wise words, Indeed." Then we sat in silence for a time. "Tell me about swords.." I shrugged. "I am no smith, but if I tried, could probably make one." "No, No.. Your thoughts on them." I smiled. I Knew arguing with that Guard would have it's consequences. "A sword, like any other tool, is only as good as it usage. There are some that believe that a sword is all. Better to lay with than another fur, because it won't put it's cold feet against your back in the middle of the night..." The Ferret sputtered in his wine.. Then waived me on. "A sword can't run off, Cheat you or have bad habits that embarrass you in front of your friends.." This time the Councillor made sure his wine was to one side. "Go on.." "However.. Can it scratch an itch in the middle of your back - Without cutting your tail off? Can it build stone walls to use for a house? Eating is very dangerous using such a Large knife.. Of course, you Can stab a roast halfway down the table before anyone else does.." I sat back and sipped my tea again. "But where would we be without it.." I thought a minute. "Unable to see our foe. Wars would be fought with arrows and spears and Deathcasters. Rifles and handguns, and Airships.. Your enemy would be a name on a map. Not someone who lives and breathes, Who cares for his cubs and will die for his Clan. Just a name on a piece of paper.." The Ferret was halfway out of his chair. Then sat back down and stared at me again. "How in Garun's Name did you become an Ambassador?" I smiled. "I was out of the tent too long. You know.. Send someone out on an errand, then vote who gets to dig latrines.. Or put the Guard who concerns you Least out on Pointwatch. That way, if he drops his knife on his foot - Again - Maybe the enemy will be too busy laughing to attack.. My problem is my tongue has no fork, nor do I have two mouths to speak out of.. And sometimes my ideas are not the Most Popular." He nodded. "I can understand that. But for good or ill, You are Ours." Rurra's eyes narrowed. "If I were to ask you a direct question, would you answer it?" I shrugged. "If I am able.." The ferret sipped his drink. "What is The Position of the Farre on The Maba Problem?" I shrugged. "They don't tell me. But it is common knowledge some would like to hang fat tails on poles, and plundered technology is Cheap technology. The only problem is.. Who fixes the machines when they break down, When some fool kills the makers?" The Council First started.. "Certain things can be puzzled out well enough. But which wires make it go, and which ones blow the thing to pieces? And what about the being who is holding the wires?" His knuckles were turning white. "Of course if you have a few thousand.. You can afford to lose half to see what does what. I think the best way would be to trade for the information and build your own.. That way, If anything goes wrong, Somebody may be persuaded to tell you why." I finished my drink. "Of course, Youngsters always have wild ideas.. Council First. Are you feeling alright?" I called the guard and asked if the Councillor was prone to fits. He didn't think so.. A healer came and said the wine had probably soured. I shrugged and left to go about what few duties I had. * * * A knock sounded on my door. "Come.." I finished my pass and turned, hands clasped to see who it was. My Tail-Puller peeked in. "Please, Continue.." He took a seat as I continued onward with my exercises. "Interesting.." The Art Of The Hand is impressive.. And rather pretty, in a Martial sort of way. A combination of physical and mental exercises, I danced one of the many series of moves that calmed my mind and allowed me free thought. "I can not do this one completely," I said, hanging from a rafter. ".. As I have no Sauraster, nor room to swing it in.." Lifting my body parallel with the wood, I became a beam for a few seconds. Then dropped to finish the Mind Cleansing Ritual. "How may I assist You, Council Member?" The fox pushed the bolt on my door shut, dropped his robe on the chair and kissed me! "I have been digging into your past, Brother." He flashed me a sign. His thumb-tip shoved between closed fingers. I repeated the sign that All members of The Rishathran Society use to show Brotherhood. "And what about the Law?" He grinned, sliding claws through my sweaty fur. "What about it.." The animal inhaled my scent and growled lustily. "Come, Male. Let me show you what I think about our Laws.." And so for quite a few hours he did... * * * I read the message again.. There could be no doubt. I was to be replaced. But before I left Office, There were certain things I had to do.. I sat, weighing my choices. I Could ignore it.. And have the thing Read out loud. No thanks.. I didn't love 'The Tribe' enough to die for it. I could slink off. Hah! 