From: Edwin Gay Newsgroups: Subject: TG: "All Girl Band" (Chem Surg Trans) Date: Sun, 13 Nov 94 10:53:35 -0500 Organization: Delphi ( email, 800-695-4005 voice) Lines: 850 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: Here is another one in the continuing series of new TG Fiction. I had problems before with double spacing the posts, that is fixed, but my term may still truncate the very last line of the post. If this happens, please mail me and I will send you the last line. Due to the overwhelming number of requests, I can not e-mail everyone copies of these stories. I am sure the TG-ARCHIVIST will add these to his wonderful collection and repost them eventually! Ed ALL GIRL BAND "I swear to God, that brother of mine is the most worthless creature on this planet!" Lisa Thomas was about ready to toss a Ming Dynasty vase through the patio doors when her roomate and business partner, Lynn Horton grabbed it from behind. "Whoa, there! What's gotten you pissed off enough to break a $15,000 antique?" It took Lisa a few minutes to calm down and talk rationally, so Lynn replaced the vase on it's pedestal and made them both a cup of tea. "My brother Bob just called collect from a train station in France. He's broke and wants me to send him money." Her eyes flashed at the mention of her brother's name. "What? Why does he need your money? It's only been two years since you received your inheritances. He couldn't have blown $750,000 in that short a time!" Two years previously Lisa and Bob's parents were killed by a drunk driver while coming home from a charity function. As a result of their mother's real estate business and father's successful medical practice they shared equally in a substantial inheritance and insurance settlement. "It seems that while I invested my money wisely in Dad's medical clinic and your music management firm, my brother was getting laid and stoned while playing with some rock band called `Doggy Style'!" Bob's only skill, as least as far as Lisa could see, was an uncanny ability on the electric guitar. "What are you going to do? Send him the cash, or turn him down and teach him a lesson?" Lynn refilled their teacups. "Tell you the truth, I'd like to let him rot over there until he's desperate enough to get a real job and earn his airfare home! But I guess I'll send the little shit a plane ticket. If I sent him cash he'd probably just buy drugs with it." "Does he know about the new developments in your life?" Lynn asked hesitantly. "Um,! I haven't told him," Lisa giggled as Lynn handed her the refilled cup. "But he'll be in no position to make a stink. He'll be under my roof, living by my rules!" There was a hint of triumph in her tone. Lynn sat on the leather sofa and put her arm around Lisa. Lisa snuggled down into the cushions and purred contentedly. "I can't wait to see your brother's reaction when he finds out his big sister is a dyed in the wool lesbian!" Both women had a long laugh, their hands on each others thigh, as the sun set over the Pacific Ocean. By the time the sky was dark, Lisa and Lynn were deep in the throes of passionate lovemaking. * * * * It had been six weeks since Bob's reluctant return from Europe, and much to Lisa's disappointment he hadn't changed his ways in the slightest. His demand for a new car was turned down, as was his insistance that Lisa give him drug money. Most nights he'd disappear with his scummy musician friends, only to be found by Lisa and Lynn passed out on the sofa the next morning. This was one such morning. "Look at him! Drunk and drugged out of his mind." Lisa was at her wits end over what to do with him. "Yeah, and he threw up on the Persian rug, too!" Lynn said as she gingerly lifted the soiled carpet and carried it to the kitchen. "I've had it with him. When he comes to, he either straightens up and flies right, or he's out of here on his ass!" Lisa spun on her heels, slammed the front door and took off in her Corvette. Lynn knew that Lisa was off on one of her `therapeutic' drives. She said driving fast helped her relax. Lynn went back into her office where she was finishing up some business for an all girl band she managed called `The Vixens'. She was sure they could be big stars with the right guitar player, but so far she hadn't found one. She'd just gotten off the phone with the increasingly neurotic bandleader when she heard the tv in the living room. "I see you've finally awakened from your stupor. What was it this time, Bob? Cocaine? Maybe some grass and Jack Daniels?" Bob could barely focus his eyes, but he knew right away that it was Lynn. He hated the condescending way she spoke to him. He also hated her for turning his sister into a dyke. "Shut up and get me some black coffee.!" he growled. Lynn considered telling him off, but instead just stood about 10 feet from him, smirking and shaking her head. "You know, Bob, it's too bad you're so lazy and doped up all the time. Lisa could use some help around the house, and I might be able to pay you a few bucks to run some errands." Lynn watched him wrinkle his nose and curl his lip at her suggestion, and once again was struck by how good looking Bob Thomas was. About 6' tall and broad shouldered, his dark brown hair and blue eyes perfectly complemented his ruggedly chiseled features. Sure, he had a three day beard and a few extra pounds around his middle, but all things considered, Lynn could see why he was able to get just about any girl into his bed. "Isn't that coffee ready yet?" "I'm not your goddamned servant. In fact, if I say so, Lisa will toss your arrogant butt in the street, so don't fuck with me!" Lynn could no longer suppress her anger. Bob reminded her of the man she married when she was just 15. It only lasted 2 years, but they were years of beatings, humiliation and low self-esteem. She resolved to never let any man