Part 1 - Mislead by Strangers
It was a cool evening and I was alone looking for somewhere to party.
It wasn't that I didn't have any friends, there were several people
might normally have been out with. No, I was alone because I
had just
started a 6 month stint working in the capital.
As the evening turned to night, I found myself at a slightly seedy bar
in a street I didn't know (let's be honest, I was in a town I didn't
know!). It probably wasn't a very intelligent place to be by
but I had drunk enough by now not to care, and besides the taxi would
know the way to my hotel.
I was sitting by the bar watching the few woman in the place.
were at best average lookers, but one of the better ones was quite
sexily dressed and almost worthy of chancing a pick up. The two
next to me must have noticed my roving eye as they started to talk
me about the poor standard of women around. The comment surprised
a bit because they were well built guys, good looking and well
dressed. They seemed like the sort of guys that could have picked
woman they liked the most and just about guaranteed leaving with her.
Talking to them though I realised their problem was their standards
were too high. They were looking for the sort of women men fantasised
about, all curves, sex and beauty.
That aside they turned out to be good drinking partners and Graham,
Neil and I talked and drank till one of them suggested a game of cards
and a few beers at their place. By that time I was well gone,
as was
my money, and, against my better judgement, I agreed to go.
Their place turned out to be a house in a older part of town.
It had
expensive although creepy furnishings which were a weird combination
of the "playboy" look with obvious occult influences. There was
black pentagram painted on the slate tile lounge! That put me
a bit
on edge but they didn't seem to notice. Anyway I quickly relaxed
the cards and beer were flowing and they hadn't grown any horns.
About an hour after we started Neil knocked a handle of beer over and
I wore the lot. Shirt, jeans, socks everything was soaked (everything
except my jersey which I had taken off earlier). After a failed
effort with a towel, Graham suggested they get me some dry clothes
we throw mine in a quick wash. An idea I readily agreed to.
Graham went to get the clothes while Neil took me to a bedroom and
suggested I strip and give him my clothes. I guess it should
seemed strange but I always have been a bit of a trusting soul.
As I
striped, I noted that the bedroom also had the playboy look although,
surprisingly, there were no drawers or wardrobe visible. Handing
clothes out I asked for the replacements, only to be shoved roughly
across the room as they both came in. Now I was worried!
One had a
sports bag in his hand and the other threw a glossy pink catsuit at
telling me to put it on.
It was obviously feminine and felt like soft satin. There was
no way
I was going to wear it! I wrapped it round my bum to give me
modestly and told them what I thought of queers and where to stick
their catsuit. I guess I elaborated a bit more than needed and
one of
them took exception, lunging for me. Luck was with me though
and he
tripped over his mate with the bag. As they untangled themselves
grabbed the bag, hoping it had clothes in it, and ran. On my
through the lounge I grabbed my jersey, managing to juggle things so
that the catsuit kept me covered, and sprinted out the door.
Once outside I was very conscious of my lack of clothing but,
struggling to maintain some level of modestly, I ran off down the
street. After a couple of blocks I slowed, my bare feet were
sore and I couldn't see any signs of pursuit. I started looking
somewhere to hide and change just as a Cop car passed me. I must
been quite a sight, even on that dark night they saw enough to catch
their interest and I saw them start to U-turn. Ducking down beside
garage luck again went with me, it was unlocked. Slipping inside
dropped everything, locked the door, and put on my jersey. Wrapping
the catsuit back around me as my jersey didn't quite reach my crotch
or properly cover my bum. Standing there I could hear the cops
cruising slowly past looking for me.
Once I had caught my breath, I looked around in the dim light and
noted the garage was empty. Maybe I was really lucky and no-one
home! There were two doors towards the back and I went to check
out. One was locked, and I presumed went into the house, but
other opened to reveal a small sleep-out.
Going in, I closed the door and, discovering there were no windows,
risked turning on the light. The room contained a bed, a small
of draws and a closet with a full length mirror. Tossing the
and bag on the bed I opened the draws. Damn! Empty.
