PANDUR2A.TXT Short Stories of the Shared World, Part 1 - By SwampRat (c) 1992 The Rashathran Society Barber He watched the sword hang in the air for a moment.. Then descend. 'Would it hurt?' His body seemed to get lighter with each moment that passed. The sword continued downward. It touched him, a leaf sliding down his front. Everything grew hazy. Was this the way of dying? The blade impacted the earth with a metallic ring. 'What?' That's what Lloyd said. Or bellowed.. "By the Spires!" Manfredo took a step back. The little one, as he had always affectionately thought of the scribe, was glowing. Barber felt like a lantern. Lit by an inner fire.. It made him giddy. "The only thing you will do this day, Lloyd, is make a fool of yourself. But that is not hard.." The wolf commander screamed, slashing at the disembodied male. Finally he threw his blade down in disgust and jumped on the creature. To be rebuffed by a robed being who now stood beside the entranced one. "Since you can not be reasoned with, Perhaps Sleep might be better.." The wolf sagged, being caught by both the Fox and his aides. "Manfredo, I am disappointed in you." The First of Foxes stared at the being.. Stung, he snarled nastily; "And who are you to say such words to Me!" Barber wanted to know too. By now, he was humming with power.. The Fox stood there a moment. Then grabbed the desk.. The cowl was thrown back, revealing a face. A unclear face.. Like seeing one's reflection in a pond. His eyes were Blue.. The same blue as a clear sky or a deep lake. To look into them was to see the universe. "No.." The creature nodded. "I will give you a choice. Return, having learned a valuable lesson. Or continue onward. And learn a bloodier one." Barber felt like singing.. Then he too, collapsed. Manfredo stiffened.. "See your future." * * * The civil war had been costly to both sides. The foxes coat was marred by blood, and most of his tail was gone. He lay, gasping.. A horn sounded. "Ah, Reinforcements.." He lifted his head to see who it was. And groaned. Mercenaries of all kinds were overrunning the Town. Looting, Burning, Cutting throats. A four-foot tall fieldmouse lifted his head. "You are a mess. And Such a pretty coat you would have made too.. But Don't Worry. I can salvage most of your hide.." A laugh.. Then steel ended his thoughts. Manfredo jerked. Shuddered. "Is there another way?" A smile gave him hope.. "There is Always another way.. Dare you take it?" The being held up his hand, then vanished. Lloyd suddenly jumped up from his couch where they had lain him. His rage and hatred fed by fear turned his eyes red. "Kill him." A calm voice came from one side. "Let it be.." He turned those murderous eyes on the creature who dared to affront him. "Kill Him! He is an Abomination! A Freak!" He growled at the Fox. "There will be no killing tonight." The wolf turned to his aide. "Do you hear? Kill them both.." The Wolf crossed his hands. "You defy me? Then die!" He grabbed ahold of the aide's neck and squeezed.. Something caressed the back of his head. He went limp, and fell again. This time nobody caught him. "Get a Litter." One of the foxes ran to comply. "Warrior, Your time has ended." Manfredo then looked down at the heap that now stirred. Barber opened his eyes, blinked. Then did his best to stand at attention, while lying down. The fox chuckled. "Get up, Barber. No, You are not dead.." The scribe got to his feet, and swayed unsteadily. "Do you remember anything?" He tried.. "I stood in front of Lloyd. His sword came down.. I.. I must have fainted..." His shame was turned to shock as the Fox laughed himself off the couch. In a manner of speaking.. "We had a.. Visitor, Barber. One who gave me a choice. I chose to live. Lloyd chose not to. The Council will decide what to do with him. As for you.." Barber awaited his fate. The Fox walked over and put a coin-filled purse in his hand. Whispered in a twitching ear, "There is an Outbound Freighter harboring at Dock Seven. Think you can find it? Then go. Run to wherever the Winds carry you.. But never show you face here again." Then Manfredo turned and went to see how Lloyd was doing. And so it was that The Aroat Academy in Gena got a new Teacher. A Wolf/Fox who was wise beyond his years. And being left-handed just made him more attractive to the females. Lloyd was found to have over-stepped himself, and was 'removed' from the Council. Manfredo went on to become an Embassador. As for the cats.. They remained the same. Only more so.. <+===================+> Noise