From Mon Jul 8 12:43:15 1996 Date: Mon, 08 Jul 96 08:49:00 EDT From: "Smith, Rod" To: Daniel Boese Subject: Point of View Daniel; Attached is the X-rated version. I showed this to some friends Saturday. The story left one - who is something of a connoisseur of erotica - speechless and fanning herself. I must have done it right. Rod Smith [[ ROYED.DOC : 2104 in ROYED.DOC ]] A few months back while I was drawing one of my characters - a cute little Bluegrass Elf named Runner - I started idly wondering about the troubles it would cause if I somehow transformed into her. That lead me to develop what I call the _Changeling Chronicles_. This assumes that some mysterious force momentarily augments the creative energies of imaginative people all over the world, transforming them into the character they're thinking about at the moment. Consider that statement. Not the character they would like to be, but the one they are working on - drawing, writing or just imagining - at the moment. (Those asleep or busy with something besides thinking about a character, would be left out. Sorry.) Now, men tend to think about female characters and women tend to think about male characters. There would be a lot of involuntary transsexuals around after the Change! MUSHers, MUDders, RPGers and simple daydreamers are other candidates for the Change. The more fully realized the character (not "realistic," though those who violate the laws of physics will not likely last long, and may be stillborn) the better the chance that the Change will occur. That led to the story below. While most of those in the tale are based on real people and their characters, I have done some mixing and matching. In some cases, real people have been used as fictional characters... and in a few cases the reverse is true! (Sometimes it seems like half the people I know are elves.) The idea with the _Changeling Chronicles_ is to present as real a world as possible, without getting morbid. To explore the problems of proving identity, of getting along with humans when you obviously aren't, of dealing with the physical problems of being too large or too small or just the wrong shape for a human world, of simply being different. Most importantly, to have fun doing this. Unlike the _Gifted Saga_, where people are selected randomly and only a few of them have any major permanent physical changes, the Change is selective, since only creative people are affected. Also, _everyone_ affected is altered physically. Which I guess would be one more reason for the rest of the world to look down on us. As with the _Gifted Saga_, I will allow anyone who wants to explore this concept in words or art to do so, as long as I am credited with the creation and copyright for the _Changeling Chronicles_. (I would appreciate being sent copies.) Just keep any assigned powers and abilities on the conservative side. Being faster than a speeding bullet and more powerful than a locomotive are actually not that extreme, but moving a planet is. Having a character who can be hit by a 16" shell and not at least be seriously injured is unreasonable. Having a character who can avoid being hit isn't. There are psi powers, and "natural" magic (that is, the manipulation of natural energies) but no supernatural magic. (No demons, ghosts, spirits, etc.) Note that a character might _think_ that he or she is using supernatural magic. Rodford Edmiston Smith ***************************************************************** Warning! This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual activity between two consenting adults. ***************************************************************** Point of View by Rodford Edmiston The Changeling Support Group was originally just that; an informal organization to help those of us Changed to adjust to our new state. However, the majority of new forms assumed were, after all, idealizations. They may not have been what we would have chosen, but we were in many cases physically superior to what we had been, often including appearance. So we mostly just met for the fun of it, and to be available if some Changeling really did need help. I have a nice townhouse, here in Lexington, Kentucky, and we most often meet here, on Sunday afternoons. Considering that many Changelings who had been churchgoers were now not welcome among our former congregations (though there were some pleasant exceptions to this) it was the time when the largest number of us were available. There had been no particular agenda set for this get- together, which was normal. As people wandered in they migrated to one of the