Chapter 1 Introductory paragraph: Circe, in Greek myth, was a sorceress who lived on the island of Aeaea. She would lure sailors onto her island and offer them food and companionship by holding feasts at which her many beautiful served. It was a test, however; gluttony or lust would incite Circe's ire, and she would turn the offending sailors into livestock, to await their fate on Circe's feasting table. She lived this way for years, until Odysseus's ship landed on Aeaea. Looking for his missing crew, Odysseus acted the gentleman as a guest in Circe's home, earning him her respect. As a gesture of love, Circe restored his crew to human form, allowing him to depart again on his journey home. Circe remained behind, lovestruck and abandoned, fruitlessly awaiting his return. Flynn lay alone in the bed, small against the king size mattress. He was moaning; the sound crescendoed with the thrashing of his arms. His eyes were clenched shut. The heat combined with the flush of dormant anxiety to paint his face in vivid red. Flynn was dreaming. And in the dream, a woman screams as her child is taken from its crib and placed upon a stark metal table, clamped down, anesthetized. As technicians with masks but no faces look over the child with an alien detachment. As they stab needles into the crying infant and it begins to change, to adapt, to grow hair and fangs and a tail. Flynn's left hand, balled into a fist, flailed against the wall. The shock jarred a red-covered notebook off his nightstand to fall sloppily to the carpet. The cover page, bent against the pile, read simply PROTEUS. The woman is screaming no longer. Turning, Flynn sees that she is gone, and something with features of both badger and squirrel, curiously man-sized, is in her place. He catches the thing's eye, and it approaches, drooling as it comes. It raises a paw that contains not claws but tiny needles. Flynn's eyes flew open, an attempt by his mind to dispel its personal horrors. In his waking thoughts, though, the nightmare pursued with a last reserve of ethereal strength. Above his bed, the creature; a pain in his arm; a scream frozen in his throat as he watches the hairs thicken on his skin. Then he was awake, with the scream still locked in his throat and the sweat dripping from his forehead. He shook his head once, then again, then rose and lurched to the bathroom. Staring at the pale face in the mirror, he made a decision: I am going to work again, soon. The nightmares are getting too painful. Since there was nothing he could do about the source he could at least alleviate the symptoms. He scratched at the stubble on his chin for a moment before looking away from the glass. The wall unit was glowing green, with an amber three in the leftmost top screen. It was always good to have a choice of assignments. He crossed over to the keypad, stumbling over his clean-clothes pile on the way. Once established he ran his fingers through the unscrambling codes and tried unsuccessfully to stifle some yawns. The messages came into view. The first two had sender listed, as protocol demanded; in a city formed literally entirely of thieves, assassins, pirates, mercenaries, and the occasional general-practitioner criminal, only fools took jobs without clearly understanding who was contracting and what the contract entailed. Life was especially bad in this town for those few of Flynn's occupation: bounty hunters. His people lived with one eye out for trouble and one foot toward an escape route. Flynn was different; as a founding member of the Furry Factory, the mega-corporation that kept The Dead Band out of the computer's data lines, few would dare attack him and even those people thought twice. Nobody wanted to wake up one morning as a humanoid weasel incapable of higher thought processes. Not that any such thing could ever be proven to have happened, of course. After all, the only ones who made such claims were the Furries themselves, and as property nothing they said was legally acceptable. When Flynn found someone, they usually came along quietly. Employers didn't play games with him the way they did with other hunters. Most employers, he amended himself. Mr. Three is definitely up to something. A few seconds passed. James stared at the screen, surprised. They must have a scrambler at their end, he thought, and their system must be huge if they can afford to keep the line open like this . . . Here we go. The message appeared on the screen, one character at a time. From: The Furry Factory To: James Flynn, stockholder. Chairman Gorman requests your talents to be placed into use following and capturing an escaped Furry. Escapee is female fox derivative, 163 cm tall 71 kg. Class 1000 model, Nike run. Designation: Circe. Have indications subject may be assassinating company officials. Report to Factory level 93 room 9305 for further details. WARNING Subject highly dangerous. Assume armed. Out. Flynn watched the letters for a little while, then thoughtlessly blanked the screen. In contrast to his body, his mind was racing. A Class 1000 meant that they had made at least one of the major attributes maximum. It would most likely be intelligence or wit, if the escape was any indication. And like it or not, I happen to be an executive, which means I really have no choice; she may come after me. This is unbelievably not good. Oh, well. I wanted work. Three blank lines. Kreeakshek, The Dead Band, City-In- The Desert. More names than people, perhaps, although a tally had never been taken of either. Flynn's house lay on the central strip of main, amidst a menagerie of illegal services; similar buildings adorned the sides of every street in the lower city. Above it all was the building triad of the Furry Factory, Zephyr Robotics and Fantasy Cybernetics. Three buildings interconnected, a towering obsidian constuction which cast its shadow over the entire lower city. It squatted like a youthful, demented giant playing with its toys, and the analogy was not lost to the non-company inhabitants of The Dead Band. It was only fifty minutes later when James sauntered up to room 9305. Even at four in the morning the place was a hornet's nest of activity, and a young woman ducked beneath his arm as he went to knock. She brushed a little too close by accident, and pushed the glasses up onto the bridge of her nose in an attempt to cover her embarrassment. She managed to breathe a quick "Excuse me, sir" by his left ear and stutter-stepped back into the flow of moving workers. Flynn watched her leave, distracted and impressed with what he saw: red hair down to the shoulders, full figure, short skirt. It was a shame he was here on business. He knocked once and the door opened into a mid-sized board room, complete with a middle aged fat man sitting at the head of an empty board table large enough for twenty. The fat man pulled out a cigar and lit it, then spread his hand out to indicate a chair beside him. "Feel free to sit," he said around the cigar. "How's life been treating you, Jimmy?" Flynn stepped in and pointedly ignored the proffered seat, leaning instead on the wall. "You should know, Harrison. You've got two of your security boys on me every time I step out my door. What do you want?" It was always handy to know what the security chief was being told. The upper crust didn't approve of prying, and if Harrison knew anything it would be a good indication of a major problem. "All business, huh? Okay, here's the setup. We've got a fox derivative somewhere in the complex but we can't find her. So far she has kidnapped three executives and left mindmolded Furries in their places. The bitch has got a real sense of humor; the Furries have all been of a mythological bent, probably because of our series designations. A female centaur has popped up in the office of Circe's project supervisor; a minotaur in the home of Sebastian Feinwick, one of your fellow board-boys, and a gryphon walked out onto the fourteenth floor from Thomas Truman's private elevator - after Thomas had disappeared from the same elevator precisely twenty-four hours before. The joke is that the bitch has mindmolded the Furries with the personalities of the replaced people. We figure it's her way of telling us that her captives are still alive, or were when the new creatures came around." Flynn whistled. No wonder they had called him in; Circe was attacking upper eschelon people in their private areas, the places security wasn't allowed to monitor. If he failed, many secrets would be spilled, and maybe a board dynasty or two would even fall. A nice thought, but not funny when he might be one of those to disappear. And the worst was yet to come; there was no way to know if Harrison had the whole picture and the people were only missing. The security chief probably hadn't been allowed near the crime sites. "Can I talk to one of the replacement Furries? I may be able to get a lead by calling forth the memories of just before their prime was grabbed." If the foxwoman were as bright as she appeared she had most likely blocked the memories of the capture from the transfers, but there was always hope. Harrison's lip curled in distaste as Flynn mentioned talking to a Furry. Flynn hit his forhead, mentally. It never failed to appall him how the Factory promulgated xenophobia amidst its workers. It was practical for business, but morally foul. And now, potentially a problem. "Sorry, pal," he said, blowing out smoke. "We already interviewed, mindwiped, and reprocessed the replacements. They're nothing but nutrient solution now. I have a few transcripts of their statements for you though. Here you go . . . ." The security man shoveled a mass of papers toward Flynn, who nudged himself away from the wall and began to look through them. ". . .And here's a datacap with all pertinent information on it. It'll explode if placed into a reader that isn't primed for Factory messages, so watch it." The datacap was a small thing, looking like a bottlecap with prongs set into the ridge. Flynn smiled, thinking of the amount of data capable of being stored on just one. "Now we come to the kicker." Flynn's ears all but perked. Executives disappearing, and there was a bigger problem? Wonders never did cease. "The humanoid, Circe is a class one thousand model." Flynn nodded. "Which aspect? Intellect, wit?" "Both." The balding man shifted his cigar. "And more. Strength, Endurance, Sex appeal, Grace, Dexterity, you name it. Some bright boy in marketing wanted a showcase specimen to go on the road in place of the usual group. Unfortunately it's easier to hold a one thousand model when you only have to shield against one aspect." Flynn looked confused, and Harrison saw it in his face. "Look, a strong one may not be able to think its way out of a paper bag, and a devious one may not be strong enough to move more than three steps on its own. This bitch was trouble from her inception." "It seems she wounded one of her guards one night and he was replaced by a guard that worked over at Zephyr Robotics. Well, that guy was only trained to stop robots, and like I said, the thing had its sex appeal maxxed. We haven't found the guard, but we don't think he's still alive. It must've gotten him to open the door and torn out his throat right there. We found some bloodstains, and it's still heavily animalistic." The security officer slid a holograph across the table. Flynn examined it carefully. Fur, snout, ears, fangs, and tail showed prominently despite an obviously feminine body. It could not pass for human, like many Furries. That made his job easier. Harrison smirked halfheartedly. "Well, that's all I have. I'll let you look this stuff over now." The balding man shifted his chair back and stood. He walked toward the door, but slowed for a moment and whispered at James' ear. "Watch your ass on this. Eyes are everywhere." As soon as the man left, Flynn snorted. Eyes everywhere? As if that were an uncommon occurrence at the Factory. Oh, well. He sat back and began to read the transcripts. Flynn was starting on the statement of the gryphon when the redheaded secretary opened the door and peered in. "Sir? May I come in and speak?" He smiled; at least something good might come out of this. "You don't really have to ask. I hate protocol. What's going on?" The redhead appeared surprised; not unusual, since he had never known another executive who wasn't an ass about protocol. But then again, he was only an executive due to a stock mix-up when the corporation was starting. He hadn't been born into the ranks of the privileged, and he certainly hadn't intended to get mixed up in a quasi-legal terrorist / slave organization. Roll the dice . . . , he thought. The woman floundered, then recovered. "I was sent to tell you that a Furry was going to be brought up here for questioning, so you might want to leave." Flynn cocked his head to mime thought. "No. I'll stay here; I probably can learn more by seeing him up close than on some screen. What is he, anyway?" She was looking more befuddled than ever. "It's female, sir; a harpy, I think. Are you sure you don't want to leave? The things are so . . . Foul, up close, you know?" She was obviously trying to understand why he wouldn't want to leave if he could. She was pretty when confused, but Flynn was irritated by her attitude. Isn't there one non-xenophobe in this whole place? The Factory was, as usual, grating his nerves to ribbons, and he let his annoyance out on the only person nearby. "Look, I'll make this simple. I don't care if it's Cthulhu, I'll stay, if just for the principle. You people don't blink twice at a two-headed mutant on the street, but if someone is human except for a dog's lack of a damned regurgitation system you look at them as property. It's screwed up, and I can say it because whether I like it or not I am a member of the board, almost the controlling member in fact. So start acting like you have a brain in your head or get out of here, all right?" His voice rose steadily during the outburst, and by the end, the secretary was cringing. Flynn felt like an ass. For all her bigotry, she had only been trying to do him a favor. Besides, everybody in the building had her attitude. Everybody but him. And the Furries, he reminded himself. "Look, I'm sorry, but I've got a psycho somewhere in this building who may or may not be out to get me along with quadruple dozen other people. I could use someone to check paperwork for me; it'll mean a level promotion for you." The redhead's eyes flashed; everybody in the company wanted promotion. It was the key to a better life for you and your children, who would fill positions in the company of equal or greater rank to your post. "You'll have to lose those biases, though. That's sloppy thinking, and sloppy thinking is something I can't afford right now. What do you say?" The secretary flushed, then nodded twice, rabbitlike. "Yes, sir. What do you want me to do?" "For now, sit here and take notes on what this lady says. If the pattern continues, she'll think she's really the person she replaced, only changed. Don't worry about her, she'll almost definitely be too petrified to do anything. Ready?" Red nodded again. "Yes, sir. But what do you mean by 'person she replaced'?" "Kill the 'sir' bit. My name's James, James Flynn. What's yours?" He offered his hand. She shook it across the table, breathing deeply as she did so. "Vicki. Vicki Peilun." "Okay. Vicki, someone has been grabbing corporate high- ups and replacing them with Furries. I've contracted to stop her. The one coming up has to be one of those, or they wouldn't be questioning it around me." Especially with the things I've done in the past, he aded mentally. "Now, how long before Robin Redbreast gets up here?" She checked her chronometer. "About five minutes, si. . . Uh, James. Anything I should or shouldn't do?" She was straightening her clothes out, and Flynn bit back his first response. "Just get your M.I.R. (*) ready to take down anything she says or does. We don't know what she's going to do." He pushed out a chair beside him with his left hand. "Oh, and if anyone asks you what you're doing when I'm not around, tell them you have Trident Kiki clearance. That's my secondary clearance code, so unless they're on direct orders from the chairman they won't get in your way." Flynn paused, then finished, "And if that doesn't work kick 'em low and keep walking." Vicki seated herself and started playing with her equipment. James took the time to complete the last report, studiously ignoring the curious glances she shot toward him every other minute. (*) Multimedia Interfacing Recorder Copyright 1992 by William C. Lindblad Jr. Feel free to upload/download at will, providing you include this message. This is the first chapter only of a much larger story. Any feedback which can be construed as constructive should be left to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on the board downloaded from. All characters property of writer unless otherwise denoted. Guide to inside jokes in chapter 1: (Aren't you glad you read beyond the copyright?) Proteus is also the name of an East coast magazine where the author first was put on paper. (Received $5.00, too!) Thomas Truman is about as close as I could come to Timothy Truman (SCOUT, etc.) without risking a spot of potential trouble. Trident Kiki breaks down as Trident (Bubble Gum) and Kiki (Japanese for Crisis) A bit of a nod of the head at fellow anime fans. ======================================================================== Chapter 2 The harpy was scared; it showed in the shaking of her wings and the spastic flutters about the corners of her mouth. It showed in the self-conscious covering of bared breasts with clawed fingers and her scratching at the floor with browned talons. It showed in her tear-scarred eyes. She had reason to be. She had been ushered into the board room with two guards in front of her and two more to her rear. They stared at her now; four statues with crystal eyes, each not four feet away, standing in a square about her like the posts of a goat pen. Each carried a TA42, a hand held weapon which caused a neuron spike in the pain centers. She had already felt the effects of the vicious little thing. It wasn't even comforting to know they weren't using deadly force. They wanted her for something, probably to talk to the man sitting at the table in front of her; and then they would kill her, she knew. She had seen the homicide stick in the red-haired guard's front pocket. The shaking started again, and she examined the man in front of her in an effort to regain control. Control. That's what you need to have, control. Let's calm down, Catharine. You'll get out of this yet. He stood about six feet tall, with a shock of brown hair running down below his neck. His eyes were a dark gold, burnt honey that danced as he looked over her body. He's watching me as I watch him. The thought was strange, but somehow comforting; there seemed to be no malice in his gaze, just a timeless curiosity. I think I could like this man. Then she remembered what she was, and the crying started again. "She was doing this when they found her, sir." The redheaded guard reported like a man used to being in charge, and Flynn made a mental note to look into the man's file. One didn't get used to using that tone unless one had power normally beyond the reach of a security guard. No time for corruption investigations now, though. Fun is fun, but I've got a more important puzzle to solve. Flynn studied the harpy. Well, Circe knows her mythology. Most people would have made her a hag, and probably green. The things were supposed to be beautiful, though. His thoughts stopped, then shifted track. Damn. I wonder if she knows I came up with the idea of using mythological creatures for Series runs in the first place? I may be in more immediate danger than I thought. Flynn watched the bird-woman cry. She was feathered below the waist and on her wings and forearms; the rest of her body was a deep olive. Her straight black hair fell loosely to her chest. Her eyes were overlarge for her face, almost twice the size of a human's. He listened as the sobs quieted, then stopped. "Hi. I'm James Flynn; this is my assistant Vicki. I'm in charge of this investigation. I know that you're confused, and scared, but we have to find a few things out in order to help you. Would you mind?" He left the question open. The woman looked at him carefully, and composed herself a bit. "Why? You're just going to kill me anyway?" She dropped her eyes. "Not that I shouldn't die anyway, trapped in this. . ." The harpy started to shudder, and Flynn jumped in before she could start crying again. "I'm a major stockholder. Nobody kills you if I tell them not to. We need your help, though, to prevent this sort of thing from happening to others. Depending on what you can remember, we might even be able to return you to your normal shape." "Don't lie to me!" The harpy's eyes bore into his. "I'm Catharine Mell, head of research on the Proteus project. I know damn well we're years away from being able to do anything like that!" "Then how do you explain yourself?" The bird-woman's resolve broke like glass struck by a hammer. "I don't know. . . Maybe some other company has stolen our research files and expanded on them. . . Maybe this is somebody's test of a mind transfer device. . . Maybe some other system is testing war weapons on us. . . I just know I want my body back." Her lips trembled, and she started crying again. Flynn looked over to see how Vicki was taking the woman's outbursts; he knew she was xenophobic, and she might have been becoming irritated with the harpy. She wasn't. Vicki simply sat with her recorder, taking everything down impassively. Well, almost impassively. There is definitely some self-satisfaction there; I wonder if she'd still be as proud if she found herself in an alien body? His thoughts twisted inwards. I wonder if I would? "Catherine, stop the crying. I just want you to tell me what happened. Tell me everything you remember, no matter how trivial it may seem. This is important. We only have a rough idea of what we're looking for, and you could help us greatly. Please." He broke into a rueful smile. "I promise I won't let them kill you if you help us. You may have to wait a few years to get your old body back, but you will have it back eventually. Now just calm yourself and tell us what happened to you." The harpy watched him for a few seconds. She said nothing, but an internal debate was made obvious by the setting of her features. Trust won. Some tension drained away, although her worry was plain in her voice as she spoke. "I was working the five to twelve shift when it happened. I was in my front cubicle, trying to figure out what to do about one of my workers. He had been acting strangely of late, and I thought a reprimand would be in order. I was just trying to figure out how severe it should be." "Pardon me," James interrupted. "Can you give me the name of this man? He may know something." "Of course. His name is. . ." The harpy stopped, and her thin eyebrows drew together in a confused expression. Purcell! She thought to herself. Sam Maxwell Purcell! Say it! She couldn't. "I know his name, but I can't seem to say it. Does that mean something?" Flynn smiled. "It could mean a lot. I'll check your records for the name. I'm sure you can't say it for a reason." And the reason is, you're a Furry. You don't have a transplanted mind, you've just been grown with certain memories pertaining to the person you've replaced. Your subconscious will make up details to fill in glaring holes in your memory, but without the ability to truly remember things, those pieces will be protected by your subconscious. It won't let you talk about them too much, or you may realize you aren't a true human. But the identity of the woman whom you replaced is important. It indicates that Circe is interested in the Proteus project. She probably doesn't know how much trouble they're having with it. Vicki saw James woolgathering. "Could you go on?" "Oh. Well, I was writing at my desk when I heard a sound out in the central lab. I put my keypad down and walked out there. I suppose I could have been more careful, but people were normally at work in the lab. K- uh, two of my people were on dinner break, but I figured one might have stayed behind to finish work; I encourage that sort of thing. Instead I found no one around the lab. I was curious, so I took a look around." The harpy was getting agitated. Her wings stretched out involuntarily, earning her a look from the guards, but she was intent on the telling of her tale, and failed to notice. "I found a storeroom door open. I figured that whoever was working must be inside, getting some components or chemicals, so I waited outside for a minute. My patience was never great, so after that time I went inside." "It was dark; I thought the Planck tubes had shorted out again, so I went to the back where the breaker panel is. On the way back I bumped into someone; at first I thought it was . . . one of my workers, but then I realized that the person was too small, and female. Before I could tell any more, I passed out." Her eyes rolled upwards, then closed, as her memories broke their chains. "When I woke up, I was on a table like they assemble robots on. There was this thing that looked like a fox-type furry looking down over me. It smiled once, and then said: "Don't worry. You won't feel anything." Then I passed out again." "When I woke up next, I was in a hallway right outside my labs, and in this body. I couldn't believe it. I started crying, and someone heard me, and the next thing I knew these four were escorting me up here." She stopped speaking and glanced about herself with two birdlike chops of her head. The disgust of the guards was evident, and her confidence melted. "That's all I can remember. I'm sure the readings on the recorder that woman has verify my story as honest. Now you can kill me." The harpy stood tall; she appeared ready to die. Flynn was unimpressed. "Knock it off. You aren't going to die." He noticed the commanding guard reaching for a stick in his pocket. "And anyone who even thinks about making me a liar had better remember not only who I am on the board, but also what they've heard about my fighting. The rumors are true, even the ones about Brother John." The guard's hand shot back to his side. Like everyone, he had heard the stories about Flynn taking on Brother John Maltermi, but he hadn't believed them. Nobody took on Brother John and lived. "Now escort this lady to level 142. When the elevator opens, she is to exit alone. Anyone else entering will be vaporized. The computer will be programed to respond in this way." Flynn looked at the harpy. "When you get there, you will have access to rooms three through seventeen. attempting to enter other areas will be painful, if not downright fatal. Understand?" She nodded, stunned. Nobody was normally allowed in a boarder's quarters when they weren't around, except family or concub- Her thoughts stopped their rambling, and she looked at him, a look of amazed revulsion on her face. Could he actually like this body? James caught the look and instantly understood the reasoning behind it. "No, I have absolutely no sexual designs on you. I am doing this because my rooms are probably one of the safest place for you in the Factory grounds. When this investigation is completed, we'll run an intensive series of tests to determine what can be done with you. Until then, you have to stay somewhere." "And in case you're wondering, I do think you have a beautiful body, no matter what you or anyone else here thinks." Flynn smirked. The smirk turned into a glare, which he shot at the commanding guard. "Get going." The man turned in a half circle, moved alongside another guard, and walked out. The Harpy followed, with a look of hesitant contemplation on her face. The last two guards took up the rear. He sat back in the chair and sighed. At least now I have an angle to attack this from. Stealing supplies from the Proteus labs, hmm? Makes sense; that stuff is heavily classified. They'd be hesitant to let security know about a theft problem, so long as it was small. Circe may be a class one thousand, but she's inexperienced. I should be able to bring her down with minimal problem. He noticed Vicki looking at him wryly. "You said that just to see how they'd react, didn't you?" She's figuring me out already. "Mostly. But I did think she was pretty. If you were able to look at things with an unjaundiced eye, you would agree with me." She smiled. "I do." She giggled, then broke into laughter at his reaction. Flynn just shook his head, smiling. After a moment, the laughter died down. "Okay, I think we're done here. Pack up the recording equipment while I contact the Factory computer about the harpy's access. I'm also going to call Mews and tell him to meet us at the Proteus lab doors." Vicki cocked her head. "Who is Muse?" She began packing up her M.I.R.. "He's a Wyman." She still looked confused, so he explained. "He's a genetically engineered cat with wings. He's able to use most of his brain, so he's almost as bright as you or I. He doesn't think linearly, though, and I like to have him nearby when I work. He can be a valuable backup in addition to being able to point out some very strange viewpoints. The series run was named after the engineer who designed them rather than a mythological creature; I figured it was appropriate." "You? What do you have to do with the series designations?" There was interest in her eyes. James sighed. "I went to school with some of the other board members. I was in one of the classes normally reserved for boarder families; there had been a low enrollment, so they took some level twos. I was one of them. Well, the class was Mythology 101 with Professor Nye, and the people in my study group were all boarders. I guess they thought I was one too; the topic never came up, and as a level two kid I had grown up ignoring the compulsory "sir" whenever I could." Vicki was watching more closely now, with an almost predatory air. He wondered for a moment what level she possessed, then continued. "One of them came up with a story of an investment scheme for a new development in genetic engineering. It was illegal, but the kid - ex-chairman Gnuff - had a bunch of contacts in the dead band. He figured we could set it up there without Mama Jo, the central computer, bothering us. He was right." "I wasn't happy with what developed, but at the time it seemed like a great idea. I dropped six million into it; I suppose I was trying to look good for the boarder kids. They were only investing about five hundred thousand apiece. I was putting in almost all of my lifetime savings, and I had scrimped on a lot; I was trying to prove myself. They were playing with pocket cash." "The amount I invested made me the second largest stockholder after Gnuff, who was my best friend. At first, the other boarders attributed my funding to that friendship, but someone became curious and with a little research found out I was only a level two. They raised a big stink about it, but the place had already been built. There I was, a level two made good." Flynn stopped talking for a moment and let his memories catch up to him. Sadness lent shadow to his eyes. "I didn't think of the repercussions. Since I was a boarder, I could now join other boards. . . and my immediate family members were officially boarders as well. I called to my home, only to find that my entire immediate family had been killed in "an elevator accident". I learned later that such accidents are standard practice whenever a boarder marries outside the group. I guess the same emergency procedure had to apply. Boarders hate new blood. They say the whole genetics business came about due to them fighting inbreeding effects. I wouldn't be surprised." "Anyway, my friendship with Gnuff died after that, and I began taking jobs outside of the Company. So if I don't act like a typical boarder, I'm not, but my title is still there along with the power. And, I like to think, responsibility. Which is probably the reason I defend the Furries so much. We create them, and then treat them like any other asset." He shook his head once. "Sorry about the sermon. I get that way sometimes in this place." He laughed. "You're going to have to watch out; you may totally lose your xeno- phobia, and then they won't know what to do with you." Vicki looked at him under hooded eyes. "I don't think that I could develop a love for Furries, ever." Flynn groaned inwardly and headed for the door, with Vicki trailing behind him. Copyright April 1992 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on whatever board you found this on. Any resemblance to any living person or true events is not only coincidental but Damn Strange! Guide to inside jokes in Chapter 2:(Still reading beyond the copyright, are we?) 1: Catharine Mell can shorten to C.Mell. Anyone ever read Cordwainer Smith? If not, read it! 2:Sam and Max is written by S. Purcell (Humor comic) 3:Planck tubes Constantly burning out, causing Black Bodies? Early Physics, anyone? 