HUNTER.TXT A Tail Of Hunters.. By SwampRat (c) 1991 - The Rashathran Society She sighed, looking her prize over. The male breathed, so it was alive.. At least for now. Hunter Of LittleFurry ('Rabbit' Hunter) stretched. She hoped the male was worth the gash on her foreleg.. At least her tail was intact. A fanged grin at the thought.. Many would go through the WarmSeason bearing bite marks on their pride. She sniffed the broad back, the long legs. The fur was like none she had seen.. But the blood on the back of his head was all too familiar. She gently lapped at the wound, cursing the clumsiness of whoever did it.. Mating raids were held during certain times of the year. Anything male was fair game. If they resisted too much, as some did, they would be made to submit.. Of course, any found to be sterile were traided at the GatheringTime, usually as castrated slaves. RabbitHunter lay beside her new mate, flinching as the wound on her leg bit. She cleaned it as best she could, then let sleep overtake her. The fang marks didn't seem deep, so she expected her mate to waken come the Warming. If he didn't, the Tribe could always use fresh meat.. She dreamed of the past day. FourLitters came in howling her triumph about taking such a large male. Others thought he was like TallDeath, and told her to kill it. RabbitHunter already had a bone to growl over with FourLitters, as She had been the cause of her former mate being lost to another Tribe.. Even if He had been a lazy, cave laying whiner. He was always there, when she came back with meat. He was Always available to cuddle against.. And he was one of the few who preferred having his malething licked on. Many a mouthful of seed he had given her, even when the Time wasn't upon her.. She had challenged FourLitters, and her sister ManyMates for the male. Her own sister stood behind her, ready to jump in if any interfered.. There were others who also contested the ownership of the male. So it was a battle.. And many a tail got bit. Many a leg now bore rips. Many an ear turned red as insults were heaped on the losers. Finally, she had won the right to the male. She had to get a mouthful of his fur, and as the male was not moving, drag him into her cave. He was Huge, and felt like a tree, but she managed. RabbitHunter had looked her new mate over and shoved him against a wall. She had other needs to attend to. Like coming over to her rival's cave mouth and hurling taunts about the male's size and certain bodily orifices which he Might be able to fit.. Like going before the council and claiming mating rites, in case the male did prove fertile.. She didn't want every unmated female in the Tribe to wander into Her cave to get cubs.. Let them get their Own male. WarmLight streamed through the opening, waking the female. Something pressed itself against her leg. She moved, feeling the outline with her hip. Curiosity prompted her to get up and see.. *Ouch!* There, in the fur, was.. A large sheath. At least it looked like one. She sniffed it. It smelled like a maleness, but was hidden in the strange stuff. She wanted to dig after it, so she could again wrap her tongue around the stiffening meat.. But decided not to. There was no opening she could see. None the less, she placed a paw on it and softly stroked the maleness. The Time was nearing.. Being older she would mate sooner than her sister.. Who was even now standing at the opening. 'Coming out, Sister?' ThreeFeet had lost a paw when she was a cub. That didn't stop her from trying to outdo her older sister.. Her sister by arrangement, as neither had the same parents.. Her own mentor had gone to another Tribe, to Council.. She hoped to be as wise some day. 'In a hurry to lick on my new mates seed sacks?' ThreeFeet growled softly, hanging her head low. She also liked to lap at her mates maleness.. More than once, moans came from her cave as she followed her elder sister's examples. RabbitHunter grinned, and walked out. Her leg was painful, but not crippling. She would have to go after slower food. No disgrace to bring a small item to the CircleOfLife.. She heard a stirring and watched the male. He would be alright.. She disappeared into the grass, followed by a furry shadow. * * * StillWater looked the male over. He didn't move much, even when prodded. His mate had told him to watch this one.. If he escaped it would be His tail which would be hanging on a pole outside the cave. He sniffed at the male, curious. He felt, but did not lap at the strange sheath. He had lapped on other males, and they had lapped on him. When a female doesn't want you, another male does. Mating between males was snarled at, but nobody, least of all the few guards who watched the Caves, were going to snap at their behavior. The hunt lasted all day, sometimes the males went out as well. StillWater shuddered. He didn't think he Could kill.. Another shudder. He had been brought up by females who took care of him, gave him food, disciplined him when necessary, and taught him all that males needed to know. He was to do as a female told him. He was to keep the cave clean. He was to mate when the female wanted it.. He was grateful for his current mate. More times than he cared to remember, he had been awakened to preform his task. And if he wasn't ready or willing he was punished, then made to do it anyway.. Or he had been more than ready, to have the female turn, and bite him. Laugh at his need.. ThreeFeet used her tongue on him. She was impatient with him, but she was at least gentle. A strange forepaw touched him. Perhaps the male would like some water. He left to get a basket from the stores. StillWater lifted the cover from the WaterHolder, dipped the small skin in it, then replaced the cover. He took the handle in his mouth, as his forepaws were in use, and trotted back into the cave. He placed the water near enough for the male to reach it, but far enough away so he would not spill it.. He had learned that by watching over cubs. The male made a noise, and stirred. He waited. If it became violent, he would call for the guards. If it asked for something, he would do his best to get it.. The eyes opened... Water was their color. The same as his namesake. The same as he had played in when he was a cub. Feet padded behind him. 'How goes it?' FastOne sat beside him, tail brushing his. The new male watched them, as they did him. Gently, as one did with a new cub, StillWater pushed the basket closer, then retreated. The forepaw lifted it, then moved it to the short muzzle. The contents disappeared rapidly. The basket was placed back down. 'More?' The new one either didn't hear or didn't understand. He pushed the basket closer, watching. The male closed his eyes, and lay for a moment. FastOne was impatient to spill his seed. His sacks were throbbing. He shoved his nose between StillWater's hind legs, lapping at the SeedHolder. StillWater moaned quietly, turning so he could do the same. Keeping one ear out for returning mates, and another on the new male, they excited each other with their long tongues. Malenesses were nuzzled, licked, and nibbled on. FastOne, true to his name, ejaculated first. He moaned around his mouthful, hunching the other male's mouth. Then his own was filled with sweet seed. He swallowed it, got another. Then both of them slowly pulled away. A noise made StillWater turn.. The new male lay with one forepaw on his head. It was a pleasant sound, and the male repeated it. 