HANI4.TXT A Compact Space Tail - By SwampRat (c) 1989-90 The Brotherhood of Pan, "Those Who Follow The Way Of The Shepherd" 1992 The Rishathran Society Something was stirring on the docks. Noises and movements told of quiet stress. Marha didn't like it. And where was Aprim anyway? She had been told to stay inship, while at this port. The time was upon her, and she wasn't rational. Stupid Hani! If she was in bed with a Kif... Well, she would just have to live with it. Marha Tyorh, Captain of Tyorh's Long Voyager wrinkled her nose up in Hanish humor at the thought. Then felt disgust and guilt. Well, wherever she was, She had better get her tail in jump. They left in 2 hours, with or without her. I can spare no more time. Especially Not on a Gods-Rotted Kif Station... And her being the Only Han Traider Here. She might be able to count on the humans for support, but that was doubtful. Too much like the Kif. She sighed, than noticed something was heading for the ramp, making speed without seeming to be in haste. Kif... She quickly scanned the area. Only one? At least only one was visible. "Asha, we have company.. No Farther, Kif." It stopped, and bowed. Oily smoke on glass, she thought, ears close to her head. "Esteemed Captain of the Long Voyager. I bring a gift from a ... Colleague. He regrets being unavoidably detained, but will arrive shortly." It put a box on the tube, and bowed, straightening as something clicked Kifish through a com. It hissed a reply, and bowed again. "Please forgive haste, But My Captain Calls. The Fearful One..." It slapped a hand over it's snout. "He shall be here shortly." Poked the box with a toe. "This is for salvage of Pride." and scuttled off, almost running. 'Fearful One.' Marha asked her Second if she would find that reference in the Trans Banks. A few moments later Frrera came back. "It means: 'One who Instills Fear. One to be Afraid Of'." Who the Gods could it be? A 'Colleague', it had said. A Male of it's species. And one who put the wind up Kif backs.. Something went cold inside her. And I'll bet 2 claws Aprim Marhan was involved... She looked at the box. 'A Gift.' Suddenly fearful, she walked over to it, and without showing too much hurry walked back to the AirLock with it under one arm. Human. Only they made knots of this type. What the Gods-Blasted Hell had that little Hani gotten into? She pulled on the string, and taking a breath, removed the lid. And promptly sat down. Instead of a piece of Hani, there were 6 bags of various sizes, each holding 2 round objects. She stroked one for a moment, puzzled.. Then jerked her hand back, as if it had been scalded. It can't be... Hitting the Com, she called up the Library. "Anatomy, Human Male." Up came a diagram. "Magnify groin area." Another picture came up. She looked at it, then down. "Lifesize." The image shifted. Shuddering, the Hani Captain carefully extracted one of the bundles, and held it between two claws, up to the screen. Except for minor cosmetic differences, they were the same. Marha carefully replaced the thing, and wiped the screen, then her paw. 6 human testicle sacks. This was getting worse by the minute. Aprim gone, Kif who talked of One to be Feared, and now this.. Humans. The only Non-methane breathers too damnded unpredictable even for the Kif. It might cost her, but she had to go out.. or did she? The piece of filth had said 'He' would be here. Well then, she would wait. With a rifle, just in case. As she sat, a message came through from Station. Departure delayed for 'a while...' Huh! * * *. Amkkk Kikker Akkamkkirr sat in a bar, drinking his lilf. Life was getting dull. Even the rumor of Humans kidnapping a Hani - or was it the other way around? - No longer amused. Then someone came in, and made a line for his table, all quiet haste. He noticed the person, a minor guard. Perhaps on an errand. With impertinence bordering on insubordination, it sat down and leaned over. Almost it grabbed him. "Captain, Come. Please. There is an Insane Creature who wishes to speak with you." He looked at the soon-to-be new resident of his playroom. "Me? And how did it get my name?" The guard squirmed. "It did not ask for you personally, Captain. Please Come Quickly. You will see.." Hmmmm. Maybe he had better. The annoyance had "Promotion" written all over it's face. Perhaps, just perhaps he might let it live. Amkkk got up, and waived the guard before him, dropping a few coins on the table. Shadows followed. A Kif Captain goes nowhere without escort. "How did you find this Insane One?" The guard continued forward, whispering so no other ears could hear. "I was on errand for Hakkurr First. I came around a corner, and someone grabbed me. 