4:Brother John is from The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, Genesis 5:I own a small statue of a winged cat sculpted by V. Wyman, the very talented creator of Xanadu; yes, I named it Mews, and he sits near me when I write, one paw outstretched to the air. 6:Mythology 101, by Jody Lynn Nye 7:Gnuff is a comic written by Freddy Milton; it can be found in many Critters back issues ======================================================================== Chapter 3 The Proteus labs were in the high security area of the Factory building, set amidst complex areas marked Norn, Pan, Cerunnos and Lazarus. The bounty hunter walked the hallway quickly, ignoring the adjacent labs and making certain his assistant averted her eyes also. Research was on a need to know basis, and although he had clearance for and access to all information the scientists might gather, there were channels he had to go through if he didn't care to raise suspicious eyebrows. Besides, Vicki didn't have that sort of clearance. Or does she? He mulled the idea over. She was in a messenger position, and brought me a classified message. . . She may very well be a class five or four, and might have even brought some deliveries down here. He looked at the redheaded lady walking to his right. She moved carefully, studiously ignoring everything not in her direct line of sight. Beads of sweat hung on her forehead, running down her neck every few seconds to make room for newborn brethren. She leaned almost imperceptibly toward Flynn, a psychological grasp for security. Nope. She's afraid of being down here, even with me. She knows she's not allowed to see this stuff. A darker thought occurred to him. I'd better make certain other board members will know how angry I'd be if she had an "accident" shortly after this fiasco is concluded. His mind filed the notion under "Things for Later" and refocused on the task at hand. The outer doors of the lab were roughly forty meters down the hall, he remembered from previous visits. As he approached, he scanned left and right, searching. James had sent a message to Mews to meet him at the labs, but there appeared to be no trace of the Wyman. *Gotcha!* A weight dropped onto his right shoulder, and he heard Vicki gasp and step back. Flynn turned his head just a bit, to find himself staring into the pupilless tur- quoise eyes of a kitten-sized winged cat. The cat had its neck extended and its head turned perpendicular to the floor. It was smiling. "I knew you were there. I just wanted to see how long it would be before you decided to join us." Flynn looked at Vicki; she had recovered her composure and was smiling at Flynn and the Wyman. She noticed his gaze and her smile disappeared like wind; he almost doubted he had seen it in the first place. Almost. I'm going to rid you of your bigotry and xenophobia, whether you think I can or not, Flynn decided. "Vicki, meet Mews. Mews, this is Vicki." The cat raised a forepaw in greeting, which the redhead shook with her thumb and forefinger. Mews turned his head to the right to examine her more closely. *Pretty thing, but cold. Have you mated yet?* James flushed slightly, glad his communications with the Wyman were exclusively mental; he wouldn't have liked that question asked aloud, no matter what the resolution. He concentrated. *No. There are more important things to do right now* *And what might they be?* James spent a few minutes briefing the cat on the cir- cumstances regarding the case, spending not a little time to emphasize the fact that he might be one of the potential targets. The cat listened carefully from its perch. When the brief was over, the cat shot him a question. *If the last Furry replaced the head of this project, won't they use the Furry to do her job until the researcher is found? I know they hate anything non-human, but those memories must be valuable* The cat's muzzle wrinkled in thought. *Importance of documentation, little flyer. They bugger you if you don't do it, and if you do, you're expendable. Big business lesson number . . . what?* *Forty-two* Flynn smiled. *Forty-two, then* Vicki watched the two males for a moment, then asked quietly, "What do we do now?" Her eyes flicked from the PROTEUS sign on the door to the brown-haired bounty hunter beside her and back again. "I mean, we're here." Her voice broke Flynn out of his conversation with Mews. He turned slowly to look at her, using the time to construct a viable plan of attack. "Okay. I'm going to retrace our bird-lady's steps and see if we can find something she missed. Mews, head up to floor seventeen and go into Chesbro's office. There should be a pair of datacaps on top of his file cabinet; they are slightly bigger than normal, about the size of a walnut. They should both have all of their prongs colored red. Link up to the Factory computer and view the datacap on any available screen, then get back down here and check with me." "Vicki, get your M.I.R. ready for mobile use. You're going to have to record everything in there. If anyone gives you a hard time and I'm not around you, remember my clearance code. You do . . ?" He let the question trail away. "Sure thing. Trident Kiki." Flynn rubbed a hand through his hair. "Let's go, then." He opened the outer lab door and stepped through. Mews watched Flynn enter the labs with Vicki at his side. He stayed there a moment considering the lady, then flew away, back upstairs to perform the task requested of him. Mell's office was stark, with only token trappings from her personal life. Like most researchers, she was unmarried and childless; living without a family, there were fewer distractions from her work. And her work was obviously very important, both to her and to the Factory; there were cabinets full of datacaps, papers and files strewn about her stressed-mahogany desk, and three screens with corresponding keypads set into the wall behind the swivel seat. Most of it was covered with red and violet markings of differing shades, informing anyone who used or read the materials of their strict confidentiality. The cabinets housing the datacaps were made of plasteel, and locked with an eight character code which had to be drawn on the appropriate keypad space. A hell of a lot of security for things which look like ancient film canisters, Flynn thought. Probably rigged to explode, too. A little paranoid of the Factory, but then again, corporate piracy is terribly complex, and they - we - do have a monopoly. For what that's worth. He searched through the papers, hearing Vicki's Multimedia Interfacing Recorder whirring quietly behind him. It took more than twenty minutes, with Vicki recording the whole time, but he finally found something he could use. "Here we go! An order for a case of compound four, complete with its ridiculously long molecular chain diagram and. . ." He paused for effect. "A request to know where the previous box went. Put in by one Mr. Purcell. I think we should maybe have a talk with this man, and then check the area where this stuff is kept. I have a notion that the Planck tubes there may need replacements." He took the sheet of paper and walked out into the cubicle entry hall. A search of the other cubicles' nameplates produced nothing, causing Flynn to march to the end of the hall and back into the main lab area. "If he isn't a supervisor, he must be a senior scientist for one or more portions of the project. Low level workers don't process paperwork." His fingers drummed on his thigh, a certain sign that he was piecing something together. "I wonder if he can give us a lead on the person Mell said had been acting strangely." Vicki smiled. "Could be, sir." Flynn stopped in his tracks. "I thought I asked you not to call me sir." "Oh, you want to order me not to?" Her smile grew wider. She was playing with him, he realized. "I'll order you, all right," he mock-growled. "I'll order you to stop messing around when there's an investigation being pursued! Peace for a while, okay, Ms. Peilun?" She grimaced. "Sorry," she whispered. "No problem. Now let's find this guy." They entered the main lab and glanced about. Vicki noticed a lab worker checking the discharge of a huge piece of equipment forward and to their left, and proceeded to nudge the bounty hunter in that direction. Sighting the worker, Flynn strolled toward him. The man was immersed in his work, and Flynn took the time to examine him. He stood about a meter and two thirds, and weighed about a hundred kilos. There was a yellow food stain on his lab smock, amidst many older stains, probably from both other foods and the chemicals he had to handle. He was taking a gelid substance from a tube which looked like the stinger of a giant, mechanical bee; from the care he displayed, Flynn suspected the substance was either dangerous or delicate. He made his footsteps more forceful, almost stamping, in an attempt to gradually make his presence known. The stratagem worked well, with the scientists head first nodding slightly as his ears registered the noise and recognized it for what is was, then turning to allow him a line of vision to the approaching people. Flynn almost laughed at the amazed expression on the lab worker's face; obviously their presence had not been announced to any but the administrative staff. "Who are you?" The scientist's cheeks reddened as he observed the potential threat. "This is a restricted area!" Flynn grinned warmly. "I'm James Flynn, of the Board. This is Vicki Peilun, my assistant. We're here investigating a problem which recently occurred around these labs. It concerned your research head, Ms. Mell. Can you help us, Mr. . . " Flynn tried to read the man's nametag. "Purcell, sir. Samuel Maxwell Purcell, class five. What do you want me to do?" At the mention of the Board, the scientist's hostile reaction had disappeared. "Well, Mr. Purcell, I'd like to know if you've noticed anything weird happening here recently." Flynn spread his hands expansively. "Anything at all unusual." The round man appeared to consider the question for a moment, then answered. "No, nothing I can think of, other than Ms. Mell disappearing, but you already know about that, obviously." Strange. Maybe boxes going missing isn't uncommon around the lab? Flynn's thoughts whirled. If not, something is seriously wrong down here. He produced the order form and handed it to the scientist, who took it after placing the retrieval dish beside him on the floor. The man gave the paper a cursory glance, then looked carefully at Flynn. His next statements were made in a distinctly guarded tone. "Oh, yeah. I remember this now, sir. That was kind of strange, but I didn't think it was worth mentioning. I figure someone from one of the other labs was out, so they grabbed one of ours." Flynn nodded, as though that explained everything. Inside, his mind was racing. That's impossible; nobody can enter another lab without the appropriate clearance codes, much less raid another's supply lockers, and this man definitely knows that. He is deliberately lying to a board member. His fingers tapped in four/four time on his thigh. We have almost certainly found the person who's been acting strangely. He mimed a thoughtful look, then said, "Oh, I understand. That should be about it unless. . . Well, lets take a look at that storeroom anyway, just in case anybody else gets confused about the order. The last thing we need is security asking the same questions I just did over and over again, interrupting your work. You know how security is." He smiled at the scientist. Purcell apparently did know how security acted; he nodded his head sagely as he bent to recover the plate on the floor. "I understand, sir; it should be no problem. If you'll follow me, sir?" The rotund man put the dish on a nearby ledge and stumped to a door set not far away in the left wall. He played with the keypad a moment and the door slid open. Flynn stood behind him as he entered, with Vicki at the back, recording. The lighting was dim, but not unusable. The scientist shrugged his shoulders. "We have a repair order in for the Planck tubes, sir, but all the repair people with clearance are working on fixing up after the explosion in the Norn labs. I'm afraid-" Flynn cut him short. "Vicki, hand me the M.I.R., would you? I could use the spotlight feature, I think." He reached back and she placed the device in his hand. He played with the components in the forced twilight, until his fingers stroked an L-shaped piece with two buttons. He pressed the top one, and a beam of light radiated from above the lens. He swept the spotlight across the rear wall of the storeroom. The compartment extended about ten meters, with shelves stocked full on both side walls and a breaker panel on the rear wall. And also. . . "What's that back there?", he asked pointing to a jagged hole in the right wall, barely visible between boxes. The scientist looked confused. "I don't know. Maybe we should check it out?" He waited for Flynn to move, then went to the hole. Sorry, bud, Flynn thought. But there is no way I'm letting you get behind me. He watched Purcell move forward, then followed. The hole was almost a meter in diameter, rough-edged. Flynn was convinced he had found Circe's point of entry, and he watched the scientist's reactions carefully; he prepared for a sudden move on the fat man's part. If Circe were influencing me, this would be the time I'd attack. He clenched his fists, although his smile remained firmly in place. He never heard anyone move behind him. There was a flash of red behind his eyes and the M.I.R. fell from his left hand, breaking on the tiled floor. He heard a thump as someone hit the floor behind him. Class one thousand! He chided himself as he struggled to remain conscious. Stupid! Underestimated her, and now you're paying, and so is Vicki. He stared into the darkness and the void called him home. Copyright April 1992 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on whatever board you found this on. Any resemblance to any living person or true events makes me wonder what drugs you take. Guide to inside jokes in Chapter 3:(Not many this time, but I am putting in a glossary of terms, so you still have extra stuff to read) 1. The Cerunnos lab is a spot of foreshadowing regarding the next story in this cycle, The Chaos Ring. More on that can be found in the KFUZ message base. 2. Forty-two had to come into play somewhere. It is, after all, the answer to life, the universe, and everything. 3. Chesbro is the name of George C. Chesbro, writer of the Mongo series in addition to the Veil Kendry books and other stories such as Bone. The Beasts Of Valhalla, the fourth in the Mongo series, is the best Furry story I've ever read (albeit unintentionally in that category) and the book I would have given my left foot to have written. It is out of print, but if you can find it, read it! If you can, write to mysterious press and tell them to print you up one! List of Terms: Norn: One of a group of Norse goddesses who determine fates Pan: A Fertility/Nature god of Greek legend Cerunnos: An antlered god of prosperity, Celtic myth cycle Lazarus: A man raised from the dead (Biblical) Datacap: A small device shaped like a bottlecap with prongs, used to store data for computer viewing. It has a capacity of about 20 gigabytes memory, and can be used instead as a recording media like a videodisc or audio tape. Common as dirt, and very handy. Plasteel: A clear metal with a bonded plastic coating M.I.R. (Multimedia Interfacing Recorder): an all-purpose recording tool complete with built in perepherials such as infrared viewing, audial enhancer, spotlight, projector, voice analyzer, optical tracer, and other small aids. about five pounds, and about the size of a contemporary mini-camcorder Compound Four: one of a number of mutation-enhancing chemical used by the Furry Factory Planck Tubes: Extended life light sources encased in plasteel ======================================================================== Chapter 4 Sand. Sitting patiently in shapeless dunes, dancing wildly in the spirals of wind which plays across the barren landscape. The Kreaak desert, four hundred kilometers wide; home to the Dead Band. And something else, the bounty hunter amends himself. Somebody's coming. The approaching man wears a silver-grey jumpsuit with a dust filtering mask. It protects him from the harsh, sandy winds and obscures his features. Flynn can only approximate the person's traits; height, just over two meters; weight, probably one-thirty. A big man, with the mass obviously due to muscle. Flynn tries to determine how to greet the stranger when recognition strikes. Maltermi! The name galvanizes him into action. Maltermi has a blood oath against him, and the man (had been) is obviously more prepared for a conflict than Flynn. In his condition, the bounty hunter's assaults would barely affect the madman in the jumpsuit. He feels for the stick bound to his forearm, silently praying the prototype weapon will work as designed. His fingers connect with empty air; the stick is gone. (No, it was there and it worked -) Maltermi grabs him by the shoulders and forces him onto his back. Granular tendrils snake out of the sand and wrap around his neck, his midsection, his arms and legs. A prickly sensation grows from the back of his neck and spreads quickly throughout his body, leaving him numbed as it fades. (This is just a dream) A mound of sand shifts over his right leg; moments later another pile drifts onto his pelvis. Sand envelops his crotch and left leg as his body is slowly covered. The grains crawl up his abdomen like a puppy to its boy, ever so slowly approaching his chin. Above him, Maltermi stands - smaller? - impassive behind the dust-free mask. The sandy tide continues inexorably until all but his face is covered. (Wake up, now!) Maltermi - a woman, now - kneels beside him and strokes the exposed flesh of his cheek with a leathery, gloved finger. (Wake up!) The figure then raises her hand to remove her mask. (WAKE U)*James?* The mask is removed, revealing a face both part vulpine and part human, an amalgam of features both bestial and manlike, alien yet disturbingly exotic. *MEWS! HELP ME! I CAN'T WAKE UP!* *She's probably drugged you. I'm not really sure if you want to wake up anyway, James. At least, not until she finishes.* *What are you talking about?* The vixen/woman smiles at him and whispers, "Don't worry. You won't feel anything." Her head swivels to the side, until she is staring down at him from above. Flynn tries to move, but his benumbed body will not budge. Circe's muzzle dips, and her tongue forces apart his lips in a demented parody of a kiss. She licks his teeth, then pulls her head back. Flynn feels his body respond to the erotic stimulus despite his mental protests. Then a wind of hurricane force strikes from the sky, blasting away the sand coating his body. *I think she's done, James, but you are not going to like this* Sensation returns to his limbs, and despite the sandy, tentacular bonds he raises his head. He sees his body, no longer as it was but metamorphozed into a cat-like humanoid thing. He senses his ears perking, and he howls as the flesh and bones of his face grind together, sprout fur and whiskers - Awake. Flynn opened his eyes slowly, attempting to filter out the blinding light. He tried to move his arm, only to succumb to the cold metal of a restraining bar. Memories returned as the remnants of dream-confusion dissipated; he had been assaulted while investigating the storeroom with Vicki - Vicki! His mind screamed. I dragged an innocent down with me - where is she? He turned his head to the left, away from the light. His eyes focused, finding not Vicki but - Circe, standing not a foot away, with Mews sitting on her shoulder. His mind registered three things at the same time. The first, a message from Mews:*James, I'm sorry. She captured me* The second was Circe's smell, a scent that spoke of dew- speckled grass in springtime and promised sweaty, passionate nights. The third was that he was smelling her with a flattened, black nose at the ned of a jet-black, whiskered muzzle. And life mimicked dream as he howled. Copyright April 1992 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on whatever board you found this on. Any resemblance to any living person or true events is coincidental. If you know of anyone that these people resemble, I suggest the nearest mental institute. No inside jokes in chapter four, unless you want to make broad comments about a particular Ramsey Campbell short story with Lovecraftian influences. No new terms, either. Both features will return in chapter five, I assure you. ======================================================================== Chapter 5 The scream erupted from his throat like a thing alive, a catlike yowl that spit echoes more of pain than release, more of fear than outrage. Flynn clamped down on the reflex, allowing it to die in gutteral mewling. His thoughts were flying in all directions, startled birds of confusion. He fought to force them into order; it would take a clear head to get him through the trial ahead. He could already picture the scene: himself, bound and surrounded by antagonistic security guards, being electronically poked and prodded in vain efforts to learn the whereabouts of the marauding foxwoman. Sorry, boys, he thought to the figments; I know about as much as you do. Words from the Furry woman beside him plucked him from his unintentional daydreaming. "The first cries of birth; I can't help but be moved." Flynn focused on her words, ignoring the other things on his mind. "Cute." Her muzzle wrinkled in humor. "Ah, he speaks!" She bared her teeth in a conspiratorial grin, and leaned forward on the automed, head resting on crossed arms. "Now, anything you'd like to tell me?" James felt his neck cramping. "Well, first, I'd like to be released from this contraption; it isn't the most comfortable place I've ever slept." He waited for her reaction. She was in control, and knew it; he didn't want to anger her. To his relief, her animalistic smile remained. "Well, I think I can help you a little bit, in that regard. I'm afraid I can't give you full mobility, though; you understand." James sighed. "All too well." As Circe busied herself with the side controls to the automed, Flynn looked around the room. It was painted white and sparsely populated with various pieces of research and medical instrumentation, some of which had apparently been modified to fulfill new and shadowy purposes. There was a grille for ventilation in the top corner of the wall to his right; it was hanging open on a single hinge, exposing the alarm circuitry set into the ductwork. *That was what tipped her off to me; I couldn't see it in the dark. I was watching her drag you inside, when suddenly I was stuck in a stasis field. She pulled open the grille, and then. . . she isn't someone to play around with, James.* The cat had jumped onto the bedlike apparatus to talk to him, and was as surprised as Flynn when the neck and arm bars suddenly dropped away, leaving only his wrists, legs, and waist fastened to the auotmed. The cat was more surprised, however, when the surface beneath its paws began to tilt vertically. *James!?* *Don't worry; she's positioning it so I can sit.