HANI8.TXT Another Hunt - By SwampRat (c) 1989 - The Brotherhood Of Pan 1991 The Rishathran Society The Kif Captain snarled at being awakened. But the news was worth it. A Human ship, coming into Their space! Well.. Perhaps there would be an accident. Not all of the soft-hided creatures would perish. At least not right away.. He gave the standard orders. Set the missiles to hit the tail section. Disable the craft, then pick it apart at leisure. They never had time. "Captain, a projection on the hull is showing signs of energy. It is increasing. Captain! They Ar..." The front of the Kif Reaver vanished, killing a third of the crew outright. It took 4 more blasts of the RailCannon to completely destroy any traces of the craft. Then it went onward.. Another ship made it's way through space. Dark as night, sleek, nasty. Knnn sang at it, curious. A T'ca miner stopped, chatted with it. SHIP T'CA T'CA HUMAN HUMAN HUMAN GO COME ASK SPACE NOT RETURN NOT GO T'CA WHY CHI COME HUMAN BREAK GO SPACE IN SPACE THIS SPACE COMPACT GO ASK T'CA KNNN SPACE GO TREATY GO WHO SPACE SPACE DANGER GO GO GO QUERY QUERY QUERY QUERY QUERY QUERY QUERY The multi-part questions were answered in kind. A Lightwave transmission ran to T'ca stars with the info. NOT LEAVE REGISTER SEEK HUMANS SEEK NOT HUMAN HUMAN OUTWORLD HUMANS KILL HUMANS FIGHT SHIP SPACE SHIP BREAK HUMANS TAKE KNNN NOT LEAVE NAME LAWS STEAL HUMANS CHI GO TERRA DARK WITH SHIP NOT WILL BACK LONG RAVEN COMPACT VERY FIGHT IF YET AGO HUNTER TRIAD DANGEROUS T'CA NECESSARY URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT This shook the T'ca up more than just a little bit. A Renegade Human ship.. With a Non-Human Hunter ship after it. A tradership gave the coordinates for FarPoint, and revved up for jump. The DarkRaven dopplered, following almost lazily. * * * FarPoint Station.. Where Compact beings traded, met, schemed. Parsects from MeetPoint, where Human vessels were not allowed. Here, of course, anything was allowed.. As long as it carried Trade-goods. But, it was still with trepidation that the Station found a T'ca coming inbound, saying wierd things. SHIP HUMAN HUMAN SHIP SAY SHIP SHIP COME SHIP SHIP COME NOT FOLLOW HUNTER KNNN BREAK POSSIBLY T'CA HUMAN T'CA WAIT SPACE LAWS COME SPACE COME GO FOR BRING KILL COMPACT TALK FIND FARPOINT DOCKING MESSAGE HUMANS SPACE T'CA HUMAN ASK PERMISSION DANGER DANGER DANGER DANGER DANGER DANGER DANGER Repeated. Then docking numbers. Mahe shook their heads. A jump-ghost told of an incoming ship. It arrived insystem.. And stopped. Just stopped. No Dump, No ID, No Nothing! It moved with the T'ca, waiting a few thousand meters off station. Mahendo'sat Hunter ships came out, got a good look, and didn't like it one bit. Kif chittered, but stayed put, Stsho phased. And still that alien ship sat, waiting. They tried All the Compact Languages, Including Human. Got replies in all but Hani, and Mahe. The Mahendo'sat really didn't like That. Kif was bad enough, but to also know the Human tongue.. And Methane-Breathers were number 1 trouble! While all this was going on, Technicians were having fits trying to figure what the 4 projections that stuck out the sides of the thing were for, or which way was front and which was back. Where were the guns? What type of Armourment? Finally they told the ship to dock. It said it would send a shuttle out, and leave the main ship out, If they didn't mind. Well, They minded, but couldn't say so. At least, not without cause. They would have been even less happier if they could hear what was going on inside the craft. * * * Three beings sat in a control chamber, a horse, a bear, and a human. At least that's what they Looked like.. "Sure you'll be OK down there?" This from the 3-Meter tall Stallion. "Sure. We do it as always. If I get into any trouble, hop out of here, Get the FarLander. and come back." "No Heroics, Hear?" The huge brown ursine kissed the man, paws digging into his buttocks. "Not unless I have to." Another smooch, this time from the big equine, large hands squeezing the mounds of flesh. Then they moved, the Human walked aft, the GreatShire stallion took up a position in front of a screen, with "Weapons" written above it. The male Grizzly went to another labeled, "Com/Nav", the chair conforming to the immense frame sitting in it. The man took a pod to mid-ship, where he got into a shuttle. "Take care, Brother. We will be waiting." Then a door opened, and the craft launched itself out, going toward FarPoint. Inside a Medikit cabinet, the human underwent a transformation. Arms and Legs were removed, to be replaced with armored versions. A shell was placed around the torso, and connected to the body. The right eye was replaced by a patch, plugged into the eye-socket, the jaw and most of the face replaced by similar, but stronger parts. By the time the shuttle had docked with the station, as best as an alien ship could, the man had strapped a handful of weapons to his metal body, put on a helmet with a blank faceplate, and covered the whole thing with a green robe. A symbol (A four-spoked wheel consisting of a hand, a bear's paw, a