smaller subgroups, depending on what topic or activity they were interested in. The group had an unusually large furry compliment this day, running about 50%. Most people who Changed were human, or at least could pass. Though a 200 cm bronze-skinned giant with huge muscles might attract attention, especially if female. A large portion of those who weren't human were some alien race, from a favorite story or game, or their own creation. Some non-humans were elves, trolls and such, from various mythologies and folktales. I personally know three Vulcans, half a dozen Klingons and four elves, for instance. Today, though, there was a plethora of canines, felines, meercats and others I couldn't identify. Some mixed features of different species, either as a result of poor zoological knowledge or a deliberate artistic choice. Others were simply generic furries. Teesha, a lithe, muscular tigress in a bikini, was curled up on the floor with her head in the lap of Bent-Tail, a huge werewolf in cut-off jeans and t-shirt, while her back was scratched by Alice, a female unicorn in a tunic. Nearby was Roy, a more humanoid wolf-morph. On the couch beside him was Taffeta, a female housecat-morph. There is enormous variety, even among those who had similar inspirations. Where Bent-tail walks digitigrade and has arms nearly as long as his legs (I have actually seen him move comfortably and quickly on all fours). Roy walks flat-footed and has human proportions. Bent-Tail is over three and a half meters tall, while Roy is a bit short. No-one would mistake Bent-Tail for a human. Roy couldn't pass as a human, but he might just be able to get away with posing as a human who was wearing a very good werewolf costume. That last is a bit ironic, since Roy usually wears as little as he can get away with. Today he was in a G-string and t-top, both barely large enough to contain the bulging anatomy beneath. As it turned out, the conversation was devoted to clothing. Taffeta had told them of her method of slicing down the back of a pair of pants or a skirt and installing Velcro at the top of the cut, leaving a slit for a tail. As others took up the topic, she lost interest and dozed off, nose tucked under tail. I stopped by to check on how they were doing just in time to hear a major shift in subject. "Yeah, well, the biggest physical problem I've had is not biting my tongue when I talk," said Bent-Tail, in a rumbling bass voice. He laughed, actually making more of a barking sound, and shook his head. "Good thing I heal fast." There was general agreement, not only among those in this little group but from others nearby. I hadn't considered this aspect of having a muzzle, and felt a bit glad that I wasn't working on a commissioned drawing of a werewolf when the Change hit. The weather was alternating between sunny and stormy, and the air was quite cool, despite the season being late Spring. However, it was warm inside, what with all the bodies heating the place, and furries are naturally more inclined to less clothing for the temperature than humans. I had made it clear at previous meetings that clothing was optional indoors, though I did request that people keep in mind the feelings of others regarding nudity. Roy didn't need the excuse of being too warm to strip, since he is a flagrant exhibitionist. Originally he had been Sheila Brown, a plain, slightly dumpy artist in her mid-twenties. As Roy she was not only male but also openly and enthusiastically bi. He'd even made a pass at Bent-Tail, which took some courage. When Roy asked me, the second time we met, he accepted gracefully when I politely but firmly told him "no." And that brings us to your host. I have a doctorate in Physical Anthropology, but make my living drawing fantasy and SF art. I had doodled a bit as a kid, but it wasn't until I took a prerequisite art course that I realized that I was both good at it and liked it. I went ahead and finished my degree, and taught some at the University of Kentucky, but even before graduating I knew my career would be art. Like all Changelings, I was transformed into the character I was working on at the moment the Change happened. As a human male I had stood 181 cm. Now I'm 'Eeysha, a very tiny and very cute female elf, from a strip I draw for a fantasy gaming magazine. I was currently wearing a crisscross, scarf-like halter top, with a short skirt, both custom made. This garb was less a matter of choice than necessity. 