push her around again. She'd just turned to re-enter her office when Bob grabbed her from behind and squeezed her ass! "Hey! Why you son of a...! "I just wanted to see if a dyke's ass felt the same as a real woman's. I bet if you let me fuck you, you'd never go back to my sister," he leered, mere inches from her face. "If you don't let me go this instant, I'll...Oh!" "Damn, your pussy feels just like a real girl's too. C'mon, you lezzie bitch! What's my sister got that I can't give you?" Bob's hand was halfway down Lynn's cotton blouse when he heard the door slam. "Let her go you bastard, or I swear, brother or not, I'll knock your balls off!" Lisa stood there in her 3" heel black leather boots and motorcycle jacket, eyes ablaze and hair windblown, holding the heaviest looking poker Bob had ever seen! "Listen sis, calm down. I was just being friendly. That's what you wanted, isn't it?" Bob turned on the charm in an effort to escape from this situation with his anatomy intact. "No! You listen! This is the last straw. Pack your crap, and I mean everything, and get your worthless ass out of here today...NOW!" Lisa waved the poker as she ranted, and Bob just prayed it didn't come down on his head. "Where will I go? At least give me some money!" Lisa and Lynn stood arm in arm before the sofa, both glaring. "You get nothing! If I ever see you again, you'll regret the day you were born. We want you gone by 5:00!" Lynn watched as Bob and two of his dirtbag friends packed his musical equipment and clothes into their van. Lisa joined her. As they loaded the last box Bob whispered something to one of his friends, and they both laughed out loud. "I still wish you'd let me fuck you, Lynn. A woman can never be a real woman until she's been fucked by a man like me!" Before anything else could be said, the van disappeared down the drive, the smell of burning rubber in the air. "Well, that's the last we'll see of him." Lynn said. "For his sake, it better be!" replied Lisa.It was well after midnight, and Lisa and Lynn were wrapped snugly in their waterbed listening to a rare southern California rainfall, when they were both awakened by a loud crash from downstairs. "Maybe a branch broke a window?" Lynn offered half-heartedly. "Well babe, I just heard that branch fart! You get the Mace, and I'll get the Taser." The two women tip-toed down the stairs until they could see a shadowy figure in the kitchen. "Shhh...we'll wait here at the foot of the stairs," Lisa whispered, "and when he comes out, you spray him with the Mace, and I'll zap him!" No sooner had she finished than the intruder came around the corner carrying what looked like a knife in his hands! "Whoosh!" went the can of Mace, scoring a direct hit on the prowler's unseen face, followed by the manic `click, click, click' of the Taser shooting it's 50,000 volt charge into the man's midsection! "Aargh!" he screamed, before he fell to the floor in convulsions from the electrical shock. Lynn immediately turned on a lamp while Lisa stood over the culprit, ready to zap him again. "BOB!" Lynn said. "You thieving asshole! Why did you come back?" Lisa screamed. "I don't think he'll be in any condition to answer you for a while." Lynn was right. He lay there on the Persian rug, a quivering mass of jello, eyes rapidly swelling shut from the Mace, and his muscles twitching uncontrollably. "Pweez...uh..uh.., don her meee, uh...uh...!" he said. The two women tied his hands and feet together and dragged him onto the hardwood floor where he was gagged and tied to an antique iron stove Lisa had just bought. "That ought to hold him until morning. I'll decide then whether or not to have him arrested for burglary and assault with a deadly weapon!" Lisa looked at the knife on the floor, along with the salami, cheese, bread and beer he'd obviously been intending to eat. She put the food back in the refrigerator, but left the knife right where it fell -- with Bob's fingerprints all over it! BOB'S AWAKENING I don't know how long I lay there all trussed up on the hardwood floor. The next thing I knew, sunlight was streaming onto my face, and the smell of fresh brewed coffee filled the air. I tried changing positions, which was nearly impossible considering the way they had tied my wrists and ankles. I also tried to call for help, but the gag permitted little more than a gutteral, animal-like noise. I heard the familiar `clack, clack, clack' of women's high heeled shoes on the floor, and then my field of vision was filled with a pair of black spike-heeled pumps. They were so close that I could smell the leather. "Is our big bad burglar awake?" I recognized Lisa's voice immediately and tried to make eye contact, but my restraints didn't permit it. "Mmmph...rrmph...grggl...!" "I'll take that as a yes. If I remove your gag, do you promise to behave yourself?" she asked condescendingly. The thought of giving her the satisfaction of an affirmative answer galled me to no end, but my need for freedom outweighed my pride and anger. I nodded. Lynn and Lisa sat imperiously above me on the sofa, their coffee cups in hand, while I related the events which led to my return the night before. "After I left here, me and the guys drove to Malibu and had a few drinks at a bar. We met these chicks, and they invited us to their place on the beach. On the way there, we stopped at a 7-11 to get some beer, and the next thing I know, one of my buddies pulls a gun and tells the clerk to empty the register!" "My brother, the future convict!" Lisa crowed. It pissed me off that she actually looked pleased at the possibility that I might go to jail! "That's not all, sis. The clerk reached into the drawer and came out with a huge wad of bills in his right hand, which my buddy reached for immediately. Then I saw the .44 Magnum in the clerks other hand! Fifteen seconds later both