HANI10.TXT Another shortie - By SwampRat (c) 1992 The Rashathran Society "Captain.. Emergency." The human spun in his chair. Was up and out the door in a heartbeat. "Go.." We walked down the corridor, as I listened. "Han Ship. Damage.. Coming in too fast... And yes, we have a lock on her." A grin and a hearty slap on the burly back. "Good.. Bring me some stimulant, and tell the crew they have 5 minutes to get their furry asses back in or wait until we return." A nod. The bruin stepped into a chair off to one side, the captain another. A antlered being was staring intently into a screen. "Azimuth 43 and holding. Should rip past 230 about.. Now!" The main screen went to a grid, with a blip moving too fast across it. Another male sat at comm station. "All personnel accounted for. Blow it?" The man nodded.. More furred beings moved into various seats. A gentle lurch told of movement. "Were free.. Station doesn't like it.." "Station can kiss my Donkey's ass.. Still tracking?" A nod and a grin. It was then I remembered I was still onboard. I was about to speak up, when the screen lit up... And I saw Space! The station was lit by the many beacon lights. Ships were in berth or moving around. One came towards us.. "Cap, they are signalling.. Reply?" A nasty grin. "Lock on target." "Target Aye." "Got a clear line? Then show these slow buckets what an OutWorld Ship can do.. Let's catch that Comet!" And with that we moved! I felt a buffeting but my eyes were glues to the huge screen, now split in two. One side was the front of the ship gathering speed at tremendous rate. The other showed the rapidly disappearing Station and what must have been a most bewildered hunter, which was being outrun like it's engines were off. The others later told me the entire station stood, watching in awe as the ship vanished in pursuit.. "Light Minus 4. Access in 5 mins." The man swiveled. "We will have casualties.. Engineering? You ready to magnalock at speed?" The speaker spit out an affirmative. Now the screen held the outline of a ship and it was growing by the second. "Take her gently, Boys.." A beam lanced out to touch the ship. It shuddered. Another followed.. Three more appeared to grapple onto the shiny hull. "Reel it in.. Med. Be ready for anything.." Another voice told him they were. When the ships were docked and suited figures were swarming over the now still ship, the man looked over at the antlered one. "A full parsec.. We are getting soft." The speaker crackled to life. "One dead, The rest live, but they won't be going anywhere for Some time. Transporting as soon as stable. Out." My head reeled.. To actually watch such power at work was awe inspiring. "Tied down below? Alright. Let's take 'em home." And so we did. Station was awash with questions, demands and plain old egg-on-face. So I come before the Kif Council. So I Put my hand to this document as True. This OutWorld Federation Should be cultivated by any means necessary.. I myself volunteer to continue as Liaison. I have.. Inroads with the Captain. He has specialized tastes that I have been able to fulfill. My Thanks Noble Princes.. Praised Be Your Names! * * * Why is 'Kinky' not in our vocabulary? Perhaps none of my kin have tasted the sweetness of semen sliding into one's mouth. Or the aching ecstasy as a cock moves under one's tail. But I have and well. So many Males to lay with.. So much knowledge there for the asking. Ah.. My latest mate is stepping from the Shower-booth. His long ears are bent slightly, as he rubs himself erotically under the warm air of the dryer. Ooo.. Bring that furry butt here so I may chew on it! What a life.. The End These stories are bits'n'pieces of thought. They are sketches, ideas, tossed out to see what becomes of them. Daydreams of what I would do in a particular situation, how I would change something..