'My mate returns soon.. Thanks Brother.' FastOne left to make sure his cave was in order. StillWater watched the male for a time more, wondering at the obvious bulge between the hind legs.. But the male didn't offer and he wasn't about to get bit more often than was absolutely necessary.. ThreeFeet collected her mate and roughed him up a little. Hunting had been good, and the Circle was full. She and her mate would eat in their cave this Darking. And she would allow him to fill her mouth with seed again.. RabbitHunter came in and looked over the male. The basket still lay on the floor, empty. The male looked uncomfortable.. Perhaps he needs to make YellowWater. She grinned. Not having cubs for some time, One forgot about the basic needs of others.. She got up and left the den. When the male didn't follow, she returned, and tugged on his arm, pointing to the entrance. He got on all fours and she watched, left the cave. It was only then that she found out just how big her new mate was. He stood on his hind legs and stretched.. Two guards came up growling.. Only to be rebuffed by RabbitHunter. 'Afraid of a male?' Their ears went red as they muttered replies. She laughed, taking in the frame. This one was large.. She walked down to the place, watching him walk on his hind legs. All in the Tribe could do so also.. But they preferred to go on fore and hind paws. He could see what this place was for, but he hesitated. 'Want your privacy, Eh? Well, This is one of the few places I will indulge you..' She turned her back to him.. But her ears swiveled as a sound came. it was a sound she had never heard before. Then came a more familiar sound, and she allowed herself a peek.. The male was standing with his back to her, and the YellowWater was running like HighWater that came crashing down.. She wanted to see his maleness, but was disappointed, when again the sound came and the male's sheath was covered over. She tried to see if there was any opening at all, and thought there was Something.. But she wasn't sure... She shook her head and showed him the way to FoodCircle. She dropped down and ate, tossing some back at him. He seemed to not want it.. ManyMates sniggered. 'Your mate is a GreenEater..' She retorted, 'He could still break your mates puny back.' ManyMates growled at her own male, who wondered what he had done wrong now.. Having all she wanted, RabbitHunter left, followed by the male. She tossed her head at the cave, signifying she wanted him to go first. He did so, and the female got a mental picture of a maleness so long it dragged whenever he went on all fours.. Her mouth watered, and she trotted over to the WaterHolder, drank, filled the basket by it's side. She would let this one adjust.. She could afford to wait. Especially if the cubs were as big as he was.. What a Family! If he could hunt as well.. One thing at a time. The male lay on his side, watching her. She dropped the water in front of him, then rechecked his wound as he drank. He returned the basket on a forepaw, with some water left. This he offered to her. She shook her head and motioned he was to have it all. When he had finished, she took both baskets out and replaced them in the stores. Even though the WarmLight was still on the stone, RabbitHunter felt tired. She lay down next to her new mate. A forepaw stretched itself towards her. She noticed it, encouraged that he wanted to touch her. She wriggled against him, as the paw pressed itself against her side.. An electric shock ran the length of her body.. The paw moved, and she suppressed a yelp. Had it been so long since she had been touched by a male that she acted like a cub with her first mate? Her body arched, and she barely held in a moan. Her Time was coming faster than she thought.. By the next WarmLight she would be either yelping helplessly under the male or chewing off his seed sacks. RabbitHunter sighed, snuggling closer.. * * * The WarmLight came again.. And RabbitHunter found her mate gone! She jumped on everybody within reach. ManyMates laughed. 'Perhaps the BladeEater preferred other Males..' RabbitHunter would punish him severely.. Her nose to the ground she took off after the male. His trail bounced here, skipped there.. Disappeared many times. Finally, she hunted for meat, and thought dark thoughts about the male. When she returned, the Tribe was in upheaval. ThreeFeet came running. 'Your mate returned.. Brought a LargeFurry. He carried it across his neck like it was WarmLight. Dumped it in the FoodCircle. Then he left again.. The guards tried to stop him.. He lifted LongTail up as if she was a cub and dropped her out of his way. He hasn't returned.. As yet.' Her sister's eyes shone with pride. LongTail was very boastful of her abilities.. And, of course, if any thought they could steal the male for a time, they would do so in a claw click.. For a time only, as he was Hers. But the shame would make her ears burn for some days.. This time she had no trouble finding her mate. He was in a StillWater, his furs lay on the ground. She took them silently away, then watched as the male came out of the water. His frame was huge, if devoid of fur. His forearms were almost as big as her midbody.. His midbody was immense. He waded to shore. His maleness was.. Her jaw fell. The seed sacks were shriveled up near the body as the StillWater was cold, even so they were bigger than that tiny thing that was smaller than a cub's maleness.. That had been rubbing against her leg? That was going to give her pleasure unbounded? That?!? She shook her head. It didn't matter. He was hers.. Even if He did run off.. She came out of the bushes, growling... And he hastily retreated back into the water. Hmmpf! Males.. RabbitHunter limped, and let out a whine. The male stopped. She took another step, and gave out another whine.. The male moved towards her. She pretended to collapse.. The male splashed up the shore. Aha! She jumped up to reprimand her mate.. And was lifted into a pair of huge forepaws. She struggled for a moment.. Then went still, as a forepaw stroked her leg. RabbitHunter was carried back to the Tribe by her mate. Discipline him? Easier to attack a Tree.. She allowed herself to be taken to the middle of the stone. Then demanded to be let down. The male put her on the stone gently, and she brushed his wet thigh with a hip. Then she moved to the entrance to their cave and turned. The male followed, going in first. He made a noise as RabbitHunter nuzzled his wet seed sacks. LongTail came growling around, wanting to soothe her wounded pride. RabbitHunter turned. 