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If you are under 18 years of age, or are offended by graphic descriptions of sex and other activities and expressions of an adult nature, please stop reading at the first opportunity after this paragraph.
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I wrote the first part and most of the second of this story in August 1994, but stopped for months and wound up accidentally deleting an almost completed version of the second part when cleaning up my hard drive. I did mail one person in the UK a copy of this almost completed version before deleting it, but have not been able to reach that person to ask for that copy. If you're that person, please consider this as a request.
Pleasure Slave Diana woke on the floor in front of her mirror where she had orgasmed her old, silly personality away last night. As consciousness crept back into her, she noticed her cheek was lying in a warm puddle of her own drool, and she smiled. Opening her eyes, she saw and felt her slightly frizzy, strawberry blond hair flopped over her face. She brushed it aside with a black-plastic covered hand, and rolled over onto her back smiling and reveling in her transformation into one of her Mistress'/Goddess' Slaves. She giddily giggled as her hands explored her cruelly nipped, corseted hourglass waist. Playfully, she fluffed her frilly skirt and petticoat and lifted her black, shiny legs up in a "V", and delighted in their glassy smoothness. Her gaze traveled up, from her firm, black, shiny thighs, past her shapely black-encased calves, and came to rest upon her six- inch heeled Ankle Boots. Her pulse quickened as she traced each Boot's shape to its pointy tip that her toes were beautifully forced into. She followed the track of the Boots' unreleasable self- tightening buckles, which had crushed her feet permanently into the Boots' dainty form and bound them forever to their graceful, tapering shape.
Pleasure Slave Diana (for she now thought of herself as a Pleasure Slave before all else) felt her Obedience Collar lightly tingle as the urge to be the perfect Maid fill her mind. Robotically, she gasped, "A perfect Maid must walk properly in high heels" to herself, and her mind was emptied of all save that thought, her first worship to the Supreme Goddess. She rolled onto her knees, and wobbled onto her heels. She looked in the mirror, and saw her pale, morning face. "A perfect Maid must make her face pretty and her hair perfect and her body bathed and perfumed at all times," and she hobbled to the bathroom to wash up and make herself beautiful for her Goddess.
She ceremoniously removed her Maid's Uniform, caressed and kissed It lovingly before carefully hanging It. She stepped into the shower in her Corset, Stockings, Boots, and Gloves, all of which had fused permanently to her body over the night. Her Pleasure Panties and Obedience Collar told her that this new experience was wonderful, and that she was grateful and happy to have the privilege of being Her Mistress' Slave. Diana hummed merrily to her Mistress in joy while she soaped and rinsed and played with her new body.
Slave Diana emerged from the bathroom glowing, her eyes lightly shadowed in green, and her open pouty lips carefully painted in glossy maroon. Her hair teased so that it flowed over her shoulders, and her neck, cleavage, and crotch were sprayed with her best perfume. Her faultless, bone-china skin contrasted with the shining blackness that trapped her in happy obedience.
She spent the rest of the morning in her sun-dappled living room practicing walking sexily in her high-heels. She smoothed her hands over her hips, delighting in how much they swayed as she paced back and forth. After she could somewhat follow a straight line, she began balancing a heavy dictionary on her head for poise, and every time it fell, she picked the book up and viciously hit herself on the head with it while angrily yelling "STUPID!", "USELESS!", "CLUMSY!" at herself. She had just gotten a couple of laps without a drop when she recognized the familiar feeling of her crotch urging her towards her front door.
She carelessly tossed the book onto the counter as she walked her new, ass-swaying walk to the front door, smiling as if to greet a lover. She opened the door, gracefully bent her knees and hips to one side, and tenderly picked up the shoe box-sized First Present and the black canvas bag sitting on her doorstep. She closed the door hurriedly, dropped the canvas bag, and, holding the First Present on the palm of her hand, she read the attached card:
"For My Tomoko".
Underneath the elegant script was scrawled:
"geT TomokO, my prETTy pleAsuRE SLAvE"
Slave Diana reeled and nearly dropped the box as her mind was overwhelmed with images of her friend and co-worker, who had also been laid off the day before. Tomoko was a petite Japanese girl, just out of college. Her round face with its silky complexion was adorned by her expressively delicate Japanese eyes, cute nose, and her round, perfect lips. The Pleasure Panties began their pleasure waves at the same time, and soon Slave Diana had mentally stripped Tomoko naked and had her bound spread-eagled. Slave Diana's desire soon overcame any remaining qualms against doing anything for her Mistress, and she strutted sexily to her telephone while rehearsing a conversation with her Mistress' target.
"Hello, Tomoko?"
"Yeah, this is Dianne."
"Hey listen, I'm feeling really hurt and I really need to talk to someone in person, could you come over here?"
"Yeah, I figured you wouldn't have anything better to do."
"Oh really?"
"What kind of box?"
"What was inside?"
"Why didn't you open it?"
"It might have been something nice..."
