I had begun to feel down again. I should have been happy. The cafeteria food was good, for a change. I had gotten all my classes. My schedule actually left me with Tuesdays and Thursdays free, in addition to the weekend. And, I had even gotten a single room! But somehow thinking of how well registration had gone didn't help, and I knew why.
I still couldn't bring myself to get a boyfriend again. That last encounter with Charley still made me shiver.
The idea of being bound and helpless with a man had excited me, and I'd thought I could trust Charley. I had told him I was NOT into pain, at least not more than a light swat on the rear might cause, and then I had let him tie me up. I had been so excited by the idea that I had practically cum before he finished tying me.
But then, instead of playing with me sexually, he had taken off his belt, and started beating me with it. The physical pain was bad, but the worst thing was the feeling of betrayal. Charley had turned a dream of mine into an opportunity for him to torture me. Fortunately the chair he had tied me to broke under the strain of my struggles. I took a piece of it, knocked Charley over the head with it, and left.
That was two years ago, and I haven't had a real boyfriend since then. Just occasional dates that never went farther than kissing.
Reviewing that episode always left me depressed. But somehow, any time I thought about getting a boyfriend, I wound up playing that memory back to myself. How could I get a boyfriend, especially one to play the kind of games I wanted, when the idea of trusting anyone like that brought back memories of Charley's beating?
I decided glumly, that I would probably spend tonight, and a lot of nights in the future, reading and then playing with myself.
Suddenly I felt a pinching, pulling sensation on my left nipple! It wasn't quite painful, and it disappeared before I could even gasp with surprise. But as soon as it disappeared from my left nipple, it was repeated, just as quickly on my right nipple! This time I did gasp, and looked down to see what was happening. By the time I had actually looked down at my chest, the sensation was gone from my right nipple, but whatever was happening wasn't over. The pinching and tugging now moved to my pussy, starting at the top, and running a series of pinches down the length of my pussy!
I quickly clapped my legs together, but by the time I had done that, it was already over. None of it had been painful. In fact, I realized, it had gotten me slightly turned on! There was no outward sign of what had happened to me, but I could still feel something at my nipples and pussy. It felt kind of like something had stuck to them, and tugged a little as I moved.
I looked around, to see if anyone else had noticed anything unusual, but I didn't see anyone behaving strangely.
I felt worried, and a little confused. What could be going on? Nothing like this had ever happened to me before. Could someone have gotten to my clothes and done something to them?
Well, the first thing to do was to go somewhere private, so I can get my clothes off, and see what had happened to me.
I got up and left to go to my room. As I walked, I continued to feel the slight tugging sensations, but I noticed something else too. It felt like there was something small, about the size of my little finger, inside my pussy.
The tugging on my privates, and the teasing sensation of something just big enough to feel inside my pussy was getting me turned on. I knew it was ridiculous, but images of some man using magic, or hypnosis to play with me kept running through my head, and made me even hotter!
I spent the entire elevator ride up to the fourth floor concentrating on staying cool until I could get to my room. Fortunately there was only one other person in the elevator with me, and he seemed preoccupied with his own thoughts.
By the time I reached my room, the combination of arousal, and worry had me a little frantic. I fumbled for the key, and once the door was open I dashed in. I shoved the door closed with my butt, while I used both hands to unzip my skirt, and drop it to the floor.
My first indication of how strange things were really getting appeared when I reached for the top of my pantyhose, and didn't find them. I looked in the mirror and saw, to my surprise, that I was now wearing stockings. They were held up by straps that disappeared up under my blouse. Thinking about it, I could still feel something like a belt around my waist, despite having removed my skirt.
"I don't even own a garter belt!" I thought to myself. "All I have are pantyhose, and elastic top stockings"
My blouse was long enough to hide my pussy, so I lifted it, and got an even bigger surprise. My pussy was completely covered, not by the panties I had worn under the pantyhose, but by a silver colored metal plate!
I quickly removed my blouse and bra to see what had been done to my breasts.
Each nipple now had a silver ring piercing it, and each ring had a chain attached to it. The two chains dropped down and joined just above my belly button. From there, a single chain dropped down to the metal plate over my pussy.
I moved closer to the mirror to get a better look at my pussy.
The silver plate at my crotch curved, as if to cup my pussy. It had an opening that I could urinate through, and a bulge at the top. The plate had six horizontal slots down the center, about a half inch long, and an eighth of an inch wide. Each of these slots had a pair of silver rings half way through them, like coins inserted half way into the slot on a vending machine.
A silver rod ran through the rings, on the outside of the plate. The rod had a knob on the bottom, too large to fit through the rings, and at the top it had a small loop with a padlock through it. This rod kept the rings from sliding all the way through the slots. To complete the assembly, the chain that led to my breasts was locked to the rod by the padlock.