the clerk and my buddy were dying on the floor, and I was running down the highway as fast as my feet would carry me." Lisa went to the telephone while Lynn kept a close watch on me. She dialed the police, and I held my breath as my beloved sister spoke. I was relieved, and a little surprised when she hung up a few minutes later without having turned me in. She'd spoken to an ex-girlfriend who worked as a police dispatcher. The good news was that the clerk wasn't dead, just badly wounded. The bad news was that my buddy was dead, and the clerk was certain that he could identify the other robber! In fact, the police already had a composite drawing and were releasing it to the newspapers and television stations! "You really did it this time, Bob. According to state law, if anybody dies as a result of a crime, even one of the perpetrators, his accomplice is responsible. You'll be charged with armed robbery and murder!" Lynn knelt down beside me, her full breasts near my face. "This is the closest you'll get to a woman for a long time. But I'm sure you'll be very popular at San Quentin!" "You can't turn me in! I'm your own flesh and blood! Just give me some money, and you'll never see me again." I tried to keep the fear out of my voice. "No way I'm going to be an accessory to murder." Lisa shot back as she picked up the phone. Lynn continued to sit beside me on the floor, the smell of her perfume taunting me. She seemed to be deep in thought. "I'm begging you, sis! You know what'll happen in prison. I'll do anything you want. Just don't turn me in!" I babbled like a baby, ashamed at being reduced to begging for my freedom. "Maybe there's another option." Lynn said. "You can't mean you want to help this lizard!" "Maybe there's a way he can not only be punished, but also be useful to us, without turning him over to the police." I couldn't believe Lynn was on my side. Especially since my near rape of her the day before. "Yes, yes. Anything you want! I promise I'll..." "Shut up Bob," Lisa growled. "What do you mean he could be useful to us?" she asked Lynn. For the next fifteen minutes they conferred in hushed tones near the fireplace. I could only make out a word here and there, and I remember Lisa laughing a couple times. Finally they broke up their huddle and returned. "Here's the deal, Bob. Either you agree to cooperate with us, without question, or I call the cops right now and turn you in for robbery, murder, attempted murder, breaking and entering and attempted assault!" Lisa stood there, arms crossed and hip cocked to one side. Her shiny black leather pumps just inches from my face. In the background I could see Lynn with her hand on the telephone. As I weighed my limited options, there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Lisa asked sweetly. "Los Angeles Police Department, ma'am. May we ask you a few questions?" came the no nonsense reply. "Sure. Just let us throw some clothes on." I'm sure Lisa could smell my fear. "What'll it be, little brother? Accept our terms, or become the `Sweetheart of Cellblock D'?" "Whatever you say, sis. Just don't turn me in!" Quicker than I could say `free at last', Lynn had me stuffed into a lingerie filled trunk at the back of her closet. I could barely make out bits and pieces of their conversation with the cops: "He tried to break in last night..." "A warrant for his arrest..." "My brother has friends in Europe..." "If I ever see or hear from him again, I assure you I'll call immediately!" After what seemed like and hour in that hot, stuffy, feminine box, Lynn and Lisa returned. "I think they believed me when I said you might have gone back to Europe. But they'll be looking around here for you anyway. Bob Thomas has got to disappear!" "You got it, sis! Just give me some dough and..." "Be quiet unless you're spoken to!" Lynn said. "You misunderstand, little brother. We have a deal. You belong to us now. You're not going anywhere. But Bob Thomas is still going to disappear!"The next two days were a whirlwind of confusing (at least to me) activities, during which I was kept naked except for one of Lynn's pink terrycloth bathrobes, which barely (HA!) covered my ass. They burned the only clothes I had, and took all of my identification. Lisa spent a great deal of time on the phone with someone at our father's medical clinic, and also her lawyer, while Lynn spent an equal amount of time talking to someone named Tasha. For my part, I realized that losing my stuff was better than a jail cell, so I just watched tv and drank beer. In fact, I'd just finished one that Lisa cheerfully served me when I began to get drowsy. "Enjoying your beer?" Lynn asked. I nodded, wondering why my hands were going numb. "I hope so, because it's the last one you'll be having for a long, long time." With that ominous statement ringing in my ears, I realized she had drugged me! "Wha's goin' awn, Lee...saaa?" I slurred as the paralysis spread quickly to my throat, arms and legs. "It's time for Bob Thomas to make good his escape from the law. Although, you won't be escaping justice," Lynn said as she rolled first my legs, then my torso up in a large Persian rug. "Don't worry dear, I promise that when we're through the police will never catch you." Lisa said this as my numb body was lifted off the sofa by two beefy Latino men that appeared out of nowhere! I tried to scream out a protest, but whatever they'd given me left me completely motionless and speechless. "Curare, little brother. That's what I put in your beer. Just enough to make you manageable for Hector and Felipe. I discovered that for a hot meal and $100, there was very little they won't do!" I was carried to the garage and tossed roughly into the back of an old pickup truck filled with rags, cardboard and aluminum cans. As the two men covered me with this refuse, Lisa and Lynn came