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Subject:      Story Repost: "An Animal Heat", canine, incest, pedo, anal  (1/4)
From:         godot@haven.ios.com (Godot)
Date:         1996/12/28
Message-Id:   <5a25m1$hlu@nnrp2.farm.idt.net>
Organization: IDT 
Reply-To:     godot@haven.ios.com
Newsgroups:   alt.sex.bestiality

The Usual Warnings and Disclaimers! Here's something that I found on alt.sex.stories that I thought this groiup might enjoy! Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories Subject: AnmlHeat 1/7 "An Animal Heat" From: grobert@soho.ios.com (TheEditor) Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 08:09:14 -0700 WARNING: This story is fiction and should be treated as such. The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. I am not the author. I don't have the talent. I can only be the "TheEditor." An Animal Heat Chapter 1 "It's lovely... absolutely lovely!" exclaimed the beautiful, blonde Kitty as she walked into the cabin through the closed half of the Dutch door. "I've never seen anything like it. I never would have dreamed that there could be so much beauty in nature." Her sister, Janet, darker and somewhat taller, though no less lovely for her being five years older, turned away from her cutting board in the small kitchen and smiled. "I thought you might like it. And judging from the fact that you've only been out for an hour, I can tell that you've only seen a small part of it." Suddenly Janet's huge German shepherd bounded into the kitchen from another part of the cabin, his tail wagging in expression of his happiness to see his new friend. "Oh, Duke," Kitty said, bending down to pet his great head, "you should have come with me. There were a lot of rabbits I know you would have liked to chase." "So you like my little area here, do you?" Janet said as she ceased her preparation of dinner and dried her wet hands on a towel. Her hair was a little darker than her twenty-eight year old sister's, and she wore it in a stylish cut, unlike Kitty, who preferred to let her long golden hair fall loosely to her waist. "And you're right about Duke. He probably should have gone with you. He likes running around in the woods. Give him time, though. He's only known you for a day." "I'll bet he's quite a companion out here for you," the shapely younger sister said as she continued to stroke the happy- looking dog behind the ears. "Yes, I don't know how I would get along without him," Janet said, adding her own caressing hand to the powerful animal's muscular flanks. "Did you see the small waterfall in the stream?" "Yes, I did," Kitty answered. "In fact, I spent most of my time there. It's very peaceful and relaxing." Janet smiled. "You know, if you want, you can stay here for longer than a week. I hope you didn't think my invitation was limited." "I don't know," said Kitty, her voice indicating that she was being tempted to stay forever. "A week was all I could get off. There were times today, though, when I thought I would never want to return to St. Louis." 'Don't worry, honey," Janet reassured her. "I'm sure that after a week here, you'll be able to make a decision. And it will be one you can stick with." "I hope so, Jan," Kitty said thoughtfully. "It's just so... so enchanting out in the woods there. To think that I might leave it to sit behind a desk and be a secretary all day, five days a week... Sometimes it makes me sick." Janet smiled a knowing smile. She could understand what her curvaceous sister was telling her. Her own husband of six years had literally killed himself working under the pressure of the city. He had often promised himself that he would take it easy as soon as he got enough money. But he never thought he had enough, even though by many standards he was quite a wealthy man. His drive to become more successful than he was had killed him rather suddenly, and Janet decided then and there that she was not going to let the same thing happen to her. She had used his money, a rather substantial sum, to build this cabin in a remote section of New York State's Catskills. When it was finished, she had invited her sister and her brother to her house warming, wanting to show off her "little" cabin in the woods. It was a sort of memorial to her late husband, a man she loved very much. Even though she had pretty much gotten over his loss, she felt a stab of pain every time she realized that he would not be there to share in its peace and relaxation, truly a setting that would have saved his life had he the chance to enjoy it. Janet and her sister had always been close, even though Kitty had moved to St. Louis from New York City after a love affair that had almost destroyed her two years ago. Now they were together once again, and they were acting like little children, each caught up in the happiness of seeing each other after their long separation. They had written letters to each other, and talked over the telephone many times, making promises that they would get together "someday," but the plans had never come to pass. When Janet had informed Kitty of her plans to build a small cabin in the woods, the younger girl made a definite effort to be with her sister during this time of need. Kitty had explained to her boss that she needed the vacation time, and would quit if he didn't give it to her. She was determined that she was not going to let this opportunity pass her by as she had so many others. And now she was here. She was glad that she had put her foot down with her boss. The late summer setting was charming in the rolling hills, and she was determined that she would start living each moment as though it were her last. She did not want the same thing happening to her that had happened to Janet's husband. "Well," the young blonde said, standing up. "I think I'm going to take a bath. I hope you have hot running water out here in the wilderness," she added with a slight chuckle. "We have everything out here," Janet answered, "including a separate bathroom. I wanted to get away from the rat-race of the city, not the comforts." "I hope you're making a large supper," Kitty said. "Walking around in the forest can make you as hungry as it can dirty." ''Oh, go on now and enjoy your bath," Janet said, returning to her work at the cutting board. "You're my guest here, so don't worry about things like that. Supper will be ready by the time you finish." Kitty didn't even try to hide her ear to ear grin. She had always liked her sister, and she could see that Janet wanted to make her feel as comfortable as possible. As she walked through the cabin, large as cabins went no matter what Janet said about her "little house in the woods," she noticed that Duke was following her. "You want to watch me get clean, big boy?" she said to the large dog. "He wants to become friends with you," called Janet after her sister. "He doesn't get to see many people out here, and he really likes being with them. I think it's the only thing he doesn't like about this place." Closing the bathroom door, she turned on the hot water and let it fill the tub. As the steam rose, coating the mirror over the ornate modern sink, she kicked off her shoes and sat down on the small chair, feeling her tired muscles beginning to relax at the mere thought of getting in the hot tub. Duke came over to her and placed his huge head on her slack-covered right leg. "Oh, you