From Wed Jan 18 03:45:58 1995 From: Edwin Gay Date: Sun, 15 Jan 95 19:58:27 -0500 Newsgroups: Subject: TG: "Half a Loaf" August 22, 1993 "Half a Loaf" by Olivia Evans "Mike, why are you looking at me like that?" Pamala asked her husband of two years. She had been in the process of pulling on her panties and had suddenly felt her husband's eyes on her. Mike glanced away, obviously embarrassed. "No reason," he shook his head. He started toward the door. "Wait!" Pamala commanded. "There was a reason for that strange look, now tell me what it was," she softened her tone a little. "Please, Mike, what was it?" "Your panties," Mike mumbled growing red in the face. Pamala involuntary looked down at the bright pink nylon panty briefs she had put on. They looked alright to her, then what was bothering Mike? She sat down on the edge of the bed and patted the area beside her. "Mike, please sit down. We need to talk." Mike nodded and sat down. Other than the two words he had just spoken, he hadn't said a thing. "Mike, please tell me, what is it about my panties that's gotten you so upset." Mike remained silent and turned his head away. Just before he did, Pamala thought she caught sight of tears forming in his eyes. "Mike, honey, you're beginning to scare me. Please tell me what's bothering you." Mike turn back to face his wife. There were tears in his eyes! The confirmation of the tears caused Pamala's fears to increase. "Mike, I'm your wife. I love you, very much and you can trust me. I won't get mad or upset if you would just please tell me what is bothering you." Mike looked into his wife's eyes and saw nothing but compassion and love. Pamala waited while he made up his mind to tell her. "Pam, I love you, you know that, don't you?" Mike said slowly. Pamala stiffened and leaned back slightly. Conversations that started like this usually ended up with a "but, I want a divorce."! Well, no matter what, she would not give him the satisfaction of granting it. "And I love you too, honey," Pamala said a little slower than Mike had. She, like Mike had a few minutes earlier, searched his eyes. All she could see was pain, anxiety and worry. "Mike honey, please." Mike took a deep breath and sighed slowly. "It's your panties. I want to wear them." "What!" Pamala exclaimed in great relief. "Is that all?" "What do you mean is that all?" Mike asked a little stunned by his wife's reaction. "Honey, compared to what I'd been thinking, wearing my panties is insignificant. If you want to try them on, go right ahead. I don't mind, really I don't." Mike's dark look lighten. "Then you really don't mind." Pamala leaned over and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Of course not, honey, if that's what will make you happy. Here, I'll even select a very pretty pair for you to wear right now, if you would like." Mike watched in open mouthed amazement as Pamala rose and started to dig through her dresser. A few seconds later she pulled a pair of string bikinis out and handed them to Mike. Mike looked at the garment in his hand then back up at his wife. "What am I supposed to do with these?" he asked. "I thought that you wanted to wear them?" Pamala said, growing confused. Mike looked down at the bikinis then back up at his wife. "Well, I do, but I want to be you when I wear them." "Be me? You mean pretend to be me? Why honey, that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me," Pamala moved back to the bed and sat down on her husband's lap. They naturally fell into an embrace and kissed. "I think that you don't quite understand what I'm saying. Maybe I worded it wrong. It's not that I want to BE you as much as I want to BECOME you." Mike began to run his hands over Pamala's half naked body. He paid particular attention to her breasts and the swell of her hips and rear. "Mike, what is it that you're trying to tell me, that you're a transsexual?" Pamala's fears suddenly returned. "A what? No, no. It's just that I want to be a woman for a change. Nothing permanent you understand, just temporary." Pamala stood up and shook her head. "Nothing permanent! And just how do you plan to do that? Take female hormones grow your own breasts, live you life as a woman for a while then just stop? And just what am I to do while you're being a woman just 'temporarily'?" Mike smiled. "Why I thought it would be rather obvious, you would be me." "That's the biggest bunch of bull shit I've ever heard. I couldn't just become you. Besides, what makes you think that I would even want to?" Pamala said angrily. "Yes, you can. The how is really quite simple, we use the equipment I've been working on in the basement. As for the why should you, haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to be a man?" Pamala looked thoughtfully at her husband. He was right, she had wondered on occasion what it would be like being a male. What girl, or boy for that matter, didn't at one time or another wonder what it would be like to be the other sex? "You say you have a machine down in the basement that will do this? Make us into one another?" Mike nodded. "Sure, I've already tried it out on some laboratory rats. Immediately after I pushed the button, they started to behave just like the other." "And you can change us back?" Mike nodded. Pamala abruptly turned and began to dig a bra out of her dresser. When she fastened it around her chest she turned back to face her husband again. "Let me think about it for a while, okay?" Mike nodded and began to rise from the bed. "Uh, honey?" "Yes," Pamala asked, not bothering to interrupt pulling on her shorts. "About those panties, can I really wear them?" "Of course, dear, that's what I got them out for." -0-0-0- Pamala thought about Mike's proposal for nearly a month before finally giving in. "I can't tell you how excited this makes me," Mike said as he adjusted some