'Eeysha is a sexy little package, and though the height of a human child is fully adult. There are some things you just can't buy in children's sizes. Like brassieres. Getting cut-down or special order bras is expensive and time- consuming, so in circumstances like this I usually do without, to save wear and tear on my underwear. I certainly don't need the support; I designed 'Eeysha very pert and proud. Of course, this meant that my assets were clearly outlined by the fabric of my top. I had assumed that with all the scantily clad females usually present at Changeling gatherings I wouldn't stand out. I was wrong. 'Eeysha was designed to look exotic; even in normal clothes with my hair down to cover my pointed ears, I attract considerable attention. This outfit, while comfortable, made my fey appearance nakedly obvious, and many people find that waif-like look exciting. It wasn't just the males who were drooling (sometimes literally) over me. Many female Changelings were formerly male - or lesbians or bisexual - so I was getting a lot of flirting from them, as well. Worse, the thin top made it obvious when my body responded to these advances. As for my own tastes, now that I am a female elf, I find that the sight of an attractive male does nothing for me, though occasionally male scent does. I still find myself thinking that women look sexy. Having trouble reconciling my memories and attitudes with my new body certainly did not make me unique among this crowd, but I seemed to be having more trouble than most. Part of the reason for all the attention being paid me may have been that some of those making passes were deliberately trying to make me uncomfortable. Another reason I feel uncomfortable as 'Eeysha is that I'm so _small_, under 106 cm. Though I'm not fragile, and stronger than I look, I am still weaker than I'm used to, and everything around me is bigger. That can be very disconcerting, and often leaves me feeling vulnerable, especially when large males are paying attention to me. The meeting - party, really - broke up around five. Though some folks normally linger as late as eight - when I chase them out - this time nearly everyone left soon after the first few. I think the large number of newcomers had resulted in an unusually high number of plans for sexual experimentation. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" takes on a whole new level of meaning with Changelings. As folks left I was faced with a minor problem. Leery - a feret-morph in a leather harness with attached pouches - had brought a load of tortilla chips and enough super-spicy homemade dip to achieve critical mass. I don't mind hot stuff, but this was more than I could eat before it started to spoil. Roy told me that he and his roommate were planning a party later in the week, so we started carrying things out as the last guests left. Roy had arrived late and as a result parked a good distance away from the townhouse. We carried his share of the stuff out to his car, waving at departing Changelings as they drove by. As usual, there were the strange looks from the humans in the area, and occasional catcalls and insults from drivers on the road. Roy and I ignored all of this, though I was feeling _very_ exposed in that flimsy top, especially with the effect the cool, damp air was having on my nipples. Roy opened the hatch on his car and we piled the stuff in, only spending enough effort in arranging it to keep it from being crushed when the hatch closed. Roy pulled the roller shade out and hooked it in place, and reached up for the hatch. Just as he slammed it closed, he gave a yelp. "Shit! I left the keys inside!" The doors, naturally, were locked. "Maybe I can use my TK to pull the knob up," I offered. One of the benefits of being 'Eeysha was that I had several psi powers, including telekinesis. Unfortunately, this body didn't come with an owner's manual, and I was still learning. I looked at the locking knob, and pulled with my mind. Nothing happened. I frowned and tried again, harder. Still nothing. "Uh, Ed..." Roy began. I ignored him, trying to relax and focus, _letting_ it happen instead of _making_ it happen. "Uh, Ed, you might want to look at this." I sighed in exasperation, and raised my gaze to see Roy pointing. I looked, and there was a wall of rain sweeping toward us. Another heavy shower was moving in quickly, as is typical of Kentucky weather. I barely had time to gape in amazement before it hit. We ran back to the townhouse, me swearing a blue streak the whole way. Roy could have easily raced ahead, but he stayed with me, which was nice of him. I had propped the door open on the way out, and the last of the guests had fortunately left it that way. We dashed in and slid to a stop, panting