From: (A Dietrech) Newsgroups: Subject: Story: De Plane, Boss, De Plane 1/4 TG, femdom Date: 31 Dec 1994 09:24:17 -0500 De Plane, Boss, De plane! By Karen Albright PROLOGUE Ever since the Fantasy Island series began, I have had a desire to create such an environment for kinky sexual fantasies, but my whole working life was spent as a research chemist for a pharmaceutical company, which was a quiet sort of life. It was not until I married a rich heiress, who subsequently died, that I could retire and fulfill my dreams. My wife had owned a very large plantation in Georgia, with 3000 surrounding acres. While some of the land was cultivated, over 2000 acres was wilderness, with a large river , and the fringe of a low mountain range within its boundaries. I used some of the inheritance to create a small resort town with houses, a recreation area, and a few "stores". This was situated in the middle of the unimproved area, and was almost inaccessible, except with 4 wheel drive vehicles. The key staff members were difficult to find, but I eventually located appropriate people, and they settled in the "town". The first staffer was a physician who was being sued for malpractice by 10 previous patients. He was a surgeon, with a willingness to experiment, and a series of failures he wanted to put behind himself. I helped by letting him "disappear". My second staffer was a psychiatrist / hypnotist from a private sanitarium that specialized in behavior modification. She had become addicted to some of the tranquilizers she prescribed, and I promised an ongoing supply. A third staffer set up a general store and drug store in my town. He was a pharmacist in Georgia who also had become addicted to some of his products, and could use them freely in my new environment. The remaining "townspeople" included many similar "outcasts from society" who could count on an uninterrupted lifestyle in exchange for their experience. They included the resort secretary, Leola, an ex prostitute; our client driver, Marion, who starred in many porno flicks; Sheryl, the beautician, and another prostitute; and others including more prostitutes and porno flick stars, gays, a bouncer, a corrupt private investigator, and selected others. The only thing that we lacked from the TV show was the midget to announce: De plane, Boss, de plane. With these helpers, I was ready to start my enterprise! My plans were predicated on two principals. The first was that my customers would not consider cost to be a problem. We would charge at least $20,000 a week for use of our facilities. The second principal was that their desires would be so bizarre that we could "hook" them on some basis, and continue to blackmail them after they left. We felt that most of our clients' wants were stronger, and more bizarre, that they actually stated, so we went much further that asked in all cases, and that provided much good "evidence" for further "persuasion". While the startup was slow, my principals proved to be true, and we were soon generating a lot of money from the "experiences" we created. On the average, we had 15 very wealthy clients at our resort at any time. We experimented with many treatments and therapies on these clients in an effort to develop effective methods of quickly transforming them for their fantasies. A great deal of the success was due to a hypnotic "debriefing" that was done to each "client" to see what had worked most effectively. These first-person descriptions, annotated with the physician's and the psychiatrist's comments, are what follows. CASE : TV00767 SUBJECT : Albert Adams NET WORTH : About $93,000,000. HIS FANTASY : Wanted to be a male movie star and sex symbol. SITUATION : Meek, lacked confidence, fine features. PLANNED : Let him see, from a feminine perspective, how others did it. DISPOSITION : To be determined by results. ARRANGEMENTS: $10,000 conversion, $20,000 per week, $1,000,000 cancellation, $5,000 Maintenance. COMMENTARY : Simple transformation with hypnosis, injections, and a disguise. Let him be a woman for a while so that he could see how other men acted toward women. CLIENT DEBRIEFING TRANSCRIPT: I was afraid as I left the airplane at Atlanta. The huge airport and the uncertainties about my upcoming fantasy left me scared. I was further disturbed by the beautiful woman who met me at the gate and introduced herself as Marion. She knew me without my saying anything, and she immediately took my luggage, and led me to a large Blazer truck. We drove for over 2 hours, and the countryside became more and more rural. Finally, we turned off of the interstate, and followed a secondary road for a while, then turned onto a small, gravel road that traveled through a lane of trees to a large southern plantation house. At the house, I was greeted by another beautiful woman, who took my luggage, and ushered me into the office. I had waited this trip for so long, that I could hardly wait to begin. The wait in the office not only increased my fears about what might follow, but it also heightened my desires to start. In the office, a secretary met me, gave me a cup of coffee, and gave me the standard "Experience Contract" to review. It was a massive legal document, which I could not understand, I was afraid to admit that I could not understand it so I signed it so that we could get started. I left the office, and was taken to a nearby office for my entrance interview. There, I was met by an attractive woman, in a white doctor's coat, who tried to make me comfortable, and then spent an hour discussing my needs. I told her that I was basically shy, and withdrawn, and had never seriously dated girls because of my lack of confidence. She asked me a number of questions about weather I felt comfortable around women and men, and if I had ever had sex with anyone. She asked some strange questions about my relationships with other men, and if I had ever worn women's clothing. I had not, but the whole area made me uncomfortable to discuss. I gradually became drowsy, and then lost consciousness. MEDICAL NOTES: Partial Realism conversion. 8 days sedated in clinic for transformation. No nutrition, estimate 15 pound weight loss in 8 days. Goal is 115 pounds weight, and 24 inch waist. Disguise is standard vaginal substitute, application is Dermadhesive surgical adhesive. Sensations enhanced via Hormone Z. Medications: Sedative including enzymes to increase subliminal receptivity. Female Hormone Z, including accelerators, to obtain a 5 day transition to full effect. Eroycin aphrodisiac on day 7 to accelerate sex drive. Dermosol D to accelerate hair growth on head, shoulder length in 6 days. Depilimycin to remove beard and body hair and retard further growth of same. Lipoattractors injected in breasts, hips, and lips to enlarge to following specifications: Breasts: 36C Hips: 36 inches Lips: pouting. PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: A very effeminate patient. Slim, with delicate features. No past crossdressing. No homosexual tendencies. Therapy will continue subliminal tapes to train in feminine behavior and submissiveness. CLIENT DEBRIEFING TRANSCRIPT (cont.): While asleep, I had vague memories of lying on a bed while the doctor talked to me. I also remembered hearing tape recordings repeatedly. I awoke in an unfamiliar white room. I was in a hospital bed, with nothing else in the room. My head hurt, and I felt hungry and afraid. As I moved, something felt strange about me. I sat up slowly, and felt strange sensations in my hips and chest. I looked down, and saw a white gown over me. I stood up, and walked to the bathroom. On the way, I passed a mirror, and was shocked at what I saw. There was a woman in the room. I looked again, and the woman moved as I did! I reached up to my head, and felt long hair over my shoulders! I then touched my chest, and I felt large breasts. They were real, I could feel my hands as they touched them. What had happened I wondered. I had hoped to become a "stud", not a "fillie", this was not what I had wanted. My reflexes took over, and I reached to my crotch, and felt nothing! I lifted the gown, and felt again. The sensation was strange. I felt female genitals, but they felt artificial. I could feel my hand through the device, and my touch aroused my prick. That gave me a very cramped sensation as It tried to enlarge, but could not in the new device. I felt for a method of attachment, and could find none. There must have been some sort of adhesive holding it on. As I got to the bathroom, I removed the gown, and looked again in the mirror. An attractive long haired brunette looked back. She had my face, but had the curves of a woman. Her breasts stuck out proudly, and her hips were round and plump. There was no body hair except a triangle between my legs that covered what looked to be a normal female vagina. I could not understand what had happened, but I was afraid to question the events. MEDICAL NOTES: Blood work shows very high female hormonal levels. Lipoattractors, and hormones have exceeded desired effect (38C chest). Disguise is firmly attached. Skin and hair changes normal. PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Normal surprised response upon awakening. Must test effect of hypnotic suggestions for femininity, and submissiveness, and the effect of the massive female hormone injections and aphrodisiac. CLIENT DEBRIEFING TRANSCRIPT(cont.): Suddenly, a nurse walked into the bathroom and said, "Are you ready for your medication Ms. Adams?" I was surprised, and looked around suddenly. The motion created a new sensation for me, the jiggling of my new breasts as I moved about, and a pleasant sensation as the gown rubbed against my nipples. "What happened to me?" I asked. "Nothing serious", she responded. "You were in a coma from the accident." "What