I had just finished sweeping off the deck and was preparing to take a dip in the pool to cool off. Tim was taking advantage of the seclusion my cottage afforded by working on his all-over tan. My 5'10", blonde haired, blue eyed, muscular, 150 pound friend had just broken up with his boyfriend of two years and was in need of some peace and quiet. We have had a "more-than-just-a-friend" relationship for about five years, since my coming out, and have occasionally spent the night in each others bed. Nothing serious, but more than just a friend. When Tim called at mid-week wanting to come to my house just to talk, I knew he needed a friend more than a lover. Once there, he cried for two hours sobbing out the events [that led to his lover telling Tim he'd been sleeping with his secretary for three months, she was pregnant and he was going to marry her. We stayed up most of the night talking (we hadn't done much more talking since he met Rodney), and I asked him if he'd like to spend a long weekend at the cottage to regroup. I made it clear that I expected nothing in return and that I'd enjoy the company. Enough background..... Neither Tim nor I were shy about our bodies as we'd gone skinny- dipping on several occasions, but the sight of him lying there with the sun glistening on the beads of perspiration made my cock swell inside my shorts. "I'm gonna take a dip," I called to him from the deep end. "Wanna meet in the middle?" He raised up and smiled as I dove into the water. Gliding from the force of my dive, I was a bit surprised when he plunged in next to me at mid-pool. I hooked an arm behind his leg and pulled him under. We both popped to the surface together and Tim's arms went around my neck. I pulled him close to me and could feel his hard body press against me as our lips met. We kissed gently at first, but as Tim pressed his hips against me and my cock began to get harder, our passion flared. I put my hands on his bare butt, cool in the water, firm and smooth as I pressed him against me. As our kiss ended we were both out of breath and flushed with passion. "I want you" he murmured. "You sure?" I asked. "I don't want to take advantage of you." I was lying like a snake in the grass, but i really didn't want to push him if he was feeling rejected. "You're the only man I trust anymore since Rodney fucked me over. I've seen you watching me in the sun and I've seen the bulge in your suit." To add emphasis to his words he dipped his right hand beneath the water and ran his fingers over the straining material that confined my hard manhood. As he gently squeezed my shaft, he said "It's been two years since I've had a real man like you inside me. I don't know what it is, but you do something different or right and no one else makes me feel like you do." He purred "Yes, I want you!" We swam to the edge at the shallow end. Tim jumped out of the water sat on the edge of the pool, spread his legs and leaned back on his elbows with a sly smile on his lips and a look in his eyes that left nothing to my imagination. "Eat me like you used to.....long and slow, lick my balls, slide your tongue up my hard cock." he cooed. I kissed my way slowly down the inside of his leg, nipping lightly with my teeth as I went. It was almost ninety out, but still he shivered and goose-bumps appeared on his upper thighs. As I ever-so- gently touched his balls with the tip of my tongue he shuddered and let out a growling moan. His hands went to the back of my head, his fingers tangling in my hair as he pulled my face hard against his dripping cock. I stuck my tongue as deeply into his pisshole as I could and let my teeth just touch his cock as I slid up and down. Tim's hips started to buck and he gasped for breath. "OH, GOD!" he finally screamed as the waves of his powerful orgasm broke over him. (That's one thing I really liked about Tim, there was never any question as to whether he was enjoying himself or not.) As I tortured him by softly tonguing small circles around his cockhead we were startled by a commotion in the front of the cottage. Being half a mile down a heavily wooded gravel road guarded by a locked gate, I wasn't too concerned about visitors. These sounds were by no means mechanical and sounded like animals fighting. I pulled on my joggers as Tim grabbed his robe and we both went through the cottage to the front door. I really had no idea what to expect when I opened the front door, my shotgun in my hand. There on the front lawn, about ten feet from the edge of the porch were three dogs; a small beagle-looking bitch very much in heat, a somewhat larger brown male actively trying to fuck the beagle, and a young but full-grown beautiful black Great Dane. The bitch was almost too small for the brown male and he couldn't get his long red prick to hit home effectively. Every third or fourth lunge, she'd raise up and he'd lower enough that he'd get about half of his 5 inch dog-dick into her. Then, just as they would try to get a rhythm going, he'd slip out. The Dane was fit-to-be-tied and was just too tall to get anywhere near the bitch. Never the less, he had at least eight inches of hard canine cock exposed and was, as Tim so aptly described it, "air-fucking". The brown dog was at least getting his dick wet, but the Dane wasn't getting any relief at all. "I've never watched dogs fucking like this before. It's really kind of neat in a kinky sort of way isn't it." Tim said, never taking his eyes off the trio. The black Dane was standing over the other two stabbing at thin air with