and dripping. I turned and slammed the door, yelling "Son of a bitch!!" "My, such unladylike language," laughed Roy, his tongue actually hanging out the side of the mouth for a moment, like a dog's. "You have a lot less than me to complain about. I'm the one covered in wet fur!" I stared at him for a moment, then burst out laughing. "Oh, come on," I told him, taking his hand. "I'll get us some towels. You go stand in the kitchen, so you don't drip on the carpet." While I was at it I also got a blow dryer and a pair of robes, one of my old large ones for Roy and a small one for me. I went back into the living room, turned and headed for the kitchen. Thanks to the load I was carrying partially blocking my view, I didn't actually see what Roy had done until I was already walking across the linoleum. Then I took another two steps, not believing what I saw, before stopping dead. Roy had stripped, and hung his skimpy clothing on a chair. I had forgotten how casual he was about being naked. He turned and glanced at me, and I could tell he was glad to see me because the tip of his penis was protruding just a bit from his sheath. I remembered that I was wearing a skimpy top plastered by rain to my otherwise bare breasts, and froze for a moment. What broke my trance was a realization that Roy might think me rude for staring. Hoping to turn his attention from me, I quickly moved to the table, dumping my armload there. I sorted the robes to one side, the dryer to the other, focusing on my tasks, and handed Roy a towel. He nodded his thanks, and began drying himself. Now I had to make a decision. I could go back into the bathroom and remove my wet clothing, using the pretense that I needed to hang them on the curtain rod, or I could strip here, in front of him. Roy would certainly accept the former, but I would feel guilty about it. If I did the later, he wouldn't be seeing anything he hadn't seen before, and even had before, though in a larger size in his (Her?) case. I swallowed my modesty and began to unbutton my skirt, though I did turn away. Off went my wet clothes, with some difficulty. Trying not to hurry, I picked up a towel, shook it out and wrapped it around me. Feeling better, now, I realized that my hair was at least as wet as Roy's fur. I lifted the blow dryer, and turned toward him. "I'll blow you if you blow me." There was a moment of stunned silence. Then Roy dropped to the floor laughing, and I walked over to a wall and began banging my head. "Oh! Oh, Ed! That was priceless!" "Other people have Freudian slips," I groaned. "I have Freudian landslides." Roy moved over to me and gently hugged me from behind. There was nothing sexual about his intentions, but I suddenly became acutely conscious of his wet, musky, male scent. It filled my nose and began filling my mind. "Roy, could you move over there, please?" He stepped away, looking confused. "What's wrong?" "Well, it's just that I was becoming aware of you in a way I'm not used to." "Wait a minute," he said, looking startled. "You mean I'm turning you on?!" "Like a light bulb," I affirmed, nodding my head, wet blond hair swaying on either side of my face. "But I thought you..." "This body is doing what it is supposed to do," I told him. "What's _natural_ for it to do. Responding to a male scent." Roy considered this for a moment, then reached for his clothes. "I better go," he said. I quickly stepped forward and grabbed his hand. "No, don't! I mean, it's not like I'm going to go into a mating frenzy, or something. I'm just still not used to feeling this way about a _guy_." "Been there, done that," said Roy, with a wry grin. "Uhm, y'know, if I ever do get curious about sex in this form..." I hesitated, then plunged ahead, "...would you be willing to teach me?" "You mean that?" "Of course," I told him. "I mean, you've been a woman, you're a friend, and your scent does turn me on." "Oh," he said, looking surprised. "When you turned me down before, I thought..." "Different physiologies, different hormones, different everything except the mindset," I said. "The software overrides the hardware, for the most part. It's taking me a while to get used to being female. I still don't get turned on by looking at guys or thinking about them, but scent goes directly to the hindbrain." "Boy, do I know about that!" he laughed, tapping the side of his snout. He considered me for a moment, in a way that made me very uncomfortable. Then he lifted the dryer and, holding it in a suggestive way, said "Well, we still need to blow each other." I'm not sure what my face looked like just then, but Roy burst