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Chapter 9

Finally, just as we touched down on the runway, she collapsed back in her seat. She was panting, disheveled, and exhausted. Her makeup was smeared, and her hair was a mess. She still looked sexy, but I didn't want people wondering about her when I removed the privacy screen.

Clean Jill and her cloths up, and fix her hair and makeup. Restore her to peak energy and alertness, as if she had just gotten completely awake after a very restful night's sleep. Then remove the privacy screen.

The change in Jill was dramatic. She must have been a bit tired and mussed when she got on the plane, because she looked better now than when I first saw her.

By this time we had arrived at the gate. People were gathering their things and getting ready to exit the plane. Jill and I waited until most of the others had left before getting up ourselves. She stepped out into the aisle and turned toward one of the overhead storage bins. I stepped out behind her, and went to get my carry on case out of the bin it was in.

My case had wedged itself at an angle during the landing, and it took me about a minute to get it out. By the time I looked back Jill was gone.

What happened to her?!

As soon as you turned your back, she ran out of the airplane. She is currently out of my range.

Can't you find her?

While my ability to detect gross objects is greater than my manipulatory range, it is still limited to about fifty feet. Jill exited my detection range 10.8 seconds ago

"Dam!" I thought. "I have to find her!"

I hurried out of the plain, and into the terminal.

I began to realize just how big Dallas Airport was, as I searched for Jill. I spent ten minutes looking around, but there was no sign of her.

"There are hundreds of places she could go!" I thought. "And even with the Reward looking I'll never find her by wandering around."

I stood and thought a minute, and then had a bright idea. It took very little time to establish that there was only one flight leaving for Atlanta Georgia at the time she had mentioned. Soon I had found myself an inconspicuous spot near that gate, and settled down to wait.

While I waited, I had time to think about what had happened.

"Why did she run like that?" I wondered. "She must have been more frightened than I thought."

I guess she had good reason to be frightened at that. I was playing with her as if she was just a toy for my amusement. No wonder she left. She had no idea what I planned to do while we were here, and no reason to think I was anything but an unprincipled, immoral monster, ready to torture her for my amusement.

These thoughts really started my conscience bothering me. I had gone wild with the Reward, and Jill had gotten hurt because of it. Tracey had been one thing, she had actually been enjoying it because she knew I wasn't going to cause her any pain. But Jill had just been minding her own business, and I had used her without regard for what she wanted.

Well, First things first. When she shows up here, I'll restore her completely, and apologize.

These thoughts had occupied quite a while, and It was now only ten minutes before her flight was due to leave. There had been no sign of Jill anywhere around, and I started to worry.

"Where is she? Is she hurt?" I wondered.

"No dammit! She figured out I would wait for her here, and she isn't going to show up!"

That thought made a lot of sense. She was smart, and, thanks to my commands earlier, she wouldn't panic. She was probably on a bus or train, or even on another flight to somewhere else, and I had no idea how to find her.

"Ok, how bad is this. She can't tell anyone about me so I'm safe." I thought. Then I felt guilty that my first thought was for my own safety.

"What about her? Nothing I did to her should cause her any health problems, but what will happen to her?"

Reward, what changes would still be affecting her?

Her breasts have grown from a B cup to a D cup, and they will never need a bra for support.

Her nipples will remain erect, until you release them. We must be within manipulatory range to release them.

Her Breasts and nipples are at least twice as erotically sensitive as they were before, and they are bigger which will increase the effect.

She must obey any command you give her.

She finds your touch irresistible, and once aroused by you she remains aroused until you allow her to cum.

Once you arouse her she cannot cum until you tell her to.

She will always cum when you tell her to.

She is compulsively noisy and demonstrative when having sex.

She can't reveal anything about you or seek help for what you have done.

"Well, it's a good thing she doesn't need a bra, because, with her nipples erect and as sensitive as they are, a regular bra would be very uncomfortable. As noisy as she is during sex, she'll either get a place with good sound insulation, stay celibate, or decide she doesn't care if the neighbors hear. And finally, she can't reveal anything about me, or seek help, which means that she can't even try to get a doctor to fix her boobs or nipples. Fortunately I hadn't gotten her aroused again before she ran, or she would stay that aroused, unable to cum until I found her again."

"Since the compulsion to obey, and her special erotic sensitivity apply only to me, they won't affect her unless we meet again."

"She's not completely crippled, though she is certainly going to find parts of this awkward. Her sex life should be more interesting too." I finally decided.

It was a relief to conclude that she could still reasonably make her way in the world. From what she had told me about her sexual preferences, I was fairly sure she would even enjoy her enlarged breasts.

Jill's flight had left while I was working my way through this, with no sign of Jill. It was getting close to time for my flight to leave too, so I picked up my bags, and marched off to find my flight.

If the events up to when I landed at Dallas Airport were a demonstration of how much power the Reward gave me, then starting with Jill's escape, my trip back to college turned into a demonstration of my limitations.

When I got to my gate, the airline announced that they were delaying the flight for two hours due to weather conditions at the destination airport. Two hours later they announced an additional one hour delay. Finally they announced that tornado weather at the destination had forced them to cancel the flight, and the next available flight was tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m..

The airline provided me with a motel room, and dinner at their expense. The motel was clean, and pleasant enough, but I was still down about what had happened with Jill. I didn't like thinking I was the kind of person who would treat people like that for no reason.

"I'm going to have to make some rules about when and how I'm going to use this power." I decided.

I won't bore you with all the details, but by morning I had hammered out a basic set of rules. The central idea behind the rules was that there were five cases where it was OK for me to use my power.

  1. Obviously beneficial uses, such as fixing the well on my dads farm, or curing someone who was ill.
  2. When the person involved agrees, or genuinely wants what I am going to do. Tracey was a borderline example of this case.
  3. When the person involved deserves it. Such as a murderer, or violent rapist.
  4. To defend myself from a direct attack, and conceal my abilities. I won't let someone shoot me, and I will use things like the privacy screen to keep my abilities secret.
  5. When no one but me is significantly affected. Such as when I made new, clean underwear for myself at the motel. (I had taken a shower, and then realized that all my clean clothes were back at the airport.)

I worked out a lot of details that I haven't listed here, and I knew I would be refining these rules as time went on. But I felt that abiding by these rules would let me live with my conscience, and keep me from becoming a monster.

The next day dawned cloudy, and stayed that way. I arrived at the gate for my flight a half hour early, and waited. Eventually they announced that there would be a one hour delay.

I finally got curious enough to ask what the delay was this time. They told me that they couldn't find the airplane. Seriously.

For a while I couldn't decide how to react. Finally I started laughing. The image of the flight crew wandering around the runway forlornly asking anyone they can find if a lost airplane passed by, was just too much for me.

The weather stayed cloudy, and they finally sent us to the other side of the airport to get a flight on a different airline.

I was still down a bit over what I had done to Jill. The Reward was watching, and would let me know if she ever came within its detection range again. If I ever found Jill again, I would do what I could to recompense her for what I had done. But for now, I would have to be more careful about how I treated people.

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