HANI3.TXT First Contact - By SwampRat (c) 1990 The Brotherhood of Pan 1991 The Rashathran Society The deep-space probe/scout sat beside a large rock, and scanned. It had been recording ship movements for decades, dumping it's findings every now-and-then, into a recorder in it's tail. This was a quiet place, some mining going on spinward, but nothing out on the fringes. Even so, the crystalline brain had cataloged 6 new languages. Some were only a few hundred cross-referenced words, others were close to fully translated, and usable. 2 ships appeared, riding a Timewave. The probe read the Timelines, and ran cross-checks. Then it scanned the outlines, armament, and messages. Kif. A raiding party by all indications. It would not interfere. Even if it wanted to help, it was unarmed. The only weapon being it's power supply, a speck of Neutron Star. The Children Of The Stars sang to the Wise Ones through the ether, warning them of possible hostilities. Another Timeghost appeared. Hani. Traiders who were about to have a bad day. It slowed, slowed again, came into RealTime... and got hit by a missile. "DISTRESS! DISTRESS!" The scout lifted off the asteroid, re-scanning it's banks. No mistake. A call for help, by a sentient being. Automatic dump was made into a crystalline storage cylinder, along with the co-ordinates, and fired off a faster-than-light rocket. The craft could do no more than watch, and record the battle. One of the ships turned, and started towards the rim, where the scout was located. It wasn't gathering up enough speed to jump, so why... A missile launched, streaking towards the probe. It had been detected. All the information it had gathered, including language translations, and ship recognitions, were quickly dumped to storage. Then it scanned the oncoming weapon. 'Projectile. Explosives inside front section. Independent guidance.' This information too, was added. 5 meters to impact - All physical links with Recorder2 were severed, and the pod was blown free. 4 meters to impact - Missile was scanned again, and information updated via LightWave transmission. 3 meters to impact - The Recorder's crystal brain awakened, raised shields, and waited a moment for further input. When none came, it blinked into N-Space. 2 meters to impact - Self-destruct was well under way. The speck of super-heavy mass that was the craft's power supply was allowed to come into close contact with a second, negatively charged speck, as the magnetic bottle collapsed one final time. For a brief moment a new sun shone in the heavens. The tiny probe stored that piece of information, along with the fact that the attacking ship had survived, abet damaged. Recorder2 jumped back into N-Space, waiting. The Kif didn't know it, but they very little time to enjoy their games. For the FTL rocket had slipped into another part of the universe, and been received, it's contents read, a course plotted. And something was moving at speeds only achievable in theory, and in the place between dimensions, Null-Space. * * * Marrl Tanar par Fasa cursed her luck. They had walked into that trap blind. At least the shields had repulsed that first shot. Thank the Humans for that. Her fur ruffled, rankled that she had to give thanks to any being for their safety. Speaking of which... She hit Belowdecks Com. "How's He doing?" The reply was faint, but steady. "Groggy, alright. Be up soonest." They shouldn't pamper him so, but he Was the only other male onship. In a few more moments he would be pulling his own weight. If they had a few more moments... Another missile exploded against the energy screen, and a red lite appeared on the console. One more direct hit, and that would be it. But, she wasn't about to give up this easy. The Gods-Rotted bastards wanted a fight, she would oblige them! Marrl shut the "Distress" beacon off, knowing the chances were very slim that anything, except Tc'a miners, were about. And they wouldn't be any help. One of the Kif went out to the rim for a moment, fired at something... and a blip on the screen went opaque, as light flooded the area. Gods! The fools must have found an energy-mine. Luck still held on her side. "John, You get that?" The human's voice came through Com. "Yes, Captain. High- energy explosion. Almost off the scale..." "Priority! 