As the airplane left the small airport near my dad's home, I relaxed and began thinking. The Reward was very powerful. Used properly, it should enable me to live in luxury for the rest of my life.
"I really don't need to finish college now." I thought. "the Reward can give me almost anything I want."
"On the other hand, I kind of like college, and I AM interested in biology. Besides, I only have to finish my senior year, and getting my degree will make my dad happy."
Once I settled that in my mind, I looked around for something to do. This was only a short commuter flight to LAX, so I didn't want to get too fancy.
"I could always have the stewardesses go topless." I thought to myself. "But how would I prevent the other passengers from noticing? A lot of them are out of my range."
"I could walk the length of the airplane and adjust everyone."
I thought about that for a moment.
"That would work here." I decided. "But maybe this is a good time to figure out a way of having fun in places where I can't reach everyone."
That seemed like a good idea. If I messed up here it should be relatively easy to reach everyone in the airplane and erase their memories. I decided to figure out a way of having fun in public, without anyone being able to tell.
Reward, I want to be able to set up a bubble around myself that will allow me to do whatever I want inside, without people outside noticing. The bubble should project a perfect three-dimensional image on its surface of what would normally be going on inside. The projection should include sounds, and anything else needed to ensure that anyone outside the bubble will believe that everything is normal. Replace any sounds or other signals from inside the bubble with something normal when they move outside of the bubble.
"There, that's a good start. Now, how do I handle people who enter or leave the bubble while I'm having fun?"
I won't go into all the details about the "privacy screen", it would take too long. But the major points are that everyone inside the bubble when the Reward creates it, or who enters it after it is up, will act as if everything is normal while inside it. When they leave the Privacy screen, or when I shut it off, the Reward changes their memories to reflect the normal scene that it had projected on the surface.
The Reward excludes me from the effects, and I can exclude anyone I want from any part of the effect. If I do exclude someone from the memory change or other effects, the Reward automatically makes them incapable of revealing anything about me, or what I have done. That way I don't have to remember to adjust everyone individually.
"All right." I thought "Time to test it out!"
Privacy screen, ten foot radius.
I looked around. Everything looked normal.
Create a view screen for me, showing the view from fifteen feet up the aisle, looking back toward the Privacy screen.
The view screen I had used to observe Tracey in her room yesterday appeared. (It was a lot like a 3-D television, with a joy stick for controlling the position of the "camera".) I adjusted the view to my satisfaction, and went on to the next step.
Remove the clothes from every decent looking girl inside the screen, and any who enter it. When they leave the screen, or I take it down, restore their clothes, except for their underpants. If a girl was wearing pantyhose, replace them with stockings and garter belts. The women will not notice the change until they try to remove a missing piece of clothing, or someone points it out to them. They will be completely unable to figure out where or when the change occurred.
Suddenly, three women that I could see were naked. I admired them for a bit, and then looked around. No one, in or out of the Privacy screen seemed to notice anything. Several people looked right at the naked girls, but gave no reaction. I checked the view screen. The image from outside the screen was the same, except the girls appeared clothed.
I only had a few minutes to admire the view when the captain announced that we were going to land. It was fun to watch the stewardesses bustle by, clothes disappearing as they got within ten feet, and reappearing ten feet on the other side of me. I gave one of them a squeeze on the rear as she went by, and she just continued as if nothing had happened.
I shut down the privacy screen as soon as we reached our gate, and got ready to leave the airplane. I had just enough time to get to my connecting flight for the trip to Texas, and then only if I hurried.
"It's a shame that I can't see some of their reactions when they discover the missing undies" I thought with a smile. "Maybe I can figure something out later."
I made my connection with a little time to spare, and got my seat with no trouble. The last plane had been a small commuter job, but this one was a Boeing 747, nonstop to Dallas, Texas. The flight would take about two hours. I was still new enough to flying that the take off held my attention, but once in the air, my mind began to wander.
"What shall I do on this trip?" I thought to myself. "Two hours just sitting in this alleged chair is not my idea of fun."
My neighbor on this flight was a pleasant looking woman. She appeared to be in her late 20's with blond hair, blue eyes, a small waist, and an attractive rear. She was wearing a light white blouse, and jeans. They were tight enough to show her figure without looking painted on. The only significant flaw in her appearance was a small chest. She was a small B-cup at best.
I tried to chat with her, but she made it clear she wasn't interested in conversation. She wasn't rude, but she just wanted to read, and she politely made that obvious.
I decided to have some fun, and practice using the Reward during the trip.
Set up the privacy shield,
Exclude my neighbor from the "Everything's Normal" effect, but keep her calm. Don't let her panic over the strange things that will happen.
Good! Now give my neighbor a compulsion to tell me all about herself, including her sexual preferences, and her most memorable sexual experiences. Also have her tell me about her current attachments, if any.