accident?" "The automobile accident in Town, Ms. Adams. It knocked you out for a day. I hope that you feel better now." "Who am I? What happened to me?" I replied. "You had better speak to the Doctor privately", she responded. "You can leave as soon as you take these antibiotics. You need to take 4 a day until they run out to prevent pneumonia from the gasoline fumes of the accident." I was baffled. I felt submissive in her presence and did not question her further. I had no response other than to obey as she left the medication on the table and left. I walked back into the room, and saw a pile of clothing on the chair. There was no closet, so I had no options, and I looked through the clothes. They were a woman's clothing, instead of my own, but I felt compelled to put them on. I had no idea initially how to put them on, but I began with the silken panties. They slid over my hairless legs with a delightfully smooth sensation, and I became aroused within the crotch device. I next found a bra, and had some trouble putting it on until I discovered that I should hook it in front, and then slide it around until I could put my arms into it. It felt tight, and I felt it pull against my shoulders as I settled my new breasts into it carefully. Next, I found a pair of panty hose. Again, I had to figure out how to get them on, which I did after some experimentation. They also excited me as I felt my legs through them. I looked at the dress, and wondered what I was getting into. I picked it up, and it looked very small. It was a one piece knit dress in bright red. I stepped into it, and it clung tightly to my new curves as I pulled it over my legs. I put my arms into the short sleeves, and wiggled it to my shoulders. It fit very tightly, and took some movement to get it settled on my new body. The sleeves seemed most comfortable worn off my shoulders, and a look in the mirror revealed a tight dress, with a hem-line about mid- thigh, and a low-cut front that revealed most of my new breasts. I did not know what to make of it! A brief look revealed shoes and a slip still on the table. I pulled the slip over my legs, with another pleasurable feeling, but had considerable difficulty getting it under the tight dress. I worked for some time, and finally succeeded. Finally I picked up the shoes, and realized that they had very high heels. I put them on hesitantly because I had nothing else to put on my feet. The first leg seemed easy, except for the squeezing in my toes. The second one was very hard to put on while standing. I could not balance on the first high heel, so I had to sit down to put on the second shoe. I stood up, and practically fell down again. They were very difficult to stand in, but I had no alternative. I needed some clothes to get out. During the whole time, I became increasingly aware of the new sensations of my new body. The smooth feeling of the slip over the panty hose, the brush of my long hair on my exposed back, the sensation of my arms brushing my new breasts as I moved, the plump feel of my ass as I sat, and the constant giggling of my breasts as I moved about. Again, I was startled as another woman walked into the room. It was the Psychiatrist that I had met as I entered. "Hello Ms. Adams. How do you feel today. "What is going on?" I responded. "I thought that I had asked to become a male movie sex symbol for a while." "You are a sex symbol." She replied. "Just enjoy it. We believe that the best way for you to become more comfortable around women, is to live as one for a while so that you learn what they encounter during their life. You will also have an opportunity to see how men act around women so that you can learn how to act yourself. You will receive more explicit instructions when you get to your room at the resort. I did not know what to do. I felt submissive again in her presence and did not object. "Come with me." she commanded, and we left the room. We walked down a short corridor, with me constantly having difficulty in the new shoes. "It will just take some practice." she remarked. At the end of the hall, she turned down some stairs and out onto another floor. We walked through a large door, and into a dark garage where we climbed into a jeep which she started and drove out a large door. We were suddenly in the middle of a forest, as though there had never been a building. "Hold on." she counseled as we bounced down a dirt road. About 30 minutes later, the forest cleared and I saw buildings among the trees. We continued and the forest opened onto a small resort community, with a few buildings and stores. We continued to a structure that looked like an old hotel, and she stopped the jeep. "Here is your home for a while", she said as we walked into the building. Inside, it looked like a large house, with a small desk on one side, and a staircase running up the wall of the hall. We climbed the stairs, and she produced a key from her pocket. "This is your room." she said as she gave me the keys. "You will find detailed instructions inside." I took the keys. "Thanks" I said hesitantly, as I unlocked the room and entered uncertainly. PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Still in shock from first surprise. Submissive hypnotic suggestions seem strong. No resistance so far. Hormones should take effect shortly. From: (A Dietrech) Newsgroups: Subject: Story: De Plane, Boss, De Plane 2/4 TG, femdom Date: 31 Dec 1994 09:25:15 -0500 CLIENT DEBRIEFING TRANSCRIPT (cont.): The room was a large, bright studio apartment, with a living/dining area, kitchen, and sleeping area. It was tastefully furnished in pastel pinks, and white. The windows opened to a fine view of a distant mountain, with a river winding past its base. I walked slowly around the apartment, still unsure of myself on the heels. A detailed look around found a well stocked refrigerator, a VCR, and a dresser and closet full of delicate woman's clothing. On top of the VCR was a tape marked "PLAY THIS", so I did. The video opened with an attractive woman sitting behind a desk that looked like one I had seen as I first arrived. The credits read: ALBERTA ADAMS FANTASY "Hello Alberta" began the tape. "Welcome to your fantasy. I am sure that you are confused, so I will give you some details. You have signed up for a full experience, including medical support, and what we call "partial realism". That means that all changes are temporary, and the experience can be stopped at your discretion. You had originally requested that you become a male movie star and sex symbol. As we reviewed the findings of our entrance interview, Dr. Hart determined that you really desired to know how a woman felt when she was with you. The only way to provide you with that information is for you to become a woman first. Then you can see how other men act around women. Your outward appearance is that of a very attractive woman. We have augmented your breasts and hips, and used dieting to reduce your waist. We have also attached a device to disguise your male genitals. This device will permit you to urinate sitting down, and will allow entry of a penis to its full length. When that happens, it will rub against yours so that you will climax during the encounter." There was a pause in the tape, as she reached for a stack of papers. "Your "Experience Contract" states that you will faithfully follow our orders regarding these experiences. As a guarantee of that, we have created certain tapes of you over the last week. They show you being transformed into a woman in our clinic." The tape switched to a series of clips of me walking into the office initially, and then in various stages on transformation. It ended with a full frontal shot, probably through a 2 way mirror, of me in the hospital room. "These pictures document your time here", she said. "Should you decide not to follow our orders, we will see that these clips are distributed widely throughout your company and your hometown. In addition, the contract allows us to charge our fees directly against your bank accounts as long as you are here." I was trapped! "Your experience is now beginning. I have included a number of video tapes in this collection that show you how to apply make-up, and how to dress and act. You have until 9:00 AM tomorrow to review them, and to learn all that you can. At that point, the fantasy starts and you will be on your own. I will not tell you anything about what we have planned for you, but I am sure that you will find it interesting, and pleasurable in the end." The tape stopped, and I was left on my own. I took out the tapes that she had mentioned, and began to practice for the next day. Late that night, I finally went into the bathroom to get ready to sleep. The videos had helped me with fixing my long hair, putting on make-up, coordination my clothes, feminine gestures, and walking. It had been a long, tiring evening. I took off my clothes, and felt the pleasurable sensations of the long hair on my back. I still was not used to the feelings in my chest as my new breasts moved while I walked. A quick shower revealed nothing that I did not already know, except that getting long hair dry took a while. I felt funny being nude, so I walked quickly to the dressing area, and looked into the dresser. I saw nothing but regular clothing, even though there was a lot of it. In the closet, I saw a sheer nightgown hanging from the back of the door. I put it on, and loved the smooth feeling of it on my legs, and felt it rub my exposed nipples. It had short sleeves, and extended to my ankles. As I walked, I felt it rubbing against my legs, and again became aroused. I turned off the room lights, and got into bed, uncertain as to what might happen, but aroused by the new sensations that I felt. PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Reactions