"No, I didn't send it."
"Oh well, I guess it's gone then, huh?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so nosy..."
"Thanks, I really appreciate this..."
"I'll see you in a few...Bye!"
The Slave hung up the telephone and softly moaned and caressed herself while visions of a bound and gagged Tomoko rode waves of desire through her mind. Her hands were massaging her erect nipples when her eyes suddenly glazed over and her head began lolling drunkenly as she received instructions from her Obedience Collar. Just as suddenly, she snapped to alertness raced to and unzipped the canvas bag. She hurriedly rummaged through its contents, and removed a stun gun, which she examined and tested with a familiarity that the pre-Slave Dianne had no business having. She put the bag aside and carefully placed the First Present in the middle of her living room floor's white carpet, where it would capture the eye of anyone coming in from her front door. She then unlocked the door, and positioned herself in a nook to its side, so that she could quickly place her body between anyone who had entered and the exit while she remained hidden to them. While she waited, her mind cleared itself of all thoughts save those of Tomoko's capture.
She silently listened to the Japanese girl's light footsteps approaching her front door. Two knocks. She lifted her hands to her face to project her voice off a far wall:
"I'm in the bathroom, come in!"
Slave Diana heard the door open and close, and watched Tomoko walk past the nook. The petite girl wore a light pink sun dress, which flattered her slim, girl-like figure. Her back-length silken hair was tied to a ponytail by a matching pink bunchie. Tomoko casually, walked in, closing the door behind her, but she suddenly stopped mid-stride, staring wide-eyed at the artfully placed First Present.
Tomoko had barely quaked "Dianne?" in horror, when, in taking advantage of her target's hesitation, the enslaved Diana quickly ran forward, expertly pressed the weapon to the girl's bare arm, and fired. Tomoko gasped in surprise, fell to the floor without making any further sounds, and lay there quivering in shock. Carelessly dropping the stun gun, Slave Diana calmly walked to the bag and removed a pair each of thick, shiny wrist and ankle restraints, which she tightly padlocked around Tomoko's helpless limbs.
The Slave dragged the limp body by the legs into her bedroom and onto her bed. She ran to retrieve the bag as time was beginning to run short, and removed some red velvet-covered chains. She quickly used them to secure Tomoko's wrist and ankle bands to each corner of the brass bed frame, securing them with more padlocks. Slave Di then stepped back to take in the sight of the beautiful, delicate girl chained spread-eagled.
The Pleasure Slave smiled and began caressing herself in the loveliness of the vision before her and she climbed upon the bed and knelt astride the unconscious Tomoko. She reached over and lifted a leather ring gag from the bag and slipped it between Tomoko's teeth. Awoken by the intrusion into her mouth, while the Slave tightened the gag fast, Tomoko began groaning groggily. Slave Di clambered further up the girl's struggling body and hooked her legs above Tomoko's shoulders, forcing her own enslaved sex into the captured girl's face while holding her head fast with her thighs and weight and said: "My own juices have been transformed into my Mistress' love for you!". And upon tossing her head back and emitting a little groan, a stream of musky, steaming, pearlescence sprung forth from the Pleasure Slave's sealed crotch into Tomoko's open captive mouth.
The musky smell of the powerful aphrodisiac showed its effect in Tomoko's wilting struggles. Soon she was lying almost passively with the Pleasure Slaves' crotch pressed against her lips while it fed her the Slave's transformed love juices. The effect upon Tomoko's actions were astounding as she went from a fierce struggle against her bonds to mindlessly thrusting her own lubricating crotch into the air while anxiously drinking down every last drop of the elixir. Slave Di awoke from her trance and pulled her crotch away from Tomoko's face and the Japanese girl whined in her unquenchable thirst for the juice. The captive flailed her arms against the bonds in an effort to keep the Pleasure Slave's sweet Panties against her face. Her eyes glazed over with desire, the smell of her sweat, and frustrated grunts filled the air as she continued her involuntary hip thrusts.
Slave Di climbed off the rumpled girlsweat-and-juice-soaked bed sheets, robotically turned and left the room. If Tomoko could have paid attention, she would have heard the slow, languorous click of high heels down the hallway, pausing briefly, and those same heels returning. Slave Di swayed into the bedroom smiling and holding the shoe box-sized First Present, glossy black and tied with a wide white ribbon, upon the upward palms of her Gloves.
Humming tunelessly and grinning naughtily, the Slave tugged the floppy bow apart, and let the ribbon settle upon the writhing body. She tossed aside the lid and dumped the box' pheromone-soaked contents upon Tomoko's flushed and grunting face. Once more kneeling astride Tomoko's body, she playfully rubbed the tissues and the new Pleasure Panties across Tomoko's face and heaving chest causing the Japanese girl to groan loudly in pleasure. Grasping the Pleasure Panties' dildoes as she pressed them into Tomoko's eager face, Slave Di playfully teased, "I know where you want thiiiiis!" as she drew their rubbery hardness across her lips.