horse's hoof, and a dolphin's flipper), etched in silver, took up most of the back. The metallic biped flipped it's hood up, latching the cloth in place. Then it walked out to meet the strangers. * * * Mahe stood, AP guns down, but still prominent. Kif in a group, clicking to each other. And Hani kept an eye on things, but quietly. "Do you carry any weapons?" This from a guard. "Of course. I prefer to be prepared." The guard shifted, perhaps not liking the answer. "This is a civilized port. Weapons are not needed." All this in Standard Kifish. "I am a Tracker. Weapons are always needed. And although I have been accused of many things, being 'Civilized' has Not been one of them..." Dry leaves rustled in Kif laughter. "Follow us." The Mahendo turned as one, making a corridor for the alien. The shuttle door closed, and locked itself audibly, while the Tracker walked into the group. And the whole went past lots of eyes, past lots of whispers. Straight into the lower lift. And from there, into the FarPoint offices, and beyond, to quieter places. The being said nothing. A Kif stood when it came in, making the Guard's Captain hiss. But it was FarPoint Station, and if the Stsho wanted a little more muscle at hand, Well.. A Voice came up to the being. "What is it you wish?" The alien folded it's hands into sleeves. "I search for 7 humans. They were being escorted to a prison colony, when they escaped, killing their guards. Their last referent showed them coming this way. I follow." The Kif waived a hand. "Why did the Humans send you? Why did they not contact The Compact?" The being stood silent. "They did not 'send' me.." The Voice reacted. "But you are here!" The hands dropped down, and the Voice stepped back. "I am not of Humanity. I took no oaths, signed no treaties. I go wherever I am needed." The metal-shod digits returned to the sleeves. "So. You are a representative of Humanity?" Robe turned towards the Kif. "Not at all. I was.. Hired to do a job." The pause was not lost on the Kif Captain. Someone came in with a message, and gave it to the Presence. Gtst scanned it, and waived a pale hand. "You have told the T'ca you do not want to fight, but You Will if Necessary. What do you mean by that?" The creature turned of a sudden towards the fluttery Stsho. "My ship can turn this entire station into rubble. But, I am not at war. At least..." Again, the hands came down. "Not yet." Mahe growled. "So. You are here for..." "Information. Once I find out if those whom I seek have come this way, I shall leave." The Kif stared at the being for a moment. "And If you find the Humans have.. disappeared?" Hands back into sleeves. "If they are dead, so much the better. If they are not, I will find them." A pause. "I gather you have no information of such things?" The Mahe grinned. "None. But if we should get word of them.." The robed one turned again. "They have stolen a ship, which means they Should be the only Human ship out here, If they are out here. They have killed before, and will kill again. If you find them, Destroy them." A hand disappeared into the robe. More than a few guns that were pointed up, returned floorward, with some grumbles, when all that came out was a folder. It handed the package to the Voice. "This contains information on the prisoners.. If you have no further need of me, I believe I have need of a few Language Translators. I gather Gold is good tender here." The Kif nodded. "It would be my honor if you would allow me to show you around." The Mahe growled. "Careful, Kif." Kif clicked. Mahe snarled, Stsho fluttered. A voice that came off a graveyard got everybody's attention. "While you beings chatter mindlessly, My track grows cold." The Kif immediately pulled itself up, taking a half-step back. One does Not stand in the path of a hunter, especially one who searches an old track. That was a good way to become prey.. "So.. We go to Market. Any Objections?" The Voice stood. "We want no trouble..." Robe lifted a hand, palm up. Steel gleamed in the light. "I will Start nothing." The hand snapped, stiff, pointing to the cowl. Held for a moment. Then streaked down the front to point to the ground. Some kind of Salute.. Military. No doubt about That. Both hands vanished into sleeves, and the being followed the Kif out the doors. It wasn't until they were gone, everybody realized a few things. Nobody knew Who it was, except it was Supposedly the Captain of that Craft sitting out there.. Nobody knew What it was. What did an OutWorlder look like? Nobody had even seen it's face.. If it had a face. The Authorities went out to discuss this at length, with the T'ca. While the Kif was having a crisis of it's own.. * * * "I am Kkikiffkkun Maats-Akktsihkk. Kkik, if you wish, Hunter." Eyes tried to peer under the hood, without seeming to. "I am Shadow." Dark-Places. Or more? "One Who Hunts In Dark Places" didn't fit.. The Kif reached. "Shadow Of..?" Hands moved the hood back.. The Kif found himself staring at his own reflection. Polished metal took the place of a face. "Commander DeathShadow. FreeBeing Mercenary Brigade." A shudder went through the Kif, as the Hunter returned the cloth to it's place. One Who.. Walks In? Is? The Shadow Of Death.' FreeBeing Mercenary. That was in Human. 