2/7." That from Kurlf. She looked at the screen, and saw the other raider coming at them. Well, they had guns too. She flicked switches, ignoring the warning lites, as the shields were dropped in front of her gun-sites. Within moments, a set of coordinates reeled off on a small screen, as the Kif was targeted. Damn, but John was good. Almost as good as a Hani. Comps were faster, but lacked the instinct that people had. A fire-lock came, was changed, re-locked. The human's talents never ceased to amaze her. Marrl thought again of another human, on another ship. Rumors be damned! She was going to marry that Captain, when next they met. If they met. A shock reverberated through the hull, signifying that the guns had opened up on the rotter. Gods, now she was thinking like him. Something blinked, then the ship shuddered. That was it for the major screens... One of the Kif was coming in high, one low. There was no chance of hitting them both, even with one of the hunters crippled. But no Hani ever gave up easily. She calculated firing range, set-up a pattern, and promptly forgot all about Kif... "Priority! 4/9." 2 something's dropped out of nowhere. Whatever they were, they were coming in fast. Way too Gods-Blasted fast! One of the Kif turned to meet the new craft, sent missiles to intercept them, and everything vanished, as all screens went blank, the antennas fouled with radiation. "Blast it! What happened?" "The two craft fired on the Hunters. Some kind of energy blast. Screens should be clearing now. Cameras operable." This from Com2, John again. They slowly got their eyes back, revealing two ships like nothing in Compact. Where were the vanes, the holds, the blasted gun-sites? And how about some ID. For that matter, where were the Kif raiders? No debris, no pieces of ship, no Nothing! Marrl didn't like this... "Hani Traider. This is Captain Royyka in LandOver1. Distress call received. Do you understand us? Do you require help?" 'Ask, and you shall receive, in Gods-Mated Spades!' Marrl grinned. More and more like that stupid male... Then it hit her. Kif? Kif didn't name their ships after places, they preferred blood'n'guts titles... And No Kif offered help. Something ruffled across her back. Fear, and excitement. Rumors of the place ran through her mind. Perhaps, just perhaps... "Open Com1. This is Marrl Tanar, Captain of Tanar's Reach. We acknowledge, LandOver. Negative on help." Where are you from, she wanted to ask. For that matter who the Gods are you... She immediately dismissed a thought that it might be Human. Nothing in Compact, even the methane breathers had that type of craft. Marrl thought of trading information with them for a moment. But, No. The attack had to be noted, there was still cargo in the hold... "One moment, Hani Captain." Knnn song came through the Com, And was answered! Kif, My furry Ass! The curse made her feel a little better, and reminded her of Franx. The Hani hit Com3, AllShip. "Get us ready for jump. Now! Put that tape in Record." That to Maheaa in Op, her First. Aliens that appeared out of nowhere, without leaving even a trace of Timeghost, that ate Kif for breakfast, that spoke to methane breathers... "The Children send wishes of health, and life." She switched back to Com1. "The Children?" "The Children Of The Stars. 'May your lives be full of darkness, and beauty.'" Definitely Knnn. Only the methane breathers thought no-light was pretty. "Any repairs needed? No? We are returning to FarLander. May you have a safe journey, Hani Captain." Both ships suddenly vanished. No getting up to speed, no power surges, just gone! Kurdu could wait. This was too damn important! "Set course for Kura via Ajir. John, You go under." She hit a switch, with a pang of regret, ignoring the alarms. That was a damn good cargo. But they would need every bit of speed to get this back. Even though her house was under Chanur, and she was second cousin to a very famous Great-Great Aunt, Pyanfar she wasn't! It may cost them, but Marrl would feel a Whole lot better with a few hunters in tow. Not that she expected them to do much good against whatever the Mahen Hell those craft were.. This was going to be nasty. They accelerated to jump-speed, and hit the overdrive. And something followed. 3 little things about 4 meters long. And while Timeline echo's still rippled, a probe came out of N-Space, scanned for ships, went back in again. Knnn wailed inquires, which stopped short, as a huge thing appeared. Colored slightly bluish by energy screens, it was immense. The central column was about half the size of a large planet, the 10 smaller appendages, about one quarter. 