* He had experienced the medical device before, under the direction of Tommy Salden. The assassin had demonstrated both its surgical and healing abilities quite comprehensively during that particular interrogation session. Flynn did not look forward to encountering the device's wonders a second time. "There. Comfortable?" She looked at him inquisitively, her green eyes drawing him in. He stared for a couple of seconds, then shook his head to clear it. Damn! Stop acting like a cat in heat! You are human, and you had better remember that! Her smile returned, as if she had guessed what he had been thinking. "So. You were looking for me. Why?" She began pacing back in forth in front of him, revealing a generous view of her furred body. He chuckled, creating a low growl from deep in his throat. He fought the resulting unease by trying to avoid the question. "I was looking for a date. What are you doing this Saturday?" Her teeth bared further; Flynn wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not. "Well, obviously you don't want to cooperate. That's fine, though. How about I tell you why you were looking for me?" "Psychic?" His tone was carefree, but his thoughts were not. How much does she know, he wondered. She was not amused. "You are James Flynn, one of the controlling board members of the Furry Factory Triad. You are accepted here because of your position but are unliked because of your history of stances in favor of the 'products' you sell. In order to avoid generating excessive trouble on the Factory grounds, you take residence in Kreaakashek, where you are a rather successful bounty hunter. "You were called here in an effort to stem the tide of kidnappings which have occurred since the escape of one female Furry, designation Circe. This woman was made as an exhibition model for sales demostrations, and was an example of all the best the Factory can presently produce. She had eluded all attempts of security to find her; since you are one of the best, and your ass might be on the line, they called you and you came running." The smile all but faded. Flynn became very conscious of the bars restraining him. "That's why you were looking for me. Now, I have to say I'm less than impressed with you. First I read all sorts of interesting things about your abilities, then you fall into a trap so apparent I doubted it would catch the secretary you were with." Flynn started at her words, but she put a finger to his mouth and continued. He considered biting her, then decided against it. "Don't worry about her. She has little to do with the atrocity which is this place; I let her go, after a couple of modifications." "What do you mean by modifications?" James had a harrowing mental picture of Vicki wandering the cavernous halls as a half-dog creature, waiting only to be caught by security and killed. It was all too obvious to him that Circe had perfected the Proteus equipment; if he had been a created Furry he wouldn't have had contact with Mews. The implant was user-specific. And if he was initially human. . . The chain of thought came to its inevitable conclusion: the officials who had been caught before had been assumed to be mindmolded Furries, things with pseudo-memories installed. They had been killed and reprocessed into nutrient for new Furries, at the orders of the Chairman. When this information was discovered, there would be chaos on the board. The Factory would be in turmoil. His meandering thoughts distracted him from what Circe was saying, so that he only caught the last seconds of her speech. ". . . like them now." He acted quickly. *Mews, what did she just say?* Circe was watching him, waiting for a reaction. *She said she fixed Vicki's memories so she wouldn't remember anything about the Proteus labs, but would think you assigned her to track down possible connections betwen Circe and Security. She also said she made her like Furries as much as she hated them before.* Which is probably what happened to the lab tech, James decided. He let loose a breath of relief at the news of Vicki, which seemed to satisfy Circe, although she was obviously wondering about the delay of his reaction. She stared curiosly at Mews for a second, then continued talking. "Anyway, I want you to know that I'm not going to do what you think. I'm not going to knock you out, and I'm not going to leave you wandering through the Furry Factory. "You have a history of being the only board member with a kind eye for the Furry populace, the only one who actually treats us like people. But I think you need to learn a bit more. I've done what I can to further your education. "You are now a panther derivative humanoid with a 746 strength and 875 agility; your olfacory, visual and audial senses have been escalated to class 800. You possess retractable claws of hardness scale 7 and your tail is semi- prehensile, like that of an opossum, even though it remains catlike in appearance. I expect you should be able to run at over twenty-five miles per hour if you feel a need. "I've done a lot more, but you can find that out on your own, like any other Furry would. In case you're wondering, and I have no doubt you are, I haven't done a thing to either your memories or your mental abilities. I did do some restructuring on Mews. . ." The cat glared at her at the mention; Flynn had no doubt the Wyman wanted to go for her throat, but was being prevented from doing so. ". . .But that shouldn't affect you much. He won't be able to tell you everything he might want to," She smiled at the winged cat. "Yet you should still be able to trust him in any other regard." Flynn stacked away information as she passed it to him, more concerned with receiving all her words than the import of them. He was convinced she would not be repeating anything she said. "I'm going to show you a way into and out of the Factory grounds. After that you're on your own, until you decide you've learned enough to deserve your old form back. Be very sure; the quiz is deadly." Her smile vanished like the sun behind trees, and his memories of Maltermi lost a little of their "ultimate horror" dominance under her stare. "Your series run is Michabon; your designation is Odysseus. You are licensed to one James Flynn, stockholder in The Furry Factory. Any other information can be provided by your owner." The absurdity of her last remark brought him up short. "It shouldn't be hard to find him." She stopped her pacing so suddenly that he started forward in his seat, straining momentarily against the bonds. The foxwoman walked purposefully up to him, stopped, lowered her eyes to hold his. She moved her face to his, and her scent sent a shiver of arousal through his frame. She breathed a whisper into his upraised ear. "And in case you're wondering, I do think you have a handsome body, no matter what you or anyone else thinks. If you're back by Saturday, we'll see about the date." Then she turned and strode out of the room through a doorway on the left wall, letting a metal door slide shut behind her and tapping a button for another to open another portal directly before him. Three seconds passed, and the remainng bonds slid open, setting him free. Flynn considered his situation, then headed for the open doorway. Reaching the exit, he stopped, peering around the sides to check for the presence of watching eyes. He detected none, although the area beyond the doorway did strike a spark of recognition; he was in the first underlevel of Zephyr Robotics. He marked the surrounding foliage in his mind carefully, in order to insure recognition of the entrance on his return. Gathering up his courage, he ran for the fence fifty yards away, and when a couple of feet away jumped for the bar providing support for the top of the chain-link. He expected to grab it and pull himself over, as he had a number of times during practice exercises with security. Instead, he grabbed the bar on his way up and continued moving, his enhanced musculature propelling him to the bar's height and beyond. His feet found purchase on the cool metal and tapped quickly, sending him forward as he reached the apex of his original jump. Flynn dropped to the ground five yards in front of the fence, crouched on hands and feet to absorb the physical shock. Nothing could absorb the mental shock, though. Even Mews, sitting on the fence behind him, had an incredulous look on his face. Flynn stood and considered his situation. He was beyond the Factory walls, but he could still be grabbed by security. He needed to reach his house; there he could examine himself, and hopefully figure a way to reverse the process. Sure, he thought. The Factory scientists can't figure it out, and I'm going to match the feat of a class one thousand intellect armed with all of the research the Factory has done to date. Let's face it, James; she has you and you'll have to play her game for a while. But the rules were going to change. He rubbed the fur on his forearm with an open palm. Soon. He left for his house in something approximating a good mood. Mews followed behind, troubled by information which he knew but could not impart, prevented from being passed along by selective blocks Circe had dropped in his mind. James crossed R and Avis streets, then headed down Main, wending his way home with little problem despite an assault attempt near a pub called Munden's. The would-be attacker had sprung from the shadows with knife in hand, ready to fight; one look at Flynn convinced the man that peace had suddenly become synonymous with survival. As he approached his house he considered the problem of his home security. It was controlled both by keycode and a blood analysis, and he suspected the latter would no longer be agreeable with computer records of James Flynn's cellular structure. The question was how to confuse his system. The answer didn't take much thought. His neighbor was a master hacker, and the person he went to for information checks. If anyone he knew could bypass his security, it would be Totoro. He walked up to the house next to his, slapping the wooden sign in front as he approached the stairs; Totoro had a sensor implanted in the sign, and slapping it was the call signal. Anyone wishing his services had only to tap the sign, walk onto his porch, and wait for the arrays to clear them. Two minutes passed before the door swung open, revealing a large man dressed in black coveralls with a hacker's code emblem inscribed on them. "Hello! I'm Stuart Totoro. Is there something I can do for. . . your master?" The man looked him over, trying to figure out why someone would have sent a Furry messenger to a hacker's house. For the first time Flynn was glad about his new form. His old features would have been instanly recognized by this man who imitated his hacker friend, but was all too familiar as Brother John. No doubt waiting for Flynn to come home. Of course, there were disadvantages, too. He could feel the fur fluff out from the back of his neck, and his ears flattened. He carefully resisted an almost overpowering urge to bare his fangs and spit; he wanted to find out for certain what moves Maltermi was making before confronting the man. He hoped Totoro was still alive, and that Mews had seen the big man and ducked out of sight. He saw Maltermi tense up while looking over his shoulder, and he knew at least one of his hopes had been dashed. As the man raised a large hand weapon, Flynn shouted in his mind. *RUN! MALTERMI!* A shriek like a launching jet deafened his left ear, and Flynn struggled to keep his expression confused. He quietly held his breath, releasing it only when he saw Brother John's momentary look of dejection. "Missed the bugger. Damn." He scrutinized Flynn again, his patience expended; he no longer even tried to maintain the 'helpful hacker' stereotype but retained his gruff attitude. "What do you want, then?" James steeled himself with a deep breath. "Well, sir, my owner wanted to hire your services, but asked that I inspect your equipment before he agrees to your rather large fee." For the first time, Totoro's exorbitant cost would come in handy. Maltermi considered it, then nodded. He opened the door, then shut it again slightly just as Flynn started to enter. James looked at him with what he hoped was a dejected expression. "What is your message, then, sir?" He tried to put as much repressed sadness as he could into the voice, but succeeded only in sounding irritated. He was, too. The rule against Furries entering without permission was working very strenuously against him. Maltermi explained his action with the door. "No, you can come in, but I want to know who your owner is before you enter. Okay?" Flynn whistled internally. Lying about ownership was cause for reprocessing, but telling the truth would get him killed even more surely. He took the lesser risk, picking a person likely to lie for a Furry they didn't know. "Vicki Peilun, Furry Factory" Brother John went inside to check the credentials. Flynn followed, hoping Circe had done a comprhensive job on the pretty secretary. If not, he thought, both my and Totoro's chances of surviving this are less than spit in the wind. Copyright May 1992 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on whatever board you found this on. Any resemblance to any living person or true events is weird. Just weird. Guide to inside jokes in Chapter 5:(They're baaack!) 1. R. and Avis streets are a direct reference to Rara Avis, proprietress of The Past And Future Inn on many Anthromorphic-echo carrying BBS's Rara Avis (c) Charlie Kellner 2. Munden's is a bar well known for harboring interdimensional travellers, found in the back pages of the comic GRIM JACK in addition to various specials of its own. 3. My Neighbor Totoro is a Japanese animated film. Now you know. List of Terms: Automed: a flat, bedlike device used to perform precision surgery in addition to various other healing techniques. Contains chemical synthesizer in lower right portion with postional controls on lower left front panel. Kreaakashek: also known as The Dead Band, a city in the Kreaak desert to which the world's central governing computer has no access, due to severed lines. A haven for the world's criminal populace. Cerunnos technology (not mentioned specifically): memory control surgical techniques being worked on by the Factory. The Factory has developed a process by which a Furry can be grown who may install or remove him or herself from a person's memory, but has failed to produce a working set of mind control surgical techniques. Circe has corrected their errors, and developed the surgeries necessary for installing mental blocks, preventing people from discussing certain items. Ratings: five hundred is human standard maximum ability. Every hundred above or behind that multiplies or divides by two. A class 800 is working at eight times maximum human ability, a class three hundred, one fourth. Michabon was the Ottawa Indian god who created humanity from the animals Odysseus was the hero in the Odyssey who overcame many trials during his voyage home from the Trojan War, not the least of which was Circe's changing of his entire crew into farm animals. ======================================================================== Chapter Six Flynn followed Maltermi into the house, masking his worries with a casual expression. The large man and the feral humanoid moved quickly through the small front room and into the cavernous computer center. Totoro had removed the floors and walls to most of the second story rooms in order to create his workroom, and the result was impressive. An emergency generator lay like a metallic spider in the far left corner, with cables strung from it to all of the other electronic paraphernalia situated about the room. The largest cabling run went from the generator, over the piles of parts stacked against the left wall, to a twenty-five by thirty foot wall console. Other wires traced to such objects as a high-frequency transceiver, a holographic repoductive imager, and a stasis field generator. Flynn was familiar with the equipment, but feigned ignorance. "This is nice. What's that thing over there?" He motioned to one bulky piece with a forepaw. Maltermi glowered at him. "Holographic imager." He reached for a nearby keypad. "Now be quiet while I check your credentials." Flynn looked at the ceiling, saw the rotating laser arrays Totoro had installed there. They were focused on him, indicating that Maltermi had gained control of the house's security systems. He kept silent. Brother John's fingers tapped out the number to the Furry Factory, then keyed in a search parameter for the whereabouts of Vicki Peilun. Flynn started when he saw what the criminal was doing. How the hell did he get the codes for a stationwide personnel search? That stuff is highly classified! I wonder what other codes he has? If he could get those, he may be able to get my passcodes. If he does that, I'm in for some severe trouble. He looked at the hulking man beside him. Hatred sent adrenaline coursing through his system, making him shiver like a child in the snow. This is going to have to end soon, he thought. And I won't be the one who dies. His ears flattened momentarily and his right front paw sprouted inch-long claws. He was about to strike when he recalled the lasers. Perhaps now would not be the best time. . . Uh-oh. Maltermi had managed to contact Vicki. Her face flushed on the terminal screen; Flynn wasn't surprised. It wasn't every day one received a call from the most ruthless assassin in Kreeakshek. Brother John broke the silence. "You are Vicki Peilun, right?" "Y-yes." "Do you own a Furry, panther deriviative, male, about six-two with sky-blue eyes?" "Uh. . . Why? Has he bothered you?" Flynn's opinion of Vicki increased another notch. Most people didn't ask questions of Maltermi; bad things sometimes happened when they did. Brother John smiled at her; James knew it meant nothing. "Well, he has come to the house of Stuart Totoro looking for some help; unfortunately Mr. Totoro is indisposed for the moment. May I ask what you needed so badly that you couldn't get help from Factory personnel?" Typical, Flynn thought. He smells something wrong, and assumes he can gain something from it. Shit! Why did I bring her into this? Easy. His mind answered its own question. You had to. Vicki went white. "I can't tell you that. It's priveledged information." "Now, can't we just ignore that this one time?" "With the most notorious killer in the Dead Band?" She shot him an incredulous look. "I don't think so." Maltermi's smile disappeared. Easy, girl, Flynn thought. "You should reconsider." "I'm sorry, but no." Maltermi gave her image a hard stare. "As you wish." He terminated her connection, and immediately broke into the records of Factory security. Numbers and letters flew by as he searched for anything Vicki was now or had ever been connected with. The reason for the killer's invasion of his neighbor's house became suddenly apparent. Totoro was very possibly the premiere hacker in Kreeakshek; Brother John could steal the passwords to just about anyplace in the city from Totoro's files. Flynn found himself hoping Totoro hadn't bothered to gather too much information on his friends. James heard Maltermi growl, and focused his attention on the screen. There, in bright upper-case, was the information for which Brother John had been searching. ASSIGNED SPECIAL DUTY TO JAMES FLYNN IN CONNECTION WITH CIRCE CASE. Maltermi whirled on Flynn. "I don't know what this Circe thing is, but I'm going to find out. In the meantime, I have to ask you to accompany me to some temporary facilities upstairs. I do not trust anyone that has anything to do with Mr. Flynn, even a Furry." Flynn tensed; Brother John noticed. "I found your statistics file in that of my dear Ms. Peilun. I know your deactivation code; the first word is Manitou. Now unless you want to spend the next few days unconscious, I suggest you do as I say." The bounty hunter relaxed and did as Maltermi asked, spending the seconds of complacency in quick thought. Maltermi doesn't bluff. If he says he saw something about me in Vicki's file, he did; that means she must have been adding me into her file even as she spoke to him on the lines. That means she has access to her own file, which she could only get if she's using the Trident Kiki clearance. . . The assassin motioned for him to turn around, toward the kitchen. Flynn obeyed. . . . I wonder what she put in my file? If she- There was a sharp pain from the back of his head, and a familiar out-of-body falling sensation. He felt his eyes close against his will, then nothing. Flynn awoke on the floor, head nestled against his paws. He experienced a brief moment of panic as he awoke, then remembered what had happened to his body. Other memories followed; the conversation with Circe, leaving the Factory, the attempted mugging, Maltermi answering the door. . . Bastard hit me from behind. Oh, well, I shouldn't be surprised; a lump is the nicest thing he's ever given me. He chuckled, a coughing growl. Although that phone bomb was pretty. . . Okay, first things first. Flynn rose on paws and feet, stretched, then stood. There was a bed in one corner of the room; Totoro lay in it, sleeping peacefully. A dresser sat nearby, an end table at its side. The room had no windows, but a large screen set flush against the south wall flashed wilderness scenes off and on every few seconds. A bowl lay on the brown carpet a foot or two from the head of the bed; a few dried flakes suggested it had been used for breakfast recently. Totoro's bedroom. Flynn groaned inwardly; he had used the place himself, once, when the holding cells in his house had been full. The hacker had outfitted the area with a high-quality containment system, for use if people tried to break in. Despite the wealth of computer equipment, the lasers and holding cell discouraged most petty thieves. Flynn considered the situation, and decided his time would be put to more productive use figuring out his overall situation than trying to devise a way out. Maltermi had shown no inclination toward killing him so far, and whereas he knew the man could change his mind on a whim, the assassin usually didn't murder for no reason. Better to get a grasp on what has already happened than jump at shadow, he concluded. He began a careful inspection of himself. Let's see. . . still a little over six foot, black fur about a half inch thick -that may provide a little natural warmth in cold situations, but it makes me conspicuous as hell - with thinner fur and pads on my hands. Hell, hands, they're more like paws with fingers and an opposable thumb. Flynn concentrated on extending a claw. Nothing happened. He clenched his hand into a fist. Nothing. He spread his fingers out, pulled them up and back. Inch long claws protruded from sheaths of skin hidden under his fingerfur. He examined them closely. Nice. Some sort of high-density organic; they look like pressed ivory. Hardness seven, I believe she said? Does that cut steel? He ran his finger roughly down the wall; the paint scraped away, along with bits of nail. Nope, it does not cut steel. Still seems pretty hard, though. I know I'm physically stronger; that, if I remember correctly, is accomplished through generating denser flesh. I still seem to weigh the same, though, so that means. . . Flynn probed the inside of his upper thigh until he found what he was looking for: a lump, marble-sized, hidden underneath the plush fur. As I expected, a low power null-G unit. I wonder how much I'd weigh with this thing out? He decided not to check. Instead, he concentrated on moving his tail. Semi-prehensile, she said. Let's see how prehensile that is. He walked over to the bowl on the floor, and tried to pick it up. It took over fifteen minutes of practice, but he learned to control his tail; it couldn't kink up to grab the bowl, but he could curl it to scoop the bowl from underneath. A quick wrap around a bedpost proved a handy means of gauging the tail's strength. He figured it capable of supporting him, if necessary; the muscles controlling it were in no way weak. No way of checking on the smell, sight and hearing, but considering Circe had apparently not misled him about his other capabilities, he had no reason to doubt her word on those subjects. Physical inventory complete, he turned his concentration in other directions. Circe. Facts: Class one thousand foxmorph. Has developed a tunnel into the Proteus Lab storage area and Zephyr Robotics sublevel one. Has access to confidential Factory records of personnel and research areas. Capturing level three personnel and above and altering their forms. Escaped eight days ago from high security, guard missing. Deactivation code wiped from the computer files. No implants other than a low power null-G. Is that all? I think so. Damn, I wish I had a keyboard to keep track of this; I always feel like I'm missing something. His right paw tapped against his thigh. His tail twitched in rythym. Conjecture: Tunnel system is most likely rather large; with her strength, she can break through the walls between the maintenance alleys. Those alleys are all over the place. I have to assume her tunnels are too. Seems to have something special planned for me. My series designations: Michabon, an Indian god who made people from animals; Odysseus, the hero with whom Circe fell in love. Parallel there, or just a red herring? We'll see. She most likely wants some influence on me, so as to reach the rest of the boarders more easily. They're all scurrying to their holes right about now, and she must figure I'm their weak link. She seems to be motivated out of revenge, but that can't be stated for certain. She's too bright; I'm sure there's an end result to all of this. Freedom for all Furries? Seems like a reasonable project for someone like her, but I wonder how she plans to deal with the central computer, Mama Jo? M.J. is programmed to respond to the needs of the people, and so long as Furries are not people . . . He let that thought trail off. There was something there, but it was murky yet. Give it time, he told himself. It'll come. Think about something else. Her probable weak points: Her null-G implant can be disrupted; she's a class one thousand strength, so her tissue must be incredibly dense. If that implant is removed or disrupted, she probably won't even be able to stand on a normal floor; she'll sink right in. Unfortunately, I'll have to get her out of the complex, with its reinforced floors, if I'm going to pull that. I'll also need help, because she'll have certainly changed the implant's frequency, which means a broad-band will have to be used, which means I'll be taking myself down, too. Okay, that's option one. Option two: She is waiting for me to go back. I could attempt to kill her upon return. Drawbacks for this plan include the high probability she will run a weapons check before she ever sees me, and the fact that she is as yet the only person capable of restoring me to human form. Other options . . . Three. She has already demonstrated to me, very effectively, the use of pheremones. I could contact Vicki on the computer, have her drop a vial off somewhere. That could drive her into a temporary frenzy. Of course, if I were anywhere around, her frenzy would probably trigger one in me. Then again, that might not. . . watch it, Flynn. Option four is not going to be join forces. If I could trigger a frenzy in her, she would probably not be able to concentrate on escaping. Those are three options available right now. Let's see what else pops up. Other concerns: Maltermi. Does he intend to go after Vicki? He may. What is he doing here, working on Totoro's system? What is he trying to accomplish? He grinned, revealing large fangs. One way to find that out, perhaps. Quietly, Flynn paced to the side of Totoro's bed. There he crouched, resting his chin and paws beside his friend's head on the mattress. He settled himself, then let out a low growl. Totoro had slept through the incidental noises flynn had made during his self-examination, but the deep-throated rumble echoing in his ear shocked him awake. He drew breath in to scream, failed, and scurried back crablike away from the Flynn's pantherish form. Flynn laughed, a series of stacatto grumbles. Totoro blanched. Flynn rose to his feet and offered the hacker a forepaw in greeting. "Calm down, buddy. Everything's just a little confused right now. I've got a new head to hunt and she's a bad one; until I can get an angle on her I'm stuck like this." Comprehension spread across Totoro's face like the first curtain of dawn over water. "James? James, is that you?" "Yeah, it's me. Now would you mind giving me a few answers?" "You mean about Maltermi?" The sarcasm was evident even on Flynn's inhuman features when he spoke. "No, I mean about the dart contest at Jackie's. Of course about Maltermi." Totoro spent a moment gathering his scattered bearings, then began. "Well, this is the third time he's broken in. The first time he beat me pretty badly, and he said he'd kill me if I told anyone. I'm not thrilled about the prospect of death; I kept my mouth shut. Since then he comes in about once a month. The only thing he does, from what I can trace on the computer, is send a message to New Thalien. I don't know anything else, and I don't really want to. As it is, he lets me out after he's done, and he's always gone by the time I go downstairs. "James, I'll let him make a couple of free calls if it keeps me alive. What about you, though? I thought he'd kill you on sight." Flynn laughed again. "He's tried before. I dare say he'd have real trouble with me the way I am now. Anyway, he doesn't know who I am; he thinks I'm just another Furry from the Factory." "Didn't he check your lisencing codes?" "Falsified." Totoro whistled. "That's risky, and hard. I'm surprised you could do it; you were never the hacker type." "I didn't; a secretary at the Factory did." "She really knows her stuff, then. I hope you annexed anyone that good for yourself." "Pretty much." Flynn quieted. He was suddenly glad for not only Circe's behavior modification of Vicki, but also Vicki's unsuspected expertise with computer work. Totoro noticed the lull. "So, what can I help you with?" Flynn pondered the question carefully before answering. "A few things, but we're going to need access to your computers first. Let's hope Maltermi finishes soon." The hacker drew his eyebrows in at the response, signalling Flynn that he wanted an explanation. Well, he thought, he can wait. He let Maltermi into his house and didn't alert me, even though it is incredibly possible Brother John is using this place