'He is mine for the night.. You may discuss your needs with him in the morning.' Then she flicked her tail and went inside, leaving the female to gnash her teeth in anger. The male sat, his hind legs crossed. RabbitHunter sat too. She cursed him, cursed his ignorance. Cursed a society where anything male was fair game.. She couldn't very well Make him stay. She Could castrate him.. But only if he proved to be unworthy. To do so otherwise would get Her tail swinging on the PunishmentPole. Hmmm... She lay across the opening, looking at the male. The WarmLight got to her. She yawned.. Tried to keep her eyes open. Couldn't.. Especially when the male put his paws on her, stroking. Long foreclaws rubbed her ears.. She grunted. Another paw slid across her ribs. She fell into sleep.. Again, she awoke alone. But this time she knew where her male was. Her sister, who had been Conveniently waiting by the cave opening, followed him. She returned, laughing. The male had quietly slipped out, gone down a path, did a thing everyone did during the day, then cleaned himself off. The being in question returned, something in one hand. This time RabbitHunter met him. Took the LittleFurry. Showed him back to the cave. She turned as another body came too close. 'Thank You, Sister..' A grin of sheer pleasure. 'You don't get off That easy. I demand Right Of Fertility.. After you are done, of course..' Her sister sat, waiting a reply. What she got was a returned smile. 'If you wish.. But I have him for this day, and another. Then you may claim him.. Sister.' The face fell. She turned, flicked her tail, and picked up the meat. Her sister would have to hunt by herself this day.. * * * Again, the male declined any of the animal. Perhaps he ate while out. RabbitHunter ate the creature, left to get a drink. Did what her body told her she needed to. Then she returned. The male remained. So did her sister.. For some reason the female was enamored over the size of her mate. He sat, eyes closed, forepaws touching. She growled.. The lids opened, eyes the color of StillWater looked into hers. She shivered.. The male pulled his legs apart. She growled softly as he lay on his side. She turned, and lay next to him, sniffing at his maleness. She licked it.. It Stirred! Not believing her eyes, she slid her tongue across the tiny thing again.. It lifted, grew. With abandon she lapped, nibbled and nuzzled the pole. The forepaws moved over her coat, rubbed her belly.. Perhaps the male did like other males... Hmmpf! Well, he would lay with Her this day.. A foreclaw touched her.. She shuddered. RabbitHunter found the male to be more than a mouthful, as the cock continued to expand. The long thing wriggled inside her. She moaned, letting the maleness soak in her mouth.. Then grinned. She moved to one side, But not before rubbing herself against the forepaw that rode her hind legs. The long claw slid deeper into her, widening the passage.. Would it fit? They would find out.. A gasp came from the cave entrance. She grinned again. Her sister now saw what her mate had to offer.. The next RaidTime, more of these strange creatures would probably be taken. But right now, she had other matters to consider. Two somethings stood out from the furless chest. She licked them. They turned into hard points and her mate groaned. That sound needed no explanation. Pleasure.. Straddling the wide hips, RabbitHunter shoved his foreleg aside.. She wanted him, not his claw. Something rubbed against her.. A moan came unbidden. So the male was no beginner who had to be coaxed.. All the better. She growled, pressing herself against the huge piece of male meat. Would it go in? She fervently hoped so.. It did, barely. First the tip split her open. She bit her lip not to howl in pain.. Paws gripped her, trying to pull her back up. She growled, snapping at them. Then looked at the male. He was causing her pain, and knew it. So, they took it more slowly. The male guided her, stopped her when she tried to get in a hurry. At last, with a shudder, she came to rest on those magnificent thighs. She panted, shook herself. She was glad many cubs had gone before that monstrosity. If this had been her first time.. Her body got used to the huge worm. She squeezed it.. It throbbed. She grinned, listening to the whispers.. So she was to teach more than just one Sister. Best to start now, then. RabbitHunter hunched. Lifted herself off the male, then slid back down.. All vestiges of pride vanished and she howled. Moaned, growled in lust. Lost all concept of time or space. All she felt was the maleness sliding in her. She wished her old mate was here.. Another maleness to nibble on would be nice. So would a tongue exciting them both.. She wriggled. No seed had yet entered her.. But it didn't matter. Nothing mattered.. As long as the male held her.. Then something slammed into the back of her head. It started as an itch at the base of her spine. Wormed it's way up, growing in intensity, and speed. By the time it hit her skull, the feeling had grown to a fireball.. It exploded. She went blind. The animal arched her back, shuddered. The scream tore through her throat, as pleasure robbed her of sense... She felt forelegs envelop her. 'Wha?' She shook her head to clear her vision. She no longer stood over the male. Instead, She sat in a lap, being moved gently by the male.. But instead of an in/out motion, it was more side to side.. She looked up. A mouth pressed itself against hers. Again the tendrils of lust wove through her nerves. She nibbled on the hard fleshy things on his chest. Then with a growl, shoved her mate back down. She sat on him for a moment. Still no seed.. He didn't give up his treasure easily. But he would. Or his seed sacks would be bitten off! She wanted them in her mouth, but to make them swell with desire, not so they could enrich her diet, while others held him down. This time she rode the male hard. The tickle came again.. A ragged howl broke the silence again.. Let them talk until her ears fell off. This male was wonderful. He groaned, and she felt hot, sticky seed fly into her.. More pumped into her cub passage as she expertly milked his maleness. The last of it dribbled out, and the pole slowly shrank inside her. The afterglow of mating warmed them both. She lay for a time on him. Paws stroked her ears, fondled her sides. More whispers as this familiarity took place. She was beyond it.. Hunter Of LittleFurry, Huntress of the WarmPlace Clan became a lust-filled bitch. She lay alongside her mate. Slept beside him.. Got up when the WarmLight came into the cave. Much Better! His pole pressed against her belly, big, and strong.. And Warm. She nuzzled the seed sacks.. They swelled under her proddings. Lapped on the maleness.. Then they went outside. Half the clan came to watch as the male stood up. He stretched.. RabbitHunter grinned, seeing the shadow move.. The gasp alone was worth letting them see her mate in this state.. A pathway opened, allowing the couple to leave together. Many a male was raped that afternoon. Except for one. StillWater