beautiful dog," she said, holding his head between her hands. "You look like you can be so loyal... Janet is really lucky to have you. It's too bad you can't give me a massage. All that walking has really tightened up my muscles. You'd give me a massage if you could, wouldn't you, boy?" The large, sleek-coated animal whined his answer up to her, his limpid brown eyes bright and happy with the affection he felt for his new-found friend. The soothing, calm sound of her voice let him know that he was in the presence of someone who liked him, and he began to think of her as another mistress. After all, Janet, his owner, had acted as though this new person was more than welcome. He had decided to do the same. The shapely young woman smiled fondly down at the friendly dog. She could see the difference between him and the dogs she had known in the city. Where she was living, dogs were kept on leashes and rarely allowed to run free. They looked unhappy most of the time. But here, in the woods, Duke was allowed to do pretty much as he pleased, and it showed in his eyes. He acted as though he wanted to show his happiness for the woman who had made this possible for him, and Kitty knew that Janet had a loyal companion, even way out here in the woods. Duke lifted his head and pressed it tightly against Kitty's hand, telling her that he liked her and had no fear of her, even though he had only known her for just a few hours. Kitty, too, liked the German shepherd, and she would have liked to pet him all day. But her tub was getting full, and she wanted to take a bath right now more than anything. Duke could wait. "I'm sorry, you doll, but if I don't get in that tub right away, I'm not going to be ready for dinner. You wouldn't want that to happen, now would you?" She sighed and began unbuttoning her shirt. With the plane ride and all the walking in the woods, it had been a long, tiring day. Getting in the tub of hot water would make her feel better than she had in months, she knew. She jumped slightly as the relative silence of the cabin was shattered by the sound of the kitchen door slamming. Duke, too, perked up his ears at the sound and cocked his head to listen, then relaxed as he heard the familiar sounds of Johnny, his mistress's twelve year old son barging into the house. "Hey, Mom," the boy called out. "Is Aunt Kitty here yet?" Kitty felt a thrill of happiness as she heard her nephew stomping through the kitchen. She had not seen him since he had come to her sister's cabin. In fact, she had not seen him since she had moved to St. Louis. She tried to imagine how he had changed in the last two years, and she knew that no matter what she thought he might look like, it would be totally different from her mental image. She could not get over how he had looked when she last saw him, so sweet and cheerful, the warm innocent smiles he always had for her. He sounded as though he had not changed from that very much, and she was looking forward to meeting him for the first time after all these years. "Oh, Duke, you're very lucky... we're both very lucky to have people who love us so much," the curvaceous young woman whispered, dropping to her lushly rounded haunches to take his big head between her slender white hands. "It's a wonderful family I have, and I feel as though you're a part of it." She kissed him on his wet nose and he instantly licked out his long pink tongue to lave warmly over her full lips in response. "You handsome fellow! Janet is certainly lucky to have you around." The powerful animal whined as he tried to nuzzle closer to her, and she hugged him tightly, "Oooooooohhhhh, I can see why Janet thinks so highly of you," she whispered, kissing him between the eyes before straightening up. "Now... I really have to take that bath." She continued her undressing, never once thinking that there was anything wrong with having Duke watch her as she removed her clothing. She could remember a time not so long ago when she would have felt self-conscious about having even an animal watch her undress, but there was something free and uninhibited about this setting, and she was actually glad that she was not alone. She smiled down at the great dog, thinking that there was a very good chance indeed that she might never return to St. Louis. Everything was so pretty here, so relaxing, so free... She could not remember feeling this good in the city. Duke watched her smiling down at him. He dropped his head for an instant and sneezed. Then he continued to watch her smooth, soft curves ripple and sway as she exposed more and more of her silky flesh to his eyes. Her long, blonde hair almost matched her evenly tanned skin, and it was just as golden and full as that between her long, slender legs. He danced around her, and wanted to do something to let her know how happy he was that she had come to visit. Kitty watched the animal all the time she undressed. There was something about him that seemed to hypnotize her... something about his eager-looking eyes. She could see that he was totally devoted to her sister, but she could also see that he wanted to start sharing that devotion. It was a wonderful feeling, knowing that Duke had accepted her right away, and she wondered if there was something she could do to show the beautiful dog how much she appreciated his friendship. Slowly, gently, she lowered her now naked body into the steaming hot water. Even though the day had been very warm, she sighed as the soothing effects of the hot bath instantly made her muscles unwind from her day's hiking. All the problems she might have carried with her from the city seemed to become drained in the warm water, and she submerged her naked young body, delighting in the slightly tickling sensations of the bubbles from the soap she had added to the water. She caressed the fluffy suds over her full, rounded breasts, sensing her tiny pink nipples hardening beneath the water as though sexually aroused, an arousal she had not known in some time. Not since she had left the man who had almost totally destroyed her life. It was sad, she thought. He had been such a wonderful man when she first met him, so loving and tender. She thought back to her days of lovemaking with him, the only man she had ever loved. Even though she had many bitter memories of him, she liked to dwell on his hands wandering over her body, the way they had when they had first started going out. At least they were happy thoughts, memories she hoped she never forgot. She stopped her self-sensuous act. She wanted to finish her bath and see her nephew. But as she pulled her hands away from her body to finish her bathing, she brushed a huge mountain of suds across her swollen nipples, and a series of rippling delights stabbed through her sensitive loins and mountingly enticed belly. 'This is ridiculous,' she thought to herself. 'I can't be thinking about something like that now. I want to be with my sister and nephew. I can control my physical need for the time being... can't l?' She put her lascivious thoughts out of her mind as she stepped from the tub. 