'Hunter' Indeed! This one was Authority. And what Rank was a Commander.. Captain? Higher?? Of a brigade, however many That was.. This one had great Sfik. It also had a ship offstation that could destroy the station.. Best to handle this matter Delicately. They left the lift, and started towards The Market. "You asked about Gold...." The Kif stiffened as a hand went inside the robe again. It returned with a disc, made of a familiar metal. "Gold Coin. Full Weight." This was tossed towards the Captain, who slammed his dagger home, and caught it. A gentle undertoss, which told of much deadlier velocities.. There was writing on it, but that didn't matter. It was Heavy Gold. Not an alloy. Worth a thousand credits Each. He thought a moment of keeping it, but reluctantly held it out in a paw. "Keep it. I need a guide." The coin vanished into an inner pocket. "What do you need, Deadly One?" "Shadow, Please. I have heard 2 new languages, and would learn them. I also want to take on supplies, and listen to the wind." The Kif grinned. This one was no fool. He? knew there were more ways of getting knowledge, than asking stupid Station Authorities questions. There would be benefits in helping this one. * * * Kkik went into the Market, followed by Silence. Nobody asked questions. If a Kif wanted a Kif/Hani/Mahendo'sat Translator set, that was his business. Especially when a few of those Golden disks appeared. Booths were stopped at, things purchased, arrangements for delivery made. At last, the Hunter seemed satisfied. As was the Kif. His own worth increased steadily in the Presence. "It will be a while before the supplies can be packaged.. Will you take a drink with me?" A nod. He motioned to a couple of subordinates. "Take these parcels to Berth 17, and guard them well. If anything comes up missing, Slayer_Of_Light will want to know why." A shiver went through the chosen ones, quickly suppressed. Good to know who their Captain stood beside. They went to one of the Kif-Controlled areas, and walked into a bar. The Captain found a table, and motioned to another lackey. "Parrisi." Now, let's see what you look like.. When the liquor came, the Captain halfway expected to see something slide out of the mask. Instead, gloves? flipped the hood back, and certain places were pressed. A 'Click'.. and the helmet was removed. Gods! Human in appearance. Sallow skin. Not life-like.. Artificial? A patch of cloth over one orb. Or perhaps not cloth. The other shone coldly, The same blue as deep space. The Captain poured the drinks, then lifted his. "To Humanity..." The cold eye went frigid. Gods, He's denting the metal! The Kif suddenly knew what fear was. His life hung by a moment.. "To Humanity. May they get All they deserve." Not a good wish. The taste of copper wasn't washed out by the liquid fire. He Hunted other beings, Tracked them from Outside Space.. And would kill them When he found them. More Kif than anything else. SiKkiffkkun. Hunter of Hunters. A living weapon. Point it, and hope nobody points it back at you. Not one to cross.. Trouble didn't show itself until well into the day. In the guise of other Kif. Too much fermented blood, or perhaps a power play, nobody knew for sure. What they did know was a handful of black robes started making noises in the back of the bar. Something about Humans, and Soft Kif, and Alliances. It didn't matter that the helm was back in place. The Human would come meekly when an AP gun was shoved in it's gut. And since he was here illegally, nobody would try to stop them. Great Sfik would change hands this day.. As sharks sensing weakness in a comrade, the Kif hovered on the outskirts. Hani and Mahe were not-so-politely moved out of the area, to make room for more robes, and fewer Non-Kif witnesses. The hood was drawn up, and the human stood. This time a bow sufficed. "I will escort you.." A waive of a metal hand. "There is no need." And turned, to face a wall of Kif. "What do you wish?" Silence. "Kkik, I suggest you take your crew, and leave." This as clicking filled the bar.. 'Fool. Come into Our space. Sit in Our Area. Think you can walk away.' The Kif moved closer.. The Man took a step forward, then waited. "Will you allow me passage, or must I gain it?" Kif gathered closer, daggers drawn.. And Hell literally broke loose. The Captain stood back, watching the carnage take place. "Then Come, Meet My Master..." The Reaver shed his cloak, revealing a Steel-Clad fortress on 2 legs. A hand reached back, un-clipping a Double-Bladed WarAxe. At the same time the left arm crushed ribs, smashed skulls, and tossed Kif halfway to the second level. The 2-Meter monster of a cutting instrument whirled upwards, dividing a Kif.. Now level, It was tossed forward. 