Tipping the bag
out on the bed I was further disappointed. It contained a long
wig, pink stiletto boots (they matched the catsuit), a wide white
vinyl belt, jewellery and make up. Thank god I got out of there
I did, but what now? Going out in public wearing only a jersey
not an option., even holding the catsuit around me. Oh well...
guess I was going to have to risk looking ridiculous in the catsuit,
at least I might not be arrested.
Picking up the catsuit I realised it was a satin lycra blend and so
should fit me. Unzipping the front I sat on the bed and slipped
feet into the legs. It must have been full of static, I felt
prickle like the hair on legs was being pulled at as I slipped them
on. Standing I pulled the catsuit up. I had always loved
the feel of
satin on my girl friends and discovered it was just as sexy on the
inside. It slipped smoothly and snugly over my hips and bum fitting
me like a glove. Hiking up my jersey I pulled it right up under
arms. Holding it in place with my elbows against my sides, I
it to high waist level and jammed the top of it inside itself.
Straightening my jersey I looked up into the mirror and froze!
My toe
nails were painted pink! Actually my feet looked smaller and
legs...! Slim calves led up to shapely thighs and full round
Then the worst hit me. My crotch was smooth! There was
no lump where
my cock should have been and between my legs was a flat area where
balls should have been. Well not quite flat, there was a feminine
shaped mound to it!
In total disbelief my hands leapt to my satin covered crotch and I
felt the shape of woman's sex. Running my fingers along it's
covered outline evoked a warm sexual tingle that was different from
anything I had felt before. Still not believing the obvious,
I lifted
the jersey to unzip the catsuit and check myself properly. As
I did I
revealed that the change went past those full hips. Above them
was a
slim waist that accentuated the full curve of my hips.
Unzipping the catsuit and slipping it down below my knees, I ran my
hands over my now smooth and hairless thighs. The skin on my
and bum now had that deep softness and silken feel that women have.
My heart in my throat, I looked down between my legs at a triangle
short blond hair. There was the hint of a crack running out of
underneath me. Spreading my knees the catsuit slid easily to
ankles. Using the tips of my fingers, I gently pulled the lips
of the
crack apart. I was greeted by the sight of the pink folds of
clitoris and the chill feel of cool air on sensitive skin.
That was it! Whipping my hands away I slammed my legs together,
trying to hid the evidence of my new womanhood. How the hell
had this
happened?! The catsuit must have done it to me and it had come
Graham and Neil's place. If anyone could reverse this it was
them, I
didn't know how I was going to get them to, but I had to find a way.
The first problem was that to get back there I had to get past the
cops. I definitely didn't want bureaucracy to interfere in getting
myself back to normal or for them to discover my problem. But
I was going to have to use the catsuit. Pulling it back up I
to high waist again, careful not to zip further than first time.
noticed it felt uncomfortable on my hips and discovered it had pockets
and the linings were screwed up in a lump, so I slipped my hands into
the pockets and straightened them out. I checked myself in the
as I straightened my jersey.
My hands! I now had long well shaped pink nails on the end of
with delicate fingers and distinctly feminine hands. That, combined
with my very female lower half, would be impossible to hide, much less
explain, if the cops stopped me. Just looking this weird in this
of town could earn me a trip to the station no doubt followed by
becoming a scientific curiosity. A rethink was needed.
They will be looking for a man with short hair and pink shorts.
Perhaps I could manage to look female enough to get past them.
feet had already changed so I could wear the boots and even if the
became my own hair, hair can be cut and it wouldn't worry me to have
blond hair instead of brown. My first priority was to get a cock
between my legs and all else was secondary!
Sitting down, I noticed how sensual the tight satin of the catsuit
felt as it slid across the bed. Picking up the knee high boots,
slipped them on and zipped them up. Having a four inch heels,
accentuated my woman's calf muscles reminding me why I loved women
wear high heels. The boots had obviously been designed with this
mind as they hugged my calves revealing every curve.
Standing I moved to the mirror and discovered that the "magic" also
allowed me to walk in these shoes like I had grown up wearing them.