The theatre was crowded.. Nowadays the Theatre was Always crowded. Not so much uncomfortable as snug. Seats were sold out for months in advance and Ashan could Not understand why. To come and listen to somebody beat hell out of their instruments? He felt strange, wearing the protective plugs on his ears. But, you didn't get in if you weren't wearing them.. And Shee had nearly demanded he bring her here. One thing about it. No box-seats.. He noticed some of the Richer beings in City sitting in the isles with the quadrupeds. Shee grasped his hand and squeezed it. "I am so excited.. All my friends at work talk about this group." They walked out on stage. A ferret nodding to whose he knew personally, took the center mike. "Welcome to The Theatre Roundabout. I am Ger, and I play keyboards. We call ourselves 'Resonance.' You will understand why in just a minute. First, make sure you are comfortable and have your ear-plugs in place. We don't want anybody going deaf on us.." 'Then don't Play so Loud..' Ashan found himself thinking. "We hope to touch something inside you. You may leave here laughing. Or you may leave here crying.. But, If you leave here unhappy, We have not done our job properly. Ready, Stranger?" One of the members removed his outer cloak, and put a String-Box on. "Whenever you are.." He looked like a wolf, but even Kurlanar don't reach such heights. And something about him looked more ferret than canine. But when that voice came in, clear and strong, Species no longer mattered. A chant? Hymn? Whatever it was, he felt like joining in.. Some did. Then a few more.. Finally the entire audience was singing.. Good or bad, in-tune or not. It didn't matter. You HAD To Sing! Then the leader of this insanity Lifted his hands.. And with a clap, ended the song. Gave a bow to the silence.. That exploded into stomps, and howls, and hands pounding on chair arms. The ferret came and held up his hands. "Please, Gentlefur.. Do watch Whose feet you tread upon." Ashan leaned over and whispered into his love's long ears. "I may like this after all.." She turned and gave him a kiss that made his whiskers curl. "You wait until we get home." The elderly Badger beside them chuckled.. "Ah.. Love." "Now if you are warmed up.. We would like you to listen to this.." The first song was quiet. And sad.. He didn't understand All the words, But the Feeling was unmistakable. Especially when tears ran down the wolf's cheeks. He Really Felt what he sang.. And so did his audience. The other band members did whatever was needed to help. And That Monkey.. Beating the drums with his Hands, Feet, sticks.. Waves of sound he felt clear to his bones. At last that ended... The fox felt drained. Like he had run miles.. "Wow.." A break for both the band and the audience came, as refreshments were passed around. "Whenever you are ready.." At first he thought the Host had spoke. Until he saw the Canine standing, noodling around with another String-box. This one had a mike near it. And the strings sounded strange.. Metal? Thin metal Strings.. Well. An Artist who waited on his audience. A rarity indeed. "No. No hurry.." Time pieces.. Bars rang and alarms went off. A rag was placed over the microphone, so when the male played his string-box the sound was muffled.. Strange and haunting.. 'He's singing about life.. Wasted time.. Spent Youth. Or was it?' "Damn strange.." he muttered. Mortality creeped up and ran a chill along his spine. He glanced at the Elder beside him and saw a tear forming in the dark eyes. And felt pity.. With one last wispy cord, the song came to an end. Everybody breathed heavily for a moment.. Then the Wolf snatched the rag off and started playing the Strange instrument. The Ferret came over with a flute and accompanied him. The solemnity of the moment was tossed bodily out the door! He watched, fascinated as the strings were plucked and stroked by the strong claws. And not just a couple, Either! The whole hand was busy on those strings.. What? A noise came from the creature.. Humming. He was humming, while playing.. It ended abruptly, as the ferret lifted his flute up. "That was called 'The Trees, They Do Grow High..' Would you like to hear it again?" The Yell of agreement almost raised the domed roof! This time the canine whistled in time to the flute.. As did the other members of the band. Then as a fox lifted his hands, the audience did too. Those that could, That is.. Again, it ended much too soon. The Theatre's owner, who was standing outside, because he Knew better than to stand inside, felt the vibrations coming through his feet. He grinned.. 