My neighbor got a confused expression, as she looked up from her book, turned toward me, and began talking.
"My name is Jill Preston, and I am 28 years old, and single." She said. "I am a secretary for an advertizing company in Atlanta, Georgia. I am on my way home from visiting friends in Los Angeles."
Jill continued with her recitation, growing a little wide eyed as she gave me a brief summary of her life. Her confusion quickly turned to embarrassment, as she started telling me, in intimate detail, what turned her on sexually.
As Jill began describing the time she lost her virginity, I saw the stewardess' approaching with drinks.
Allow Jill to order her drink, and sip from it as she talks, but don't allow her to interrupt the recitation otherwise.
Jill nearly jumped out of her seat when the stewardess asked what we wanted. She was very red as she ordered a 7Up, turned back to me, and continued the story.
When the stewardess handed us our drinks, Jill took a quick gulp and, to her obvious distress, continued with her story.
There were several interesting items in Jill's tale. Her first lover had dropped her because she was "too flat", or so he had told Jill. Another boyfriend had gotten some novelty pictures of the two of them done. He had gotten a "Mister Universe" style body, and she had gotten a body from "Swim Suits Illustrated". The picture of herself with big boobs had really turned her on, and she still had it. That boyfriend had finally told her he was leaving because she was too possessive, but his next girl friend had double-D cup breasts.
By the time she finished, I knew that she had lost her virginity at age 18, and had three lovers after that, including one brief lesbian fling. With a little additional prompting I also learned that she was catching a flight to Atlanta, Georgia two hours after we landed.
"Well!" I said. "I have a three-hour lay over in Dallas. We should be able to have some fun together. First, I think I'll fulfill one of your sexual fantasies." I said.
Jill got a worried look on her face and said softly "What do you mean? What are you going to do to me?"
"Just this." I said, and pointed to her chest.
Enlarge her breasts to about a D cup, enlarging her nipples in proportion.
The swelling under Jill's blouse became obvious quickly. She must have felt something because she looked down and gasped at what she saw.
I saw that her bra was going to become painful soon, and I decided to do something about that.
Transport her bra to my carry on case, invisibly. Then modify Jill's boobs so that they will never need a bra for support, but they will still look and feel natural.
Jill gasped again as her bra disappeared. With that constraint removed the swelling became even more obvious. Before this, her breasts had been just large enough that people were sure that they were there. Now they quickly grew to the size of cantaloupes. Her blouse was straining to contain her newly enlarged assets, and her areolas were visible as dark spots under the white cloth.
While Jill gazed at her transformed chest, I decided to make some more changes purely for my own enjoyment.
Give her a nipple erection that won't go away until I allow it to. And make her breasts and nipples at least twice as erotically sensitive as they were before we enlarged them.
The effects of these commands were obvious almost instantly. Her nipples sprang out, making little tents at the ends of her breasts. The sensation must have been something, because Jill moaned softly, and writhed a bit in her seat.
Jill didn't let that last long though. She visibly got a grip on herself, and turned to me.
"How are you doing this to me?" She asked in a soft determined tone. "And what are you going to do with me now?"
"I can't really explain how I'm doing this." I replied. "As for what I am going to do with you. . . . Well I intend to have some fun with you until you have to get on your plane to Atlanta. Don't worry though, I don't like hurting people, and I don't intend to keep you. I'll let you go in plenty of time for your Atlanta flight."
Jill didn't look terribly reassured by this statement, but my mind had turned to other things. I wanted some space to play with my new acquaintance. I was about to give orders to that effect when I had a thought that stopped me.
This airplane is over three hundred feet long, and the Reward can only affect things within twenty feet of me. If I goof up, I might damage the plane. Even if the Reward protected me and everyone within range, there were lots of people on the plane that I couldn't protect. Besides, it would be tough to explain how a forty foot long section of the airplane landed safely in Dallas, when the rest of it crashed somewhere in Arizona. It might be best not to mess with the physical arrangement of the airplane until I'm more certain of what the Reward is capable of.
"Well." I said to Jill. "These seats are cramped, but I'm sure we can manage!"
Give Jill a compulsion to obey any command I give her.
"Now Jill, stand in the aisle and strip for me." I told her.
Jill stood up, stepped out into the aisle and began stripping. She looked around, obviously worried about what people would do, but I was the only one paying any attention. By the time she decided that she wasn't able to stop herself, and that no one else was going to do anything, she had finished removing her blouse, and placing it on her seat. Her newly enlarged breasts stood out proudly, with her erect nipples extending a full inch from her areolas.
As she began unbuckling the belt on her jeans, she asked me "Why isn't anyone doing anything about this?"
"No one but you and I can see anything unusual happening." I told her. "When this is over, none of them will remember us doing anything but sitting in our seats, talking."