'Just a thought..' Hmmm... That left.. Well nothing for it, But to do it. Best save the worst for last... * * * I stood before the Tribunal one last time. They came in, some greeting me. I nodded or raised a hand in response. When all was still, The Council First opened the floor for business. I raised my hand. And was acknowledged. I stood and put a scroll on the table. "Your mouth is closed.. Why?" I pointed to the scroll. The Recorder broke the seal and scanned it. Then gave it to the ferret. Who read it aloud.. "'My Friends, It is with deep regret that I hereby tender my resignation to the Council of Tribe Farsight of the Mathoka. As much as I would like to stay and continue Championing My Tribe's Causes, Matters have come up at home that require my Personal attention..'" Mutters and murmurs accompanied the sly smirks. 'Stick the prodigal son out where he can do no harm until whatever storm prompted the exodus has blown over.' 'Saw it a furlong away..' 'Most Definitely not a Professional Ambassador..' 'State Secrets are safest with thieves..' And more such nonsense. "'I finish with Thanks to my Teachers who showed patience to a Big Cub. Thanks to my Friends among the Ambassadorship, Whose Wise words and Sage advice I shall remember to the last of my days.'" Look at those chests swell! "'And lastly to the Council whom I have had the Great Pleasure to work under, May The Soul of Garun Watch Over You.' Very Good.." A smattering of polite applause. Taaj stood and dismissed himself. But not before throwing me a look of pure hatred. I felt my heart sink.. The pain of watching him go was much worse than the one in my mouth. Council First put the scroll down. "And so you have been too honest with us. But why do you use your hands? Surely your Country has not forbade you speaking such words as is fitting in parting.." Someone handed something to him. "Mmm.. Yes, I agree." He put his signature to the document. "You put us in an awkward place. Had we known, We would have arranged a farewell gala. But I guess Hot tea must suffice. And do not give me that look.. I know your tastes." Then he looked at me, becoming suspicious. "Or is there another reason You keep silent. Healer.." An otter came forward. "Tell me how the male in front of us fares.." The animal closed his eyes. "He is in pain, My liege.. And more than he should be." I quieted my mind, giving no clues to the being. "Perhaps because he is leaving friends.." I sat again. Others got up and did whatever business they had. I wasn't listening.. I was trying hard not to faint. Swallowing was agony.. But I didn't want to drown either. Damn! How much liquid was in one body.. I was not looking forward to the ritual drink. And ended up not having to worry about it anyway.. The female who brought my tray was scented. Too well scented! Either she dropped the bottle, or bathed in it. I tried to hold my sneeze in.. And failed. She giggled. I put both hands to my muzzle, hoping to keep my secret a few seconds more.. "Forgiveness.." I muffled. The aide nodded, smiling.. Then as she bent to pour the tea, noticed splotches on her sleeve. The cat lifted the silk.. And screeched, jerking upright. Her dress was light blue.. My blood, however, was not. And it was all over her front.. Her eyes went wider, watching it drip down my laced fingers. "Ambassador?" The otter jumped up. "Guards.. Hold him." This caused a hubbub among the other animals. Twin mountains of fur put their paws on my shoulders. Moved my hands from my muzzle. The ferret stepped down and walked over to me. Then wiped my mouth with the back of his hand. Looked at it. Licked it.. "Ambassador, Why do you bleed?" The bears held me tightly. Others came and stood around me, whispering about this new form of entertainment. "Open your mouth.." I clenched my teeth. An otter came over and put his hands to my jaw. "Open.." I resisted. "Open.." His fingers glowed.. And did nothing. Then a goat came over. "My Liege.." The ferret nodded, knowing I had a fondness for the animal, having more than once pulled his tail out of the fire.. He stared at me. "Open your mouth." 'I can't do that.' The animal grunted. 'Why not?' 'Because my tongue is..' I clamped a lid on my mind as well. But I was never good at doing two things at one time. While I was conversing with the goat, fingers had wormed their way deeper into my mouth. The claws pulled.. I dropped my head in shame and let my jaw sag. Crimson ran down my front. "In Garun's Name.. What have you done?" The guards released me. 