'Kif', he said..." "HE?" "Yes Captain, Male. I snarl. Tell him to release me. He Give Command." The Kif halted for a moment. A Non-Kif with Command Voice.. Intriguing. "If you lie, I will cut out your tongue." That didn't even bring out a shudder. "Captain, If I don't bring you... He will do worse." The guard lowered his head, than continued onward. "He said, 'I have something I want to trade.' He promised me a weapon, if I bring my Captain fast... And Promised to do other things I dare not repeat, if I breathed this to another." Amkkk was intrigued. "What could possibly scare a Kif..." The guard lowered his head more, if that was possible. "He grabbed me, put his hand under my robe and grabbed me! He said, 'You bring Captain, and I give you something, You Not hurry, Not bring Captain...'" He shuddered. " 'We have Fun.' Then he slapped my rear, and said 'Go.' I hasten to find you." Silence. So.. We have a crazy pervert, who has trade-goods. This might be an interesting day, after all. * * * He followed the thing down the docks, to a strange-looking ship. Human. So, and So.. Certain rumors may turn out to be true, after all. He looked at the now sweating guard. This loose-end might have to disappear. Perhaps the strange one would let him watch it's 'fun'. Maybe he would join them. Kif enjoyed humiliating subordinates, and having sex with them, especially Male ones, was one of the best forms of humility there was. It was called "Grabbing The Bar", and mention of it was punishable by death. Or More of the same. Something stood in the rampway. It smelled of blood, and machinery, and cold hate. Someone better to be on the Good side of. "He is here, Great One." "Good." The voice made Amkkk shudder. You don't get to be captain by being afraid. He stepped forward. "I am Amkkk Kikker Akkamkkirr, Captain of The StarSlayer. This," He motioned towards the one almost shaking of fright, "Said you wished to trade. Hani are good traders." "Come inside. You only." The Kif waived off the others. He was in no danger. But made sure his pistol was loose, and within easy reach, just in case. Amkkk followed him through the lock, and inside, whereupon it was shut. "Hani involved. Pride involved. Need someone who knows how to deal with delicate matters." That made him laugh, abet quietly. The inner AirLock cycled, and The Kif smelled something far worse than blood, and it excited him. Fear. Tangible Fear.. And Violence. For a moment he too felt a small prickle run up his spine. They walked in to the lower decks. More Fear/Blood smell. "Watch your eyes." Lights came on strong, and harsh. The Kif took a step back, clicking to itself, arm shielding it's eyes. "Put these on." He was handed something that obviously went over the head. The fit was none too good, but it was adjustable. Whatever they were, the light went down to tolerable levels. "Glasses," to his unasked question. An interesting sight met his gaze... 6 Humans, tied and gagged. He looked closer.. And gasped. Castrated! The Kif remembered the Guards words, and began to shiver himself. Like the Knnn... Insane. Then he smiled. "Fearful One, How much do you wish for these 'goods'?" The hood went back, revealing a human head. One blue eye stared at him. A black patch in place of the other. Scars ran everywhere. Definitely one to keep on the good side of.. "What are they worth?" "2 Bars of Gold.." And cursed himself. Fear had loosened his tongue too much. The man pressed a switch, revealing another form. This one was a human male too, but he was still whole. "3 for this one." Done. "One more thing. I want your word that they will die, Not sold, or traded. How is not my concern." The Captain grinned. That alone would be worth 2 bars each. "You have my word as Captai...AAACK!" The human reached into his robe and grabbed his testicles. "Not want your word on your ship." He fondled them for a moment. "Want your word on These. You break word..." a not-so gentle squeeze. "I come for them. Understand?" The Kif pushed his dagger back into it's sheath. It was an automatic reaction to being so affronted, one he quickly dampened. "Yes, Fearful One. I obey." The hand let go, reluctantly, a finger sliding up his erection, making Amkkk shudder. "You like hand there?" The Kif grunted. It wasn't the hand that excited him so... It was Power, Fear, Fearful Power. This crazed being had it by the clawful. But what to say? If No, he might take offense, and nullify the deal. And Kif or Not, He was a male, and wanted to keep his balls where they were. Amkkk got a momentary impression of 6 scrotums hanging on a belt. War Souvenirs. But if he said yes... "Business first. Pleasure later." Gods! The creature smiled, showing metal teeth, which made the Kif sweat a little more, and made his penis ache all the harder. He got a mental picture of those mandibles biting into his maleness. And perhaps reciprocating with his twin sets. The Captain didn't think it at all strange to entertain such thoughts. He had tasted male flesh before. And had his own cock deep in another's mouth. Kif found all kinds of ways to punish crews. Better to humiliate an errant Kif by making him lap on you, than to even whip him. After all, all-male crews must have some way of easing necessary sexual needs. And it kept subordinates in line. None dared say they had held another's penis in his mouth, had tasted his seed. He had learned such tactics from his Captain, who had learned them from somewhere or someone else... They worked. That was all that was necessary to know. "OK. Bring robes. It best nobody see what is traded, eh? Cross me..." A hand as hard as steel patted his thigh. "It shall be as you say." And the Kif meant it. They walked back to the lock. "Need one more thing. Have package to give to Hani Captain. Gift For Wounded Pride." The Human picked up a package. Suddenly Amkkk went 2 shades paler. Not tied to his belt after all.. A Gift.. He would make damn sure those Gold Bars were of the finest quality. This one was nobody to play games with. The Kif shook his head, trying to clear the images out of his narrow skull, and shake off the fear/lust that made his blood run hot. The lock opened, and they walked out. "7 Robes, and 15 Bars of Gold. Make sure all of them are from The House of Kiffem. Where would you like the Gold sent to?" "Small shuttle at end of dock. Have no registration. Give to Captain Tarnower, say From Death Shadow." The Kif shuddered. 