The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive · Story List · Author List · Category List
Story: The Virus · Author: The Joker

Standard disclaimer No one under the legal age in their area should read this story it contains adult material not suitable for minors to view.

The Virus (mast, BE, m/f, mc)

by The Joker

Chapter 1

Christie didn't believe what she was seeing. The woman on the news had just announced that, "A virus was released today by a madman who believes that all women should be brainless nymphomaniacs. The virus spreads through the air and should infect every woman on the planet in three days time. There is no cure, and staying indoors will not protect you from the virus. This reporter has already begun to feel the effects of the virus." It was then that Christie noticed the difference in Catie Couric's appearance. She was smiling as she had said these horrible words and her jacket looked like it was two sizes too small in the chest. At first Christie thought that the announcement was part of some movie or something but all of the news stations were talking about it. The major cities like New York and those of similar size were the first effected because of their airports, but eventually the virus would be everywhere. The next day Christie turned the news on again, the local morning show was reporting that the virus had spread to her town and that the infection and transformation would take three to four days until it was finished. The anchor said. "Do not be alarmed if you begin to show abnormal behavior or physical changes that occur to your body. Many women have reported weight loss, weight gain, breast growth, and similar cosmetic changes in appearance." Then Christie heard a knock on the door.

"Christie its me Bill, are you okay? I just thought I should check on everybody to make sure they were all right. If you don't want to come to the door I understand, just tell me your okay." Christie went to the door, Bill was probably the only guy she would let in right now. He was her neighbor and he was also one of the nicest guys she had ever met.

" I'm okay Bill." She said as she opened the door. When she saw him standing there a small tingle went through her body. She realized she must already have the virus, because she had never felt this way about Bill before. It wasn't that he wasn't cute or anything, he just wasn't her type. He was nice and considerate, she almost thought of him as a brother. "I don't know if I've been infected yet, I don't show any symptoms." She lied.

"I just thought I should check on all the women on our floor. Someone might be scared and not heard what's going on." That was Bill all right, always thinking of others.

"I'm okay Bill if I need any help I'll call you." Said Christie as she quickly closed her door. She had to get away from Bill because she was feeling slightly horny and she was sure that Bill saw her prominent erect nipples. She looked over at the mirror on the wall and saw that she looked flushed. Christie wondered how long it would be until the other symptoms of the virus would show.

Over the next few hours she watched television to find out what else might happen to her. The reports from the cities that had already been infected said that the first day began the changes in sex drive. The second day of infection brought about the beginning of the physical changes. Most women began to transform into something out of a playboy. Breasts would expand, butt would fill out and become more shapely, hair, skin and other things would all begin to look better. On the third day the personality changes would start, and the other two changes would continue and by the morning of the fourth day the women would be completely changed. Christie turned off the TV before she heard what the personality changes were, because she didn't even want to know. That night she stood in front of her mirror before going to bed. She wondered what surprises tomorrow might bring. Christie was an attractive woman by any standard. She stood at an average height, about 5'5". She had sandy blonde hair that fell just below her shoulders. She had full beautiful lips and cute upturned nose. Most people she had dated had thought that she was beautiful but, many guys had broken up with her because of what she called her only drawback, namely her breasts. Christie had a 32 inch bust ever since she was fifteen and she had never developed past that. Her waist was small and she had a tight butt and flat stomach. Her legs were firm and smooth, overall she was very attractive. As she looked at herself she could see the virus at work. Her small pink nipples looked somewhat swollen and they had been erect since she had seen Bill earlier that day. Then she looked further down. Her pussy still tingled and was moist. Every movement of her body seemed to make her more aroused, she had dealt with it all day but now she was soo horny she had to do something about it. She went to her night stand and pulled out a vibrator that an old friend had bought her as a joke. Now she was glad she needed something in her now. Christie turned off the lights and climbed into bed. She turned on the plastic rod and gently slid in into her moist slit. She let out a slight moan as she pushed it in deeper. "OHHHH!" She began to quickly pump it in and out as the virus took control of her actions. "Oh, oh, yess yessss yesss , harder Harder, Fuck me yessss, OHHHHH YESSSSS!!!!" She screamed as an orgasm ripped through her body. Women all over the world went to sleep in a similar fashion that night.

