HANI5.TXT Awakening Again - By SwampRat (c) 1991 - The Rishathran Society I awoke with the knowledge that many years had passed since I had been put back into my "Space Coffin". I also knew a new language. Hunter. Also called Kif. A strange language full of clicks. I had been revived, because the Kif were trying to open my pod. My cell. The inboard computer was still talking to theirs. Asking for code referents, and passwords, and refusing to open my cage. They brought out some sort of energy weapon, and fired it at the lock. TARGET SCAN COMMENCE. ... NEGATIVE TARGETS. GO TO LEVEL 2, YELLOW. I got my first sight of the creatures. Tall, thin, cloaked. Minimal weapons. No Blasters like the one that rode my iridium-plated hip. No swords like the one I lay upon. My WarAxe was still aboard The DarkRaven. With John, and Marshall. More like Bruno and Dobbin. Actually RepliDroids 117, and 118 respectively. John was a Kodiak Bear, and Marshall, A GreatShire Stallion. Both stood about 3 Meters tall. When The Triad captured me, they left with DarkRaven. Since I was the only Flesher of the group, they tended to worry about me. 100 WarDroids were on The FarLander.. What was left of the Brigade. Most of the others were Genetically Engineered Beings. Then my planet called me back to active duty.. That was before I shorted some of the Circuits out. Had I gotten them all, I would have showed them where to stick their contract. But, My beacon went off, and I had to leave. But after the last one, They stuck me in here... 'For a while,' they said. I have heard That line before. 'Just until things cool down.' Another lie. And shut me down. Or thought they did. For quite a few years. Jettisoned out to space, to wander. After the last War, most of the Galaxy wanted a piece of my hide. They weren't satisfied with the Official position. That I was Freelance. A Rogue Scout. Especially when I kept popping up in all the wrong places. Too far gone for Genetic-Replacement, I just kept fixing my robotic self.. I kept the scars on place, so it would look genuine. And nasty. But now a new race of somethings was trying to open my grave, and let the vampire loose. Without any Garlic, or Mirrors. When the Last tree died centuries ago.. Let Them! Click, hiss, hiss, grunt. "It is almost open, Captain." LOCK ALPHA OMEGA MU NON-DESTRUCT. The cover hissed open. My lifelines whitdrew. I was ready to meet my hosts. They could now see me. "A Human! Better by Turns. Is the translator ready? We will want to drain it of information before taking it apart." PRESERVATION MODE ON. RED L5 LOCK. I was now armed. Harmless as long as they didn't do anything stupid. The last lock slid aside, and I walked out. "Greetings, GentleBeings." A hiss. "Fool(?)! You stand before GoodHunter." One of them lifted a hand. Must be the Captain. A device was brought over to me. "You Understand this?" Repeated in Spacer. A dialect, but close enough to the Standard to get. "I do." "Who Are You?" I waited for that to get through the machine. "Who are YOU?" The Hunter hit me, and almost broke his hand. I waited. Click. "WHAT ARE THE CODES..." I wondered how long my other side was going to be dormant. "I Repeat, Who Are You?" I would have told it to kiss it's bony ass, but I no longer had the Com. CHANGING TO TRANSLATOR. COM OPEN. "We are the Scout Shadow. Require ID codes." Waited for Name, Rank, InterSpace Number. "Where do you come from?" Silence. "Talk, Bastard Human, or suffer!" Silence. The worthy lost his temper. Took a weapon resembling a rifle, and smacked it into my stomach. Bingo. PRESERVATION MODE LOCKED. RED L3 LOCK. TARGET COMP ONLINE. RUNNING SYSTEM CHECKS. I didn't hear what the creature was saying to his rifle butt shattering, but he must not have liked it. He shot me. Well, he shot my armor. Tik! Crosshairs. TARGET LOCK. RED L1. CODE ALPHA 1 1 2. "Commander DeathShadow, You are free to remove All Targets. Command is Go." I thought I should warn them. But Target Comp was busy taking over my body. As of 'GO', I was pretty much along for the ride. Secondary Cross-hairs. The creature did make some funny noises around my hand.. *Snap* then it flopped around a bit. Was tossed aside. New targets found. A Lazer hit me. The 2-meter BroadSword was unclipped. A lucky hit took me out. I heard a mumble from the Comp. BIO-SIDE DOWN. COMBAT/ATTACK COMPUTER TAKING OVER. DESTRUCTION OF ALL HOSTILE LIFEFORMS REQUIRED. I didn't think so.. Why was it so dark of a sudden? * * * When I awoke. I had the equivalent of a electronic hangover. My preservation circuitry kicked out. A flashing Green light. NO LIFE READINGS IN VICINITY. TARGET UNLOCK. BIO-SIDE BACK ONLINE. Thanks! I was covered in blood. Well, they Had fought bravely. For all the good it did them. I did 2 things. The first was go back to the Locker, and Yank a few boards out of my chest. A red light. COMPUTER DISABLED. SHUTTING DOWN FOR REPAIRS. So much for SlaughterHouse 1. Now to get help. I sifted through what was left of the beings. Lots of daggers, some of them in each other. It was times like these I was glad there was no way to find out what had gone on. Hmmm. I looked over the screens. In HighHunter. I had Some of that speech, stashed away. I hit the com, and started talking. Got an answer from a board. I wished I had my other side up and running, but I didn't trust it. So, We do things the hard way. I found some spare parts, and tools. Not made for my hands, but I'd still have Lasers for soldering. Next was Trial-And-Error... Lots of error. But I finally made a ComBoard which would go into both systems. Then I waited for about 5 minutes.. TRANSLATOR FINISHED. 