6-inches of steel blade that sat in the Axe-Head buried itself into another cloak. Was shoved forward, cleared of the body. Then it was moved. First, back into the other hand. A step, and one wing cut a 4-Meter wide swath in front of him. Knives, guns, rifles, necks, limbs, chairs.. The blade cut through them all. Dipped, turned without slowing, in a deadly arc. The second blade harvesting more lives, and pieces of furniture. Stopping only when pressed into the guard of a tri-bladed short sword, held in the armored left hand, a full 180 degrees of destruction. Death strode forward, leaving body parts littered in it's wake. When they found knives, claws, and bullets were ineffective, the Kif ran like water before the creature. Ran faster when even laser fire had no effect. Out to the docks, where reinforcements waited. With bigger weapons. A few stupid ones stood their ground, and were sliced to ribbons. Kkik walked well behind, surveying the destruction, Green robe in hand. This was a massacre, even by Kif standards. He didn't need to warn his crew, they made Sure to stay clear of the war-zone. Gods! They had all Heard of Berserkers, but to see one in person.. When there was nothing close-at-hand to kill, the Monster stood, axe in hand, crimson from head to foot, inviting challenge. An AP shell screamed incoming. Hit something. Exploded.. And smoke billowed out, obscuring the scene. Kif took breath for a moment, then grinning, moved forward to claim what was left of the madbeing. And were cut into pieces by an axe that literally ran with blood, as the Demon walked through the haze, destroying Kif by the hundreds. And what the axe missed, the forked blades in the left hand didn't. "Fools!" The Captain hollered. "You dare stand against Makkt-Kkikiffkkan Hakkt-SiKkiffkkan?" Kif ran like leaves before a hurricane. Kkik laughed. "Run, Fools!" He shouted, "Run from The Slayer Of HighPrinces! The Reaver Of Light! The One Who Commands The Shadow Of Death!" The one being so lauded stood finally, Axe propped against one foot. Dripping gore, and waist deep in body-parts. Those not busy dying stood well away from the Demon. When nothing happened for a moment, Kkik moved closer. "Lord..." A movement. So, He was Authority! The WarAxe whirled in a circle, one-handed, spattering everything close with blood. Then it was folded, and replaced on the broad back. The sword was also replaced on the left hip. Manipulated by steel fingers, that the Captain now believed was a part of the Reaver. Not a glove, No, No. Living Metal.. "Your Robe." The faceplate turned towards the Kif. "I need a bath." * * * He was lead to a place of cleaning. Buckets were filled, and brought to just within arm's reach. No use taking chances. Bodies, and parts of bodies were picked up. Life went on, loyalties restored, or re-forged. This was the sight that greeted the Mahe guards that came to restore order.. and found order already there. No riot, no holes in the docking.. At least none that were not already being patched. A blood bath, yes. A Kif Bar in ruins, yes. But it was in Kif territory, and Kif were Not talking. But Rumors ran WildFire across the docks.. A Demon amongst the Kif. A creature of metal that was walking death. A Berserker of Steel with one eye. A High-Born Warrior who Hunted Hunters, Killed underlings by the shipfull. And this Destroyer was sitting quietly on a Kif ship, waiting. A message had been relayed in his tongue, to the Hunter/Planet-Smasher, that sat waiting. The shuttle had been loaded, sent out on Autopilot, With the Complements of The Kifdom Authority. Kkik sat, staring at the Lord. "I do not think I shall be welcomed here again." Once again, the dignitary. Or perhaps, riffed because his PrayTrail was now cold. Fools! You Don't Stand In The Way Of A Hunter When He Is Tracking. Kif forgot that lesson, and had died by the score. Even now, eyes ran through space, watching for the ghost of a trace of a certain ship. Ears listened at all posts, searching for whispers. "You need not worry, Lord." A frown. "Please, allow me the favor of using that term." A nod, and everything seemed to brighten, as if a shadow had lifted. The crew shuddered.. There are places too dark even for a Kif. "You may come into Kif space whenever you wish. My superiors vouch for this." He hadn't even asked them. He didn't need to. A Kif stands or falls on his arrogance. If They were Arrogant and Right, Promotion. If wrong, They would be torn apart by their own crew. Even now a Letter of Reference was being drafted, in the name of The Kif HighPrince, Praise to his name. The Hakkut again offered spirits, which were declined. All on the ship knew who was in the main room, and if they bragged, it was quietly. Kif loyalties changed like fish in a stream. In this Ocean of the Momentarily Faithful, there existed 1 anchor. The Makkt-Kkikiffkkan, HighKing Hunter. There were also a dozen Hakkt-Kkikiffkkan, HighPrince Hunters. Like all Kif authorities, you earned the title by killing your predecessor. To become a HighKing, however, A Kif Must wear the crown. In Kif history, there have been 7 Crowns. 