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Story: The Reward · Author: W. G. · Next Part-->

The Reward

by W. G.

This story is NOT public domain. Permission is given to reproduce this story for electronic distribution over the internet, or on public buletin boards as long as the text remains unchanged, and no fee beyond reasonable media costs is charged. This notice MUST be included in all reproductions.

WARNING!!! This story is for ADULTS ONLY. If you are underage in your local, or if you are offended by descriptions of sex, or by descriptions of male domination of women, STOP NOW!

If you like this story, please E-Mail me and tell me. If I get enough responses, I will write and post more.


The being had been trapped within the strata of rock since the planet was formed. Though no human could have detected its presence, The being was not only present, but intelligent. The being's knowledge went far beyond what humanity was capable of, but it was designed to be alone, and could not understand the complex relationships that social creatures like humans had. Physically the being might best be described as a pattern of distortions in the subatomic probability fields. This gave the being the ability to affect the world we know in ways that would seem like magic to most people.

Its curiosity, a trait it shared with humans, had trapped the being. It had noticed strange patterns in the newly forming solar system, and, in an unusually rash action, it had embedded itself within the material of the forming system, to get a better look. It had been surprised to discover that the strange energies it had examined prevented it from extracting itself without destroying the emerging planet. By then it was apparent that life would arise on the planet if it was allowed to form undisturbed. So the being settled down to a relatively boring wait, until the planet or the life on it, was destroyed in the normal course of events. Its moral code bound it not to destroy even potential life.

Then it noticed intelligent life appearing. . . .

Chapter 1

It felt good to finally get out. After spending most of my summer vacation feeling like the universe was conspiring to keep me indoors, I had finally gotten out of the house, and into the woods. I had played among these trees for most of my childhood. It was surprising how much I missed wandering through them when I was away at college.

I suppose an introduction is in order. My name is Roger Scheafer. I am 5'8" tall, with a medium build, and dark brown hair. I wasn't homely, but girls didn't go chasing after me either. At the time this story starts, I was 20 years old, and had been away at college for almost three solid years, (except for Christmas holidays). My mother had died eight years ago, and my father and I had been living together on the farm in California until I left for college.

My mother's death, and the fact that I didn't get my last growth spirt until late, had left me a little shy, especially around girls. At college, away from my familiar home and surrounded by strangers, I became even more reserved. I barely talked to any girls, and spent most of my energy on my school work. In fact, I spent so much of my energy on school, taking heavy schedules, summer classes, and studying most of the time, that I wound up with a 3.8 GPA.

Unfortunately, my rather single minded determination to spend all my time on school work had left me worn out. Acting on the advice of my councilor, I had decided to spend the entire summer relaxing at home, and enjoying a complete rest.

While I had been away at college, my father had remarried. Alice, his new wife, seemed to be pleasant, and she seemed to genuinely care for my father. I still felt a little awkward around her. Part of that was the fact that I only knew her from a few phone calls, letters, and one short visit home last Christmas. We both wanted my father to be happy though, and we were both working to be pleasant to each other for his sake.

Alice had a daughter, Tracey, from a previous marriage of her own. I had not yet met Tracey, as she had been spending most of her time with her father. He lived in Florida, and owned a small import/export business there. At this time I didn't know why the father had custody of Tracey, though I got the impression that he was quite well off, and that may have had something to do with it.

As I said before, I had come home for the summer to get a rest from college. The rest turned out to be a little more complete than I had intended, as I came down with a bad case of the flu almost as soon as I arrived home. That kept me in bed for most of two months. (The doctor said some things about my being weakened by stress, and an allergic reaction to one of the drugs.)

Alice was great, and did her best to make me comfortable, and include me in any activity that I was well enough for. I still couldn't get used to thinking of her as "mother," but by the time I was well enough to get out of the house, we had become good friends. Unfortunately, by then I had only little over a week of vacation left.

But today the universe seemed to be trying to make up for the rough time I had been having. The sky was bright blue, the air was just slightly cool, and there was just enough of a breeze to be pleasant. I was just letting my feet wander without really thinking about where I was going when I saw a black opening in the side of the hill.