'Gonna have'ta shore up that floor again..' Then the half-way break came and beings milled around all over. The beaver had his hands shook so many times he thought his arms would fall off.. His ears rang with praises. Hoy was Glad this was only once a week.. And that one evening would pay for his troubles many times over. Ashen returned to find the male sitting cross-legged, beside a dozen or so others, and playing bits of this or scraps of that. And talking.. "Sky, no.." He laughed gently. 'Sky?' "I do this because it's fun.. When it gets to be work.. I quit." And - "Talent? I don't' have talent.. I have ability.. And a damn good buncha furs holding me up. Isn't That right, Ger?" The ferret slapped him on the shoulder and grinned. "You big liar.. Now come on and make us look bad. Again.. Earplugs." He reminded the receding backs. They nodded and stuffed the things back in. Beings came in and arranged themselves as before. "Plugs in place? Good.. If you wonder Why I ask, when we don't play all that loud, you are about to find out." Hmmm.. "What you are going to be feeling is Charr.. Try not to get too wild.. Charr - Mountain of Thunder, Please." The ape nodded. Then as something clattered in the background, he started thumping on a Huge Drum. It was deep, heavy beat, and their hearts followed it.. Then a wind came up, whistling through trees and rattling branches. Thunder made them jump.. A crackle, and a rolling boom... But the heavy beat was still there. And it would not allow them escape.. The wind picked up in intensity. A storm was coming in.. And it was a doozy! They wanted to flee, To run to safety.. But the beat held them. Pinned them to their seats.. And then they were a part of the storm. Rode the insane winds, and laughed as thunder rolled around them. It was a wild, exhilarating run.. Then the beat came again. Pulling to earth. Dropping them back in their chairs, for many had stood and reached upwards in their feelings of power. Again their hearts synced with that deep, slow beat. Then the mood was released. The drum stilled.. And silence reigned... The fox sat, shaken. The band had not left the stage.. The lighting had not changed.. But he felt like he had been standing on a Mountain. Defying the Storm that pounded around him.. The chimpanzee stood before the audience and bowed.. "Your silence pleases me more than any amount of applause could.. That song was meant to hold you.. And if you had any energy to pound the floor, I didn't do it right." They pounded the floor anyway. Twin Racks of keyboards were brought out, three to a rack. The fox smiled. "This one is called 'Will of the Wind..' It takes a minute to set-up, so stretch if you like." Many did, chattering about their feelings and mood. Various noises and squeaks came from the speakers as they moved or slid certain things around on the boards. A noise brough them back to settle in and listen. It started with a wind.. Rising up to turn into a beat. Then the wolf stood before the audience with something in his mouth.. He played the string- box again, this time amplified. Then came a sound.. It pierced Ashen like a knife. High and lilting.. Shivers ran across his arms. Another joined him, playing a second string-box. Together they played rythem to the back-beat. The strange sounds continued on for a moment.. Then everything went still. "We are going to leave you with one last one.. And If you can't Feel This, You Are Dead!" What came out of the speakers was raw energy. It slammed the furs in their seats and ran roughshod over them.. Those in the aisles swayed back, and held onto the quadrupeds for support. It was Loud. It was Raucous.. And It Was Exciting! The song or whatever it could be called, for somebody sang something at times, lasted a full seven minutes. And ended with a Bang.. The chimp put his fist through a drum-head. He grinned, red-faced and sweaty. The silence was deafening.. The explosion of voices, hooves and feet was louder. Now he knew why the earplugs were a must.. Wound-up like a watch-spring, the crowd excitedly left the Theatre, keeping the plugs as a souvenir of their journey. "And it's never the same show twice? Wow.." Hoy again had to fend off well- wishers and offers to buy the entire place outright. Watch out for hooves and feet that came too close to his own or his flat tail. And generally grinned a lot. Then he went inside and helped the band pack. Paid five of them with scrip and the tall canine with