Chapter 2

Christie awoke the next morning in a bed that was drenched. She remembered her night of erotic dreams, it was the best sleep she had had in months. She got up and changed the sheets and plugged in an air freshner.

Her bedroom smelled like sex, and she had to get rid of it because it was making her excited. Now was the moment of truth, time to look in the mirror. She had avoided looking at herself since she awoke because she was afraid of what she might see. She walked up to her mirror and slowly looked down at her reflection.

Her breasts had changed somewhat, now she was fairly sure that her old bras would no longer fit, now she could probably wear a D cup. Her nipples were bigger as well, they had larger darker areolas and her nipples themselves were an inch and a half long. Christie then lowered her gaze to her waist. Her formally flat stomach had developed a gentle slope and her thin hips had packed on some fat as well. She swiveled and looked at her ass, it had also swelled a bit during the night. Overnight she had gone from a waif to a voluptuous looking slut, and more was to come. Bill was in the apartment next to Christie and inside he was fighting a losing battle with his morals. He knew from the sounds he had heard coming from Christie's apartment that she was in the full throws of the virus. But so far his conscience would not let him take advantage of her like that.

Christie was in a bind, she had no food left in her apartment, but she wasn't sure that she wanted to go out. Finally she came up with a plan, she would masturbate for an hour and then leave. Maybe that would work off some of this sexual energy. As soon as she was done she cleaned herself up and took off for the store. Inside she saw the virus's effect on other people. Most of the women she saw looked beautiful, she guessed that the average cup size in the store was about DD. All of them looked excited, and when any man walked by they all stopped and stared. Christie was ashamed of herself, a teenage boy walked by and she felt herself get wet. She quickly finished her shopping and went home for two reasons. Number one, she didn't like being turned on by everything, and number two the clothes she was wearing had become very tight, and she was afraid that her new dimensions might rip out of them at any moment. By the time she got home her breasts had burst out of her tight tee- shirt. Her shorts looked like they had been painted on her now shapely round ass. Once back inside her apartment she put down her groceries and hurried for the bedroom. She laid back on the bed and drove a large cucumber that she had purchased into her hungry pussy. As she pounded the vegetable in and out she squeezed and sucked on her new huge breasts. After another session of hour long masturbation she got up and fixed herself some food and turned on the TV. This time the TV said that the sex drive of the women will lessen some on the third day so they shouldn't worry about being this horny all of the time.

After another few hours of pleasuring herself Christie finally drifted off to a sleep filled with erotic visions. One thing that Christie did not know was that the virus did not just effect women. When in a man, the virus only did two things, it enlarged the penis and it increased a mans capacity for sex. That meant that now men would be able to keep up with women's new sex drives. The news didn't talk about this change because men didn't report it, and most men loved it.

Chapter 3

The next morning Christie awoke in much the same condition as she had the day before. Her sheets were soaked, but she felt great. Looking at her body she was happy that her tities only grew for one day. Her small teenage looking chest had gone from A cup to probably EE cup. She was thrilled. "I love my new tities!" she giggled. What did I just say? She thought to herself. She sounded like some kind of ditzy bimbo. This must be the personality change. Now when she thought of her chest, only words like tities, and hooters came to mind.

When she thought about her vagina, only words like twat, cunt, or pussy came to mind. She couldn't even remember the words vagina, or breasts. Oh well, thanks to her new mindset she wouldn't even care about it in less then twenty four hours. Christie got up and walked around, she loved the way her huge new breasts seemed to defy gravity. Everything seemed to be slightly different with her body. Her hair looked better, her skin looked flawless, even her pussy somehow looked better. Christie found some clothes to wear in her closet. She found an old baggy tee-shirt that she was just barely able to squeeze over her large tits, and she found an old pair of cut off sweat pants. She was able to slide them over her large round ass, and beautiful womanly hips. When she finally got the shorts on they looked almost like spandex.