'Bit a dagger..' The quadruped repeated my words. "Why?" "Because he was ordered to." A voice came from the back. "We feel he no longer has the Land of Farre's best interests at heart." A fox sauntered over. "Caun, Ambassador to The Council of FarSight." He smiled at me. "You have done an excellent job, As usual." The Mathokian growled at him. The otter was trying to see what I had done, and was startled by a snort. "Talk to him.." Haasp stamped a hoof. "Stubborn Fur! Tell him or I will." I looked into the brown eyes. 'Your magic will have no effect on me.' The otter sat on his tail, stunned at hearing my voice in his mind. "Why not?" The silence was deafening. "Because he is a Psyker.." Whispers ran rampant. 'Your spells are no more than the wind to me.' The fox chuckled. "Shall I tell them Why your tongue is split? Well, playing loose with certain documents, and releasing certain secrets we did not wish known for starters.." He reveled in his newfound power. I stood and found hands on my arms again. "Be at Peace, Brother.." One of the Bears growled softly. "Of course, having a relationship with a member of the Council added to our decision.." He grinned at me again. "How many times did you bed.. Urk!" His eyes bugged out as I latched mental paws on his throat. Then shrugged the guards off like they were toys, and crossed my arms. The fox clawed the air as I lifted him off the floor. "Don't just stand there, Do something!" The others were too awed To do much. And the Council First was watching all this warily. "And how many times did you use this power on the Field?" I growled nastily, lifting my upper lip and letting blood run down my chin. I also dropped the fox. As I said.. I was never too good about doing two things at once. 'To turn a blade with the mind is never as easy as with the hand.. Besides, I have yet to hear you complain about Not having a sword in your throat..' The guards again warily came up beside me. I went over to the New Ambassador. His eyes went wide as I picked him up by his coat. "May you drown in your own vomit!" He turned his head as a darker color splattered his red fur. Then I dropped the male.. The Ferret looked up at me. "How much of what he says is true.." I turned my head. "Speak.. As Council First, I Demand It!" I shook my head, fingers formed signs.. 'My blood is not worthy of staining the Council floor.' "You shame us.. A warrior may lay with anyone he or she pleases. Information is garnered from many sources. And Deeds done in battle can not be erased by words. Especially twisted ones.. Healer." The otter came up. "See to our New Embassador. As for you.." Guards came and put hands on my shoulders. "Kneel.." I did so, having no choice. Rurra lifted his knife. I waited for the stroke that would end my pain. Instead, he added to it! Hands held my head rigid, while the ferret carved the Clan Symbol into my forehead. Then ripped the sleeve of his robe off and stuffed it into my mouth. "Go and be healed. We shall discuss your New position on the Council Later.." I stood, dropped my head to the animal. Lifted a hand to those still in attendance. And left the chamber in riot. * * * They took me to a medic, who ground up some herbs and rinsed my mouth out so he could see what the damage was. "Wow.. You really Did cut it deep.. Well, it should heal alright. Just don't eat anything spicy for a time.." He pressed fingers my face. Puzzled, he did so again. "Why isn't it working.." One of the bears coughed. "He's a Psyker.." The beaver winced. "Magic resistant.. Well, so much for the easy way." He went back and brought out some more herbs. "Good thing I was raised in the backwoods.." A mulch of leaves stopped the bleeding, and a paste that burned so much tears ran down my cheeks closed the wound. "I am going to have to sew it shut.." I put my hands together. "Do it.." I dropped my jaw and unfocused my mind. * * * 'Zarren.. Waken.' A goat was staring at me. I blinked.. 'Return to us, Warrior.' I blinked again. Then memories came back, and I dropped my head. "He's back.." The Ferret nodded. "You have shamed us well indeed. First, You accost an Ambassador.. Forget the fact he deserved it. Second, You Do such a thing as to take The Warrior's Silence, And not tell anyone.. Third, You spit blood all over Theea's dress. I know what she smelled like.. And finally..." Here it comes.. "You resign without so much as saying goodbye to your Friends." He chuckled at my look of shock. "Do you think we did not know of your trysts with Taaj? Or with the other males.. We didn't care." 