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Article 44 of 10258

Subject:      Story Repost: Fur: Dragon Morph (M/M - Dragon/Dragon)
From:         sorcerer@pi.net (Sorcerer)
Date:         1996/12/27
Message-Id:   <5a17i7$j7p@halley.pi.net>
Organization: Sorcerer Software
Reply-To:     sorcerer@pi.net
Newsgroups:   alt.sex.bestiality

Newsgroups: alt.sex.furry,alt.sex.stories,alt.sex.stories.gay repost in alt.sex.bestiality Subject: Fur: Dragon Morph (M/M - Dragon/Dragon) From: albrecht@kd.qd.se (Albrecht) Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 19:29:29 GMT A new story from Furry Pleasures - http://www.kd.qd.se/~albrecht Dragon Morph by Richard Smith Part I: Finding Friends in High Places I can shift. You might call it shape-changing, or even morphing. I like to think of it as shifting, however, short for shape-shifting. How I'm able to do it is a story in itself; suffice it to say that there are a few wishes still out there in the world, and I was granted one of them for services rendered. All my life I'd wanted to be able to shift, even writing out a full description of the ability in case I was ever offered my fondest desire. I just never really thought it would actually happen. Since then I've been the ultimate free agent, going wherever I want, doing whatever I want. Usually I play quasi-superhero, doing good deeds, helping out where I can. There have been a lot of reports of stray dogs locating buried earthquake survivors, for instance. That doesn't mean that I'm totally pure, however. Superman could have crushed coal into diamonds and become insanely rich, but didn't. I don't have that problem; what's wrong with digging up a few sizeable diamonds, or gouging out part of a gold vein? If nobody knows they're there, who'll miss them? Yes, I do good deeds when I can, but I'm only human; at least, the grey matter still is. I'm also a young man, normally, so one particular subject continually crops up: sex. I've been a dolphin in an oceanic orgy, a wolf tied to a bitch in the forest, and spent a week with a group of bonobos, which tired even me out. You name it, I've probably tried it at least once by now. There is, however, one final obsession of mine that even overwhelms sex: dragons. I mean, sex _can_ be solitary, but on much fun, particularly if you're a forty-foot-long flying reptile at the time, and you just don't find many of those around these days. Then again, you probably haven't been looking in the right places. One of the drawbacks of being a dragon is that there aren't many places where it's safe to _be_ a dragon anymore. There are, however, still a few solitary locations where I can stretch my wings in relative freedom. On this occasion I decided against the African or South American rain forests; I wasn't feeling in the mood to buzz clear-cutting machinery and logging camps, something I'd started to do in my more mischievous moods. Ah, the Himalayas! There shouldn't be anyone out in the heart of those mountains save for the occasional Sherpa, and perhaps someone out looking for the Yeti. Ah yes, another rarity I'd be willing to change my plans to a more earth- (or snow-) bound nature for should I spot one! Yeti, that is, not their hunters. As a nondescript bird, I flew out to where I wouldn't be noticed, then shifted into my rapid-transit form, a sort of living jet plane: almond-shaped body, delta wings, and a kind of air-bladder system that keeps a steady stream of air passing through. Fast. There's something almost sensual about the feeling as your body presses through the sound barrier -- that moment when everything seems to push against you, resisting, only to roll past an instant later, leaving its signature loud report already far behind. The wind streamed effortlessly past my stubby wings and I looked down at the immense expanse of ocean sparkling at least a mile below me. Ahead now I could barely see land creeping over the horizon. Less than an hour later I was over the coast of France, and watched the land roll beneath me. From up here cities were grey-and-black stones amid a patchwork of fields and forests, which gave way to the rocky slopes of the Alps. If it hadn't been for their popularity, I would have stopped there instead. Rather, I continued over Hungary, then the smaller Transylvanian Alps. It's amazing how much more I've learned about world geography now that I navigate over it all so easily. I had to be careful now, since I was flying over the former Soviet Union. On one previous occasion, someone had taken a shot at me, but I hadn't triggered any international incidents yet, and intended to keep it that way. I took a sharp right over Mongolia and could already see my destination, blue in the distance, stretching out along the horizon. I slowed only when I was actually over the rough peaks and, as my speed and altitude dropped, began my ultimate shift. The stubby delta wings stretched out, thinning and becoming flexible, with bony struts forming and stabilizing them as they grew. My body elongated, a long graceful tail stretching almost twenty feet back, while my neck pushed my forming head ten feet forward. Muscular hind legs formed, ending in powerful clawed feet, while forelimbs grew that ended in taloned