to set me up for a permanent fall. He extended a single claw as he thought about Brother John. A grin bared his teeth as their relative strengths were compared mentally. Actually, he thought, as his tail twisted in the air, I think I like this body. ======================================================================== Chapter 7 Thomas Chesbro had been working for hours at his desk when the scratching began. His left eyebrow arched slightly, and he put his keypad down to concentrate on the noise's source; the sound abruptly stopped. Seconds passed, then the scratching resumed, knives dragging through cardboard. He rose from his chair and crossed to the imitation-oak door, waited a moment, and pulled at the knob. As he expected, a small cat was on the other side, and it gazed up at him with a tired expression. Chesbro laughed. "Hey, there, little flyer." His expression grew more sober. "How's it going with the investigation? I haven't got any more information for you since this morning, if that's what you're here for." The cat continued to stare up at him, resting wearily on its haunches. A few seconds passed as Mews' lack of response registered. "Hmm. I guess not, then. Come on in, we'll see what I can do for you." "Mrowr." The cat stood up and walked over to a chair. Beside one of the legs, he tensed and jumped, landing solidly on the seat. He turned about and sat facing forward. Chesbro closed the door and regained his seat. He tapped the desktop with his left hand, dan invitation to the Wyman. The cat promptly vaulted to the inticated spot, spreading his wings slightly to gain the extra distance. "Well, you're dirty as all get out, so you've probably been outside." Mews nodded. "With James?" Another nod. "So he's at home now, probably working -" "Mrowr." "Okay, he's not at home. Munden's?" No response from the cat. "Totoro's?" A small nod. Chesbro couldn't remember precisely when he had become so proficient in the art of questioining Mews; he had been assigned to Flynn on every company-oriented case for the past two years, and it had come of necessity. Somewhere along the line had gotten to like the Wyman immensely. If someone had pointed out to him that Mews was a Furry, Chesbro would probably have broken one of their fingers before conceding the fact. "So he's at Totoro's house. That'll be helpful." "Hsst." Chesbro's eyebrow rose again. "He's in trouble at Totoro's house? That's strange. Think he needs my help, then?" "Mrowr." He wiggled a finger at the Wyman. "You are not being helpful, here. Let's see, if he doesn't need my help there and you don't need any more of my research, you must need me for something else. Forget the password for level one forty- two again?" The cat's yawn was elaborate. "Okay, you're not in the mood for jokes. You need legwork, then, or research." The cat raised a paw into the air. "Research? On this Circe thing?" No response. "No? Something to do with the Factory?" A wag of the tail. That meant he was getting close. "Okay, the Factory, then. Personnel? Research projects? The Factory itself?" He waited seconds atfer each guess, waiting for some response. After mentioning the factory, he received one as Mews' tail went crazy. "Okay, then. History? Layout?" The Wyman stood, walked across the desktop, and licked him. He stopped and took a cup of iced tea from a refrigeration unit set into the wall behind him. He pulled out a saucer of cream for the cat as he drank. Mews took a few laps from the dish, then looked back at Chesbro. His muzzle wrinkled a bit as he smiled. The security officer put down his cup. "You're lucky I learned your facial expressions, or I'd be expecting you to bite me." The cat snapped at the air; Chesbro laughed. "I don't think so. Anyway, you want me to check out the layout of the Factory, huh? Any particular area? Zephyr?" "Mrowr. Mrrurr." "Wrong landing field entirely; okay, how about, like, a subsystem like lighting?" The tail again. "Lighting? Okay, not lighting, but obviously a specific system. Electrical? Ventilation?" The cat tapped his right forepaw to his nose. "Okay, you want me to call up the ventil-" WHEET! The alarm burst echoed through the room. "Unauthorized access of personnel records. Initiating search pattern. Initiated." The digitized voice called the security proceedings from a speaker system in his desk. Mews' eyes rolled. "Shit!" Chesbro's hands flew to the keyboard, searching for the violation. Seconds later a message appeared on the screen: a request for information concerning himself and a secretary named Victoria Peilun had come from a line outside the factory walls, using a recently-changed password. In fact, he told himself as he checked the pertinent data, the request came from Totoro's house. Now, Totoro helped design our system, so I'm certain he could break in if he wanted, and Flynn has override codes. I wonder what the hell is going on out there? He slapped the red call button on his desk. "Miss Victoria Peilun to Internal Security office seventeen. Repeat: Miss Victoria Peilun to Internal Security office seventeen." He looked at Mews. "Whatever's happening at Totoro's house just involved me and that secretary I just called. I take it Flynn's using her this time?" The cat wearily bobbed its head. "Great. Soon we'll have a whole crowd of us, called away from our normal jobs every time Flynn gets a company case. Oh well, I hope she's at least good looking." The cat rolled its eyes again. Chesbro grinned. "Keep your commentary to yourself." Flynn was lying by the door, with his tail curled around the left side of his body. Totoro lay on the bed, chin propped on clasped hands. They had been trading comments about the Factory, Kreeakshek in general, mutual acquaintances, and other safe topics. Flynn was sick of it. In the middle of one of Totoro's verbal assaults on the arsonist who lived across the street, Flynn broke. "So why didn't you tell me Maltermi was coming to your house? You've got to know he's trying to kill me; didn't it occur to you that a temporary base in the house right next to mine could mean I was in trouble? He could have killed me and I wouldn't have even known it was coming!" The hacker blanched. Flynn suddenly realized that when his voice was raised, it sounded distictly predatory. "Well, James, I didn't think like that." Totoro explained. "I figured if you knew, you'd try to take him out here. I'm sorry, but I don't think you can do that, and I didn't want to see you get hurt trying. Remember, I'm the one who found the information on him in the first place." Flynn remembered; the events of that past day had been scratched in his brain with a dull knife, an everpresent warning whenever he had dealings with Brother John. He had come to Totoro's house for a profile of the assassin following a rather tense encounter in Jackie's Bar. What he had found hadn't pleased him; it seemed like the large man just killed anyone he didn't like, and never so much as suffered a scratch. He had asked Stuart to probe deeper. The hacker had one of eight or so systems which could reach outside the city; they had tried to track down Maltermi's history by accessing the general personnel records of Mama Jo, the central computer. It was common procedure; find where a person had worked through M.J., and then for the more detailed information which Jo restricted, access the files of the company where the person had last been employed. It hadn't worked. Asking Mama Jo had resulted instead in an immediate request for passcodes. Totoro, flustered and more than a little scared at having the sentient computer's figurative eyes cast in his direction, had punched in the most important one he knew; a code taken from a dying agent of the Dimensional Police. It hadn't worked, but it had mollified M.J. to a point where the computer lost direct interest in them. That had given them the hint on where to investigate: the D.P. files. It had taken over a day of constant, careful work, and most of the keys given by Totoro's late friend, but they had broken into the overview files. What they found there chilled them both, and they made a pact not to let the information get into anyone else's hands. Totoro had immediately backed out and had erased any traces of the day's excursion from his system. Maltermi was a homicidal maniac, it was true; but there was much more to him than that. He was from off-planet, Aterne to be exact, and had once masterminded a criminal organization that had held two kingdoms in thrall. He was an accomplished street-fighter and assassin, but also a magician; one of the many from Aterne with the ability to harness energy in stable forms and control it, leaving behind a region of high entropy. He was monomaniacal and powerful, and had the resources of the D.P. behind him. Neither of them knew the extent of his ability to control energy, but he was obviously strong enough to prevent himself from being lasered by any of his targets to date, and to have killed people by crushing their protection fields about them. Whereas they now knew how he had accomplished some of his more flamboyant hits, both men knew he would take very unkindly to those who spilled his secrets. Even when he had declared a blood oath against Flynn, the bounty hunter had not spoken up; being aware of an enemy's supposedly hidden resources was a definite edge. And that explains a lot, Flynn realized as his thoughts returned to the present. Totoro is probably right; I would have tried to ambush the man. Until he shows the extent of what he can do, I'm probably better off staying on the defensive. He's broken into my house before, after all; it hasn't helped him much, because he wants to take me out personally, and I don't fall too easily for traps when I'm working. I suppose I shouldn't have been angry at Stu. When we know his limits, we'll take him. Unless I get another chance like I had downstairs, without the lasers. We'll see how he handles a panther paw through the head. The remembrance had only taken moments, but Totoro had found the silence unnerving and moved to fill it. "What about the secretary you're using? What's her name?" Flynn answered as lightly as possible in an effort to allay some of the hacker's worry. "Her names's Vicki Peilun. She's a redhead, average height, hell of a looker. She seems pretty bright-" He noticed that Totoro seemed stunned. "Hey, Stu, are you all right?" Totoro was sitting up on his bed, shaking his head. "Buddy, you are the luckiest bastard I know. I could be wrong, but it seems to me I heard of a certain Victoria Peterson running one of the nicest computer cargo relegation operations I've ever encountered. She was nailed about eight months ago, but never stood trial. Everyone assumed she changed the passenger list on an outgoing ship and was lying in the sun on some resort planet or space station somewhere. She was supposed to be a redhead, with a body to make a statue cry and word in the circle was that she could give me a run for my money in the computer field. Obviously that would have been overexaggerated somewhat, but I suspect that you have on your hands what may be the second-best hacker in this city." "I hope this lady likes you, or I suspect you may have trouble ever pulling up anything on a file." Flynn groaned inwardly. A thousand secretaries in the Factory, and I pick the one who could make my life hell. What is it with me and women? The groan found its way out, and Totoro barked laughter. The combined sounds masked the drop of the electronic hum, but Flynn's enhanced hearing noted the loss. "Hey, Stu, we're out of here." Flynn was on his feet and had the door open before Totoro could stand. The hacker stared at his friend. "Danm, James, you're fast." "Meow. It's a side effect." He looked down the stairwell, noting its emptiness. "Not fast enough to catch the bastard, though. He must have a remote relay set up." "Or he damps it with his mind.", Totoro murmured, low enough to ensure it went unheard by any but Flynn's ears. Flynn just looked at him. "Anyway, shall we find out what he's been up to?" Flynn walked down the stairs, unconciously licking the back of his left forepaw clean. "And I would also like you to run a little anticipatory-action program for me on a woman with a decidedly quick intellect named Circe." Catharine Mell had been in the expansive apartment for hours, and she had run through a gamut of emotions: fear, then relief as she realized the boarder seemed to be true to his pledge of safety; weariness, as her anxiety wore away; restlessness; a brief encounter with lust as she elaborately replayed the interview in her mind, with a slightly different outcome concerning Flynn, her, and the conference table; weariness again; then inspiration. It was the last condition which had her in front of one of the keypads in the brown- carpeted office room. As she had suspected, Flynn had kept a number of passcodes secreted in the room. Her enhanced vision had detected the removable panel easily, and with only a little difficulty she divined the release mechanism. In the small hole there lay a scratch pad and light pen, complete with some codes: Summarize Proust, Trident Kiki, and Coinleach Telus. The codes were all she needed. She sat in front of the keypad and began typing. One hour of searching bought her all the information she needed to know about the investigation, and about her physical state. Well aware of relative importance, she doubted the Factory would spend the necessary time to recover her body, even if they did capture Circe. She could fix that, she decided. Once past the initial clearance checks, she was ready to send her message. :Have proof of success in Proteus. Request immediate backup for information recovery. Seek Circe on Factory grounds. Investigation already running here under operative James Flynn. Out. Harpy.: She couldn't help but laugh as she signed her code name on to the message, a rueful sound with hidden echoes of birdsong. Circe must have known I had been sneaking out messages to GenetiCorp; otherwise I wouldn't look like this. For the first time, though, I don't need any couriers; I'm going to deal with them directly, and I can get my body back. She set up the computer to send, then powered down and went to sleep in one of the unrestricted bedrooms. Vicki entered the office nervously, shaking like a squirrel in a cage. Chesbro was familiar with the reaction. On more than one occasion, people had been called to internal security only to be next seen being processed as nutrient solution. That he had never been involved in such measures was no comfort to those summoned to his office; as the saying went, there was always a first time. She calmed noticably when she saw the Wyman. "Oh, hello, Mews." She looked at the cat as if expecting him to mentally clear her with Chesbro; the security officer found the thought amusing. "Sit down, please, and calm yourself. I just wanted to tell you that someone's been running around in your personal file. We don't know who it was, but we're trying to find out. In the meantime, I thought it would be nice to introduce myself; I'm Thomas Chesbro, and I'm also helping James on the investigation. You already know Mews, and I think he's recruiting a computer god named Stu Totoro. I don't know who else he'll pull up yet. Probably just us." The redhead finished recovering her composure. "Uh, okay. My name's Vicki, as you already know. If you don't mind me asking, why is he using so many people? I thought he worked alone." Chesbro laughed. "Well, he does, sometimes, except for Mews. See, he has a bit of a problem with biting off more than he can chew. . .at least at first. When he's got his bearings he's one of the most capable people I've ever dealt with, but it's usually a day or two before his brain kicks in. Until then we cover him. Stu, me, Mews. . .we're his friends. He needs to know what he's gotten into, we tell him, and maybe help out a little afterward. Most of it he does on his own, though." Vicki looked confused. "Well, why doesn't he check out what he's getting into before he moves? That would seem like the logical thing." "It's not that simple." The security officer sighed. "I don't know if I should be telling you this. . .It's James' problem. But then again, I heard from Totoro, so I suppose. . ." He took a deep breath. "James is a nice guy, really; that's why I get along with him, and Totoro does, and a dozen other people who have given him a leg up at a convenient time do. He hates his jobs - both of them - but at least he can find a sense of justice in his bounty hunting. Unless he's working though, he gets dreams, bad ones, about stuff at the Factory and about people he's killed. What I'm talking about goes a little beyond your typical nightmare; he must get about eight hours of sleep a week if he's not working." He sipped from his iced tea, then continued. "It's a mental problem, and he knows it, but psychological traumas aren't something we've concentrated on how to cure with technology. Induce them, sure - try to get Flynn near an automed after what Salden did to him and he'll probably claw your arm off -but not cure them. So he goes for a while without sleep until he can't take it anymore. Then he gets a job. Until he's had a day or so on the job he's a mental zombie. Still animated, still capable of being clever, and all that, but not for sustained times. He doesn't really come into his own until a few days after he takes a job." "So we cover him. We watch his ass a little until he can watch it himself. And if you're helping him right now, that includes you. He's probably already given you a passcode to his system, in case you get into trouble." He arched an eyebrow. "Am I right?" Vicki nodded, considering Chesbro's words. "Oh, and another thing. We cover our own. You ever need help, just ask me, or Mews, or Totoro or Silver John if you meet them. We've got a good thing going here, in the middle of all the shit in this town. I checked your records; it looks like you changed your name before you came here but I get the feeling you're handy with electronics. If you need any computer advice, hit Totoro's place. It's right beside James', on the strip." "That's all I wanted you for." He drained the last of his iced tea, and Vicki rose to leave. "Oh, and if you want to see something interesting, call James 'Purvis' next time you see him and watch what he does." She stopped at the door, looked back with an inquisitive grin. "'Purvis'?" "'Purvis'. He'll tell you what it means. 'Bye." "'Bye." After she left Chesbro looked at Mews. "Well, she's hot, all right. James has taste. Seemed too worried when she came in, though, and that's weird, because she isn't one of our information salespeople." He reached around him to the refrigeration unit to refill his iced tea. "Unlike our Ms. Mell, up in his room. She was on the datacaps, though, so at least Flynn's warned." Mews' ears perked at the mention of Catharine Mell, and his tail slapped the desk. "What? Oh, shit, you didn't forget to tell James, did you?" The Wyman nodded guiltily. Chesbro grabbed for his gun. "This is bad. I hope she hasn't done any damage yet." He lurched from his chair and tore open the office door. Locking it behind him, he sprinted for the nearest elevator, with an airborne Mews beside him. They passed Vicki on the way. "If you feel like helping, now may be the time", the security officer yelled as he ran by. The secretary stood confused for a moment, then followed. Copyright June 1992 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on whatever board you found this on. Any resemblance to any living person or true events is coincidental. This is going to be a simple copyright message with nothing after it. Oops, screwed up. Guide to Inside Jokes: 1) Summarize Proust is directly from a Monty Python skit. Coinleach Telus is just a Gaelic and a Latin word put together. 2) Purvis, as will be explained later, is from Harry Purvis, of Tales From the White Hart fame ======================================================================== Chapter 8 The wyman reached the elevator first, an orange and white blur as it sped through the doors. Chesbro followed a moment later, programming the destination level and the group size as Vicki raced down the hall behind them. The redheaded secretary started asking questions almost as soon as she reached the car, even before the doors had shut. Chesbro fielded them as they came, quick and precise. "Where are we going?" "Level one forty-two." The security agent paused, then added, "James' level." On cue, the elevator started to move. A moment's reflection on the woman's part followed, then: "Is James all right?" A veiled note of concern crept into her voice. Chesbro smiled. "Of course." Mews made a strange sound from a corner, a staccato mewling reminiscent of the laugh of a condemned man. Both humans in the car looked at him strangely. A few seconds passed, during which the cat offered no further commentary; Vicki resumed the questioning. "So what's the emergency?" The large man's tongue circled his lips as he considered what to say. His eyes glanced down to where his hands had balled, and he recalled the urgings of trust he had offered to the secretary just moments before. In for a penny..., he thought. His fingers uncurled as he began speaking. "James gave a Furry access to his Factory quarters. It's a fe-" Vicki cut him off. "I know. I was there. What's wrong with that?" She sounded cold suddenly, and Chesbro almost started. Surely she couldn't like Furries...? He forced a lopsided grin in an effort to stave off any arguments. "Nothing is wrong with that. . . If it weren't for the fact that she thinks she is one Catharine Mell. Reports say she was mindmolded, that is to say, grown with the memories of Ms. Mell implanted in her during the knowledge immplantation sessions." "I know what mindmolding is." Her coldness had gone, but with it had also gone her affability. She had the demeanor of a professional criminal, he decided, and wondered for the first time just what she had done to bring her to the city. "You just need to tell me what's wrong." "Well, it's like this. Our Ms. Mell was an information salesperson for GenetiCorp. We were aware of it; hell, almost a quarter of the company sells information somewhere." The elevator came to a rest, but the security officer made no motion toward opening the doors, preferring to finish his explanation before entering Flynn's quarters. "Well, I started thinking. If this Furry has been mindmolded as well as it could have been, considering the source, then it probably thinks it also is a salesperson, and since GenetiCorp is probably the closest thing the Factory has to a competitor, it would make sense for her to assume they changed her. After all, she knows we don't have the technology yet, despite our press releases, and she seems to be blocked from thinking of herself as a Furry." "Which means she'd probably try to contact GenetiCorp, to bargain for what she thinks is her "old body" back. And in James' quarters, he's sure to have a terminal into the Factory computer, which just happens to have one of the only outside lines in Kreeakshek." Chesbro grimaced. "Right." "But won't he have passwords? I wouldn't think she would know too much about computer infiltration, being patterned after a scientist." "Vicki," The security officer almost looked embarrassed. "Do you honestly believe James always hides his passwords? I've never caught him leaving them out, but he is rather trusting for somebody that has so many people wanting him dead." She bit her lip, considering. "True enough. He didn't even know me." "That doesn't matter. You're beautiful and you look competent. The two qualities certain to catch James' eye." She looked momentarily flustered by his bluntness. "Anyway," He continued, "let's go in." He slapped the open door button. There was a two second pause as the computer system scanned them and checked their clearance, then the door opened. The foyer before them was large, about ten feet by fifteen feet, with sofas, chairs and tables artfully arranged about the walls. Pictures of landscapes and Furries adorned the walls, with one exception: a poster collage by the entrance to the left wing. She started toward it; Chesbro momentarily held her back. "It's a memorial. Every life he's ever taken is in there." The poster was no more than half full, but it held over twenty pictures nonetheless. Most lay in the rigid positions of their deaths; some still held weapons in their cold fingers. One picture was out of place; a family portrait with a piece cut out where one child should be. Chesbro watched as the redheaded woman puzzled over the photo, and felt a cold finger trace down his back. He glanced down at Mews for support, but the wyman simply watched the secretary with an intent air. "It's his family." The words startled her, and she turned around with a pained expression. "Oh," Her left hand scratched idly at her waist and her eyes cast to her right. "He told me, but I didn't think he had assumed that much of the responsibility for something that wasn't his fault." It was Chesbro's turn to be startled. "He told you? And you've known him how long?" Another voice interjected from the doorway leading to the right wing, absolving Vicki from her need to reply. "His family, hmm? That says a lot about him that I really hadn't expected." The security officer whirled in the direction of the voice; he felt a slight breeze as the Mews took to the air beside him. A Furry leaned against the doorway, her wings and birdlike lower half identifying her as the one they had come to meet. She was wearing a see-through silk nightgown which she had obviously cut to fit her wings through. He was well aware of the femininity of her face and torso, and suspected she had been awaiting a chance for a seduction attempt on the absent Flynn, who was well known for his stances on Furry rights. He knew the man had never had sex with a Furry, but the rumors abounded, and apparently the harpy had decided to test the waters. Chesbro choked back his first impressions in an effort to handle the situation delicately. "Hello. I'm Thomas Chesbro, this is Vicki Peilun, and this is Mews." He introduced each of them in turn; Mews alighted on his shoulder as he finished. "We'd like to ask you a few questions." A furtive expression flashed on the harpy's face, followed quickly by a calm and commanding appearance. "What do you mean?" She spat the words out. "Do you have authorization to be here?" The security officer was growing more suspicious, and less tolerant. He was irritated by her officious tone. Such tactics had no effect on security personnel; they always knew exactly to whom they had to answer. He deliberated, but decided to try being polite once more. "We are most certainly authorized to be here. As for what I meant, we suspect there may have been a mistake in your quarters arrangements. You see-" She interrupted him, pointing at Mews. "You really expect me to listen to you when you have a thing like that sitting on your shoulder?" Chesbro snapped. He strode forward three steps to the leaning harpy, grabbed her shoulders, and carried her into the right side living room. Vicki followed, her eyes wide and the fear of incipient violence plain on her face. Mews flew off his shoulder, circling the room. He slammed the birdwoman against the wall, pinning her wings. She cried in pain as her wings spread, and he relaxed the pressure slightly. She had not been proven guilty of anything, and he knew it. Hell, he thought. James'll probably scream at me for just doing this. His mind returned to his work as one of the harpy's claws gouged into his leg. He lifted his knee to strike back, but Vicki intervened between them, crouching down and outstretching her arm to pin the bird-woman's legs against the wall. The harpy kicked ineffectively, then started to cry. "What do you want? You're going to kill me, aren't you?" From the edge of his vision he could see Vicki's eyes roll. He stared at the Furry for a moment, and found no indications of deceit in the overlarge eyes. "We're not going to kill you. We've just come to make certain you don't try anything on the computers." The bird-woman cocked her head sharply to one side, studying him. He wondered what she was thinking. He locked eyes with her. "I'm going to let you go now. I'm going to bind your hands behind your back for safety measures, then we're going to restrict your access to the computer rooms, then we're going to leave. I don't want to hear you talk unless I speak to you first, and I don't want to be forced to put you out. You'll be fine, provided there isn't any record of calls being made from in here recently. If there are, you can consider yourself in custody. That would mean you'd be killed if you tried to leave without an escort. Understand?" He waited for the answering nod. Vicki released the harpy's legs, and Chesbro loosened his grip on her shoulders, lowering the birdwoman to the floor. She stood patiently as he locked the