CONTRACT1.TXT The Contract Version 1.30 By Jack, and SwampRat (c) 1991 The Rashathran Society A note - This one started off with a single line.. "His lungs wanted a new supply of air.." And I got to thinking.. How would it be to drown in Cum? From there it was hang a story around a few sex scenes.. Just like any Trashy Novel Writer does. <+===================+> He awoke, tied wrists-to-ankles. A hand slapped him. Helped him up to his knees. "Good Evening, Gusseppe." The man stood over him, pulled out a huge cock. He watched, as the gloved hand stroked the maleness to full erection. "Oh, no.. You can't be ser.. Wait!" A wire was attached to his jaw, stopping him from pleading further. The penis was shoved into his mouth. He gagged, feeling the shaft press his tongue down.. Heaved as the tip slid deeper into his throat, setting off his gag-reflex. It continued onward.. What the hell was he doing? The criminal was soon to find out! Fingers pressed into his neck. 'Yeah, get your jollies, weirdo', he thought.. 'But when I get out of this, I promise you it will be more than My cock that gets shoved in Your mouth.. Damnded Faggot!' Gus had been holding his breath, the though of smelling the man's crotch setting off a new wave of nausea. But, his body was rapidly using up what oxygen the present lungful had. So, he tried to exhale. The flap that kept food out of his esophagus refused to open. What? Lights danced in front of him. He twisted, trying to dislodge the cock that blocked his throat. A gloved hand held his head still.. Now desperate, he tried to bite the penis. Even though blood trickled down his chin, the wire held his mouth open enough to keep the teeth away from the choking meat. In a last-ditch effort, he swallowed, using his tongue to excite the man. He could worry about what he was doing later.. Right now, his life was on the line. Pleasure twanged at his nerves, as he did things to the man he wouldn't do to his wife! It worked! The hips moved back, dragging the stopper upwards.. Air rolled out of his nostrils. He quickly inhaled.. Tried to hold it. But his body wanted more.. Again he emptied his lungs. Filled them again. The scent of male musk was in his nose. He sucked, tears streaming down his face. Semi-blinded, he felt the dick move in his mouth. Out.. In. A little faster. Everything stopped.. The wire was cut, and removed. Now, both hands held his mouth in place. The cock filled his gullet, nudged his tonsils.. He nursed on the maleness like a bottle of good scotch. The man gave a groan, and the hose flexed. Cum shot out of the flared head. Poured down his throat.. Gus gulped it down, then stained his pants, as orgasm hit. The beast that fed on pleasure came to the fore. It growled, sucked wantonly.. Swallowed the cock to the hilt, feeling the balls slam into it's chin. Pulled back to breathe, and nuzzle the penis. It no longer mattered what his body did.. He was Alive! That was what mattered.. Even so, he nursed the last slimy drops out, his own cock jerking and dribbling. Collared the penis with his lips, holding it in just a moment longer. Giving it one last lick.. "You did a good job - For an amateur.." He clenched his teeth, dropped his head so the man wouldn't see his hatred. Shame burned through him.. The man left. Fuck! I actually enjoyed that.. "Damn Bastard," he muttered, licking at the places the wire had cut his mouth.. Gus tried his bonds.. Found them to be tight.. But perhaps loose enough to work free? A snort got his attention. A donkey was led towards him. No.. It's bat-sized dick swayed in front of him. "Since you obviously enjoy cock, I thought you might like one bigger than mine.." His head was firmly grasped. Gus tried to scream, as the firehose was thrust into his mouth. The animal snorted over him, and stomped it's hooves. A gloved hand fed another bit of oiled flesh into his overly-stuffed maw. Then they left him, to play with the fat balls hanging between the furry legs. The mule snorted again, hunching. His dick moved the man's head back and forth.. At least he could breathe. His tongue tried to shove the huge cock-head out.. and only succeeded in making the animal hornier. It grunted trying to shove more into the tight opening.. The man bent, and whispered in his ear.. "You are the one who sent two men to kill my Mary.." Gus felt fear build in him. He felt the strong chest press against his head. A hand went down, undoing his fly. A finger sought the hole in his underwear.. Found it! His cock, proud and fat slapped the open palm. It was grasped. Gus's mouth was too full to allow for speech. "They precede you, but not for long.." What was the crazy bastard talking about? "You killed one of my lovers.. Now you go to another. Enjoy what time you have left.." No! A hand stroked the length of donkey cock that was stuffed in his mouth. The animal brayed.. Shuddered. Another inch was forced in. His head was locked in place by an arm that felt like an iron band. This time, when the haunches pulled back, dick-meat moved. The splayed tip went deeper. The other hand still jerked on his penis. Gus's overworked balls were released, and he jerked, sucking on the donkey. The animal brayed again... Cum poured into his mouth. He tried to swallow.. To breathe. Thick semen clogged his nasal passages, pressure forcing it down his gullet. Adrenalin, fired by his orgasm, burned up the oxygen in his bloodstream. His overworked body demanded air. He got a