I did not write this story nor do I claim to have written it.  If you are the author and
would like to have it removed, E-mail me.

An Erotic Chain Letter
by  Joyce Brothers
Yes this is great. I thought as I gazed down at the lucious blonde woman
kneeling before me trying her best to devour my dick.  Although I only
sport six inches of meat my dick in her mouth felt huge. It looked huge
too as I watched it being slowly devoured. It seemed that the more she
swallowed the more there was.  And to think just five minutes ago I was
just a dateless wonder ready to spend another Saturday night with my
brain turned off in front of the TV.  No sooner had I opened that pink
slightly scented envelope than there she was.  Almost nude wearing
nothing but a halter and shorts that would have made a dallas
cheerleader blush.   She had perky fair sized tits that bounced
delciously inside her secret silkly underthings.  Long light blonde hair
framing a delecate almost elfin face.
"I am yours to command my master of the evening."  She said in her sweet
musical voice.  I just stood there stunned taking in the vision that had
magically appeared right in front of me.
"Wh.. How did ..."  I started to reply then lost all train of thought
just staring into her blue eyes.  Long doe like lashes framed them.  It
was lust at first sight.
"No. I am real.  I came from the letter you just opened.  I guess you
could call me an erotic chain letter.  I am yours for the evening my
master command me and I will fufill your every desire."  She was too
beautiful.   Even if she had not just appeared before me I don't think I
would have believed her real.  No earthly woman could look that perfect.
I realized that I already had a raging hard on in just the few seconds
it took for me to take her face and body in.  My hormones went totaly
out of control.  I wanted this woman.
"Very well my Venus," I replied trying unsucessfully to keep my
excitment and lust out of my voice. "I want you.  satisfy my every
carnal desire."
"Why you guessed my name for that is one of the names I have been known
by."  Gently she pushed me to the couch.  Her touch felt like a command.
I fell onto the couch.  She knelt before me running her hands down my
chest to my groin.  "My, my aren't excited.   Look what I found."   She
reach into my pants and pulled out my dick.
"Oh yes Venus that feels great."  I was so excited I almost came right
there.  Then her mouth covered my dick increasing the pleasure tenfold.
I caressed her soft shoulders then reached further for her tits.  As
soon as my hands came into contact with those globes.  I felt a rush of
pleasure in my own nipples.  My chest felt funny, so very soft.  I
tweaked her right nipple and felt a ghost of the pleasure I gave her in
my own chest.  Confused but unable to stop fondling her I cupped my hand
over her other breast and felt the same rush of pleasure on myself.
"This is really weird, Venus are you ..."
"Yes master it is but one of my many talents but you must wait we have
plenty of time.  Now just lie back and let me give your dick the vaction
of a lifetime."  The ghost feelings she was giving me faded I contented
myself with holding her head where it could do the most good.  The
excitment returned.
"That's it slave... do it... give it to me...take it baby take it
all..."  yes, yes this is fantastic.  I couldn't hold it.  It was just
too much.  Clothes disappeared.  First mine then hers.  I was too
excited to give it any thought.  I looked at her breasts, riding high on
her chest, almost as if they have never heard of  gravity.  Her soft
inviting snatch hiding between those perfect legs.  I was close.  I
closed my eyes and rode my orgasm. The crash of the beach breaking in my
head.  Dimly through the flush of my orgasm I felt her stand up and pull
away.  My mind refused to acknowledge the impossibility of it for even
though she was no longer in contact with me I could still feel her mouth
continue to milk me.
Slowly I came to myself and opened my eyes.  Yes she was standing in
front of me.  Yes I still could feel her hands carressing my dick
rubbing it between her breasts.  Then it hit me that was exactly what
she was doing.  She had my still hard dick in her hands rubbing it
between her tits.  But it couldn't have been me.  Unless the
....imposible.  No.  I looked at my groin there was nothing. Then at
her fondling my unattached dick.
"What have you done to me."  I yelled.  "Thats my dick."
"Oh.  you are going to be such fun master.  Why master honey what's the
matter.  Lose something."  She danced away from me fondling her human
dildo.  The feeling in my dick quickly subsided in a matter of moments I
couldn't feel anything from it.   I tried to get up and make a grab for
it but a surge of weakness hit me all I could do was watch as she rubbed
the human dildo over her cunt coating it with her juices.
"Please no."  I moaned weakly.  But she just reversed my dick rubbing
the butt end of it above her cunt.  She let it go and I watched as it
hung there like it belonged.
"See master honey.  I don't think it was yours at all.  I mean it fits
me just fine."  I couldn't believe it my brain refused to believe what
my eyes where telling me.
"Oh it's not that bad.  Master.  Just give it some time you'll get used
to it. Com'on honey you can have it back some other time."  She advanced
on me.  Letting her hands trail up my thighs then cupping my naked
sexless groin.