into my field of vision, both smiling. My terror was out of control at this point, and the syringe Lisa held did nothing to allay my fears. "We're not going to kill you. After all, we're family! We've just found a way to make you more useful, and at the same time protect ourselves for having hid you from the police." With that, she stuck the needle deep into my exposed right shoulder. I heard the doors to the truck slam shut, and the antiquated engine sputter to life. "Senora, where are we taking this hombre?", I heard one of the men say as consciousness slipped away. "Take Pacific Coast Highway north until you reach Malibu Canyon Road. Turn right and drive until you see a sign that says `The Thomas Clinic and Medical Lab'. Go to the rear loading dock, someone will meet you." Lisa returned just as I was sinking into the blackness completely. "When you wake up, we'll both be there, and you'll be safe from the police. See you soon, little brother!" I remember the cool night air hitting my face as the garage door opened and we drove out into the black night. I vaguely remember thinking: "Maybe I should have turned myself in!" Time lost all meaning for me. I was having weird dreams about being in a hospital. Nurses would come and inject something into me, and then leave. A doctor would lean over me, look down my throat, and then he too would leave. Sometimes I would come to as I was being wheeled somewhere on a cart, only to drift off again, amidst a roomful of green-clad figures. Finally, after I don't know how long, the periods of consciousness began to outlast those of oblivion. Each time a nurse entered my room I tried to call out, but for some reason I couldn't utter a sound. I tried to wave, but found that I was restrained. What had happened to me? I considered the possibility that the two men from Lisa's house had beaten me badly, or that there'd been some sort of accident and I was paralyzed. It also occurred to me that I might be in police custody! One day, Lisa and Lynn walked through the door to my room, accompanied by the same doctor I'd seen in my dreams. "How's our little patient today, hmm?" the doctor chirped. Everybody was smiling as they waited for my response. "Aargh...grrlf...," I said. Even I wasn't sure what I meant. "Oh my, I forgot to remove the laryngeal inhibitor." the doctor said as he reached for a long, strange looking device. I tried to shrink from him, but had nowhere to go, as he stuck what seemed like his arm and a golf club down my throat! "This was inserted in order to immobilize the patient's vocal cords during the healing process." he explained to Lisa and Lynn as he withdrew from my throat. "Now that the sutures are dissolved, we can try our new technique for voice enhancement." The doctor spoke as though I wasn't even in the room. I felt like a guinea pig! Before I could speak, he grabbed a small instrument that looked like a jewelers tool and stuck his hand down my throat once again. "The patient's larynx has been downsized considerably, resulting in a complete loss of what is called the Adam's apple. We then attached a very small prosthetic device called a... well, the name is difficult even for me to pronounce, but we attached it to the patient's vocal cords." Lisa and Lynn looked at me like it was a petting zoo, while the doctor continued his medical show and tell. He touched something down inside my neck, and then I actually felt the tool he held lock into place! "This device will help throat cancer victims regain a pleasant and normal sounding voice." I felt him turn his hand ever so slightly, resulting in a mild pain in my throat. "Alright now, say: `Good Morning Dr. Leonard.'" "Goo...morging...dokker Lenner" I croaked, my voice little more than a good impression of a cement mixer. I felt tears welling up in my eyes at the thought I might have lost the power of speech forever. "Why does she sound like that?" Lisa asked, as I wondered who the 'she' was. "It's expected. The larynx is so much smaller now, it's incapable of speech in the patient's former vocal range. Let me make another adjustment." This went on for almost a half hour before I was actually able to form complete words. To my dismay, my voice kept getting higher and higher with each adjustment. "Say: 'Thank you. I'd love to dance.'" he prompted me, as Lisa and Lynn smirked in the background. I repeated the stupid line and realized that my voice was almost as high as Lisa's! "Wait a minute! What the fuck's goin' on here?" I asked as forcefully as my new voice would allow. "Why are you making me sound like a girl....mmmph...aargh?!" I nearly choked as Dr. Leonard shoved his gloved hand back down my throat. "Such nasty language. You shouldn't speak so loudly so soon. We're not through yet." The doctor turned to my sister and asked her if she was satisfied with the voice adjustment. To my horror, she shook her head, and then conferred with Lynn in the corner. Meanwhile, the doctor seemed to be checking bandages on my nose and ears, as well as doing something to my scalp. "Dr. Leonard, we've decided that we don't ever want to hear that type of pushy, forceful outburst from Barbie again. Can something be done to ensure that?" "Yes, but the patient may never be taken seriously in a boardroom or business environment. Such an adjustment would leave her with the voice of a,...well...bimbo." He looked at me, almost as if he felt my helplessness. In a strange way, I sensed he was powerless too. And who was this `Barbie' Lisa mentioned? "Perfect! The boardroom is the last place our little patient will be," Lynn laughed. "More likely the bedroom!" I felt the doctor make one final turn, much longer than any of the others, and I felt my throat tighten from within, like a rubber band being stretched to it's limit. He withdrew his hand, but quickly re-inserted it. This time