Improvements By Annie ---------------- PART ONE It was summer 1980, and John was about to enter Fourth year: his most important. If he was to get the exam results he wanted, he would have to really try and concentrate, and shut out the bullying and rejection that had dogged him in his First, Second and Third years. He had come from a primary school where his quiet attitude and weak frame and earmarked him for bullying. He spent a lot of time alone or with the few friends he had managed to make. All he wanted to do was keep away from the aggressive types and lead a quiet life. He always thought he would probably make a better girl than a boy, but didn't really think about it too much. Girls always seemed to be left alone to get on with things; to do their schoolwork, to play in peace with their friends. John's life was an endless tirade of name-calling, chases and beatings. It wasn't even as if he'd done anything to encourage them, like mincing around or acting particularly girly. He had eventually gone to Secondary school and hoped the change of environment would help his situation and he could start again. But of course the very people he hated and made his life so trying went to the high school too, and so it started again. Never mind, he thought, it was Fourth year next. He had spent two years taking shit from the others but had made some good friends too. John had also learned all the best places to hide and the best routes to go to avoid trouble. He hoped that maybe by keeping away from the others and buckling down to the work, he would get those passes and finally be free. He was either going in the direction of computers, which were rather clunky in those days, but interested him a hell of a lot, or acting and music, which gave him a lot of pleasure. It was the Friday before he was due to start school, and John was determined to do as little as possible on his last day of freedom. He lay on a blanket on the grass listening to Radio 1 and thinking how idyllic the setting was. All he could hear was the radio and the birds in the trees. Although it was very warm, he still wore his shorts and T-shirt because he hated the way he looked, but left his feet bare; he loved the feeling of the grass on his feet. He was able to let his mind wander again and for the first time in a while, he thought about how his life may have been had his Mum had two daughters. He didn't so much fantasise as rather think of the differences or parallels his life may have taken. "Suppertime", said his sister Louise, as she approached carrying a large tray. She went over and sat down on the blanket and gave John a nudge. "Hey, come on then, Mum made this special" "Mmmm", said John, as he sat up and got ready to eat. He was surprised to see that it was 6pm already. It was still sunny and hot however. Louise had just turned nineteen and seemed quite happy with her lot in life, working as a sales assistant in a photo shop, since photography was her main hobby. She had just finished a week of holidays too and although we only bumped into each other in the evenings usually, we had spent a bit of time together over the past week, and had sort of gotten to know each other again. "What are you doing tonight then?" she asked. "Nothing", said John, pouring the Coke. "Listen, you, you've got to go and do something.. You can't just spend the last day of the hols lazing about" "Why not?? Isn't that what the summer's for?" "Oh great", said Louise. "I tell you what. you could give me a hand getting my darkroom setup in the loft. Dad finished it this morning. how about it?" "After supper, OK?" said John, who supposed it might be interesting enough, since he was never usually allowed near her photo stuff. They polished off the rest of the ham salad and went back indoors. Their Mum took the tray and smiled at her children. "Nice supper?" she asked. "Yeah Mum, thanks.", said John and gave her a little peck on the cheek as he left for his bedroom. His Mum was surprised at the unexpected gesture, but it pleased her nonetheless. She had been so worried about him recently. John went to his wardrobe and put on a pair of trainers but kept his shorts on. it was too hot. He tended to keep mirrors turned to the wall, something which worried his parents a bit, but John did not particularly like his reflection and only used them in the morning getting ready for school. His body had embarrassed him for years, and no manner of exercise or training could put muscle on his frame. He seemed destined to be a weedy little thing forever. When he got up to the loft, Louise was already unpacking her photo developing kit. "Hey, Dad's done great here!", said John who had had to put up with sawing and banging for the last two weeks. "Yeah", said Louise," Isn't it great? Get the enlarger out of the box and check it out will you.. I don't want sawdust all over it." He went over and picked up the large box and