'One who Walks In The Shadows Of Death, Or One who Is The Shadow Of Death...' Either way, that name did not bode good. His erection, if it was possible, got harder. The Human was creating havoc with his hormones. Half of the guard moved quickly down the docks. No one would interfere. Not on a Kif Station... But he would breath a Gods Lot easier when this one was away from here. "OutWorlder," he whispered in the Human tongue. The faintest of reactions. Another rumor come true. "You." He gestured to the cringing Kif. "Take this package to The Hani Traider, Long Voyager. It's the only such ship in dock." "Tell them also, I shall be there shortly." The Kif looked at his Captain. "You heard The Fearful One.. Go." It took the package and vanished. A finger ruffled the hair on the underside of his tail, making him grit all 47 of his teeth. What was taking so blasted long.. At last, they came bearing robes, and with the OutWorlder supervising, bundled up, and removed the humans, including what must be their Captain. A thought occurred. He could not sell or trade the Humans, but He could Rent them out.. And the Crew should enjoy new creatures to put on the Bar. "Get them to the ship, quietly. I shall join you later. We have one more piece of business. Where is that lazy Guard? Akkun, get back here." Something sputtered in the Com. Amkkk stepped back into the lock, motioning Robe back inside, and closed it. He took the 'glasses' out of an inner pocket, and looked them over. "You have more of these?" Robe put his cowl down. "I can get more." It was just a pretense. Making sure his Com was off, the Kif growled, no longer in control of his body. "We trade other things now... My seed for yours!" He dropped his only piece of clothing, and stood naked before the Man. A steel-clad hand stroked his maleness, then the man knelt, and sucked on the hairless scrotum. Amkkk gasped at the warmth, and the knowledge that the Human did this because he wanted to. A tongue sent shivers along his spine. His own flicked out in response. Only when the oval testicles had swelled to twice their size, did they get cradled in a palm. 'I will not look down, I will be stron...' The Kif threw all pretense of pride out the window, and grasped strong shoulders, as a living sponge flicked across his penis, flaying his nerves. No! Yesssss... The suction had just started being applied to the 9-inch cock, when Kif-Cum poured down an eager throat, muscles pulling on it. Metallic teeth dug into the skin, pulling back, stripping him of ejaculate and sanity. A part of his mind registered his reactions. Another tool to use in the Playroom. Amkkk lifted the eager mouth off him, and knelt, excitement making his heart pound. "Want to taste your Maleness... Kkkkk." A knock on the hull interrupted him. 'I will rend whoever that is with bared hands.' He replaced his clothing, and re-sheathed his knife. The lock opened, to show a puzzled Guard. "Captain?" A hand clapped on his shoulder. "Finish trade later. Need to go to Hani now. You give this one higher rank." The Human stood for a moment, then reached into his robe. Lifted 2 gleaming axes free. Gave them a flip, and handed them, hilt-first to the Guard. "Good Blades. Keep sharp. Kill many beings. Yours for errand." Than he turned to Amkkk. "Remember, Captain Tarnower." The Captain looked at his Guard. "Those are Weapons of War. Wear them proudly 3-striper." The new sergeant nodded his head. "You are welcome to Kafka any time, Slayer_Of_Light..." All the guards shuddered. Better to let them know who they dealt with. A thought. "And what of this?" "A bad jump. Will disappear." Definitely One To Stay On The Good Side Of... He walked off with a sigh. Perhaps the other Human could be persuaded to enrich the Kif's diet... Even so, it would be a poor substitute. Amkkk fingered the dark-lensed glasses in his pocket. Remembered the too willing mouth. Remembered his own desires. There would be another time. He watched the human walk back into the ship. The Kif would make sure of it... * * * Aprim Marhan par Chandur had left the Long Voyager quietly. She was in need of a Male. Not her fingers, not even the contraband male-like things gave her pleasure any longer. The Hani needed to feel flesh pressed against hers, breath growling in her ears. She wore a robe, rather than breeches, because she was in a hurry. And a robe could be tossed off easily. She moved rapidly down the dock, to the only Mixed-Race bar on Station. There she met a most interesting human. Definitely male. He was going to show her his ship. She was going to rape him, if he talked too damnded much longer. 