he held what looked like a long spray gun, and I felt him squirt something down my throat. "This is a combination anesthetic and surgical adhesive. Over the next few hours it will paralyze the vocal cords, while the adhesive assures the current adjustments are permanent!" The doctor left the room, leaving me with my sister and Lynn. Permanent! I'd have the voice of a bimbo permanently! Lynn left me no time to absorb this development, because she sat on the edge of my bed and took my restrained hand in hers. "We realize you must be upset, Barbie. Oh yes, that's now legally your name. You're Barbie Ann Dahl. Get it? Barbie DOLL!" She and Lisa couldn't control their laughter over my new name. "According to your new birth certificate, You were born in Phoenix, Arizona to Joseph and Betsy Dahl. I happen to know that your mother gave you that name because her favorite toy was a Barbie Doll. Now pay attention, because you'll need to memorize these details." Lisa filled a paper cup with some water and held my head while I sipped it. I swore to myself that I'd bide my time, figure out a way back to my life, and then kick the living shit out of both of them.! Lynn just droned on about this manufactured life they'd set up for me. I didn't listen, because I had no intention of living as girl. Then, just as I thought she'd finished, she dropped a bombshell. "One last detail, Barbie dear. According to your birth certificate, your were born on the same day as Lisa's missing brother Bob, the 27th of March. That should be easy to remember. Of course, the year is different, since he's so much older than you." My eyes widened and filled with tears. What did she mean? Somehow, in spite of the anesthetic paralyzing my throat, I managed to squeak out a very weak, very high pitched: "" "Why, everybody knows when they were born, silly girl. It's written right here - March 27th, 1976! Two Weeks Later The mirror had become my enemy. It was a constant reminder of my loss of identity. I'd put off going to the bathroom as long as possible just to avoid seeing the reflection above the toilet. Part of me still refused to accept the fact that the strange image was mine. Each day the comfort of that denial faded like an old pair of bluejeans. I still saw the same broad chest and shoulders as before, only now they were completely hairless, but then, so was the rest of me! One morning two orderlies took me to a room where I was covered with a cool blue gel, and then wires were attached to my toes, fingers, ears and scalp. I was then placed into a shallow water filled tub, where I floated for 30 minutes while a mild charge of some kind coursed through my body. That was 8 days ago, and I haven't been able to find a hair on me since. My bald head gave me some small satisfaction, because it seemed to emphasize my manhood. At least it did as long as I didn't look down at the rest of my face. My formerly strong, Mel Gibson-ish nose was replaced with a silly little nothing of a Melanie Griffith-ish nose! It made me look pinched and out of proportion, and more than a little sissyfied. My new ears were likewise much smaller than before, and closer to my head. My formerly single pierced right ear had been augmented with 4 more holes in each ear! And in place of my small silver stud now hung three gold hoops, a black onyx heart-shaped stud and a diamond earring. I'd tried to remove them, but was told by Lynn that surgical glue made that impossible. Any thought of escape was futile, once I realized that not only were the windows sealed shut, but I was on the 6th floor. The one time I attempted to slip out of my room and get to an elevator, I was caught by a heavyset female nurse, who much to my surprise, easily subdued me until the orderlies returned me to my bed. "Good morning, Barbie! How are we today?" the man I'd come to know as Dr. Markley asked. I gave him my usual silent, glaring response. I still couldn't stand the sound of my new voice. "Come, come now. We must have a good attitude. You don't want your sister to have me use our special way of making you speak again, do you?" He was right. I definitely didn't want that. The last time I refused to speak I was given a strange drug that caused me to babble on senselessly until I my throat was sore and hoarse and I fainted from exhaustion. "Alright, you win. I'm speaking, are you happy now?" My answer was dripping with sarcasm. Unfortunately, with this new voice of mine, sarcasm came out sounding like little more than childish petulance. Lisa and Lynn entered, followed by a woman in a white lab coat. Her features were strikingly beautiful, with long brunette hair that draped her shoulders and caressed her large, firm tits. She was about 5'6", and perfectly proportioned. From her narrow waist down to her shapely legs, this woman was an eyeful. "Meet Dr. Renee Sanders, from the clinic's bio-genetic research team." Lynn said as she sat down beside the bed. "Dr. Sanders has been working on something brand new that she thinks will ensure your safety from prosecution." As Lynn spoke, the woman in the lab coat was setting several bottles on a table beside my bed. "Recent advances in genetic engineering have allowed us to greatly expand our knowledge of exactly how living things develop certain characteristics." In spite of her beauty and allure, I found Dr. Sanders droning, monotone voice annoying. "For instance, last month we injected a mouse with a hybrid 'genetic cocktail' made with mutated and enhanced cells from a common house cat. As of this morning, the mouse had gained 4 pounds and is meowing like a lion." She lifted one of the bottles and inserted a long hypodermic needle into it. I was watching her so closely, that I never felt Lisa and Lynn strap my arms to the bed. "Hey...why are you doing that? Let me go!" "Hush now, Barbie. We don't want a