'But.. The Law.' He grinned. "What law has yet to be made that can not be bent. At one time, Figs were a danger to the Tribes. No cubs meant no warriors.. But now we have no need to kill our artists, or Friends. Tea.." A orderly left to get the beverage. 'Can you read minds..' I looked at the goat. Haasp was studying the wallpaper.. The ferret slapped his leg. "Thought so.. Is it steady, or.." 'When I wish.. But there is such a thing as decorum.' "Not in Politics.. No wonder your reports were so accurate." I shook my head. 'Been reading my vouchers?' He laughed. "You, of all people, Should know to keep things better warded." I shrugged. 'What I did not want known, I did not Write down.' He snorted. "Too honest to be an ambassador.." 'Not enough tact', His hands said. "Too dangerous to be let loose.. What am I going to do with you?" I tapped my forehead. 'Don't know.. But I am Yours now.' Then I smiled shyly and batted my lashes. "Oh No You Ain't!" Haasp bleated and jumped. "You Bastard! Keep your fingers to yourself.." I looked at my hands, then innocently up at Rurra. He grinned nastily. "Try that on Me and I'll split more than your tongue!" "No, No.." A familiar voice came from behind him. "That Pleasure is Mine.." Taaj walked in. "I had to find out through Official Channels.. The nerve!" I shrugged.. 'I could not tell you beforehand. And was unable to afterwards..' He growled softly, sliding a paw under my sheet. "Just checking to see if you did Anything else Stupid.." I smiled. 'No, Taaj.. They are intact. And so is That.. Now quit' He grinned, stopping my torture, but leaving his paw where it was. The ferret nudged Haasp. Shall we leave? These two have things to discuss.." "Counsellors.." We both nodded to Council First and they left. The fox got up and closed the door. "Now.." He ripped the sheet off and looked me over. Then undid his robe, letting it drop to one side. "Shall we continue our discussion of Trading With the South?" His claws slid between my legs and he nibbled on my chest. I grinned, working my claws through his bushy tail.. <+===================+> Tag.. Long-Tail snorted. Was that a twig-snap or not.. For the last few hours somebody had been following him. He Knew it.. But why? He was a simple travelling salestallion, with few wares. And except for his samples, a few coins, and an order book, he had nothing of value. Except for his hide.. There it was again! Eyes wide, the pony trotted down the narrow path. He wouldn't run.. He wouldn't ru... *crack* Like Hell He wouldn't! Breaking into a full gallop wasn't the wisest thing to do on a twisting path as the equine found out when it turned sharply and he didn't.. He Did manage to miss the tree and Most of the bushes.. Enough to Not break anything, just bruise, scratch and knock him head over tail. He lay in a heap, gasping for breath. A shadow detached itself and came towards him. The wind told him the creature was male as did the chuckle. "Pony fall - do flips." If it wasn't for the fact he was in no position to argue, he would have.. The moon came out and showed the figure of a Huge Lion. Fangs that were bigger than some of the knives he sold were licked on by a wet tongue. He was going to die.. There was no mistaking the leer, the way the male moved. Perhaps not Just killed either.. But no matter, Long-Tail was too tired and sore to even try to defend himself. "Pony.." It walked behind him.. He gritted his teeth, awaiting whatever was to happen next.. Which was a slap on his butt! "Tag.." Came somewhat brokenly, "You're it!" Then, with a strange laugh, the being was gone! * * * When the stallion got his heart started again, he picked-up his belongings as best he could and hot-footed it to the nearest village. And nobody seemed inclined to hear him! "But I tell ya.. He was huge. Had Big Teeth and was about to do things to me I can't discuss in front of da ladies.." The Innkeeper, a fat badger just chuckled. "You ran inta Jonnie. He never means harm.. Kinda loose upstairs is all. We all watch out fer him and he does odd-jobs. Wouldn't hurt a fly, though.. Strictly Veggie, he is. Here, have a beer on the house." The horse wasn't about to say no to that! What the Innkeeper didn't add was the fur also kept out most of the Nits.. Like Tax-Collectors and Salesbeings and Citified folk. In the mean time.. * * * Tinas was Sure somebody was following him.. He tightened his grip on his bag of wares and kept a close eye on the forest around him..