'Silly male, I want to screw, not discuss hull designs.' At last they were inside his cabin. Man-smell was everywhere. She half-helped, half-hindered him get undressed. Until he got his pants down, that is. She growled, dropping to her knees, and lapping at his entire groin. "Hey! Take it easy..." The female sucked on his cock wantonly. Get hard, Blast you! Finally, it stood, erect, and shiny with spit. She tossed her robe to one side, pressed herself to him. Then lifted her legs over his big ones, and sat in his lap. The human staggered under her weight, and yelped, strong muscles pulling him deeper into molten wetness. Finally he got her over to the bunk, and dropped them on it. Unnnnh. The Han lapped in a tit, getting in 2 strokes to his 1. That was as it should be. The female should give the male as much pleasure as possible. That way he stayed in longer, and more cubs were born. Twins were somewhat rare, but not too uncommon. Especially since the season came every 6 months, and lasted for days. But despite her best intentions, the human came too quickly. "Let me rest up a bit..." he said. She wanted to gnaw his balls off, but waited. Then he grinned. "I have to go check up on something... Be back in a minute." "Hurry," She snarled, wanting him again. But instead, another male showed up. "Hi, toots. Looks like you gotta problem." He dropped his trowsers, showing a thicker cock. The Hani purred, came off the bunk, and grabbed it with both paws, lapping on the tip. Than she sucked on it, enjoying the taste... Too long! She could only kick herself mentally, as semen splashed into her mouth. Perhaps he would be able to cum again... She hoped. But he too, bowed out, having to do 'Something or another..' But he had no more than left, than another took his place. This one would not be wasted. Aprim would only lap it into hardness. And that she did, then he lay her back, and mated the Hani on the floor, energetically. Now she was grateful for the spunk she had consumed, because this one lasted quite a while. And then another, and another... She no longer counted the males. They came and went, and came again. At last the one who had originally led her here showed up. "Having fun?" Sated for the moment, she grinned. "Much. Humans mate good. Want to screw again?" He smiled in the funny way humans did, than frowned. The Com said somebody was missing. She knew Human speech pretty well. "Maybe later." The Han didn't care. She had days, and at least 8 males to satisfy... Aprim yawned, stretched, horny still. Nothing happened for quite a few minutes. Nobody had come for her, well.. Actually everybody had. Maybe they were all busy. She would clean up, and go look for them. That decided, the Hani stepped into the shower, carefully. Don't want to lose any of that wonderful stuff. She washed her face, cleaning her teeth. Perhaps she would suck on the next two... Let their excess semen nourish her. A noise came from behind her. "Back for more?" She purred. Somebody in a black robe stood looking at her from the doorway. A new creature. She growled a welcome, and held her arms out. All 2- meters of giant moved into the light. Oh, Gods! Please Let This One Be MALE... It tossed the robe off, showing all kinds of weapons. Aprim stood, squeezing her thighs together, speechless. The Belt went, with most of the armament. It quietly undid something at it's chest. A huge sword slid down, was flipped upright, placed within reach. Aprim Marhan was in Lust. She would beg if she had to. It didn't matter if his maleness was as big as her arm, or the length of one claw. She would lavish it with all her love-making skills, to coax the precious life-seeds from it. It didn't even matter if he was sterile.. She was willing to take that chance. And if they didn't take the first time.. Well, that was why sex was so much fun! Alternately growling, purring, and moaning with need, she tried to get him to move faster. At last bare skin met her not-so-level gaze. The cock was small, but so were most of the others. She knew how to make it bigger. And the large egg-shaped testicles which hung down nicely, looked quite promising. It wasn't until big arms opened the shower, that she remembered she hadn't even seen his face. The Hani looked up.. and lay back against the wall, gasping. The face was definitely male, with scars running across it. But what made her blood run hot-then-cold was the eye. One blue-as-space eye stared at her, the other a patch. She came to her senses when he turned, as if to leave. "No, Sire!" She snarled, Grabbing his shoulder. She lapsed into Han for a moment. "Please..." The Male smiled and latched the door. Aprim turned the cragged face, to gently lift the patch. A socket stared back, bone gleaming whitely. Metal shone from inside the dark oriface. Gods, To have survived that... She pressed her paw on the scar tissue, and then ran it to the back of his head, pulling it down to hers, and rubbed noses. He grinned, and pressed his mouth to hers. A not-so gentle kiss.. Muscles rippled under her paws. Strength, and tenderness in one body. Oh, Gods! She was in heaven. The Hani nuzzled the nipples on the fairly hairless chest. Fur didn't turn her on, she had enough for both of them. It was the size of his frame. Immense. Definitely Not a Spacer Human. Both huge hands lay idle at his sides. "I'm not made of Glass, Male," She growled, lapping his stomach, "Touch me!" He did so, rubbing her shoulders, stroking her arms, where they pressed against his nicely padded sides. No skinny thing, he ate well, and would make an excellent mate. Her fingers, claws retracted, dug into the buttocks, marveling at their size, and gasped when muscles bigger than her thighs flexed. At last her nose pressed itself into the aromatic thatch of hair at his groin. She thought of sleeping this way every night, waking him each morning with a warm mouth on his maleness. The Han growled, forcing herself to move past the semi-erect cock and down to the testicles. Water splashed off his chest, and her