his long red-tipped dick. It was apparent that he'd been like that for quite some time as he started again to howl, almost as if in pain. "Poor thing" Tim muttered, "he's too big to get anywhere and it sounds like he's in pain. He reminds me of Danner, the dog my neighbors had when I was little." "What do you want me to do, go jerk him off!" I chuckled. About that time, the brown dog and the beagle-bitch got their "act" together and got a good humping rhythm going. I put my arms around Tim and ran my hand into his robe. I caressed his right tit rolling his hard nipple gently between my thumb and forefinger. He wriggled his butt against my half-hard cock. (Yes, I too was turned on by the "show" we were getting.) As the brown male thrust in and out of the smaller beagle, we could see an inch or two of his hard prick as he pulled back to thrust in again. Tim ran his hand into his robe and moaned as his fingers touched his still sensitive cock. "I will" he said in a husky purr. "You will, what?" I asked, sort of dumb-founded. "I will, if you'll hold him." His voice was almost pleading. "What are you talking about?" I asked as I glanced around at his face. I then saw that he was staring intently not at the two smaller dogs, but at the big black Dane straining to get some relief from fucking thin air. "If you hold him, I'll jerk him off. He looks to be in pain and he won't get any comfort from her. I'll do it for him if you'll hold him. He's so big, and he's so beautiful. Oh, please help me get him off, please." Tim was almost whining along with the Dane and I realized that he was serious. I pinched his nipple a little harder between my thumb and finger and said "Alright, if that's what you want, I'll help." His cock was almost full hard as he kept rubbing it with the slippery remains of his last orgasm. At this point, the two smaller dogs were winding up their "act" and the male was locked inside the beagle bitch. He slid off her back and swung a leg over and there they were looking like two Siamese twins joined at the rear. "What are they doing that for?" Tim asked, looking very serious. I explained that when a male dog cums inside a bitch, he gets a knot in the head of his dick to ensure that all the semem remains in her, and it'll take several minutes for it to go down so he can pull out. Tim said that it sure would be nice if some men were that way too so they would not just cum, pull out and go to sleep. "Present company accepted, though." he added almost embarrassed. The other two dogs were hobbling off down the road and the Dane was still stabbing at the wind. Tim stepped off the porch and the large black beast looked over at him, his cock still seven or eight inches out. As Tim approached, his tail started to wag and he patted the top of the dog's large head. He stood not quite waist tall to Tim at the top of his head. I approached him from the other side and patted his well muscled shoulders. He was a young adult and someone had taken excellent care of him. Tim ran his hands along his back and as he got to his flanks Tim let his hand slide under the dog's belly. Although I couldn't see, I could tell when he finally touched the long cock. He cooed and purred and his hips twitched over and over as Tim caressed the shaft. Tim laid his cheek on the dog's head and chanted "There, there Danner, I'll make it better for you, I'll make you cum." The big dog stood there with his hips twitching in unison with Tim's strokes, his long tongue hanging from the side of his mouth as he panted in time with his hips. I sensed that Tim was in no danger from this youngster and took my hand from his shoulder and released his collar with the other. Stepping back, I watched Tim doing what I had only fantasized about in the past. For what seemed like fifteen minutes he stroked and caressed Danner's long pointed shaft, and I watched spellbound as Tim started to grow im-patient. "What am I doing wrong?" he asked, his eyes looking to me for an answer. "I don't know, I'm just about ready to cum just watching you two!" I chided. He released the red cock and put his hands around the dog's neck. "Whats the matter boy, aren't I doing it right for you?" he asked. Tim moved in front of the big animal and put his hands on his jaws and looked him right in the eyes. "I'll help you out if you'll help me" he said softly into his face. The dog's long pink tongue slid out of his mouth and he licked Tim from his chin to his eyebrows. Stunned, Tim sat back on the ground and just stared at the big black dog and then he started to giggle. I laughed out loud too at the sight of him sitting on the ground in front of this magnificent beast with his robe gaping open at the waist and his legs spread in front of him like he was offering himself to the dog. Danner must have thought so too, because in an instant, he stepped forward, lowered his head and stuck his nose right into Tim's crotch. I took a step toward them, but was stopped by a raised hand from Tim. "Is that what you want boy, to eat a little cock, huh?" he cooed. A moment later, he squealed and raised his hips slightly, and I guessed that Danner'd stuck his long tongue right into his tight asshole. His eyes got big, he got this strange look on his face, and he started to get hard right there on the front lawn. Tim shook and panted and squealed for what seemed like two minutes, before he pushed the Dane's head away from his naked crotch and stood up. "This just isn't the sort of thing that a gentleman should be doing on the front lawn." Tim