Her hand on me gave me a feeling of unearthly pleasure.  My groin felt
so soft and wet and dimly I felt a yearning as if something was
incomplete.  A desire for hardness to fill the softness. A desire for
... No.  That's crazy. No its just a hulucination or a game.  Yes.
I'll play along and she'll give me back my...  But man this feels so
good, different, but good.  I wonder what it would feel like if she...
"You want it don't you.  You know what I mean."  Her finger traced over
the center of my groin.  My mind raced I could almost feel those
imaginary lips parting opening up for the hardness of her finger.  It
felt fantastic.
"Just ask Venus."
"No."  I yelled.  "Its just too weird. I can't.  Please Venus. I.... I
comand it give me back my dick."
"Oh.  You silly, well.. whatever, I'm through playing that game.  No it
is I who command here.  Give it back.  Why.  I just got it.  No.  You
will do as I want then... Maybee.... if you ask real nice, that is if
you still want it,  just maybee I'll put you back the way you were but
we're going to have some fun tonight.  Fun the way I want it."
"Listen you..I."
"Shutup, slave."  My mouth obeyed her on its own.  My teeth slammed
together.  I just couldn't speak.
She pick up my shorts off the floor and put them on.  I looked at my
semi-erect dick half peeking out of the fly in my shorts.  That
beautiful body and face.  This is ridiculous I would have laughed at the
situation if I could have.
"You think somethings funny."  She flopped down onto the couch and
turned on the TV.  "Well don't just stand there slave go get me a beer
and put something on.  Here.."  She threw me her panties and silk pants.
I was compelled.  I put the panties on,  feeling a tightness in my
nipples as they responded to the erotic thought of wearing her panties.
The shorts fit me like a glove.  There was no doubt what I wasn't
packing between my legs.
I returned from the kitchen with my mistresses beer to find her sitting
up on the couch.  Lightly stroking her semi rigid dick through her
jockey shorts.  I handed her her beer then at a silent gesture from her
folded up on the floor between her exquisite legs.  Her hand strayed
toward my head lightly stroking my hair,  It was so peacefull.  Calming.
I slid toward that quiet place between conciousness and sleep.  Its just
a dream.  Soft.... so....soft.
The brush of my hair on my shoulders woke me.  Drowsily I stretched my
long soft hairless legs.  I ran my palms over them languidly admiring
their smothness.  I thouched my groin.  I awoke remembering my sexless
state.  I reached up and found a handfull of long blonde hair.  I looked
down at my flat skinny chest.  The impossibly soft tight tummy and my
perfect girl legs.  I looked up at my mistress with wonder at what I had
"Yes,  go ahead. I know you want to look."  She said in a soft
understanding voice.
I uncoiled my legs and stood.  Everything was wrong.  My weight.  My
balance.  My soft skinny hairless arms and body and those wonderfull
creamy legs.  I had to look.  I had to see. I stumbled into the bathroom
fumbled for the light with arms that were too short and looked at the
beautiful face staring back at me in the mirror.
"Lovely isn't it?"  Venus had joined me in the bathroom.  Standing
behind me.  looking in to mirror at me.  She was now quite taller than
me.  We looked like a mother and her teenaged daughter standing there.
"Would you like more of it?"  She reached around me and placed her bra
in my hands, then wrapped her arms around me.  Brushing my long hair off
of my face and placing her face close to my ear.
"Put it on my love.  I know you want it."
Slowly I came to realize that I did want this.  Just as slowly I slipped
my arms into the bra straps then lifted my hair so my lover could fasten
the back.  A flush of pleasure came over me.  My nipples became hard.  I
put my hands over the still empty bra cups and felt my nipples stir
under my hands.  Slowly they awakened swelled outward.  My nipples grew.
I pressed the springy flesh with my fingers.  Buzzing with tingling
excitment I flicked my fingers over my expanding nipples.  Trapping the
expanding flesh in the palms of my hands.  I cupped my breasts, the bra
cups were about half full.  I started to pull the silky fabric aside to
see my newly expanding flesh but a pair of hands trapped mine covering
my breasts pushing them gently together.
"Wait.  Let them fill the bra."  See said lustily in my ear.  She held
my hands over my breasts containing my excitement until the
transformation was complete.
Gently we released my breasts.  I felt the weight of the straps on my
shoulders as the bra provided their support.  The feel of my sensitive
hard nipples rubbing against their silky cups.  My chest felt so soft.
My body was so soft.
"Wow this is fantastik." I  admired my new look.  I was gorgeous.
Young, maybee sixteen or seventeen  and beautiful.  I turned in my
benifactors arms and felt her soft lips on my own. She pulled the hair
back away from my face and taking my face in her hands pulled me toward
her for another long soft wet kiss.  My tits were so alive. It felt so
good when her hands found them.  Gone and uneeded was the ghost feelings
I received when I first touched her.  I couldn't stop rubbing her tits
against mine a feeling that intensified when she pulled my bra straps
down.  Freeing my tits from their silky bounds.  She lifted my soft butt
onto the bathroom counter.  Then taking a moment to stare into my
lustfilled eyes she effortlessly unhooked my bra.  Gently she lifted my
right breast into her mouth.  Then covered it with kisses.  Flicking the
nipple with her tounge.  Suckling them like a baby and repeating the
same motions with the other breast.