back, where fingers gently rubbed her shoulders. Aprim held the fleshy sack on her wide nose, then tilted her head up, taking into her mouth. Mmmmm. Dried sweat and skin flakes dissolved in her mouth, giving the balls a salty male flavor. She sucked on them, rolling them around with her course tongue, and saw the fruits of her labor rising up in front of her eyes. Not gigantic, but not small either. There was no skin to hide the purplish tip from view. Damn! She hated to let go of his butt, but it was either that or spit out the swelling nuts. The Hani sighed, fingers tracing the bluish veins, before wrapping themselves around the loose skin, gently sliding the length. As she continued to work on his scrotum, the slit opened, and a drop of clear pre-cum oozed out. This time, there was no hesitation. The warm, saliva-soaked balls were cradled carefully in a set of wicked claws, and she opened her nostrils wide, inhaling the fragrance. As much as she wanted to harvest that glistening pearl, Aprim made herself wait. She started at the wide base, and taking long, slow licks, covered every inch of his maleness, excepting the head. Finally, she slid the rough surface across the sensitive underside, twanging the web of flesh, and getting more insemenal fluid to flow out. The taste was salty, sweet.. All male. And she knew if he died this moment, it didn't matter. She was going to suck him off. Aprim let go of the stalk, nibbling on just the fat cock-head. Then closed her mouth around it, holding his hips with one paw, sucking gently, letting it slowly make it's way across the ridged roof of her mouth, down to her throat. The Hani let it sit for a moment, enjoying the feel, then she removed her hand, and snapped the back of her tongue down, opened her throat, pulling the rest of his maleness in with a slurp. Knees pressed against his calves, she fondled his balls, holding her head still, so the male could hump her mouth easier. The hands stayed at her shoulders, the legs not moving. She looked up at him, blinking at the water. He smiled. "Your move, Tiger." Oaken thighs spread wider. Well, if he didn't move, she would! Slowly at first, then faster, the cat pistoned her mouth along his length. Paws caressed the round butt. Even though the male stood over her, she was in complete control. Again, strength and tenderness. Warmth flooded her. The Hani slathered over the human, moving her head side-to-side, nibbling on the tip, pulling on him with powerful throat muscles. A groan, and the contracting testicles in her paw told Aprim that the male was about to ejaculate. She pulled back, lapping on just the head, wanting to taste it. The head grew fatter, and the whole cock shuddered, spewing rich semen across her busy tongue, splashing on her rough palette. Aprim gulped the thick stuff hungerily, nursing on him, trying her damndest to drain the heaving balls, her fingers vigorously caressing them, coaxing the last dregs out, to be devoured. Then long, slow sucks. Designed to keep the maleness up, and hard. It did. The Man pulled her up, and thrust his tongue into her mouth, pressing it into the mixture of saliva and ejaculate. The fact that the human liked the taste of his own cum only excited the Hani more. She growled, dug her claws into his shoulders, and leaped up... to be held, just short of the target. The thick cock pressed against a thigh, making her squirm. A paw grabbed it, pulling it towards her. "Mate with me, Damnit!" The hands disappeared. Aprim squalled, the penis pressing into her belly. Fingers worked on her buttocks, rubbing the sticky tip across her fur. The Hani bit her lip. He was toying with her, making her want it more. And succeeded.. "Fuck me, Bastard!" She growled, licking on his hard nipples. How strange, only 2... He lifted her higher. Fast as lightening, she shoved down on the maleness. A moment's hesitation... then a slow plunge. Oh, Gods. Aprim let both paws fall to her sides, her back pressed against the wall. Warm water ran down his chest, between his legs, and farther, where furry limbs and muscular ones intertwined. "All of it, I want All.. Unnnh!" Her orgasm hit hard, and fast. She raked her claws against the wall, grinding her groin into his. And he did not cum. Damn! The Human bent over her. Aprim grinned, sliding her tongue into his mouth, tasting male saliva, and metal. She reached up a claw and tapped one of the shiny teeth. Steel... The male had steel teeth. Pleasure made her senses swim. And he didn't cum. She looked at the man through slitted eyes. 'You are going to spill your seed into me, if it takes a month!' The Hani vowed. A month didn't go past. 4 shuddering orgasms, and quite a bit of humping did. At last he snarled in her ears, and ejaculated into the mewling creature under him. The better part of an hour had passed since the Male had first stood in the doorway, and Aprim was feeling it. They washed each other off, she tracing all the scars that ran across his body, he ruffling the fur, and making her want him all the more. Finally they stood, his hands pressing her stomach, cock rubbing her lower back. Aprim had taken a male-thing back there before, and enjoyed it. She looked over her shoulder at the Human, and told him so. He grinned, pressing the flesh harder into her spine. "I would like to, Hani, But I have to get you back to your ship." She rubbed his testicles with a silken palm. "We have time." "Perhaps, But I do not