All these metal pieces had a soft silver color that looked like genuine silver rather than steel, or chrome.
I stared at this for a moment, then reached down and carefully tugged on the rod. I immediately felt the tugging on my pussy! The rings pierced my labia! There were six pairs of rings, two through each slot in the plate. I selected the top pair, and gently tugged on one ring, and then the other. They definitely pierced my outer labia, one on each side.
The idea of getting piercings had fascinated me since well before my encounter with Charley. The idea of having my nipples pierced, and having them used to bind me had always gotten me turned on, but the pain associated with actually getting them pierced had always scared me off.
But now, not only had someone painlessly pierced my nipples, they had pierced my pussy! Twelve times!
Not only that, but with that rod through the rings, holding them together my pussy was locked closed! And I had no key!
Looking at this was getting me hot! But Still, I wondered. Since the rings, rod, and padlock had my pussy locked closed, why the metal plate?
The answer to that became quickly apparent. I was getting quite aroused, but with that metal plate locked over my pussy, I couldn't touch it at all! In fact, I quickly discovered that the bulge near the top of my pussy prevented any contact with my clit no matter how I pushed or tugged! And by now my clit was aching for attention!
I reached up to rub a nipple, (since my pussy was out of reach), and noticed something else. There was a thread tied to the ring in my right nipple, and there was a small paper folded, and tied to the other end of the thread.
I plucked the paper from my nipple, and opened it. (The tug as the thread snapped sent an erotic thrill through my whole body!) Once I had recovered from that, I read the message.
"Dianna" it started. "By now you have discovered that your body is no longer entirely yours."
(Just reading that sentence sent a thrill through me.)
"I have chosen to take possession of you."
(That bald statement sent another thrill of mixed fear and arousal up my spine.)
"I could just take you, without giving you any choice in the matter."
(What had happened to me so far was certainly ample demonstration of that!)
"But I have decided to give you the option of refusing me. If you refuse me, I will return you to the way you were. All of the decorations will disappear, and your body will be yours again."
(This was reassuring, and disappointing. I liked the nipple rings.)
"If you decide to accept me, you will become my plaything. I have no interest in causing you physical pain, and I fully intend to require you to finish your education. But, as my toy, you would be under my complete control. You will dress the way I want you to. You will be bound, in any way I want, any time I want, and any where I want. You will have sex, any time, any way, and any where I want. In fact, you will be unable to refuse ANY command I give you."
(The idea of having a master who could suddenly make bindings appear on me any where, any time, was getting me even more turned on. But it was scary too. He (She?) was talking about making me a complete slave and sex toy!)
"I will say once again, that I don't enjoy causing physical pain, but I will tease and embarrass you any way I choose if you become mine."
(It seemed like a man, but I had no evidence. This was getting me even more aroused.)
"You will find that the shackle of the lock at your pussy has opened. If you choose to accept my mastery, just snap the lock closed within the next ten minutes, and you will be mine. If you wait longer than ten minutes, or if you remove the lock completely, I will take that as a refusal, and all the bindings I have placed on you will disappear"
"You have ten minutes from NOW."
As I read that last line there was a click from the area of my pussy. I looked down, and saw that the small pad lock was hanging open. I quickly looked at my clock. It showed the time as 6:17.
I was shocked. Whoever had done this wanted me to agree to become his complete slave, without even knowing who he was! I somehow felt that he meant everything he had written in his note, but what if he changed? Or even worse, what if he were deluded?
The thought of what a person with this kind of power could do if they were malicious frightened me. But somehow, I couldn't believe that was the case now. The sensations when I had been "given" my new jewelry had been startling, but not painful. Also, he was giving me a chance to escape, even though he was obviously capable of forcing me to be his slave.
As I stood there thinking about this, my right hand wandered down to my pussy, and began playing with the lock, twisting it back and forth. At the same time my left hand moved up to my left nipple, and began tugging on the ring. I was watching myself in the mirror as I played with these metal additions to my body.
Suddenly I gasped. My right hand was holding the lock, almost closed. All it would take was a slight push with my thumb, and the hasp would slide home, locking me into slavery.
I stared, fascinated, at the small lock in my hand. I was suddenly aware of each breath. I could feel the heat that seemed to radiate from my pussy. My heart was beating so loudly that my whole chest seemed to shake with each thump.
Just a light push, and my life would change forever. Or, a twist and a tug, I would remove the lock, and everything would go back to the way it was.
Was that what I wanted?
I felt a happy calm descend over me. This was a unique chance. I could tell that closing that lock would place me into slavery, more thorough than I had ever dreamed of. But I also felt that this master was truly interested in having fun, rather than causing pain, and I felt like he wanted ME to enjoy this too.
I smiled and shivered, as a small click announced the closing of the lock. It had taken almost no effort at all to push the hasp home, and lock me into my new life.