"YESS... OH....YESS....OH BABY...OH BABY."  I was wanton,
uncontrollable.  I dry humped my sexless groin with my hand.  Spreading
my legs wide.  Wanton abandon..wanting...wanting.
"UHHH...UHHH...Ohhhh..YES."  CLIMAX.  I WAS CUMMING from my tits.  A
soft flush spread through my body.  Starting at my chest.  Rebounding
off of my toes and then crashing in my head.
"Wow Venus that was fantastic."  I hefted my boobs savoring their firm
softness. "These feel so good and my body is so soft.  Its...
"I'm glad you enjoy the new you Tina would you like to meet the rest of
her."  She rubbed her hands across my inner thighs stressing my still
sexless state.  Her hands moved in.  I felt a strange rush of pleasure
in my groin.  Is this what I really wanted? Yes I wanted it if only to
be complete. But what if  If I said yes. Would I ever be me again?  If I
said no would I regret it later?  Questions and few answers tumbled
through my mind.
Venus's hands were not being idle, forcing the issue.  I could feel a
deep yearning from my groin a yearning that would only be scratched if I
became complete.  My groin felt so soft and wet.  I imagined what it
would be like to have my pussy jucies flowing over her hand,  her finger
slowly entering my body. I didn't think I would regret it at least not
tonight.  Yearning for something I couldn't describe I gave Venus the
only possible answer I could.
"Yes. Venus.  I wan't it.  MAKE ME WHOLE.  Give me my pussy."
"Come Tina."  Venus took my hand and pulled me into the bedroom.  My new
boobs bounced deliciously as I jumped on the bed.
 "Now lets get rid of those silly shorts."  She undid the zipper on the
side.  Craving what I hoped to find inside my shorts I allowed her to
remove them. I put my hand over my pantied groin as she pulled the
shorts off of my hairless legs.  Could it be?  Am I?
"Now no touching, Tina."  Venus joined me onto the bed pressing her
exquisite body next to mine.  She removed my hand from my groin and
guided it to hers. I felt the hard heat of her dick through her shorts.
"You'll get what you want, Tina but first... Suck me Tina. Suck my
Pealing her shorts back I felt her now hard dick.  I ran my hands over
it in a corkscrew motion and was rewarded with a gasp.  I moved down her
body looking closely at what was once mine. How strange to be looking at
it from this angle.  Was it always this big?  No.  Its just that my
hands are smaller than they used to be.  I wonder what it tastes like.
I ran my tounge over the tip and then down under the head.  It grew
larger and became firmer.  Slowly I engulfed it with my lips putting
about half into my mouth.  So this is dick.  It tasted kind of salty.
Not bad at all.  I slid it out applying suction and wiggling my tongue
under it.  Venus rewarded me with a very unladylike moan.  Soon I was
really getting into it.  Rubbing her dick between my breasts and then
returning it to my mouth.  Venus grabbed the back of my head holding me
onto her cock while she fucked my mouth.  Her motions got stronger
overpowering me.  It was all I could do to just hold on.
"OH. YEAH. BABY DON'T STOP.  DON'T STOP.  YESSS.."  I heard a very
masculine voice say.  As she thrust herself deep into my gullet. The
thought of swallowing my cum from her dick was nauseating.  I started
gagging on her meat and tried to pull away.  She was too strong for me.
Manhandling me like a piece of meat.  She thrust herself deep into my
mouth her spasming dick forcing me to swallow all of her cum.  Slowly
she subsided.  Her hands released my head, giving me time to catch my
breath. I found myself caressing hard muscular thighs.  Dark coarse hair
slowly spreading over them.  I pulled away from his goin and looked at
my new bed partner.
"oh."  I heard myself let out a soft grasp.  He was gorgeous.  Dark
haired.  Strong musclure arms.  Deep blue eyes.  He pulled me onto him
pressing my soft girl body against his hard chest.  My boobs on his
chest felt good.  Right somehow.  He pulled my lips to his forcing his
tongue inside my mouth.  It felt so good.  My fevered nipples pressing
against his hardness.  My wet hot groin slowly grinding itself against
his hip.  It felt so good just like I imagined it.  It had to be there.
I pulled away from him sitting up.  My hand cupping my sex feeling the
hot wetness down there.   Yes there was something down there.  I slipped
my hand inside my panties.  Feeling the soft springy hair past the
slipperly knob.  Then spreading my new cunt lips I press a finger into
my vagina.
"Im a girl."  I cried.  nted it if only to be complete. But what if  If
I said
                  Tina."  Venus joined me onto the bed pressing her
exquisite body next to mine.  She remove

An Afternoon With Mother
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An Evening to Remember