have any lubricant." She laughed. Silly Male.. The Hani got down on her knees, and popped the maleness into her mouth, salivating over it heavily. When it was drenched, she stood again, turned her back to him. "Come on, Male. Bugger me, soundly!" Grunted when the tip pressed against her anus. Moaned as it slid into her guts. The Hani pressed herself down on the spit-slicked cock, until the groin hairs rubbed her buttocks. Aprim gasped. So much different than a male-thing, placed upon a chair. This maleness throbbed inside her, swelled, moved. She wished another was in her mouth, still another between her legs. Hands caressed her stomach, rubbing the row of teats. Damn! "Ready?" Yes, You Bastard.. "Do it." Half of the thickness slid out, then back in. Oh, Gods! Orgasm hit hard. Stayed forever. Aprim snarled, slammed her ass against the man savagely. Claws skittering along the wall, she was butt-fucked with abandon. And enjoyed every minute of it. Teeth nibbled on a tufted ear, driving the Hani to hump harder and faster. This was too Gods-Feathered good! Her cheeks compressed, the cock hitting zenith in her anal passage. The head flared. 'Yes!' Exploded. Spurted sticky liquid. Hot cum white-washed her intestinal walls, triggering another nerve-searing orgasm. Hips ground into her ass lustily. She lay limp, letting the male work off the last of his own need. Finally pulled free, with a lewd slurping sound. She gathered her wits, cleaned him off, and turned on the dryer cycle. "Your Captain will probably want my hide for doing what I have done..." "Not at all! She will be thankful that I have only lain with Humans." Aprim laughed at his confusion, turning around in the warm air. "Twice a year, we seek out males. No," to his query, "We have sex year round. Only at the Breeding Time are we like this." He still was confused. She shook out her fur, combing her mane with a set of claws, patted a thigh. "Sex, we do for pleasure. In the mouth, Between the legs, Up the ass. Anytime." She kissed him. "Mating, we do for cubs." She patted his maleness, now small and wrinkled. "I needed a Male. The Humans were handy. We had lots of good sex. You..." She nuzzled the broad chest. "You I wanted for mating. Your genes will make strong cubs." He shrugged, put his clothing and weaponry back on, sliding the sword, hilt by his right leg, back onto his shoulders. His robe was much too big, so Aprim put hers back on. After they walked out of the ship, the Human did something to the AirLock, and continued down the docks. Half an hour later the ship moved off the dock, and under computer control, jumped... Never to be seen again. And rumors flew... Of Humans who stalked each other like the Kif. Of Kif who dealt in the trade of things alive. And of someone who even the Kif feared. It had to be a Mahen demon. For did not the creature bed fellow males, as well as females? * * * The walk back was about as eventful as sleeping. Eyes stared at the odd couple, but didn't say anything. Trouble stood over 2 meters, walked down the docks, and nobody wanted any part of it. Especially a Han Captain who watched the pair come up the ramp. Not Kif, Not exactly Human either. A whisper of a rumor made the fur on her back ruffle. 'OutWorlder. Not of the Humans...' Too Gods-Blasted much like the Kif. If rumors be correct, OutWorlders left their HomeWorld in a hurry. They might or might Not be endowed with superior powers, might or might Not talk to Knnn... The Kif Hated/Feared them. They hunted Kif, in the same way Kif hunted everyone else. If rumors be true.. "Inside." Marha snarled at Aprim, knowing it was too little, much too late. "You are Captain of the Long Voyager?" The Hani nodded. And raised the gun, when a hand went into the robe. It didn't deter him for a moment. The hand re-appeared with a document. "You wish to exchange Cargo, or Kill me?" Marha sighed. Gods-Blasted Foundling Bastard Male Outsider! Which was the worst curse she knew. It suddenly occurred to her Aprim had been way too loose with the Man. And remembered 6 little packets, Tops neatly sprayed with Nu-Skin. So, Aprim Marhan had found a mate... Or Mates. And this one had stumbled in. Or had he? Another cold wind ran up her back. Cargo... "What kind of Cargo, Man?" "Shadow, Captain. Many containers. Found... wandering where it should not. Bearing Hani stamps." Huh! Wandering in Kif holds... This was turning sourer by the minute. He placed the paper on the dock. "Contact Captain Tarnower. Shuttle in Bay 117. Please give Hani My Apologies, I may not be back." That had multiple meanings... He bowed, and turned, walking back up the dockside. Well. So. The Hani had gotten herself involved with a rumor. Might do her good to work off some of those excess hormones. Besides, the hold was only half-full. She opened a Comline. "Churran, I'm going out on 'Business'. Make sure Aprim is locked away this time. Be back soonest." So, and so. Salvage Of Wounded Pride... Someone who could get schedules changed around, On a Blasted Kif Station... Someone who had Han cargo... Someone who had cut the nuts off six Humans... And given them as a present. Way too damn much like the Kif! She sighed again, retrieving the paper, and scanning it. Part in han, and part in semi-readable alien. But it was a list of goods that belonged to Hani, some of whom she was related to. 