"That was great!" I thought as I looked at Tracey.
I had left Tracey stuck on all fours on the floor. She was still recovering from what had obviously been a really fantastic climax. I had commanded that she would continue to orgasm as long as I pinched her nipple and clit and I had pinched them for several minutes. I had intended to keep her going for ten minutes or so, but the violence of her reaction worried me, and stopped earlier than I had planned. As it was, it had taken her at least five minutes to recover enough to react when I said something to her.
Looking at Tracey now, on the floor in front of me, gave me a wonderful feeling of power. I had moved to sit on his bed, to her left and rear, so I had a good view of her. The position I had put her in caused her to thrust her rear up, arching her back and presenting her pussy to me. I was far enough to the left that I could see her left breast clearly as it hung below her chest. Her clitoris and nipples were still swollen and hard, and I decided I liked them like that. Her hair was thoroughly mussed, and she was still breathing hard.
I was toying with the idea of enlarging Tracey's breasts, when I noticed that she had recovered and was looking around. She tried to move, and discovered that her hands and knees were stuck where they were. The look of dawning comprehension on her face was delicious.
"What is going on?" Tracey asked softly.
I was pleased, my command that she feel only a little fear, and remain rational was still working. I don't like causing pain, and the effects of overpowering fear were far too much like torture for me to enjoy. At the same time, I did want her to suffer a little for the way she had been acting. I had really enjoyed the look on her face when she realized that she was standing stark naked in front of me earlier.
"I can't move!" Said Tracey. "I'm stuck here!"
The restriction I had placed on how loud she could talk forced her to say everything in very soft sexy voice. It was quite pleasant.
She looked around the room as best she could, while stuck to the floor, and then her eyes came to rest on me again. A look of understanding came over her face, and she took a deep breath.
"It's you!" Tracey said. "You've done this to me somehow. You must have hypnotized me or something!"
"Actually, I can do a lot more than any hypnotist. Watch!" I said, and pointed to her chest.
Tracey looked, and her eyes widened, and she gasped as her breasts began to swell rapidly. It was as if someone was rapidly pumping water into them! They reached the size of cantaloupes within a second, and kept on growing.
"W-w-wait! Please!", Tracey sputtered as they reached the size of soccer balls, but they kept on growing. I was enjoying this, and I didn't want to stop quite yet.
Finally, they reached the size of basket balls, and stopped. I enjoyed Tracey's expression as she looked at the two enormous globes her breasts had become. It must have felt like two gallon jugs full of water were pulling on her chest, but despite their enormous weight and the dangling position, they were only a little deformed from spherical.
"Oh God!" Tracey said as she looked at her enormous mammaries. "This can't be real! You're just making me think this happened!"
I smiled at her and responded. "No, It's quite real, or at least every test I've been able to make says it's real."
I decided that I wanted a better view, and soon Tracey found herself sitting back on her heels, knees spread, and hands resting on the outside of her thighs. This gave me a wonderful frontal view, and her blush as she realized how thoroughly exposed she was added to the appeal.
Her breasts were even more amazing now that she was sitting up. Even with no support, they projected almost straight out from her chest, extending at least eight inches, not including her nipples! I had ordered that they should not sag, but that they should remain soft. The way they jiggled and swayed as she moved, or even breathed showed that my instructions had worked perfectly.
"How can you be doing this?" Tracey asked. "This shouldn't be possible!"
"Well, I'm not sure that I can tell you HOW I'm doing this. If you accept Clarke's Law, then you might as well call it magic." I replied thoughtfully. "Essentially, all I have to do is think about what I want, and it happens!"
As I finished answering her, I had another idea, and decided to enact it.
Almost instantly Tracey felt a squeezing sensation around her waist, forcing it smaller and smaller. At the same time she felt her back being forced quite straight, and even arched a bit. Soon the squeezing stopped, and Tracey looked down at herself to see what had happened.
Tracey was now wearing a bright green, heavily boned, corset. It dipped in front, outlining the under side of her breasts with green downy feathers. The bottom of the corset was also edged with the same green feathers, and it squeezed her waist down to only 15 inches. The corset was designed so that it didn't obscure any part of her breasts, or pussy of course.
My mind was in a whirl. Just over an hour ago I had been planning how I would have Roger waiting on me. Now I'm his play thing. He seems to be able to do anything he wants, and probably the only reason I can say anything about it is that he decided to let me.
Despite my earlier statement that this must be a hypnotic illusion, I was beginning to think it was all real. It all felt too real and detailed to be an illusion. I could feel the weight of my enormous breasts pulling on my chest. My poor nipples and clit were still so swollen and hard they ached. And now, the constant constriction of the corset gave me a constant reminder that I was in his power.
"Please" I said as submissively as I could. "My nipples and c-c-clitoris hurt. Could you please let them relax a little?"
"Oh, sorry!" Roger said, real concern in his voice. "I really don't want to hurt you."
I sighed with relief as I felt the ache in my nipples and pussy disappear, though I could tell that they were still erect.
Even better was the weakness he had revealed to me. He was still worried about how I felt. If I worked this right, he might still wind up waiting on me!
"What are you going to do with me?" I asked, trying to sound small and frightened.
"Well, I am leaving to go back to school day after tomorrow. " He responded. "Until then, I think I'll just have fun with you."
My expression must have been having some effect on him because he hurried to add.
Don't worry. I don't plan to keep you forever. By the time my plane takes off, you'll be back to normal, and you won't even remember any of this. I have also ensured that you can't get pregnant, or sick during our little games, and if you had anything before, this it's gone now."
The idea of Roger having more fun with me was making it hard to concentrate. Thinking about the sensations when he had finally let me climax was so disturbing, that I firmly decided that I would refuse to think about it again. The idea that I could enjoy any part of this was ridiculous.