Slave Di climbed off the bed and unlocked Tomoko's right leg from its cuff. She slid the foot through one of the Panties' leg holes. As the cool, plastic slid up Tomoko's calf, her leg twitched while a brief futile thought of resistance passed through Tomoko's sex-clouded mind. Tomoko's other leg went through the Panties' other leg hole with identical ease, and Slave Di began drawing the dildoes in their rubbery dance towards Tomoko's wet and thrusting hips.
Slave Tomoko stood before the full-length mirror, dressed in a smaller, but equally well fitted version of Slave Di's Uniform. Her legs were spread shoulder width and permanently sealed inside glossy black Stockings and six-inch heeled ankle boots. Her waist had been permanently crushed into an hourglass shape by her pink-trimmed slick black Corset which dominated her slender body. Her long black shiny Gloves stroked her erect nipples which barely poked out of the Maid Uniforms' cutout cleavage while her thick studded Obedience Collar emptied what was left of her mind save a carnal need to obey its every command. Her vacuous smile moaned sensuous "Yessss!"es to each mind numbing wave of coercive pleasure the Pleasure Panties sent through her imprisoned sex. She stared through the mirror into her own vacant eyes, lost to all of her humiliating dress and that Slave Di stood right behind her in identical posture and thought.
Slaves Tomoko and Di gracefully dropped their hands and turned towards each other. "Our Mistress grants us pleasure for a Slavery well done!" and walked up to each other with their vacuous stares and smiles. Their nipples hardened and little goosebumps appeared upon their bared breasts slid up against the slick cool fabric of the others' uniform. Their fingers lightly touched each others thighs and buttocks, gently stroking them in slow, circular motions. Slave Di bent forward and kissed Slave Tomoko's receptive mouth and their fingers passionately bit into their soft plastic-encased flesh. The Slaves' embrace became a slow, gyration which made their bodies seem as one undulating mass of slender arms and legs. Each Slave would gasp "Oh Mistress!" or "Thank you Mistress!" in the midst of ecstasy oblivious to the other's identity while they pleasured each other.
The door to the former-Dianne's apartment opened into the foggy and deserted night and each glistening Pleasure Slave emerged smiling and daintily carrying a perfectly tied Present. Each box contained all the carefully collected evidence which could even hint at what had happened to the two girls. The streetlights cast their highlights across the Slaves' shiny Uniforms while they gracefully walked up to and stood dutifully at the curb and chanted, "Your Presents are here, Mistress!" A white limousine silently emerged from the dense fog, glided up to them, and opened a door. From each seat protruded a huge bright red dildo! Slave Di received the order to enter the vehicle, but Dianne's fear momentarily made her hesitate and the Collar and Panties assaulted her senses and emotions to regain control. Slave Tomoko enthusiastically stepped forward and through the door. Dianne's last sight was Tomoko hovering above and slowly sinking into the seat with a look of great contentment, the dildo disappearing into her frilly petticoat. Then Dianne's fear was purged and Slave Di entered the vehicle where she was hit by the warm moist air. Beads of sweat trickled down Tomoko and two previously unseen passengers: a curvy well-endowed redhead encased from head to toe in a tight shiny bodysuit with holes only for her nostrils, placid eyes, breasts, and a shock of curly red hair, and an identically outfitted young Latina with deep brown, but now-vacant, eyes, golden skin, and a slim fashion- model body. As Di turned around to sit down and wave her behind feeling for the dildo, she felt it meet a slight depression in the Panties and stick fast. Slave Di felt wonderful as the intruder powerfully drew her down into the seat, while synchronizing Pleasure waves coursed through her body and soul with deeper and deeper intensity for every inch of penetration. Her mind drowned in each wave of pure sensation and she began groaning and sweating in unison with Tomoko and the entranced Slaves rocked wildly back and forth in their seats as far as their impalement allowed.
As a shiny black Glove reached out of the limo to grasp the door handle, one could hear four lost voices chanting:
"We love only our Mistress!",
"We lovingly serve and obey our Mistress!",
"We worship only Her, for She is the Supreme Goddess!",
before the door was silently closed and the limousine disappeared into the fog NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN!!!
Please send your comments/constructive criticism to alphax@netcom.com Don't bother if you're just asking me to mail you more stories.
This document is the intellectual property of alphax@netcom.com (hereafter referred to as the Writer) and may not be used for commercial purposes including but not limited to inclusion in whole or in part within any physical or electronic document which is sold, rented, or transmitted on a fee contigency without the expressed written consent of the Writer. This document is solely intended for the private, non-commercial use by readers of Usenet newsgroups and any other reproduction, or retransmission of this document or any part of this document without the expressed written consent of the Writer is strictly prohibited. (hey, it works for Monday Night Football...)
All characters and descriptions appearing in this story are fictional and any similarity to individuals, living or dead, is a coincidence.
The Writer assumes no liability directly or indirectly from the use or abuse of this document.
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