'The Fearful One...' Apt description. She walked, rifle still on her shoulder, towards the lower dock. Nobody interfered, nobody even seemed to notice. Especially Kif. Now that was scary! * * * The crazy one was back! Kif shuddered, let a large shape pass by. Held onto crotches, and stood still as stone, lest they catch it's eye... Too well they knew what had gone into the hold. And Who had done the deed. At last the Demon stood in front of the captain. "Sit. Parrfi?" A nod. If he felt any unease, he didn't show it. Amkkk felt tons of it, as did his crew. The drink brought, he found himself curious. Eyes stared out from under the robe at the man. "What brought you here?" "Work." A shudder, ran from his tail, up to his nose. "What, if I may enquire, Type of 'work' are you involved in?" A steel-clad hand rested against the table. "I am a Tracker. I... Find others. For a fee. Those I traded, were wanted. They robbed ships, killed beings." The Kif looked at him for a moment, suddenly worried. "So do we..." More Boldly. "So do You." The Captain fervently wished he could see the other's eyes... eye. Just a glimpse of what was going on inside the totally alien brain. A shrug. "We rob from the robbers. Companies pay us for 'Salvage'..." He was grinning under that dark hood. Amkkk could feel it's eerie coldness. "They rob wealthy one. Kill Son. He 'ask' that I find.. Kill... But not right away. Kif do this best, Yes?" Again that cold smile. "Double profits, and get job done. Dream of Any Merchant. Yes?" This time a chuckle. This one had much Skiffik. Was honest, and devious at the same time... "About these..." The Kif tapped his 'Dark Glasses'. "You have more?" "Yes, and No..." Came the startling reply. Amkkk looked them over again. Lenses made out of some dark material, with a simple rig to hold it in place. "What do you mean?" A sip. "Last of that kind. Have others, lens changes so it darkens in Light, clears in Darkness." The Kif Captain felt his emotional control slipping. "Follow me Please. We have more things to discuss in private..." Like why I want to crawl before you, Why I want your maleness on my tongue, why you radiate so much blasted Power... A waive of a hand, and a snarl told the crew that The Captain was going to be disposed for a while. They could have 1 of the half-humans for their pleasure. That one was going to be grabbing the bar for quite a while, before being allowed death. * * * A cabin, dark and somber. The Kif closed the door, locked it. Turned on the sodium lights. He wanted to see this OutWorlder. Too much raw need! 'I am either going to have to submit to you, or kill...' Gods! The Man took off his robe. Weapons shone in the light. A body that was vaguely like those down below, except a lot more so. "We finish trade now!" He tossed his own clothing off, and removed his weapons, no longer caring. The Human? removed things more carefully. Explosives? More than likely. Death... He reeked of it. Danger to All Life. A magnet to Kif. He waited impatiently, until the man was at last nude before him. The Kif knelt, a long red tongue traced the outline of each testicle, sitting in the hairy sack. Wrapped itself around the growing penis. Both sets of teeth pressed into the skin, holding it in place. Kif mouths were not made to have things stroked into them. So Amkkk used his tongue, as he had done so many times to His Captain, before TaMakkitt had become a Prince. Claws manipulated the balls, feeling them swell. 'Spill your seed! Give me some of your Power..' The fat cock-head grew, and jerked, spurting rich cum into the small throat opening. Wonderfully strong. So much better than the thin stuff Kif gave. Life splashed against the back of a sucking maw, was swallowed. Even as excited as Amkkk was, he kept his teeth pressed gently, but firmly in the flesh. Would not do to bite it off.. His thin tongue slid out of it's jaw-groove, lapping the entire length. Coaxed every last bit of semen out. Let the penis soak in his warm saliva, hoping it would fatten again. Amkkk gritted teeth, careful not to bite deeper. Perhaps he should stand before the Bar... Always calculating self- promotion, he let the cock slip into a claw. Played with it, weighing variables. Esteem lost verses prestige gained. Hands lifted his muzzle up. Pressed cold lips to his snout. Kif fingers caressed the slick cock. Suddenly, Amkkk found himself upended on a Chart-Table. So. The Human wanted to watch his face.. Another idea to remember. Strong fingers lifted gray thighs, and the Kif found his tail toyed with again. "Yes, Creature." He clicked quietly, "I am yours. For now..." Flipped his tail out of the way. Something much wider than any Kif maleness pressed against his anus. Slick with saliva, the cock penetrated easily, deeply, curling his toes up with pleasure. Pressing knees against wide shoulders, Amkkk hissed softly. 