out laughing again. "You look like a scandalized schoolmarm!" he exclaimed. Grinning wickedly, he continued, "You turn the prettiest shade of red when you're embarrassed." That made me mad. Feeling very determined, I walked over, took the dryer from him and put it on the table, took his hands, put them on my hips, put my hands on his shoulders, and touched noses with him, something I knew he did with his intimates. "Put up or shut up," I murmured, in what I hoped was a sexy voice. I've never seen a more surprised wolf. "Now?!" "It's still pouring the rain. We're both turned on. There's no one here but us and we have time to kill. When better?" He considered me for a long moment, then lightly kissed me. "You haven't done this before?" "Well, not as 'Eeysha," I replied, teasingly. "Mostly because I feel so, well, intimidated by most males. You're a bit shorter than average, though, and since I know you used to be a woman I feel more comfortable with you. I guess I figure you'll be understanding." He considered this for a moment, then pulled me tight against him in what was more an affectionate hug than a passionate embrace. Short he might have been, at 138 cm, but he still towered over me, and I was beginning to wonder if I could actually go through with this. Then he lowered his head and began to nuzzle my neck. It tickled at first, but then it began to feel good. _Very_ good. I had thought I was aroused before, but now I began to get _really_ turned on. My nipples were throbbing, my breasts seemed swollen, and I felt like I was melting between my legs. My towel had come loose in the back, but I didn't care. Then Roy shifted and nibbled the point on my petit left ear. I yelped and jumped back. Naturally, the towel fell away. "Hey, you shave," said Roy, conversationally, interrupting my angry retort about biting someone's ear. I experienced several conflicting emotions, and decided to go with pride. "Nope. I don't have any body hair." "None at all? You lucky bitch!" "I don't have periods, either," I added, rubbing it in. "Ovulation takes a special effort." "You lucky bitch," Roy repeated. Several of the females (and some of the males) in the group had told me from personal experience that Roy was well-endowed and knew how to use it. I could see now that at least the first part of that was true; his erection was quite large, though not monstrous. I thought about that long, broad shaft pushing inside me, and felt both fear and eagerness. I hesitated too long, and Roy decided to take the initiative. He stepped closer, put his hands on my shoulders and gently kissed my nose. "I love that cute little button of yours," he said. I started to retort that I didn't _like_ being cute, but he put his lips against mine, his tongue filling my open mouth. Now, I like tongue-play, but I'd never done it with a canine before. I experienced a moment of revulsion, and almost gagged. However, Roy was obviously careful with his oral hygiene, and he was being gentle. I slowly took as much of his muscular tongue in as I could, rubbing mine along it's length. I'm afraid he had me considerably outclassed in both quantity and quality, though I did manage to run the tip of my tongue around the inside of his mouth at the front. I suddenly realized that his erection was pressed firmly against my lower chest, the tip reaching almost between my breasts. Even wet his fur felt good against my skin, but his bare cock was actually sticking uncomfortably. I pulled away. "Let me get a good look at this, before I try it on for size," I told Roy, hoping I sounded bold rather than silly. I noted that the tip was very much like a man's, though a little narrower in proportion to the shaft. Of course, I'm not an expert on men's dicks, having previously had extensive experience with only one. Truthfully, it looked ugly and intimidating. However, the odor coming from his privates was making my thighs sweat, as I had heard Roy once put it. "Wanna lick it?" Roy asked casually. That startled me, and I straightened up, shaking my head. "Too bad," he said, wistfully. "Not even just a kiss? Oh, well, maybe later." It occurred to me that if I went through with what we obviously both wanted, I might actually wind up performing oral sex on him. I glanced down at his dick, and swallowed nervously. "Hey, all you have to do is tell me to stop," Roy said. He kissed me on the cheek, then began licking my face, slowly, speaking in a broken pattern between licks. "Any time. Just say stop. You're in control." He was trying to put me at ease, and his words did help. I giggled nervously, and kissed