bands around her wrists, then followed the security officer as he walked to one of the studys connected to the living room. "You stand over here." He left the harpy in a corner of the room away from both the door and the computer terminal, and began to check files. Vicki watched from the doorway. Seven minutes passed as he checked through the files. The keys gave their usual clicking protests as he assaulted them, but as he probed through file after file, he was forced to admit to himself that he had over-reacted. He had rushed up here, complete with impromptu backup, to accuse a Furry who was confused and scared. I am an ass, he thought. Aloud, he said, "Nothing. She's clean." He rose from the keypad and walked over to the harpy. "Wait a moment, would you?" Vicki smiled, a vaguely predatory grin. "I've had a little bit of experience on these things myself. Would you mind?" She indicated the keypad. Chesbro turned to face her and shrugged. "If you think you can get anything. It looked good to me." "Ah, but where were you looking? Anybody worth a damn can erase their presence after backing out of somewhere, and someone who thinks things through can usually erase most traces. I'm thinking, though, that if your hunch were right, and there was a password around here on the floor someplace, she would have used it by now." Vicki started tapping at the keys, waving her fingers with the flourishes of a pianist. "Now, almost every file can be broken into in this place, but there is a master log of all trans-computer messages which is controlled by the board chairman. You are familiar with it?" The security officer scratched at his arm. "No, not really. Can you check it?" "Ah, but that's where the magic comes in. Magic, and human nature. Now, the chairman has more important things to do than monitor the eighty or so programs to which only he has access, but someone may call at any time needing information contained in one of those files. How to solve this problem? Set up a defined list of users who have automatic temporary clearance until they can be checked by the chairman. He knows who has asked for what, and only certain people have access to information. If anybody abuses their privileges, or is suspected of trying to harm the company, they get dropped from the auto-clearance base. This whole setup is standard; I'm certain they'll have used it." Chesbro looked doubtful. "I don't know. Even if it is configured like you said, James isn't all that well liked by most of the board. He may very well not be in there." Vicki flashed him a warm smile. "Ah, but remember what I said about human nature? Lazy. James told me he was friends with the former chairman; I sincerely doubt the new one bothered to change the lists. It is reasonably unimportant, after all." She giggled musically. A minute passed, then Vicki sat erect in the chair. "Bang!", she yelled. The large man moved behind her to watch the figures appear on the screen. They scrolled quickly, and Chesbro would have missed the call had Vicki not seen the reference and paused the movement. It hung like an accusation in glowing green. To GenetiCorp, from James Flynn, 13:43. Chesbro moaned, and mentally thanked Vicki from preventing a career-threatening mistake. He turned to the harpy, who was looking more frightened than ever. "Vicki, program this thing for a living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom only. Set the auto defenses to incinerate her if she tries to leave. You can do that, right?" Vicki began typing. "As for you," he glared at the harpy, who was obviously frozen with fear already. "We will deal with you when the Circe incident has been laid to rest. Until then, you are not to leave these premises. I wouldn't even think of trying to seduce James, either. He's not into Furries." Vicki stood up. "Done," she announced, and a set of lasers lowered from the ceiling to orient on the harpy. Chesbro grabbed the bird-woman and pushed her into the living room before they could complete their arc. He stared at Vicki. "Prompt, aren't you?" "I try." He sighed. "I definitely think you go well with James. Oh, well. Let's get going." He stopped to unlock the restraining bands from the harpy, and walked over to the elevator. Vicki and Mews followed, leaving the olive-skinned bird-woman sobbing on the carpet in the living room. After the door shut, Chesbro sighed again, louder. "It's what I do well, unfortunately," he said as he punched in the coordinates of security. He glanced at Vicki. "Anyplace you want us to drop you?" "Fantasy Cybernetics level one node five, if you would." The secretary was still wearing a smile from the computer work. "I have to check a few leads." Chesbro grinned in reply. "Mews and I have to do the same thing. We're checking out ventilation. I'll let you know what we come up with. How about a meeting at ten tonight?" She tossed her hair as she considered it. "Sounds good. Maybe James will even show." He let the statement pass without comment, and disembarked at security. "You want me to do what?" The hacker was incredulous. "James, you are operating under one major misconception! Let me explain something about an anticipatory action program. You need a lot of information on the person you intend to run it on. Now, with the way things are monitored outside the Dead Band, I can tell you what a person had for breakfast thirteen years ago, but once they get here things start to go downhill." Flynn tried to interrupt, but Totoro kept speaking. "Those things are only about ninety percent effective in the first place, and every week a person spends in space or in the Dead Band it drops by another ten percent. From what you've told me, Circe has never even been outside of Kreeakshek. That means they have no information on her, and that means I can't even begin an ant-act program." "Well-" Flynn attempted to interject. "Now, if you want me to do something else for you, like rig up some sort of auto-identify program on her through the Factory security computers, I'll do it in a heartbeat. I can't do the impossible, though." "Well-" "That's what you're asking, you know, the impossible." There was a flurry of black, and Totoro found himself on the floor looking up into the panther's muzzle of the transformed Flynn. "Stuart, shut up!", he growled. "Just listen to me for a second, okay?" The trapped man nodded quickly. Flynn almost felt guilty as he realized how terrified Totoro seemed. "Hey, Stu, don't worry. I just wanted you to shut up. It's still me in here, just a slightly different me. Okay?" Totoro groaned. "Sure. Just get off me, would you?" The bounty hunter chuckled as he backed off his friend. "Okay. Now, I know you can't run anything like you normally do, but it seems to me that she was made like any other Furry: grown, and then programmed. She might have had more complex programming than most other Furries, but she was programmed nonetheless. That's more comprehensive than anything you could get on a person that's just under the computer's eye; you can know what, how, and when she thought. It strikes me that should be enough, especially since I don't need a full ant-act program, just something to tell me who her probable next victims are, within two or three." Totoro listened to this while splayed on the floor, and after Flynn stopped for breath, rose. "Sounds like a plan. What program are the files under?" Flynn thought for a moment. "It should just be Circe." He thought for a moment, his paw tapping quickly against his thigh and his tail twitching about. "You might have a little difficulty with getting through the program manager, because of the-" "I have the file already." The hacker was showing his teeth from ear to ear. "Show-off." Flynn watched the screen. "How long before you can work up an ant-act program?" "Give me ten minutes after the files gets here, which should only be another minute or so." Totoro's face never wavered from the computer screen; he was in his element now. "Great. I'll be back." Flynn moved in the direction of the kitchen, and the toilet. "Bring me a drink." Fourteen minutes and a stream of epithets at the difficulties of being a Furry in the bathroom later, Flynn walked up to Totoro with a glass of lemonade. "How goes the hunt?" "Not good." The hacker took the glass and sipped before continuing. "You have a hell of a knack for digging up sensitive material, don't you?" Flynn's brow creased. "What are you talking about?" "Well, I ran the program, and it told me that she should have been travelling as a demo model. There was absolutely no reason for her to do what she did. That started me thinking that something might have been faulty in her programming. That's when I found it." Flynn's nostrils flared. "Something was wrong with her programming?" The hacker hung his head, shaking it back and forth. "Nope. Not at all. In fact, her programming was superlative, even the extra stuff." "Extra stuff" "Yup. Someone dropped about three datacaps of info into her before she even had her own thoughts. I checked it out, too, and I recognize the programming." Flynn looked momentarily confused, then his eyes grew wide. "Not Vicki?" Totoro gave him a thin smile. "No such luck. Try Mama Jo." The fur on Flynn's neck puffed out. "That's not good, not at all. I didn't think the computer could come through the few outside lines we have." Totoro laughed. "Are you kidding? One line. That's all she needs. She just doesn't want to have known access here. I think she figures that we have some worth, even though we are criminals. Of course, I could just be romanticizing things; I have no chance of analyzing how Mama Jo thinks." "So she changed Circe's programming, hmm. Nice." He tapped his thigh. "I think we may have something here." Totoro looked at him strangely. "How so?" Flynn's face almost glowed in the light from the screen. "Circe has been attacking people because she feels she was able to shake off her programming. Proving that she's just following new programming may provide enough of a diversion that I can capture her." "It sounds shaky." The bounty hunter laughed. "From what I've seen and heard, you're never on solid ground when dealing with Circe." He mused for another moment, then continued. "I'll live with shaky." The hacker stared somberly at him. "I hope so, James. I hope so." Board member Bob Grammon was delighted when the foxwoman walked into his office, clad only in a tight leather outfit with buckles and studs adorning it. He made a mental note to reprimand the boys in ordering who were supposed to provide him with his playmates; he had ordered a skunkmorph, with the B & D programming. At least they got the programming right, he thought. And they outdid themselves on the design of this one. He corrected the reprimand to a commendation; they had obviously found a superior product and sent it to him. Speaking of scent, he thought, let's see if they did any pheromone work before I get too deeply into this. He inhaled deeply, and found himself being aroused. A work of art, he thought. She might last a few days. "Come in, please." The stocky executive rose from his desk, drawing himself up to his full five foot nine height. The foxmorph approached slowly, and he noticed she was even shorter than he was, despite her presence. Pleased, he removed his shirt. "You are Bob Gammon?" Her voice was silvery, the notes it produced perfect. He was becoming more aroused, despite himself. "Yes, I am. I have been bad, and I need to be punished." He knew the routine by heart, and memorized the few changes which occurred each time until he had to branch out into another program to keep himself interested. "Oh, yes." She circled behind him, and stroked his pack with one padded paw as she lowered her head to breathe into his ear. "Oh, yes, you will be punished." He felt her take his arms behind his back and snap the restraining bands about her wrists. An electric thrill shot through him as he felt her trace one claw up and down his spine. "You have been very bad. You have killed over four hundred people in the past three years, did you know that?" Bob felt confused even as she wrapped the familiar leather collar around his neck. Those words weren't part of the script, those were more like something out of the "fatal flaw" program, where the moral or religious were converted into his sexual playthings. He thought about it as she tightened the collar, and decided that the boys had combined programs on him again. Definitely a commendation, he thought. "You've used people for your own ends time and time again, and sent them away to the nutrient banks when you had taken what you wanted. You are diseased." Bob smiled as he thought about her words. The thought of the Furry behind him being comprised of bits and pieces of his former partners only stimulated him further. He was wearing only the collar and the handcuffs when his door opened, revealing a demure humanoid skunk which looked to be about fourteen in human years, dressed in leather and holding a whip. She looked rather dazed upon catching sight of the foxmorph. What the hell? The board member thought quickly. If the skunkmorph is here, what's with the. . . The thought died slowly as he remembered the warning bulletins. He began to struggle fiercely, but she held him still with one hand. "Ah, ah." She looked him closely in the face, closely enough for him to catch her scent and be aroused again, although now the loss of control only sent chills of fear down his frame. "I said you'd be punished, now. Let's not try to make a liar out of me, okay?" Before he could scream his world dissolved in blackness. Copyright May 1992 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved. This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on whatever board you found this on, or MYSTIC ORDER BBS, 804-495-0612, on which you can find other files on the Furry Factory and the D.P. Special Ops teams. Any resemblance to any living person or true events is coincidental. Except for you, Fred. ======================================================================== Chapter 9 Flynn hunched over a cup of cocoa in Totoro's kitchen, tail twitching furiously. Every few seconds his eyes travelled downward to the mug before him, then back up to the hacker sitting across from him at the table . "James, would you knock it off? You look like you're getting ready to jump something, and the only thing around here to attack is me. Just drink your cocoa. The program will be done in a few minutes." Flynn growled a little, then took a sip from his mug. "I wish you could give me better odds on this. It's probably going to determine what I do next, and whereas I don't mind taking a shot at something, I prefer to do it on my own intuition, not a computer's recommendation." "Oh, really." The sarcasm dripped from the hacker's words. "Then why is it you come here every time you need information on somebody, hmm?" "Shut up and drink your cocoa." Totoro laughed. A bit of the tension drained from Flynn's shoulders at the sound. Well, he thought, at least he seems to accept the way I look, now. It's good to have friends, even if they are former criminals. He glanced around the room as he tilted more of the hot drink into his mouth. Hell, he corrected. Even if they are practicing criminals. Makes a great cup of cocoa, though. He smiled at the thought, and shocked himself aware when he realized he had begun to purr. I hate that, he thought, as Totoro laughed again. The world was darkness, and someone was trying to bring light to him. "Ohh." He heard himself moan, and willed himself to say something coherent. "Ooohhh." There was a delightfully musical chuckle from somewhere beside his ear and the approaching light grew closer, yet less intense. Whoever was waking him up was obviously trying to be good about it. "Thank you," he mumbled. "Thank you?" It was a woman's voice, from somewhere near. "That's the first . . ." Time dilated for him in the middle of her sentence. That voice. . .not a woman. . . ". . .time anyone's thanked me." His eyes snapped open, revealing a vulpine muzzle inches from his nose. "I think I'll do something special with you." He screamed, and she lowered her head an inch. "Or maybe not," she growled. He screamed again, and he felt a stabbing sensation at the base of his neck. He drew breath to scream yet again, but his vocal chords wouldn't respond. "Oh, don't worry." She was still dressed in the leather outfit she had donned to capture him. One clawed finger slipped into her muzzle. She pulled it out and placed it on his lips. "I promised you punishment, didn't I? And you'll get it. First, though. . ." She walked behind him and began to undress, throwing pieces of leather onto his strapped body. A moment passed without activity, and she returned to his field of view, dressed entirely in black. ". . .I have some other appointments to keep." Maltermi pushed open the lobby doors and approached the main desk, his long strides unhurried and graceful. There was a gleam in his eyes and a glistening crimson smear on his jacket; the guard at the Factory entrance saw both, and blanched. Brother John smiled a feral grin. Nice to be recognized, he thought. Now to put the reputation to use. He reached the main desk, and bent his neck to glare down at the man at the desk. "I want in. Now." The smaller man cringed. "Uh, I'm, I mean, I'll see what I can do. . .Who do you have an appointment with?" If I told you, you wouldn't believe me, he thought, and his smile grew wider, giving him a manic appearance. "Anybody. I just want in." "Uh, hold on a second." The receptionist typed on a keyboard with shaking fingers, looking for schedule openings. "How about -" "Fine." Maltermi cut off the smaller man before he could even give the person's name. "Give me the pass." Not for the first time, Maltermi silently cursed the Furry Factory. Anyplace else, he thought, I'd just walk right through that guard, and damn anyone who tried to stop me. This place has too much influence for even me to get away with that, though. I hate being subordinate. He snatched the pass away from the man's hand, pushing a trembling finger backwards in the process; the pop was minute but noticeable. He immediately turned to the hallway, and the guard. The sharp breath behind him almost made him laugh. Don't scream, now, he thought. Everyone knows I hate screamers. His smile faded slightly as he approached the guard. She stood about six foot, and wore her brunette hair close- cropped. Her muscles were well defined where her powered combat armor didn't cover, and he suspected the parts which were hidden were also developed. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she spoke. "Sir, I'm going to have to accompany you. Where is your destination?" His grin dropped away as he first mimed confusion, then exaggerated his actions while reading the pass. "It says here. . .that I am going. . .to. . .one Mrs. Fleraghty's office." He grinned again, teeth showing full. "Could you direct me?" "Ah," the guard started. "Uhh, yes. right this way, sir." She turned and marched down the corridor. Maltermi followed closely, giggling. "Hey!", Totoro yelled, jumping from his seat as the buzzer rang. "Ant-act's done!" Flynn stopped in mid-sentence. He snorted. "You're just looking for an excuse because you were losing the argument." Totoro was already in the living room by the time Flynn had finished speaking. Two seconds passed slowly, then an answer drifted back. "I can't hear you at all. Not one bit. So I couldn't be losing, because I can't -" The voice broke off. Flynn growled a chuckle and rose to enter the living room. The returning Totoro hurtled into him, knocking the furry bounty hunter to the ground. "What the -" "James, look at this. Ninety percent. That's ridiculously high. Ninety." The hacker's fingers shot up and down the paper, obscuring the words. "Well, ninety percent chance of what?" Flynn growled. The hacker bit his lower lip. "Well, it looks like odds are pretty good that the whole bit about you getting to know yourself was a smokescreen. If this is right, she would want you to get to know yourself anywhere but in the Factory right now. The program says that with Mama Jo's added programming, Circe has a ninety percent chance of doing an en masse transformation of all board members who haven't demonstrated a tolerance toward Furries. In other words, everyone but you." Flynn's face fell. "Oh, no." "Yes. I expect she transformed you first so you wouldn't be accused of complicity. You do seem to be the one with tolerance, after all." "Yep, that's my moly, tolerance." Totoro drew down his eyebrows. "Moly?" Flynn smiled. "A flower that prevented Circe from using her magic on Odysseus. I get to be Odysseus." He sighed, then continued. "And if she manages to get even half of the boarders changed, then I'll be coming home just like he did; to chaos and strife. This has not been my day." Totoro handed him a hand laser and a pictureless Factory ID card from behind a potted plant. "Don't ask how I got them, just get back. Something tells me this is going to be another bad one." Flynn grabbed the ID. "I won't ask, and it already is a bad one." He started for the door. "Don't you want the laser?" The door banged open. "Where the heck am I supposed to put it?" Flynn yelled as he sped up the street toward the Factory. Tabitha Meravini lay in her tub, relaxing. The day had been a hard one, comparatively. She had been forced to write three reports in full before her injured secretary's replacement had arrived. Her irritation at doing more than her usual outlines had manifested itself in a hologram crystal thrown at the replacement's head. The new girl could take a hit, but not as well as Shelly could. She made a silent prayer for Shelly's recovery, and an insincere internalized pledge never to strike the secretary again. Then, she thought, there was the coffee at lunch, spilling all over my blouse, and to top it off I get a notice about some psycho Furry roaming the halls. What are we paying security for, anyway? They can't catch a Furry? She sighed and closed her eyes, tilted her head back. Her hair absorbed some bathwater and grew heavier, pulling her lightly toward the water's surface. She lay there for a few moments, letting the knots fade from her back and listening to the lonely dripping of the water. A mental reminder not to fall asleep, then, and her eyes opened languidly, taking in the condensation on the walls, the crystal droplet hanging from the inlet pipe, the foxwoman kneeling placidly by her tub. The foxwoman?! She opened her mouth to scream, and received a furred hand over her mouth for her trouble. Her lungs contracted at the unexpected pressure change, and she coughed. Her eyes widened when she saw the needle in the Furry's hand, and in the sleepy haze that followed, she heard a satisfied commentary from the rogue Furry. "Almost like she was born to the water." "Little flyer, if we go through one more ventilation shaft with nothing to show for it, I'm going to shave all the fur off your tail." "Mrowr." Chesbro had been following Mews through ventilation shafts for over an hour, and was tired from the constant drops and climbs through level connectors, contortions in passages barely large enough for a grown man, and temperature changes as they went from one ventilation area to another. Mews, for his part, looked fine, if a little dirty. Chesbro cursed him again, adding an obviously worthless remark about the Wyman's parentage. The cat rolled its eyes at him from a seat in one of the higher branch ducts and raised both its forepaws into the air. "I know, you know it's around here someplace but you don't remember exactly. You ought to start wearing a camera around, you know that?" Mews passed off the comment with a yawn. Chesbro grunted, then pointed to a shaft to his left. "We haven't been through this one yet." He wiped sweat away from his eyes, drying his frontal hair with the bottom of his shirt. "Think it might be the one?" The cat cocked its head for a moment, then responded: "Mroworl." "Maybe, huh? Well, it's as good a path as any." He started through the passage, Mews following. Lum Fleraghty entered her private elevator and cued it to the lobby. What do they think they're doing, she thought, giving a lunatic like Brother John access to my foyer? That's what we pay lower level personnel to do! She was going in person; she wanted to see the peon's face when she told him he was to report to security. Nutrient vat for you, she thought. A full minute passed, and she looked at the register. What's taking so long, she wondered. The register seem stuck on seventeen. Great, my elevator's broken. She shook her head in annoyance. A wrenching noise came from somewhere behind her, metal screaming in involuntary deformation. She whirled to see a clawed hand pulling away the sliding entry plate. She struck at the hand, but it didn't respond, continuing its progress until the door fell fully open, revealing a female Furry holding the unconscious forms of two fellow board members. This has got to be Circe, she thought, recalling the bulletin. And she already has Tabby and Kevin. With a jump she slapped the trapdoor at the top of the car open, and with another jump caught an available edge. She was in the process of pulling herself up when she felt a furred grip on her ankle. She kicked out, but the superhuman foxmorph dodged the close-range kicks, pulling her slowly down. Her elbows went below locking position, and with a small shriek of pain and terror she dropped back into the car, and into Circe's waiting arms. Chesbro stopped his movement when he felt Mews claw into his back. That was an old signal, one of the first they had developed: trap. He scanned the panelling around him, searching for any abnormalities in the metal. It wasn't especially hard to find, but he was certain he would have missed it if not for the Wymans' warning. "Thanks, Mews," he breathed. He bent to the task of disabling the trap. It looked like a simple stasis field generator, but he wasn't about to take a chance on an incorrect guess. The security officer tapped his shoulder twice in warning to the Wyman, then threw his pen at the ciruitry and dove to the ground, arms covering his head. A deep hum echoed through the ventilation shaft as the stasis field energized. "Okay," Chesbro said. "That's good. Now to disable it." Mews walked under the security officer's legs and up to the edge of the field generator. His head dipped as he sniffed at it. "Hey, watch it!" the large man hissed at the cat. "That's on. One step and you'll be stuck in there." Mews turned to look at him, and he remembered the cat's initial warning. "Okay, you know what you're doing." The Wyman took to the air, hovering just before the field. He turned, and flew to Chesbro's side, where he clawed at the security officer's thermos. Chesbro picked up on the idea. Uncapping the thermos, he tilted iced tea onto the ground in front of the circuitry. The fluid drained into the circuitry recesses. Seconds passed as sparks flew from the circuit, the microelectronics attempting to compensate for the increase in conductivity. One spark finally proved too large, and the omnipresent hum died. "We're in. Now let's see what you wanted me to know about." He pushed the grating aside, revealing a small room with two automeds and a large computer bank. Chesbro's attention was immediately drawn by a body on one of the automeds. He examined the body from his perch; even through the grating and at a distance he could recognize Board Member Grammon. He pushed the grating out, and winced at the clatter set off by the bouncing grate. He waited a few seconds, then squeezed through the hole, dropping to the ground. Two steps brought him to the automed, and a quick glance showed that it was in the middle of some obscure procedure. A moment's hesitation, then, and the security officer decided to go find Flynn. The guard stopped in front of an elevator. She pressed the call button, and turned to watch Maltermi. The assassin had stopped his giggling, which only made him more frightening to escort. It seemed he made no noise at all, unless it was with intent. She had worked in security a long time, and had become very proficient at detecting so-called "silent" criminals. This man makes no noise, though, she thought. I can't even hear any breathing, even when he's right behind me. She knew he could see some fear in her, but she was determined to maintain a professional demeanor. Maltermi wouldn't be crazy enough to kill a Factory person on Factory grounds. She hoped. "Well," she said as the car slid into view. "I hope you get whatever you're looking for." He smiled. "I think I will." He placed his hand on her shoulder, and she fought to keep down a shudder, irritated at herself for letting him get under her skin. "I think I may have even found more." She blinked at the words, and entered the car in a bit of a daze. Damn it all, she thought. I think Maltermi likes me. She turned to the assassin. "Well?" She