'I am enjoying this too much..' Then stretched his neck, tongue waiving the air, as The Insane One dived between his legs, engulfing the thick gray penis. He could only hold on to the sides of the Table, battered between the savage buggering, and the equally brutal 'blow-job'. The Kif came first, and second, and third... "Aaaaugh! Ejaculate, bastard!! I Want To Feel Your Semen Splash Inside My Intestines!!!" Time meant nothing. Ages went past.. Still the human screwed his ass into the hard surface, flayed nerve-endings with a clutching throat that threatened to pull his penis out by the roots... Finally, the bundle of over-excited nerves that was a Kif Captain could only click with pleasure. Caress, and lap at the sweaty flesh. Wait... Groin hair tangled with tail fur. Testicles swelled, contracted. A cock split the ass open, plunged to the hilt. Hot cum spurted wonderfully deep. Anal walls pulled greedily, wanting more. The Kif's own penis responded one last time, giving up it's nectar to a talented tongue. And as darkness overtook the creature, he felt the mouth move off him. The maleness retracted. Arms lifted his frame, deposited it into a bed. "That was most enjoyable. I must be leaving. Have to make sure your goods arrived. Should we meet again.. The first drink is on me." Then Amkkk knew nothing else. * * * Four hours had passed since the Captain had gone into his Cabin. But the ship went on functioning. That was until the Demon re-appeared. Locked the door. Walked out, smelling of sweat, and sex... A Kif wasn't fast enough in moving. Steel fingers latched onto his ass. "Just the way I like 'em. Nice and firm. The kind you can chew on for a Long time..." The creature squeaked. A grin, showing metallic teeth. Gods, just don't let it... A finger ruffled the underside of a furred tail. "Don't have time... Too bad." Continued on down the corridor, fondling a stiff Guard every now-and-again, who hissed quietly, but allowed the touch. One almost stopped breathing when The Bastard twirled a finger along his erection. Shook a cowled head. Continued on finally. The whole ship breathed easier when The Sex-Starved Monster was gone. Kif remembered things very well. Especially Steel-Fanged Demons who talked about chewing on Kif tails. Fondled males as if they were females. Castrated 6 Humans. Screwed a Captain into oblivion. It took Amkkk 2 full days to recover. If anybody thought about mutuny, it was kept between thin lips. Especially those whose flesh still felt the cold caress of a steel hand. Better to take one's need out on the soft-fleshed creatures in the Play-room. And lest they forget, there was a indentation in the hull where a stupid creature who used to be the First Mate had dared to attack it. * * * "Perverted Bastard! Remove your paws from my crew..." Lifting an Energy-Rifle, the Kif snarled at the Human who stood, hand still moving beneath a robe. The Guard it was fondling gasped. "Please Hakkur First.. Do not interfere." An angry hiss. "I return to find my crew lined up like females-in-waiting, and This swaggers through the Corridor, playing with them..." The hand was removed, gently patted a gray snout. "The Captain will put your heads on poles without removing them first!" "As for yo..." An axe buried itself in the metal wall, haft tight against the thin neck. Another bounced the weapon from the paw. The Kif forgot all about the rifle, and tried to breathe. The monster walked down the corridor, shoved a steel hand into the struggling Kif's robe. He squealed as the appendage moved.. A sigh. "Not enough time..." Smacked it upside the head. Jerked the Axe out of the wall, leaving a meter-long cut in the alloy. Snap-whirled it, and shoved it back into the belt-loop. The other one was also replaced. Hakkur First had just enough hatred left to pick-up the rifle.. And was jerked back, as a hand, swung around by the 2-meter body, flew past. Slammed into the wall like a steel-shod mace. The weapon, bent like a pretzel, lay mashed in the dent. "I leave it for your descretion." Turned, walked out. Took a door with it. Hatch #7 had been sticking lately. A nusiance, but that was all. The demon hit it. It didn't budge. Hands grabbed the edges, crunching into it. Jerked. Kif scattered, as it was wrenched off it's hinges. "Sloppiness..." Was put to one side. The creature continued down to the airlock. OutShip. Kif got extremely busy. Messages ran through the wires. The Door was hefted by a dozen Kif with a Powerlift, and taken out. The hull was patched, but only enough to be stable. The door, and dent were reminders of just who had been on the ship. Hakur was relieved of his rank. Bound in chains, tossed into a cargo crate, it was delivered to a certain shuttle. Amkkk Kikker Akkamkkirr Became RaAmkkk, A Prince-Captain. Marha Tyorh found herself with a ship's worth of goods. And a second ship at her disposal.. A KIf Ship, at That! But, it was a cargo ship.. As much as any Kif Ship can be called that. Aprim didn't have any cubs, as humans are not genetically compatable. But, She found a Male who reminded her of the Spacer. Raha was surprised at how exciting his mate was.. Even if she did call him strange names.. A Kif who left the station in chains, found himself in a whole shipful of males. Some liked being chained up.. However his new Captain, who was also much more than a Captain, set him straight.. The machine had taught him so much.. And he was still a Bastard. Well, maybe not so much.. He chuckled. Hakkur wore a robe that was almost gaudy. Found the implants were not bad, once one got used to them.. To See Color! It was more than worth all the discomfort. Now, Captain of his own crew, he did his Master's work.. Like shuttling the creatures who sat in the cabin's to far worlds. Sometimes he missed the old days.. Like Hell! Sipping on his drink, he patted his First-Mates paw. That worthy grinned at him, showing long incisers, and dipped it's long ears. Soon they would be in his cabin, grooming each other's fur. What A Life.. As to the robed one, he plied his trades along the starways. And thought much the same thing.. The End