6 were attached to each other, and the main platform, in a hexagonal shape, at the bottom. The remaining 4 floated about half-way up, similarly attached, giving it a castle- like appearance. Star-Children song rolled across the smaller asteroids, to the minors, bringing greetings, and reassurance. The Tc'a spoke in 7-part harmonics. Were answered in kind. Another scout/probe was launched, affixing itself to another lump of rock. The Recorder went to sleep, awaiting activation. A craft launched out of one of the outer pods, taking in the containers, and some debris. Then the Knnn gave warning of an incoming ship. The miniature planetary system vanished once again, while the Raft finished up, also returning to N-Space. The Knnn greeted the new ships with tales of wonder, and excitement. * * * Marrl gasped. That had been rough! 2 fast jumps almost immediately after an ambush. But this couldn't wait. She sent ID squeal to the buoy, with a terse message about the attack at Uft-Point. If her sensors were more sensitive, or her ship a raider instead of a trader, she might have noticed a small blip detach from her stern, and go to the Space-Anchor. The Reach's captain had no time for pleasantries. This information Must get back to Central Station. She would meet her Lover/Future Husband later. As she entered Hani space, she sent an excerpted copy of her log to Gaohn. This was all done on automatics so the crew could rest. And they needed it. Blast! Marrl looked at the fur left on the water-bottle. Something else she had inherited from her Twice-Great Aunt. Shedding during Jump.. Ah, well. She squeezed the bulb, then passed it over shoulder to Maheaa. At least the sickness was lessened. More damned human engineering. They had put a chemical in the bottles of water, which reduced stress. And then there was those wonderful leaves.. Smelled heavenly. Removed all cares when chewed. Gods! To get drunk on a Plant.. The second probe headed for the buoy. There it stopped again, aided the first probe in translations, and if it had been programmed for cursing, it would have done so. So many new word-sounds, no translator to say what they were, or how the syntax went. But, the crystalline matrix that made up it's brain didn't curse, it simply assisted, and when everything was dumped, referenced, scanned, re-dumped, and stored, it moved slowly to an asteroid, and then jumped out of this universe and into N-Space, where Speed is relative, Reality is twisted, and Time doesn't exist.. It jumped so fast, the hunk of rock barely shifted in it's orbit. But something noticed the ripple. It reached through space, probing the machine that sat at the buoy. But it did nothing. Too small to be any danger. The Shield Of Charrik would wait. The Reach slid into a dock on station, as the last probe moved closer to it, staying in the shadows. It sent a tiny query... and got contact! As before a small rocket was loaded with the information, and fired off. The third probe, at first slowly, but with increasing speed, talked to the alien presence. * * * Frres stared at the ComBoard, puzzled. Why so much activity on an un-used channel? She put a ComPlug in her large ear. Kif came, no, poured in, at a speed that only machines ran at. And their Comp was answering. First in Kif, than Hani, then Mahendo'sat. It all ran together into noise, as the two Computers synced. She hit a button, told Administration of the fact, and continued listening, catching one word in a hundred. It took all of 20 minutes to run through the entire vocabulary in the Translator, at machine speed. Then there was a Beep, and this time in hani, questions came hot, and thick. And all general information. Who, what, how much.. World History, Politics, Than more pointed. Ships owned, type, armament, She hit the stop switch, killing the transmission. There was a blip on her screen. Naturally she had run a trace on the line, and what came up, was ridiculous. 4 meters long, 2 meters wide... A Gods-Blasted Probe! And it had to be Non-Compact. There was another query. This time she answered it. "This is ComSupervisor Frres Llun. Who are you? Acknowledge." A mechanical voice, devoid of emotion, came out of her earpiece. "This is LongProbe 117249, from OutWorlder M.R.S. FarLander. Trans Ack." Hmmm.. "Who or what are the MRS?" "Classification. Mobile Research Station. Type: Planetary StarFortress. Register: OutWorlder Federation." She touched another switch, sending this straight to Admin. Another light came up. A subordinate wanted her. "Yes?" "Supervisor, message from Charrik's Shield. Small craft, coming inbound. No ID. Dimensions: 4 M. by 2 M." The fur on her back went up. 2 of them? "And how Gods-Rotted many more of them were hiding out there", she muttered. "Only 1. LongProbe 111238, Inbound at sub-light." Frres jumped, forgetting that the ComLine was still open. "We have a Situation." This from Admin. She snarled. Damn right we have a Situation! * * * While she bit at her claws, The probes were conferring. 111238 didn't want to leave. 