listened to his mate growl, as she licked on him. He moaned silently, enjoying the feelings. His mates Time was near.. But it would not be He who made her yelp with need. The huge male's memory would get that pleasure.. He gasped as the female nursed on his cock. He spilled his seed, feeling the teeth pull every last bit out. He grinned to himself.. It was not unknown for a female to share two or more males.. He had seen the look on the male's eyes, when he had played with FastOne. His mate growled at him, as they lay down. He pressed his hips into her stomach, as he had been taught. But instead of the usual fantasy of a large male holding him, it was now the monster who lay over him, growling wantonly. * * * RabbitHunter watched the male. He walked over to a stand of tall sticks . Lifted a couple. A smell came.. Another TallFurry.. She followed the track. There.. Before she could jump out at the animal, a stick appeared in it's side. The animal leaped.. This time she turned, to watch another stick fly from the male's hand.. To hit the LargeFurry. She stood, and held out her paw. He gave her the last one. It was long, sharp like a fang at one end. She held it then gave it a clumsy toss. It was retrieved. She tried again.. The male busied himself with the LargeFurry, while she practiced. It took most of the morning, but she got the hang of it. At least the pointed end hit the tree she aimed at more times than not. The male was doing something.. She sniffed... Smoke! There were Tribes who had small WarmLights.. The male moved two sticks, faster.. The WarmLight flowered. He piled on more sticks. She saw the ground had been cleared sometime earlier.. Had the male lived here a time before being taken by her kin? She watched as the male cut some of the meat with a sharp rock, and placed it over the WarmLight.. He gestured to her. She laughed. Yes, she was hungry. But not for that kind of meat... She came over and nuzzled his thigh. He made a sound.. Then picked her up like she was a cub! His maleness rubbed against her belly, growing.. RabbitHunter growled softly. She squirmed in his grasp. He lifted her haunches, and let her slide down.. A seeping tip pressed itself against her TailHole. She grinned. 'I will allow you there another time.. For now let's mate this way..' She pushed back slightly, feeling the pole press against the other orifice. Better.. Her claws curled as she arched, taking him to the hilt. Claws dug into thick hide, while the maleness again moved in her.. A tail slid down, to fondle the hanging ball sack. A tongue met another.. In the middle of their lovemaking the male moved to turn the meat. 'How can you think of food at time like this?' She raked the muscular butt with her hind paws, shaking her head at finding no tail. Claws roamed her body, then held her still. The male looked into her eyes.. He pressed has nose to hers. She sneezed! They both laughed. The male lifted her.. 'Hey!' He placed the canine down, and cut more meat to place on the fire. She watched him.. Hmm.. Perhaps the male needed to place his food in WarmLight before eating it. She had seen others who would not eat something too old, or that was dirty.. He turned and squatted. His legs were open.. He gestured to his still hard maleness. She chuckled, and leapt on the creature. 'Do I Still want it.. Foolish male.' They rolled around a few times, then she came to rest on her back, looking up at the male. He lifted her crotch to his.. Mmmm... It slid in her much easier this time. RabbitHunter lay under her new mate, and was very thoroughly humped. Hind paws crossed over his sweaty hide, forepaws clutching his shoulders, she moaned under him. Would he ever release his seed? It took a while. Twice he left to do something, and returned to her waiting paws. The canine didn't care.. She was in Lust. At last the male grimaced in her clutch, ground his crotch into her with a will, and spurted seed.. Would they have cubs? A grin. It no longer mattered. If she had to, she would take another mate.. One of her own kind. This one was worth a dozen ordinary males.. For the rest of the day, they lay in each others forelegs, content to mate whenever and however the urge took them. At last the shadows told of the close of another day. The male took his food, offered some to RabbitHunter, who sniffed it, but declined, wrapped it up, and replaced his sticks, after washing them. Then he shouldered the kill, followed the female back to the Tribe. The small WarmLight had died.. But she believed the male knew how to bring it back to life.. As they came to the Caves, ThreeFeet was waiting.. Just. The male went over and dropped his share in the FoodCircle. 'Sister, I ask you to remember your promise..' RabbitHunter cocked her head. She grinned. 'I have not forgotten, Sister.. At FirstLight, you may lead him back to your cave.' A snug smile.. 'For One LightTime Only.' The smile faded. 'But, if he is scratched, or mauled, You will answer to Me.' The female put her chin on her paws. 'I hear and obey Sister Huntress.. But I ask. You had him for two light times.. May I not be sure I am with cubs?' A shrug.. ''Alright, it Is only fair..' ThreeFeet got up, then turned. 'Do you wish my mate?' RabbitHunter thought it over. She wriggled her hips.. 'Not at this time.. Perhaps later.' If that grin got any bigger, she would swallow her ears! 'Yes, I think I shall wait. I require a rest..' She grinned herself. That would make it's rounds.. Perhaps the male would lay with others as well.. Depends on who offered her what. He was, after all, just a male.. But he was Her male. * * * StillWater was kept so busy by his mate that he didn't even try to mate with her. She was too occupied by something else to notice.. That something would come at FirstLight... RabbitHunter lay, belly to belly with the male. Had felt each time his pole had risen against her. She snuggled closer.. A thought prickled.. She was no youngster herself. Perhaps her time to add to the Tribe was over... No matter. The male would stay. If not as a breeder, as a lover.. She grinned. stretched. The male was big again.. She licked on it. It gave her a taste of malesap. She took another lick.. Then, with a growl, she shoved the male over onto his back, and took the big thing onto her mouth. She sucked on it like a hungry puppy. Her teeth raked the skin gently, paws rubbing the swelling seed holders. She stuffed as much as she could back in. The tip pressed against her throat.. She felt her stomach churn, and she reluctantly lifted her muzzle up.. Then she swallowed it fully. To Dark with her belly! The thatch of fur smelled of hot male. She nuzzled it wantonly, opened her nostrils to get the most of the scent. It took much time and effort to make the male give up his seed.. But the reward was worth every moment.. The pole expanded in her mouth, as she lapped on the strangely shaped tip. Thick, warm and tasty semen splashed over her tongue. Fangs held it in place, as she allowed it to pool in her mouth. She would swallow the