"He probably forced me to orgasm then, so it doesn't count" I told myself firmly. "He's probably forcing me to feel these erotic tingles over what he has done to me, so I will just ignore them. I can't just let him make me his toy! I have to get him to stop this now!"
"Now look Roger." I said as firmly as I could. "I don't know how you're doing this, but I want you to stop it NOW! You've had your fun, and if you put me back to normal now, and leave me alone, I'm willing to forget what you've done to me this afternoon. I really don't want to upset my mom, or your father with any of this."
I watched Roger carefully as I made this speech. I still couldn't raise my voice to the right level to put the authority I wanted into it, but I am very good at this sort of speech, and it almost always gets results.
But he wasn't impressed. I felt a small chill of uncertainty as I realized that my warning had only amused him.
"You don't understand." Responded Roger, with a small smile. "You CAN'T upset anyone unless I allow you to, and you will forget anything I want you to, any time I want you to."
Roger smiled even wider as he made the last pronouncement.
"For example" Roger said. " As my sex toy, you don't need most of the expensive education your father has been giving you. In fact, you don't need education much at all!"
Roger looked at Tracey thoughtfully, and made a decision.
"I think I'll make you forget how to read, write, and how to do any math." Roger said finally. "In addition, since I don't want you upsetting anyone, you can't talk when anyone else but me can hear. In fact, you can't do anything to communicate with anyone but me without my specific permission."
A chill went through me at that pronouncement.
"He can't possibly do that, Can he?" I thought. "God, maybe he can! What's a simple problem? Two and two, that should be easy. Come on, what's two and two?"
I felt an even stronger chill as I realized that even that simple kindergarten problem was beyond me now. I could see several books on the desk in the room, but I couldn't even identify any of the letters printed on them, much less read the titles!
"I don't know!" She realized. " He's really done it! He's made me illiterate. He probably CAN do anything he wants to me."
"Please." I finally said really worried. "You can't leave me like this! I'd be helpless!"
"Relax" Said Roger still smiling. "I promised that when I left to go back to college, I would put you back to normal, and I meant it. As far as you or anyone else will be able to tell, you will have spent a boring few days visiting here."
"In fact" Roger added brightening. "I'll even give you a gift! You can decide what you want, and if I don't have any objections, I'll do it for you. Even if I do have objections, we can talk it over and figure out something we both agree on."
I felt some hope at his promise of release when he left, and even more at the idea of some of the presents he could give me. But all those old stories about wishes gone bad came back to me, and I wondered If he wasn't planning to use this wish to torment me some more, while feeling virtuous because I had done it to myself.
His next statement made me wonder if he could read my mind on top of everything else.
Roger smiled at her again, and added. "I promise no tricks too. I'll do my best to give you what you want within the limits I decide on, or even nothing at all if that's what you decide."
At that point they heard Alice's voice from the bottom of the stairs.
"Children!" She called. "Dinners ready!"
Roger jumped a bit, and then looked thoughtful.
"We'll be down in a minute!" he called back.
Roger turned to me and said "I'll be back in shortly!" Then he walked out the door whistling.
"Maybe now!" I thought. "With him gone maybe I can do something."
But after a minute or so of trying I quit.
" I'm still stuck sitting on my heels on the floor with my knees spread." I said to myself. "And I still can't move my hands to cover any part of my body."
Even worse, each movement I made caused my breasts to jiggle, and even that slight stimulation of my nipples was sending erotic tingles through me. Some of my struggles had even caused her enlarged clit to jiggle, and the sensations THAT caused were almost frightening!
About the time I decided that I was better off sitting as still as I could, Roger returned. He had a mischievous grin on his face that worried me.
"All right." Roger said to Tracey. "Lets go down and get some dinner!"
Roger gestured to me, and I found myself standing, and walking toward the door to his room.
"Roger!" I exclaimed. "You can't! I'm practically naked!"
"That's true," said Roger. "I can't send you down like this!"
I breathed a sigh of relief. He would at least have to dress me properly to take me in front of his dad.
But he soon proved me wrong.
"You need shoes!" Roger declared happily, and gestured dramatically to my feet.
Instantly I found myself being forced up onto my toes, as high as I could go. As soon as I was on tiptoe, I felt my feet and lower legs being encased in something like stiff leather.
"Here you go" Roger said and moved me in front of a full length mirror. "Take a good look."
I stared at my reflection, aroused and fascinated despite myself. Roger must have done something to clean me up, because I looked fresh and clean, and, now that I thought about it, I felt that way too.
Roger's latest addition to my wardrobe was a set of boots, with six inch stiletto heals. The leather of the boots was a green that matched the corset, and was stiff enough to keep my ankles from bending at all. They reached up to just below my knees, where the white skin of my legs became visible. At the join of my legs, I could see the sparse pubic hair that did little to hide my pussy, visibly swollen and moist. Near the top of my pussy, my clit, enormously enlarged, stuck out two inches from my pussy, as thick as my thumb. A few inches above my pussy the bottom of the corset with the feather ruff began, it's bright green color contrasting with the red of my pubic hair. The Corset squeezed my waist down, to an impossibly small diameter, holding my back quite straight in the process. Above the corset, my enormous breasts jutted out, looking impossibly firm. The gigantic nipples that seemed so oversized before looked normal on these enlarged globes.
It was almost a shock to see my own face perched above the erotic toy my body had become. The picture I presented in the mirror was incredibly sexy, and I could feel myself getting more aroused as I was forced to realize that the sex toy in the mirror was me.
Roger didn't give me much time to contemplate my appearance.
"Come on!" He said. "I'm hungry, and you're going to need your strength!"
With that he took my hand and pulled me out onto the landing and then down the stairs.