'There is a time and a place for everything.' She found her thoughts wandering to her short but intense affair with Bill. She had loved him, trusted him, and for a while she thought he loved and trusted her. There had been many men who had wanted her, but when she found Bill, she believed that she had found someone different. She loved his body... loved the way he made love to her, showing what it was like to be a woman, and not just a girl... loved welcoming his long, thick cock in her cunt... his gentle, patient thrusts building in her eager and hungry body a passion she had never known existed... his warm, wet tongue licking feverishly up between her legs... that blissful moment each time when he would explode his searing, wonderful cum inside her! Yes, those had been wonderful moments... thoughts that she never wanted to forget. Perhaps someday she would find another man she could love and trust as she had Bill... a love she hoped did not come only once in a lifetime. Duke watched closely the soft movements of her wetly glistening body as she climbed from the tub and began toweling herself down, his keen sense of smell detecting the sudden scent of her female nakedness even through the aromas of her bubble bath. He knew that smell... the scent of arousal... his mistress had trained him well. He sensed the heavy weight growing in the depths of his own loins as he watched her turn to look at her curvaceous form reflected in the steam covered mirror. For a moment, Kitty stood motionless, deliberately admiring the harmonious balance of her well-formed, eye-pleasing body, and a tingle of self-appreciation fluttered through her belly. She did not feel that there was anything wrong in believing she had a great deal of physical beauty. There had been plenty of men who had told her so. There was nothing wrong with being beautiful, she had told herself many times. She had always been delighted by her sensuality... her full, pink-nippled breasts and slender waist flowing into generously arched hips and smooth-rounded thighs. Bill had been especially proud of her legs, the alluring shape of her calves, slender ankles and tiny feet. He had made it a point to kiss them all over in his passion. But it was the whiteness of her breasts, contrasted with the rest of her tanned body, that fascinated him the most... the resilient mounds of her firm, uptilted breasts... and farther down, the equally creamy, equally sensuous ovals of her full buttocks. She dropped her gaze to the stretch of alabaster whiteness over her hips and the soft little bowl of her lower belly where the curly triangle of sparse golden pubic hair began to fringe the puffiness of her vaginal mound and fleshy vaginal lips. She could feel again the tiny shivers of awakened sensualism flutter over her. God, when was the last time she had finger-fucked herself? It must have been a long time ago, if she couldn't remember. And even though she had sexually released herself when necessary, she knew that nothing could really take the place of a man's lust-hardened penis sawing in and out of her... especially not after she had experienced the total delight Bill's cock had given her... but now...!" Kitty dropped her bath towel to the floor and sighed. Letting her own hands stroke downward over her hips as she watched herself in the mirror. It must be the atmosphere of this place, she said, smiling as she thought of the pleasures about to befall her. Her soft breathing increased as she smoothed her fingers inward toward the base of her passion-enticed belly to the sensitive mound of hair-curled pussy flesh between. She pressured tauntingly, her slender fingers extended, the pinkness of her moistening vaginal slit's momentary exposure captivating her. Oooohhh... she had to fingerfuck her cunt until she was cumming ... she had to... it had been too long...! Duke whimpered, demanding the blonde-haired girl's attention, and she stopped her caresses, forgetting all about his presence. "Oh, you wonderful dog, I'm sorry... would you like to watch ...? I won't mind. In fact, I think I'd like to have you watch." The big dog wagged his tail and animalishly licked at his jaws, then at her soft, sweet-smelling hand when she bent down to brush it over his head. She couldn't help but wonder at what he thought of this method of sexual release, and she could see wonder in his eyes as they swept all over her body, almost lustfully delighting in her soft white nakedness. She felt a thrill of delight herself as she thought of the dog watching her fondling her vaginal lips with her hand... a thrill of delight and exhibitionism... "Yes, yes... you can watch me finger my hot little cunt if you want to!" she whispered, the thought feeding more fuel to the wave of lust and self-induced passion washing through her whole body. "I would like it if you watched me finger-fuck myself." Duke brushed against the warm smoothness of her thigh as she stepped over to the small chair in the bathroom, the exciting scent of her effluent body-heat filtering to his nostrils. He paused as she sat down on the black vinyl seat, her soft curves quivering with her every movement, and then she was leaning back and breathing heavily now. The powerful animal watched her long legs spread open slowly, her small hand moving down between them and gliding smoothly to the golden-fringed orifice to her pussy. He watched her fingers begin to work in a teasing circular motion, little sighs of pleasure tumbling from her parted lips, her smooth white buttocks starting to rise from the chair to meet her rhythmically moving hand And then he jumped forward to join her! Kitty's eyes had closed, and she had not heard him move. The German shepherd's approach took her completely by surprise. She had never thought of anything like this, and it took her several moments to regain her senses from this totally unexpected turn of events. Opening her eyes, she could only stare between her widely spread legs and watch him move forward between them in wonderment! She withdrew her hand from its lascivious fingering of her cunt and raised herself slightly, her mind reeling in awe and still a little startled by his sudden lunge at her exposed vagina. Something held the sensually stirred woman from speaking as she stared at him, her widened blue eyes reflecting her bewilderment, watching fascinated as his loving brown eyes swept over her naked curves almost as though he had lustful thoughts in mind! Was it possible? she asked herself. Could he want to do what it looks like he wants to do? As if in answer to her thoughts, he was moving in even closer to her, dropping his big head to lick out with a hot fluid tongue against the smooth flesh of her responsively twitching belly! Kitty couldn't help but gasp at the astonishingly pleasurable contact, swallowing at the sudden dryness in her throat as his long pink tongue began to lick moistly over her muscle-tensed belly! She would never have thought that he would do something like this... and if she had, she would never have thought that it could feel so good! She was speechless now as again and again he did it, while she continued to lie there beneath the desire- enticing length of his wetly heated caresses, his fervent tongue making incredible sensations spiral through her torso, adding to her lustful exhilaration. "Oooooohhhh... this was totally unbelievable... and wonderful. What was possessing him? How could he know what to do? Yet he certainly seemed to know exactly what to do, and she wasn't about to stop him now! How far would he go? What further pleasures lay in store with this wonderful animal? Then, his long, damp, warm tongue licked heatedly upward