a slap on his feet. "Take it.." As usual, the fur refused his money, and metal. He Did give the beaver a kiss.. Hoy wasn't in the habit of pressing muzzles with males, but this was an exception. He stuffed some coins in the robed one's pocket. "At least eat.." The male smiled and hugged the animal, who was Almost used to the strange male's behavior. "Next week.." Then they split up and went their separate ways. <+===================+> The Baker A fox stood, breathing in the early morning air. While others went well- bundled, he barely had enough on to cover his furry body. A large pack was hung high on his shoulders, and he walked down the road, watching what few pedestrians that were out at that time of day curse the cold wetness. The darkness meant nothing to him, nor did the white stuff that barely held a foot- print at his passing. And strange tracks they were too. More like a bowl or some round object had been places on the snow. Lifting himself slightly off the ground was as natural as Breathing to the fox. And a life-saver in a place where the snow covered up deep ice-riffs that one could disappear into without a trace. Most looked at the ghost-like being with shakes of their heads. He stooped and rolled a bit of snow into a ball. Sniffed it. Took a bite. "Not bad.." Munching on the cold thing, he made his way to the Marketplace. As Markets go, this one was small.. 'Cozy' would have been apt. A dozen or so stalls.. Another ten or so shops. The rest of the district was offices. "The sun is in bed and You Sleep as Well.." He shook his head in disgust. Lights winked on in a few stalls. "Ah.." Sleepy fur muttered to each other and watched the creature walk towards them. A tall fox. A White, Tall Fox.. His blue eyes glittered with good humor. "Good sun.." What an accent! "You have.." He shrugged. A customer? A Customer! At Four-In-The-Blasted-Morning.. Ah, Well. Wares were shown to him and he selected some, rejected others. He went through their entire stock, then waited as they tallied it. "You have scrip?" The furry one shook his head. "35 silver then.." A hand rummaged through the pack. "Also Flour. Ten Tens Pounds." They nodded. Then the squirrels gasped and everything came to a screeching halt. For the fox was holding out a small bar. A small Gold Bar. A rabbit whose face was covered with gray fur came over. Held out his gloved hand.. The bar was tossed to him. He weighed it for a moment. "How much Lead?" The entire market went silent as the fox snarled softly, lifting a wicked-looking blade halfway out of it's sheath. Tond lifted his hand. "Whose mold?" The fox put the Pelting Knife back with a *snikt*. "I mold. My Mark.." On the bottom was a symbol. A fish swimming between two poles.. The Fox opened his jacket and showed them the same symbol Carved into his chest. The Rabbit nodded. "Half." The fox closed the cloth. "No. We sit same place. I open shop up street. Come here. Trade goods." His arm swept the dark area. "No one else up.. Keep tally. When bill come due, We settle.. Yes?" The Rabbit looked the backwoods male over. Shook his head. 'Too damned long since I stood beside an honest fur.' "Yes.. We trade, Northern." The ears went up, and the eyes sparked brightly again, while whispers ran around the smaller furs. "Not good, Have Bad Blood between Traders." The rabbit agreed. "You bring?" A cart was found and loaded. The fox walked off with a pair of gophers following. The Rabbit went in the back and tried to break the bar. It bent in half. Gold alright.. He cut it. Pure. All the way through. Shaking his head, he put the halves in the safe. A New Shop.. Run by an Honest Trader. Kartan Dialect, if memory served. He made a mental note to look up the Clan Symbol when the Library opened. In the mean time, the produce and bags were dumped beside an empty shop. The fox opened the doors and looked around. It had been cleaned and re-finished as the letter had said it would be. Wood was piled on the back steps and he put That away. Then put the groceries in the storage room. Some things would need changing, But all-in-all, It would do.. He got busy breaking chunks of wood into kindling with a hand-axe he took from his knapsack. Added a handful of grass from the same place. A flint made sparks fly off the sharp axe-head, which were nursed into fitful life. Made to bloom full by careful breaths and slivers of dry bark. This was placed in the lower box, and a tepee of sticks was woven around it. The fur changed into an apron and skirt. Then lifted his medallion