6 were destroyed in legendary battles.. The last resided on the head of a mummy. He died of his wounds a few minutes after putting it on. The remains were embalmed, and the First HighPrince rules in his name. The OutWorlder was Rakkt-Kkikiffkkan, Hakkt-SiKkiffkkan, Or Lord Hunter, Hunter Of HighPrinces. He had earned the title by wiping out a full third of the Kif on the Station, two of whom had been Hakt-Hakkut Kkikiffkkan, Prince Hunter Captains. Fully half the Kif ships instation now stood Captainless, and some even crewless, owned by the Rakkt-SiKkiff. Cameras had recorded the events at the docks, but only Station Security held the record of the slaughter At The Ambush By Darkness, as the bar was named. And Those tapes were in Mahen hands.. But Gold was spendable in all parts of Compact. And certain bribes in certain well-greased palms could do wonders. When The Hunter Lord was told of his gains, he had shrugged, and given them to the Hakkut. "I have no use for them." The Captain grew a full 4 inches. Sfik. The Rakkt-SiKkiffkkin had tons of Personal Wealth. But didn't care to show knowledge of it. Was Beyond such petty annoyances.. And lest somebody forget exactly Who it was that stood on the deck, a WarAxe stood mute tribute in The Trophy Room. Another 'Gift'. One of the wings was notched, from where the AP shell had been deflected. What sent the wind up everybody's backs was the rumors of The Great One not being a breathing creature at all. That the Armor my be more than just covering.. In return The Lord Hunter had learned 20 dialects of Kif, Main Hani, and Mahendo'Sat. Stsho was thrown in, almost as an afterthought. Kkik found out why his skin looked so pale, and how he had destroyed so many Kif in so little time, when he had taken his face off.. * * * The Kif was sitting in his private cabin, and had asked what the Lord wanted. "To learn." The worthy sketched out a diagram for a ComPlug. Could one of these be built? Certainly! And with dispatch. When it arrived, Kkik waited to see if he needed anything more, then left. But not before turning on a hidden camera, and rapidly moved to a shielded Security station. 4 Kif stood around a screen, watching the Human-Who-Was-Not-Human. The Hakkut, Security First, Security Second, And Operations First. They watched the Rakkt-SiKkiffkkin put the plug into the Translator, and Remove the side of his face. From upper jaw to hairline, just in front of the ear the seam went, showing Bone intertwined with metal. The patch went with it. Revealing an empty eye-socket. The patch-cord went into that socket. And he learned. At machine speed. Kif clicked quietly, watching the process. When he was done, Kkik stood. "You have seen our Rakkt-SiKkiffkkin. He is Not Human. He is Not Machine. He is both. You are sworn on your heritage to reveal nothing, except to the Unseen King. If you break your word, I will send HIM to find you." A collective shudder, and paws touched in the middle of the screen, swearing in The Name of The Kif, they would never say a word of what they had seen. "Burn the tape." The only copy of the transaction jettisoned into a slot, and was taken by Security First to a burner, where it was consumed. The screen went blank. "My Lord..." "Yes?" This time in perfect Kifish. "I wish to speak with you. At your convenience." * * * Kkik knew when the man was coming because he heard the clicking coming like a wave. And knew why all the noise, or lack thereof, with one heart-stopping glance. The Lord Hunter, Prince Killer stalked down the corridor, face back in place.. Except for the EyePatch. Kif stepped back, as a green-robed demon with one blue eye, and a handful of electronics embedded in metal-clad bone for another, came up to the Captain. "I saw the camera." High Kifish. 'I am aware of the eyes upon me.' But the pale jaw hadn't moved. The patch was replaced, going in place with a snikt. Not a sound was made as the Man/Machine adjusted whatever the Mahen hell it was that covered the scar-riven hole. "I have my own ComLink." This in Main, or Ship Kif to the unspoken question. "I thank you Prince Captain, for your hospitality, and a few hours diversion, but I must return to my ship. I have a Trail to find, Other beings to meet.. Since I have probably overstayed my welcome with the Station Authorities ('Pale Worms Who Wriggle Underfoot' was what came out in High Kifish), I have to ask the favor of being shuttled to my ship." The Hakkut sniffled laughter. "A message came in for you. Quote: 'You are welcome in FarPoint anytime.' The Grasseaters thank you for removing so much.. Rabble from their docks, and keeping order for them. The Mahe also send regards." The hood went up. "Then I need trouble you no further." A hand moved up, palm inward, stopping all arguments. "I need to.. Discuss things with the Mahe. 