stuff when it stopped.. It didn't. More sticky seed poured out. RabbitHunter gulped her mouthful down, getting a second.. And almost a third. At last the spunk stopped flowing like MovingWater, and trickled. She still held the tip between her fangs, licking on it. She allowed the seed to roll around her tongue.. Then swallowed. She opened her mouth and inhaled the thick thing again. Clamping both lips and teeth to the base, she moved slowly upwards, tracing the throbbing veins. Careful not to bite too hard, she tugged, getting the last of the wonderful malesap out. She nuzzled the thing, watching it shrink. He fondled her ears.. A noise came from the cave opening. She grinned. The male would have his pawsfull with ThreeFeet.. Then she fell asleep, nostrils drinking the rich scents coming from the now matted patch of fur, dreaming of having both her male and StillWater mating with her. It seemed like a mouthful of lifetimes, But WarmLight finally came to chase Darkling back to wherever He came from. ThreeFeet waited until she heard stirrings.. She would Not beg. Even if she had to chew on her own tail.. At last the male and her sister came out. 'By Mating Rights, I claim this male..' 'For Two LightTimes only, Sister.. Perhaps you would like to hunt with him?' The eyes told RabbitHunter what her sister wanted to do with the male.. But that could wait. He was not Hers to abuse.. She snorted. But accepted the invitation. They would have all this DarkTime as well as another full WarmLight to lay together. She could wait to get her paws on him.. The female came closer, nuzzling the male. Then yelped as a furry shape hurled itself at the tall being. 'It is another day, and I claim My right to Battle.. Wha?!?' LongTail yelped as the male grabbed her by the scruff of her neck, Lifting her off him.. He stood, holding the animal well off the ground. RabbitHunter growled a warning, but the male did nothing more than turn the canine, and hug her against his chest. With force.. The breath went out of her. She struggled weakly.. Again, RabbitHunter growled. 'Let her go, Mate Of Mine.. She is ours..' Instead, the creature nibbled on the point of an ear. LongTail moaned, moved against the male.. Paws ruffled the fur on her belly, claws rubbing her stiffening nipples, exciting her.. Then she was tossed away. She landed and turned.. Yo see the male place a forepaw on RabbitHunter. She lifted a foreleg, placed it on his thigh. There was no mistaking That gesture.. A tongue appeared, waggled sensuously for a moment, then disappeared. LongTail moaned in need, then growled. There would be another time.. She would have that male squirming under Her paws yet... One other had seen that tongue.. And it Wasn't RabbitHunter. ThreeFeet growled softly herself. Then her big Sister turned and snarled at the male. He offered his paw, the one he used to guide the sticks with.. She let her lip go down.. This male wasn't one who lay in a cave, and wagged his tail when you returned. He was a Hunter.. And a large one at that. He could take care of himself. She turned... Her little Sister beamed with pride, and lust. She returned the crazy grin. Yes, it would do the female good to hunt with her mate. She tapped his leg. Pointed to ThreeFeet.. As he turned, that one shoved her nose between his legs and nuzzled his seed sacks. Licked on them as well.. 'Sister, Have Some Pride while out of the Cave..' The rebuke made ears go red. But, she still gave one last lick before letting the male rise. She rubbed his leg, then trotted to the edge of the Path. The male waited, then followed. RabbitHunter was called to the Council. She didn't need to tell them what had happened. They had ears.. Also LongTail had been there before her. "OutGuard came in, growling of being molested by a male.. By the way her belly heaved, I believe she wished more such molesting..' She had to grin. 'He hunts..' One female so old she had to have her meat boiled spoke. 'He makes you glow with desire. Your howls can be heard from here..' Her ears went deep red. 'This is not a bad thing.. I too had mates who made me howl under them..' 'He hunts.. he brings Food in.. And He knows how to make small WarmLight.' That hit like a good bite. Eyes went wide. 'He is like a puppy in other ways.. But he is a male, and old enough to mate.' The old one nodded. 'He has taught me other tricks than to yelp in mating..' The old one grinned. 'You have ambitions.. Do not try to conceal what is so evident. You want a seat here, as Your Older Sister did for the HighLand Tribe.. Very well. Learn from this male. If there are no cubs from this mating, I want something to compensate..' Her head went down. Her womb felt no different, but she could not be sure.. Was there life in the seed? Could it be made to flower inside her? 'You are given status as CouncilLast..' RabbitHunter stood, stunned. 'That means until The WarmLight again shines in our caves, You may not interfere with the doings of the Tribe.. Not even where you mate is concerned.' She thought of the male.. From now on, his battles with the Tribe were his own.. But, she had no worries there. All she had to do was keep all the wanton females paws off him. * * * ThreeFeet wanted the male. Badly. She couldn't hunt.. And the male seemed not to be able either. But he had stores.. She watched as he took something from a tree, And from it took meat. She sniffed the food, even took a bite.. But what She wanted lay between his legs, not in his paw. But how to... The male went to the SlowWater and washed. She grinned. The female stood up, took the few steps to the hunched back.. And shoved him in! He fell with a yell and splash. She chuckled.. A paw grabbed her ankle. Hey! Then She too, took a dunking. The canine sputtered, floundered. Almost immediately the male was there, holding her to him. Silly Male.. The water wasn't That deep. All puppies were taught to swim as soon as they could walk. Sometimes Tribes had to move.. Mmmm... He held her against his big body. She let herself go limp.. The male splashed to the shore, gently putting her down... She turned, and pulled his head down into a mouth press. The male was surprised.. Even more so when she shoved her hips at him. 