From Wed Sep 11 14:20:54 1996 Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 14:14:00 -0400 From: "Smith, Rod" To: Daniel Boese Subject: Re: Random Table Daniel; > Yes, I'm able to read attachments with a minimum of fuss. I'd greatly >appreciate the two(?) files. Heh. There are closer to a dozen, but a lot of those are for stuff that comes after the Gifted Saga. Like the discourse on the centaur society formed by Marian and her descendants. Anyway, attached below are the basic files for creating characters and running the game. I also have modules for several other games, all available free via e-mail. I even created my own Elfquest rules, and worked up an RPG module for Mercedes Lackey's world of Velgarth. There is also a module which explains the magick rules in more detail. I am working on modules which go into greater detail on such things as heavy weapons, martial arts and psionics. Rod Smith