'The More Ears There Are To Hear, The Less Chance A Twig Snap Will be Missed.' " "Yes, Makkt-SiKkiffkkan.. I MEAN Rakkt-SiKkiffkkan!" The mouth formed a grin. "I hunt no kings this day, only dust. But, It amuses, and I do have a contract.. Your Royal House need not fear me." The grin grew, showing enlarged Canines. Steel Canines. "At least Not Yet.. The Axe I give to you. If any wish to battle you for your honor, have them lift it. If they can, I would suggest you Change Mounts." The palm snapped 45 degrees, pointing to the head, body straight. "A Prosperous Life, Captain." The Kif returned it. "Honor Guard. Assemble.. One Moment, Please, GreatLord." Snap went two claws. New papers were drawn up, and a silver medallion was handed to the Lord, proclaiming that this one was Nasty Business. Kif, in robes that could almost be called gaudy, stood at attention. Rifles gleamed, as did swords. The Lord replaced his helmet, walked out of the ship, flanked by Kif, who fell in line behind as he passed. The Hakkut made his way to The Trophy room, where it had taken a dozen Kif to place the 2-meter object. A paw tested the grips, then muscles strained. Easier to lift a ship. The thing moved reluctantly out of it's holder, then thumped back. It took all his strength just to lift it a few scant centimeters, and The Rakkt-SiKkiffin had wielded it with ease.. More documents were made up, and placed into storage, along with a copy of the Station Security tape. The SiHakkut had an errand to run.. * * * The Mahendo'sat had to wait, for as it turned out, the Hani had first dibs at the newcomer. Mankind had found an ally in the Han, and although Tully was the first, he certainly wasn't the last Human to board a Hani Craft. Spacers had to go through tests, and documents, and learn Hani, before they were allowed to get the papers showing them to be a crewmember of Ship So, Clan Such. And so humanity was allowed at FarPoint.. With Permission. And Escort. And enough Red Tape to confuse a T'ca. So it wasn't All bad luck for John to come out of the bar, and bump into a Green-Robed Demon. With a Dozen Kif for escort. Just a lot.. "Profitable Day, Spacer." That was a standard Spacer greeting. What hit him between the eyes was the language. Terralingo. Archaic, But nowhere near dead. And only People who had been on Earth a long time knew Terralingo. Naturally he had to answer. So the procession came to a halt. A human, something tall, 12 Kif in Dress Uniforms, and 4 drunken Mahe. The Spacer's escort while at FarPoint. "TkiRakkt-SiKkiffkkin, do you wish these things dead?" A guard, wanting to make points. "No. Return to Kkik, with my compliments for such a fine escort." He handed them each a Silver coin. Worth 500 credits, and un-calculatable Sfik each. The GuardFirst dropped his head in respect. As one, they snapped a saber-salute, and marched back to the ship. While eight blood-shot eyes tried their best to make sense of the pattern on the robe. "What do you here, Spacer? I thought us barred." That in ShipSpeech, short and to the point. "We allowed. With Watch." He grinned, jerking a thumb at the sodden balls of fur. "Going back shipway. Hani Crew." "Good. I need to talk to them. Convicts have escaped. Last seen headed this way." John had a bad taste in his mouth. "You Law-Hound?" "Brigade Tracker. They took a ship." This was trouble. The FreeBeing Mercenaries were nobody to fool around with. 'They took a ship', he said. That meant they killed everybody on board. And that meant danger.. They would shoot indiscriminately. Damn! Just when Humanity and Compact were getting along.. "Right. Captain's name is Rajek Tahar par Chanur. I'm John." "Shadow..." A code-name. Things Were in a mess. They shook hands, the human noticing that the Merc had steel gloves. Bet he can punch a hole in a bulkhead with those on.. "Going back Ship," He said in Hani. Shadow made noises, and a silver coin appeared. The Mahendo'sat grinned. "You number one friend, Captain. We do." They turned, walking towards the upper set of ships. "What did you say?" "I told them, In Mahen, they had a choice. They could herd us to the ship, Or I could vouch for you, and they could have a drink on me. Guess which one they took.. A small detour." He walked over to a Kifish ship, and clicked with one of the creatures for a moment. It clicked back in a nasty tone. The Merc showed it something that straightened the Kif's back in a hurry. That one grabbed another Kif and rapidly gave it a set of instructions. That worthy set off like it's robe was on fire. "My thanks." In Traider Kif. Shadow returned. "I forgot a case, on a ship I was visiting. It will be delivered later." They continued on to Tarhar's Reach. A Hani in blue breeches stood by the airlock ramp, with a rifle. "John, where is your escort?" Shadow stopped. "You go ahead. I will wait here." Louder. "They got detained by a bottle, Hani." Ears at half-mast. "So. Trouble Speaks Hani, Eh?" John stopped next to the Han. Talked low. Continued on into the ship. "You wait for the Captain? Huh." Hands turned up, palms out. "I am armed. I also scare hell out of the Kif." That got a wrinkled nose grin. Which dropped to a snarl as one of the aforementioned came in at a dead trot. "GreatLord Hunter, I bring the required case." "Good. Open your mouth." Puzzled the Kif did so. A silver coin was placed on his tongue. "Do not remove that until you are on your Ship. Understand?" The Kif nodded, and walked off, Haste trying not to look hurried. Robe turned back to the Hani. "That one won't be gossiping for a few minutes anyway." Another grin. "Well, Farek. Getting chummy with this