'Mate me, Male of my Elder Sister..' His small puppy maker grew as she fondled it with her hind paws. She didn't wait long, either. ThreeFeet maneuvered the male thing to her opening, and shoving up, made it go in. Not so big after all.. Her eyes widened as the worm turned into a log. It threatened to split her open! Huge.. She wanted it all in her. The female growled, shoving her hips up aggressively to the male. He moved over her.. She panted in his ear, moaned, nibbled on a nipple. Yelped as he rotated his hips, going deep. His seed sacks slapped against her TailHole, sending shivers of want through the animal.. There next! She grinned to herself at the perversion. Then orgasm tossed reason out, and the body took over. A female mated with a male. Again.. Yet a third time, the fire burned through the spinal cord, before the male twined his crotch fur with hers, spurted life seeds into the hole. Muscles clutched the monster, to get a full harvest. The male lay panting on her. Damn, He's heavy! ThreeFeet grunted under the male... Then wriggled her hips. He was still ready. Hmmm.. She nuzzled his cheek, got an ear nibbled on in return. Her body demanded she make soil.. She tried to ignore it. Hah! With a sigh, she shoved the male off and got up. She still got in a lick before having to trot off.. But not far. She wasn't about to let this one out of her sight! The male washed again, drank, and waited. ThreeFeet did what she had to, made sure she would not have to again for a while, then returned. The male stroked her leg, gently moving claws over the stump where a SmallDeath had bitten a paw. She had been a cub at the time, and had almost died. It took the removal of the foot to save her. The paws moved farther, finding the small nipples. The male lay her on her back again, and nibbled on them.. No fair! She could just reach his maleness, and pawed at it. When she could not stand the mouth teasing her belly any longer she shoved the male over, and took him into her mouth. ThreeFeet lay between the long legs, suckeing on the cock. She tried to move slowly, sliding her muzzle up the maleness. Nibbling on the fat tip. Then pushing her head down, taking it to the hairs. But, her body betrayed her. 'Feed me your semen, male..' She snarled, fondling the swelling seed sacks. Her tongue slid around the pole, squeezing it. The male groaned, bucked his hips up, and came.. Sweet male stuff poured into ThreeFeet's mouth. The canine gulped it down as fast as it could gush out, sucking wantonly. Feet firmly planted on the heaving hips, She rode the male, until he lay panting. Swallowed one last time, nibbling on the head. She lay on the sweating flesh, nuzzling the maleness. This time her bladder made her move off.. The male went to the stream, and washed. Then he ate, as did ThreeFeet. They lay in the WarmLight for a time, fondling each other. Sometimes they would swim in the water.. Which was tough, because the male was always toying with some body part of hers. She got even when they lay on the warm grass.. The lengthening shadows told the canine she would have to bring Something back.. But there was still time for one more mating.. She had not forgotten the thrills that ran down her spine as the seed-sacks had slapped her tail-hole. And she wanted it there.. So, ThreeFeet made sure she was wasn't going to have to run off soon, then coaxed the male onto his back. She took his testicles in her mouth and nibbled on them.. Then let them drop to be fondled as she stropped her muzzle across the erection. Drooled over it well.. Lapped on it and slavered over it until it fairly dripped saliva. She Then got her anus wet by rubbing it againt his maleness, lapping at the head after each contact. At last, she was sure it was as slick as it was going to get. Gritting her teeth, she rubbed her anus against the seeping tip. And fell into his lap! Down to the hair, his dick slid into her passage. 'Wow!' ThreeFeet grunted, then lifted off the male until just the tip was held inside. She lay on top of him, squeezing the bit of flesh. That lasted until the female couldn't take it any more. Arching her back, she shoved down, re-sheathing the cock and groaning. Bent down to nibble on the twin bumps of flesh jutting out from the smooth chest. It was only fair, as his paws were tweaking Hers.. He grabbed her hips and sat up. 'Well..' They hunched together, his claws working across her sides and back. She shoved at the male, wanting him to lie back down again.. But he held her still and hugged the canine to him. 'Yess.. Spill It!' But no seed came forth. Instead, The monster twisted and ThreeFeet found herself Under him again. 'You Bastard!' He pressed his mouth to hers, nibbling and sucking on her tongue.. *Yelp!* His hips moved in a circular motion, working the cock deep in the wailing animal. All she could do was hang on for the Ride! After a time, the male went down on his forearms, and held her, pounding her ass with savagery.. Did She mind? Hah! The canine gave as good as she got. ThreeFeet howled, sheathing him full, and shuddering as Orgasm bit her.. The the male did! She jerked, feeling the teeth in her ear. Not hard.. But enough. Then rched, as the male held her to him and lifting half off the ground, pumped hot semen into her guts. They lay in the grass, unable to do much but pant.. ThreeFeet was content to let the maleness rest in her until it dropped out of it's own accord. The male carefully lifted her up and took her over to the water. She licked his cheek, squirming in his arms. They bathed, then the canine went out hunting.. When she returned, She found a couple of LongWets sitting on a stick.. Over a small WarmLight! The male turned the meat, nodding to her as she stood dumfounded. She looked at the SmallFurry that lay where she had dropped it. Hmmpf.. The male killed the small WarmLight, and picking up the stick, followed ThreeFeet to the TribalPlace. RabbitHunter watched the two return. LongTail growled, but kept her distance. The male was no longer off-limits.. There would come a time when he went to hunt alone. And then... She could wait. The meat was put in the Circle, and StillWater came to eat with his mate. The male waited until the couple was done. StillWater turned, and tossed his head towards the cave. He went inside, the new male following. ThreeFeet had to attend to other matters. Such as her Sister being initiated into the Council. She sat with an itch under her tail, but kept as still as was possible. Her eyes shone with pride as RabbitHunter was given TheMark. She would now wear the TribeSymbol between her ears. A drink was passed, each taking a taste of the potent brew. The time passed quickly, as did the drinks. Things finally broke up, and ThreeFeet staggered to her cave, barely making it inside. She grunted at the males, and passed out... * * * StillWater eyed the male as they sat. He was big.. The male put his forepaws together, and closed his eyes. The canine made his rounds again, making sure everything was ready.. He knocked a speck of dust out the entrance, then could stand it no longer. He nuzzled the male, and grunted when a forepaw rubbed his head. The claws wound around his ears, while another forepaw ran down his body. He whimpered when claws curled around his sheath. The male uncrossed his legs, and lay in his side. StillWater nuzzled the maleness, as a tongue slid across his seed sacks. A moan as his own was coaxed out, to be fondled. He lapped the stiffening cock, then drooling, gobbled it up. The thing swelled in his mouth wonderfully, and he squirmed as he was positioned so the other male could get at his own erection. The mouth felt strange, but warm.. The tongue was everywhere! Tracing veins, sliding across the pointy tip, curling around the spongy flesh.. Orgasm hit him between the eyes. He shuddered, feeling the