Playing with Tracey last night had been a lot of fun. I had been amazed at how aroused she had been when she came from the kitchen after doing the dishes. With the right incentive, (namely being too horny to think straight), she was quite good in bed too.
Looking at her sleeping next to me, and remembering last night's fun, I was tempted to just keep her. But all good things come to an end, and I had promised to return her to her old self, and let her go today. Best to get it over with.
Let her wake up with her body returned to normal, and we can discuss what her gift will be.
It was amazing to watch as the boots and corset disappeared, and her body flowed back to its original shape. Her eyes blinked a few times, and then widened as she woke up and remembered where she was.
"Good morning." I said. "How are you feeling?"
Tracey pulled away from me on the bed, looked down at herself for a few moments, as if she couldn't believe I had actually restored her.
"I guess I feel OK." She said.
"Well" I said, "it's morning, and I have to start getting packed. You are going to help me pack while we discuss what your gift will be."
Tracey got the mildly astonished look that had become familiar to me when her body began obeying me instead of her. She got out of bed and began setting up my suitcase to be packed, blushing as I gazed at her still naked body. She was quite sexy even without the corset and enormous boobs.
As she began to work, she asked "Are you going to stop playing with my feelings so I can think straight about what I want?"
I looked at her, a little surprised by her accusation.
"What do you mean?" I asked. "Except for suppressing your fear at the start I haven't done anything about your emotions."
I thought for a moment and added "I did make you more erotically sensitive to my touch, but that went away when I restored your body."
Tracey looked doubtful about this statement. I asked my Power some questions about what was bothering her, and soon understood her confusion.
"Tracey," I said "when I first decided to have some fun with you, I had intended to just do some minor things that you would never associate with me, and then restore your voice, and leave you alone for the rest of my visit. I was monitoring your feelings to make sure I didn't do anything that would cause you permanent psychological damage, and I discovered something very interesting."
I paused for a moment to let this sink in, then continued.
"Consciously, on the surface, the things I was doing upset you. But just a little below the surface you were enjoying it, and were actually eager for the next restriction on your activities. By the time I brought you here from your room you were almost ready to throw yourself at me, if I had let you. Normally, if some man had tied you up against your will, you would have been too frightened to be aroused, but your biggest fear in that kind of situation is pain. I have removed that fear. I have no intention of causing you any pain, and I let you know it in a way that left no opening for fear. The result was that your other emotions were able to surface."
Since Tracey seemed to be listening, I continued.
"I suppressed the fear you might normally have felt in this situation, but the other emotions you felt were yours. If you never felt this way before, it was because you were too afraid before."
I decided to give her some time to think about this.
"I'm going to take my shower while you pack for me." I said. "We can talk some more when I get back."
I grabbed my bath robe, and some fresh undies, and left.
I took a leisurely shower, shaved, and put on some aftershave. While I was doing this, I had a thought.
Power, Can you stop my beard from growing until I decide I want it to start again?
After just a few more minutes of this sort of conversation I left the bathroom. I was a lot more muscular. ( I had decided on a build like that of a decathlon champion I had seen.) I would never need to shave again unless I wanted to. And I had made several other improvements.
Tracey had finished as much of my packing as she could when I returned, and was kneeling on the floor waiting for me. She seemed to have reached some decisions because she took only a moment to recover from my changed appearance and began talking.
"Hi" she said. "I've been thinking about what you said, and I've reached some conclusions."
"Really?" I said.
"Yes" she replied. "You're probably telling me the truth, and if you aren't, I'm not going to be able to discover it unless you let me. That means that I really was enjoying what you did to me, at least a little."
I smiled, and said "That's very nice, but, since you're going to forget about this in an hour or two, it doesn't matter much. What I really want to know is what you want me to do for you."
Tracey looked a little nervous at this point, and blushed a bit.
"Actually, that's what I want." She said. "I want to remember this. You can do what you like to keep me from telling anyone else about you and what happened here, but I want to keep my memory."
"Why?" I asked, puzzled by this request.
"Because you gave me the best sex I've ever had!" she replied. "I've never had a satisfying relationship with anyone before this, and I want to at least start looking for the kind of person that might be able to make me really happy. If I forget this, I'll just go back to trying to take control of my relationships, and that has never been any good."
I sat back and considered her request. My power had confirmed that she was sincere, and that I could prevent her from talking about this to anyone else, under any circumstances.
"All right!" I said. "You won't be able to talk about me, or my abilities, or about our little adventure here, to anyone but me. Even then you will only be able to talk about it if I give you permission. But I won't erase any of your memories of what happened here."
She seemed satisfied with this, but I was a little disappointed.
"I would like to offer you an additional gift as well." I said. "Something so that you won't start thinking it was just a dream later on."
I thought for a moment, trying to think of something that might be small, and useful to her. After a few seconds, I remembered what had started me improving myself earlier this morning.
"How about this!" I exclaimed. "If you like I can permanently remove all the hair from your body, below the neck, except on your pussy!"
Tracey didn't take long to answer.
"I like it!" she said. "But could you make it complete - no hair anywhere below the neck at all? That will make a much better reminder."
She was flushed, and her nipples became erect as she said this.
"Done!" I proclaimed, gesturing ostentatiously. "You now grow hair only on your head, and there only where you want it. Now help me get dressed, and finish packing, then you are free."
As soon as the last of my packing was done, Tracey dashed back to her room. I relaxed as I listened to her shower and dress, then Alice called us down for breakfast.
Tracey was quiet for the rest of the time I was there. She had a blank expression whenever she looked at me, and she didn't wave as I boarded the plane, but I figured that was better than the bitchy way she had acted the first day we met. I rather hoped she found someone to make her happy.
Those thoughts and others went through my head as I found my seat on the airplane. This looked like it would be an interesting senior year at college.
As I said at the start, If you like this, let me know!