scene." Lisa said as they quickly secured my legs also. "We think we've discovered a way to synthesize the DNA code of humans, modify it, and re-generate it in another host body." As she spoke, Dr. Sanders swabbed my arm with a cotton ball, and I watched helplessly as she slipped the needle into my soft white flesh. I watched as the pale yellow, viscous solution drained into me, and I wondered what it was designed to do exactly. "How long before we see some results?" Lynn asked impatiently. "About a week," Dr. Sanders answered. "What kind of results do you mean?" I asked meekly, beads of sweat beginning to run down my forehead. My tormentresses, Lisa and Lynn, looked at each other conspiratorially as Dr. Sanders wrote on the chart hanging at the foot of my bed while answering "As we speak, the genetic information contained in the injection is moving through your system heading for your cerebral hemispheres, pituitary gland, and prostate. It will attach to the appropriate cells and chromosomes and modify them to match the encoding on the new genetic data." She smugly clicked her pen and replaced the chart. "What the fuck does that mean in english?" I wailed. I did not get a straight answer from anybody that day, but over the next week the effects of Dr. Sanders 'genetic cocktail' became as clear to me as the pert upturned nose on my face. My hair began to grow back, but only on my head and crotch. It started the very next morning as a soft fuzziness, and by nightfall my formerly bald skull was covered with thick, wavy hair that nearly touched the bottom of my neck. And it was a vivid honey blonde! By the second day, Lisa had to show me how to pull it back off my face with a barrette in order to keep it out of my eyes. My eyebrows grew back that first day too, but nothing like they were before. Instead of my dark bushy ones, I found I now had well groomed, highly arched brows, just a tad darker than the mane of hair that had taken over my head. The crotch hair didn't materialize quite as quickly, but there were certainly other things going on down there. My balls first began to ache the second day, and by noon on the third day after the injection it felt as though somebody were kicking me in the crotch every 10 minutes! I begged the nurses for some pain medication, but they just smiled and left me alone. It felt as though my testicles were trying to shrink back into my gut, and sure enough, by the end of day four, they had reduced in size by at least 75%! They now looked less like the masculine organs of a grown man and more like the pre-pubescent balls of a 10 year old boy. At the same time, my beloved cock dwindled away to almost nothing. It now barely peeked out from a triangular forest of newly grown blond pubic hair. It was no longer long or supple enough for me to grab onto, and I was relegated to sitting down to pee, just like a woman! Now, a week later, Lisa and Lynn were coming to review the effects of their demented handiwork. I trembled at the thought of being seen by my sister as I now was. "I had no idea the change would be so dramatic!" exclaimed Lisa as I stood motionless and nude before them. "Yes, we're quite pleased with the results of the Stage One injection," answered Dr. Sanders. "Nurse, please read the last entry on the patient's chart?" Just a short while ago, I would have been consumed with sticking my big, throbbing rocket into the very pretty and buxom young nurse, but now I bowed my head shyly as she responded. "Patient Barbie Ann Dahl, admitted 6 weeks ago exhibiting the physical characteristics of a fully grown male adult 24 years of age. At the time of admittance, the patient stood 6'0" tall and weighed 190 lbs. Patient's body was covered extensively with coarse black hair, and the genitals were measured as being, large. The penis was 6" in it's flaccid state, and 12" erect." I listened wordlessly as the details of my debasement were enumerated while Lisa and Lynn just smirked. "The patient now exhibits the physical characteristics of a considerably under-androgenized male in the early teen years. Height is now 5'2" and the patient's weight is currently 110 lbs. Body hair has been all but eliminated, except of course in the cranial area and genital vicinity. The penis now is just 1" long in the flaccid state, and incapable of erection, and the testes have withdrawn to an undescended position and reside within the lower abdomen." I couldn't help myself any longer, and the tears began to flow freely over my lost virility. "There, there Barbie, don't cry," Lynn said sneeringly. "We promised that the police would never catch you. They're not looking for an underdeveloped, sissified teenager, now are they?!" "I hate you all for doing this to me! You've ruined my life!" I screamed with my high soprano voice. The nurse gave me a shot to calm me down, then she and Dr. Sanders left me alone with Lynn and my sister. "Look here, Barbie. All is not lost. If you like, Lynn and I can arrange it so that you can resume your musical career, and be more successful than ever before." Lisa said gently as I sank dejectedly back into the bed. It was the nicest she'd been to me since I came home from Europe. "Really?" I asked, hopeful that they'd finally tired of fucking with my mind and would return me to normal. "Definitely! Furthermore, we promise that you'll not only make a lot of money, but you'll have all the groupies you can handle!" Lynn added. My mind was beginning to get a little fuzzy from the tranquilizer as I considered what they were saying. "But won't the police arrest me?" I muttered, as my eyelids grew ever more weighty. "You let us handle that problem. What do you say?" Lisa shot back, her face just inches from mine. "This is your last chance to return to the life of a rock 'n roll guitar player." By now, I knew better than to trust these