half-breath.. Donkey-cum went into his sinuses, as he choked. A cough only made things worse.. Gusseppe was literally drowning in ejaculate. Desperate, he tried to swallow, get his air-passage free.. The other hand was now on his nuts, as the first worked his dick, hard and fast. He tried to plead, to scream. Deft manipulations had him hard and ready again.. At least the river stopped... Then he did scream, as the animal wrenched his jaws apart, stuffing half it's cock down his throat. Then his own jerked, semen spurting out of the battered penis. His nuts were given a vicious squeeze.. Pleasure dug his grave and orgasm shut the coffin lid. Gus howled, what air he had left forcing it's way out beside the hose, that still poured warm cum into his stomach. Then it was pulled back.. At last... The vacuum in his chest was replaced.. But his mouth was too full to take air in. A river of spunk came out of his sinuses, flowed out of his nose. The sticky stuff filled the air spaces in his lungs. He choked. Coughed. Died.. The hips thrust the still spurting cock thorough the grasping finger, while the mouth and throat pulled what scum was left in the donkey dick out.. At last the man in black got up, moved the tired animal, and smeared the dripping tip against the wide-open mouth. Then he led the jack to one side. Turned off the machinery, that had recorded the scene. Went over to the body, closed the mouth, and the staring eyes. Made sure there was no pulse. Took a picture of the face. Lifting what used to be a human up, he grinned as it made a squishing sound. "Told you not to drink so much.." He tossed the body on his shoulder and walked out of the barn. ..... Mister Harrae, sat in his chair, reading the morning paper. A letter came by courier.. With a box. He glanced at it. The boys had already put it through the usual tests.. But more carefully since a vase that cost more than 3 of their lives had been broken to shards. Inside the envelope was a photo.. He hit a switch. "Jonas, Get yer Butt in Here!" Jonas, if he had a last name nobody knew it, came running. When the Old Man was mad, his speech broke. "Yes, Mr. Harrae.. Damn." He stared at the picture. Gusseppe Verdias had vanished a few days before. And he had taken a few of the 'boys' with him.. Now it seems that he hadn't left after all.. The letter was handed over, as the Old man carefully unwrapped the box. "You probably don't know me, Mr. Harrae. My name is Delgald. I once worked in your organization. For some reason, somebody didn't like the fact I retired.. Somebody sent a few gentlemen to persuade me to come back. They killed one of my two great loves.." He looked up. "Bio?" The man grunted, carefully feeling for hidden wires. "On it's way." Some genius had though of getting a profile on all Mr. Harrae's employee's. Easier to keep track of certain facts that were sometimes needed.. Inside the box was an ornate clock. It was made of clear plastic, so you could see the workings. A note came in through a chute. Mr. Delgald.. Some background information. A termination schedule, with the last box empty. At the bottom was a quote.. "I have only 2 loves. Mary, and Death. One gives me money, the other physical pleasure.. Both bring me joy." "Mary?" He shook the photo. "This bastard killed my right-hand man over a woman?!" Jonas took the paper. A thought struck him.. "No, Sir.. A Pony." Some of the buttons had called him 'Horse-Fucker' - Somebody who is so deep into betting, he would sleep with a horse of he thought it would get him a win. But Delgald didn't gamble.. So he asked. Seems the man had a pony named 'Mary.' And no girlfriend. Nor a boyfriend, not that That mattered any longer.. Anybody who wanted to could work for The Company.. Just keep your perversions to Off-Time. And don't get caught. Once, a punk had sneered that maybe Delgald didn't have any balls.. That perhaps Mary would like a Real Male.. The missile, for Mr. Delgald was deadlier than any torpedo, had smiled. "Perhaps.. But first, you have to find one." The kid was half-drunk and way too cocky, or he would have known better.. "Oh, Yeah? Well maybe I'll just fuck your little mare.." A whisper told him to watch his mouth.. He ignored it, along with some sharp glances.. The man turned, and looked at him. "Oh?" He laughed.. "Yeah! And when I'm done, I'll use her hide for a seat cove.." The *phht* was barely audible. His eyes rolled upwards, as a hole formed in the middle of his head. Then everything from the ears up turned into hamburger all over the ceiling as the explosive went off. The body slid down a wall. "You may only have one of my mistress's.." The grin was as deadly as a cobra's. He whirled the silenced weapon and re-holstered it. "What do I owe you Eddie?" Eddie, who was in charge of recruiting, spat at the body. "Nothing.." He waived at the mess. "Anybody can see he had no brains.." A weak chuckle came from the hardliners.. So, Delgald screwed horses.. Jonas had learned about this when he asked about the new joker.. And found his ticket had been punched. He talked to Delgald about it. "If you found another man in bed with your wife.. Would jump in with them?" A dark grin. "I would.. But then again, I'm not much for women.." The clock chimed softly.. "It's wrong." He looked at his friend, and 'Lieutenant.' "What?" The man looked at his watch.. "It's not 12 yet..." The last chime softly rang in the air. Jonas looked at the inscription on the back. 