said in mock society-snootiness. I thought for a bit that he'd had second thoughts about helping the Dane release his tension, but when he turned and headed for the porch, he said over his shoulder "Come on boys, lets go where we can have some privacy!" With that all three of us headed back through the house to the back yard, The excitement showed, the beautiful black Great Dane had his pink tongue hanging out of his mouth and his red dog-cock hanging under his belly, and me with as much of a hardon as I've ever had bulging in my swimsuit. If I'd had any neighbors, that scene alone would have given them ammunition for gossip to last years! Once we all got into the back yard, Tim was out of his robe in a flash, and sat down on the edge of the chaise, his legs spread wide. He rubbed his exposed cock and whistled. "Com'on big fellah, do that again!" he called. I didn't believe my eyes. Here was a fairly normal, handsome twenty-four year old man who'd just cum not fifteen minutes ago from being sucked off by me! And now he was coaxing the dane in for round two. Tim was always a bit of an exhibitionist, and I'd never seen him shy away from anything as far as sex was concerned, but this was almost enough to blow my mind......but not quite! I'd had a "thing" about a person and an animal getting it on together ever since I'd seen that blue-movie that a friend and I snuck from his big brothers stag party collection when I was fourteen. Now I was getting a real first hand show by another object of my fantasies, Tim. As the big dog's nose touched Kims balls, his tongue snaked out and he licked his from his tight little asshole all the way up his stiff cock and back again. Then his haunches started humping again and I could see his long dog-dick start to twitch under his belly. Tim slid his foot under the dog's belly and gently rubbed the cock with his toes. He held the big black head in his hands and murmured "Com'on you beautiful beast lick me, make me come again, fuck my toes, let it go......lick me, eat me....com'on you beast...". Tim was pulling his cheeks apart as the dog worked slavishly at licking Tim's hot asshole. As the two of them were lost in their own worlds, I moved closer to get a closer look. I knelt at the end of the chaise not two feet from them. The Dane was getting pretty excited by all of this, and so was Tim. He opened his eyes and looked me square and said "Will he fuck me if I let him?" I didn't know whether to tell him no, to tell him yes, or just to cum in my swimsuit. "Take a deep breath and think about what you're saying Tim. That's not a man, it's a dog, a BIG DOG." I warned. He took a deep breath and let it out in sort of a raged reverse- gasp. Taking the dogs head in his hands he looked into his eyes and said "You won't hurt me will you, you beautiful beast". Then he looked at me "I want to do it for him and I remember you told me you'd always wanted to see a dog fuck a person. " (He wasn't as drunk as I thought when I let that little tidbit slip one night years ago.) "Will he do it for me if you help us, please, I want to, please ..... please ..... please" he begged. With that he started to pull his head up his belly as he slid lower on the chaise, his butt resting over the edge. He pulled him by his ears and as he stepped up onto the chaise, his long, red swollen dog- dick was rubbing against Tim's own hard cock. They were about the same length, with Tim's being slightly fatter. Tim put his arms under his legs and pulled them up a little more. The big dogs front feet came off the chaise and he was standing with his front feet on the ground, one leg on either side of Tim's head. As he slid forward, the tip of his red cock touched the opening of Tim's wet twitching asshole. I heard Tim gasp, and almost tried to pull the dog off him, but I heard him whisper "Oh, YES!", and he raised his hips to help Danner's entry. He took a step toward Tim with his back legs and hunched his powerful haunches and his long red dog dick slid into Tim's wantonly wet hole. His eyes got big and he gasped sharply and groaned "Oh God! It's in. He's in me, Oh God!". Again I almost pulled the beast off him, fearing that he was going to hurt him, but I saw Tim's legs rise over the Danes rear and lock over his pumping haunches. If Tim was in pain, he wasn't showing any signs of it. He was helping the beast and holding him tightly against him. Once inside, Danner's nature took over and neither of them had any trouble as far as nature was concerned. Tim squealed with pleasure every time the dog thrust his long red cock into the hole, and the beautiful black Dane was, probably for the first time in his life, fucking more than air and really getting the hang of it. I watched in perverse awe as the two of them humped each other. Yes Tim was fucking the big dog every bit as much as Danner was fucking him, and the pair were enjoying it very, very much. I wasn't having such a bad time myself either. I hardly noticed the ache in my own now straining cock as I sat not three feet from those two, and I realized that I was gasping for breath. As Tim and his canine lover humped against each other I was amazed at the rhythm and the pace. Tim's hips were twitching up to meet each and every thrust that the dog made, and Danner was humping into him twice as fast as any man could. The dog wasn't taking long strokes like a man, but once he had his long cock into him he made short thrusting jabs seemingly trying to get in even deeper. Danner's furry belly was crushing and sliding over Tim's