Suddenly, I became aware of what I had done. A chill of fear went through me. I tugged on the lock, trying to open it, but with no success. The only result of all my tugging, and jiggling was to arouse me more as the rod tugged on the rings through my pussy, and the chains swung and pulled on the rings in my nipples.
By now I had gotten quite hot. My nipples felt hard, and ached erotically. I felt my clit, erect and aching to be caressed. I lay down on the bed, and began to explore my new jewelry. My left hand went back to playing with my nipples, squeezing them, and tugging on the rings that pierced them. Each squeeze or tug made me a little hotter, and made me want the next one even more.
My pussy was getting hotter along with my nipples and breasts, and my right hand moved down to my crotch to try to satisfy the need I felt in my pussy. But the plate locked over it did a thorough job of preventing me from getting any satisfaction. Trying to rub myself through the plate just made the sweet frustration worse.
After about fifteen minutes of frantic rubbing, I stopped myself. I was breathing hard, and my pussy throbbed with a continuous erotic ache. My nipples throbbed in time with my pussy, and I had trouble keeping my hands away from them. This had gotten me more aroused, and frustrated, than I could ever remember being.
My new master was evidently NOT going to let me cum until he wanted me to. My pussy and clit were thoroughly locked away, and I wasn't going to be able to touch them until he let me.
I tried to relax, and let myself cool off. But I was laying, naked on my bed, unable to touch the part of me that most needed to be touched, and every time I thought of this, I got hot again. Not only that, but my nipples ached, and the temptation to rub them was tough to resist.
The rings through my nipples, and the lock on my pussy had occupied so much of my attention that I had forgotten about the sensation of something inserted into my pussy. It reminded me of its existence now, by starting to grow within me.
It felt like a balloon being inflated inside my pussy, except that it was hard. I moaned softly as it grew, pushing itself deeper into my pussy, and spreading the inside of my pussy apart. As it grew, I felt a tugging sensation on my clit, and realized that my clit must have a ring through it too, and that ring must be attached to the dildo growing inside my pussy.
The slow growth inside my pussy, combined with the slowly increasing tugging on my clit was beginning to drive me really wild. I began squeezing my pussy muscles, and thrusting my hips, trying to increase the sensation in my cunt, and achieve a climax, but I couldn't quite manage to push myself over the edge.
After a seemingly endless time, the dildo stopped growing!
Even though I dimly realized that the dildo filled my pussy as far as it could go without pain, I needed more! I needed to cum!
"Oh God! Please don't stop! I need more. Please!" I begged.
But, instead of growing, it actually began to shrink!
The withdrawal of the dildo made me intensely aware of how pleasant it had felt to be stretched to my limit, and I began begging as sincerely as I could for more. At that point I would gladly have promised anything to have the dido grow inside me again, and keep growing.
I don't know how long the shrinking continued. It couldn't have been more than a few seconds, though it felt like forever. Finally the dildo stopped shrinking, when it was about the size of my little finger.
By this time I was frantically pulling and twisting my nipple rings, and writhing with frustrated arousal.
Then it began growing again. This time it began vibrating as it grew. The ring through my clit transferred the vibrations directly to my clit, only slightly at first, but more and more intensely as the dildo grew, and tightened the connection.
It only took a second or so of this to finally push me over the edge. I'm not usually very vocal during sex, but this orgasm felt more intense that any I had ever had before, and I screamed with pleasure as it washed over me.
That was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever had, but when it was done I could feel the dildo still growing and vibrating inside me! Soon it brought me to another climax, and then another!
I have no idea how long it lasted, but when it was done I went limp. The dildo had stopped vibrating a few seconds after it reached its maximum size, and I could feel it shrinking within me. Soon it was back down to the size of my finger. It was too much effort to think or move, so I just lay there for a while, recovering from the experience.
I was just starting to think about moving, when the dildo started vibrating and growing again.
At first I thought that they too thoroughly sated me to respond, but I soon discovered that I was wrong. The vibrations and swelling in my cunt started my pussy muscles contracting in response. And the ring through my clit was placed in such a way that the vibrations seemed to stimulate every erotic nerve in my pussy.
Within a few minutes the erotic heat had built to the point that I could no longer sit still. I began playing with my nipples, rubbing them and pulling on the rings. Each tug added to the heat that consumed me again, and soon I writhed frantically, begging for release.
I lost track of time again, so I don't know how long it took, but eventually it brought me to another screaming climax.
That cycle, a short rest followed by sexual stimulation till I climaxed, repeated two more times, leaving me completely exhausted, and sexually worn out.
It took several minutes of rest for me to become aware that it was over. This had left me thoroughly exhausted, though pleasantly so. I was barely able to pull the covers over myself as I dimly wondered what tomorrow would be like, and drifted off to sleep.
As I said at the beginning of this file, let me know what you think. The more interest you show, the more likely I am to write more.