5 MAIN LANGUAGES, 37 DIALECTS CATALOGED. Well... Hey! I could read the Boards! We were in Quadrant 7/2 Local. A ways from everywhere. Next to get maps out and find some known space. That really took a while. Everything was locked. Each and every board. I got them undone, with all the patience of a runaway boulder. If it didn't go, I put my fist through the piece of junk. Finally I plotted a course, and settled back to wait. Put all the bodies into the air-lock, and jettisoned the lot. After making some notes on anatomy.. Gray flesh. Not many differences between male and female. The testicles were long, covered in smooth gray flesh. The penis dropped out of a short sheath, also hairless... Nice. 9-inches long. Probably had a bone inside it. Must swell to about 3-inches wide when erect. Oh, well. I walked through the ship. Some kind of rodent lifeform. Pet? Food? Sex Aid? My, My, My.. A medieval torture chamber. Or an operating table. Down lower, was more body parts, and an engine. Primitive c-type. Used Star Slingshots to propel itself. Waste of fuel.. And as usual, The Computer was wrong. A dozen survivors sat in a room, watching me. One came in to the corridor, then knelt. "My body is yours, Captain." I took him at his word. "Stand." It did so. Looked puzzled when I ran my hands down it's body. "What do yo.." A hissed gasp, as I fondled the balls. Then the penis. Yep, it swelled just as I expected. The animal made clicking noises, but made no attempt to stop me.. It gasped, and stuck a very long tongue out, as thin ejaculate splattered onto the hull. At least the volume was appreciatable. I tasted it.. I have tasted worse things. The others also made similar pledges of loyalty. All male.. All hissed and made clicking noises as I masturbated them. Hmmm.. They got used to a 'Captain', who used them as females.. Sometimes. The creature whose name I Still could not pronounce, clicked, gasping as I sucked on his maleness. I felt the stubby tail, wondering if I should slide a finger under it.. No need. The hips bucked, pressing the ammonia-smelling flesh against my face. Cum poured down my throat, claws stroking my head. My first-mate held me in place for a moment. Then dropped back to the bunk. I slowly allowed the gray cock to slide out, stroking it. The red eyes stared at me. Once, he had tried to take my position. With a dagger. * * * I had just finished sucking on him, and had risen to get some parissi. The Kif made a noise. I turned.. And grasped a thin wrist. The knife glittered. Where the hell had he hidden that? Didn't matter.. I squeezed the leathery skin. The fingers opened, numbed. I backhanded the creature. Picked up the blade. The male watched me, wiping a trickle of blood from it's mouth. I snapped the steel like a twig. Tossed the pieces into the garbage chute. The animal jumped at me.. I grabbed the arms, turning them, and the bony body. Slammed it into my armored one. Locked the thin neck in the crook of one arm. I dipped a finger into the oil of a nearby lamp. Worked it around the flattened tail. The Kif struggled, as I re-dipped the digit, and wedged it under the furred appendage. Forced it deep into the orifice. The creature hissed, then went limp. I re- oiled my finger one last time, making sure the anus was well lubricated. Not letting go, I draped him over the bunk's side. Went to my knees. Holding the bony rump still, I shoved my cock into the creature. No resistance.. My arm un- bent, grabbing a shoulder. The Kif lay on the bed, eyes closed. When I started buggering the animal. it shuddered. "Not kill #?" The name didn't come through. I grinned. "Not kill Kif. Mate with Kif.." The male sighed, hunched his hips, and of I didn't know any better, enjoyed being butt-fucked more than I did.. * * * I let go of the haunches, and toyed with the gray sheath. The creature clicked, penis throbbing in my hand. First-Mate lifted up, putting hands on knees - "So Captain may mate Kif better.." I shrugged, fondling the long cock. And screwed him again.. With help from the crew, I made my way back to a known referent position, made contact with a probe. The DarkRaven finally came out of N-Space. The Kif made a bunch of noises at seeing It.. I gave them a tour, dropped all but a few off near an inhabited star. Those who stayed quite enjoyed the others in the crew.. I went into Repairs... Never Again would I allow My Other side take over. Well.. Maybe Never... The End