117249 overrode it, dumped everything over via LightWave transmission, and told it to find the FarLander. The other acknowledged, activated it's shields, and jumped into Null-Space, while the Probe waited, ready to self- destruct if necessary. Down in the station another light winked out. A worried voice told somebody that one of the ships had disappeared. "Jumped, you mean." "Negative... It simply vanished off the screen." "Impossible. System Malfunction." But all the machines worked fine. Gaohn was only second to Central Station in size, and importance. So the entire system worked damn well. Everything they had so far was dumped to tape, and sent via Fast Courier to Central Point.. And this mess was what Marrl Tanar walked into. First, "To AllShips. Cut Transmissions to minimum. Do not leave System. Wait for further instructions." Marrl didn't like the sound of that. Something was up. And she Gods-Rotted well knew what. Outsiders. First, there were Blasted Humans. Well, not really. The Hani had traded with the humans too much to feel hostile towards the soft- skinned, under-furred ones. Now some new beings.. Space was getting damnedably crowded. She grinned. At least that what Franx would have said. As she got into the shower, she wished those skilled stubby paws were here to rub her back, get all the kinks out. The water was warm, but no substitute for a warm body. She let it settle her mane, then turned and washed off her back, using another useful human tool, a long-handled brush. Mmmmm. She stopped the water, and turned on the dryer, reminiscing. She had met the brash Male in a Bar. A Mixed bar. She wanted company, and wasn't too picky who, just as long as he was Male. Franx was sitting at a table, and she had walked over, introduced herself, sat down, and damn near tore his clothing off. Marrl hasn't been looking at the calendar too closely. It was the Mating time. Twice a year it happened.. And Hani usually locked themselves up for the necessary few days. But this Han hadn't. So, she would have bedded a Bastard Kif, if one had made himself available. One hadn't. Franx had. He had walked with her, talked to her, calmed her as much as a Hani with berserk hormones could be calmed. He took her into his ship, to his cabin, and mated with her, gently, tenderly, for hours unending. She didn't even really become aware of her surroundings, until she found herself in a shower, with soothing hands moving in very private places. "Damn, but you have a furry ass." Lips pressed against her ear, and a very nicely- sized maleness rubbed her back. She turned, to find a Human who looked like he had been dragged through hell, and had immensely enjoyed every minute of it. Then memories flooded her mind. "Oh, Gods!" They had made love in every way possible. In every position possible. She had even licked on his... A paw clapped itself to her mouth. The man looked worried, than a sad smile came across his scarred face. "It's OK. I understand." He turned his back, lined with scratches. Scratches she had put there. And then something hit her between her furry ears. Hit Gods-Rotted Hard! It no longer mattered that along with various foods, both known, and unknown, she was digesting some alien semen. It no longer mattered he wasn't Han. He had been there when she needed someone. He had held her, holding her, stroking her, making her feel like she had never felt before. Her gaze went down the almost hairless mounds of flesh, also bearing scratches... and bites. His words came again.. "And you've got a cute one. Now wash my back.." He turned, not believing. "Or are you renigging on your promise?" And swept her up on his huge arms, pressing the cat against the wall, kissing her. Marrl's lips moved up, claws digging into his shoulders. Then she pressed her mouth back against his. A paw reached down and grabbed the thick cock, squeezing it. He grinned. "Your insatable!" For however much time had slipped by, yes, she had been. Now she wanted to feel him, not a pleasant, if dirty, memory. The Hani spread her legs, and rubbed the strangely shaped tip between them. Damn, but that felt good! The human knelt, waiting for her. And she responded by placing wetly furred legs over his brawny ones. Marrl growled with lust, as he sank into her. Mmmmm. "Ready?" For what? She wondered. He stood suddenly, impaling the Hani, pressing her against the shower wall. She rubbed his sides, remembering to keep her claws in. Oh, Gods. His scant groin fur pressed against hers, and she grunted. The hani reached under a leg, feeling his testicles. They had been in her mouth more than once, been pressed against her flesh many