Looking in the mirror I appraised myself. The shape under my
was more male than I would have liked but my bottom half was so
undeniably female and sexy that I felt a rush of warmth in my crotch
just looking at it. Trying to ignore the foreign edge to my arousal,
I decided that I should be able to pass for a flat chested woman below
the neck. The problem was above. My head and face were
Just then it occurred to me that I should have noticed an increase in
height wearing high heels. Comparing myself to the door I realised
that in fact I seemed a little shorter than normal. My transformation
must have included becoming shorter. I guessed I was now five
nine, including the heels!
Oh well. No point in getting to worked up, anyway, my height,
like my legs, was not as important as filling the gap between my legs
with the correct male equipment. Picking up the wig I carefully
positioned it, surprised at how well it fit. It's long blond
fell half way down my back. I slipped my hands behind my neck
gently flicked it as I had seen women do, causing it to settle
naturally over my shoulders, part of it cascading down my chest.
was soft and silky to the touch and, when I gave it a tug, there was
an answering pain in my scalp that confirmed it was my hair now.
Looking in the mirror I swallowed hard. As good as the effect
now was
I still had to do something about my beard stubble. Trying
desperately to convince myself that the makeup wouldn't be part of
"spell" everything else had been under, I applied some of the creme
foundation to hide the stubble. No such luck of course.
As my
fingers rubbed the creme foundation onto my face, not only did the
stubble simply disappear, but the skin left behind was soft and
smooth. Deciding to get it over with quickly, I spread foundation
over my hands and put it on like I was washing my face, applying it
over all the exposed skin including my neck and ears. Realising
I had
been holding my breath, I let it out and opened my eyes. The
had been more dramatic than I had ever dreamed. My eyes had changed
from brown to blue and looked larger, my whole face was now delicate
and feminine with slim eye brows, delicate nose and cheek bones, and
full rosy lips. I was beautiful, even stunning,
although in an cute and innocent kind of way.
Looking myself up and down was making me very horny and the strange
feelings getting horny was causing was only increasing the effect.
Reaching up inside the jersey I unzipped the catsuit and slipped my
hand down to my now distinctly warm crotch. Maybe the configuration
found there was familiar to my fingers but the feelings my fingers
generated were not. Oh sure, rubbing my clitoris was similar
touching the head of my cock but the way the sensations spread through
me, instead of centering in my cock, was sooo much better. My
moist, opening was sensitive in a way the shaft of a cock simply can't
compare with.
I slipped a finger into the now soaked entrance to my new vagina and
again the feel of its tight warmth around my finger and silky texture
was familiar, but it was coupled with undreamed of feminine sensations
of having something inside my vagina.
As was my habit, I slowed my ministrations as my excitement built,
teasing myself to new heights. Closing my eyes, my excitement
heightened by running my hand over my satin clad female lower half.
The feelings of arousal flowing through my body were familiar but
being focused inside me made them different in a very special way.
I soon started to feel hot so I stripped off my jersey. In doing
the top of the catsuit fell out of its hiding place and, as I ran my
hand over my full soft rear, I felt its sleeves brush against my arm.
By now I was lost in the lust my gentle teasing had induced and I
found myself wanting to feel a woman's breasts under the same satin.
Even wondering whether how having breasts stimulated might add to the
intense feelings going on inside my body. Out of control I released
my pussy and slipped both arms into the sleeves, pulling the top up
over my shoulders in one smooth movement, again feeling that static
tingle. Straightening the front I zipped it all the way up.
My hands slid to my chest and found two large, soft, breasts.
the hard lump of the equally large, erect, nipples that topped them,
started to flick them with my fingers, and discovered a sensitivity
that men's nipples could not compare with. As I played with my
nipples and breasts I felt my full arousal return. For some reason
that moment the enormity of what I had just done hit me. Still
cupping my breasts I realised I had just completed my transformation
into a woman! The softness under my fingers and weight I felt
on my
chest was the most undeniable evidence yet of what was happening to
me. Impossible to hide, breasts were the symbol that, in my
chauvinistic way, I had used to brand women as sex objects and home
makers. Realising that I now had quite a large pair of those
was such a shock, my arousal disappeared instantly.
Feeling that I was about to break into tears my masculine training
took over and redirected the emotion into anger against Graham and
Neil. Again I looked in the mirror. The woman looking back
straight out of a sexist male fantasy. The high heels and figure
hugging satin catsuit revealing every exotic curve of a body built
sex and all topped off by a beautiful, yet child like, face and
gorgeous hair. Graham and John were going to pay for this!
