I went to bed early that night, saying that I wanted to get plenty of rest before I had to go back to college. Once I was in bed, I lay back, and thought to myself, "OK now, What's going on?"
Almost at once, I was dreaming. I knew it was a dream, but at the same time, I knew that what I learned here would be real. I was sitting in a comfortable chair, surrounded by a thick white mist. In front of me, so shrouded with mist that I could barely make it out, was a figure. I could not make out any details of appearance, or even sex, but the voice when it spoke was clear.
I am a part of your reward. When you released the being trapped within the rock of this planet, its sense of ethics bound it to repay you for the trouble you went through in helping it. The being has given a small part of its power to you in payment. I am the control for that power.
The voice was quite clear, and while I knew that I was actually laying in bed, this dream seemed quite real.
"Are you alive?" I asked.
No, Nor am I independently intelligent. I am linked to you, and your will. The closest that I can come at this time, in terms you understand, is that I am a computer program, linked to your mind. I interpret your thoughts, and use your power to follow your instructions. The being created me to act as an interface between your mind and your power.
This was amazing, some how I knew that this wasn't a delusion or anything of the sort, though I vowed that I wouldn't do anything precipitous until I had tested this "computer". But how much can it do?
By the standards of humanity your power is unlimited, but I have limitations, and since you are incapable of using the power directly my limitations affect you.
I have three main limitations. First, The being that left me here for you built in a safety restriction. We cannot do anything that would risk destroying a large percentage of life on this planet, and We cannot risk shortening the time that this planet will support life by a significant amount.
My second limitation comes from the nature of the power. This power works by affecting the subatomic energies that make up all things. In order to affect these energies, I must be able to perceive them accurately. Currently my range is about twenty feet. My range will increase as I learn the peculiarities of the various energy patterns in this area. I expect that in time my range will increase to include this entire star system.
My third limitation is in my understanding of what you want to accomplish. I have been spending the time since I was formed, learning to understand you. I believe that I finally learned enough to be safe for you to use. This is why we acted on your desire for the disposition of the potatoes earlier today.
Within these limitations, we can do almost anything you can conceive of and express accurately enough for me to understand. My only other constraints are those you choose. There are no limitations on what we can do to individual life forms, intelligent or otherwise.
This sounded too good to be true. Was there some catch? Was I selling my soul to the Devil? What if this power decided to act on its own?
I cannot detect anything that you would feel was a "catch". If there is one, it is beyond our power to detect, or beyond my current understanding of your meaning. I am constantly learning and if I do detect any thing that might qualify, I will inform you immediately. I have no knowledge of any being that might qualify as "the Devil". To the best of my knowledge you "paid" for your power by helping the being that left me here. The power cannot act on its own. Your power can only act under my control. I can only exercise control over the power in order to follow your instructions. I am not a separate creature. The only reason that I appear to be separate is that I found this to be the best way to introduce you to your powers. I am, in fact, a part of you, and I cannot have desires or needs separate from yours.
Well, If there is a trap here, I obviously won't find it this way. I don't want to have my random thoughts triggering all sorts of strange things, so I don't want you acting unless I specifically direct an instruction to you. Also, If an instruction of mine is likely to cause serious injury, or death to anyone, warn me, and give me a chance to revoke it before carrying it out. I guess we should end this dream now, so I can see if this works in the real world.
I opened my eyes, and realized that I was back, in my room, on my bed. I turned and looked at my alarm clock, and less than a minute had passed since this had started.
"That was sure strange. It seemed real, and I want to believe it, but it seems stupid to believe something like this" I thought.
"Well there's only one way to be sure, and that's to try."
I want a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream on my dresser now.
I almost jumped out of the bed as the not quite a voice answered. Then I saw the bowl on my dresser, in a spot that I was sure had been empty a moment before. I walked over to it and looked. The bowl had three scoops of my favorite ice cream, complete with the spoon I had pictured when I gave the command. I hesitantly touched the spoon. It felt cold. Then I took the spoon and tasted a bit of the ice cream. It tasted great. I slowly took the bowl, sat on the bed, and ate the ice cream, while I thought about what to do next.
There was an explanation for this that I didn't like at all. I could have gone completely loony. I didn't feel like I was, but I suspect that most loonies don't. The old saying that "If you think you might be insane, you probably aren't." wasn't really much comfort. I needed a way to see if this power was real.
"So," I said to myself, "look at the problem logically. There are two possibilities, that this is real, or that I've gone over the edge. If this is real, there is no problem. If I'm nuts, I want to know so I can get help. So how do I test this?"
I thought for a while and came to this conclusion. If I do something obvious, and everyone else sees it too, then that is as good a proof as I can get. So what do I do for a test? It has to be obvious, so that there will be no doubt about the reactions, or lack of them.
My thoughts turned to Tracey. By now she should be asleep in the room right next to mine.