mouth leech cum out of his seed sacks, which were being mauled by a forepaw. He nursed on the thick cock, wanting the seed.. And getting a mouthful. It swelled, spat a wad of sweet stuff that hit the back of his throat. He gulped it, lapping at the sticky seed. Kept at it until nothing more came forth. He nuzzled the male. Went to the WaterHolder, and got two baskets. He gave the male one and put the other aside for his mate.. Who didn't show. The male lay, watching him. He growled, drank what was left in the first basket and lay next to the creature. The paw ran down his side, rubbed his belly. He grunted, shoved his head against the big chest. The paw grabbed his sheath.. He pulled it off, and nibbled on the long claws. The male groaned.. They Really should wait until ThreeFeet came. She did. Gave a slurred growl, and passed out. Hmmpf! Here he had kept the male in need until his female came in.. and she went to sleep! The paw was back on his sheath.. This time the other pressed against his TailHole. He moaned low as a claw slid inside.. StillWater turned, and after giving the prone figure a prod, lay down next to the male. He lifted his tail up, pressing himself against the seeping tip. It was rubbed along his hole for a moment.. He growled at being played with so.. 'I am not a cub.. Take me Male!' He shoved his hips down.. And bit his tongue as the head plowed into him. So Big.. So Deep.. So.. He yelped, the male impaling him. He was held still. His tail told him there was more to be put in.. He squirmed, trying to get the rest. The male moved.. He gulped a howl down as teeth found his nipples. He pulled the muzzleless head down to press his mouth against it, while one hind leg twined itself with the male's bigger one. 'I want it All..' His ears were nibbled on, as the thickest part of the cock finally wedged his TailHole open. Fur rubbed his rump. StillWater blinked. He swallowed, sure the tip was knocking on his stomach, wanting entrance. His passage was stretched far greater than it had ever been.. It was like having a leg stuffed in him. It moved.. Slowly, half of the log was pulled out. Glided back in.. A paw stroked his sheath. He lapped at it, groaning softly. The movement of cock in ass became faster.. StillWater found himself caught between the twin pleasures of being mated and mating.. He had bent in half and now had his own doggy-cock in his teeth. The pointed tip was lapped on, as claws mauled his nuts. Claws stroked the slick flesh where it disappeared into the snout. He howled, gulping his seed, as the forepaws took him over the edge of orgasm.. He lay next to the male, panting. Then wriggled, still impaled. 'Spill your seed, Male. I want to feel it..' The male's tongue slid into his mouth. He pressed his own against it eagerly. Then a groan told him to get ready.. Hah! The male shoved in to the hilt, holding the canine's hip. Seed poured like a river into his ass. StillWater gave up trying to be quiet. Another orgasm made him spill his cum onto the floor. He moaned.. The creature lay next to him for a time. The canine growled as the male pulled free of him. Damn! The male would go hunting with his mate.. So he would not have the day to enjoy that wonderful body.. He rubbed himself against the creature. The male got up, and left the cave.. What? StillWater followed him to the WateringPlace. He chuckled, as the male made water.. He did so as well, Then squatted, enriching the soil.. Damn again! As the male washed himself off in the SmallWater, eyes watched the pair. LongTail hadn't forgotten the male. Nor how his paws had excited her.. Or how this one had made Two females howl under him... This time it was Her turn. She waited until the other male was done, and appeared. 'What are you doing here?' StillWater lay down as he had been taught. 'I follow My Mate's Sister's Mate, Female..' She snarled and snapped at his ears. 'Return to your Cave.' He lifted his head in surprise.. Only to shove it back down as teeth mowed hairs off. 'But if I return without...' The Female growled. 'You disobey me? Roll over that I may bite your balls off..' Castration at the paws of this crazy female was more frightening than what His own mate might do.. He crawled backwards. To stop as the guard snarled at him again. 'Stand..'He did so, shaking. LongTail walked around the male. 'Lift your tail.' Teeth made him move it quickly. She sniffed his nuts, then nuzzled them. 'Very good..' She licked them for a moment. Then sank her fangs into the throbbing balls. Not hard, but enough so the male felt how sharp they were. She held them a moment more.. Then gave them a slow lick. "That for disobeying me.. Next time I shall take them off." She nuzzled his sheath, licking the flesh as it slid out. "That for obeying me.. Now, return to your Cave, and remain a Male.' StillWater moaned.. Then was stunned as the female gave out a yip. The other male had appeared, and was lifting LongTail up. He watched as the paws stroked her belly. LongTail bit her lip, trying not to beg.. Her body squirmed against the male, feeling his muscles move. A claw found the opening between her legs. She growled, then moaned as it wriggled inside her. LongTail tried her best to keep some resemblance of sanity.. And lost it anyway as the male dropped her, pulling even his claw out of her. She turned, teeth bared.. And forgot everything as ColdLight showed the pole jutting from the patch of fur. Her nose quivered, smelling male musk and.. The tip opened, a drop of seed glistening. LongTail was a Female first and foremost. Hormones made her whine. Pushed her feet forward. Shoved her tongue out to harvest the malesap. StillWater was torn between desire for the Female, and terror. A paw beckoned.. He quietly moved forward, making sure to keep the huge hindleg between himself and the female. Who would not have known he existed if He had shoved his erection into her TailHole.. LongTail was busy nibbling on the huge nuts. Her mouth closed around them, feeling the seedsacks swell as she rolled them around with her tongue. She felt the male move, his belly brushing her ears.. His forepaw rubbed her again... She moaned, dropping the seedsacks as a claw teased her. Again it slid into her passage. It was as big as a maleness.. She groaned, taking it to the strangely- shaped paw. It moved in her as she lapped on the maleness.. Then it was pulled out of her.. She turned, rubbing her rump against the male. 'Take Me.. Wha?!?' Paws flipped her onto her back.. She looked up at the male. Who kissed her.. LongTail moaned as the huge cock pressed into her stomach fur. She wriggled under the male as he rubbed himself against her.. Than the hips lifted. The seeping tip was held to her. Moved slowly, driving the canine crazy with lust. She growled, and shoved up at the male.. Only to arch with a teeth-clenched yelp, when the head split her open. StillWater watched as the male made use of his size to keep the female from taking him too fast. One forepaw ruffled the belly fur, holding the canine still, while the other held her hips, sliding the Huge thing deeper. The female tried to do everything but stop the male. She encouraged him with nips, and grunts. She tried to make him hurry the mating up, even though her passage stretched wider than it had ever been before. When the thick root had been engulfed, the male let LongTail go.. Now she really went wild. Her eyes bulged and her breath was ragged. The male was so Damn Big! Soon he would spill his seed in her. But even that didn't matter.. She twitched as claws found her nipples. A forepaw grabbed StillWater's sheath. 