over the quivering flesh of her waist, working higher and higher until he was actually lapping the rounded undersides of her sensitive breasts! Tenderly, he washed up over them toward the tiny straining buds of her nipples! Kitty couldn't hold back the moan escaping her when his searing moist flesh grazed wetly over the erogenous, pebble- like hardness of her nipples, first one, then the other, sending feverish thrills of wanton excitement whipping through her tremulous flesh. She could never think of stopping him now. Her body had been demanding this type of stimulation for far too long... the excitement that Bill used to give her... the excitement that was totally over-powering and vastly filling. And then, with a sense of disappointment to Kitty, Duke stopped of his own accord and began to back down between her still wide-spread legs. The temptation to call him back was strong, but unnecessary as, suddenly, she watched him poise his massive head between her sensually opened thighs, then slightly lower it, his heated animal breath taunting the fringe of soft blonde curls there! Kitty couldn't believe it when her sister's dog's cool wet nose brushed the warm, sensorial flesh of her inner thigh... and finally, the pinkly pouting lips of her excited cunt! She heard his little whimper as he sniffed at her heatedly aroused loins, his long nose probing at her susceptible flesh as though he were actually trying to seduce her! She felt the coolness of it suddenly exploring the smooth crevice between her milk-white buttocks, then wetly laving the exposed little rosebud of her tiny puckered anus! "Aaaaaaaahhhh... Duke... you wonderful... aaaahhhh!" Kitty gasped, uncontrollably lurching beneath the sensual contact. "How ... why... oooohhhhh!" His hot tongue suddenly shot out to lick feverishly up and down the smooth vale surrounding her tight little anal hole, the tip worming teasingly up into her clasping nether passage! At the shocking contact, Kitty wasn't sure what to do next. She had never been fucked by anyone other than Bill... and certainly never by a dog... and she wanted the incredibly arousing sensations to continue. Suddenly his seething wet tongue began to lick at the narrow pink slit between her widely spread thighs! Moans of delight bubbled up in her throat, like little tremors of unbearable desire rippling over her naked flesh as he lapped fluidly upward through the entire pink-fleshed length of her openly exposed cunt-lips. Ooooooohhh, the wild sensations were searing, and they needled inward to stab deep at the nerve centers of her now intensely fluttering belly. His fiery animal tongue was spreading through the hotly yielding, swollen lips of her hair-fringed vagina with long, relentless sweeps, erotically splaying the tender flesh wide, pausing at last to lunge in a wetly invading curl far up into the- liquid heat of her excitedly throbbing cunt! She gasped and jerked convulsively, sliding off the chair and dropping flat on her back to writhe in uncontrollable delight under the big dog's surprise oral lovemaking, mindlessly drawing her legs back to give the beautiful darling easier access to her wide- splayed pussy! She could never think of ordering him to stop now, not with the intense thrills penetrating right through her voluptuously hungering body. She heard her own desperate moans increase, while her desire-glazed mind began to slip into a delicious oblivion of velvet sensuality. Unceasingly, the loving animal-tongue bathed her offered loins, from the snug little opening of her feverishly working anus, upward through the hot wet crevice of her cunt. At the peak, he hesitated maddeningly, his knowledge baffling her when he suddenly penetrated to flick wetly at the quivering bud of her rigidly erect clitoris, fanning her ever-mounting desire as she whimpered in total delight. On and on it went, time seeming to lose its meaning for Kitty. Nothing mattered but the heavenly searing tongue licking relentlessly through and over her passion-inflamed vaginal flesh until she was gasping and writhing her entire naked body in frantic pleading beneath it. "Aaaaaaaaahhhh...!" she choked as he flicked his tongue tormentingly in a feverish, spearing curl far up beyond the clutching, long-unused mouth of her burning vagina! "Oooooohhhh ... yes... yes lover, do it to me! Make me cum... make Kitty cum, darling. I need it so badly... lick my cunt... lick my burning cunt...!" With an animalistic groan of her own, Kitty drew her knees flat to her palpitating breasts, and reaching down between them to grasp his dark head, she pulled his long nose in tight against her wetly yearning vagina! His loving tongue flicked far up the fire- filled tunnel like a rod of flame, his own whimpers blending with hers as he feverishly lashed and drove the pink length of his tongue deeply into the wetly glistening folds of her cunt. "Oh... oh, God... yes, baby... lick it... lick Kitty's cunt, darling!" she hissed out again, raising her head as best she could to look down between her widely spread thighs to watch whatever she could of the bestial ravishing of her loins. Oh God! Her wide-split cunt was flushed to near redness, its shimmering inner-flesh was the most lust-intoxicating sight she had ever seen. Her blood-filled pussy lips were spread like an omniverous mouth, with her handsome darling's long furry snout shoved as far as it would go, right up into the hungering passage of her seething vagina! She could actually feel his jaws working when he opened them, stretching the elasticized entrance of her cunt to thrust his tongue deep into her fire-filled belly. He seemed to be furiously reaching new depths inside her with every delightful lunge. Insanely, she began to pull at his head while she desperately thrust her greedy loins up at him, trying to force his long nose like a thick furry cock up into her hotly throbbing cunt! A pained whimper came from the depths of Duke's throat, but Kitty never heard it. All she could feel was the exotic sensation of his coiling tongue smooth against her cunt, and it washed away every thought from her mind. It wormed its way delightfully into the small, clam-like mouth of her vagina, spine-shattering sensations searing through her body as it caused overwhelming waves of lust in her flesh. She was going to cum! Aaaaaaaaahhh... he had done it for her... the beautiful darling... with his cold wet nose shoved hard against her wide-spread vaginal passage and his tongue spiraling like the flame of a welding torch at her tender cervix. In nothing short of delirium, Kitty clutched at his big animal-head, burying his phallus-like nose another fraction of an inch deeper into the tight-clutching opening of her orgastically throbbing cunt, holding savagely to his short ears as she lustfully fucked her loins up into his animal-face and felt the never-ceasing ecstasy of his searing tongue caressing and stabbing into her hyper-sensitive cervix. "Ooooohhhh... lover... I'm... I'm cuuuuuuuummmmmmiiinnngg ...! Aaahh!" She wailed, jerking at his head and fucking his snout in wanton ecstasy. Nothing mattered but the overwhelming enchantment bursting like a huge hot bubble of erotic bliss to flood down through her long-denied body and permeate her with exhausting sensations of sensually drained fulfillment...! For a long while she lay there, pressing her sticky thighs together