groaned. God, it was heavy. John grinned at the name on the box. Durst.. sawDurst. hee hee.. That always made him smile. simple minds.. Louise was opening other boxes. He opened the box and lifted the enlarger out. It seemed to be OK, all it needed was a bit of a wipe. "I'll get a cloth", he said, and he left the loft to go to the kitchen. Louise looked towards the door and bit her lip. She wasn't stupid. John had lost weight recently and she knew what was wrong. Worry. He was so scared of that school, but was so determined to make something out of himself he was going to drive himself to the edge. She felt powerless but wanted to help in some way, but she had no idea how. Her thoughts were broken by John's footsteps on the stairs, and she turned away quickly to carry on unpacking. But John had noticed the look on her face. "Hey. it's OK", he said softly, "I'm going to be alright. I've just got some thinking to do. It'll work out." Louise went over and hugged him. "I just worry", she said, "you've lost weight and every time I see you you're lost in some kind of dream" "It's just something I'm battling with inside, Louise. It's gotten a bit intense recently, but I'm not depressed or anything, so I won't be doing something stupid." "Just tell me what's going on then", she said," Maybe I can help." "I really don't think you can right now. It's just going to take time.. Anyway. let's get on with the darkroom!" Louise smiled. "OK" The small room was laid out perfectly for a darkroom and Dad had built in work surfaces to the walls. The ceiling had a strip light and a red lamp for darkroom work fitted. All in all it was perfect for Louise. She had an inkling to do some serious creative work and so this had been a birthday present from her Dad. Both the kids were born in May, three years and three days apart by date, and it was John's birthday in two days; he wondered what his Dad would do for him. Dad was great. He wasn't the kind of Dad who expected great things of his kids; he just wanted them to be happy. Although he was not a high wage earner, he tried to make birthdays special, and this loft conversion was wonderful for Louise. Even though it was his sixteenth birthday this year, John didn't really want anything special that year. His mind was far too preoccupied. After about half an hour of unpacking and laughing, the room was well and truly ready. "Not bad, little brother", said Louise, "I guess I'd better take some photos" She went down to her bedroom and got her camera "Come on guys", she said as she ran into the garden", "I've got some piccies to take, and I want all of you out here" John went into the kitchen, shrugged and he and his Mum went out into the garden while Louise got the camera ready. "OK, just a few in front of the house", she yelled. John and his Mum stood and smiled while Louise snapped away. John tried his best to sort of hide behind his Mum and found it hard to smile too hard. After about five pictures, Louise finished the film and went indoors to do some developing. "I'm going to my room, Mum", said John, "I'm a bit tired. too much sun" "Remember to get your stuff ready for school tomorrow, John", yelled his Mum. "Yeah, yeah", said John. He went inside and went up to his bedroom, hearing Louise working away in the loft. He looked out his school uniform and schoolbag and laid them out on his bedroom chair. He pulled off his trainers and shorts, turned on the television and lay down on the bed. After a while longer of thinking about his life, he fell asleep. John awoke at 1am to the sound of static on the TV, so he got up and in the darkness crept over and switched it off. He could still hear the TV on downstairs, so he knew his Mum and Dad were still up. Louise was bound to be in bed by now. He went back to bed and sat on the edge for a minute or two, before bursting into tears. He lay down and hugged his pillow, crying inconsolably. He had just had quite a pleasant day today, and yet he knew that there was two years of hell ahead, upon which his whole life depended. What on earth had he done to deserve the treatment he received at school?? Again he found himself thinking that it might be different had be been born a girl. At that point his bedroom door opened slowly and Louise poked her head in. "John?" John struggled to compose himself, but it was no use. "I'm sorry, Louise, I don't want anyone to see this" "Oh God, John, what on earth is wrong. please tell me!". She rushed over and hugged John tight and he held her close. "It's just too much, Lou", he said, "I can't let Mum and Dad see this" At that point he let everything out. The school problems, the weight loss, the way he felt about being a boy. "Oh, John", said Louise, now crying herself, "I don't know what to say. I don't know how I can help!" "You can't, Louise", John sniffed, "it's just something I have to live with. I don't know if I have the strength to get through