free from it's pocket, and went outside to thank the sun for dawning. When he was done, and many a being had passed well to one side of the chanting figure, he returned to the oven. Taking a burning stick, he lit the other pile of wood. Two ovens.. He rapped the walls. Still solid.. Made sure the trays were clean and ready. Then went out and found another vendor open. Chatted in broken City with the fur. Bought a bottle of juice and some fruit. Then returned to start the first of many batches of dough. Water was warmed on the hot oven floor. Various things were added to a simple flour mixture and allowed to rise, then punched down. A second time the wooden bowls sat in the warm ovens. At last they were ready.. * * * Furs twitched their noses.. What was That Smell? They crowded around a shop where a fox nimbly put loaves in a large brick oven. "Good sun.. I not speak too well, so be slow with me." He smiled, and wiped his dusty hands off on an apron so well floured, It could have been baked. "Ah. You smell.." A finger tapped his muzzle. "Nose say, Good. Mouth say, Try?" He lifted a sheet of round balls. "First Batch.. Try ovens out. Not good for sell. But Good for belly." He dropped the contents into a bowl and put it out on a table. "Watch fingers.. Still warm." It would not have mattered if the things had been boiling. Or Still Alive.. The soft bread balls disappeared like they were silver coins. Some downed them in one bite. Others nibbled on them as if they were treasures.. "Careful, Careful. Need drink Something.. Good juice few spaces over. I buy. I like.." And the wave crested over a jackal who was hard pressed to keep up with the demands on his stock so early in the morning. The white fur shook his head.. "Not eat enough to keep a child alive. My hands will be busy.." And so they were. Some came to watch the show.. The fox, who seemed taller than he should be, worked the dough ball on his board well. Then hefted it.. And slammed it against a Wall! It bounced, to skid across the counter. "Good Rolls! Have heft and bounce. Fill you up good!" He waived to the passerby. Most thought he was insane but nobody turned a sample down. About mid-morning a wolf came in, White as his friend. They chatted in some language full of whistles and howls. This one put signs out and took money, While the other worked up a sweat with his ovens. The fox pulled out a dozen loaves and carefully tapped them. Then whistled to his partner. That one came over and looked at the offending loaf. "Soup?" The Wolf grinned and clapped his friend on the back. Was gone for a few minutes.. Returned with a pair of large tureens. One of which was put on a back burner. Left again to come back with an armload of vegetables and herbs. Ignoring those who were waiting to purchase something, he went to work with a pair of knives. "Wow.." Cut. Slash. Hack. Chop.. The gleaming blades flashed all over those poor vegetables in an orgy of edible destruction. Water was tossed in the pot and the sundered organics followed. He carefully cleaned each of the three steel knives and stuck them in sheathes on his belt. Then went back to the waiting throng. "Sorry. I get carried away. Who was next.. or rather Who is in a bigger hurry.." "Hurry? Such a fine day? Never!" The fox chimed in from behind him. The crowd thinned as supplies dwindled. And as they did, the wolf would bark out something. The sound was repeated by the busy baker who would mould another batch of dough into something. * * * A little after mid-day, another sign went up. "Bread and Soup. 1 Silver." Since nobody was stirring, The Marketplace patrons sent assistants over to see about the deal. When they came back licking their whiskers and patting their full bellies, their elders went.. A second tureen was already simmering more good food, as the first emptied rapidly. A Badger, who had more gold in his watch- chain than most had in their pockets, inquired about the availability of a certain type of bread, of which a single sample was left. "No can do." The wolf looked over his shoulder. "Tarral.." The fox came up and wiped his hands off. The Badger wiped his spectacles.. "By The Spires! Not Tarral Hessas.. Why you old dog!" The Arctic Fox grinned and clasped arms with the fur, getting oil and flour all over a suit that cost most of a months wages for an average fur. And the badger could not have cared less. They pressed their cheeks together in the symbol of Warmth and Friendship. "How long.." A grin. "I opened this day. Like it? Would you believe I