Happy's First Weekend " ... Cottage " - he read, before turning of the small dust road. It had been a long drive, and he was glad he was finally there. The remoteness of the place was natural, but long drives was still a bore. As he turned of, he felt Happy's paws on the seat, as she stood up to look out the window. With a smile he scratched her behind an ear - she had been good almost all the way, and so he'd let her watch for a while. The driveway twisted up, ending in a square in front of the house, a garage on the right. Between the garage and the house there was a large cage-like structure, obvious a dog pen. As he parked the car he breathed relieved. It wasn't to be a problem to have brought Happy anyway. His hostess was waiting, and gave him a warm hug as he stepped out. " How nice that you could come ! " - her country-style attire was most flattering, and they both knew it. Behind her, quite silent, but also smiling, was her slave, ready to take his luggage - and to shine up her boots on command. " I wasn't sure I could May" - and he turned to the car - " for I could not find anyone to take care of Happy this weekend. " " Happy ? " - May looked puzzled. " Mmm, Happy, my dog. " - he smiled as he opened the door, and put Happy's leash on her. " I didn't know you had... " - she started, her voices stuttering as he pulled the dog out of the car - "... a... dog... Steve... " As she jumped down from the seat, Happy looked around, curiously, before sitting down beside her Master. Steve smiled, but kept a short leash, as he always did in a new place. " Oh, but I do ! Happy, say hello to May ! " - watching amused as Happy look up, and offered a paw to their hostess. She behaved like a charm today ! May took it, but looked slightly shocked. She studied the animal quite closely, it's human heritage very obvious. It was a bitch, breasts quite visible. Apart from the collar, with a small name-tag, and her Master's name and phone-number, her attire was simple. A small leather strap covered her clitoris only, and was locked on in the back. Both hands and feet were covered by leather bags, tied on, and reinforced so that normal use was utterly impossible. She wore a leather hood, with the appropriate ears for her species. " Steve... " - both May and her slave stared at the dog, who took a step backwards, towards her owner for comfort. " Mmm ? I do hope there is no problem ? I brought with me to most of what she needs " - and he motioned to the back of the car, where a dogs bed was visible. As the shock subsided, May smiled broadly. " I like it !!!! " - and she bendt down, stretching a hand towards Happy. She looked at her Master, who nodded, before sniffing it carefully, and moving closer. With delight their hostess scratched her behind a ear. " And no, of course there is no problem ! " - May said - " We'll just place her bed in your room, it should be large enough. " " Good ! " - and Steve smiled too - " For the time being, I see you have a dogpen over there ? " - he motioned to the garage. " Yes, but it's allready occupied, I've got two male Greate Danes myself. " With a laugh Steve turned to the pen, and watched Happy follow as a good dog - " Well, if you don't mind I don't. She's on contraceptives anyway, so it should represent no problem. " Looking delighted, May followed after telling her slave to carry in the bags. " But won't SHE mind ? " - and she looked down at Happy, trotting close to her Masters heels. With a look of ashtonishment, Steve turned to her. " Why on earth should she mind ? " - and he laughed - " Not that I'd ask her, but... why should she ? " His hostess still looked abit doubting, but she opened the pen, and commanded the two large beasts inside to keep quiet, patting them as she did, watching him turn Happy loose. As she said 'hi!' to the other dogs, their owners started back to the house. " Steve, " - May stopped him - " this is no game for you, is it ? " " No... " - he gave her an extra hug, taking in the feeling of her firm bust against his chest - " it's no game. She's my dog, and that's it. " In silence they walked on, May still abit shocked. As they came to the house again, Steve was introduced to the other guests, most of which he new from before. They'd all brought slaves, of some kind or another. In general they all looked forward to the weekend. His room was light and with ample place for Happy's bed. May showed him around herself, taking just enough time in his room for a kiss. " I guess " - he said, as he got his breath back - " that you don't mind Happy in the house ? " Still not quite sure, May looked intently at him. " Of course not, but... " - and she hesitated - " ... what would you have done if I'd not accepted her inside ? " " Kept her in the pen, of course. Where else ? " - he looked honestly confused - " Where do one keep dogs otherwise ? " Suddenly he smiled, and gave her a comforting hug. " It is real for us, very real, and it is one of her own greatest fantasies. Just think of her, and treat her, as any other bitch, and everything works just fine. " She smiled, and nodded, taking his arm, and leading him down for dinner. As they walked down the stairs, she took the opportunity to ask, ask, and ask about Happy, trying her best to use as much dog-owners lingo as possible. He was delighted by that attempt, and answered willingly. " As for hearing, her hood contains a cute little electronic filter. It scrambles everything that sounds like human speech, apart from that which starts with the word 'Happy'. That way she does not understand what is spoken, unless it is a command. " - he laughed - " Makes for great isolation, she is more a dog than a human as language goes... " He paused for a second, then went on. " In fact, she is more a dog than a human now, in every aspect. " The dinner was nice, some of the Masters and Mistress'es present served by their slaves, and the general feeling quite calm and cosy. It didn't seem like a collection of strangers, but more a close-knit bunch of friends. As the meal neared it's end, May stood up. " My friends, we'll take some cognac in the library... " - around the table laugher was heard - " ... and discuss the two days to come. Do finish your dinner, whilst I see to my dogs, and feed them. " As she went to the kitchen, Steve made his excuses, and followed. " I can just as well feed Happy at the same time " - he said - " so that there is no competition out there. She always gets so scratched in them, she is a quite timid little dog. " With a huge grin May handed him a spare bowl, and raised an eyebrow as he poured it half-full of the same dog-food she used for her own Danes. It dawned, now, on her that indeed it was no game. The pen was quiet, all three dogs asleep, each in his / her own corner. All jumped up, too, as they heard the footsteps. With great appetite they charged, eating perhaps just abit sloppy... The meeting was a short one, most of the participants had travelled long as well, and it was agreed that a quiet evening would be the thing, with some more elaborate events planned for the next days. As everyone filed out, Steve picked up Happy's leash, and went to take her for a walk. She was clearly delighted to see him, and stood patiently as he fastened the leash. On her back there was signs of scratching, and with a laugh he checked her. Her vagina was wet, very wet, and it was quite obvious that the two Danes had spendt their time well - too bad he'd gone in for dinner, and not stayed to watch. From her hanging head, it was clear that Happy, on the other hand, was not so pleased. The leather shield over her clitoris prevented her from being stimulated too much - so she seldom came in such an encounter, and was frequently rather ashamed. She had long since stopped struggling thou, and now submitted quite easily. It was a warm evening, and walking Happy was a perfect way to relax before bedtime. She was iquisitive as always, and a little while he even let her run loose in a small forest close by. As they again approached the house, May and her slave met them, leading the two other dogs out for their walk. " Hello Steve ! " - and May patted Happy's head - " And a hello to you too little one. " " Calm, are they not ? " - Steve asked, smiling, and pointing to the two Danes. " Mmm, they are, I wonder... " - with a gasp May turned, looking at Happy's back - " They haven't ?!?!? " Steve laughed then, patting his dog's head. " Oh yes, a couple of times each I'd guess. She was pretty frustrated when I came down to get her. " " I am so sorry Steve... " - May began, but was interupted. " Nono, no need to be ! " - he smiled back at her - " It is only natural for them you know, and as I said, she is on contraceptives. No need to fear puppies ! " With a hug, he left them there, Happy and him returning to his room. A short wash in the accompanying bathroom, a hosing down of Happy, and with a small snack and some lotion on her scratches, he ordered her to her basket. It had, indeed, been a long day for them both.