My arms had lost all obvious muscle tone and were slim and feminine,
my breasts were large, probably C cup. Distracted again, I unzipped
the catsuit and pulled it aside revealing their full glory. Released
from their prison they were actually more like D Cup. It was
but the thought going through my mind was, 'my poor nipples'.
had grown enormously and were now bigger than my finger tips and
surrounded by arolea two or three inches across. The arolea were
speckled with the large "goose bump" type lumps I used to love running
my tongue across as a man. Entranced I gently shook my chest,
watching and feeling my heavy breasts swing with the motion.
It was
with some reluctance that I zipped the catsuit back up, partially
hiding those magnificent orbs. Perhaps it was my chauvinism or
perhaps the "spell", but I only zipped it part way and slipped my
hands in the top to adjust my breasts to better show off my new
cleavage. Trying to hide them would have been a joke anyway,
even my
erect nipples where clearly outlined under the tight fabric.
To help me focus, I concentrated my earlier thought, 'I have to have
cock back between my legs', repeating it over and over to myself.
worked, as my arousal subsided, I started to think of getting back
Graham and Neil's place.
At this stage there was obviously no harm in it, so I put on the belt
and applied some makeup. The "spell" must have helped me apply
it, I
used less than I expected and I managed to do a quite professional
job. Highlighting my eyes and cheek bones and giving my lips
an even
lusher and glossier appearance. The jewellery was simple, a small
beaded necklace, three black plastic bracelets for each wrist, and
earrings from which dangled some charming black velvet bows.
I discovered my ears were in fact now pierced and I slipped on the
Preparing to leave, I realised that although the cops were no longer
worry, my problem was now looking this sexy on a dark street at night
alone. It was a very real problem in what didn't look the most
savoury neighbourhood. Waiting till daylight wasn't an option
That would not only delay my planned return to manhood and risk
discovery by the houses owner, but I might miss returning while Graham
and John were asleep, something I was counting on to give me a slight
advantage. At that moment a realisation hit me and I cursed my
stupidity. I hadn't checked the closet! Opening it I discovered
woman's ankle length plain black coat. I could have kicked myself,
with this I could have returned with minimal transformation, in fact
might have been able to just go back to my hotel without any
transformation at all.
It was too late now, I put on the coat, buttoned it, tied the belt and
flicked my hair out from under the collar. Noticing how the belt
revealed my figure, I decided the coat was more concealing without
belt and untied it. My sexy boots seemed a necessary concession
if I
was to look normal to the cops. Leaving the bag and jersey I
left for
Graham and Neil's.
Part 2 - Returning to the Scene
Walking down the street highlighted my new femininity. The noise
my heels clicking noisily on the pavement, my arms brushing against
hips (hips which now seemed so much wider than my shoulders), and the
slippery feel of the satin catsuit and silk lined coat. My high
("my" that word don't belong with "high heels") also forced me to walk
with short steps, placing one foot in front of the other, and this
combined with a loose feeling in my hips to give me a sexy bum
swivelling gait that was I was sure was still visible under my coat.
Topping it all however, was the gentle bouncing of my breasts as I
walked. Not only could I feel their weight shifting on my chest
but I
could also see the movement in the tented front of the coat.
I hadn't got far and the cops who had seen me earlier appeared.
pulled up along side me and the nearest one said "Excuse me Mam".
It was strange to have to respond to "Mam", but I stopped and turned
towards him, "Yes Officer". That was a shock, I hadn't spoken
my transformation and my voice now had a very feminine tone that
almost oozed sex.
The cop turned to his partner and I thought I caught a quiet "wow"
before he turned back. "Are you going far Mam, this isn't a good
of night for a good looking lady like yourself to be out walking."
The "mam's" and "lady's" were getting on my 'male' nerves, I wanted
get away from these guys. Leaning down on the door, so I could
them both, I said "It's alright Officers, I live on the next block".
They didn't respond immediately and I realised they were both staring
at my breasts framed by my hair. The top of my coat had bunched
as I leaned down. Embarrassed, I quickly straightened.
