Date: Fri, 02 Aug 1996 01:23:10 -0700 From: Jim Chandler Reply-To: To: Subject: 1st story This is my first age trans story, hope you like it. I've got two others started and in various stages of completion. Time permitting I'm have them done soon. When are you going to grow up The phone rang and Ms. Maxwell lifted her tired forty year old body to answer it. "Mom? It's Jesse. I need your help. I'm down at the County Jail." Monica pulled on a long rain coat and wrapped it around her and headed down town to bail out her daughter. She had ended up just like the father, always in trouble with law until he got himself shot four years ago in a drug deal gone wrong. Monica got pregnant with Jesse when she was just fifteen by a guy as handsome as James Dean. He was also just as bad. A hustler, drinker and ladies man he never really cared about Jesse and was gone most of the time, drinking and gambling or running some other scam. He stayed with Monica and Jesse, if you could call it that, for five years and than after a Mexican divorce, moved on and Monica had to fend for herself. She would see him once in awhile when he need a buck or a place to hideout. Monica didn't know why she bothered with Jesse anymore as she paid the three-hundred dollar bail, she was just like her father. The cops soon brought her out. Monica groaned at the sight of her, dressed all in black a super short mini, pumps and tight bodice that pushed her big boobs up to form a mountain of cleavage. "Well, what is it this time. Prostitution?" Monica asked sarcastically. "Trespassing." "Ya could have fooled me" "But it's bogus! Mark was just getting his money back cause they kicked us out of the wax museum, for no reason." Monica rolled her eyes at that lie. She had spoken to the desk Sergeant while posting her bail and he told her all about how Jesse and her boyfriend, Mark and several of their friends, had come in drunk and frighten off the other customers, and messed up the wax figures. The owner kicked them out and Mark demanded his money back. The manager refused so Mark slugged him, the police were called and the arrested them all. Monica posted bail and took Jesse to her house. "I've got my own place Mom." "Ya, well that's across town. If you want to go there you can call a cab." "Where's the phone." Jesse asked. Monica pointed and hung up her coat and got ready for bed. "Thirty bucks!? Mom I need thirty bucks for cab fare." Jesse demanded. "Not on you life! You already owe three hundred for bail. She'll Walk." Monica said as she took the receiver from Jesse and hung it up and stormed off to her bedroom. Jesse jammed her hands into the pocks of her jacket and remembered the broach she had taken from one of the wax figures, a Gypsy woman hunkered over a crystal ball. She pulled it out and followed her mom into her bedroom. "Here, Mom this should be worth cab fare." She said and tossed the gaudy looking broach to her. "Who did you steal this from?" She quipped. "You can be such bitch you know that!" Jesse hissed. "You know Jesse, I just wish I could start over with you, from an empty womb" Monica said. At that moment a feeling like an electrical shock traveled down their spines. It was a strange sensation, and it seemed to spread out to their limbs. "Mom!?" She said with a surprised and shocked sound in her voice. "I'm sorry Jesse, but sometimes you drive me crazy with all your stunts. You are 24 years old Jesse, when are you going to grow up?" Jesse just huffed and plopped down on the bed. She looked down at her daughter thinking that all of a sudden she didn't look 24 anymore. She seemed younger sitting there pouting on the bed. "Well, what am I going to do with you?" She said. Jesse finally looked up at her mother, they were both surprised at each others appearance. Monica thought her mind was just playing tricks on her moments ago, but now her daughter DID look younger. Jesse also thought that suddenly her mother looked fresher and her face looked smoother than her forty years. "Jesse?" Monica said as she looked at her daughter, who was looking younger and younger with each passing minute. "Mom, I feel strange." She said. Monica noticed that she was feeling funny as well. Jesse got up off the bed to move around to try and shake this dizzying sort of feeling, when she saw herself in the mirror and shrieked. "My face! I look... I look like am 18 again." She said as she turned to her mother and was equality shocked again to see her mothers face was also looking years younger. "Mom, what's happening to us?" She said in a hushed tone. The women stood paralyzed, just staring at each other trying to comprehend what was happening. Jesse looked down at her leather jacketed arms that were too long for her. She pulled the jacket off and dropped it on the floor. "Ooooo" Jesse moaned when she saw that her breasts no longer filled her bodice to over flowing and it hung on her dwindling figure. She looked no older than sixteen now and still getting younger. Monica looked at herself in the mirror she saw herself in her twenties again and the years continued to peel away from her face. She pulled off her night shirt and looked at herself in shock and wonder at her returned youthful figure. Her body and spread badly as she had aged due to poor nutrition and no exercise, but it was returning rapidly to firm round and sexy.. "Mommy?" A little voice behind her said. She looked down at her 4 year old daughter standing in a pile of clothes next to her. She was thrilled to she Jesse as a little angel again. She reached down and scooped her up into her arms. "I wittle Mommy." The child said. Jesse looked down at her tummy as it got slowly larger and rounder and her hands getting smaller and pudgy. Her hair shortened and became soft and wispy. `Ma Ma" She grudged. It started getting crowded in Monica's arms suddenly. She shifted Jessica to her other arm, she was more than 1, and Monica noticed that her breasts had swollen larger and milk was dripping from her nipples. She looked at herself in the mirror again, she had returned to seventeen again and she and Jesse were still getting younger. She lowered Jesse to her nipple and she started nursing, still getting younger. Soon she was holding a new born and it had a imbecile cord that was growing. Monica felt weak and moved to the bed. She felt an urging to pull and she lower Jesse to her vagina and placed her feet in the cervix. Intense pain shot through her for a moment and then it was gone and so was Jesse. She struggled to her feet and walked over to the mirror. She saw a sixteen and a half year old VERRY pregnant girl she once was in the reflection. She turned to see a profile of her tummy, it was getting smaller. She cupped her breasts and hefted them, they were also getting smaller and her nipples changing to a lighter and lighter shade. Her stomach quickly flatten out and her breasts grew tight and high on her chest. She realized that she was fifteen again. The same electrical shock traveled down her spine again and she stopped getting younger. She looked at the broach and realized that it WAS worth cab fare. -END-