got tired of seeing white.. So I open up a bakery!" They both laughed. "Sit, eat. I must get busy or my profits will go up the chimney.." The wolf grinned at the sight and put a mug in front of the being. Whose nose crinkled in delight. "Verras! How in the name of the Dark did you Ever make this?" A grin. "Easily.. Herbs from home grow here as well." Arrt sipped the spicy soup that kept many a Pan-Arctic resident warm. And was one of the reasons he enjoyed trudging with the Northerners to their huts. Nobody traded until guests were fed.. "Here. Dip This in it.." An end-piece of something was thrust in his hand. He did so, knowing the bread would chip his teeth otherwise. "Nutty. Sweet.. Very nice. And why can't you make me Crusty Bark?" The fox sighed. "Nobody opens up early enough. Lazy.. Wait until the sun gets out of bed before they do. If it wasn't for my own personal supply, I would not have been able to make what I did.." The badger, who made his fortune trading, coughed and shook his head. "Nobody understands World-Roof Talk. Besides It's the truth. Even my Bed-warmer didn't drag his sorry hide in here until well into the morning." Arrt glanced over at the wolf who threw his hands into the air in a helpless gesture. "City-life.. Makes one soft.. No Bears to wrestle. No Ice to cut before breakfast can be caught. And They complain about a few inches of Snow.." The badger whuffled in his mug. Tried to put on a gruff face.. And didn't succeed very well. "You ruin my best coat. Make me drink your poisonous brew. And then Complain about My City?" He slapped the counter. "Balance scales.." A silver coin lay there. "Your metal's no good here, Fur. Has no dull to it." The Badger looked at the coin. "What?" Then smacked his head. Gold was the color of mud when it was first brought out of the ground. Washing and polish brought out the rich colors. "My silver is as good as any.. Ask.. Uh." The wolf grinned. "Gray-Stripe." He had a dirty ruff running down his front. "Do you still import?" He nodded.. "Trade. Crusty Bark, Some shavings of Bar for Needed supplies. Deal?" The badger grinned.. How long had it been since he held a handful of shavings off a Gold Bar? Looked into eyes that waited to see what this Trader would give them in return.. Too Long. "How Early do you want them? Mmm.. No promises. But I think we can deal.." Hands gripped his. An order was hastily put together, and scribbled down. "Keep pelt on body and off drying rack." The owner of many large companies returned the wish. Patted a pocket, and hefting trh bag with his bread in it, went to tell his wife the good news. Meanwhile a pair of Ex- Pan-Arctic residents found themselves very busy keeping up with the sudden demands on their time and product. * * * Much later, the pair went over and chatted with the Treetops Market furs. Then holding arms, they did a full front-flip with a double kick. As the others stood wide-eyed at the acrobatic performance, they laughed and chanting a Walking Song, made their way back to their apartment. The fox was in bed early, too.. After all, Somebody had to Greet the Sun Properly in the Morning! <+===============+> The Restaurant Roern walked down the street, wishing it wasn't so Early.. Turned the corner of the street his shop was on.. And stopped dead. A badger he had never seen before stood at the door of His Restaurant. Waistcoat buttoned to his immaculate neck, the fur greeted passerby with wishes of health and prosperity. The fox checked his watch.. Not, it hadn't stopped. It was nine-in-the-morning. So what was His eatery doing open? And Who was at the Door? Somebody had invaded his Territory! And a fennic's territory is sacrosanct.. With a growl he advanced on the stranger. "Good Morning, Sir. Just one, or will another be accompanying you?" He was too startled to so much as yip. The being had grasped his hand, placed the other wide paw on his back and whisked him inside! "Customer.." Immediately a fur was before him. "Good morning, Sir.." His eyebrows went up slightly, as if politely waiting for a question to be answered. Roern found his anger vanishing into bewilderment. "Umm.. Yes." The black leopard waited for him to continue.. "Perhaps Sir would care to look at a menu.. Carnivore, Omnivore or Vegetarian?" The fox started at the animal, dumfounded.. He had Never had three separate menu's. "This Is Tobear's.." A nod. "Ah.. Sir has not been in since the new owners Renovated.. Please, Sit." A chair was brought and a cool drink placed in his hand. "Compliments of