times, but that was then. This was now. And she wanted to feel them again. While her head was clear.. As clear as it was going to get for a while anyway. Oh, Gods! He moved, centimeters slid out, then back into her. It was going to come out of her mouth! And she loved it. She had never mated in a shower, and had found it to be wet, and exciting. * * * After the second mating, Marrl was sure the male was dead. But, a paw reached down, squeezing the male flesh hopefully. To her surprise and delight, it grew. And it was just as much fun to do with the dryer going. Even if it took for- Gods-Loving-ever... Finally a mutual toweling off. The Human showing how talented his stubby fingers were, and the Hani found she liked the flavor of the male. The taste was interesting, and the scent of male musk made her head swim. Marrl found her breeches had been cleaned and 4 full days had disappeared out of her life. "I have to leave. My crew will be wondering where I am." Not at all. I took the liberty of sending a courier, with a message you were our, um, Guest..." That probably went over well... His face made that sad smile that twisted her guts up. "May I see you again?" She patted his cheek, then wrinkled her nose in humor, and grabbed his butt. "Try to keep me away." The male dressed as well, and went down to the lock with her. A crew-member stood guard. "Good Day, Captain, Captain." She started for a moment. "You are a Captain?" "Franx Merriam, Captain of The StarBound. At your service MeLady." That in Human. The Han knew the language. A good trader always knows the lingo. Better to make deals with. He bowed, and she did the same, a small ache twinged from her rear. Another fragment of memory.. Oho. She made her way to her ship, humming something that he had played. Music.. Different than Han, But still enjoyable. It wasn't until she stood, looking at Tanar's Reach, that it struck her. She was in love. Damnit, It Couldn't Be! It Just Could Gods-Rotted Not Be!! He was an alien, with smooth flesh, and talented paws, and more damn moves than a Knnn ship! "The Heart Does Not See With The Eyes. It Does Not Reason With The Mind. When Touched With Love, Neither Will Help." That line really didn't make sense, when she was young. Now it did. All too Gods-Blasted clearly. Her eyes saw an Alien Race. Her mind saw problems by the Hold-Full. Her heart saw a male, gentle and loving. And nothing short of death would keep her from seeing him again. Maheaa was standing guard. "Good day, Captain. I Hope your stay was pleasant.' The eyes said, 'So. Hunting successful?' "It was..." To both questions. And laughed at the wrinkled nose. 'What have you been drinking?' She smiled quietly, and boarded. 'If you only knew First, If you only knew...' That was a few years ago. Now she semi-owned Tanar's Reach. Ship number 4. Re- built, and with a Human Crewmember. Marrl half-listened to the Com as she had come into station. "Ship, Tanar's Reach. Captain, Marrl Tanar par Fasa. Crew - Maheaa Fasa, First Mate. Harrn Chanur, Second Mate and Communications. John Malak, Weapons (Male Human). Kurlf Rye, Navigation, and Second Weapons (Male Hani). Uthba Mahn, Repairs, and Second Navigation. Brith Mahn, Translator and Second Communications. Traider originally bound for Kurdu." All that in a squeal of a few seconds. Then it was auto-docking, and trying to figure out what ever in the Mudball she was going to say to Hakkn. He was going to be mad. Marrl had just put on a pair of silk breeches, when the Com squawked. "Messages Captain, One from StationMaster, Captain's Eyes Only. One from Captain Franx." Marrl's heart skipped a beat. StationMaster... This was going to be bad. Better get the worst over with first. As to the other.. She wasn't the only one who liked Male Humans. Especially one in particular.. There may be a mutiny if the crew didn't get a chance to hear Franx's words, but a Captain's Privacy was sacred. "Put them down here, Station first." The message came up, Han purr. Alien Probe found at Gaohn. Alien Probes found Insystem. All tied to... FarLander. That was where those other ships had said there were from. But how? Never mind how. She told Harrl to sent the full Log records, Priority 1. Than she grinned. "Send Number 2 down, My Com Only." There was a collective groan, and a handful of protests. "I want to see if there is anything of a Personal nature, before I let you Sex-Starved Females loose on it." That would bring a grin from Maheaa. "Aye." The wonderful lilt of Human tickled her ear. "How do I love thee, let me count the ways... In the shower, on the bed, on the deck..." A gentle laugh. "Should be back by the