hard shaft as he humped his own slick dick into Tim's asshole. Tim was squealing and murmuring to the dog, urging him on, and then he started to pant. It was as if he couldn't get enough air, and then I realized that he was coming again, digging his heals into the animals flanks with his toes curled up and his nipples as hard as cherry pits. Over and over he shot against the dogs furry underbelly as I watched. Wave after wave of pleasure swept over him again and again. The dog took a long powerful lunge that I thought would drive them both to the ground, and then he became very still. From what I had heard, now was the time that the base of a dog's cock swells to seal the vagina as he comes. Tim felt him start to swell and looked at me, his eyes widening. "How big will he get?" he asked. I told him I didn't know, but to just lie still and not let Danner get down. He said he understood. "I can feel him getting bigger, stretching me a little, and his cock is twitching inside me. It's really neat and I feel sooo full." "Just lie still and he won't hurt you" I said. "He'd never hurt me intentionally, I know that, he's just a big puppy, but he IS a male, too." he purred as his breathing got quicker. "I'm still hard, Oh my God, I'm so fucking horny!" he hissed as he started to pant and gasp. I watched the two of them lying there on the chaise for what seemed like five minutes, and as I became aware of it, I realized that I had cum in in my swimsuit, but my dick was still rock-hard. I saw the dog start to move around, getting restless I guess, and then he backed away from Tim. I heard a sucking sound and a "Plop" as he pulled out of him. I was surprised to see how big he was......at least 8" long, and about an inch and a half thick! He walked across the grass and lay down to lick himself. I know how Tim tastes, and I sort of envied him. Tim just lay on the chaise, almost out of breath. He reached his hand out to me and smiled. "That was fantastic, simply fantastic!" he said as he pulled on my hand. "Now let me take care of that for you" he gazed at my hard rod and lay his head back. I knelt by his head and he took my cock in his mouth and licked and sucked on it. I was so excited that I came almost immediately and he swallowed every drop, cumming again as he did. "I'm going to take a dip if you don't mind" he said as he sat up on the chaise, and we both were surprised by the amount of liquid that poured from his gapping ass as he sat up. We both started to laugh, and I helped him stand on what seemed to be very wobbly legs. A few short steps and he dove into the pool. I followed not wanting to miss any of the reactions to come. As we met in the middle of the pool, Tim turned and put his arms around my neck. "Well" I said "how was it?" He blushed about as red as I'd ever seen him and said "It was different from making love to a man, it was making love, er, having sex with an animal, a real animal. He didn't have anything else on his mind except cumming in me, and then when he was done, he just walked off. But when he first went in me, I started throbbing and I didn't stop until he pulled out. Little waves, big crashing ones, shudders, sharp ones, one very long one with lots of other ones mixed in, God it was like nothing I've ever felt." "And when he started to cum in me, he started to swell up and I thought he was going to split me open. It didn't hurt, but he felt so big down there. I wasn't scared, but I was so excited that just wanted him inside me, and when you were in my mouth and you came down my throat, I could still feel him in my butt, God what a combination!" "Well which do you prefer" I chided "Man or 'mans best friend'" "Silly, there's no substitute for the love of a man, but there is a close second to sex with a man, and I'm not so sure a guy couldn't get very used to animal sex with a beautiful beast like he is." he nodded over to the edge of the pool where the Dane was laying "if, and I must emphasize the if, there wasn't a man around." "Would you want to want to replay this scene again?" I asked hoping I already knew that answer. "When I was lying on the Chaise, and he was just going inside me I had a flash of a thought that here I was doing it with a dog, and we were not even doing it 'doggy-style'. Yes I want to do it again, not today, maybe, but I want to have him behind me next time at least so he knows how to do it right with the other dogs!" we both laughed and hugged and headed for the edge of the pool. The big Black Dane met us at the shallow end as we climbed out, and his tail indicated that he was happy to see at least one of us. As Tim put his robe on and headed for the house, I went to got the dog a pail of water. When I returned, Danner was no where to be seen. After a shower and a good nights sleep, both Tim and I felt refreshed, very relaxed. "You're pretty quiet this morning. Have you had second thoughts about the invitation to visit me?" I asked. "I like nothing better than to visiting you. Yesterday was Fan- fucking-tastic! I'd love to try some more things like that, but you've got to promise me that you'll make me behave and not let me get into more trouble than I can handle." Tim purred as him arms went around my neck and he planted a long kiss on my lips. "Besides, maybe Danner and I can be your guests again next weekend, and I want to practice my style..... doggie-style that is!" With that he stroked my swelling cock and we headed for the bedroom. Doggy-style, indeed. I'll show him that there's a beast in all of us......... .