the next two years." They talked, quietly, for half an hour about this and that and John felt somehow relieved that he had told his sister, and was amazed and heartened by her support and love. They had never really been that close before, but knowing she knew about his situation helped him calm down. "I'm going to bed now, John. Are you going to be all right tonight?", she said "Yes, I'm OK. It's not the first time I've cried myself to sleep, but you don't advertise the fact" Louise smiled. "See you in the morning then. We'll talk more on the way to school then, OK"; Louise always gave John a lift to school in the morning. "Sure. Listen, thanks. " "You get some sleep..". Louise closed the door. John lay back on his bed, emotionally drained. This wasn't what he wanted, really. He figured it was his problem, and he didn't want his family involved. On the other hand, however, he now had someone who he could talk to about it, if it got too much again. He changed into a clean white oversize T-shirt for the night and went back to bed. So tired was he that he fell straight asleep, but had some interesting dreams. Dreams where he was at his dreaded school, but he was enjoying it. He was popular with his school friends, he was on the school swim team and when he saw a reflection of himself in a mirror at the school, he was a girl. John awoke to the sound of his clock radio going off at 7.30am. The breakfast show slowly brought him to consciousness and he opened his eyes. Then he remembered that today was school day. He groaned and turned over, but before he closed his eyes, he saw his walls. The decor was different. He sat up and looked around. It was his bedroom alright, but apart from the TV, the contents were all different. The carpet was a cream colour instead of brown, the walls pink instead of cream and his desk had been replaced by a dressing table. In a state of confusion, he got up, pulled his T-shirt down, and went towards the bedroom door, brushing his hair out of his eyes while doing so. He grabbed his long towelling robe and looked out while putting it on. Everything seemed normal. He could hear his Dad in the kitchen making breakfast, Mum in her bedroom with the hairdryer going and Louise in the bathroom. She popped out at that moment, getting a bit of a fright. "Oh, morning", she said ,nervously, "it's all yours" She seemed to have forgotten our little tˆte-…-tˆte the previous evening and he was quite glad. He wasn't quite feeling up to it right now. John went into the bathroom, locked the door, and went to the sink. The mirror was steamed up after Louise's bath, so he grabbed a towel and wiped it. If you've ever got out of bed too quick, and found your head going dizzy, you'll know how John felt when he looked in the mirror. Staring back at him, open-mouthed was the face of a fifteen year old girl, with long brown hair down to her shoulders. John stared at the reflection for what seemed an hour, but was only 2 minutes, examining every inch, feature and freckle. It was still him. He could see that. But it was definitely a young girl that stared back at him. After he pulled himself together, he realised there was more to being a girl than a face and looked down. He took off his robe, hung it up on the door hook and steeled himself for what came next. He lifted his T-shirt and saw white cotton pants underneath, and yes, it was smooth. He pulled the T-shirt over his head and there staring back were two smallish but perfect breasts. He collapsed on the floor with a bump, head spinning. His Mum's voice came from the bedroom next door. "Joanne, are you OK?", she asked Joanne?? "er.. Yeah, Mum, just slipped", he yelled and caught his breath. His voice had changed too. "Well get into that bath. You've got 45 minutes to get ready and out to school" John's mind took over and he got up and ran the bath. While it was filling up, he wiped the mirror again and, yes, there she was; Joanne. It seemed to be true. It was like a dream, but it was all too real. He could not believe it. A dream come true. At that moment, everything clicked into place and he knew he had to do everything as normal and just "go with the flow". He tied up his hair, somehow instinctively, jumped into the bath, washed quickly, noticing the new parts he had been given with some interest, got out of the bath and dried off. He put his bath robe on and, pausing to take a breath, opened the bathroom door and Joanne left the bathroom, leaving John behind, metaphorically. She walked towards her bedroom and opened the door. Louise popped her head out her bedroom. "How are you feeling this morning then?", she asked, "Ready for school?" "Oh, alright", said Joanne (that voice again!) "OK, see you downstairs, then. Toast and juice?" "er.Yeah, OK" She closed her door and Joanne closed hers. Wow!.. It was actually real. Her name was Joanne and she was Mum and Dad's daughter! She threw herself on