Tobear's.. When you feel better, just whistle." Roern sat and stared at the uniform.. It Was his colors on it. And his Crest. So he wasn't dreaming.. Bewildered, he took a sip of his drink. Mmmm.. Very good! Another couple came in, with the badger right behind. A whistle brought the cat up in an unhurried run. "Ah.. Good Day, Sirs. Welcome to Tobear's. Would you prefer Omnivore, Carnivore, or Vegetarian cuisine this wonderful morning.." The beaver asked his partner. Who shrugged. "Omnivore, Please." The cat nodded, snapped a pair of claws together. Another fur appeared. "Do you prefer indoor or outdoor scenery?" They looked at each other. "Outdoor, Please." The animal nodded. "Take these distinguished furs to The Second Tier.. The beavers chattered to each other as the canine led them to a elevator. "Feeling better, Sir? It is a bit of a shock.. And all done in a week." Damn! Why, oh Why did he allow himself to be talked into going on vacation? Gone a whole handful of days and come back to find yourself without a restaurant.. But How.. And more importantly, Who. He finished the glass and handed it back to the cat. "I am Roern Tobear.." The animal's eyes got big. "Oh.. Mister Tobear.. Mister Jone said to call him the Moment you arrived.. Please. Please.. Sit!" And with that, the fur was gone. Shaking his head, the fox sat back down. Wait a minute.. Did he say Jone? Marti Jone? He had Heard of the Wolf who ran one of the largest Trading Companies and Shipping Companies, and Whatever else Companies around.. And he was a partner in the Restaurant? Tarl had told him he was trying to get somebody to invest.. but had not even mentioned someone like Jone. Another animal came in.. By The Spires! A white wolf with cuts all over his muzzle. And more on his arm.. With the markings of a Pan-Arctic Trader. And he waltzed in here like he owned it.. "Mister Tobear? I'm Zarre Intrep." He did own it. Roern put his head in his hands.. Was lifted up into a pair of strong arms and literally carried into a room. "What?" "Easy.. Just relax." A feeling of movement then the doors opened again. Cool air hit his face.. "Think you can stand?" He nodded, and the male let him down. Damn! He barely came up to the fellow's shoulders! "Come, sit with me." Roern allowed himself to be steered to a table. Looked out over a Terrace.. "This is the Omnivore's area. Below is the Carnivore's, and above the Vegetarians. In this way, whoever wishes to eat meat isn't bothering those who don't." Makes sense. "How.." A chuckle. "Elevator.. Hungry?" A spaniel appeared beside them. "Two Morning-Starters.. Would you like something hot? We have coffee." The fox jerked his head up. "Coffee?" A nod. "And a Commideran Tea for me, Please." The pair of beavers waived and chatted in their own language, obviously pleased. "We've only been open two days, so the books are a bit tilted. But we balance scales before long." Something was placed before him. Roern's nostrils opened.. "Wow.." "We have Sugar and hot water if it is too strong." Not at all.. "How.." Then he shook his head. That was like asking a cook how he cooked.. The Intrepid Company had offices everywhere there was Land. A grungy-looking coati came in and sat down. And the fox felt disgust. A chuckle brought his head around.. "Silver doesn't care whose pocket it sits in. Why should we?" The fur sipped on his beverage, embarrassed. He had not been here half an hour and.. A tray came. On it was slabs of lizard-steak. Steaming vegetables, lightly salted. And fruit.. A plate was prepared and placed before the fur. Another was made up and put in front of the wolf. "Eat.. Don't wait for me.." The fox did just that.. His cup was re-filled. Twice.. "I hope your steak was not the fire too long.. I asked the cooks to make sure they do not bleed. Carnivores may like their meat raw.. But I don't." The beavers came over. "Sir.." A hand stopped him. The animal finished chewing.. Swallowed. Wiped his mouth. "Zarre, Please. This is Master Tobear. And how may I be of service.." 