"So the old cave is still here!" I thought.

As a child I had spent many hours exploring to the center of the planet, flying through space, and fighting alien invasions from that cave. It was more of a niche than a real cave. It was only about fifteen feet deep, eight feet high, and ten wide, but that had been enough room for my imagination to reach to the ends of the universe.

The being was pleased. The plans it had set in motion when it detected intelligent life were about to bear fruit.

Something seemed to draw me to the cave, like I was coming back to an old friend. As I wandered in, a feeling like I was being welcomed came over me. The intensity of the feeling rather overwhelmed me, and I wasn't paying much attention to where I was placing my feet. Suddenly there wasn't anything under them, and I was falling into a dark hole. I hit the bottom with a thump, and the darkness seemed to swallow me up.

"Ouch!" I said to myself, when I recovered from the shock, "From now on I'm going to watch where I'm putting my feet!"

I took inventory, and decided that I still had all my parts, and had suffered nothing worse than bruises.

"Where am I?" I asked softly.

There was a little light coming through an irregular opening, about ten feet above me, and as my eyes adjusted I could make out a short tunnel leading away from the hole I had dropped through.

"Wow! I never knew this was here." I thought as I pushed myself back to my feet. "I wonder where this tunnel goes?"

As I peered down the tunnel, I saw a faint light, somewhat different from the dim sunlight filtering down from the hole above me. The feeling of welcome returned, even stronger than before. It drew me forward, toward the light. Even though I knew that this was very strange, somehow I wasn't frightened. I was careful where I walked this time, but I did move forward, to the end of the short tunnel.

At the end of the tunnel was the source of the light I had seen. It was a small crystal, about an inch long, and a quarter of that across, embedded in the wall at the end of the tunnel. If it hadn't been glowing, it would have looked like a piece of common quartz.

For some reason I felt drawn to the crystal. Slowly I reached out and touched the tip of the crystal with my finger. When I made contact, there was a sensation like an electrical shock through my entire body, except that it didn't hurt at all. Then a voice seemed to speak directly into my mind.


My task was simple. I removed from my neck the chain that I had worn for a long time. From the chain I removed a small loop of wire. I had found it in the physics lab when I was a freshman, a discarded piece from an experiment with superconducting magnets. Later I had used it as the subject of my first attempt to use an electron microscope. Now, I took the loop and placed it around the crystal. It was a perfect fit.


As the last words of the voice echoed in my mind, I saw the glow from the crystal begin to brighten. Still in something of a daze, I made my way back along the tunnel, climbed up through the opening, and out of the cave into the sunlight.

Slowly, as I walked back toward home, my mind began to clear, and I began to wonder if that had all been real. I still had the bruises, and scuff marks on my cloths that were the result of the fall. Had a glowing piece of quartz crystal really talked to me?

Then there was a loud rumble from behind me. I turned and looked. I was about a hundred yards from the cave, and dust was billowing out of the opening. Shining through the dust was the same kind of light I had seen coming from the crystal in the tunnel. The light grew brighter until I had to look away. Then it was gone. Dust from the cave mouth began to settle, and birds and other creatures slowly resumed their normal noises. The entire episode had taken only a few seconds.

That was a little too much for me. I turned and began running toward home as fast as I could!

Some weakness remained from my illness though, and I collapsed panting after about a minute. The collapse allowed me time to recover from my panic, and I began to think again. The entire episode was beginning to seem like a dream.

"Look," I said to myself, "This is just too wild! I am probably weaker than I thought. I tripped over a rock in the cave, and I hallucinated the rest."

The more I thought about it the more likely that seemed.

"Maybe I should just go home and take a nap."

That seemed like a very good idea. Whether that had been a dream or reality, it had been a big shock, and I was worn out.

By the time I had finished my nap, I had convinced myself that the whole thing was just a bad dream. I would just take things a little easier for a while, until I completely recovered.

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Story: The Reward · Author: W. G. · Next Part-->