hands. My skin darkened to a deep ruby red, its surface developing a fine network of grooves in geometric symmetry, resolving into a full coat of closely-packed scales. Close below now was a small lake which looked like as good a place as any to land. A bit vainly, I watched my reflection circling in the water, getting closer, closer, closer. Grinning, at the last instant I dropped, diving in, the cold water closing over me, giving my whole system a jolt. My head broke the surface and I roared, listening to the sound echo and re-echo off the rocky walls around me. I swam to shore, then quickly flamed myself dry. After a moment or two to catch my breath, I was airborne once more, climbing high above the mountains, figuring on practicing some fancy maneuvers. A final loud echo of my bellow startled me out of my third barrel roll; then I realized that it was too loud -- and too different -- to be an echo. Blue flame blossomed on my left, making me turn in mid-flight. A blue-green dragon, slightly larger than me, was flying straight towards me, forcing me to dive in order to avoid a collision. Wind swept across my back as the other dragon flew over. The _other_ dragon! Was it another shape shifter, or a real dragon? Where did it come from, and were there others? Could I communicate with it, let it know that I didn't mean any harm? I concentrated on the now-distant shape, which was turning for another approach, and then focussed on a seldom-needed facet of my ability. If there was any sort of species communication, I could tap into it, becoming able to communicate with the others. It had certainly come in handy with the dolphins and humpbacks, so maybe with this dragon, too. It was almost on top of me again, and I bellowed, "I'm not your enemy!" as loud as I could. Startled, it veered off, almost tumbling. Playing it safe, I flew back down to the lake and waited. The other soon landed nearby and approached me cautiously, wings draped half-open, jaw slightly agape. "You're a peculiar one, stranger," it said. "You call out a challenge, then say you're no enemy. Has this thin air affected your brains?" "I'm telling the truth when I say I'm no enemy. I had landed in the lake and hadn't expected it to be as cold as it was. I didn't know I'd called out a challenge. I'm not from around here, and didn't realize there were any dragons here. I'm very glad to see I'm not the only one; are there others?" I got a strange look. "If you're not from around here, where could you be from, and how is it that you can speak our tongue? No, no matter, that can wait for later. Yes there are many others, but we're not quite from around 'here', either. I'm here only as a periodic scout, and was just about to leave. I wouldn't have heard you if you'd been a bit later. Would you like to visit us, stranger?" Hoping the dragon would understand the motion, I nodded vigorously, then added, "Yes, very much!" "Well then," the other dragon said, taking another step towards me, "you'll have to be bonded, since you _are_ a stranger." Was it smiling when it said that? "Bonded? What's that?" "This!" The dragon pounced, catching me off-balance, foreclaws pressing my shoulders back. I barely had enough time to tuck my wings aside before landing on my back, pinned. Something else was pressing down on me, hard against my underbelly. I glanced down at over two feet of red, pointed cock protruding from the dragon's genital slit. _It_ was actually a _he_. I was beginning to get ideas about what this bonding would entail, which triggered my own erection. "Ah, so you're male, also! Wonderful! Same-sex bondings are considered by many to be the strongest." He pressed his erection against mine, grinding our hips together, growling in shared lust. Just the realization of one of my greatest fantasies was enough for me; I felt my buried testicles contract, liquid fire shooting through me and out my cock in hot spurts, covering our large belly scales in white ribbons quickly smeared together by our continued writhing. Now sensitive, my cock retreated into its sheath, letting me enjoy the feeling of his cock sliding between our bodies. "Are you always so quick?" he rumbled softly. "Not usually. I've just never...bonded before." "Hmm, well I haven't even started to bond yet, and look at this mess." He rolled off me and ran a claw through the slippery mess, circling around his protruding cock. "I could clean it up a bit," I offered , moving down to take the organ into my mouth, tasting my cum as I ran my tongue along the shaft. He sighed, stroking the sides of my head as his hips rocked gently in time to my sucking. My own hands roamed over his cum-slicked belly, gently upwards against the lay of the scales, then more firmly back down. "That feels very nice," he sighed, "but it's still not bonding." Gently, he pulled me up level with him. We just watched each other for a long moment, then he was suddenly atop me once more. "Bonding is when I do _this_-" He slid down a bit, and I gave an involuntary sigh as his cockhead pressed against my anus. Still slick from my cum and saliva, it easily sank in a few inches before meeting any real resistance. "Relax," he said. "Let me...ah!" My sphincter loosened enough to let him slide past, and