Here's my first attempt at a story for the list.. It isn't quite your average transformation story, but I think it works.. ;) Comments, flames, and editing all welcome. Reality Slips by Daniel Boese Reality's a lot more plastic for me these days than it used to be. And it's all thanks to a few people I've never met, though I've come to know them well. I first 'met' "kEf", oh, three months ago now. It was through the Internet, on what's called a "MUD"; a sort of pre-virtual reality, where everything is written out instead of pictured, typed instead of moused. There's hundreds of MUDs, most devoted to specific interest groups: Star Trek, comic books, Dungeons & Dragons, and on and on. The MUD we found each other on is devoted to "furries", a pleasant group of people who enjoy part-animal, part-human beings, from Bugs Bunny to Peter Rabbit to thousands of their own creation. We did the usual social maneuvering, and eventually he introduced me to a subgroup on the MUD called "The Inner Walk"... a group devoted to finding out, personally, what limits there are on hypnosis. I already knew enough about hypnosis to ignore all those TV hypnotists who just wave their hands and , you're asleep. I found out much, much more over the coming months, though. After doing some reading, I decided to hypnotize myself. It was quite simple, actually; I simply tensed and relaxed all my muscles in turn, lying on my back, and started to daydream. Not quite just letting my mind wander, though; I directed it to certain repetitive images, relaxing sounds, and so on. Eventually, I was drifting, almost asleep. That was what I was told was the actual trance state, so I gave myself a quick suggestion: "I'll be unable to pull my hands apart when..." Just then, I was conveniently interrupted, and woken up, by the phone. After I hung up, I leaned back in a chair and thought about the self- hypnosis I'd just missed, hands behind my head. After a while I shrugged to myself and stood up, planning on making some spaghetti for supper. Somehow, though, my knuckles had locked; no matter how I wriggled my fingers or pulled on my hands, they were locked together! I even tried soaping them apart before I recalled the last sentence I'd told myself while in a trance... Exulted, I laughed to myself and headed to my computer, intent on sharing my discover with my Inner Walk friends. I had to wait for twenty minutes, though, to re-hypnotize myself and remove the suggestion before I could type, though. After two weeks of simple commands to myself like the first one, kEf had a brainstorm: Hypnotize ourselves so that whenever we saw a certain word while on the MUD, such as "villosus" or "persiflage", we'd go back into our trance states; everything we saw on the MUD from then on until we woke up would be "valid input." To shorten the story, it worked beautifully.. We were regular little compu-hypnotists from then on. The breakthrough came, as it often does, by accident. I was in a trance with kEf mentioning something about improving myself, when a stranger, "Valmil", walked in. Not knowing what was going on at the time, he asked me something about my tail (My MUD analogue was currently a humanoid fox at the time). To kEf's surprise, I responded, still in the trance.. Once Valmil left, kEf asked more about my tail, a simple fox's brush growing out of my rear end. He quickly woke me up, and to my shock, I still had the tail! It seemed an ordinary tail, with russet and white fur, under my control as much as my legs and eyes were. I stroked it, tugged it, dropped a book on it, and felt everything it touched.. Still not quite believing in it, even though it was somewhat sore, I used it to push the power button on my radio. Sure enough, the local rock station started blaring.. the tail was real! Unfortunately, it was also really uncomfortable, thanks to pants and underwear. I manually tucked the tail down my pantsleg, and logged back into the MUD. fEk was kind enough to hypnotize me and remove the tail. However, he also told me that I had fox's ears and that I thought them a perfectly natural part of my body, not exceptional at all. And so I logged off and went grocery shopping, paying no attention at all to everybody's pointed ears, on top of their heads. Yesterday I was a dolphin, and the whole world was a beautiful underwater seascape. Today I am a beeswarm, all other people also hives, mingling. And tomorrow? Perhaps a fox, maybe an eagle... possibly even a human.