'You may only have one of my mistresses..' His skin crawled.. The old man snorted, feeling the tension drain from him. "Set to the correct time, and put it on the wall.." He crumpled the paper. "Jonas, the file on Mr. Delgald is incomplete. Please update it.." He nodded and left. That meant a contract.. On somebody who called Death his mistress. S-H-I-T! ..... Jonas sat in his office, still debating who to send, when his secretary buzzed. "Sir, there's a Mister Fony Pucker on the line.. Says it's about retirement.." He immediately stabbed the button.. "Delgald.. How the hell?" A chuckle cut him short. "Listen well.. You have 3 minutes to decide which you prefer.. Life or My Mistress. The Express Elevator takes 2 minutes to reach the lobby.. another 30 seconds for someone to make it out the door.. If they are in good shape." Jonas had been going to a gym most of his adult life.. "What? Wait!" The voice came back, cold as the grave. "For friendships sake, I have made this call.. You may still make it.. If you run." The click in his ear was deadly.. It took very few moments to decide.. He was out of his chair, and had his arm around Jane's waist in a second. "No time.." He panted at her squeal. They hustled to the elevator, pressed the button. It took forever to come.. When the doors opened, he jumped in, pulled the woman beside him. "Bomb.." he snarled.. "We have a minute or so before it goes.. The Bastard actually Called me..." All her working life Jane had called this man lover. And someday hoped to call him husband.. She didn't ask questions then. She didn't now. The elevator was halfway down, when the building shuddered. ..... The top floor of the building lifted a few feet, as half the section below it turned to rubble. Then collapsed. Only the structural reinforcements that had been placed in the walls, on Mr. Harrae's orders, kept it from falling. Those not hurt by falling debris, got out of the building.. Buttons flashed on a panel for a moment, then a computer noticed something was moving too fast. Brakes clamped down, slowing, then stopping the cage. It slid down to bump against the basement lock. The man sitting at the console shut-down the top 3 floors, and then reset the alarms. When the all-clear signal came, Jonas found himself very much alive, and whole. The doors opened and he stepped out. Jane was a bit shaken, but unhurt. In fact, the damage was all on The same floor.. Mr. Harrae's personal suite. Police and fire trucks arrived, along with the reporters. Most of them were questioned, then released. Jonas and a few key others, spent a sleepless night in the local jail, talking to detectives. It was finally chalked to Terrorists.. As many people had grudges against The late Mr. Harrae. ...... A man stood in the doorway. Jonas put his hand on the drawer that held his pistol. "You Bastard!" The hands went up, showing them empty. "Is that any way to treat the man who got you a big promotion?" The hand went back to the desk, just as empty. "Why have you come?" He noticed, even in the lighted room, the man had a chill shadow around him. "Retirement doesn't seem to agree with me.. I came to see if you had any part-time jobs I might be able to do. On the agreement, when I Do retire, I Stay retired.. HEP-7 clocks are expensive." Jonas remembered back to that day. The clock Had felt funny.. A 3-foot square of Plastic explosives with four 12-inch strips, forming a box.. It's a wonder the building still stood! "I've never been good at desk jobs.." He grinned at the man. A folder sat on his desk.. Some upstart in the Company was making waives. The Wrong kind of waives.. Had knocked off a few people. Taken things from warehouses. "We have someone who's been selling drugs to minorities.." His voice trailed off. The room got colder.. A hand was lifted. "Folder." He gave the man a manilla envelope. It was tucked under an arm. "If this is true.. Half-price." Jonas nodded. Handed the man $10,000 in twenties.. "Proof.." "Your word.. The newspaper." The man turned. "Be careful, Wiseguy.. Or somebody may put You out of a job.." He was gone, before Jonas could get up. How the Fuck.. His monthly meeting with the IA was not pleasant either. "He's a dangerous psychopath.." His contact, nodded. "He's also cleaning out some rat-holes even We can't get to.. His reasons and methods are not our concern. Nor are they yours. As long as he does what we tell him to, he will stay ours. Same as you.. Understand?" Jonas understood.. But he also remembered a clock. A clock that made it through all kind of alarms. Past x-rays, and cordite sniffers. Even past His scrutiny.. "He knows me.. No, he won't tell anybody. Not even in jest. And before you think about punching his card.. Remember he got to one of the Five..." A grunt. "We read.. It was in the report." The man who kept his face shielded, and voice muffled, nodded to him. "Next time, Cafe Reone'.. In the office. Someone will meet you there." They left through different routes, at different times. ...... Six weeks later, Jonas read about one Jones Marrias. He had thrown a party for some friends.. Afterwards, Mr. Marrias took a walk on the balcony. The only problem was, The apartment Had no balcony. Drugs were found in his bloodstream. Some quantity more was scattered about his apartment.. Since nobody came or left afterwards, the police ruled it as an accidental death. He grinned and made a mental note to send the other ten grand.. The End