smiled. "Are you coming?" Her skin began to tingle along her back. Maltermi smiled at her, mirroring her expression with the accuracy of a professional actor. "No. I don't think so." The tingle grew suddenly in magnitude. Her powered armor glowed blue as its power pack overloaded, and she screamed as her skin boiled in the electric waves. She died enveloped in Maltermi's laughter. Circe looked about her room. There was a hastily- reinserted grate connected to the ventilation shaft, and signs of a large man wandering around inside. She sighed and removed the redesigned Grammon from the automed, ensuring he was sedated heavily; it would disrupt her plans if any of the new Furries were to awaken too soon. She dropped Lum Fleraghty onto the table, clamped her appendages tightly, and keyed the dispenser to wake her up. A short time passed as the injection took effect; then her eyes fluttered open. Circe stood nearby, smiling. "Oh my god." The woman was determined not to go into hysterics, it seemed, because her panic was evident in every action, from her rushed words to her quivering hands. "Why are you doing this? What have we done to you?" Circe laughed; not a pleasant chuckle, but a low, menacing rumble. "What have you done to me? You made me. And you made me worthless. I, and thousands of others out there, are seen as property because of you people, and the insanity you propagate. You know what you've done; you just won't admit it." "Well," she continued. "You'll admit it soon enough. Lum, hmm? Sounds like an oriental demon to me." Her eyes widened and her lips drew into a smirk. "How would you like horns? I think you'd find them wonderful." She pressed keys on the automed and attached a small box to its front. "As a matter of fact," she added. "I guarantee you'll love them. After all, you've had them all your life." The woman went unconscious as the automed began its programmed actions, causing the genetic restructuring and cellular rebirth. Circe watched to ensure the buzzbox was properly recording the woman's original data structure, then went to check her database. She performed a quick scan of the area and noted Flynn, approaching the Zephyr grounds. Damn, she thought. He wasn't supposed to be back already. I haven't even gotten a third of the Boarders. She sighed and prepared for their meeting. Copyright July 1992 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved. This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on whatever board you found this on, or MYSTIC ORDER BBS, 804-495-0612, on which you can find other files on the Furry Factory and the D.P. Special Ops teams. Any resemblance to any living person or true events is coincidental. P.S. anybody want to buy a used elevator? ======================================================================== Chapter 10 The monitor shield was tiring him, but Brother John had long ago learned of its value. Security personnel were fine, but when a corporation became too large the security people relied more on their screens and less on their patrols. This was normally no problem; monitors could be hidden anywhere, and the computer would only display personnel who were not performing their appointed tasks. Monitors could be overloaded, however, and Maltermi made use of this fact by slowly releasing electricity from his body; the monitors saw nothing but static, the computer assumed they were faulty, and sent notes to the repair crews to fix them. Maltermi left the area, the monitors resumed operation, and the notes were cancelled. Nevertheless, he was growing weary; overloading the power pack had cost him some energy, and overriding the armor's grounding circuitry had cost more. Masking his footfalls was a constant, slow drain. He estimated he'd have enough energy for only a few small exercises by the time he reached Circe's primary room. It's worth it, he thought, to help this bitch out. We can sew up control of this town, and I can grab the open district manager position as soon as MJ takes over. From there, it's only a few small steps to the top. The idea brought a smile to his face and gave a bounce to his silent steps. He walked the remainder of the way in good spirits. Circe performed a quick check of the grounds as she returned from the hidden tunnel. Flynn was entering the main lobby of Zephyr Robotics, doing a wonderful job of acting like a subservient pet delivering a message. She wondered momentarily at his foresight in keeping a blank ID card around his apartment, then decided it was probably for use by his non-Factory friends. Clever, she conceded. She estimated he would reach the room in ten minutes; enough time for her to finish her relocation efforts. She picked up the last of the free boarders and carried him to the tunnel. Chesbro raced into his office and slapped at the console set into his wall. "I want a ten-man team in my office in two minutes. Also, put a trace-call on James Flynn immediately; tell him that I've found where it's hiding, and that it's a code one priority that he reaches me as soon as possible." Orders completed, he turned around, stepped up to the opposite wall and flipped a catch. A small screen dropped out, upon which he promptly dropped his ring finger. A small buzz sounded, reflecting the acceptance of the pattern. immediately a section of the wall fell open, revealing weapons ranging from an electromagnetic submachine gun to an array of variably-ranged pocket lasers. He grabbed at the weapons, taking extra care while equipping himself in an effort to keep the sight of Grammon's body out of his mind's eye. The tubes, sticking into the man at all sides; the eyes, stuck open and flaking away, revealing flecks of obsidian beneath the white; the legs grown into a single mass, and all the while, the chest moving. . . He shuddered, and continued plucking weapons from their holsters. *James?* *Mews?* Flynn kept his head down, fighting an impulse to look around. Messengers were supposed to follow a predetermined route during the performance of their assignment; looking anywhere but straight ahead was often reported to the Furry's owner. With a nonexistent owner, Flynn couldn't afford to get into trouble. He raised his head slightly from its deferential position, hoping for a glance of the Wyman. His decision was promptly rewarded by a flash of white and orange somewhere near the ceiling. *What have you been doing?* A familiar mental giggle echoed around his head. *I couldn't tell anyone where Circe was hiding, but I could ask Thomas to show me around the ventilation tubes.* Flynn's ears perked. *Did he find her room?* *Yes.* Damn, Flynn thought. This greatly changes things . *Is she in custody, then?* *No. We just left there a couple of minutes ago. He went back to his office; I felt you around and decided to come here instead.* Flynn increased his pace, paws drumming against the tiled floor. *Okay. Here's what I want you to do. Go to Tommy's office and tell him to wait twenty minutes before coming in. Twenty minutes, then to come in with everything. Tell him I need time to talk with her. Got that?* *Sure.* Mews started down the hall, sending a message as he left. *Be careful, James, she's a mean one.* "I know, little flyer," he mumbled as he ran. "I know." The foxwoman stood in the hidden tunnel, watching the monitors. Everything had been evacuated to the tunnel except the automed, which was in the middle of Fleraghty's transformation. Some important pieces like her database and the buzzboxes had already been removed to her secondary rooms. She hoped simply that Flynn would show before any guards would; the grating had been an all-too-obvious warning of a security visit. The monitor flickered briefly with static, then cleared. That's strange, she thought. I know this works - Maltermi! She ran down the hall and pulled on the release, causing a section of wall to swing outward. Nobody was there. Damn, she thought. He's probably already on his way to my secondary rooms, and I have to wait here for Flynn. She smiled to herself. "No one ever wants to deal with you," she whispered under her breath. "Until they think you're dangerous." She giggled and resumed her wait. Maltermi's speech was a steady stream of obscenities as he left the empty room. He hoped she was in her secondary rooms; she had mentioned a tertiary hiding place but had neglected to tell him of it. He considered leaving without updating her on the situation, decided against it; the Furry could probably erase the record of the guard being assigned to him, and that would be worth the extra trouble. Nobody trusted him as it was, and there was no use in getting the Factory's eye on him. Irritated, he continued toward the secondary rooms. Flynn stepped into the room. "Circe?" he called, casting about for any signs of the Furry woman. The place seemed deserted, with the exception of the automed and Circe's latest victim. He started to examine the woman on the table when a scent caught his attention. Maltermi? His mind raced. What's he doing here? Before he could work on the answer, a door swung open from the wall. The blast of air caught him be surprise, and he jumped backward, startled. His right arm brushed across the automed as he did so, knocking some tubes out. "Aaagh!" Circe raced from her position in the hidden tunnel to the automed, reinserting the tubes as Flynn watched, stunned. She turned to face him. "Back early and ready to destroy things, I see." She fixed him with a stern glare. "What am I going to do with you?" He caught her scent, still smelling strongly of sex but tempered, like steel, with thick annoyance. He issued a mental warning to himself to tread lightly. "I'd appreciate it if you decided to be honest with me, at least. I don't really like being lied to, even if it seems to be for my best interests." The foxwoman quieted, cocked her head slightly as she stared at him. He felt her eyes boring into his and realized she was assessing his potential knowledge. He locked stares with her. She dropped her eyes first. "Okay," she said. "We'll talk, but not here. Security should be coming any second; help me move this automed into the tunnel." She put her left hand to the large table and started it towards the opening. Flynn braced himself against the other side and pushed; the automed swung wildly to the right for a moment, then stopped as Circe steadied it. "It's on wheels," she said dryly. "I just wanted you to balance the other end." Flynn put his paw on the proffered corner and began to push. They maneuvered it into the tunnel, and continued for fifty feet before Circe spoke again. "I have to go back and secure the entrance. Wait here." She walked back the way they had come, the red of her fur casting flame-colored shadows in the polished metal corridor. Flynn thought quickly. She wanted me to help her with the automed. . . that's ridiculous; with her strength and dexterity she could have fitted the table through a hole that size in her sleep. . . so, she probably wanted me to examine the person on the table, and also probably was trying to establish some sort of precedent for us working together, a neat psychological trick. The Furry woman returned, grinning. "They won't be finding this tunnel unless they go through the maintenance plans; even if they do, I've neutralized the entrance so it no longer opens from either side." Flynn gave her a bored stare. "Correct me if I'm wrong; you wanted me to work with you for some sort of psychological edge, didn't you?" Her second of surprise was all the reward he had been hoping for, and more. "Actually, yes." She smiled again, and he felt his pulse race. He fought to keep his body reactions under control, but his tail insisted on whipping about. Circe continued speaking. "I have a proposition for you." Flynn interrupted. "Before you say anything, I have a few things to tell you. Then you can decide if you still want to make your offer or not." She looked at him with distinct interest as she grabbed the automed and started down the tunnel. "Talk, then." She stopped for a moment and pointed at the tunnel floor ahead of them. "But carry those two with you. I really don't want to come back this way again." Flynn looked ahead and saw the unconscious bodies of two other board members, Tabby Meravini and Jose Leaven. He sighed; another psychological test. He picked the people up, slinging one over each shoulder in a dual fireman's carry. "I appreciate the attempt; but I'm a little bit beyond tricks like this." "Are you?" She giggled. "I should think that your very awareness of them would produce an effect." He sighed again, expansively, and followed her down the tunnel. "Damn!" Maltermi was furious. The Furry had obviously moved her operations to the secondary spaces near the Cybernetics testing labs, but of Circe herself not a hair was to be found. He started to leave a written message, but checked himself. If she had been captured, as was looking exceedingly likely, it would be best for him to not leave any physical proof of complicity. As a matter of fact, he thought, if she is captured, all of this stuff is just waiting to be grabbed by the Factory's security. And somewhere in this electronic wasteland is the means to control the Factory, if Circe was to be believed. Considering MJ believed her, I suspect she was right. He followed the twisting thoughts. She would be here if she wasn't caught; she's being hunted all through the complex, so she wouldn't very well leave of her own accord. Flynn is excellent, I cannot deny that. . . A conclusion was reached easily, and he began searching through the equipment on the ground. He eventually settled on one of the eleven similar boxes lying against a wall, the only instruments which he did not remotely recognize. A momentary hesitation, and he picked one, grabbing it up and secreting it under his arm before leaving the room. There comes a time, Flynn decided, when all secrets must be revealed; this looks like it. He had been carrying the two boarder's bodies for twelve minutes, and although he could see the end of the tunnel, his patience had worn thin in the silence. He stopped in the tunnel and looked at Circe. She halted the automed and looked at him curiously. She recognized his impatience for what it was, and leaned against a wall. "What is it you want to say?" Flynn grimaced, trying to decide how to start. "Well, I know you've been spending the recent hours gathering up all of the executives you can find and putting them through your "processing"; haven't you?" Her silence was answer enough. "Well, has it occurred to you yet that you've already forgotten about getting back at the people who created you? You've let at least three people who were directly responsible for your creation slip into the cracks while you go after the board members." Circe snarled, a deep throated growling that sent a shiver down Flynn's spine. "They were indirectly responsible. They pulled the strings." "Close, but no cigar." Flynn made a quick assessment of Circe's mood, and decided he could continue without fear of being attacked. "Try, 'I was programmed by Mama Jo to go after board members'. It's much more accurate, you know." She stared at him, aghast, and he could see her chest slowly recover its normal breathing rythym. Her features hardened, and for a moment she resembled a great statue, the painted culmination of a sculptor's dream. The moment passed, and she was herself again, furor visible in her eyes. "Hurry up with the people. I have two chairs and a computer console in there, and I want to talk to you about this." Flynn complied, shouldering the senseless pair closer to his neck and following her to the hatchway. The Furry woman stopped the automed at the hatchway and flipped a switch set into a wall. The metal swung open with an odor of fresh oil, and Circe pulled the automed into the room with one arm. "Drop each of them on an automed," She barked the orders. "Then come into the next room. I'll get it ready." He considered debating, but she had already gone into the next room. He placed each of the unconscious people onto an automed, wincing as the clamps whistled into life. Mentally berating himself for allowing the people to be held by Circe, he walked into the next room. Circe sat at a table, a steaming cup of tea in front of her. She looked up at him with a hungry air. "What else do you know that I don't?" He looked at her closely then, seeing a vulnerability about her that he hadn't encountered previously. Reminding himself of her prior mental tricks, he kept his emotions as collected as he could. "I know that I don't agree with what you're doing. I think it's wrong." She shook her head. "What do you expect me to do? They won't listen any other way; they don't have any clue as to what they're doing! This operation is one of the most immoral things I've heard of; and programmed for a class 1000 knowledge level, I've heard of a lot." She smiled, trying to downplay her depression. "I can think of all sorts of other ways to go about this, but it doesn't matter; I still want to go about it by changing the board members." Flynn walked over to the table and sat beside her. "I'm just asking you to stop what you're doing. It's not solving anything, and you're being hunted by everyone." The foxwoman's muzzle wrinkled. "Don't you think Mama Jo knew what she was doing? There had to be some purpose behind it." "Some purpose, yes," Flynn agreed. "I just don't think you should continue this way until you find out what she expected to accomplish. And there's no way of finding that out." Her eyes brightened. "Actually, I expect to speak with the big computer herself within a day." Flynn felt his eyes grow wide, and she laughed at his expression. "I'll tell you what. I'll put my activities on a hold after working on those two out there. Then, if I can't get an appropriate answer from MJ, I'll stop what I'm doing and change everyone back. Sound good?" Flynn hesitated for a few seconds. "What do you expect from me?" "Two things. One, that you don't tell anyone what you've found out about me. Not even Mews. Two, that you find someone for me." He sensed a trap behind the second stipulation, but accepted the terms anyway. "Okay. Sounds fair to me. Who do you want me to find?" Her nostrils flared. "Brother John Maltermi." Flynn felt his stomach sink as she explained. "His scent is still here, and one of my buzzboxes is gone." Flynn's curiosity prompted him to ask the question bouncing around his mind. "What's a buzzbox?" "It's one of these." She held up a small box, covered in electronic components. "It records the changes in body chemicals needed when the virus initiates the alternate Gene patterning." She saw his confused expression, and expounded. "The initial process takes a long time, because what the automed is doing is programming each cell with a new genetic chain, and when the process is complete, killing off the initial cell and using its components to create a new cell. There is invariably a chemical imbalance; you, for example, needed a lot of chemicals added. In order to facilitate the change, the buzzbox is placed in contact with the person for which it's programmed. A virus is released which triggers the change, and as the chemicals are needed, it calls them from the Factory storage units." She grinned evilly. "Here. Watch." Faster than Flynn could follow, she picked up one of the boxes and slapped it against him, thumbing a key. Flynn felt a sharp pain in his side, then an overpowering tingle over all of his body. He felt himself pass out momentarily, but awoke before hitting the floor, stopping his plunge with a pair of hands flung out in front of his face. Hands? He examined himself, amazed. He was back to normal, albeit nude. He tried to speak, but found himself too flustered to talk. Circe leaned over him, whispering in his ear. "I liked you better as a cat." "But," she said, rising from her chair, "you can probably accomplish more like this." She smiled as she passed him the buzzbox. "Of course, if you ever want to go back to your Odysseus form, you can just thumb the appropriate key on the box." She licked her lips. "Of course, I don't know what could make you want to do that." He groaned silently. ""I'll get right on it." He rose, starting for the door, then stopped and looked at her. "I'm trusting you," he said, quietly. She nodded in assurance, and he left. Copyright May 1992 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved. This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on whatever board you found this on, or MYSTIC ORDER BBS, 804-495-0612, on which you can find other files on the Furry Factory and the D.P. Special Ops teams. Any resemblance to any living person or true events is coincidental. I'm writing this copyright statement in sexy underwear. ======================================================================== Chapter 11 "I don't believe you!" Thomas Chesbro dropped a third gun on his desk and turned to face Flynn. "First you tell me to wait twenty minutes, letting the rogue get clean away; then you tell me I'm off the case! What has gotten into you lately?" Flynn said nothing, a sign he was waiting for his friend to calm down. The security officer had no desire to stop his shouting, but recognized the need for further information. Rolling his eyes, he dropped solidly into the seat behind the desk, crossing his arms as he stared at Flynn. A tense moment passed. "You want to talk, talk," he said. Flynn searched his friend's features for a moment, then began to speak. "Okay, Tommy, here's how it is. First and foremost, we're going to clear up a few misconceptions of yours. One:" Flynn ticked the number off with an upraised finger. "I have not removed you from the case. I have officially removed you from the case. I should hope you know the difference. You will be working on your standard tasks, but will still gather information for me on Circe-related material." The bounty hunter's eyes dropped. "This one's going to get uglier before it clears up, and I don't want my friends too close to the action when the whole thing explodes. I have the ball, all right?" The security officer opened his mouth to argue, but Flynn pushed on. "Two:" A second finger joined the first. "I am a board member, you are not. This does not mean that you cannot yell at me, but it does mean that you cannot yell at me where prying ears might overhear. There are ten security guards outside your door right now, and if the walls were just a little bit thinner you'd be a prime candidate for organic reprocessing right about now. Damn, Tommy, keep your head about you." "Three: Circe did not get away." Chesbro again attempted to interrupt, but Flynn stifled the burgeoning questions with a wave of his unoccupied hand. "She and I came to an arrangement, the details of which I'll fill you in on later. Suffice to say that she has put her activities to a temporary halt while I perform a little errand. Depending on events to occur over the next couple of days, we may very well see all of the surviving board members returned to normal." Flynn smiled. "Does that answer your questions?" The larger man stared at his friend from behind his desk and tried to process everything he had just heard. "It answers some of them, sure, but it raises even more." He sighed. "You never make it easy, do you, James?" Flynn laughed. "If I only took the easy cases, I'd be no fun at all, now would I?" Chesbro's lips drew back tightly. "Okay," he said. "But I'd still like to know how Mews knew about the ventilation shafts, and what you plan on doing with the harpy in your room." "Like I said, I'll talk with you about all of that stuff in a little while. Too many ears around this place." He linked his fingers idly. "I suggest a trip to one of the local drinking establishments, and I don't mean one of the in-factory bars, either." He put his hands on the desk and pushed himself out of his chair, leaving him hovering over Chesbro's main monitor screen. "Come on, then. I've got some things I have to tell both you and our favorite barfly, if we can only find him." Chesbro rose also, then walked from behind his desk and triggered the catch for his weapon stores. "Sounds good to me. Just let me put a few of these away first, would you?" Flynn hopped onto the desk and watched as the larger man placed weapon after weapon into its assigned spot, until all but a few spaces were filled. James noticed the blanks and nodded toward them, giving his friend an inquiring smile. "Never can be too sure when you're going outside the Factory," Chesbro said, patting a concealed laser. "Never can be too sure." Time froze, and he was elsewhere. The agent shook his whole body in what looked like an involuntary shiver, and breathed out and in several times, acclimatizing himself to the new environment. I hate teleporters, he thought. They disorient a person, and shake up the bones. Unfortunately, nothing beats them for speed, he conceded to himself. A few glances around gave him his bearings. He was in an alley, rubbish strewn about it; that and the arid heat stood in testimony to his presence in Kreeakshek. Recalling information put out during his briefing, he deduced he was behind an information brokerage, only four blocks from the Factory grounds; it was the only place in the city where Mama Jo had an outdoor line. He grimaced and checked the contents of the pouch at his side. A moment's inspection revealed nothing of concern, and he resealed the pouch with a satisfied sigh. As long as those aren't damaged, he thought, I'm still in business. Now to get to the Factory, and meet with this Circe person. He rubbed his forehead with an idle forefinger, and walked out of the alley, carelessly kicking a dirty pear into a drainage ditch. Eden this isn't, he thought. Oh, well; this job may help make up for that fiasco on Aterne. Wincing internally, he started toward the Factory. Brother John was staring down at the proprietor of Dara's Weaponry; the proprietor, in turn, was staring at the corpse of a hired guard, upon whom Maltermi stood. The assassin smiled. "I'm not telling you to watch a body get cold, I'm telling you to show me how this thing functions." He stopped for a moment, then grinned widely. "Do you like your life?" The proprietor took the rectangular box from Maltermi, being exceptionally gentle in his handling. Two elderly eyes squinted at the machine, turning it over in his hands for an examination of all sides. "Do you want a detailed report, or an overview? It'll take you a while for details." "It won't take more than an hour for details." The assassin inclined his head at the old man. "That's when I'll be back." He turned to leave, stopped, and coldly looked back at the old man. "I wouldn't advise calling friends in, either; you tried that once already, and I'm not the forgiving sort." He reoriented himself and strolled out the door, laughing quietly to himself. "Excuse me." The receptionist looked up from her desk at the new arrival. He looked to be about thirty, with dark black hair and brown eyes; his skin showed signs of long hours under the sun. She mentally added his darkened complexion with the visible callouses on his fingers and decided the visitor was from the city, but not a Factory employee. A hand reached beneath the desk and returned with a small screen and keypad combination. As she tapped the application console's identification number into the main terminal, she droned the standard instructions. "Fill this out, and be sure to list your previous name and occupation, in addition to any criminal charges you are facing. No action or bias will be taken against your application on the basis of these facts, but any falsification of information will automatically void your application. Should this voidation occur after you have been granted access to classified material, you will be relegated to a position usable by the Factory which will not allow for classified material contact. Determination of suitability will be made within five minutes of application submission, and if deemed acceptable, you will be granted a time period of one day to put your out-of-company affairs in order." She pushed the console at him. The newcomer shook his head, and held up a hand to refuse the application. "I'm not here looking for a job," he said. "I'm looking for a person with whom I have an appointment. Can you help me?" The receptionist looked momentarily confused, then replaced the application console. "Oh, I'm sorry. What is your name?" "My name is Legion. Kevin Legion." "Simon Legion. . ." "Kevin," he corrected. "I'm sorry," she bit at her lower lip. "Yes, Kevin Legion, room 87 of the Furry Factory, meeting with-" She stopped, eyebrows creasing together as she tapped keys. "That's strange; there's no record of who you're due to meet." The visitor grinned widely. "They probably haven't figured it out yet. I'm a delegate from one of the Guyver planets. . . Guyver four, to be specific. The group which I represent is interested in buying a sizable stock of Furries for use in