She was soon sliding her panties off, leaving her completely naked. I had a clear view of her pussy. She was a natural blond, and the way she shaved around her pussy suggested that she wore some fairly skimpy bathing suits.
I admired her for a moment, then lifted the armrest between our two seats.
"Now come here, and sit on my lap with your back to the window. Keep your knees spread. Put your hands behind your head and lace your fingers." I ordered.
Once she was there, I gave the Reward some commands.
Make it so that she can't move her rear from my lap, and fasten her hands to the wall behind her.
Jill looked quite surprised as her hands fastened themselves to the wall, and her tush glued itself in my lap.
Now I had Jill, naked, in my lap, and helpless. I decided to play with her a bit. I reached around her back with my left hand, and began to play with her left nipple. I slid my right hand up between her obligingly spread legs to play with her pussy. My mouth was alternating between kissing her, and suckling at her right nipple.
My earlier enhancement to her sensitivity must have felt really good, because her pussy was already hot and moist when my hand reached it. She was obviously trying to stay as quiet as she could but she was writhing quite a bit under my touch.
I was having fun using the Reward, and I decided to do some more with it. I leaned back, and just held her in my lap for a moment. Her breathing began to slow as she relaxed, and I thought about how to make this more fun for both of us.
First, I want my Touch to have a special effect on her. Each caress will increase her arousal, and her need for my next caress. The only way for her to relieve her need is to cum. This arousal will feel very good, and the hotter she gets, the better it will feel. It will bring her to the edge of orgasm, but it won't ever quite bring her to a climax. Once I have aroused her the only way she can cum is for me to tell her to. Furthermore, she will always cum anytime I tell her to.
Next, let's have her lose control a bit during sex. Each time a caress arouses her, she will make an exclamation of pleasure. The volume and content will be appropriate to the intensity of the sensation and her level of arousal. Being aroused should cause her to be vocal even when she isn't being caressed. Slight arousal should cause only occasional soft moans or exclamations. The volume and frequency should increase with her level of arousal and the content should move to graphic requests to be satisfied. When she orgasms she should scream.
Also, lets get her moving around some. When she receives an arousing caress, she will find herself leaning into it a bit, trying to make it linger. The hotter she is, and the more pleasant the caress, the more enthusiastic her physical response will be. Even when she is not being caressed, being aroused should make her wriggle and squirm. If she is only slightly aroused, the movements will be only occasional, and small. But as her heat increases so will the movement, becoming continuous first, and then becoming more wild.
"This should be fun!" I thought.
I gently used my index finger to stroke her left nipple once then pulled it back and waited to see her reaction.
I was rewarded by a soft "Ohh!" from her as I stroked her nipple, and she arched her back a bit as I pulled my finger away. She obviously tried to calm herself after that caress, but she continued to arch her back every few seconds, as if trying to rub her nipple against something, and a whispered exclamation accompanied each arching of her back.
After watching her like this for a minute, I leaned down and gently touched my lips to the tip of her right nipple. Just the touch of my lips on her nipple generated a slightly louder "Ohh my!" from Jill, and she thrust her nipple toward me.
I liked her reaction, but I wasn't done with this touch. I slowly sucked, and drew her nipple into my mouth, caressing the length of it with my lips. Then I flicked my tongue across the tip of her nipple, opened my mouth and sat back.
Jill yelped and moaned as my mouth left her nipple She arched her back and tried to thrust her breast toward my mouth, moaning the entire time. Then she seemed to gain some control of herself. She settled down a little, but her breathing stayed heavy, and she was squirming almost continuously.
"This is more like it!" I thought as I watched her writhe with arousal.
Jill continued to writhe and moan for about a minute, with me just holding her and watching.
Then she looked at me and asked "What have (Ohh!) You done (moan!) to me? (God!) I can't stop! (Fuck!) I've never (Ohh no!) lost control like (moan!) this before!"
"This is just a sample of how good I can make you feel!" I told her.
Then I slipped my right hand up between her legs and began stroking her pussy. Soon Jill was writhing and thrusting her pussy against my hand. Her voice grew louder, and her writhing more frantic with each caress. Soon the privacy screen was the only thing that kept the entire plane from hearing her cries of arousal.
"Oh god! I'm so hot! Please, I need more. Oh god I'm about to cum! I feel like I'm going to cum any second! Why can't I cum?! Please, fuck me! I need to cum!" Jill yelled as she thrust and squirmed against me.
I spent about fortyfive minutes playing with her like that, bringing her to three screaming orgasms in the process.
As I told Jill to cum for the third time, The captain announced that the airplane was getting ready to land. I had Jill get dressed and get back in her seat. She had some trouble getting her blouse closed over her enlarged boobs and erect nipples, but she managed.
When she was back in her seat and buckled in, I leaned over to her and whispered "Cum."
"OH FUCK!!!!" She screamed, bucking and thrashing against the seat belt for a good ten seconds as the orgasm burst on her.