I moaned as his hardness filled me, rubbing insistently against my prostate. Now our hindquarters were gripping each other's sides, pulling us as close together as possible, while we stroked and caressed and held each other with our foreclaws. His tail twined around mine, writhing like a snake, trying to mate with it. He started to move inside me, sliding partway out, then pushing back in, each thrust punctuated by a low grunt. Already recovering from my first climax, my cock was hardening again, slipping out of its sheath once more, sending jolts of pleasure through me as our bodies continued to rub against it. I lightly slid the tip of my tail along the underside of his, feeling for his own -- "Oh, yes!" he growled as I brushed his asshole. I subtly shifted my tail-tip's shape to fit him better, then pressed harder, slowly penetrating him. His grunts grew louder, his thrusting began to accelerate. "Oh, gods," he gasped, giving a hard, deep thrust and shot his cum deep inside me. I could feel his cock pulsing as each spurt filled me more and more. This sent me over the edge, too, and I growled continuously as my cock squirted its second load over our stomachs and chests. Both spent, we lay there gasping, with him still inside me but softening, glued together by my two climaxes. Finally he moved, sliding out of me, and shuffled the short distance to the lake shore. He waded in, gasping loudly at the shock of the cold water, but stayed in long enough to wash off. "Now," he said upon his return, "I have bonded myself to you. I believe you to be trustworthy." He bent down, giving my chest a quick lick with his forked tongue. "Messy, but trustworthy. Now it's your turn to bond yourself to me." I blinked, incredulous. "But I thought I'd already bonded -- twice!" "That? By no means. Surely you can manage more than just twice? I once bonded with three others in an afternoon, then flew with my mate, coupling twice in the air. By your enthusiasm, and your copiousness," he slid a claw through the mess on my belly, "I'm positive you have at least one more in you, and it _should_ be in me." He set about cleaning my chest with his tongue, lightly and gently working his way down towards my once-more hidden softness. His hands roamed over my body, managing to find all sorts of sensitive spots: the base of my wings, along my sides, the space between my genital slit and anus. He was accomplishing what I thought impossible; my cock began to stir yet again, peeking tentatively from its home. Encouraged, he began lavishing attention on it, licking it and sometimes taking its length into his mouth. I was quickly stiff again, and the other dragon got onto all fours, raising his tail to expose my intended target. Before it had a chance to soften, I stood and pointed my cock at his hole, pressing gently at first, feeling his muscles relax to allow it in. Slicked by his attentions, I slid into him without resistance, gasping as his heat enveloped me. My groin was pressed against the base of this tail, which itself was draped over my shoulder. I grabbed onto his hips for balance as I began to draw back out, feeling his muscles flex in an attempt to keep me in. Obligingly, I pushed back in again, making him sigh quietly. As I continued thrusting into him, I gradually sped up, feeling the slow buildup of the familiar sensations. Slow enough that I draped myself over his back to conserve my strength. My wings stretched over his, and I reached under them, grabbing onto his shoulders as my hips continued moving rhythmically. Our necks rubbed against each other, almost twining has our tails had earlier; his tongue darted out, brushing lightly against the side of my face, and I returned the kiss. Finally, the building orgasm was close to peaking, and I could no longer keep my thrusting regular. I shuddered, trying to press myself as close to him as I could, getting as deep as I could before...before.... With an almost painful intensity, my third climax hit, making me roar and howl as my cock exploded inside my dragon lover. With each pulse of the orgasm, my cries were quieter, softer, until I was almost purring. As though hoping to escape further attentions, my cock quickly softened, drawing itself out of the other dragon and back into its own sanctuary. Exhausted, I lay there until I had regained control of my muscles, then struggled to my feet and staggered to the lake to wash and revitalize myself. "So, now I am bonded to you," I said upon my return. "Is it okay for me to ask your name?" "Letherahthor Rahoral. Rahoral is my common name. And yours?" I thought for a moment. My normal name didn't seem to fit my current shape. "You can call me Morph." "Interesting name. If I remember correctly, that means 'change' in one of the old human languages." "Yes," I answered. "Interesting-" "But it is getting late, and I am expected back already. They will worry if I don't return soon. Follow me, friend Morph, and I will take you to meet all the fellow dragons you could wish to see!" With that, he leapt into the air and flew in the direction of a rounded mountain peak. Hoping I'd have enough endurance to follow him to his destination, I took off after him.

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