her bed and giggled madly with joy. Pulling herself together, she knew she had to get ready for school and so went over to the dressing table. She opened a drawer and found a pair of pants, bra and tights. Pulling them on, she got her uniform and put it on too. It was the same uniform as before, but with a blouse and skirt instead of trousers and shirt. Joanne picked up the hairbrush from the dressing table, sat down and brushed out her long shoulder length hair. She opened the makeup box on the table and applied a very few touches to her face then applied lipstick, finishing off by putting on a locket. She straightened her clothes out and looked in the full-length mirror on the wardrobe, and realised she had just dressed herself and made-up for the first time and it had been completely instinctive. She felt as if she had done it all before a thousand times. The figure in the mirror was now a pretty 15 year old schoolgirl. The one she had seen in her dreams the previous night! She grabbed her blazer and schoolbag and headed for the door. She had only had half an hour to come to terms with this, but everything seemed to fit together normally. The feeling of her new clothes and the gravity of it all made Joanne feel quite light-headed as she went downstairs to breakfast. She dumped her blazer and bag down on the kitchen chair and sat down at the table to see her Mum, Dad and sister for the first time, as it were. No effect. Dad was reading the paper, Louise was reading another, and Mum was taking toast out of the toaster. Dad looked up and smiled. "Hi Jo". It was the warmest smile she had ever seen from him. "Hi Jo", said her Mum "Hi", beamed Joanne. "Why are you so happy?", she asked, with a puzzled look on her face, "I thought summer was over" "Oh, just glad to be going back", said Joanne. "Well, eat your breakfast if you want a lift, 'cos I don't want to be late", said Louise, not looking up. Jo sat quietly and munched toast and orange juice, her mind racing. She got her timetable out of her bag and saw her name written on the front; Joanne Palmer, and read that her first lesson was swimming. Oh God, she thought, talk about being thrown in at the deep end, literally! She looked in her bag and saw that she had remembered to pack her swim kit. Remembered? Finished off her toast, she saw it was 8.30am. time to go. "Come on then, kiddo", said Louise, "Let's go" She grabbed her blazer, put it on and got her bag. "Don't forget, Joanne", said her Mum, "Be prompt home, it's your birthday meal tonight" She then remembered; it was her birthday the next day, and the family were going out for dinner at a hotel. "OK, Mum", said Joanne. She crossed the kitchen and kissed her Dad and then her Mum. "Bye" "Bye, darling" She went to the front door where Louise was waiting and they left together. Louise's car was a little white Peugeot and they got in started the car. As they moved off, Louise turned to Joanne and said "What the fuck is happening???" Joanne's blood turned cold; Louise knew. "Last night, I was hugging you while you told me that you would have rather been born a girl, and today I wake up early, go into your bedroom and everything's different!", she exclaimed. "You got up early?", said Joanne "Yeah, I was worried for you, so I got up about 6am, and your carpet had changed, your wallpaper and then, on the bed, was YOU! I went to bed thinking I was hallucinating" "To top it all", continued Louise , "Mum and Dad get up and act is if you've been Joanne all your life, and then I get the same thoughts" "How do you mean?", Joanne asked. "Well, I still remember you as John, right? But now, I can remember Joanne too, and John is getting harder to remember!" "I don't know what else to do. I'm just following my instincts", said Joanne. They were approaching the school. " Look, just try and get through the day and we'll talk tonight", said Louise. "OK" The car drew up to the school and Louise leaned over and hugged Joanne. "Look, I'm totally at a loss here, I can't make sense of this, but I still love you and if it's a little sister I've got. well. that's great". She smiled and we laughed through tears together. Joanne got out of the car and waved goodbye, wiping her eyes carefully so as not to make them too red. Ahead stood the school gates . As she walked towards them two girls she recognised from her class approached her and smiled. "Hi Jo", said the smaller one, Cathy. "Hi Cathy", said Joanne, "What's up?" "Nothing", said Cathy, "Just meeting you as normal" "Oh, yeah, right" They walked across to the doors and the taller girl, Susan, asked: "What was that with your sister, Jo?" "Oh, It's my birthday tomorrow and she's doing something special for me." "Aw. That's sweet of her. You two have always been close haven't you?" "Yeah. She's my best friend too." "Oh, thanks", said Cathy Joanne smiled. "Apart from you two", she said, hugging Cathy and Susan's shoulders