two bitches, but the injection had lowered my ability to reason and resist. Besides, if they were being straight with me, I didn't want to blow my last chance at a life filled with groupies! "What's in it for you two?" I slurred as best I could. "You hire Lynn as your manager and agree to pay a reasonable sum for her services. And I get the pleasure of finally seeing my younger sibling amount to something!" Lisa responded quickly as she place a manila folder filled with documents in my small, smooth lap. By now, I was so desperate to escape from my sexless, childlike condition that I agreed to their offer. Lisa immediately put a pen in my soft limp fingers and began guiding it across several of the documents in the folder. I was far too doped-up to read what I was signing, and I may have even dozed off once or twice. "There, dear. That's the last item that needed your signature!" Lisa chirped happily as Dr. Sanders and the nurse re-entered the room. I felt my hip being swabbed with alchohol, and then the sharp stab of a hypo. I was just a hair this side of unconscious, but I was deliriously happy. That injection could only mean one thing: I was on my way back to manhood and freedom! "This phase should only take about 24 hours." I heard Dr. Sanders say from a million miles away. "Good! Because the band starts recording their first album in just ten days." Lynn replied. "We can start her accelerated re-education almost immediately," Dr. Sanders said as the nurse hung an I.V. drip beside the bed. "Through a combination of subliminal tapes, psychotropic drugs and hypnosis she should be acclimated to her new personality within the week." "Wha..., new pers...?!" I mumbled as the light rapidly turned to gray. "That's great doctor," Lisa shot back, ignoring my feeble attempt at a question. "But I want to make one minor adjustment in that phase of her conversion." There was more black than gray now, and I couldn't quite make out what the four women were saying. "" I whispered as the black consumed me. * * * * The crowd was still cheering wildly, lighters held aloft, as the band rushed from the stage to the waiting limousines. I just a year, The Vixens had gone from obscurity to being the hottest heavy metal band in the country. Their debut album, 'Hot To Trot', had gone double platinum, and following a stint as the opening act for Guns N' Roses, they were now on their own 50 city, six month tour. Their pictures had been on the cover of every rock magazine in America, and inside the lockers of nearly every heterosexual teenage boy. Their popularity was due not only to the hard driving music, but to the fact that they were quite possibly the four most stunningly beautiful, sexy girls you could find in one place at the same time! Kelly, the tall singer and leader of the band had jet black spiky hair, a gorgeous body with long dancer's legs, and a voice as powerful as a jackhammer. Misty, was also taller than average, but a redhead. The bass player, she loved using her height and domineering personality to intimidate the guys in the front row. She would stand tantalizingly close to them, her hands stroking the neck of her instrument like a big musical cock, her legs pumping in time to the music. Then, just when she thought they were ready to shoot their wads, she put her high heeled boot in their face and made them lick it. The crowd would go nuts! Maya was the drummer, and a former Miss Botswana. She used her powerful black legs to kick out the kind of beat you could feel in your kidneys as she sat imperiously above the stage behind her drumset. Her finely chiseled face and full sensuous lips looked regal in the spotlight, as did her muscular arms and large breasts. But the most popular member of The Vixens was their dazzlingly gorgeous guitar player. Unlike the other girls, she was a petite little thing who needed to stand on a special platform when photos were taken in order to be seen! Her flowing mane of platinum blonde hair always looked as though she'd just finished being fucked by a tiger, and it framed her heart shaped face and long neck perfectly, hanging almost to her ass. In concert, she always appeared to be shy and avoided the spotlight, but the guys in the lighting crew had specific instructions to the contrary. Her every movement was highlighted, and elicited catcalls and wolf whistles from the mostly drunken crowd of male groupies. In spite of herself, she found that she rolled her hips every time she hit a power chord, and frequently puckered her ripe pouty lips and licked them, simultaneously winking at a guy she'd pick out of the throng. She never wore more on stage than necessary, and this particular night was no exception. A black underwire demi-bra lifted and pushed her 36D titties into view beneath the black leather bolero jacket she wore. Her bare midriff showed off the 22" waistline she worked to maintain, and the ultra short red leather miniskirt did the same for her 35" hips and pillow like ass. Black fishnet stockings held up by a bright blue garter belt added to the tarty look that she was becoming known for, as did the neon blue ankle boots with the 5" heels. Every time she played one of her technically flawless, visually erotic guitar solos, she would fall to her knees at the fron of the stage and appear to masterbate herself and the guitar at the same time! Often, she would culminate her solo by sticking her fingers beneath her tiny skirt, then remove them and lick them seductively! Her large smoky eyes seemed to possess a combination of passionate abandon and sheer terror. The boys loved this mixture of wanton slut and frightened rabbit. As the limo pulled to the curb at their hotel, each girl exited, leaving only the guitar player and the band's manager behind. "You did very, very good tonight. Although I want you to show off your tits more