dials on a large console. Pamala was already laying on the table, holding two metal electrodes in her hands. Covering her nude body was a wire mesh like cloth that was attached to still another electrode. "So, I can see," Pamala giggled as she watched her husband. He too was as naked as the day he was born. In a few minutes, he would be laying next to Pamala covered by an identical wire mesh cloth and holding identical electrodes. Pamala pulled the mesh cloth over her head as she had been instructed to. The weave of the cloth was lose enough to allow her to see most of what Mike was doing. There was a muffled clap of thunder faintly heard in the semi dark basement. Pamala looked worriedly up at the light hanging over her head as it flickered. "Mike how much longer?" "Just a few more seconds, beloved. Then I'll set the timer and get up there beside you and then zip, we're each other." The sound of the thunder came a little closer. "Hurry up, Mike," Pamala hissed. "There! Last one!" Mike pushed a red button and hurried to the table. A few seconds later, he had covered himself completely with the mesh and was gripping the electrodes. "Only a few seconds more, Pamala, my darling." "It had better be fast, I don't want to be down here when the lightening gets here." No sooner than Pamala said that then the lights went out. "What the hell?" Mike said. Through the loose threads of the mesh cloth, Pamala saw her husband rise up. The mesh cloth slid down to just above his waist as he groped for a flashlight. "Be careful, honey," Pamala called. In the light of another lightening strike, Pamala saw her husband nod. Just as he nodded, she the lights came back on. Pamala was bathed in a warm golden glow as the wire mesh cloth lit up. Although she knew what would happen, the light frightened her. She tried to push it off, but found that she was paralyzed. Knowing that there was nothing she could do, she relaxed and waited. After what seemed like hours, the machine's timer turned itself off and the glow suddenly disappeared. Pamala whipped the mesh covering off and was astonished to see that she was still in her own body. It hadn't worked! In a strange sort of way she was disappointed and yet greatly relieved. While she had been curious about what it felt like to be a man, it had only been on rare occasions. Usually when she started her period and was having a particularly bad time of it. She had only agreed to the experiment because Mike seem to want it so badly. Poor Mike, she thought, he will really be disappointed. Mike? Pamala suddenly realized she hadn't heard anything from him. She turned to look at him, not knowing what to expect. Almost every conceivable thing had raced through her mind as she turned to look at Mike, but nothing had prepared her for what she actually saw. Nothing. Mike's side of the table was bare, not even the electrodes or mesh cloth was apparent. Ignoring her nakedness, Pamala slid off the table and ran around to the other side. As she passed the machine, she thought she smelled burning insulation, but dismissed it, Mike needed her! Tears formed in her eyes as she saw her husband laying on the floor. Wrapped around his waist and legs was the mesh cloth. He was holding both electrodes in one hand and in the other, the flashlight, broken in the fall from the bed. Quickly checking for a pulse in the vein in his neck, Pamala was relieved to discover that he was still alive. She then she noticed something she hadn't before, something very strange. Mike had needed a shave when he had laid down on the table, now he didn't. His faces as soft and as smooth as a new born baby's or as her own! She quickly checked his exposed chest. It too, was hairless and soft to the touch. "You don't think, do you?" she asked herself softly as she tried to pull the mesh cloth from Mike's body. She found that he was too tangled up in it to just pull it off. She would have to unwrap him like a present, or peel him like a banana. Carefully peeling the cloth away from her husband, Pamala became aware that Mike's body was almost totally hairless. Gone was the hair on his chest and arms, gone was the hair on his stomach between his navel and his little blonde patch of pubic hair and gone were his genitals! Pamala was so surprised that she sat down on the floor and just stared at her husband's groin. From the waist down the exchange had worked, the lower half of his body was an exact duplicate of her own. Above, except for the loss of body hair and beard, he was still himself. She knew that she wouldn't be enjoying sex with Mike in the normal manner anytime soon. Not until he fixed the machine, and maybe not even then. That was a shame, he was actually pretty good in bed, in spite of everything else. Now, if they had BOTH changed..., Pamala pushed the thought out of her mind. Sex would be a secondary consideration anyway once he realized what had actually happened to him. "Well, at least you got half your wish anyway, darling. I do so hope you'll enjoy it," Pamala sighed. Perhaps it was better this way, she thought, Mike would learn what it was like to be a woman in all the important things. Like when he discovered that they both were a month over due, and most likely pregnant. She covered Mike with the wire mesh cloth, rose and started to walk up the stairs. "Pamala? Pamala?" Pamala was half way up the stairs when she heard her name called. Mike had regained consciousness. She stopped. "I'm here, Mike. I'll be right back. Just lay back down and I'll bring you something of mine to wear," Pamala said starting up the stairs again. "But, it didn't work!" Mike exclaimed still groggy from the blow to his head. Pamala hesitated for a second, then smiled. "Better check again, darling." she called out over her shoulder. Her smile broadened as a long drawn out wail of despair came from below.