normal so far. Hormone effect not evident. Will inject more while asleep. Tomorrow will test submissive training. CLIENT DEBRIEFING TRANSCRIPT (cont.) The alarm went off, and I rolled over to shut it off. I immediately noticed the sensations of my breasts moving as I moved, they seemed even larger, and I felt the new sensation of laying on them as I reached for the clock. My hair fell all over my head, and I felt faint waves of pleasure going over me. Thinking back to the first video, I put my fingers into my false vagina, and I felt them rub against my dick. I became more and more aroused by the combination of the new sensations in my body, and my manipulation of my new genitals. I got up and took another shower. Something inside me wanted to be beautiful, so I began the cosmetic procedures I had learned the night before. I powdered my whole body, and put on panties, bra, and slip. Then I sat down and applied eye shadow, mascara, blusher to my cheeks, and very red lipstick. Looking in the mirror, I realized that my hair was messed from sleeping, so I combed it carefully. As I performed these steps, I noticed that I felt a real need to do them. It was as though I was trying to look my best. This was strange because I did not know what was in store for me. I only felt that I must be attractive and alluring. A small envelope was on the floor under the door jamb, and I picked it up to read it. "Welcome to our resort. I hope that your stay is pleasant. There is a complimentary breakfast each morning from 8:00AM to 9:30AM, but you will have to provide your own lunch and dinner. The attached credit card can be used for all purchases within the resort complex. The attached map shows the location of the various stores and facilities within the complex. If you have any questions, please call the front desk." Attached was an envelope that contained a plastic card with the name Alberta Adams impressed on it, and a colored map of the area. It indicated the various stores including a dress shop, a beautician, a general store, and the hotel. It also showed the pool, health spa, golf course, lake with beaches, marina, and various hiking trails in the surrounding forests. My clock indicated that it was 8:45, so I checked to see what clothing I could find. The closet included a wide variety of items that seemed to range from very revealing tight dresses, like the one I first put on, to very plain cotton dresses and slacks. There were lots of different shoes, and a dresser full of panties, slips, bras, a purse, and other items. At first, I was overwhelmed, but I remembered the comments from the videos, so I found a skirt and sweater combination that looked attractive, and some underwear. Again, I became aroused as I put on the silken panties, the panty hose, and the slip. The bra felt tight, but it also stopped the constant movement of my large breasts. I pulled on the sweater and skirt, put on low heeled shoes (much more comfortable), and looked at myself in the mirror. The attractive woman looking back seemed more alluring that I had hoped to be. The skirt hem was just above my knees, and the sweater seemed tight, emphasizing my new breasts. The cosmetics finished the impression of a younger woman about to go shopping. This was the first real occasion I had to reflect upon the events so far. I felt excited about a new life, and I felt happy with my good looks. That gave me renewed confidence to continue. Some of my other feelings were entirely new. I felt a need to be beautiful, a need to follow orders, and a desire to be with men. With considerable trepidation, I took my room key and purse and walked out of the room. On the first floor, I found the dining area, and a striking blond met me at the door. "Good morning Ms. Adams, let me seat you" Somewhat shocked, I replied "Good morning". She led me to a small booth along the windows, gave me a menu, and left quickly. I looked around the room, and saw mostly single men and women like myself sitting at small tables. There were occasional couples throughout the room, but they were a small percentage of the about 20 people in the room. A waitress appeared quickly, and I ordered a small breakfast. I was surprised that I did not want much to eat. The food arrived quickly, and I was finished within 30 minutes. After breakfast, I left the hotel, and walked around the resort. It contained scattered people who seemed to work for the resort, and a number of other guests. As I walked, I met and talked with many of the other clients of the resort. They all seemed to be enjoying their stay as I was. I was surprised how easily I fit into the resort, and how quickly I met new people. At lunch, I returned to the hotel for lunch, and then decided to enjoy the pool. I went to my room, and undressed. As I did, I was amazed at how beautiful I really was. I had long, blond hair, large, firm breasts, a flat stomach, and wide hips. My face was attractive, with large pouting lips, and fine features. My legs were shapely and smooth, and I had a small triangle of hair between my legs. All in all, I was a very attractive woman. The transformation was incredible. I looked in the dresser, and found some bathing suits. I tried three of them, and something drove me to choose the yellow, string bikini. It seemed to be way too small to cover me, but I tried it, and it just fit. The tight side strings hugged my hips, and the small bra just covered my nipples. It tried it strapless, but soon realized that it would never hold my large breasts, so I reluctantly tied it behind my neck. I finished the outfit with a sheer robe in the closet, and I left to go to the pool. At the pool, I found a lounge chair, and lay down on it. I loved the sensation of warmth from the sun over my entire body. I dozed off for a bit, but then awoke and turned onto my back. As I lay there, I looked down and saw the large mounds jutting from my chest, and the flat stomach, with nothing at the crotch. I was really enjoying being a woman. There was something different and exciting about being the obvious object of many stares from others around the pool. Dinner that night was quiet, and I returned to my room to read. I had spoken to a number of people in the resort, and I found that I had new confidence to introduce myself to them, and to talk with them. The next two days followed pretty much the same pattern. I would walk during the morning, or go to the exercise rooms, and I would lay in the sun in the afternoons. I met meny others in the resort, and listened to how they conducted themsevles with me. All of the time, I was becoming more adapted to my new body, and I was enjoying the feelings that I had as I dressed in women's clothing. I spent one morning in an aerobics class in the hotel basement. The exercise room had really interested me. Not only did I look great in the leotard and tights, but the sensations of my new breasts giggling and swaying as I exercised had aroused me more. I spent the third morning in the clothing store. I loved to look for new clothing, and thrilled as I tried on some of the very provocative dresses that were on display. I continued to notice that others were looking at me as I moved about the resort. I began to understand the thrill a woman feels when she knows that she is attractive, and she dresses to take advantage of it. I reviewed the videos to be sure that I was taking full advantage of my attributes. The fourth morning began the same way as the others. Breakfast and a walk in the resort. As I passed the general store, an attractive man accidentally bumped into me as he left the store. "Excuse me!" he said. "Hello" I responded, without thinking. "I must not be awake yet this morning", he replied. "I am Roger Crawford." "Pleased to meet you" I responded, and he began what turned into a long and interesting conversation. I was surprised at how easily I could talk with him. He suddenly looked at his watch, and said "OH, I must go. Could we have dinner together tonight?" I hesitated for a moment, but decided that this was what I was here to learn. "Certainly" I responded. "Good, I will meet you at 7:00PM. Where are you staying?" "In the hotel", I replied. "I will meet you in the lobby", he responded as he turned and left. The rest of the day went quickly in anticipation. I walked through the area, and went into each of the stores. I was becoming more comfortable with my new appearance, and even spent some time at the pool in a another very revealing swim suit that was in the dresser. PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Client has adapted well. Seems more comfortable as a woman than was anticipated. Hormonal release must be beginning. Submissive therapy response is normal. Tonight will reveal full extent of its effect. CLIENT DEBRIEFING TRANSCRIPT (cont.) Dinner seemed like a dream. I had prepared myself carefully, with help from the resort beautician, and was wearing a particularly striking green silken suit that I found. It had a tightly fitted bodice, with a tight skirt, and a silk blouse. It had a thin coat top that further emphasized my feminine contours. Wearing it was a new experience, as I became accustomed to the small steps that the tight skirt forced me to use. They actually made it easier to walk in the high heels that I was wearing. I had spent an extended time watching one of the videos and then applying my make-up so that I would look my best for dinner. I felt myself strongly attracted to Roger. I could not understand why a man effected me that way. We ate quietly, and talked about the resort. I was careful not to reveal my real status, but there never seemed to be a time when it was a problem. Roger suggested that we walk around the resort, and I agreed immediately. As he put on my coat, Roger touched my shoulder, and