his chest. "A little lower, to the left," Roy suggested. I obeyed, and found his nipple and kissed it. "Yeah, there. Now, lick it." I did so, slowly, feeling it harden under my tongue. I moved to the other, my hands rubbing his furry chest. I felt something, and looked down. "Hey, you've got extra nipples," I exclaimed. "Six, total," he said, grinning. "And they're all erogenous zones. Feel free to explore." I did so, for a few minutes. I felt not only his nipples, but his ribs, front and back. I know anatomy, and his was fascinating, an eerie blend of canine and human. "You're very well designed," I remarked, rubbing the lowest pair of nipples with my thumbs. "Thanks," said Roy. He took my hands, gently kissed them. "Now its my turn." He kissed my lips, my cheek, my throat and between my breasts. Then he kissed my right breast, above the nipple first, then on it. He repeated this on my left boob. Then he moved his lips back to mine while his hands began kneading my breasts. I was gasping and moaning quietly by this time, and feeling weak in the knees. Roy abruptly broke off, stooped, and scooped me into his arms. "Your bed all right?" "Uh, yeah," I squeaked. "Just mind the claws." "I'm sorry; did I hurt you?" "No, I mean, its a water bed." "Oh." He grinned. "You kinky little elf, you." He walked into the bedroom and unceremoniously dumped me on the bed, causing me to give a yelp of outrage. Before I could properly orient myself, he rolled onto the bed beside me. We lay there for a moment, enjoying the subsiding waves. Then he kissed me, and resumed fondling my breasts, his tongue wandering around the inside of my mouth. After a moment, he slid down a bit, and managed to squeeze almost my whole right boob into his mouth. "Ow, your teeth," I said, wincing away. "Oh. Sorry. I just thought..." He shook his head, and went back to more conventional techniques, licking and sucking my nipple. After a few seconds of this his hand slipped between my legs. He stroked me up and down a couple of times, then cupped my groin and squeezed gently. I gave a short, sharp cry of pure pleasure. Roy lifted his head and grinned at me. "Hey, this is getting a bit one-sided." "What do you like?" "Skritches," he said, grinning even broader. "Especially at the base of my tail." "Silly doggie," I muttered, obliging. It wasn't difficult to do my part, once I knew what to do. Even when Roy began working his way down my front - kissing, licking and nibbling the whole way - I simply let my hands slide up his body. I was so focused on scratching his head, that I didn't realize his mouth had gone between my legs. Not until the first lick. I let out a loud cry and arched my back, eyes opening wide, as much from surprise as pleasure. Roy was also making noise, but for a different reason. "My ears!" he yelped. I had grabbed both his furry, pointed ears and was pulling on them, not even realizing it. "S-sorry," I panted, moving back to scratching the curve of his head. He resumed licking me, at first just covering the smooth skin between my legs, not trying for any penetration. "Mmmm, you taste sweet," he murmured. "I bet you say that to all the elves," I giggled. I gave a little yelp as his tongue momentarily slid between my labia. "No, I mean it. Like honey, or corn syrup." I was startled. I had no reason to expect such a thing. However, any speculation as to why this was so got derailed as Roy gently parted me with his fingers and began licking the tender folds inside. I couldn't keep still; I writhed on the bed, making little cries of pleasure. I was familiar with how my new body responded, having masturbated many times, and knew I was close to orgasm. Then he started on my clit. Sure enough, within seconds the familiar twitching sensation inside me began, and the climax flooded through me. I gave a long, loud cry, thrusting several times against Roy's mouth, then collapsed limply on the bed. I vaguely was aware of Roy sitting on his knees between my legs, and lifted my head to smile at him. "Thank you, Roy. That was incredible." "Hey, this is still foreplay," he laughed. "Now you get to do me." "I what?" "Tit-for-tat, babe," he said, grinning. He reached out and briefly cupped my breasts. "These are the tit. And this is the tat." He leaned back, pointing to his cock. I sat up slowly, realizing that I would have to go through with this. Roy was doing me a favor, sure, but he wasn't totally motivated by generosity. He expected to get as good as he gave. I swallowed, sighed, and leaned forward, putting my hands on his thighs. Much of my reluctance evaporated when I caught