time you get this. Offer of 'Trying To Make Kittens Legally' stands, unless you prefer the other ways..." She would box his bastard ears. He had as much tact as a damnded Kif! And she loved him all the more for it. "Seriously. I love You, Will Love You For all my days. If we can not be, I will understand. I will go another way, make another trade pact. But my heart is yours, whenever you want it, dearest Furry-Butt. Out." Marrl sighed. Punched intership. "Too personal. Understand?" Acknowledgements and sighs. "Brith, You have the watch. All others, Offshift. No Shoreleave. There's too much going on." "Aye, Captain." She had that twisting feeling hit again. The question was, if they married, who's ship would they sail on? But then, why only one? So they had 2 space-farer's in the Clan. Their feelings for each other were not a big secret. And the crazy thing was, Hakkn was all for it. Having a brother who was a Hold-Keeper, abet a minor one, did have it's advantages. Besides, a Hani/Human pact might just be enough impetus to push the entire clan up a few notches. Maybe even a bigger holding... She sighed again. First, Pay Clan Chanur for the ship, then worry about advancing her Brother. Marrl Tanar par Fasa would walk out with dignity, no matter what she felt like. That much was expected. And almost lost it, when an Armed escort came for her. Black trowsered Llun, on one side, Silver suited Humans on the other. "Please come with us, Captain." As if she had a choice... None the less. Head high. Shoulders up. Make the gawkers guess at what was going on. With somewhat hurried dignity the assemblage went into the station. And just about that time a ship appeared at the far edge of Anuurn System. It came in silently, and stopped at the buoy. "Ship ID?" There was a moment's hesitation. Then Hani came from it. "This is the OutWorld SpaceRaft LandOver1. Registration, M.R.S. FarLander. Captain Royyka in command." The Space Anchor digested this. "Unfamiliar ship. Unknown registration. Required guidance coordinants follows." A handful of numbers came out, signifying a lane of safety, with Dump-Zones. "We need no Dumps." This required some thought. It beamed the question to Rye's Station, and waited for an answer. "May we enquire as to the reason for your visit to our system?" "Return of lost items by Han Traider Tanar's Pride. Interest in Cultural exchanges." "LandOver1. This is Central Station. You may proceed inbound. Coordinates are as follows." More numbers. "No need to snarl Traffic, Station. Will be 100 KM your station, 2 minutes. At point 310 by 21, Spinward Local. LandOver Out." The ship picked up speed, then winked out of existence. The buoy recorded this new piece of info, and waited. Central Station, on the other hand, chewed it's collective nails to the nibs. Something appeared, sent a query, and was answered by the probe at Gaohn, then vanished. To be replaced by something else. About the size of a Knnn ship, it stood off about 100 kilometers Sunward of the Station. The probe moved away from Gaohn and docked on the craft. "Central Station. This is LandOver1. Will send shuttle, or will wait for inbound cruiser, as you prefer." "LandOver1. Send shuttle. Berth 20 is open." "Ack. Shuttle away now." Something opened, and a smaller version of the SpaceRaft made it's way down to the station. Where was it's head, or tail, or gun emplacements? Or were there any? To blasted many questions, and not near enough answers. "Station. Ship incoming. Will move out of it's way. LandOver out." And they did too. By pulling another disappearing act. But the shuttle still made it's way towards them, and a few moments later the Buoy sent the message that the Traider StarBound, Guests of Clan Tanar, were coming. At least somebody was happy. Even more so, when she found out the alien shuttle had their cargo. Maybe she could get them back cheap. After all, They did state they wanted to Return the Lost goods. Maybe the Gods did smile upon Fools, and Lovers. Gods knows they were both. But, there's always one worm in the barrel. The Beacon yelled a warning as something came in, mean and fast. Kif. Only Knnn ignored Anchor's. Even so, it still bode no good. It came roaring inbound, dumping twice, then settling down to a fast, hard line, a few minutes behind the StarBound. Then shock upon shock. "Incoming Kif Fighter. This is LandOver1. Warning. We have personnel inbound to Station. Should you pursue any hostile actions, we will take action.." The Kif very quickly decided to slow down. They didn't like disembodied voices either. "This is Kif Raider StarReaver. Who are you to order us?" Suddenly all the sirens on