as she tried to continue the delightful sensations waving through her loins,' but soon, all too soon, it was over, and she could feel the physical ecstasy drain away. Her mind was still in a haze when she heard a voice, as if off in some far distant land calling her name. It was as though she was waking from a dream, and she forced herself back to earth as once again the voice called her name. "Kitty... Can you hear me? I said dinner is almost ready. Are you going to stay in that tub forever?" The young girl pulled herself to a sitting position and looked at Duke, the dog smiling at her as dogs do, and she smiled back at him. "I'll be right there, Janet," she called to her sister. Then she smiled to herself. Yes, she could see now why her sister did not feel lonely in the woods. There was no doubt in the girl's mind that Janet knew exactly what sort of dog Duke was, and she hoped that in the course of her week-long visit, she would get the chance to try him out again. Chapter 2 Kitty ate as though she hadn't eaten in weeks. Her sister thought it was because she had worked up a huge appetite while walking in the woods, and that was partly true. But even more true was the fact that Kitty's bout with the German shepherd had really made her hungry. The combination of the fresh air, the exercise, and her sexual experience all combined together to make Kitty feel better than she had in a long time. Every time she looked at her sister, she could not help but smile at the thought that she shared her older sibling's secret about Duke. It was a wonderful feeling, and she saw no need to bring it up at the dinner table... certainly not with Johnny there. She did want to talk to Janet about it, though. There would be time for such things later. The more Kitty thought about it, the more she came to realize that her older sister probably had a great many things to talk about Janet had always been the adventurous one of the family, trying things most people might think were strange. Kitty had always admired this aspect of her older sister, and now she began to think that she could take advantage of it. Even as she upheld her end of the conversation, she could feel the faint eddys of Duke's tongue fucking, and her loins were wet all during dinner with an unending excitement and arousal. And then she noticed something else, something she found as strange and exciting as Duke's incredible tongue fucking... she was finding her sister's body arousing. She became more and more aware of Janet's curvaceousness, her sultry face, the shape of her voluptuously upthrust breasts and full rounded hips... She pulled her glance away from Janet, hoping that her sister would not notice that she had been staring at her. She found that her thoughts were becoming confused. How could she be thinking such things? Could it be the fact that she had been under a great deal of pressure in the city, so much pressure that she never had time or energy to think about these things? Out here, in the great outdoors, with nothing rushing and pressing down on her mind, it was very possible that she could be free... truly free to express herself in ways she had never dreamed. When she finished her supper, she found that she wanted to be alone and think these things through. Everything was happening a little too fast for her, and while she found her thoughts totally against everything she had ever been taught, she also found them exciting, and she wanted to make sure about them before she came to any conclusions. She had thought that nothing was wrong with Duke licking her cunt as he had. Were there other things she might enjoy just as much... or more? "Excuse me, Janet... Johnny..." she said, "I'm a little tired. Everything has worn me out more than I thought it would. I think I'll go to my room and rest up a bit." As she stood up, she smiled, feeling the overwhelming release of her formerly tense young body was enjoying. No, she thought, she wasn't ashamed of having Duke lick her cunt... in fact, she wanted to have him do it again. After all, something that good had to happen more than once. But there was a time element. She was going to be with her sister only a week. She knew there might be other pleasures to enjoy, and she wanted to sort them through to make sure she didn't waste any time. Sitting in the chair in her room, she found that the mental image of Duke returned again and again, sometimes alone, sometimes coupled with the image of her sister. She formed a picture of her older darker sister nakedly seducing her handsome pet... showing and teaching him how to give such pleasure. God, those images alone were stirring her even more. There was never any doubt that Janet and Duke spent long hours together. After all, this was a secluded area, and there was not another lover for miles around. The thought of Janet making love with Duke all day in the wild freedom of the Catskills made the young girl smile to herself. She heard a slight noise at her side, and she looked down at the German shepherd, who had followed her silently into her room. She could see that he was happy, although she didn't know if it was because he was in her presence or just because living in the woods make him feel free... as free as it seemed to make Janet feel. Kitty knew that Duke would never feel as happy in the city as he did here. Kitty allowed her eyes to wander to the window, delighting in the scenery of the setting sun against the gentle rolling hills. She found her thoughts wandering to her brother, Mike. She had not heard from him in quite some time. It was not his way to keep in touch with people. At one time he had been a successful engineering student in college but he had given up that life and had joined a migratory farming family, hoping to help them overcome their poverty. The one time she had spoken to him after he had done that, he had told her that he was through with the rat race of the city... much in the same way Janet felt after her husband died. 'I must be the only member of our family still living under the pressure of city life,' she thought. She began unpacking and putting her clothes in the small dresser when she noticed a small box and a note that read: "Have fun. Love, Janet." Kitty opened the box and found a small amount of pot and rolling papers. Kitty was a little surprised that her sister could be so free with her pot. After all, it was fairly expensive, and it must be even more expensive out here away from so many people. And then she remembered that the stuff grows everywhere. Perhaps Janet planted some herself. It would certainly be like her. Shrugging her shoulders, Kitty rolled a cigarette and lit it, inhaling the thick white smoke. She had at first thought that she could never feel better than she had in the freedom of the woods, but she was wrong. As the smoke began to take a hold of her mind, she found that she was better able to enjoy the feeling of freedom she had come to take almost for granted during the last few hours. The lovely sunset she could see from her window was enhanced by the drug, and she relaxed more that she would have thought possible. 