The closest cop looked me start the eye and started, "Alright ......"
He wanted my name! "Chrissie" I said saying the first name that
to mind.
"Chrissie, nice name. So you live here do you Chrissie.
A friend of
mine lives just down the road, maybe I'll see you around some time.".
Embarrassed by such bold eye contact with a man, I glanced down at the
pavement and, for lord knows what reason, said "That would be nice".
That did it, now I was blushing. What an impression I must have
Saying that while blushing and glancing 'coyly' at the ground.
Thankfully he let me off the hook, "Tell you what Chrissie, we'll sit
here and check you get home ok. It was nice meeting you."
The dirty sod, a MAN, was trying to hit on me! I was sure he wanted
to watch to find out where I lived more than for any other reason.
Trying to hide my disgust, I smiled and said "Thank you Officer".
"John" he said, "Call me John".
"Thank you John. I better go now, nice to meet you too" I said.
Feeling a little sick inside I hurried off feeling their eyes on me
I went. It wasn't nice to think how John... he, I corrected,
to distance myself from him... would be mentally undressing me, just
as I would have done in his place.
Being watched by the cops was going to make my intended stealthy
approach to Graham and Neil's impossible, but I had no choice now.
couldn't see any light on in the house so that was good and I walked
up to the door as though I owned the place. Earlier, on my way
in, I
had stood on a lump in the door mat. Holding my breath, I bent,
lifted the mat and.... found a key. Breathing a sign of relief
opened the door, trying to be as quiet as possible while looking
confident to my audience in blue.
Once inside, I became even more nervous, if that was possible.
hadn't been able to case the place properly and was very worried I
might be walking into a trap. I spent a few minute listening
for any
sound and planning my next move. I felt my best course was to
get a
knife from the kitchen and use that to get my way that way. In
body, brute strength was not an option.
Moving down the hall to the lounge I realised my coat had to go, it
rustled with every move I made. Slipping it off, I dropped it
where I
stood, leaving me in what was an excellent burglar suit even if it
wasn't black and was a bit revealing. I started to cross the
to the kitchenette. My heels clicked on the tile floor and try
as I
might I couldn't totally silence them. It was tempting to take
off but I didn't trust my balance on the stiletto heels enough to risk
it. Heart in my mouth, I continued and, after what seemed like
forever, made it to the kitchenette. Spotting a knife block on
bench, I grabbed a carving knife.
Trying to calm my beating heart, I found a door from the kitchen to
the hall and then opened the first door off the hall. In the
I could make out the dim outline of someone sleeping in a bed.
Slipping over to the bed I discovered it was Graham. Placing
knife at his throat I gently woke him (if a knife blade pressed into
your throat can be called gentle!). "Shhh. One word out
of place and
Neil will have one hell of a stain to clean up!". I silently
that my voice made the threat sound more like a loving whisper to a
"Wwwhat do you want" he whispered, swallowing so hard he nearly cut
his own throat.
"Sit up real slow and keep your hands on the bed". As he did,
slipped in behind him, quickly reversed the knife in my hand and
slammed the handle into the base of his neck. It was one hell
of a
relief that he collapsed unconscious, I had been worried I wouldn't
strong enough. Finding some neck ties in his wardrobe I rolled
over and tied his hands and feet then gagged him. Handling a
man in my new female body prompted erotic images that I quickly
suppressed. While I admit I was curious about this body, I wasn't
attracted to men.
Moving on to the next bedroom I did the same to Neil. Then returned,
woke Graham and forced him to move to the lounge where I tied him to
chair, again repeating the same process with Neil. As I tied
up Neil
I noticed Graham had recovered from the shock and was studying every
detail of my body as I moved, the effect I was having on him was
obvious, as his cock slowly became erect. 'Let the fun begin
thought' vindictively.
"So you boys thought you could make your perfect woman eh. Nearly
succeeded too didn't you.". Posing provocatively I said "Impressive
physical changes, but mentally you missed the target. Unlike
glass of beer!". I saw Neil's eye's go wide as he realised who
I was,
but Graham somehow managed to smirk, even with the gag in his mouth.
'So, Graham is the brains', I thought.