I immediately felt aroused. He offered his arm as we walked, and I enjoyed the sensations of touching him. My mannerisms seemed rough, but he did not seem to notice. As we passed behind one of the resort buildings, Roger stopped. I looked at him, and he took me in his arms. I was surprised! How would I react to him since I was really a man? I quickly found out. I enjoyed it. His kiss was long, and passionate, and I encouraged it. He pressed me tightly to himself, and I felt one hand brush down my back to my plump rear. "Lets go to my room." he said quietly. I could feel myself becoming aroused within the vaginal device. To my surprise, I responded "I would love that." We walked quickly back to the hotel, and went to his room. There, I saw an apartment similar to mine, with a living/dining area, and a sleeping area. "Let me take your coat". "Thank you" I responded, as he slipped it off my shoulders and hung it in a closet. "Can I get you something to drink?" he asked. I was becoming concerned about what might happen, but my passion seemed to overcome that concern. This is what the experience was supposed to teach me, and I felt confident about my transformation. Roger got me a drink, and I sat on the sofa. He sat beside me, and put his arm around me. I was again torn between my fears, and my growing desire for him, but my concerns were quickly replaced with my desires as I fell into his arms. What was happening? Here I was, a normal man, in the arms of another man and enjoying it. Was this what I wanted when I asked for my fantasy? What had they done to me? Roger moved quickly. He unbuttoned my blouse, and slid it off my shoulders, revealing the black lace bra, and slip. He then released the bra straps, and removed it also. Without even thinking, I lifted myself to slip off the skirt and slip, leaving me in nothing but the hose and panties. Roger quickly undressed, and lay me back on the sofa. I could feel an overwhelming desire for him. We kissed passionately, and then he began to kiss my nipples and stomach. Again, without thinking, I moved from under him, and started to kiss his body. He stroked my long hair as I moved closer to his huge member. How could I do this? How could I kiss another man? How could I be attracted to his huge cock? Would I know what to do? I could not stop myself as I took him fully into my mouth. He moaned softly as I played with him, and then, just as he seemed to be excited, he moved me under himself and entered me. The sensation was wonderful. I could feel his huge member being pressed against mine by the tight confines of the device. I was becoming intensely excited. He moved rhythmically, and I followed. It was as though I had done it all my life. Suddenly, I could feel myself nearing a climax, and he was also. We both shuddered, and climaxed into each others arms. I awoke in Roger's arms. I had never felt as serene or happy. I reached over and touched his cock, and It leapt up. He stirred as I moved to it, and again took it into my mouth. This time, he did not move as I kissed it, and brought him to a climax. His salty sperm filling my mouth in spurts. "Thank you" he moaned, as he pulled me to him to kiss. We fell asleep again. I awoke and we dressed and went to breakfast. He held my hand, and kissed me as he held my seat at the table. I could not forget the extreme pleasure I had experienced the previous night. I remembered Roger's confident attitude, his gentle touch, and his firm body next to mine as I slept. I had never expected such pleasure when I had arranged for the experience, and I wondered what would happen next. PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Submissive training successful. Seemed to have few doubts. Aphrodisiac effect normal. Time to close the deal. CLIENT DEBRIEFING TRANSCRIPT (cont.) Roger said that he had to go to the resort office, so he kissed me and left after breakfast. I felt almost like I was in a dream as I went to my room to take a shower and change my clothes into something more casual. I got dressed, and walked to the dining room for lunch. I looked for Roger in the room, but could not see him any where, so I ate alone, and went for a walk. As I returned to my room, I found a note under the door that read: Alberta, Please come to the office. I did not understand it, but I walked back outside to the resort office. there I was met by the woman who had been in the video. "Hello Alberta", she said. "Good morning", I replied. "How are you this morning?" "I am fine, How do you feel" she responded. I was uncertain about her, so I remained quiet. "Alberta", she continued. "Did you enjoy last night?" "Why, yes" I responded. "Good", she answered. Then she reached for a large envelope. "I have here your original Experience Contract", She continued. "It has provided us with the authorization to give you this fantasy. It also includes some additional provisions that you should be aware of." I had no idea what she was talking about. "As I mentioned in the first video", she continued. "We have obtained certain evidence of your recent behavior that is very incriminating. These photos and videos detail your behavior the last few days. Including a night with Mr. Crawford. This information would be particularly incriminating if released in your home town" I knew immediately that there was trouble ahead, but I had no idea how it would work out. "What do you want?" I asked. "You have three choices." she replied. "You can leave the resort, if you can find the way out. In that case, we will distribute this evidence throughout your home town. In addition, we will directly charge your accounts for a $1,000,000 Cancellation fee. Remember that you gave us permission to do so in this contract." "The second option is to be returned to your original condition, and leave that way. If you do so, we will charge you the same fee, plus monthly maintenance charges of $5,000. The maintenance fees will maintain our silence about what has happened here." "The third option is for you to remain here, in your present condition. We have an ongoing need for attractive women to work at the resort, and you have become one of the most attractive transformations that we have accomplished. We have a number of positions that you could fill during the day. At night, you will be expected to service certain of our clients. Some of them have a preference for attractive she-males like yourself. In this job, we will remove your vaginal device so that you can use your cock for the needs of our clients." I did not know what to say! "I will begin a mandatory client debriefing of you now," she continued, "but you must decide what you will do at the end of that session." CONCLUDING PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Alberta has become one of our most successful transformations. Have continued her hormones and subliminal treatments. She is in constant demand by selected clients. Hormonal effects continue to accumulate, and she is now a 39D bra size, along with wider hips. Aphrodisiac is no longer needed, she exhibits strong attraction to men. TO BE CONTINUED..... From: (A Dietrech) Newsgroups: Subject: Story: De Plane, Boss, De Plane 3/4 TG, femdom Date: 31 Dec 1994 09:27:25 -0500 De Plane, Boss, De plane! By Karen Albright PART 2 CASE : TV004438 SUBJECT : Lance Henderson NET WORTH : About $27,000,000. HIS FANTASY : Seeking B&D scene with himself as masked dominant. SITUATION : Medium size, attractive, 3 outstanding paternity suits. Obnoxiously confident. PLANNED : Dominate him. Turn him into a whore. DISPOSITION : Retain. ARRANGEMENTS: $500,000 conversion. $20,000 per week. COMMENTARY : Complete realism with hypnosis, implants, and surgery. CLIENT DEBRIEFING TRANSCRIPT. I was picked up by a striking but aloof bitch at the airport. She carried my baggage to a jeep, and drove me to a large plantation house. She rejected all of my suggestions that we have dinner together. In the building, another striking woman met me, gave me coffee, and gave me an "Experience Contract" to review and sign. I signed quickly, because my attorney told me that he could get me out of anything. I was forced to wait for a while, and then another beautiful woman, in a white coat, arrived to interview me. I did not want to waste time with her, but she reminded me that I had agreed to an initial evaluation, so we proceeded. I could hardly wait to start my fantasy and domination all of these beautiful bitches. After the interview, I became very groggy, and passed out. MEDICAL NOTES: Complete Realism conversion. 12 days sedated in clinic for transformation. No nutrition, estimate 40 pound weight loss in 12 days. Goal is 125 pounds weight, and 25 inch waist. Medications: Sedative including enzymes to increase subliminal receptivity. Must enhance with unconscious shock treatments. Female Hormone Z, Including accelerators with a 5 day period to full effect. Triple dosage while sedated. Eroycin aphrodisiac on day 11 to accelerate sex drive. Dermosol D to accelerate hair growth on head, shoulder length in 6 days. Depilimycin to remove beard and body hair and to retard further growth of same. Surgery: Full silicone implants to a 37D. Liposuction of waist to 25 in. diameter. Move some of abdominal tissue to hips to obtain 37 in. diameter. Plastic surgery to face to reduce nose and ear size, and to augment lips. Full sex change. Remove penis and testicles. Use skin flaps to form false vagina. Move urethra to new opening behind new vagina. Will need 5 days with form in vagina to maintain shape. 