'Yes,' she thought to herself, 'Janet really has it made. It will be more than a shame to go back to St. Louis. It will be a crime.' Again she found her thoughts dwelling on her brother. She let her mind wander to the time when all three of them had lived together in New York City, before they separated and led their different lives. Playing with her brother and sister had always been a happy experience, and now, for the first time in years, they would be together once again. Mike, her brother, had been more than a sibling... he had been a friend. Kitty was the youngest, Mike the oldest, and it was perhaps because of that that Mike and Kitty shared a special relationship. Often times, he would forsake his own friends to make sure his little sister was not left alone, and Kitty never forgot things like that. Even though they had been separated for so long, Kitty found that often her thoughts fixed on her brother, and she was sure that he often thought of her. She wanted to be as happy as she could when he came to the house tomorrow. He was flying all the way from California, and Kitty wanted to make sure that everything was just right for him. She did not want him to think that his trip would be boring. And Mike had done so many things, she remembered. While Janet was the adventurous member of the family, Mike was the experimenter. He had a vivid imagination, and was never afraid to put it to good use. Kitty began to think that she would learn a great deal being with her family again. If her experience with Duke was any indication of what Janet was capable of, Kitty began to feel that her whole life might change from this week. It would not only be a house warming, but perhaps a re-awakening in her own life. She knew she would never be the same again. Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. "Come in," she said, eager for some company. Janet walked in and sat down on the bed. "Hi, Sis," the older woman said. "I see you found my little present." "Yes, it was sort of hard not to find. You want some? I hate getting stoned alone." Janet took the slowly burning joint and inhaled deeply. "You know," she said, "there's nothing like getting stoned and talking about old times." Kitty nodded. Often times with her friends in college, she had gotten stoned and passed many hours dwelling on the past. It always gave her a warm feeling, and she was certain that she would get the same feeling now. "Janet, you can't know how happy I am that we're all going to be together again. It's been so long. There's a lot of catching up to do." "You sound as though you've been very lonely, living in St. Louis," her older sister remarked. "Oh, it's not bad," Kitty said. "It was something I had to do. I couldn't stay in New York... not after John." Janet looked pensive at the mention of her sister's lover. "Just what happened there?" she asked the blonde Kitty. "For a long while, I thought you and he were going to get married. At least that's what your letters seemed to say." A pained look came over Kitty's face, and Janet could tell that she had still not gotten over the man. "It's something a woman doesn't like to talk about," she told her sister, lowering her head to avoid Janet's questioning stare. "Maybe not a woman," Janet said in a soothing voice, "but a sister... that's something different." Kitty took another drag on the joint. She had been keeping this bottled up inside her for so long... perhaps if she talked about it, things would look better. Everything about Janet's cabin suggested total honesty and openness. It seemed only natural that she should talk about the only man she had ever loved. "You know, I was very much in love with him," she began, lifting her head and looking at her sister in the eyes. Janet nodded. Sensing that it might be needed, the older woman began rolling another joint. "Well," Kitty continued, silently grateful that her older sister was making everything as easy for her as she could. "I thought I knew everything about him there was to know. He seemed so open with me, so loving, so patient and understanding. He never talked about marriage, and I never brought it up, but I thought that someday... well..." "Well, what happened to change all of that?" Janet asked. "It sounds to me as though you had everything going for you. Did he find another woman?" "He sure did," said Kitty, fighting unsuccessfully to keep a slow burning hatred from her voice. "He found one before he had even met me. Janet, he was married. He had been married for at least a year before I knew him." A frown came over Janet's face. She could imagine what had been running through her younger sister's mind when she found out. Something like that could be a shock no one would recover from. "Well, what happened? Did he tell you or what?" Kitty took a deep breath, sighing to relieve the tension she could feel mounting in her body at the dredging of painful memories. Even though she was feeling very stoned, she was not as relaxed as she had been before. But she had to continue. She had to get everything out in the open. "John... he came to my house one evening... with his wife. He told me that he had talked everything over with her, and she was willing to accept me. In fact, she thought it was a big joke. He said he wanted to have the both of us at the same time, and he knew it would be all right with me." The sisterly love Janet had for Kitty was becoming more and more evident. She could see that the lovely blonde was on the verge of tears. For a moment, she thought she should end the discussion, and she was just about to say something to change the topic, but Kitty continued. "He was perfect in bed, Jan," Kitty said after another deep breath. "We would fuck five... six times a night. He had a long, thick... well... he was beautiful. He could make me cum like a tidal wave. Sure, he was the only man I ever had, but I never had any thoughts of finding out what someone else was like. He was all I wanted... and I needed him so badly." Kitty was surprised that she could speak so frankly about her affair. She had never felt so open with another woman. Her curvaceous darker sister's patience seemed to make Kitty want to tell her. "When he brought his wife to my house and suggested that he have both of us at once, I was shocked. I was even more shocked when he and his wife began undressing right there in front of me. I couldn't move, Janet. I was... shocked." Her uninhibited discussion of her love affair was burning like a bellows fanning the smoldering embers in her belly and loins. She had almost forgotten what it was like to have his thick, hard cock sawing in and out between her loins, and the memory made her shift in her seat. Her sex-sensitive vaginal lips brushed against the seat of the chair, adding fresh fuel to the lascivious memory. "My God," whispered Janet. "It's almost impossible to think that a man could be so cold, so heartless." Kitty continued as though she hadn't heard her sister's comment. "His wife was lovely. She was about my age, a little fuller though... lush jet black hair, ripe buttocks and... well ... breasts. Her hair was so long that went past her waist. She had the same dark fullness on her vagina. That dark triangle outlined her cunt so blatantly. He fucked her while I was watching. I just stood there, watching her writhe beneath him as his cock went in and out of her. I could hear her moaning under his thrusts... thrusts that I thought were for me alone. Then she came. It was terrible. Even though I hated him right then, I wished he were fucking me and making me cum instead of her. Then she asked me if I wanted to join