'Told you it was him,' One of the animals whispered.. Elbowed his friend and business partner. The animal had more gold on his buttons, than some furs had in their Pouches. "Ah.. Zarre, Then. And Tobear. I am Kym Chur. And I wished to thank you for a most enjoyable meal.." A belch interrupted them. The wolf smiled. "I believe somebody likes the soup.." They stared at him. "No one should go hungry.. Whether it is a full meal costing many gold-pieces, or just some warm stew and a piece of bread that a poor fur can afford." The Banker bowed his head. "You shame me, Sir.." A hand touched the beaver's shoulder. "By the Knotted String, such was not my intention, Sir.." A manicured hand patted the arm. Ran itself along the marks, curiously.. "These are.." "Dishonor Marks. When one dishonor's the Clan, a Scriber cuts a mark in one's arm. Atonement is shown by a knot. The String is tied when one proves oneself worthy. The scales must balance, or one's name is thrown to the wail with the winds.." Again, the beaver nodded. "Well, I shall not add to your Marks, Sir. But I shall return.. How late do you stay open?" A shrug. "That is up to my partner.." The fox, who was sipping his coffee, sputtered and coughed. The same spaniel who had served them was there with a towel, a glass of water and a gentle pat on the back. "For.. Forgive me. I am recently returned from visiting my Mother and have not settled in as yet. Is 10 P.M. Alright?" The wolf smiled. "You are the boss.." Suure I Am. "Yes.. 10 P.M." The beavers nodded. "Wonderful to have met you Mister.. Zarre. And Master Tobear.." The Northerner chirped and slapped the table.. Both rodents chirped and slapped the floor with their tails.. Then their eyes went wide. "You know the Signs?" A grin. "A few.. As any Good Trader must. Ambassador, I am not. But I do like to greet Furs in their own tongue.." The pair of industrialists were escorted out, still chittering. "Alright now? I took the liberty of hiring a Day-Manager.. So you will not need to be here so early. That Was one of your peeves, Was it not?" How the lizard-shit had he known That? The coati came over and reeked over them. Shyly pulled out a piece of wood.. "Not been in City long. Come to Trade.. Not have much coin. You take for thanks.." The carving was of an otter playing in a stream.. And worth much to a collector of such things. A card was handed to him. "Take card to Address.. Give Fur at desk this carving. Say Holder of Light has sent you.. We Trade, yes?" The animal held out a grungy hand. Which was firmly grasped.. "Chirrt, Chit, Chit." "Yeep. Grunt. Grunt. Chirrt." Then the artist left. "What?" " 'May Your Rings never fade..' Tail-rings are important to Coati's. I leave now.. You should go back to bed and return later. Tas," The canine appeared. "Tell Master Kinm I wish him well and Master Tobear is up here if he wishes to discuss anything." The Wolf lifted a hand. "Trade winds blow favorably in your Sails, Finder of Shoals." Roern was almost too shocked to repeat the customary greeting among his people. Watched the fur walk regally away. "How many damn languages does he know?" "As many as there are ways to speak. Greetings, anyway.." A panda sat down. "I am Kinm Sahf, Day-Manager. I also am President of Intrepid Eateries, Inc." Another conglomerate.. And one that bought half his restaurant. He sighed and finished his coffee. "Well, Mister Sahf.. Alright. Kinm.. I leave the place in your hands. I am going to bed until at least Four!" The animal beamed at him. "Wife be ready with Traditional Greeting Feast when you arrive.." The fox shook his head. Thanked the animal and left. As he walked along he watched the furs start moving faster towards his doors. Word gets around fast.. He thought about the Wolf. And chuckled.. Satoro would have to send some Wine to it's Native son. So he could properly toast his new partners.. And perhaps the sun would be lower the next time the alarm woke him. * * * A week later there was an uproar at a certain bank. A tall wolf and a thin coati walked in and asked if one Kym Chur was in. When asked who was calling, got a reply that shook the secretary up somewhat. "I am Fights-Like-Demon, Warrior of the The Star-Of-Morning Clan. Beside me is Long-Tail, a carver of Mer-wood. We have come to offer the one who ate with us first chance at our silver." The cat walked back with this strange tale.. And was Really shocked when the beaver came out personally to greet the pair. So much fuss over a couple of backwoods furs.. A few hours later they walked back out. And for a third time, the Manager almost shed her hair.. Her boss had her noterize a document stating that Intrepid Industries was opening an account in the name of Lonmeir Hatas, A Clan-Chief of Gena. It was signed by Zarre Intrep, Lonmeir Hatas and Kym Chur. And under each name was a Clan symbol.. That was Zarre Intrep? Oh my.. The beaver returned to his desk, shaking his head. "Again, I am shamed.." Then he grinned and placed the likeness on a shelf. A beaver hard at work on a dam..