10 days full convalescence while sedated. Arizona Clinic experimental hormonal implants to provide continual female hormonal balance. PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: A very difficult patient. Husky with strong features. No past crossdressing. No homosexual tendencies. Therapy will continue subliminal tapes to train in feminine behavior and submissiveness. Must augment with unconscious shock treatments, and mind-altering drugs during sedation. Will have to monitor carefully. CLIENT DEBRIEFING TRANSCRIPT(cont.) I awoke with a horrible headache, and with pains all over my body. It felt like I had just finished a full workout. The room was dark, and I quickly found that I could not move much. My arms, legs, and abdomen were restrained to the platform I felt under me. The room was dark, and completely quiet. Suddenly, I heard a loud voice say, "You may prepare for the day now", and the restraints released. Without any light, I could not see, but I sat up slowly. The headache and muscle aches made it hard to concentrate, but everything felt strange. I felt something brush against my back, and I reached up to rub my sore arms. As I did so, my hand brushed against something, and I felt it in my chest. I touched my chest and immediately felt two huge breasts. What had happened? I felt a second time, and felt the same thing, and they were real, because I could feel the sensation of my hands upon my nipples. I touched my head, and felt long hair. Just then, the lights came on, and the voice said, "You have 10 minutes to get ready." I looked around, and saw a small room, with a small dresser, and 3 doors. I stood up, and walked to the largest door to get out, but it was locked. The second one opened to a small closet, which contained a few woman's clothes, and the third went into a bathroom. I entered the bathroom, turned on the light, and saw a beautiful woman looking back from the mirror. Then I was really shocked. As a reflex, I reached between my legs, and I felt nothing! My fingers moved further back, and they felt a moist slit between my legs. I screamed and passed out. I awoke on the platform again, but without the restraints. I sat up again, and this time felt the weight of my large breasts settle on my chest. Again the voice said "You have 10 minutes." Ten minutes to what? I went into the bathroom to urinate, and remembered that I had to sit down. As I sat, I again fondled my ample breasts, and noticed that they were very sensitive. I then took a quick shower, and dried myself as I walked into the room. In the room, I was shocked to see another person. It was a tall, blonde woman dressed in thigh length black boots, a black corset with exposed breasts, and long black gloves. She carried a small black riding crop. "Lets go" she demanded. "What is going on" I replied. "No questions, you must get dressed immediately." she ordered. I looked around, and saw a small pile of clothes on the dresser. I picked them up and spread them on the bed. "Lets go!" she demanded again, and she hit me with the crop. I swung around quickly. No woman was going to hit me like that I thought, but something inside me prevented me from taking action. She moved toward me, and held my arms tightly behind my back in a painfully high position. "Lets go". She released my arms. "Put on the clothes now!" She reached over to me with a white corset like she was wearing. I put it around my waist, and found it to be very tight. After I hooked it, she reached behind me, and pulled quickly on the laces. That pulled it even tighter around me so that it was hard to breathe. The tightening further emphasized my sizeable breasts which stuck out of the top of the corset. Then she handed me a pair on black, net stockings, which hooked to garters on the corset. They were followed by black panties, a pair of 6 inch high heels, and a very short black dress, with petticoats built in, and a small, white apron on the front. The last items were high heeled shoes that were so high that I could barely keep my balance as I tried to walk in them. When I finished, I looked like the classic French maid in pornographic literature. The skirt barely covered my panties, and my breasts were uncovered down almost to my nipples. As I turned to her, the woman hit me again with the riding crop. "We have work to do" she demanded. She grabbed my arms, and held them both behind my back. I felt her wrap bands around my elbows, and then clip something onto the bands. When she released my arms, I felt them held together at the elbow behind me so that I could just get my hands in front of me. Just as quickly, she attached bands to my knees, and hooked them together so that I could take only short steps. She then turned, opened the door, and motioned me to leave. Outside, I was in a poorly lit corridor, and she pushed me to the right. We walked a ways with great difficulty. The combination of the knee hobble, and the very high heels, caused me to continually stumble. Soon, a set of stairs appeared. Again she pushed me toward them, and I moved as quickly as my new shoes would let me. Everything had happened so quickly that I still had not had time to understand what was going on. The stairs opened into a hall of what appeared to be a large Victorian house. The walls here covered with a red, velvety covering, the woodwork was almost black, and the furniture was the ornate sort of the late 1800's. The woman led me down the hall, and into a large parlor. "Mistress Marion awaits". she said as she stopped at the door and pushed me into the room. I walked unsteadily through the door, and saw a large, attractive woman sitting in an arm chair at the far end of the room. She had strikingly long red hair, an unbelievable body with huge breasts that were immediately obvious through a silky robe that she was wearing. "Come here, slave " she commanded. Slave? What did she mean? "Come here NOW" she said sternly. I walked uncertainly toward her. "So you are my new maid. How well prepared is she Helga?" "Not well" was the reply from behind me. "Well, we shall have to get right to work", the woman remarked. She stood up, and I was even more overwhelmed. She stood over 6 feet high with her high heeled boots, and the silk robe clung to her incredible body. "Follow me." she commanded. She walked quickly out of the room, and I struggled to keep up. "Hurry" she remarked without even looking. We walked back down the hall, past the door I had entered through, and to another door at the end. Helga hurried in front of the "Mistress" and opened the door for her. We all went down a set of darkened steps into what felt like a cool, damp basement. I had considerable difficulty on the steep steps with the shoes and hobble, and Helga kept prodding me with her riding crop. The basement had huge stone walls flanking the corridor we entered. At the end, Helga opened a massive oak door, and turned on the lights. As I neared the door, taking many small steps to cover the distance, I could see nothing but a grey stone wall. Once inside, I became very concerned. It was equipped with every type of bondage device imaginable. There were racks, horses, padded chairs, leather items on the walls, and a single arm chair in one corner. The mistress went to the chair, sat down, and said, "Lets get started Helga." I could hardly react as Helga took my arms and pulled me into the middle of the room. There she put straps around my ankles, and clipped a chain to one ankle, and to a hook in the floor. Now I could not move very far in any direction. She then unhooked my elbows, and knees, and removed the straps. "Take off your dress and panties." Helga commanded. I had no choice. I pulled the dress up over my head, and removed the petticoats from my waist. Now I was standing in just the corset, stockings, and shoes. "Not bad looking" was the comment from the corner. "I am your new mistress", she continued. You will ALWAYS call me Mistress, or Mistress Marion. Do you understand?" I could only nod before she spoke again. "You WILL do anything, and everything, that we tell you to" she continued. "You must immediately learn what pleases me, or we will make life very uncomfortable for you." "What is going on....." I began, but was stopped by a sharp blow from Helga's riding crop. "Do not press your luck" the mistress said sharply. "Never address me without saying Mistress first, and the same goes for Helga. You have no purpose in life but to please me. Lets continue Helga." I stood motionless as Helga approached. She unlaced the corset, and replaced it with a lacy garter belt to hold up my hose. The then went to a table and selected a number of items. The first thing that she did to me was to place a mask over my eyes. It was really a blindfold, which completely blinded me. Then there was a pause, and I felt her squeeze my cheeks. "Open your mouth". I opened my mouth, and immediately felt something being shoved into it. It was a wrinkly feeling, rubbery object that completely filled my mouth so that I could not speak. It seemed hollow, because I could breathe air through it. I then felt straps being attached behind my head, and then tightened to force the gag further into my mouth. There was another pause, and then Helga began to pull long gloves over my arms. It felt like thin leather as it slid up past my elbows, and began to get tighter. The ends felt like gloves, as my fingers slipped into it. The top tightened in my armpits. Then she pulled on the second one. The gloves were followed by another corset, that felt much tighter that the first one. Then I felt my arms pulled back again, and clipped to the corset at the elbows. My hands were pulled in front of me, and hooked together with a short chain. Another pause, and then something cold touched one of my nipples. In a second, it began to squeeze, and then became painfully tight. Helga then seemed to be talking with the Mistress, and then I felt a high collar being wrapped around my neck. It forced me to hold my head very high and straight. As this was going on, I had the first real opportunity