at the next show," the manager said as the girl stared out the window at the crush of fans holding up signs and things to autograph. "Are you listening to me, Barbie?" She turned in the seat and stared at the older looking classily dressed woman. "Yes ma'am, I hear you." she purred in that sexy little voice that Arsenio Hall had found so funny when they were on his show last week. Ever since the day she'd signed those documents in the hospital, she'd been incapable of addressing Lynn as anything other than 'Ma'am' or 'Miss Horton'. The car door opened and her foster mother Lisa got in beside her. "I hear the show went great tonight. That's wonderful, because there's somebody special up in the hotel who wants to talk to our little superstar about branching out on her own!" Lisa had her hand on Barbie's fishnet clad thigh as she brushed a stray hair off her ex- brother's thrusting left boob. "Solo? But I don't want to go solo. I hate being seen like this by so many people." Barbie whined as she felt a shiver of excitement pass between her legs as Lisa continued to caress her bosom. "But he's talking about television, movies, product endorsements. Millions of dollars." Lynn interjected, her mind already calculating hers and Lisa's profit margin. "What do I care? I never see any of my money anyway. You promised me that I'd be a rich rock star?" the tearful sexpot whimpered. "You are a rock star. And if it wasn't for that contract you signed giving Lynn 50% of your income as your personal manager, and another 40% as your business manager, you would be rich! And thanks to the legal papers you signed making me your guardian and foster mother, I'm the one who decided to donate the remaining 10% of your income to the Thomas Center for Substance Abuse Research!" Lisa responded scoldingly. "When are you and Miss Horton going to let me go back to my old life again?" the poor little transformee begged, her large nipples poking through her flimsy top. Lynn and Lisa looked at each other as though amused by something Barbie had said. "Oh dear, I'm afraid she's had another episode of what Dr. Sanders called 'periodic selective memory'." Lynn said impatiently. "That must be it. The doctor warned us that it might occur every now and then over the first year." Lisa answered. "Periodic...what do you mean?" Barbie asked, still distressed by her new inability to understand or use words containing more than 3 syllables. "Don't you remember, dear. You can never go back to who you were. Not since Dr. Sanders genetic formula turned your little pee-pee and tiny balls into a nice, moist pussy and fertile ovaries!" The car door opened and the flabbergasted beauty was helped to her high heeled feet. Barbie remembered now. She would never be anything but what she was. A sexy little rock ' roll tramp with a body to die for, and a pussy to fill. Her sister's revenge had been completed the day she awoke from that last injection to find herself trapped in the body of a teenage sexbomb! What's more, while she was unconscious, they had messed with her mind somehow, so that every time she was around a crowd of people, particularly men, she felt compelled to act like a horny little cockteaser. She minced over to the crowd of male groupies waiting behind the red barrier, her hands lifting up her tits for all to see, an involuntary smile spreading across her face. "Hi, guys! Do you like what you see?" she cooed in her little girl voice. The fans erupted into a cacaphony of cheers and whistles, and one guy carrying a sign that read: 'Barbie's Buddies' broke through the line and grabbed her around her tiny waist. Before anyone could react, he'd buried his face in her deep cleavage and began groping her ass! Lynn and Lisa were used to this kind of reaction to their creation, and they just stood back while the police held off the rest of the mob. "Well, well, there big boy!," Barbie giggled. "I guess you want to be my Ken doll!" Inside, Barbie wanted to puke as she put her feminine hand to his crotch, and in full view of everybody, began to masterbate him through his jeans! "GO BARBIE! GO BARBIE! GO BARBIE!" the crowd chanted. Finally, the awestruck bow let out a howl of orgasmic delight, and gave Barbie a long, deep French kiss. Before he could walk away though, Barbie unzipped his pants, stuck two fingers inside his shorts until she felt them covered with his cum, and then withdrew them and sexily and rapturously licked them dry! "Bye now guys! I've got to go and get my beauty sleep!" she yelled as she walked, hip swingingly into the hotel. The elevator doors closed on the trio of women, Barbie once again demurely silent away from the crowd. As the floors zipped by, Barbie hoped that she was done being humiliated for the night, and could just retire to her suite for a good night's sleep and further exploration of her tingling new pussy. "Now, it's important that you show this big shot how much you appreciate his interest in your career." Lynn cautioned as the elevator doors opened on the 28th floor. "This isn't the floor my suite is on!" Barbie complained as the two women pushed her into the hallway. "Of course it's not. But Mr. Big's suite is # 2869. I hear those last two numbers are among his favorites!" Lisa laughed as she winked knowingly at Barbie. "We'll see you for breakfast in the morning." They said in unison as the elevator doors slid shut. Barbie hadn't taken more than 5 nervous steps when a door opened and she was facing a muscular Italian man dressed only in a pair of red nylon underwear. "Hello! You must be Barbie Dahl! I'd recognize those jugs anywhere. Hey, I love your band! Do you wanna fuck? I hear you have an uncanny ability to know what a man likes!" "If you only knew the truth?" Barbie thought to herself as she fell to her knees and put her lips to the bulge facing her! THE END .