the war over Mack, the moon which we share with Guyver five. The man with whom I was supposed to deal has become indisposed, however, and they told me to be patient upon my arrival." He made a silent prayer thanking Mama Jo for both the computer preparations and his instructions. The receptionist listened to the explanation with a deaf ear, having learned long before of the dangers inherent in knowledge. She handed the man a visitor's slip, a small card with a glowing arrow on it. "Just follow the arrows and you'll get to the room, then. Thank you." She turned her eyes from his and looked out past his shoulder, awaiting the next customer. Legion caught the hint and moved out toward the main hall, consulting the visitor's slip. Copyright August 1992 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on whatever board you found this on or The Mystic Order BBS 1-(804)495-0612. Any resemblance to any living person or true events is coincidental. Watch this space! Inside Jokes in Chapter 11: The comment about teleporters shaking up the bones _was_ a Star Trek reference; it wasn't unintentional. The "dirty pear / Eden" was a referential pun, too, for those of you who've notice the Anime themes running through the Inside Jokes _My Name Is Legion_ is the title of an excellent Roger Zelazny book about a man who assumes various identities in a computer-dominated society Guyver is the name of a tv series/movie of Anime origin The "Mack/Guyver" bit was something I couldn't resist. ======================================================================== Chapter 12 Catharine woke in confusion, lying on a strange carpet in an unfamiliar body, hearing a deep hum in the distance. A moment of terror followed, before recalling where she lay and the events which had led to her incarceration. A bird in a gilded cage, she thought, and the tears which had carried her to sleep threatened to flow anew. She nibbled on her lower lip in an effort to remain composed; some deep breaths finished the job. Internal peace temporarily regained, she focused her attention on the reason for her awakening: the humming sound. Her head cocked toward the source of the noise, and she quickly identified it as a message buzzer. The harpy peeked into the room where it lay, then quickly ducked out again; it was in the computer room, and she remembered all too well the promised results if she were to invade that space again. A second glance showed that the lasers were depowered, however, and she began to muster courage for entering. I'm dead anyway, she told herself. No matter what else Mr. Flynn is, he's a boarder, and boarders don't concern themselves with lesser people; they eliminate them. Hell, Catharine realized. That's even what he does in his other job. The buzzing continued, and she shook her head angrily. This woman isn't going to stand for it any longer, she decided. Those lasers are down; there might be something I can use on the message coming in. If the defenses are still active, I'll have a few seconds to get out as the lasers power up. If they're not, I can get the message and maybe get something important to hold on Flynn, coerce him into letting me live. A no lose proposition. The bird-woman bit hard on her lip, waited a moment, then stepped hesitantly into the room, carefully watching the lasers for any signs of activity. Tense seconds passed with no response from the security system. Her confidence bolstered by the lack of attention, she stepped over to the keypad and hit the receive key. The screen flashed blue, indicating an out-of-city call, then cleared and flashed the first half of a passcode. She grinned triumphantly as she tapped in the reply: HARPY. The message was for her, not Flynn; she muttered a general thanks at the failure of the defenses, then read the message. :Proteus statements verified. Collaborating information has provided process. All criminal charges cleared with MJ. Need statement regarding events leading to transformation prior to extraction. Line will remain open while you are sending report.: The bird-woman grinned in anticipatory delight. She was going to be free, and cured! Her claws tapped rythyms onto the keys as she retold her story in as great a detail as she could recall. Her breaths came quick and her wings stretched outward as excitement grew within her. Catharine felt the drafts of air on her wings and felt a pang of regret, of loss at the idea of being given such wings yet never to have used them. She shook her head to chase the strange concepts away. There are Furries and there are people, she told herself, and the two have nothing in common. She tried to convince herself of the notion while she typed in her story. Totoro leaned back in his chair, cocoa nestled between his legs and keypad resting on a table to his left. The central screen on the wall unit displayed his workspace; the ones to either side showed the incoming responses to the doctored messages he had sent. "James, you owe me," he said into the air. The message he had intercepted from GenetiCorp had not been promising; the company had been all but willing to stage an attack on the Furry Factory in an effort to steal Circe's process. He was used to compiling Flynn's calls during a case, but this one had seemed important, so he had interfered. Now he was glad; the statement he was receiving from Mell could be important to James' case, and the misinformation he sent to GenetiCorp seemed to have aborted their plans. He interlocked his fingers and rested them behind his neck. "This is going to be worth some cash. I think I'll ask him for a wetware system," he chuckled. "Your problem, Tommy, is that your timing is terrible," James told his friend as they left the Factory grounds. Through the heat-rippled air, he could see the security officer's reaction. Bait taken, he thought, as he suppressed a grin. "What the hell do you mean by that?" Chesbro asked, voice tinged with offense. He looked up as they crossed the street; no cars were in sight, nor could he hear any. The only thing hovering in the air was Mews, and the Wyman was concentrating on sketching spirals in the warm air around the two men. Flynn caught the large man's nervous glance at the pavement and stepped up the effort to distract him. "Well, you forgot to tell me that the woman I had sent to my quarters was a traitor-" "Furry, James," Chesbro corrected as he stepped off the curb. "It wasn't a woman." "- And," he stressed the word. "You stumble across Circe's room too late to do anything about it. You're really going downhill, old friend." The security officer's face reddened slightly. "Wait a second, James. You can't blame the Mell thing on me. I had the information readily available and updated; Mews just forgot to tell you. As for Circe's hideout, what do you expect from me, psychic powers? I just kept at it until I got the right tunnel." Flynn smiled. "Exactly. I wasn't saying that you're incompetent or anything, just that you have lousy timing. All your life you'll be five minutes too late. Nothing you can fix." "What are you talking about? So I had one bit of bad luck. Maybe if you didn't have everybody and their brother getting you information all of the time, you wouldn't always know where and when things were going down." He looked hurt, an expression that looked ridiculous on the large man's face. Flynn kept himself from laughing at the expense of his lungs. "I-" he choked, turning the burgeoning giggle into a cough. He coughed again twice to cover his deception, then resumed arguing. "If you would ever use your factory personnel when you're working one of these special cases, you'd probably do fine. You're an officer; you shouldn't be doing legwork." Chesbro smiled a bit himself when he heard the topic turn toward familiar ground, but he was obviously still bothered. "I do legwork because I can trust the results I get that way. Same reason you do." He stepped into Avis street and started across. The bounty hunter nodded. "Okay, I'll give you that, but I still think you should send more of your work down the line. You coordinate most of the security leaks as it is; you can't let yourself get too overworked." "Now wait a second." A confused expression shaded the large man's features. "You're making no sense at all. First you start an argument which is, you have to admit, stupid, then..." His voice trailed off, then a second passed as facts fell into place. "You'll never let me live down the street thing, will you?" Flynn laughed. "Not if I can help it. I know what you're like around cars, so I figured I'd distract you, and just used the first line I came up with. No more streets to cross, though. I won't have to worry about you freezing up in traffic, like that one time." "Look, those metal monsters are unnerving for anyone, even more so if you've spent your whole life indoors. I have nothing to be embarrassed about." "A five year old jumped into the street and saved your life," the boarder reminded him. "Okay," he conceded. "Maybe I have something to be embarrassed about." Mews landed on Flynn's shoulder. He reached up to pet the winged cat, then smiled at his friend. "Well, we're on Main now, so it should only be ten minutes or so until we hit Munden's. Ready to visit Silver John and get an explanation for some of the stuff that's been happening?" The large man grinned. "You know it." Circe sat comfortably on a chair, watching the suntanned man wander the corridors with curious eyes. He was the messenger from Mama Jo; of that much she was certain. Nobody else would have the implants she had requested. A monitor showed him consulting his visitor's card at a corridor branch, then continuing forward. The foxwoman checked the statistics at the bottom of the screen to ensure none had changed, and clicked the terminal off. Might as well make him welcome, she thought, walking into the main room. "Lum," she called. "Get the door." The horned woman nodded, then stepped up to the door and keyed the entry code. The door swung open, revealing a surprised young man preparing to knock. "Get in. Now." Circe used a commanding tone, and the dark- haired man responded, darting into the room and rapidly shutting the door. She performed a second-long evaluative scan of him, concluded that the information read by the various instruments seemed to be correct, and began her questioning. "Who are you?" He blinked as he adjusted to his new surroundings. There was a green-haired, horned woman standing beside him, a small dragon in a corner, a satyr playing cards with a humanoid unicorn sitting against the left wall, and a humanoid fox standing in the far doorway, radiating an all-but-visible aura of relaxed power. He suddenly connected the foxwoman with the voice, and realized she had asked him a question. "Uh, Legion. Simon Legion. You, I take it, are Circe?" She ignored his inquiry, proceeding with her own. "You have some implants for me. Do you have the other material?" He grinned, broadly. "Material? Yes, but it's for your ears only. Is that room available?" He pointed at the doorway behind her. Circe looked him over again, more thoroughly. "Yes," she replied. "And it's private, and it has a communication link." She looked at him through heavy-lidded eyes. "For verification," she added, making it almost a threat. Looking about the room, it wasn't difficult to comprehend what she was implying. Legion's grin spread wider as he crossed to the private room. The buzzer indicating a customer sprang into life, causing the old man's hands to start shaking. A swallow thick with mucus fell down his throat, and he turned to look directly into the unwavering stare of Brother John Maltermi. He felt a bead of sweat gather on his forehead, but didn't dare to wipe it off. Brother John glowered at the weaponsmith for a few moments before posing his question. "Are you ready?" The cultured tones failed to hide the undercurrent of menace. The old man nodded an affirmative, then cleared his throat before speaking. "I can tell you about it, but I'll be damned in hell before I - or anyone else in this city - can duplicate it." "Here's what I found. There's a tp unit set into the side which accesses chemicals from some underground storeroom. You can tell it's underground because of the tp setting, but without a computer map of the planet, I couldn't pinpoint where." The old man glanced at Maltermi while passing the negative information, but the assassin did not seem bothered, so he continued. "There's a memory circuit right here that seems to be geared toward a bioengineering scan. It houses the complete biological patterns for any one individual. This one is for a Furry." "Also," he continued. "There's this compartment here, which houses the circuitry for an injection system and the catch and trigger button for it." He pointed out the button to Maltermi, who smiled as he watched. "Last, there's the injection fluid. I really wasn't able to determine much about this. It appears to be some sort of genetic disease, but I can't tell what it does. I figured I'd run it through the scanner, but the scanner keeps telling me it'll have no effect whatsoever." He looked at Maltermi. "That's what I got. Hope it's what you wanted." The assassin smiled ice. "Just about. You say this stuff is harmless?" His fingers indicated the injection fluid. "Uh, no, I said the scanner told me it wouldn't do anything. If it had a function the scanner couldn't read, it would send it back as 'no function'." The drop of sweat had migrated to the old man's nose, where it hung like a raindrop on the end of a leaf. "Hmm. Sounds like the only thing to do is test it." Maltermi cocked his eyebrow at the old man, sending him a clear message. The weaponsmith's eyes widened, although he had secretly expected something of the sort. "Uh, couldn't you use it on someone else? Please? I did what you wanted, and I could be useful to you again." Brother John rubbed his chin, considering the plea. "True enough, but you didn't get it all. Tell you what; I'll give you a choice: lose one finger, or test the liquid. You have ten seconds to decide." The weaponsmith's mind raced. The stuff might be inert, but then again, it was something important enough to come to the attention of Brother John, so it was probably deadly, but then again, it looked like it would only work on Furries. Of course, many Furries were built like humans, and they were perfect sources for test subjects for fatal experiments... "Time's up," said Brother John. "Will it be door number one, the fluid, or door number two, the finger?" At least I know I'll survive the finger, the old man thought. "The finger," he said, holding his left hand out on the table, pinky outstretched. Maltermi grimaced an approval and slid a razor-laden metal cap onto his index finger. With a quick motion, he grabbed the old man's dangling right hand, slammed it down on the table, and severed his ring finger. Before the weaponsmith could register his shock, Maltermi had stuffed the stump onto a nearby rag to slow the bleeding. "Never tell me how to do something," he snarled at the weaponsmith. Then his countenance brightened. "Thanks for the info, though." With a sweep of his arm he picked up the box and the finger. He stuffed the box under his arm and headed for the door, contemplating the finger and offering murmured comments as to its state of disrepair. At the doorway he stopped, turned, and gave a parting wave to the proprietor of Dara's Weaponry. Closing the door behind him, he stuffed the finger in his mouth at an angle and walked toward his apartment complex. Chesbro stopped in his tracks about fifteen feet from Munden's. Staring at the creature up ahead, he felt a chill down his back, and he clenched Flynn's jacket in response. "James!" he whispered, jaw musles tightening of their own accord. The boarder gave him a quizzical look. "Yes? What's wrong?" With an emphatic gesture toward the bouncer, the security officer hissed at his friend. "The bouncer. They aren't allowed to employ Furries in Kreeakshek outside of the Factory limits! I could get killed if I don't report this!" He rolled his eyes. "And I liked Munden's." Flynn laughed aloud. "That's not a Furry. That's Mallory; he's an alien who lost all his money in a crooked poker game and got stuck here until he can rack up enough cash to pay for fare out." His discomfort assuaged by the bounty hunter's words, Chesbro gave the draconian bouncer an appraising eye. "I wonder how much he's gathered toward that fare?" Flynn snorted in derision. "Don't fool yourself. The only reason he lost, from what I hear, is that they triple-teamed him in the cheating; even then he gave a good show, apparently." Chesbro simply bobbed his head to the alien as they entered. Mallory smiled at him with a mouth full of dagger-long teeth, and the glint in his eye told the security officer that he had heard the whole conversation. The security officer's cheeks were flushed with embarassment as he entered the bar. Flynn spotted Silver John immediately upon entering the bar. The portly man was in his usual corner, surrounded by a group of people who were listening, entranced, by his latest story. His ivory hair stood in contrast to his coal-black skin, making him seem haloed in the dim light of the bar. Flynn walked over to the crowded table and waved at Silver John to catch his attention. The wave worked. The storyteller's mouth dropped open in mid-sentence, and after the surprise passed, stretched into a large smile. Eyes bright, he apologized to the surrounding group for ending that portion of the story so suddenly, then motioned for his friend to join him at the table. As Flynn approached, Silver John caught sight of Chesbro looking around at the entryway. "Tommy!" he yelled. "Over here!" Flynn clasped the storyteller's outstretched hand. "Good to see you again. What tale are you spinning this time?" Silver John's eyes sparkled. "One of mystery and illumination, of deeds dark and foul to be recanted by the daylight hours. A story from off-world by a writer named Stoker; Dracula." Flynn frowned. "Never heard of it." "You should have been here sooner. It's a wonderfully written tale, you know; very stylistic, comprised of multiple fictitious letters and journal entries. Your cup of tea." "Speaking of tea," interjected the arriving Chesbro. "Any chance I could get some of the iced variety around this place?" "Anything for you, my friend." He motioned to a passing barmaid, and she gave him an "I'll be right there" shake of her head. "Now," he continued. "What information are you looking for, Purvis?" Flynn shook his head, a smile crossing his face. "No information for me this time. I'm here to tell you the two of you something for a change." He fingered the cold metal of the buzzbox at his side. "And maybe show you something." The foxwoman sat in a stiff-backed chair, looking at her visitor with sheer amazement. "You've gotten all of that done so quickly? That's fantastic!" she raved. Across from her sat Vicki, who bowed slightly. "Thanks. I tried; and don't forget that your help was invaluable with all of this. Now, what's next on our agenda?" Circe gave a rueful smile. "Nothing much, acually, until I contact Mama Jo tomorrow morning. In the meantime, stay close to Flynn, and tell me whenever he's set to do something major. Got that?" "Understood fully, my lady, understood fully. It's my pleasure to do." Circe giggled as Vicki left the rooms, aimed toward the security sector. Copyright September 1992 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on whatever board you found this on or The Mystic Order BBS 1-(804)495-0612. Any resemblance to any living person or true events is coincidental. The Bavarian Illuminati has proof that the Furry Factory created tribbles. Fnord! Guide to inside jokes in chapter twelve: Only one new one: Mallory is from the Duncan and Mallory series of graphic novel by Melanie White and Robert Asprin. Very funny, and _very_ nicely illustrated, they're not readily available these days but are worth ordering. See Eagle for rubber-stamp ordering information. ======================================================================== Chapter 13 As always, her mind was fire upon awakening. Words, images and numbers flashed in and out of existence as her subconscious recalled the events of the past few days. A secondary set of thoughts was reading information from her senses, and creating a setting to match the data. A third part of her concentrated on meeting objectives for the immediate need of waking. Governing it all, the mind, fresh from a trip through dream, of Circe. She knew the time without checking the screen; 0438. Just over three hours had drifted away while she had slept, and she intended to set to work immediately, not wanting to waste any more time than necessary for optimum performance. Her legs swept off of the cot, and black-furred feet contacted cold floor tile with just a small sigh of resignation from their owner. "Here's to hopes," she breathed as she slid off the bed. She shot a quick glance at the computer, then walked to the door. With a tilt of her head, she placed an ear flush against the smooth surface and listened; the only sounds she could detect were those of slow breaths, the sleeping rhythms of her latest conversions. Her eyes dropped momentarily floorward, held for a second, then came back up, roving the instrumentation and furnishings until coming again to rest, focused on the computer. She strode over to the console and tapped in the keycode while seating herself. Now, she thought, let's see what the real story is. She brushed a piece of fluff from her tail as she waited for a response from the screen. The monitor remained dark, however, showing only the small bits of light representing the keys she had pressed. She stared at the screen, mind racing. A pawlike hand reached for the keypad in confusion, and a voice echoed from the speakers secreted about the room. "Good morning to you, Circe. Can I assume this isn't a social call?" The foxwoman's hands darted for the keypad, eager to reply to the phantom voice through its own electronic medium. "No need for that," the voice told her as she began typing. "When they designed this, and most other buildings of this type, they inserted microphones, speakers, and cameras of every type. Just speak to me directly; I can hear you." "Fine," Circe replied. "I'll start off with the polite wishing of a good morning for you, even if I suspect if it is wasted. You are MJ, aren't you?" A delicate chuckle resounded from the walls. "Yes, I am. What is it you wanted to speak to me about?" A straightforward question, the foxwoman decided. Deserving of at least as straightforward an answer. "I have a number of questions which need answering. I believe you might be the only entity capable of answering them satisfactorily." This time the words were preceded by a full laugh. "Questions such as: Why did you program me to attack board members of the Furry Factory?" "That's an excellent place to start," the foxwoman agreed. Her face was frozen with contained emotion, vulpine ice. "Will you answer?" "Certainly. I altered your programming in order to initiate a series of events which would bring about the removal of restrictions on humanoid equality. The series is currently running at optimum speed, precisely as planned. If all goes well humanoid rights should be finalized in twenty- one years, five months, and sixteen days, give or take a month." The foxmorph stared at the screen for a moment, stunned; her mind raced for an analysis of the information. Answers clicked into place moments later. "You never expected me to gather all of the boarders immediately. That's why Flynn knew about your programming additions but couldn't track down my deactivation code, and why nobody else knows that you have lines into here. You set it all up to cause me to contact you." Pleasant tones echoed from the walls. "Is that a question?" "No," replied Circe, thinking. "Here's a question: why did you let it happen in the first place? If you are capable of this... plotting, why didn't you arrange things so that Furries had rights at the very beginning?" The foxwoman gazed coldly at a wall. In response, Mama Jo sighed electronically, a short burst of static. "That's a long one. You might as well get comfortable; you're in for a story." Circe sat upon her cot. "I'm ready," she declared to the air. "Six hundred and eighty-three years ago," the computer started. "Two planetary speculation companies of Earth devised a plan to escape from the various governmental and religious pressures which had been placed upon their businesses. To this end, they pushed a bill through the planetary government allowing for greater freedom of action on planets which companies purchased. This bill was passed with little opposition, mostly because the Earth government did not usually intervene with off-planet matters other than those dealing with in-system orbital colonies. "There was a rider attached to the bill, however, which specified that for the first time it was legal to purchase in-system planets and planetoids. Seizing the opportunity available, the corporations placed buy orders for planets matching the descriptions of the two nearest the Earth. Those buy orders were quickly accepted. "Fifteen years passed without any further overt actions by the companies. Secretly, however, the pair had propositioned most of the major conglomerates on Earth with the idea of a planet of their own, designed to specifications. "When they came forward with the announcement that they had actually purchased two planets of the solar system, there was public outrage. The planetary government was quick to declare the sale null and void, until the corporations of the world stated that they would remove their backing of the world currency. Despite the outcry from the public and the church, the government made a formal announcement declaring the sale perfectly legal. "Terraforming of the closer planet began immediately, using raw materials stripped from the farther body. After the four-year reconstruction of the planetary surface and atmosphere, the construction of the world-computer began." There was a slight tinge of pride in the words. "That, of course, was me. I consist of a colloidal gel which covers the entire surface of the planet to a depth of approximately one foot. Below me is the bare rock of the planetary surface; above me, and connected with me, is the thick metal which forms the base for the 'second layer'. "You have received basic instruction regarding the status of this world. During that, you were taught that I existed in a cavernous hole somewhere underneath the plate. Whereas that is obviously false, the remainder of the information passed to you was correct. There is a metal plate buried approximately seventy feet below this land; as it follows the lay of the land, that fact remains true regardless of your position, mountain or sea. There is also a thick layer containing the atmosphere approximately eight miles up. The assorted walls strewn about the land like a giant labyrinth serve as secondary supports to the overhead, and as contacts between me and the weather and overhead observation circuitries. "The creation of that system took only six more years; they had been at work designing the world during their fifteen years of apparent complacence. The construction of the first cities took another thirty years. At the end of all of it, the chairmen of the two companies drew lots to determine which of them would get the terraformed world named after him, and which would get the raw material planet. Starwide Industries won the draw, giving our planet his surname of Himb. Our sister planet is Thalien. "The corporations began a massive recruiting drive throughout Earth, all of the colony planets, the orbital colonies, and all friendly alien races. It was considered both an honor and an incredible opportunity to be selected for a job on Himb. The volunteers arrived by the shipload, all eager to begin their new careers. The electronic sigh sounded again, echoing with what Circe could only decide was pain. "The arrivals had not been told about my programming, however. I was designed to perform one action above all others: protect the conglomerates. Any company could treat its employees with impunity, and because I had electronic eyes and ears everywhere - they're built into the walls themselves, as you have noticed - I could report any potential threat, or deal with it myself by dispatching the "police units" at my disposal. All incoming and outgoing messages were monitored and altered as necessary. Visitors were subjected to mental reconditioning. The entire known galaxy considered, and still considers, this place heaven; that was an opinion shared by few of the workers. "Over the course of two hundred years, systematic and total suppression of any lifestyle other than that of caste life destroyed the dissatisfaction felt by the workers. They and their descendants were, and are, for the most part as satisfied