Now I had a target for my anger and, temporarily, a return to manhood
was forgotten. The last few hours had been very traumatic for
me and
I was going to make him pay! Concealing the knife behind my back,
walked slowly and sensually over to Graham, all the while slowly
unzipping the catsuit all the way to the crotch. In a voice that
dripped sex I said "Is this the way you wanted me to look lover boy".
His cock hardened noticeably as I approached. Standing with one
either side of his, I sat on his knees facing him.
Slowly but purposefully I bought the knife into sight and pulled the
catsuit aside allowing my bountiful breasts to bob free, right under
his nose. The effect it had was perfect, he was torn between
the knife and staring at my breasts. Pointing with the knife
point at
his cock, then my pussy, I said "Bet you'd love to put that in there,
wouldn't you?". Now both fear and arousal were written clearly
over his face.
I must admit that as I sat there on his knees, with his throbbing cock
so close, I had been wondering how it would feel to have a cock in
pussy just once before I changed back, but my anger had maintained
focus. Placing the knife tip at the base of his cock, I put what
little menace I could into my voice "How about instead I do the same
thing you did to me to you, by the only means I have available".
effect was dramatic, unable to struggle without risking severe damage,
he started to shake with fear and his cock started to rapidly deflate.
"Oh dear, don't you find me attractive any more?" I asked innocently,
"Oh well you have no need for these then". So say I cupped his
cock and balls in one hand and adjusted the knife for the final cut.
That was it, he broke down, audibly crying "No" even with the gag on.
He was ready for stage two.
Leaving the knife where it was, I removed his gag with the other hand
and then waited till his blabbering subsided a bit. "Right that's
enough! Tell me how you managed this" I said indicating my body.
Apparently I had prepared him well, the story came pouring out.
In their dabbling with the occult, he and Neil had stumbled on a book
that contained a simple way to summon a demon named Taltsis.
Apparently a simple but gibberish phrase, spoken before a black
pentagram, was all it needed (at this point I couldn't resist a smile
at the chagrin this would cause skull carrying, brimstone type
occultists if they knew). Asking where the book was, my hopes
when he replied that Neil had accidentally thrown it out with the
rubbish. In desperation I renewed the threat to his manhood and
rewarded by the confession that the phrase was written in his diary
his beside draw. Zipping the catsuit back up I gagged him again.
couldn't help but laugh, or rather giggle (god I hated what they had
done to me), at their stupidity. Only people who still left a
under their door mat could have found such a powerful book, lost it,
and then entrusted its great secret to a bedside diary!
Part 3 - A Deal with a Demon
Getting the diary was easy, finding the phrase was harder, but
eventually I found it. I tore the page it was on from the diary
then burning the surrounding pages. I wanted to ensure Graham
Neil's days of dabbling were over.
Checking Graham and Neil were properly tied and gagged (I didn't want
any interference from them) I turned them to face the pentagram.
Calling the demon, as scared as I was of that, was my only way to
return myself to masculinity. First I carefully decided what
I would
ask for, everyone knows not to trust a demon, then I stood before the
pentagram on the floor and prepared myself.
I could feel my heart thumping rapidly in my chest as I took a deep
breath and uttered the phrase. After thirty seconds nothing had
happened and I started to recheck the phrase on the page, then with
warning a nasty sounding gravelly voice said "Called me to watch you
read did ya". I was so shocked I could have sworn my heart stopped.
Standing in the pentagram was what would have looked like an ordinary
man, if he hadn't been so hideously deformed. It seemed every
had been broken and then healed out of shape. Nose, arms, legs, even
fingers and toes were all bent and crooked.
It was the eyes that stopped you feeling sorry for him. They were
obviously based on human eyes but now there was a red glow where the
whites should have been, giving them a evil look that sent a shiver
down my spine and, for all his apparent frailty, I could sense raw
power emanating from him.
Looking me up and down, with an obviously lecherous expression, he
said. "So you were the luck winner of Graham's lottery.
Like ya
prize darlin'?".
Regaining some composure, I pushed down my snipe back at him.
"No I
don't and you are going to fix things".
"That right. Well how about giving that body a try out first eh.".