the fun. She wanted me to lick her cunt. She joked that at least then I would get to taste her husband's sperm as I licked it away from her pussy!" Janet could feel her own body trembling at her sister's story. She knew why Kitty was angry with John for what he had done. She was angry because he had not been honest with her. Love is based on trust, and her lover had betrayed that trust. It was something no one should do. "And then John said he would suck my cunt while I licked hers. He said everything would be just fine, that there was more than enough of him to go around. His wife seemed to think this was funny. And even then, I loved him. I almost did it, Janet. I almost did it. I thought that if I did, he would love me, love me the way he had before. Besides, licking her cunt wouldn't be so bad. I had done something like that once before. But I trusted him, and he didn't trust me back. Love should be shared, not toyed with. I finally kicked them out of my house. I just lost control. I never heard from him again." The older woman moved to her sister, noticing that her own vaginal lips had become swollen at the arousing sexual description of her sister's affair. As she moved, she could feel her vaginal juice seep warmly against the sheer nylon of her panty crotchband, and her movements brought her panty tighter against her sensitive pussy. As she put her arm around her sister to comfort her, she felt an additional tingling softness coursing through her loins. "It's good that you got that out of your system," Janet said, drawing her younger sister tightly against her shoulder. "You shouldn't keep things like that bottled up inside." Kitty nodded. "I feel so much better now. Everything about this place makes me want to open up." She felt warm and secure resting lightly in her sister's arm, and she closed her eyes, feeling all the tension flow from her body like water through a sieve. She felt closer to her sister now than she ever had before. In addition to telling her about her affair, she had never thought she could mention so freely that she had sucked another woman's cunt. She had been a little surprised by the fact that this didn't seem to bother Janet. In fact, the shapely older woman seemed to take it all in stride. The sun had completely set during Kitty's story, and the room was now bathed in the soft light of a lamp resting near the bed. Everything was so still, so peaceful. Kitty felt like a little girl again. Sitting here with her sister, she found that her thoughts had returned again to a happier time, a time of her youth, a time of innocence and fantasy, a time when the sometimes harsh realities of life did not exist. It was as though Janet could read her mind. She removed her arm from Kitty's shoulder and looked at her sister in the eye. "You know what we should do?" she asked. "We should sleep together like we used to. We can become children again. You can put everything out of your mind for a while, and start all over again in the morning. Sort of like a resurrection." Kitty looked in her sister's eyes, and sensed something she had never noticed before. Even though Janet had been a warm person for as long as Kitty could remember, the love-torn blonde saw something deeper in her sister's eyes than concern. She was not sure if it was just because she was high. Certainly that might have something to do with it. But there was something present in Janet's eyes that expressed more than sisterly love... something deeper, more total. She wondered for a short while if she were imagining things. Was she losing her mind? She allowed her own eyes to wander from Janet's face to the full mounds of her breasts. She wanted to touch them, wanted to feel their softness in her hands, wanted to express that which she saw in Janet's eyes. She was beginning to feel lust, a stronger lust than she had ever felt before. Was she about to experience something new again? Could this be the beginning of another milestone in her life? At first she did not want to admit these feelings to herself. This was her sister! If she was wrong, she would never be able to take the rejection. Learning the truth about John had been bad enough. She would never be able to live with her self if she were wrong again. But if she were right and did not follow her feelings to be expressed... Oh, God... she was so stoned from the pot she had smoked that she couldn't make her mind work. Stoned... and aroused. Aroused by the presence of her sister. Janet watched her sister's face go through several expressions of doubt. She stood up from the bed and began undressing for sleep. In no time, she had squirmed her naked body between the sheets, delighting in their softness against her swelling breast nipples. Without saying a word, Kitty too, undressed and slipped naked beside her sister in the huge double bed. Kitty's cheeks felt warm and flush with the rush of blood excitedly coloring them at her vulnerable feelings, and she sensed the warmth of her older sister's soft skin as she allowed her ass- cheeks to come into contact with Janet's. Wild impulses spread like firebrands through Kitty's desire- infused young body as she felt Janet's body turn over and her arm gently drawing her into a cuddling closeness. The older woman eased over toward her, placing her lush white breasts at a level with Kitty's face. Then Janet's other hand began a slow caress on the crown of her head, almost lovingly stroking her hair as she pressed Kitty's unresisting face into the sweet-smelling resilience of her warm, full breasts, their little hardened cherry-like ripened nipples ready to burst! "You're a very beautiful woman, Kitty," Janet whispered. "Your hair is as soft as silk." The heat of her breath was like a torrid cloud floating down over Kitty's boldly nuzzling face. "You're a lovely woman, and I'm going to make you feel good. I'm going to make you feel so good..." Kitty felt her own arm moving as if of its own volition, her hand creeping over the soft smooth flesh of Janet's slender waist and around back to clasp at the warm hollow of her spine. Excitedly, she embraced the older woman, prepared to give herself fully to this wonderful intoxication. She trailed her eager fingers over the warm vibrant flesh of Janet's satin-smooth skin, returning to trace the path of her rib cage upward, until she brushed over the softly yielding ripeness of Janet's milk-white breasts against her face. Kitty heard her sister gasp at the sensitive contact, and she raised her face, their eyes meeting and searching, each looking to see if their feelings for each other were the same. Kitty stretched her long legs then, pressing her naked body tighter against the soft contours that molded so well to hers. Her hand slipped in a gentle cupping caress over Janet's firm, full breast, her own chest heavily rising and falling beneath as she pressed her belly softly against her sister's. "I want to love you," Kitty said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want to love you, and I want you to love me..." Kitty was waiting for her older sister to answer with words, but instead, she felt Janet's hand move to the swelling mound of one breast and tenderly grasp it, sending a thrill of delight quaking over her waiting flesh. The sheet was brushed away, and the both of them lay totally exposed to the cool night air, while Janet's desire-giving fingers