the station went off at once. Something too Gods-Awful Big to Be, appeared on the other side of the system. "This is the M.R.S. FarLander. Second Captain RarArrshi in command. Do we rate as authority enough, Kif Raider?" This in Kif. "This is an illusion. A Sham..." The Fortress glowed. "Kif Raider. We are more than happy to discuss any business you may have with us or our personnel, At length. As long as it's done safely." The StarBound came in slowly, not too sure what to do next. The Shield Of Charrik followed. "Continue Commander?" This from the shuttle. "Continue onward, Shuttle 7. Central Station, This is the FarLander. We are going back to #. If you need us, yell. FarLander Out." The '#' was white noise, meaning the Trans didn't find any word pattern that matched the sound. "FarLander Repeat. You are going to wher..." With a shimmer, it was gone. "This is First Captain Royyka. Spelling follows. 'N. U. L. L. S. P. A. C. E.' Word: Null Space. N- Space for short." "This is Franx Mirriam of the StarBound. You speak Spacer?" "Spacer, Kzin, and Alcon. Also 17 Old Terran Languages. Pretty good for a #." A deep chuckle. "This is Central Station. Cease hostilities. You understand, StarReaver? LandOver?" "This is First Officer Mirrthra. We Comply. No hostile intentions. We are here for safety of shuttle, Only." The Kif chittered, then "Comply Station. We Will Dock. Have Charges to bring. Kif ships destroyed. Kif crews endangered.." * * * Marrl spat silently. She had sat in an office, telling everything that had happened, and reviewing the Log Book, for way too damnded long. Now she stood on the docks, awaiting the Alien Shuttle. At least the Kif were co-operating. They were just nosing into Berth 5, careful as anything. She was a bit ruffled herself. What the Gods Was that gigantic thing? And where the hell had it gone? Well, answers were forthcoming. The StarBound had slid in earlier, and A Human stood beside her. She didn't need to turn to know it was her beloved. No other dared grasp her tail, and press the furry appendage to chapped lips. The Hani flicked it in mock disgust. "There are beings Watching..." "Let them. I have a Full Hold, and no Bills." She almost lost it a second time.. That meant they could be Wedded properly. And if the Captain who was now putting his ship to dock, didn't want too much for salvage... Perhaps, Just perhaps, she could pay off some of her own debts. Shuttle number 7 came to a stop, lines not hooked up, since nobody knew what, or even how to hook it up to Station. There was a hiss, and a door opened near the front. Something walked out, and stood on the metal. 3 full meters tall, And made of steel. With some kind of weapon. It made a missle-launcher seem small.. "Site secured Captain." Another exited. Dressed in a simple blue robe, with some kind of decorations on the front. A black-nosed snout quivered. And a noise came from it. Another stepped out, smaller than the first, also in a robe. Something glittered under the hood. As one they tossed back the cowls, soliciting a collective gasp. Franx stepped forward. "I don't believe it." He lifted a hand, and a immense, furred paw grasped it. "Your eyes don't lie, Human. I am Captain Royyka, a Male Grizzly." The jaws hadn't moved... The other walked forward, scales glistening in the lights. "I am Rasst. A Male Ferrahhass." It too extended a hand. Six digits, with claws. Franx swallowed hard, but shook it. Then he said something in a dialect. Spinward Spacer. Marral know some of it, having learned it from the Humans. "You are alive. The Last Bear died 200 years ago. Except for..." The animal nodded. "We are Genetic Interchanges. Dr. Siris planned well, when he left Terra, with us. He," a claw pointed back at the metallic monster, "Is Brigade Sergeant Merri. A RepliDroid. StandDown. Await Instructions." The last to it. A click and the creature became a statue. "By your leave, Captains. I have business, and want to tour their manufacturing areas..." The bear chuckled. "Rasst is a Tech. He, like the good Professor, enjoy life best when they are taking something apart. Alright. Just be back in time for launch." The snake hissed. And moved gracefully up the docks. "Please, Which of you is the Captain of the Tarhar's Reach?" Marrl stepped forward, along with quite a few dignitaries. "I am." At last! Somebody her own height. "Please follow me." The creature made it's way across the shuttle, Brown robe stained with Gods Knows what all. "We salvaged all that was intact. Most of the canisters, a few suits, One ship." She stopped. A Ship??? The being hissed something, and a panel moved back on the side of the craft. Fingers