'Hey..' It tugged him around. No tail.. But a TailHole was there.. He didn't have to be asked twice either. The female's tongue had gotten him excited, watching the pair mating had swollen his seed sacks even more. Now the male wanted him.. He leaped up on the broad back, pressing his erection between the fleshy haunches. It took a few jabs, but the pointed tip finally found the hole. And sank in.. He had to yelp, the male surging under him. That yelp was echoed by the female, as the thick maleness slid in her. A moment of letting everything settle. Then the plunge.. StillWater moaned, putting his chin down on the warm flesh. LongTail just held in a howl, feeling the male's hair pressed against her fur. This time the movement was quicker, as both canines got used to the being. One hunched forward, sliding his cock to the twin knobs which held the sheath out of the way. The other eagerly slid her tongue across the broad chest, nipping at the fleshy peaks. The male grunted between them, pushing his furless hips up to meet one animal, then thrusting smoothly into the other. Both canines felt the itch build, Then explode as orgasm hit them. Both bodies glued themselves to the creature.. He waited until both had stopped moaning, caught their breath, then moved again. This time all three beings achieved nirvana.. LongTail gasped, as the male held her to him, spurting warm seed deep.. Then StillWater chewed on his tongue as muscles milked his balls dry.. He could only flop on top of the male and hang on. He slowly worked himself out, and just made it to his cave. His nuts throbbed like never before.. And he hoped they would ache as well when he lay with his mate, while the male watched Them.. The female locked her paws on the male and held him in her for a few moments more.. Quite sated, she felt him slide out of her. The canine lifted up, took the semi-erect maleness in her paws and gently lapped it clean. It swelled.. She sucked it into her mouth, putting her forepaws over the thighs. The male lifted her.. She sank her teeth into the cock, letting go only when he showed no signs of moving farther than to a crouch. LongTail sat, working her muzzle over the malemeat. She slurped on it, sucked with abandon. Claws dug into his butt, feeling the muscles move under them. The seed sacks under her chin jumped, startling her. She pulled back.. In time to get a mouthful of sweet semen. She gulped, using her tongue to make the pulsating cock spurt still more seed. Her nostrils dilated, making her head swim as she inhaled the musky male odor. She shoved her nose in the wet fur, chewing on the thick root. At last she had drained the maleness. At least nothing more could be sucked out.. She took one last lungful of scent. Then exhaled and let the worm slide out of her mouth. She gently pawed it, watching it bounce.. Damn. LongTail needed a drink. She went down to the WaterHolder and lifted the bucket. Drank, got a basket and filled it for the male.. Maybe he would indulge her one more time before.. Disappearing? She dropped the basket and sniffed for his trail. It ended at a stream.. So did her tail if StillWater talked... She quickly made her way back to her post. Than again, the male had run off before. Had returned Before. Perhaps would do so again. If not.. Her body burned where the paws had fondled her, and sucked in her belly.. Bastard! * * * Both RabbitHunter and ThreeFeet were mad as wetted SmallDeaths.. But no good could be done by throwing accusations. No cubs came to any of the females that did not look like their parents.. And none to the one who wanted them most. She sat on the Council, deciding how the Tribe should move. Lay alone, trying to get the male out of her head.. And not succeeding. Soon the Time came again. The Tribes gathered, as they did once every year. To trade and steal mates.. And it was there the WarmLight fell out of the sky. The WarmPlace Clan had no more than settled in to their allotted spot when a ripple flowed through the gathering. Guards fell back before a creature who ignored their warnings. A few females jumped on the being. To be grabbed in mid-air and dropped to one side. The attempt wasn't repeated.. When the direction was most certainly towards one part of the gathering, a corridor opened.. Off to one side, three females groaned. He had returned.. 'Greetings.' The male spoke! Again clad in strange furs. RabbitHunter growled.. This time he would be punished.. He squatted. 'I have come to tell you I am leaving..' Leaving? A sad smile. 'I must return to the sky..' ThreeFeet gasped. She had lain with a God? RabbitHunter felt her heart rip. She had cursed the male's memory many times since he had disappeared. But now, her mouth was full of ashes. She stood, hugged the male. 'You will return?' His paws roamed her back.. The bastard Still excited her. 'I do not know.. However I brought you a present.' A yip got her attention.. She looked over her shoulder. 'CaveHunter?' Her old love stood in the path. Three puppies sat beside him. 'I fought his mate,' the SkyMale whispered in her ear. 'And now I have a Family.. Know anybody who needs a male and some puppies?' Bastard! She bit his ear. Then pressed her mouth to his. 'Return to me.. I want to learn how to toss sticks better..' He grinned, and kissed her. RabbitHunter dropped to all fours again. She went over to CaveHunter. 'Once again you are mine.. These also.' She raised her head. 'Any object?' No voice raised a howl of protest. He kissed ThreeFeet as well. 'May your belly never be empty.. of meat, seed, or cubs.' She blushed, pressed her muzzle to him well. He even gave LongTail a lip-press. Then he moved back down through the Tribe. RabbitHunter watched for some time after the SkyMale had left, Still with the faint hope he might change his mind... The male was shown to her Cave. She grinned and roughed his ears. 'I missed you love,' he said. She bit his tail. 'Oh, so much you had a litter?' He grinned.. 'No, These belong to Him. As do I..' What? 'He took me into his Cave... We mated.' She snorted. 'So? What two males do together is none of My concern..' He nuzzled her. 'They came from him also.. He gave them to me. Said it was His gift to RabbitHunter.' Hmmm.. What did That mean? The puppies sat quietly, watching her. None acted like cubs, biting, pushing, yammering for attention. As one they put their chins to paws. 'Huntress, Teach us..' They all had eyes the color of water.. The End