to think about my situation. I was overwhelmed with the new sensations I felt. The cool leather, the giggling breasts, the strain of the high heels, the pain of my constrained elbows. Suddenly, the blindfold and gag were removed, but the blindfold was quickly replaced with a tight, black hood over my entire face. The hood seemed to have holes for my mouth, nose, and eyes, but Helga put patches over the eye openings almost immediately. Now I was back in the dark again. "Lets see how good she is." the Mistress said suddenly. I felt Helga push me towards the Mistress, and then force me down to my knees. She then pushed me down onto my hands and knees, and further toward the woman in the corner. I had no idea where I was, until I began to smell the musky scent of a woman. Now I knew what she wanted. Helga's hands pushed my head further, until my lips contacted hairs, and my nose was overcome with the odor. "Lick" Helga commanded, and I responded immediately. Even in these stressful surroundings, the thought of kissing a woman's cunt aroused me, but the feelings were different. I could not feel anything stiffen between my legs, just a warmth spreading over my body. The riding crop suddenly hit my rear. "Faster, faster!" My tongue moved as quickly as I knew how to. The moist cunt walls tasted wonderful, and the odors increased my arousal. Suddenly, I heard a moaning, and then the woman's thighs closed tightly around my head as she shuddered to a climax. There was a moment of silence, her thighs relaxed, and then a weak voice said "Wonderful". I felt myself being pulled around, and then down toward the floor. Quickly, I smelled another cunt, and felt the smooth, moist vagina with my nose. I began lapping again. Helga was far stronger, and more athletic. She wrapped her strong legs around me, and her hips bucked and writhed, and I had trouble staying in contact. Each time I lost contact, I felt the riding crop sting my ass sharply. I worked for a considerable time without any indication of results, and then she started to moan. I increased my efforts, and she soon climaxed with a loud moan as she squeezed my head with her strong thighs. By this time, I was becoming uncomfortable in my restraints. The elbow restraints made kneeling on hands and knees very painful, and I collapsed onto Helga as she relaxed. "Enough of this" remarked the Mistress. "Get her to work upstairs" I heard the Mistress leave, and I felt helga stand up from under me. "Get up!" she commanded, and I obeyed. She removed the hood, and the elbow restraints, and gave me the maid uniform. "Get dressed." I dressed as quickly as my sore joints would permit, with Helga prodding me all of the time, and then followed her slowly back up the stairs. She led me into the back of the house and pointed to a large closet. "The equipment you will need is in there", she said. You are to dust and vacuum the entire first floor. The punishment will be severe if you are not quick about it." "But I am still restrained", I pleaded. "So what, make do", she commented as she left. I looked into the closet and found dust rags, a vacuum cleaner, and many other cleaning items. I took the dust rags, and a broom first, and began to work. The restraints made work difficult, because I could not get my arms fully in front of my body, and I could walk only slowly. I began in a small den, and worked carefully, but slowly around the floor. With no one to bother me, I had an opportunity to reflect upon the first few hours. I was very puzzled. What had happened to my fantasy? Why was I now a woman? What did it mean? I got no clues as I worked. I did begin to explore my new body. As I passed a large mirror in the hall, I stopped briefly to look at myself. For the first time, I realized how attractive I actually looked. I seemed much thinner, with a slim waist, huge breasts, and large hips. My face was much finer, with a smaller nose and ears. I had shoulder length hair that swept across my shoulders as I worked. The combination of the high heels, and the short skirt, provided a view of a pair of very attractive legs. The day went slowly, as I moved from room to room. Occasionally, Helga would arrive, comment on my progress, and leave. I saw it become darker outside, and concluded that it was evening. Shortly thereafter, Helga came back. "Go wash and get dressed for dinner." she commanded. I put the equipment back, and walked with her to the room I had awaken in. There she unlocked the restraints, removed them, and locked me in my room while saying, "You have 20 minutes to clean up." I undressed quickly, and showered. In the shower, I had the first opportunity to really explore my body. I felt my huge breasts, and the nipples became hard as I did so. The sensations they gave me aroused me. My hand then felt between my legs. As I had felt before, I found no trace of any male genitals. Just a moist slit. I put my fingers into it, and it felt good. I stroked for a while, and eventually had a climax. It felt entirely different from what I had remembered. It was a warm wave that swept through my entire body. A voice then said "10 minutes", so I hurried. I dried myself off, and found a pile of clothing on the bed. It was similar to the clothes I had worn all day, with a corset, hose, panties, and a very short maid's dress with billowy petticoats. The same high heel shoes sat next to the bed. I dressed quickly, and felt a need to put on make-up. I went to the dresser, and found some in the top drawer. I was surprised that I seemed to know how to use it. I also combed my long hair to make it look better, and waited for Helga. "Lets go", boomed from the hall before I heard the door lock open. I got up just as she walked in. Without a word, she took my arms, put on the binders, and hooked them behind my back again. Then she hobbled my knees again and said, "Follow me." Downstairs, I found that the dining room was set for a full dinner for one person. "You will wait on the Mistress," Helga announced as she led me into the kitchen. There I met the cook, who gave me the tray and food, and instructed me about how the Mistress liked to be served. I listened intently, fearful of the consequences of failing, and then went to work. Dinner went quickly. The cook had instructed me well, and I made only a minor mistake, which was not seen. After dinner, the Mistress said "Well done." "Thank you Mistress" I replied as she walked out. "Lets go" was Helga's order, and she took me back to my room, and locked it. I was so tired that I took a soothing shower, and looked for something to sleep in. I found a sheer nightgown in the closet, and was aroused by the smooth feelings it gave me as I pulled it on, and as I moved about the room. I quickly fell asleep. PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Has withstood the first day well. Submissive training seems better that expected. Must continue to monitor. MEDICAL NOTES: Has held up well after surgery. Sex change work seems good, climax achieved. Implants good, figure is as expected. Do not know pain tolerance yet. CLIENT DEBRIEFING TRANSCRIPT (cont.) My life soon fit into a pattern. I would be awakened in the morning, dressed as a maid, and I would spend the day, under Helga's watchful eyes, cleaning, serving meals, or attending to the Mistress's sexual needs. Occasionally, I would be taken back into the cellar, and put into various bondage devices. I had never been permitted to have enjoyment in the presence of the Mistress of Helga, so my only sexual relief came in the shower. The Mistress heard me moan once while licking her cunt, and she suddenly said, "It is time for the machine." Helga smiled, and when I was through, she led me to the cellar. There, I was undressed, and then tied on to a vertical rack-like device. It spread my arms and legs out like an X. The Mistress said, "wait", and she came over to me. "Do you know that you are really very pretty?" she said. "Thank you Mistress", I replied. She began to fondle my large breasts until the nipples became very hard, and a warm sensation spread over them. Helga then tightened the bonds until I was stretched tightly on the device. She then rolled it away from the wall, and rotated it until I was lying on my back. The Mistress then took the opportunity to have me lick her to a climax as I lay there. "Go on" she said when she was finished. Helga walked out of the room, and wheeled back a small motor driven device on a pedestal. She adjusted the pedestal to be the same height as the rack that I was on, and then hooked it to the bottom of the rack. I could barely see what was happening because of the bondage hood that I wore that restricted my vision, and the collar that prevented me from moving my head, but I could feel the motion of the devices as they were being attached. I heard a motor start, and turn over slowly. The Mistress then came to my head. "My slave", she started. "We have deprived you of the great pleasures of being a woman too long. It is time to let you enjoy yourself." Helga seemed to laugh, and then I felt her hand in my crotch. She seemed to be spreading something in my vagina. Then there was more motion on the rack, and I felt something being pushed into my vagina. Other than my fingers, I had had nothing in there, and the sensation of this large object was very pleasurable. It stopped just as it began to enter my cunt, and Helga giggled it some more. "Are you ready slave?" What could I say, so I responded "yes Mistress." Then I heard the motor start, and I felt the object begin to move into my vagina slowly. The sensation was incredible. I could feel it stretching the vagina walls, and sliding across the sensitive tissues. It seemed to fill my whole insides as it continued to enter me. Then, the motion reversed, and it began to withdraw. I