one?" Farek Hannan looked hurt. "Captain..." Shadow stood, arms crossed. "I opened my robe and exposed myself to him. Now he can't think straight." Rajek Tahar looked over the tall creature. Had a sense of humor. Spoke hani. Not enough arms for a demon. Ah well, another rumor eats dust. "I'm Rajek Tahar. How may I assist you?" Robe digested that for a moment. "Well now Captain.. That can be taken a lot of ways.. What did You have in mind, Hmmm?" She knew under that hood was a mahen smile. "Why don't you come in, and We'll discuss it..." "I don't know.. Mamma warned me about you fast females." Farek shook his head. "You're both crazy." Robe picked up his case. "Is he Always like this?" A wrinkled nose. "Always!" It walked up the ramp, stopping at the airlock. "You know.. You're kinda cute..." The Male Hani growled, but let the crazy one pass unmolested. John had whispered a few choice words. Like 'A Kif In Human Form', and 'Big Trouble', and 'Kif Moved Fast When This Trouble Spoke'.. Rumors spoke of a Ship that could destroy Planets sitting OutStation, crewed by Living Machines. Who knew? That one did. And he was going to keep an ear to the Com. * * * "Captain, This is..." Hesitation. Robe flipped back the cowl, revealing polished metal. "Allow me. Captain Rajek Tahar, I am OutWorlder Shadow. I am seeking 7 humans who escaped in a stolen ship, and may have headed this way." Hani. And volumes of un-spoken information. Even without facial expressions.. This was Bad Business. They sat in the Forward Galley, Now offlimits, but with the Com on, 'JIC' (Just_In_Case). Rajek looked up at her first, standing out of sight of the 'Guest'. She excused herself for a moment, and walked out. "What did it say?" And regretted the words. Farra was tight-mouthed, as she handed Rajek the output of the Trans: " 'Tki'- Great, or High, 'Rakkt'- Lord, Prince in some instances. 'Si'- Killer, 'Kikkiff'- Hunter, 'Kkan'- Strengthening Verb. TkiRakkt-SiKkiffkkan' GreatLord Hunter, Destroyer of HighHunters, or PrinceHunters. One who hunts HighHunters. See Also 'SiMakkt' High King Hunter." HighHunter meant Royal Descent. "Run the Kif's Royal Rankings." Another sheet was handed to her. No Wonder Kif ran when that one spoke! Running parallel with the Royal tree was a separate ranking. TkiSiMakkt-MakktKikkiffkkan. The only one higher than The High King himself. Killer of HighKings, Hunter of HighPrinces. And her 'guest' was only 2 ranks below That? Damn! An OutWorlder? "Farra, go talk to the OutWorlder.' Louder. "John, Would come look at these outputs? I need another opinion." The human excused himself and left. Another Hani sat, trying not to stare at her reflection. "What is an OutWorlder?" The human went ashen-faced. "OutWorld means just that. They have no home planet, are rumored to live in Vast WorldShips. The Best ally, and sometimes enemy you could never wish on somebody's trail. They Out-Kif The Kif! And 'Shadow'? That's a Code-Name, Given to him during some war or another. And that's not the whole of it either..." A shudder went down 2 backs. So, so, so.. A being who frightens Kif, who tracks Humans, and is now sitting in my ship. Why? Information. He Hunts.. Shakes the trees, Sniffs the Ground. And he is only one of many. I'll bet my rings on that. So. She re-ran the conversation that took place on the dock. Armed, Eh? Well. So we don't pull claws with this one. She returned. "I want to see your face. I don't like talking to a machine." Too hard a push? "Too late for That Hani." Steel hands moved metal slots, and the helm came off. At one time human. The scars, and eye-patch told of battle. The skin looked more like a ships hide than anything living. And if that patch was cloth, I'll eat it! "You are Shadow.. Shadow What?" The cold blue eye impaled her. "Commander DeathShadow. FreeBeing Mercenary Brigade." Oh, Gods! His mouth hadn't moved once. Trade Hani. That was what came out of the.. Voice? Com? She stuck her hands into her waistband. "And why should we help you?" "To get me out of Compact Space. To get 5 Gold Bars. That's what they are worth. Find them and you will get half. Kill them, bring back proof, and all are yours." "Huh. Not much..." A coin was placed on the table, and spun. "This weighs 1 Ounce. 10 ounces to the pound. Each bar is 10 pounds. 5 bars = 500 of these." A snap, and the coin flew across the Galley, buried itself halfway into a metal cabinet. Ears flat, they looked at the creature who simply sat there. He opened the case. Removed a Bar of Silver. "I trade this, for keeping an ear to the trees, nothing more. If you find them..." He removed another block of Silver. "I leave it up to you to make a deal with the Mahendo. I have been away from my ship too long." A paper. "This is my frequency. Call me on it If you see so much as a bent grass-stalk. I wish you good hunting, Hani." A set of schematics were placed on the table. "You have been kind to humanity. And as much as I hate the very thought, they are brethren. This ship will allow you to hit 'c', without needing to go through all the nastiness of Jump. You can remain awake, doing whatever