Bill was standing in front of the mirror and looked down. Today was the happiest day of his life, he had gone from a normal average six inches to a huge twelve. He was thrilled. Then he decided that he was going to pay Christie a little visit this evening. Finally with this virus she might think of him as something other then just a "nice guy".

Christie was pissed. She hated what she was becoming. When she sat down on the couch to watch TV, one hand would slip to her crotch while the other would go to her chest. It was totally involuntary but she couldn't stop herself. Everything about her was changing and there wasn't a thing that she could do about it. When she walked now she moved her hips from side to side so that attention would be drawn to her big round ass. She also stuck out her chest so that her tits looked even bigger. When she talked she sounded like a dizty bimbo and it was getting harder for her to concentrate on anything that was to complex. To test herself she pulled her favorite book of Shakespeare off of her shelf and read a line from it. Normally she would be able to talk about all of the metaphors and hidden meanings of the text, but this time all she could think of was, "These words are funny, they don't make any sense." And then she giggled. It was later in the evening when she heard a knock on the door. The part of her that was still normal was frightened. She had managed to keep herself indoors all day despite how horny she was, but if this was a man she was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to control herself around him. When she opened it and saw Bill there, part of her felt relieved, and a growing part of her wanted for Bill to fuck her into exhaustion. "Come on in Bill. I've been thinking about you all day." Said Christie in her best sexy voice.

"I've been thinking about you a lot to Christie." Said Bill. Man she was hot.

Bill instantly got a huge hard on when he saw her. Christie looked down at Bills crotch and saw his monster dick straining the fabric of his pants and let out a little yelp of delight. "Wow Christie you sure have changed!" said Bill as she rubbed his stiff rod through his pants with her hand.

"Its the virus. I can't stop myself from acting this way." She said in her new bimbo voice. "I am so horny Bill. I really need a man to fuck me. My pussy fills so empty. Please help me, I'll do anything you want." She pleaded. She was ashamed of herself for saying those things but it was the truth. She was so horny she could barely think. Even the simplest thoughts were escaping her the longer she went without sex. "Please fuck me. Christie good cunt." She said as she ripped off her tight shirt and shorts. That did it for Bill and he quickly took off his clothes as well. Christie looked at Bills body and was surprised, she never knew that he was so buff, it just made her even more horny. She jumped on him and he carried her to the bedroom. He through her down onto her back to get a better look at her. Her large breasts had huge nipples that were about two inches in length, her butt was larger then before and her formerly flat stomach had a small bulge in it. The overall effect of all of this new weight made her look incredibly voluptuous. Then Bill saw her pussy. Juices were dripping out of her waiting cunt and running down the inside of her thighs and then dripping on to the bed. Bill jumped onto her plunging his massive cock into her waiting pussy.

He began to pound into her faster and harder. "Yess yess, fuck me harder!" she screamed as the last parts of her old personality melted away. "Fuck Christie hard, Christie needs cock. Unhhh, oohhh, yesss, harder, faster. Fuck me fuck me YESSSSSS!" she screamed as the biggest orgasm she could ever imagine washed over her. The next day Christie became Bills girl friend, and soon after they were married. The virus had totally changed society. Most women were now not intelligent enough to hold jobs so the unemployment rate among men dropped dramatically because of all of the openings. Men now worked harder then ever before because they needed the money to support their one or more wives. That was not the end of the virus by a long shot though. About ten years after the initial infection a doctor devised a cure, unfortunately the cure caused the virus to mutate into many different strains that would once again change the face of the earth.

Feel free to write any more stories in my little universe if you want. The possibilities are now endless in terms of transformations.

The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive · Story List · Author List · Category List
Story: The Virus · Author: The Joker