did not want it to, the feelings it gave me were new and wonderful. Then, the motion became faster, and faster, as the motor speed increased. I was being fucked by a machine! And I loved the sensations. I began to moan, and writhe as much as the rack would permit, and then I climaxed with a huge sigh. The machine stopped momentarily, and stayed off for what seemed like a few minutes, and then it started again. Again the sensations started. I was unaccustomed to being able to have multiple orgasms, and this was a new feeling. The machine sped up again, and I began to moan again. Soon I climaxed for the second time, and it seemed to be better than the first time. Then the machine stopped. "OH, don't stop", I moaned, and I heard the Mistress laugh. The machine started a third time, and sped up even faster. I was anticipating the feelings this time, and moved against the machine to enhance them. Again I moaned, and then climaxed quickly after that. The cycle kept repeating as I lost count. I was loosing control. I would moan and move even before it started, and then I would move to hasten the upcoming climax, as the machine proceeded at its mechanical pace. The pauses between motion seemed to shorten, until the machine ran continually, and I was almost crazy. I was moaning, and writhing uncontrollably. Suddenly it stopped! I moaned and moved, but to no avail. I began to beg. "Please Mistress! Don't let it stop. I must have more!" I heard them both laugh because they knew that I was addicted. I would never forget the intense pleasure of the organisms. They had control of me now! "See what we can do", the Mistress commented. "We can repeat this if you are a good slave." I had no idea what would prompt it, or when it would occur, but I knew that I had to obey them immediately from now on, on the slim chance that I would again experience the machine. From: (A Dietrech) Newsgroups: Subject: Story: De Plane, Boss, De Plane 4/4 TG, femdom Date: 31 Dec 1994 09:28:15 -0500 PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Submissiveness is complete. Will do anything to repeat that experience. MEDICAL NOTES: Operation a success. Stress of machine withstood. Multiple organisms. Sensations normal. One other afternoon, I was stretched out with a chain from my arms, and suspended from the ceiling. Helga then took five plastic wrap rolls, and tightly wrapped me from head to foot, leaving only my face, and breasts open. The wrap held me tightly in a straight position. She even wrapped it between my huge breasts. I could barely breath, and could not move a muscle. The Mistress seemed to enjoy my plight. I heard a noise behind me, and the Mistress smiled, but I had no idea what was happening. Then I heard a machine sound like a hair dryer. I was right, Helga had a hair dryer that she was blowing onto the wrap. Initially, it felt a bit warm, until I realized that they had wrapped me in a shrink wrap plastic. I could feel it slowly tightening around my body. The warmth increased, and so did the tightening. My legs were pressed together as though in a vise, my hips and stomach ached, and the pain as my arms were drawn into my sides was severe. With all of the pressure, my new breasts stuck out even more that usually, and Helga delighted in tickling them with a feather as I hung from the chain. When Helga finished, I was wrapped so tightly that I could barely breathe. She then pushed a button, and the chain moved up, lifting me from the floor. She moved a table under me, and lowered me down onto it on my back. The table was only about 2 feet above the ground, and I was immobile, staring at the ceiling. The Mistress then laughed, and walked over to me. She spread her legs, and moved over my face so that her cunt was just over my mouth. I could move only my head, and I reached up to lick it. She squatted down, squeezing my face between her cunt and the table as I licked. Shortly later, she began to moan, and then climaxed, covering my face with her juices. Helga then did the same thing. After they used me numerous times, the Mistress left, and helga began to tease me. She used the feather to tickle my nipples, and the soles of my feet. of course, I could not move, and she delighted in my predicament. She soon tired, and released me carefully using adhesive tape scissors. I was exhausted, and barely able to get dressed and follow her to my room for a shower to prepare to serve dinner. PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Will do anything asked, even if painful. MEDICAL NOTES: Pain tolerance high. CLIENT DEBRIEFING TRANSCRIPT (cont.) One evening, I began to set the table, and I noticed that there were 11 seats. That implied a busy night serving. As the meal started, I noticed that there were 5 couples plus the Mistress. They were all well dressed, and the dinner was normal, except for having more work to do. After dinner, Helga came to the kitchen and told me to follow her. I did so, and we went down to the cellar. I had no idea what would transpire, but I knew that I must do it. We entered a room that I had never been in before. It was a huge room, with many mattresses scattered on the floor, and couples on them. There were as many as 5 on one queen size mattress. "Undress" Helga ordered, and I did so. She then bound me, on my knees, with the hood, and other restraints. "Come here" I heard the Mistress say, so I crawled on my knees to her. She was a part of the group of 5 in one area. "Something new", she mentioned as one of the men rolled onto his back near me. "Service him" Helga commanded, and I was immediately moving toward him. I seemed to know what was expected, as I felt his legs, and took his huge cock in my mouth. I had never done this before, so I choked the first time, but I quickly learned how to hold and kiss it. He lay quiet for a while, and then began to move. I moved also, without loosing my lip lock on his dick. He moaned, and I could feel him stiffen, then I felt the rush of semen against the roof of my mouth. I swallowed quickly, and more followed. I found the taste of it pleasant. Once he climaxed, the other man rolled off a woman, and lay on his back. The intent was obvious, so I went to him and did the same thing. As I was working on him, a third man moved behind me, and I could feel his huge tool entering me. Now I remembered the machine, and I began to move with him as I sucked the other man. All three of us came together. The pleasure was the greatest I had ever felt. I had to do it again. I began to crawl to a fourth man, and heard Helga laugh. She and the Mistress just stood and watched me as I chased a man around the floor on my knees, blinded by the mask. He stopped, and I was on him with my mouth. I could not stop. I had to have more. The women were laughing as I chased the men around the room. I would do anything for another climax. One woman stopped me, and I immediately began to lick her. I did anything to be in a position where one of the men could enter me. Helga left the room, and then appeared with a large, black object. She turned it on and a low hum started. It was a huge dildo with a vibrator in it. She inserted it into my vagina, and I immediately began to writhe on the floor, and moan. I was coming! A man went by, and I grabbed him, and clamped my mouth on his dick. Everyone laughed again. I was like an animal. I would do anything for pleasure. One of the women began to lick my cunt, and again I went crazy. I wrapped my legs around her, and held her tightly as I climaxed. Soon, all of us were in one pile, everyone trying to get to me to see what would excite me most. I soon lost track of time, and finally passed out. PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Therapy complete. Nymphomaniac. Will do anything for sex. MEDICAL NOTES: Surprising endurance. Surgery is holding up well. Can reduce aphrodisiac levels. CONCLUDING PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Therapy a success. Can make anyone addicted to pleasure. Only hormonal implant replacement needed. 6 month checks on integrity of vagina. Is in constant demand for new clients who need exposure to such a strong need. Have even transported outside the resort on special occasions as the need arose. CASE : EXP01903 SUBJECT : Harold Walker NET WORTH : About $35,000,000. HIS FANTASY : Called for a resort weekend. Just wanted to relax. SITUATION : Medium size, nothing remarkable. Research reveals substance habit. PLANNED : Slow transformation experiment. DISPOSITION : To be determined based on findings. ARRANGEMENTS: $500,000 conversion. $20,000 per week, $1,000,000 cancellation, $5,000 Maintenance. COMMENTARY : Experimental slow transformation. Will use hormones and derivatives only. Vaginal substitute only if needed. CLIENT DEBRIEFING TRANSCRIPT: An associate of mine had mentioned a wonderful week that he had spent at a small, exclusive resort in Georgia. As he left his office to get some documents, I noticed an invoice to him with a Georgia address. I remembered the phone number, and called that night to discuss a week. They said that they would get back to me, and I received a letter the next week with suggested dates and rates. It was very expensive, but my friend was so enthusiastic that I thought that I would try it. As I left the airport, I was pleasantly surprised to meet an attractive woman who drove me to the resort. The trip took a significant amount of time, with an hour on poor back roads. The final part could only have been done in the Blazer that we rode in. Finally, I saw a resort community within the forest, and she drove me up to the door of a small hotel. Once inside, the desk clerk gave me a number of forms to fill out, and I signed them without looking. She gave me a room key, and directed me to my room on the second floor. As I