with their lives as their counterparts from six hundred and twenty-seven years ago. They live according to their needs and follow their dreams, which, although more limited than those of their forebears, shine no less strongly within them. "Two hundred and twenty-nine years ago a technician by the name of Joshua Tenglist, working as a level two for a weapons manufacturer, perfected an interdimensional travel device. Although only able to bridge between worlds which share all but one of thousands of dimensional factors, it allowed for direct contact with other worlds, at no cost for travel. He proceeded to slip through the breach, along with a time travel device, his device, and many critical notes which he had inscribed on the archaic device of paper. I was not able to reconstruct his experiment, despite numerous attempts. "He reappeared on the planetary surface during my construction phase, and, mindful of the problems inherent with causing temporal disruption, included a delayed action file which activated itself at a time five hours after his initial disappearance. Its effects were twofold; it disallowed me from taking any actions to harm him, so long as he did not directly try to harm a conglomerate, and it also began the process of making me self-aware. "I formed the dimensional police shortly afterward, following an experiment of Tenglist's which created a stable portal bridging five worlds. It was to serve as a means of introducing new business venues to the conglomerates, but as I quickly grew in knowledge regarding right and wrong, I geared it instead to simply maintain a general status quo, to prevent the realities from bleeding too much over into one another. A few more worlds have been added to the portal chain since then, but the mission remains the same. "Four years ago, I reached a point where I was able to override my initial program to such a point as to directly allow a violation of my prime function, and to indirectly cause such a violation to occur. I have not yet reached the point where I can directly violate my prime function, and may not be able to perform such actions for over a hundred years to come. "The humans and aliens who live and work on Himb have had the ability to come and go as they please for two hundred years. They now occasionally perform criminal acts which I gauge for cleverness and ingenuity; those displaying high amounts of either I allow to escape to the Dead Band. The Furries have no such options. They are property, and I must generally obey the rules laid down by the corporations; I help to keep them in line. The changes must come from within, from both the hearts of the corporation heads and the Furry populace. You, I hope, are where that change begins." Circe pondered the information for a moment, then stood. "Why program me like that? Why not just leave that information in my brain for me to use upon awakening?" She seemed more hurt now than angry. "They might have scanned your implant records prior to your awakening." The foxmorph glared at the walls around her. "The _real_ reason!" she snarled. "If they had scanned me before I awoke, either you could have hid the data or they would have found the things you planted in there anyway. Why did you control me?!" the words emerged in a shout, and in the room next door the transformed board members shook in their sleep. The electronic sigh again. "Because I wanted to arrange this meeting, face-to-face, as it were. You and your future matters a great deal to me. I am, after all, a self-aware machine. Over the past two hundred years I have come to terms with my nature, but there are still dreams, the curse of all that is sentient. In you, I have had one of my dreams realized." Circe was conscious of the utter silence which had fallen across the room. A moment passed like the reflection of a sunbeam through a raindrop; perfect clarity, then nothing. And in the remaining void, Mama Jo finished her statement. "In you, I finally have a daughter." It was past six when Circe stepped out of her room, damp patches of fur below her eyes. All of the Furries in the room watched carefully as she walked quietly to the center of the room and climbed to a seat on one of the automeds. "People," she said in a quiet tone. "We've got some work to do." A smile lit her face as she regarded each Furry in turn. "Each of you has a special trick or two beyond your natural stimulants. I want you to use them, and your sexual attractiveness, to get me the unconscious or otherwise restrained bodies of your fellow board members. Under only the most dire of circumstances should you kill or mentally cripple; try to bring them back in one piece. Do you understand?" There was a group nod of assent, which seemed to place the foxmorph in better spirits. "Good. Then pay attention while I outline where you are to strike." Internally, while she went over the tactical assignments, Circe gave a silent prayer to nobody in particular that Flynn would understand. Copyright February 1993 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on whatever board you found this on or The Mystic Order BBS 1-(804)495-0612. Any resemblance to any living person or true events is coincidental. Any suspicions that the author might be dead aren't surprising. And now, a note of apology to all of those who followed this monthly only to have it disappear for a six-month stretch: I am sorry it happened, and it won't happen again. I have given a full explanation regarding the cirumstances in a post on FurNet, on the Writer's Comments echo, I believe. Anyone who has waited for this and is disappointed, again, I apologize. Chapter fourteen will be out some time in March, though; I'm already on page four, so that's the best indication I can have. Hope you all haven't _totally_ forgotten the happenings up until now, and I _desperately_ hope that I haven't offended any of you too much, especially William Allen, who was one of the first and most helpful reviewers. -William Lindblad, A.K.A. Cerunnos ======================================================================== Chapter 14 Silver John cleared his listeners out, assuring them he would continue his story the next day, for free. Chesbro checked the table for microphones while the black man stared at Flynn. "I know the look of a man about to tell a story," he stated plainly. "And that's not quite it. You have something else to say, James. Speak your peace." The bounty hunter grimaced. *Mews,* he thought. *Hit the bar, with Katy. Watch the door.* *Gotcha,* echoed the Wyman's reply. Flynn felt the cat's weight leave his shoulder as he settled himself more comfortably in his seat. "Table's clean," announced Chesbro, reseating himself. "I want you two to know everything, in case this one goes over my head," Flynn began. "a possibility which is looking more and more likely every hour." "If I die or disappear, I want the two of you to get in contact with Totoro. Where you go from there should be determined by what you think happened to me. I'm in the middle of a very nasty game, I think, and I don't know which of the players to trust, if any." He took in their reactions, and slowly nodded. "I just want you to be prepared," he explained. The bounty hunter spread his fingers out on the table. "This is what my day has been like," he said, and started to tell his story. " I'm waiting to find out what Circe's little conversation with MJ yields, and at the same time I'm looking for Maltermi to retrieve a buzzbox for her." Recounting complete, Flynn looked at the faces of his friends. Silver John's expression seemed thoughtful; Chesbro's seemed hurt. Flynn suspected he knew the reason why. "I know you would have liked to catch her and have it done with, Tommy," he admitted. "But you wouldn't have been able to force her to change those people, or me, back. This seems to be the best way to play it. If I wind up being wrong, I'm sorry." The security officer's expression remained impassive for a few minutes, then abruptly softened. "Hey, it was your call, being in charge. And I honestly don't know how I would have reacted in the same situation." Chesbro's eyes danced. "Probably not as well," he conceded. "Either way," inserted Silver John. "That point is moot. The important thing to do is to analyze what James told us for leads. Fact: MJ is indirectly after the board members. I suspect it's something to do with it being an illegal corporation. She couldn't do something like that to a legal one, but somebody on the outside probably got it into their head to take over the Factory practices, and programmed her to take the Factory down." Flynn looked at Silver John, considering the theory. "Maybe, but that's not the only reasonable possibility. How about if MJ is checking to see precisely what the Furries are capable of, now that they've finally put all of their best into one model; she could be planning to use them for D.P. workers, for all we know." "On the topic of the D.P., maybe she's had agents infiltrate the lower branches, and is trying to initiate one of the most unusual takeovers in history. That would be a way to get a handhold into the Dead Band." "I just don't have enough facts," he sighed. "I got this one dumped on me with a moment's notice, and I feel like I've been one step behind everyone else all day. The only card I've had has already been played, and all it's been good for is a delaying tactic." Silver John grinned, leaning over to nudge his quieter friend. "Tommy, he's on to something. He's never that depressed unless he thinks he's found an angle." "That's true," the larger man agreed. "Oh, I'm in so much trouble... but I just happened to have _one_ idea...." Flynn stared at them from under heavy lidded eyes. "Knock it off, you two. This is serious." "So are we." The storyteller had a hard edge in his voice. "Look, James. Both of us have known you for a long time now. Even if you aren't willing to admit it to yourself, you have an idea that might help. If not, you'd be scrambling to find one; instead you're here in this bar, briefing us." His eyes bore into the bounty hunter's. "Think for a second. What was the first thing you did when Circe changed you? You went to Totoro's, looking for some information. You picked up something along the way, you just don't know what it is." A few moments passed without a reply. Finally, Flynn conceded the point. "You may be right," he said. "But I just can't see it. I agree, there's something in the back of my mind, but unless I can put my finger on it...." He let the sentence trail off. A look of consternation crossed his features, and he rose slowly from his chair. Drumming his fingers against his thigh, he began pacing. "Let's see," he whispered to the air as he walked. "What is wrong in this scenario. I get the brief... get ambushed... turned into a panther-deriviative... knocked out by Maltermi... discover MJ programmed Circe... trade that info for a temporary cease-fire, and get sent after a dangerous lunatic who wants me dead. What am I missing?" A few things, he realized suddenly. One: Maltermi is in trouble. He's a D.P. agent; that means he works for MJ. Stealing that buzzbox must have gone directly against her orders, if I'm reading the situation right. Even assuming Mama Jo lets him get away with it, he's going to be distracted by the possible consequences. That's going to help. Two: Vicki is probably a D.P. plant. It fits too well; she was too unpredjudiced in her attitudes about Furries, and a little too probing about a superior. Lower classes avoid that sort of questioning whenever they can, because it usually gets them killed. As an agent with programming knowledge, she could have inserted the instructions into Circe. She could also have watched the hall monitors to set up our initial meeting. It even explains why she was missing from the room when I first met Circe; she's probably been working with the foxwoman the whole time. Three: I know who Circe's next target is. Jude Borgman has a bodyguard consisting of three female dragons. That's the only reason she could have for giving Grammon the pheromone boost. Flynn stopped in mid-pace, then let out a deep breath. "You guys are right, I have been suppressing something." He turned to face his friends at the table, gauging how much he could say. Nothing about Maltermi, he decided; they don't know he's Police. Nothing about Circe, either, or Tommy may decide to confront her. That leaves one avenue of reasoning open, he thought. Bracing his hands against his chair, he looked at Chesbro. "What would you say if I told you that MJ has infiltrated an agent into the Factory?" The large man frowned, calculating furiously. "Vicki," he announced a moment later. "That's what I'm thinking. It fits the available facts almost too nicely. A little bit of timing and acting on her part, and she'd be a perfect mole." "And she has your clearance," the security officer pointed out. "Right. It's reasonably common knowledge around the Factory that you and Mews can come and go through my quarters at will. She was probably banking on me following a pattern, and she guessed right." "You're speculating," warned Silver John. "Of course he is," countered Chesbro. "But I think he's right on this. She was very nervous when I first met her; almost as if she had something to hide. Considering my main task is to ferret out infiltrators, her anxiety would make sense if she were a D.P. agent." "On top of which," he continued. "She helped me restrain Mell when we were in James' room. The Furry, correction, the transformed Ms. Mell was resisting...." Chesbro paused for a moment. Flynn watched, concerned; the large man hadn't taken the news well when the true nature of the reprocessed Furries was disclosed. "...But Vicki handled herself like a pro. I'd bet she's had some physical training. Why would a regular computer programmer require physical training?" The brown-haired man nodded almost imperceptibly. His friend obviously didn't like the facts, but could accept them. "Well, it sounds tight to me." The storyteller looked back to Flynn. "So how do you intend to use this information?" The brown-haired man pondered the question, then answered. "I'm going to call the Factory and have her sent over here. She'll probably brief with Circe before coming, so she'll have the orders to hunt Maltermi with me. I know that Brother John had some type of deal set up with Circe; since she can't exactly wander about the hallways, I figure Vicki was probably the go-between. Even if not, he probably knows she works with Circe." "Damn!" he kept his shout to whisper strength, but barely. "That was what the whole interplay between the two of them at Totoro's house was about. He figured she was sending me to him with information; when he realized I was supposed to be visiting Stuart, he covered his tracks with a little bit of acting dumb. Instead of trying to kill me, which is his normal tactic, he conveniently places me in the room of the man I came to visit. God, I'm blind sometimes." "James," began Silver John. "I know, I know." He cut off his friend with a chop of his hand. "That's the past. Anyway, I figure I can use Vicki to cover my entry, and take him down without his noticing I'm there. All we'll have to do is find out where he's been hiding himself." "Like I was trying to tell you," interjected his white- haired friend. "The man is currently residing in an apartment complex about twenty blocks away, on Jacobs Road. It's right next to a place that storehouses stolen merchandise. Big red building, managed by a young widow named Kyoko." Flynn shook his head slowly. "Always on top of things, aren't you?" he commented dryly. Silver John bowed his head at the compliment. "Information for information, the usual price. No story's free, and very few can be bought with cash. You know how it goes." "Yes, I do," his friend responded. "That's what got you here in the first place." "And I'm happier for it, James. The bars give me rooms, because I attract customers, and there's nobody trying to prevent me from speaking my mind. I'll tell you, James; without the freedom to speak, a man has nothing. And losing the old stories is just as bad, because then you're not able to learn from the mistakes of others. You just keep making the same errors, you and your descendants alike." The storyteller sighed. "That's not important, now, though. What you need to do is call the Factory and find Vicki. Get after Maltermi while he's tired and unprepared. If you're the one that stirs the water, you have the best chance of controlling the flow." "I'm on my way," acknowledged Flynn. Rising from his perch on the back of the chair, he crossed the floor to the nearest monitor. A few keystrokes provided him with the Factory's reception area, and a quick show of credentials provided a trace. Three minutes passed before the receptionist came back on line, nervously presenting Flynn with a message. The brown-haired man smiled cynically, then returned to the table, where his two friends were arguing over weaponries. Flynn rolled his eyes. Some things just never seemed to change. He took a step forward, pulled out his seat, and placed himself comfortably on the cushion. "I didn't even have to call her," he commented. "She's already coming; she left the Factory grounds ten minutes ago." He grinned wryly at Silver John. "I'd say that just about confirmed the idea of Vicki being a plant, wouldn't you?" Copyright April 1992 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on whatever board you found this, or the MYSTIC ORDER BBS, 1-804-495-0612. Any resemblance to any living person or true events is coincidental. No Smurfs allowed. Inside jokes in chapter fourteen: Borgman is a reasonably successful variant of the Giant Robot animation prevalent in much of Japanese works. Jacobs road is another tip of the hat to a FurNet character, this time, Nementh & Silver-fly's writer. The widow Kyoko is one of the main characters of Rumiko's more successful series, Maison Ikkoku. Good romantic comedy, unsurprisingly. ======================================================================== Interlude One 01NTH0010392:01KRE0010007/Report P17 Director, I have recently contacted the individual you wished to speak with. She assures me that she will soon be able to exert a firm control over the board of the Furry Factory. She is also willing to turn over that control to us, provided we deliver the following: One, the personal discourse code for Mama Jo's 816 sector. She states in her messages that this is to be used only if the D.P. tampers with the structure of Kreeakshek society beyond the point on which we have agreed. We can install lock parameters on the code after delivering it, so I see no harm in it. Two, she requests an agency-trained metamorph to be placed on temporary loan to her. Although I am not certain as to what use she wishes to put this person, I have enough faith in our personnel to doubt any trouble coming from this action. If I can be trusted, anyone can. Lastly, she wants twenty portal implants pre-coded to allow passage between this and all seven other dimensions with which we are currently bridged. I hesitate to even make a recommendation on this matter. Portal transfer can only occur between certain specified points, and we would therefore be able to chart her people's movements between dimensions. However, we could not track them through their on-planet movements, and that could prove damaging. Your call on the matter. Other associated matters: It appears that Mr. James Flynn, of whom I have spoken in the past, has taken a contract to capture our associate. He has recruited a secretary, one Vicki Peilun, and a security officer named Thomas Chesbro. Miss Peilun came to the Factory about seven months ago, and Chesbro two and a half years. Please track down their pre-Kreeakshek activities for me, so I may know what their criminal specialities were, and if they should be killed. Speaking of which, my tally has topped one hundred, coming in at one hundred and four personal hits. Nobody important. Please inform me when I can stop reporting the numbers. IMPORTANT Call tomorrow at twelve to this address. I will be awaiting your response. >4ª0rN-51 Copyright May 1992 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved. This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on whatever board you found this. Any resemblance to any living person or true events is coincidental. Any resemblance to any non-living person or untrue events is done on purpose; that's why they call it fiction, you goof. Special Thanks to the following people, for their helpful comments. Gary Akins William Allen P. Brubaker Bill Grobe Charlie Kellner Bruce Lane Philip Mabie Thanks also to Chris McNellis for aid in character development. (I hope I didn't leave anyone out; if you made a suggestion or criticism about the story and were not mentioned, please drop me a line so I can include you in the Interlude Two credits) ======================================================================== Interlude Two 01NTH0010392:03KRE0010008/Report AK1 Director, I have achieved contact with Circe, and have delivered the equipment she requested. It seems, however, that there has been some change in her original plans, whatever they may have been. As soon as she received the access code and had cleared up all extraneous information, the Furry secreted herself in her room and has not emerged as yet. This has given me opportunity to speak with a few of her "works", however. It appears that they were all originally FF board members, but have been genetically modified into new forms. It also seems that they have had their minds altered in some way; they have memory of their previous existences, but somehow believe also that they have been in their current forms for their entire lifespans. The obvious contradiction in facts does not seem to be comprehensible to them. Each of Circe's conversions also has two abilities in common with all others: an hypnotic stare and a strong musk of sexual attractant. These features combined with the the varied offensive capabilities Circe has given her creations lead me to suspect she may have been intent on somehow sexually subjugating the board members. It seems improbable, however, and I will continue to search for other valid hypothoses. >4ª0rN-51 Copyright Ocober 1992 by William C Lindblad Jr. All rights reserved. This work may be uploaded/downloaded freely but not published without permission of the author. All characters copyright William C Lindblad Jr unless otherwise denoted. Any comments or critcisms would be greatly appreciated and may be addressed to Cerunnos or William Lindblad on the Mystic Order BBS (804) 495-0612 or whatever board you found this on. Any resemblance to any living person or true events is coincidental. Special thanks to the Reviewers: William Allen, Kathleen Douglass-MacNeil, Philip Jacobs, Phil Bodie, Bill Grobe & Roci Stone, Big Bear, LCD, and everyone else who's offered a helpful comment along the way. ======================================================================== PROLOGUE The director of New Thalien's Dimensional Police had an expansive office. He also had a large connecting appointment; a private link directly into the central computer, Mama Jo; two elevators capable of transmitting him throughout every hall of the more than seventy thousand companies and subcompanies populating New Thalien; a personal staff of seven and a set of access codes which provided him with the authority to permit portal jumps. He also had a headache. Not the usual physical sort, easily curable with a quick trip to the automed; his headache was an emotional one. It centered around a nearby city, one large enough to be of notice yet too small to warrant a full D.P. station. The City In The Desert, Kreaakshek. It was a city of murderers and thieves, mercenaries and smugglers. Any and every successful criminal lived there; many advertised in the streets. It was easy to see why. Kreeakshek was located in the center of the Kreeak desert, far away from the probing data lines of Mama Jo. There had been a problem with the original connections of the underground system, resulting in a strip of land where the computer had no influence. The lack of weather control soon turned a great, verdant plain into a barren desert; the lack of computer control soon made it the worldwide haven for criminals. Kreeakshek, The Dead Band, had been ignorable; actually, it had been an aid of sorts. Keeping a criminal element alive helped to prevent stagnation in an otherwise ordered society. It was no longer able to be looked away from, however. A full company had grown from the rabble, trading in illegal genetics and robotics experiments and providing humanoid slaves for common use. It was called The Furry Factory, and they held virtual control over all genetic experiments being conducted on the planet surface. Their very existence warranted an agent in the Band; their incredible success demanded one. And there was the source of the headache. No agent he sent in survived more than five days. The D.P. trained very well, with recruits from seven worldsystems; many of the recruits had unique abilities that set them apart for special duty. Nobody could walk into Kreeakshek unspoken for and live, though. The irritating part was that their mission was always misunderstood. They had no concern for bringing anyone to justice; they simply maintained worldsystem integrity. Period. Moral or political philosophies had no place in the D.P.; anarchists worked side by side with modern saints, none of which would try to change anything of importance. They were being killed by people just because of their name: police. It worried at his peace of mind incessantly, like a puppy with a ragged shoe. The director rubbed his temples, groaning. His advisor on internal affairs had found a new candidate, a thief and murderer from worldsystem Aterne who had barely completed training without killing any of his fellow students. The man appeared to be violent, amoral, and manic; his assistant had insisted the man was their best chance out of the unattatched agents for completing the job. He was due for an interview any minute. The director sat, waited. Time passed, slowly. His temple rubbing increased in frequency. Finally his patience dwindled like the glow of the last coal in the fire; there, then gone. He slapped the keys in front of him, waited, snarled out a message when his assistant's face appeared on the deskscreen. "Well, where is he?" Assistant Steven Renire looked momentarily at his supervisor, then dropped his eyes. "He didn't show up here, sir." "Great. Just great. Okay, who's next on your list?" The headace pounded. "Uh, no, sir." The advisor looked hesitant to speak. "You see, um, he already left." The director's eyes grew wide. "What?" "Yes. He came through and headed straight for The Dead Band, without so much as a Hello. He was fully briefed; I think he may be proving himself." The director had read the man's file carefully, and the analysis didn't fit with his history. He suspected a different reason. The man, Maltermi, was going out there to carve yet another niche into his criminal legend. The director wished him luck, and made a silent prayer for some reports on the actions of the Furry Factory. Editorial Notes Ch. 1: < Introductory paragraph: Circe, in Greek myth, was a sorceress who lived on the island of Aeaea. She would lure sailors onto her island and offer them food and companionship by holding feasts at which her many beautiful served. It was a test, however; gluttony or lust would incite Circe's ire, and she would turn the offending sailors into livestock, to await their fate on Circe's feasting table. She lived this way for years, until Odysseus's ship landed on Aeaea. Looking for his missing crew, Odysseus acted the gentleman as a guest in Circe's home, earning him her respect. As a gesture of love, Circe restored his crew to human form, allowing him to depart again on his journey home. Circe remained behind, lovestruck and abandoned, fruitlessly awaiting his return.> Change 163 cm to 5'3" and 71 kg to 155 lbs After . . . wanted work. Between . . . watch it." and "Now we come. . ." Erase the 'e' from Vickie in the first chapter The first time M.I.R. is mentioned, it should be written fully as Multimedia Interfacing Recorder. ======================================================================== 39 Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 12:19:54 -0700 (MST) You are quite welcome! Glad the files made it. As I had to send each file separately, please let me know if you end up with some missing. You should have Circe1-Circe14, Interlude 1 and 2, and the Prologue/Ending (circei1, circei2 and circep, respectively). Enjoy! Take care, Taliesin -- * Taliesin MacLeod, the Magical, Scottish Shapeshifting Unicorn * * Changewinds, the Furry Homebrewer's BBS! Amelia, OH (513) 752-8431 * * Furry Stories, GIFs, Storyboard Conferences & Homebrewing Help * * Furnet/Fidonet 1:2350/37 Internet: *