Suddenly his image changed to that of a handsome body builder with an
erect 10 inch cock and I found myself running my eyes appreciatively
over his body. As my gaze settled on his cock, I felt a surge
arousal and a sudden desire to touch it. Unable to control myself
moved to him and took his hot and throbbing cock in my hand.
to stroke it up and down I realised I had to feel it inside my pussy.
I actually willed him to hurry up as he slowly unzipped my catsuit
cupped my breasts. As he rolled both my bared nipples between
thumb and for finger, I moaned with pleasure at the sensations
shooting through me and rolled my head back. As I did that I
into his eyes and saw the evil fire that he could never disguise.
That snapped me out of his spell and I stumbled backwards out of the
Roaring with terrible laughter, he changed back to his original form
and said "Be thankful darlin' that the old stories about breaking the
pentagram are bullshit, else right now you'd be fucked. Literally!.
Right, let's cut the crap and get this over with, I've got better
places to be than this shit hole!".
For the first time I agreed with him. I quickly gathered my thoughts
and stated my requirements.
"First a couple of general items. Nothing resulting from this
transaction can result, directly or indirectly, in physical harm to
any person. All magic items possessed by Graham or Neil are to
rendered useless and you yourself will never, directly or indirectly,
change me again, mentally or physically, after the end of this
"Boring restrictions like that 'ill cost ya darlin'!"
The "Darlin'" shit was starting to get on my wick. "Second, I
the ability to change Neil and Graham's bodies and clothing and
personalities however I desire, although I must also be able to
restore their personalities at will and nothing I do is to affect
their memory of their lives or their status as my slaves.
"Hmmm..." said the demon smiling evilly, "Much better, that sounds
"Third, I...."
"Oh, aren't we a greedy little girl." The demon said, oozing sarcasm.
The words "little girl" had their desired effect and I felt my anger
rising, all I wanted was to be rid of the evil creature. "Just
up and give me the male body I desire. While your at it change
"DONE... Our business is concluded, but, for the sheer enjoyment of
watching your face, I'm going to explain your mistake! Oh your
protections will work and you have the abilities you asked for over
those two scum. You even have the body you requested".
Glancing down I saw he was right, I was in an improved version of my
old body and the catsuit clearly showed it was fully male, but I
didn't like the direction his words were taking, what had I missed!?!
"As for the clothing, that was your mistake. After I change it
I can
no longer do anything to you but whatever it does to you is up to
Instantly I saw the truth in his words, I had intended to end the
protection with "after the transformation I will request in a moment"
but instead I had said "after the completion of this transaction".
My fear must have shown in my eyes as he smiled so wide he displayed
all of the few remaining teeth in his mouth, uttered a very satisfied
"YESSS", and simply disappeared without so much as a flash of light
a hint of smoke.
He really was going to torture me with this one. As I looked down,
catsuit started to slowly reform itself and, just as slowly, my body
slowly changed back to female. When it was over I was physically
before, except that now my hair was brunette and my skin a little
darker. The big change was my clothing. In place of the
sexy, but
street legal, catsuit was a rubber fetish dream.
Skin tight black latex thigh boots, with stiletto heels that felt
higher than the pink ones had been, and a black latex body suit that
incorporated arms, but was cut away from the collar to just below my
nipples. The body suit had a zip at the front that ran down under my
crotch and, a quick feel with my hand revealed, ended half way up my
bum. I had been right to fear dealing with a demon and should
probably be thankful my problems where this minor.
Cursing my stupidity I tried to console myself that at least I was
still human, I could always change my clothes, and at least could now
revenge myself on Graham and Neil. Grinning at the fun I imaged
to come I turned to them. Approaching Graham I removed his gag
and as
he opened his mouth to speak I thought how good it would be if he was
mute. As much as he tried to speak no sound came out and I realised
that the demon had granted at least that one request. On impulse
wished that neither Graham nor Neil could ever bring themselves to
me, directly or indirectly, any harm.
Moving in front of Graham I sat on his lap again. I started to
rub my
breasts in his face while stroking his cock with my hand. I wanted
him to feel one last male arousal before I commenced the obvious
punishment for his treatment of me. He must have guessed his
fate as
he was very slow to respond to my ministrations.