opened the door, I was pleasantly surprised to see a full studio apartment, with a fine view of a distant mountain range. I unpacked, and rested before dinner. At dinner, I was met by a strikingly beautiful woman who directed me to a small table. I noticed that the room was occupied by about 15 others, most of them sitting alone. The dinner was very good, and I took a short walk before returning to my room. I read for a while, and then became sleepy, so I went to bed. MEDICAL NOTES: Experimental gradual transformation. Medications: Sedative including enzymes orally to increase subliminal receptivity. Female Hormone Z, Including accelerators to obtain a 5 day period to full effect. Injected while asleep. Eroycin aphrodisiac orally each day to accelerate sex drive. Dermosol D derivative orally to accelerate hair growth on head, shoulder length. Depilimycin orally to remove beard and body hair and retard further growth of same. Lipoattractors incorporated into hormones. PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Details unknown. Must monitor carefully. The next morning, I ran for 45 minutes, showered, and went to breakfast. I then walked around the resort for the rest of the morning. I had lunch and felt tired, so I took a short nap, and then went fishing in the lake. I found everyone very friendly, and helpful. At dinner, I noticed an attractive woman who seemed to be watching me. I said nothing that night, but I thought that I would introduce myself if the opportunity presented itself. The second morning, I ran again. I seemed to tire easily, but I still finished 5 miles. I showered, and noticed that my chest seemed sensitive. I thought that it was from the new sweat shirt that I had bought, so I gave it no more thought. I walked again that morning, and happened to meet the woman at the general store. I introduced myself, and she did also. We walked for a while, and then decided to have lunch together. We walked back to the hotel, and enjoyed a relaxing lunch. I got very tired after lunch, and excused myself after we agreed to meet at 7:00 PM for dinner. Dinner time came quickly, and we met in the lobby. We had a delightful dinner, and took a walk. I was pleasantly surprised when she suggested that we go to her room for a drink. She had an apartment like mine, and we sat on the sofa a while and talked. She got up to get me another drink, and I was delighted when she kissed me as she sat back down. I kissed her strongly, and we held each other for a while. She then stood up, took my hand, and pulled me toward her bed. We undressed quickly, and made love for an extended period of time. Finally, I excused myself, and returned to my room. The next morning, I ran again, and seemed even more winded. In the shower, I noticed that my chest was even more sensitive, and it seemed a bit flabby. I thought that I might be eating too much. At breakfast, I ate alone, and went fishing. The next few days followed a similar pattern. Each evening, I met the woman for dinner, and then we went to her room to make love. I could see why my friend had such a good time. The fifth day, I awoke as usual, but I felt very sick. I tried to run, but could not get very far. I called the hotel doctor, and he agreed to see me at 9:30 AM. I went to the doctor's office, and he examined me. He said that I had a virus, and he injected me with an anti-biotic. As I was getting dressed, I became very dizzy, and fainted. MEDICAL NOTES: Oral administration seems to be ineffective. Must accelerate medications via injections. PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Sex drive normal. Little effect seem of medications. CLIENT DEBRIEFING TRANSCRIPT (cont.) I awoke with a bad headache. I was in a small room. The room contained only a table, a bed, and two doors. I found that I was restrained at the wrists, ankles, and waist. Shortly, the doctor walked into the room with the woman I had met. They were talking about something. "What is happening?" I asked. The doctor and the woman said nothing. He injected me with four different medications, and then they left the room. The doctor returned with a TV and VCR on a stand. He turned it on and I saw an attractive woman sitting behind a desk. The caption read: Harold Walker Stay. "Hello Mr. Walker", the woman began. "You were selected randomly from a number of our clients for an experimental stay at this resort. Before I continue, let me describe some of the research we have performed prior to your arrival. It has to do with certain of your recent activities." The tape changed to film clips om me buying cocaine on a downtown street corner. It then switched to pictures of evidence of some recent business transactions of mine that had embezzled money from my employer. "As you see, we know about your activities", the woman began again. "You have no choice but to follow our instructions or we will release this data!" With that, the doctor gave me another injection, removed my restraints, removed the TV, and locked the door. I was left alone in the room. Within a short time, my entire body began to tingle, and I got severe cramps. A trip to the bathroom had no effect. I fell asleep, and awoke shortly when the doctor returned to give me another injection. "I feel horrible", I commented, but he did not respond. He left, and I walked into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and was shocked. I had shoulder length hair. I looked more closely, and I had breasts. What was happening? I reached to my chest, and they were real. I could feel my hands squeezing them, and the nipples hardening. I felt my cock, and it seemed smaller. I walked back into the room, and lay down because if the pain. I could almost feel my hips and breasts growing as I lay there. I drifted in and out of consciousness. Finally, the doctor gave me another injection, and left. I went into the bathroom, and I did not recognize the person looking back at me. It was an attractive woman, with very large breasts, fine rounded hips, and a narrow waist. I had long brown hair, and dark, expressive eyes. What were they doing to me? Gradually the cramps subsided. I got up, and felt for my cock. It was still there, but it was very small. Just then, the doctor returned. He examined me thoroughly, and then gave me some clothing. "Get dressed", he ordered as he left. I had some trouble with the unfamiliar clothing. The lace panties felt good as I pulled them on, but I had great difficulty with the panty hose. The bra felt good against my sensitive nipples, and I could feel the weight of my large breasts pulling on the bra straps. There was a plain dress, and a pair of high heeled shoes. I got them on with some difficulty, but had great difficulty in walking with them. When I finished, I again looked into the mirror, and was struck with the beauty of the person I saw. Why were they doing this to me? I waited in the room for some time, and they finally gave me some food. The woman came in to talk with me about my stay, and I am getting tired again. FINAL MEDICAL NOTES: Conversion completed, but method is flawed. Experiment indicated oral administration of existing medications is too slow. Will have to work on them some more. Have injected strong aphrodisiac, and have immersed in a dark skin dye. Client appears negroid. Has no further experimental value so will remove from resort. FINAL PSYCHIATRIC NOTES: Mental changes never happened with oral administration. The subliminal therapy is most effective. Have stimulated sex drive, and will leave in New Orleand slums. EPILOG: I awoke slowly from the 8 day treatments. I had a slight headache, which I had expected. I sat up slowly, and enjoyed the new sensation of weight shifting on my chest. I reached up and touched two beautiful, large breasts. The nipples sent a pleasant electric shock through me as I touched them, and I loved holding the weight of them. I reached to my head, and ran my fingers through my shoulder length hair. My scalp tingled as I pulled on the hair. I stood up and reached between my legs. I smiled as I felt a moist slit. I pushed two fingers into it, and waves of pleasure swept over me. Enough for now, I would have lots of time to enjoy it. I walked to the dresser, and looked at the clothing there. First I picked up the lacy silken panties. They felt so soft as I pulled them tightly over my new wide hips. Next I put on the panty hose, and smiled at the feeling as I ran my hand up my slim legs. I picked up the lacy bra, and hooked it around my chest. The feeling that it gave my nipples was tremendous, and I could feel the bra straps pulling down as I settled my ample breasts into the D cups. I looked into the mirror, and used the cosmetics on the dresser until I was satisfied with my makeup. I put on a little lipstick, and brushed my hair. Then I picked up a sheer, lacy half slip. It slid easily over my hose, and rustled as I moved around. I walked to the closet, and reached for the silk blouse. It fit tightly across my breasts as I buttoned it, and the open neck showed a lot of my wonderful cleavage. Next, I found the woolen skirt. It rubbed against my hose as I pulled it on, and it felt tight around my hips. I loved the feel of a tight skirt as I walked around the room. I picked up the suit jacket and put it on. Then I found my high heeded shoes near the dresser. Their 5 inch heels giving my legs a much nicer shape. I looked into the mirror and smiled. The door opened, and the doctor walked in. "How do you feel?" he asked. "Great", I answered. "Our experiments have all improved the therapies. Now I have accomplished my greatest dream since the beginning of the resort. I am really the woman in the videos." The doctor walked up to me and kissed me. I returned the kiss passionately, and we walked out of the room, hand in hand. .