My arrival at college seemed to signal a new beginning for me. The rain stopped and the sun broke out of the clouds a little before I arrived. The air felt clean, and the entire campus had a fresh, newly washed look. Puddles scattered on the ground caught the sunlight and reflected it onto the buildings in bright, ever changing patterns, and students in colorful clothes were moving along the walkways.
The pleasant scenery lifted me out of the mild depression I had fallen into. This was the start of my senior year at college, and, with the Reward, I knew that this would be my best year ever.
But my first set of tasks were the rather mundane ones. I had to get registered for classes, and moved back into the dorm. These tasks occupied me for the next two days, and the Reward was actually very little help.
Paper shuffling and bureaucratic requirements left little room for the Reward to work, at least with its limited range. It really does little good to have my name appear on a list in the office, if it isn't also in the computer system, and in the files in the deans office. Since the computer system was on the other side of the campus, and the deans office was in a building next door, I would have had to run all over the place to accomplish much.
I could have made a quick walk thru of the administrative building and conditioned the entire staff to give me anything I wanted. But that would have violated the rules I had set for myself. And besides, after three years of college, I had gotten used to the bureaucracy.
Also, the registration process gave preferential treatment to seniors. The school did this on the theory that seniors might need it to get the classes necessary to complete their degrees. The school allowed seniors to register a day earlier than anyone else, and gave us preference for the few single rooms available in the dorms. This allowed me to move into a single room and finish registering within two days.
Even though the Reward was little help with actually moving in and getting registered, I did use it quite a bit while I was waiting in line and such.
Since I wasn't going to mess with people who wouldn't genuinely enjoy it, I needed to find the ones that WOULD. I set the Reward to scanning all the people who came within range, and keeping a list of any who seemed to be likely candidates. (This worked very well. The Reward put the worlds best supercomputers to shame.)
By the time I had finished registering I had an extensive list of girls (and boys) who would enjoy the kinds of games I wanted to play. It included a large list of people who would be willing to submit to limited control in return for some of the improvements I could make in them. It also included a surprisingly large list of people who would enjoy being my toys without any payment.
In addition to compiling a list of future playmates, I had some fun during the registration process. With the Reward's help, I could see anyone within twenty feet as if they were nude. The Reward accomplished this by examining the person in question, and showing me a simulation of what they would look like without their clothes on. I used this on girls most of the time, but I did check out one guy, just to see if he was hung as well as he claimed. He wasn't.
Viewing the nude forms of the girls around me led me to make a number of minor physical improvements to them. I often wondered about the reactions of some of the girls when they discovered their ample bosoms had become entirely real instead of padded, or that their waist's no longer needed a corset to be that small. (I was careful to ensure that the girls would actually like the changes).
I would be living in Braddock dorm this year. It was a coed dorm, on the south side of the campus. It was four stories tall, in the shape of capital "H". The two uprights of the "H" held the student's rooms, and the cross bar held study rooms and the elevator. The first floor had the lobby and cafeteria attached.
As a senior, I was placed on the fourth floor, in a single room. I had used the Reward to ensure I got a room in the north wing, which was a coed wing, and was directly above the only all girl wing in the dorm. I also used the Reward to ensure that the rooms nearest mine had some of the more interesting girls from the list.
The rules I had set for my self seemed to be working. I had examined them regularly over the past three days, and I felt that they would keep me from turning into someone I would hate. I was also surprised and happy at the number of people whom I could have fun with. Even with the limits I had set on myself I would have no trouble finding playmates.
On the other hand, the Reward's range limit was a real problem. It wasn't that I couldn't get close enough to people. Getting within twenty feet of someone was almost always possible, but I wanted to be able to watch what happened when they discovered what I had done.
The Reward allowed me to see through walls as easily as it allowed me to see through clothes, but only if the wall was within twenty feet. Using the Reward I could follow someone invisibly as long as I wanted, but following someone around for several hours to see what happened did not appeal to me.
"What I need is something like a crystal ball." I decided. "Something that allows me to view anyone, anywhere, any time I want."
Reward, I need a way to watch and listen to what is happening, anywhere on this planet.
My current limit on manipulation is twenty-one feet, and my current perception limit is fifty-two feet. I cannot currently work past those limits safely.
I was glad that the Reward's range was increasing, but at that rate it would take years to get to a useful viewing range. Maybe I could attack this from another direction.
Reward, you can make items that are stable, even when they leave your effective range, can't you?
Is there a way you could set up a remotely controlled sensor that would transmit information back to us?
Yes, but such information would not be precise enough to allow me to manipulate anything.
That's OK. As long as it was precise enough to allow me to see and hear what was going on in the area it would be enough.
That is possible
I won't relate the entire development process, but by the time I was done, the Reward was ready to make any number of invisible, intangible, flying, spy eyes. They could watch what was going on anywhere on the planet, and transmit it back to me, undetectably. Unfortunately the best way of making the spy eyes invisible forced them to be completely intangible as well, so there was no way for them to affect anything.
While I couldn't have the Reward make invisible robots for me to use, it could make visible objects, like robots, doors, or anything else. I could control them anywhere on earth using the same communication method as the spy eyes.
With this ability I could do something like replacing someone's clothes with an identical appearing set that would fall completely apart at a signal from me. I would have to be within the twenty-one foot limit to create the clothes, but once that was done I could trigger them from any distance!
By the time I had this all worked out it was time for dinner. I decided to go down to the cafeteria, and get some food. Maybe I could start having fun with some of the potential playmates I had selected while I was there too.
I spotted five girls from my list of playmates in the cafeteria as I made my way through the serving line. I decided that Dianna Brookes would be my first subject, so I found a place about fifteen feet away from her, out of her line of sight, and sat down.
Dianna was one of the girls that had interested me enough that I had gotten her placed in a room near mine. Outwardly she seemed normal enough, if a little shy. She was on the thin side, with attractive B cup breasts, and jet black hair down to her waist. Her eyes were dark brown, and she was a little shorter than me, even with the 3 inch heels she was wearing. Her face was thin, with a small nose, and high cheekbones that gave her an elfin look.
While Dianna was good looking enough, it was her personality that had really interested me. The Reward's examination seemed to show that she wanted exactly the kinds of things I could give her.
I decided that Dianna and I could have a LOT of fun together.