throughout your voyages. It's Not in Spacer, but He knows Terralingo. It will take you a few years to perfect." Turned to the sputtering Human. "And before you spout nonsense at me Spacer, The Triad kicked me out, not the other way around.. I owe them Nothing!" He got up, put the helmet back on, and walked out. With escort. John and Farra were pouring over the documents. He was calling out numbers in a strange speech, She was writing as fast as her pad would move. "It could work.. Damn. Look at that. High-Speed magnetics. The whole thing could be run off an engine the size of this galley..." Rejek Tahar watched them, then went and hit the Com. Told the Mahe she wanted to talk about trade goods. She would let them have the Silver. The important things were back there, Tahar's and Chanur's. Blood-Debt paid. New Ships, Wholly Hani Owned. So it was an OutWorlder Hunter who gave them the plans. A Tarhar Pirate gave Hani back it's Space. A Chanur gave them Man. And now, a cousin would give them freedom.. * * * It did take the Han a little over 4 years to make a ship with the new engine. The Human ship was found.. deserted. No trace of the crew. But it did have quite a few holes in strategic places. None the less, Kif towed it to a port, and poured over it. Shuddered when mention was made of a certain being who was somewhere still out there.. Perhaps Hunting one of Them! They made sure to keep their collective noses clean. As much as a Kif could. As for the SiHakkut... * * * Kkik was told to report to the Kif Homeworld. "RaKkikiffkkun Maats-Akktsihkk, Dock at berth 27." The Kif Captain did as he was told, growing with the higher title.. Then almost lost it when he saw 3 creatures standing in front of an honor guard. The PrinceLord Hunter, as the sash proclaimed the being to be waited for the Captain to come forward. The others towered over even the tallest Kif. All metal, they looked like a nightmare in steel. What made it worse was the insignia on all 3. A phrase returned.. 'Commander DeathShadow. FreeBeing Mercenary Brigade.' Hunter Gods! Blasters bigger than some of the missile launchers on his ship rode the metal hips. The Guard, while resplended in metal paled before the three. No question those were not suits.. He lifted his head, and walked out onto the dock, gun at the ready. No Kif goes unarmed. Especially ones with power.. But no one bothered the group. They assembled. With a "follow" from the seniormost, himself of royal blood, the procession made it's way to the capitol. There gifts were exchanged, and new names were given to the Steel fortress. There were a few grumbles, silenced along with quite a few lives, when a rebellion was crushed. That was the first, and RaKkik hoped the last time he saw the DarkRaven in battle. It took the vaporization of 2 moons to stop the war. By then, a good third of all the Kif Nation that was of the Old school had been turned into greasy smoke. Alliances were formed rapidly around the ship. The Honored Ones disdained any favors.. Which made them worth even more Sfik. The Highest of The High gave name to the Slayer-Of-More-Than-Light. It was signed by all the HighPrinces. Then the metal beings left on other errands. While Kif followed. At a distance. And legends were made, discarded, fed into agile minds. The seventh crown now rested on a living head, the mummy somehow having been lost in a scuffle. The HighKing too, had a trophy. A metallic hand, minus a finger. That was all the damage they could do to the GreatLord.. It clasped a robe, Wrapped around the body of HighPrince Second. He was the one who grumbled most. Was the last to die under the Reaver_of_Stars hand.. And things slowly resumed normalcy. The Hani had fun with the new ships. Just about everybody else tried their damndest to steal one. Pacts were made, broken. Bantered about. And on the deck of a certain craft, what was left of as man sat, stroking the gray penis of a Kif. Jhnakkl had gotten used to the strange ways of a ship crewed by horny males. Enjoyed the Captain's touch.. In fact, he enjoyed all his shipmate's touchings. Ran his own paws down male flesh many times. The others ignored the goings on in the bridge, fondling each other. N-Space was a very dull place.. A gong sounded. The Kif raised his eyes to the colored bars. Color.. One of the many wonders given for a few hours under the knife. A tongue got his attention. Captain Second Farra nibbled on the bobbing cock. His foot stroked a hoof eagerly. Time for the daily rituals.. The Captain let them go, staying as usual at his post. He would join them later. Jhnakkl took one last look over his shoulder at the Legend. Felt his hormones go berserk. He hungerily kissed the Buck, who returned the muzzle-press with a growl. The doors closed on the scene. Shadow grinned.. Perhaps more Kif could be persuaded to join the crew. He got up. Looked one more time out into the gray expanse of nothingness. Went to join the crew in the Orgy room, for the daily Ritual of Life Exchanging.. Perhaps he would talk to Hasssp. The Regen Plant was always hungry for intercourse.. Of any kind! The End