danced lightly over Kitty's tingling body. They caught one tiny nipple, then the other, rolling and squeezing them with skill and delicacy. The young girl's sensually aroused flesh began to respond to Janet's touch, and Janet herself was thrilling to the caressing of her younger sister's hands. Suddenly, Kitty felt her passionate sister slipping downward in the bed. She popped her eyes open, raising her head to watch in excited anticipation as the older girl's voluptuous white curves slithered warmly downward on top of her, easing Kitty's own legs and thighs insistently apart with the wedging pressure of her supple, shapely body. With her hands, Janet spread the rounded fullness of Kitty's trembling thighs even wider open until her blonde curl-sprinkled loins and pouting vaginal lips were completely exposed to the sparkling brown eyes gleaming hungrily down from only inches above. And then Janet dropped her head, nestling her face into the soft, intimate hollow between the panting love-torn girl's widespread legs. Instantly, the entrance of Kitty's cunt was swept up in a maze of erotic sensations which rippled through her belly as she felt searing kisses along the heated flesh of her inner thighs, felt the warm puffs of breath, and the wet, burning contact of Janet's tongue. Kitty's breath caught in her throat as Janet traced the inner softness of her vaginal slit again and again, licking in long, sweeping strokes from top to bottom... causing Kitty to reflexively raise her naked loins to each maddening stroke of the magic, up-lifting tongue. Kitty felt her tiny clitoris quivering erect and knew that it was peering out from its hooded canopy, swelling with the first stab on intensive sensation as her sister's tongue grazed wetly over it. She expelled her breath with a ragged, hissing sound, slowly tossing her head when the lust-driven oral invader eased hotly in between the desire-flushed lips of her cunt, worming upward through the already wildly inflamed crevice toward the straining little bud of her clitoris. The blonde girl's throat began to hum with unintelligible gurglings. She held her breath, then exploded it sharply at the electrifying contact of the delightfully exploring female tongue with her tiny erotic nerve center. And then came new delights as she felt Janet's hands creep upward over the tensing muscles of her quivering belly, smoothing higher and higher to fondle and caress the nipple-hardened fullness of Kitty's firm white breasts, while her open mouth became ravenous below. Hot and wet, with flushed lips glued to the hair-fringed flesh of her seething pussy, Kitty felt the stabbing wet heat of Janet's lashing tongue laving and whipping her swollen pleasure-bud. Greedily the older woman began to possess the burning, fluid cunt beneath her, spearing and licking everywhere until it seemed to Kitty that her lust-inflamed vagina had been invaded by an entire legion of squirming, racing tongues. But no, it was just a single tongue racing up the hotly throbbing channel of her clutching cunt, worming into the tiny slit of her passage, returning to press against her aching clitoris with maddening precision, and then driving hard up into her sizzling vaginal channel again... over and over until she was gasping and writhing in mindless delight. Ripples of lustful enchantment convulsed the naked flesh of the young girl's wildly pistoning body. Knowing hands taunted the heaving mounds of her palpitating breasts and tweaked their bursting nipples, while licking little flames of sensual fire tongued at the hot, fluid sanctuary of her offered cunt. Loud wet sucking sounds filled the wood-paneled bedroom and blended with Kitty's desperate moans as she rapidly drew back her legs, thrusting her loins salaciously upward to bring the wild pleasure- giving tongue tighter into the hungering core of her naked flesh. Duke, who had followed Kitty into the bedroom, who had been lulled to sleep by the two girls' soft conversation, had been stirred when the two sisters undressed and went to bed. Now he was eagerly aware of their actions, his keen nostrils noting the familiar scent of feminine aroma. His own animal loins began to respond heavily to its savory excitement. His ears twitched at the whimpering sounds coming from the bed, and a whine of want and need escaped his throat. He moved closer to the bed, then hesitated, confused by the strange position of the two women, and knowing that he was not allowed to jump on the bed. And yet, the scent of the women's vaginal fluids was overwhelming, and his animal mind fought with his needs and his training. His super- sensitive ears could pick up the delicious moans of the women, and even though he could not understand what they meant, he found that the sheer sounds were almost as arousing at the smells permeating the room. "Oooooohhhhh... aaaaaaahhhh... Janet... aaaaaaaahhhh, that feels so good, oh darling..." Kitty was wailing in a high pitched voice, reaching down at the same time to clutch at the full, brunette hair of her sister's buried head. "Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh... it's beautiful...!" she gasped, not even hearing her own words, so lost in her lust was she. The times she had made love to other women were nothing like this. Those girls had been nothing but friends, and their act of love-making something that was sort of a game. This was an action of love, a deep expression of the love two sisters shared for each other... a love that could only be expressed in one way. It was total, and the delightful sensations were made even more delightful by the arousing effects of marijuana. Kitty had wanted to feel as free as she could with her sister, and she pulled all stops, allowing herself to delight as much as she could in her sister's warm, wet cunt licking. And then two things happened that Kitty would never have imagined. She felt the weight of Duke as the dog found that he could no longer control his animal lust and jumped up onto the bed. And Janet removed her mouth from between Kitty's intensively fired cunt mouth! Kitty reached out to make Janet return her lips to her wetly gushing pussy, but the older woman gracefully slipped from her reaching hands. "Would you like to experience something better than you've ever had before?" the older woman asked. The desire-crazed younger sister found that thinking was hard, and she raised her head to look at the older woman. "Why did you stop licking my cunt?" she moaned in a pleading voice. "I was about to cum." "I have something better in mind for you," the aroused older woman said. "Duke will make you cum, and you'll love it. I know you will." "Duke?" asked Kitty. She remembered how happy the dog had made her feel while she took her bath, but she never once thought that Janet would be so obvious about her dog's talents. She wasn't sure that she wanted Duke to fuck her, though. True, the well trained dog had made her happy once before, but she wanted to make love to her sister. She wanted to show Janet how happy she was that she would be staying with her for a week. Still, the thought of how total her orgasm had been when Duke licked her played on her mind, and the thought of allowing the dog to fuck "I will not eat green eggs and ham. "I do not like them, Sam I Am. " - Green Eggs and Ham, Dr. Seuss.

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