moved rapidly across a pad. With another hiss, a very large door, slid inward, and to one side. "Ship not here. Still on FarLander.. Caught it going towards inner Galaxy. Extremely Fast. No life readings." She noticed he lisped slightly. "Name.. FarVoyager." Marrl's heart skipped a beat. Fasan Ship. Thought lost. Oh, Gods... All but 5 of her containers sat waiting. A few pieces of stuff, from other han ships. "How much?" One green eye looked at her. "Smoke?" He offered her something long, thick and smelling of tobacco. "No. How much for all canisters." He lit one end of the thing, and puffed for a moment. "Tour of Ship-Making Facilities." He took another puff. "Tour Of Station... If Possible." The Hani waited for more. When nothing was forthcoming she shook her head. "That's All?" The Cobra with legs shrugged.. "Cultural Exchange.." He touched a button, rasped something into it, and got an answer. Shook his head. "Commander says go with it. That is my price. Deal?" "Deal. I can't guarantee the Station..." A Llun stepped up. "You will have all this." A ring of smoke, perfectly formed. "A fellow Tech to talk with?" The Llun Nodded. Marrl didn't believe it. No Gold, No Credits, or Bills, or Promises to pay... Just Information exchanges? Gods grant all transactions be so profitable. He tapped again on the pad, and something hummed to life. Metallic things appeared out of the walls, and grabbed the containers with arms, running them down a ramp, that grew out of the side, and onto the dock. There were at least 30 of them, and they made short work of un-loading. "What are they?" "Robots. Machines made to run cargo. Want one?" The reptile reached into his robe and brought out a device. One of the things stopped, and moved forward. "It understands limited commands." And at the Llun's concerned expression, "We have thousands. A Gift From The OutWorld Federation, and Crew of The FarLander. You a Tech?" The Llun shook her head, and motioned to an assistant. "Get me Muurha, Head of Shop1A. Go." The other took off. Marrl wasn't listening any longer. She turned and made her way back through the knot of beings surrounding the Captains, still wrapped in animated conversation, in a language nobody but Humans, and The Captain knew. An unfamiliar word. "Pardon, Captain..." "What?" She stepped back, shocked. It spoke Hani! He grinned crookedly. "You speak the Voice of the People?" "Actually, I don't speak at all.. The Vox does that. In any language CMC1 knows..." "Who is Cmc1?" He grinned again. "Crystalline Matrix Computer. Names Alex. He/It Runs all ships functions. Fully Sentient Machine. Built by Master... No, Shadow hates being called that... Star-Commander, over 400 years ago." Franx snorted. "Nothing lives that long." The bear nodded. "The Professor was once human, like you. He replaced parts that wore out with machine parts. That was before we perfected growing parts for usage." That floored everybody. "Grow Body Parts..." A paw fanned the air. "All we need is a few cells for Genetic Matchups. Then we grow new limbs, organs, whatever is needed. Minds are harder. Brains can be replaced, but personalities die. The only way to keep a person intact is to place them in a Crystal Matrix Shell, and attach That to a body. Like the living dead... Raast's ancestors had no limbs at all. Mine were dumb brutes. We were given intelligence. In return we serve The Commander. Not a bad trade at all.. In answer to your other question. Dimention. A Concept." A paw was held out. "Here. This universe." Held another paw up. Held it next to the other. "Other Universe. Same space, different spaces. Dimentions." Turned them, and pressed a claw through it. "Between dimensions. N-Space. Nasty stuff. No up, No down.." And so a Reptile got to poke and pry into Ships workings. Ask questions. Dropped gems so valuable, it kept Techs scratching their heads for many a sleepless night. Kif went quietly back into Space and found out there were Other Ships of OutWorld design. Orion's Gate. Odin's Wand. Chain Of Amm. Tann Heteh. Ships built for war.. Each the size of 3 star-sized planets. A miniature system.. Dedicated to one thing. Destruction. Total and Complete. To destroy one was not Impossable.. But to live afterwards was. The Anti-Drive took up part of the space in the main hull. But even that wasn't as deadly as the Pit that sat in the mid-section. Inside there was a dwarf-star's mass. Collapsed into a 'Black Hole', it was the reason the ships were invincible.. Destroy the ship and turn a few parsects of space into a Gravity-Well that even Light can not escape. And A pair of Captains got mated. On Two Planets.. The End