the warm, male scent he was giving off. I still didn't think I could manage a traditional dick-in-mouth, head-up-and-down cock sucking, but Roy appreciated variety, and I had an idea he might just like. I buried my face between his legs, unusually low. Before Roy could comment on my poor aim, I stuck out my tongue and ran the tip up the seam of his furry sack. Roy gave a grunt of surprise, and opened his legs a little wider. I gently massaged his balls with my tongue, tracing around their bases and feeling how tightly they were drawn up by his arousal. It actually gave me a bit of a thrill to know that I was the one causing this reaction. I then kissed and licked the length of his sheath, lingering a bit around the end, before going on to his bare dick. I licked him up and down, like a kid savoring a piece of hard candy. I was very into this, so much so that I was surprised when Roy gently took my head between his hands and lifted it away. "I think that's about enough, unless you want a face full of wolf cum," he said, sounding a bit strained. "I... I thought that's what you wanted." "Not if you want the rest of the treatment," he chuckled. He kissed me, and I could taste my juices in his mouth, as he could taste himself in mine. He was right; I was sweet. He gently laid me back on the bed, and positioned himself on top of me. "You ready for this?" "Yes," I said faintly. With a grin and a flexing of his hips, he pushed the tip of his dick into me. "No hands!" I yelped. "Did you think I was some limp-dicked human?" he asked, chuckling. "Like most mammals, I've got a bone in my boner." He pushed a bit more of his dick inside me, and winced. "Jeeze, Ed, you're pretty tight. Am I too big for you?" "How the hell would I know?" I yelped. "Oh. Yeah." He chuckled again, and shook his head. He reached between us and rubbed my abdomen. "Your belly is hard as a rock. I think you're just too tense. Try and relax." "I can't!" I cried, feeling close to tears. Roy touched noses with me, and spoke gently. "Yes, you can. I've been through this, from the other direction, and have helped others who have been through it from your direction. Its the mind fighting the body. I had a terrible time actually pushing my dick into someone the first time I tried; my mind kept telling me it was impossible for part of my cunt could push into another cunt. I finally just had to ignore it and let the body do what it was built to do. That's what you have to do. Don't let your mind bully you; ignore it and let your body work." As he spoke he gently massaged my breasts and nuzzled my neck. Incredibly, I did find myself relaxing, and Roy slid a bit deeper into me. "Good. Now, roll your hips back a bit. Yeah. Hook your heels behind my knees, so you have something to pull against." As I obeyed these suggestions, Roy was able to slowly ease his full length into me. I actually felt the tip of his dick brushing against my cervix, and could tell that the end of his sheath was touching my groin. "Wow," I whispered, marvelling at the alien sensation of a penis inside my body. "Pretty good, huh?" asked Roy. "There's nothing like that feeling of being filled. That's about the only thing I really miss." I wanted to ask something, but Roy kissed me, and began thrusting, slowly and gently. I gasped, and not only began thrusting back, but angled my hips to give better penetration, all automatically. Once we started, reflex took over, and nature just took its course. Belatedly, I did remember to "skritch" Roy, concentrating on the base of his tail. He was grunting, I was gasping and giving hoarse cries, and we were both panting like marathoners approaching the finish line. The act itself was very pleasurable, but when I felt my orgasm approaching I knew it would be spectacular. It was. I arched my back and yelled, and Roy gave a loud groan while making several hard thrusts. I actually felt his "wolf cum" splash inside me, quite vividly. Then it was over. Our movements slowed, and stopped. Roy lifted his head, grinned at me, and started to say something. I kissed him, pushing my inadequate tongue into his mouth, hoping to make up with enthusiasm what I lacked in equipment. From his reaction, I did. He started to lift himself off me, but I stopped him. "Remember my psi powers? Well, here's a treat for you." I initiated a telepathic rapport, focusing on my physical sensations. For several seconds, Roy experience what I was feeling; him inside me, and a glorious afterglow. "Wow," he said, after I let the contact fade. He shook his head, and leered at me. "So, are you seeing anybody?" END