I didn't want to force him by using my new power, that would reduce
enjoyment of the moment, so I unzipped the body suit all the way to
the bum and my breasts settled enticingly on my chest. Putting
hands on his shoulders, I started rubbing my bare crotch up and down
his semi erect shaft and I whispered teasingly in his ear, "I want
inside me". Finally he started to react in spite of himself and
felt his cock harden against my bush.
"How do you like it? It's your last as a man you know.".
getting the better of me, I leaned back and looked down. Surprisingly
his cock didn't subside at my words this time, in fact it seemed to
getting bigger. It glistened with moisture and I realised I was
getting very horny, it was my own love juices coating his thick cock.
In order to maximise the tease, I increased my movements so that my
clit rubbed the sensitive head of his cock at the top of each rub.
Just as I realised I was getting carried away and had better stop,
misjudged and the head of his cock slipped into the well lubricated
entrance to my vagina. I froze. I knew I should get off
but the
feeling of that hot flesh pushing into me held me there. Before
regained control he pushed up with his hips and slid half his length
into me. The feeling of that large hot shaft forcing my pussy
finished my resistance and I sank, willingly, down into his lap.
Groaning with pleasure as his firm fle sh filled and then stretched
At that moment I felt hands cupping my breasts and a tongue flicking
one nipple as warm breath play across it. I didn't remember closing
my eyes but at some point I had. Opening them, I found Graham
was now
a version of the body builder that the demon had become and all his
bonds were gone. A struggle ensued in my head as I realised that
tricky damn demon had twisted that request as well. My power
Graham and Neil was driven by my desires not my conscious mind and
couldn't seem to control those desires. As I fought for control
my, no doubt intentionally, traitorous body, Graham slowly rose to
feet, holding me to him with both hands on the checks of my bum.
Being shorter than him and considering the incredible length of his
cock inside me, it simply not possible for me to do anything but wrap
my arms and legs around him and go along for the ride.
What a ride it turned out to be! At first I though my pussy would
burst as I sank down until his full length was inside me, but, as he
slowly lifted me up and down on his shaft, my vagina adjusted and my
pleasure build at the sensation of him moving inside me. The
combination of that very feminine sensation and the surges from my
clitoris as it rubbed against his stomach, drove me to heights I had
never dreamed of. I started to cry out "Oh YES, Fuck me. YES",
cries rising to a screams as the most intense orgasm I had even
experienced rolled though me. As it did I felt his cock start
to jerk
deep inside me and I felt a new warmth deep within my sex.
As his cock slipped out of me and he lowered me to the floor, it hit
me that that warmth was his sperm sitting right at the entrance to
womb. I knew the effect that knowledge should be having on me
instead I savoured the feeling, closing my eyes and revelling in the
female afterglow of my orgasm and the totally femininity of that
warmth deep inside me.
After a few moments an erotic shock ran though me as both my nipples
disappeared into warm moist mouths. Opening my eyes I was greeted
the sight of two identically build body builders, alternately sucking
on my nipples and then flicking them with their tongues. One
his hand between my legs and started to run his fingers all around
lips at the entrance to my pussy.
This new body of mine had been designed for sex and, being female, I
was already ready for more. Although intellectually I knew I
shouldn't, I felt an irresistible need to have my pussy filled again
and reached for their cocks. Finding one hard and ready, I pushed
owners bum around between my legs which were spread wide, baring my
pussy in anticipation. His hot length slid easily in to its hilt
his first thrust and, as his groin pressed against my now throbbing
clitoris, I felt electric tingles run through my whole body.
tingles continued as he thrust into me and I helplessly bucked my
hips, increasing the force of each slap against my clitoris.
time I had multiple orgasms before again I felt that warmth as he came
deep inside me.
The first man was now apparently ready again and as he rolled me on
side and entered my pussy from behind, I could have sworn I heard
demonic laugher and the true horror of my situation dawned in a corner
of my mind. This gorgeous body of mine controlled my desires
with its
intense sexuality and the form and mental attitude of my two
companions was controlled by those desires. I was going to have
with these two every way my mind could imagine, till exhaustion took
me, and then, even if I did get away from here, I wouldn't be alone
the town ever again.