Dotty Doolittle by Wren Once upon a time, in the little town Groveville, harsh weather had killed all the wheat. The farmers, who made less than minimum wage, had no food for their families to eat. That evil bitch Dotty had bought all their land and as her last name would imply, she'd done little to help all the families in need, since she wanted them out by July. With all of them gone she could build a new mall with shoe stores and arcades galore. But one of the farmers wasn't doing too bad, so she paid a P.I. to explore. The news he returned with wasn't too pleasant since all of her plans were in danger. Not only did the guy have a prize winning cow, but it had golden wheat in it's manger! "Damndest thing I ever seen!" said Dotty's P.I., "that cow could give milk for hours!" "And there was some sort of weird kind of wheat in it's trough that had golden and silvery flowers!" Dotty would have thought her P.I. was bonkers if he hadn't brought a video with proof. Sure enough the wheat in the trough was shiny glimmering and the cow's udder was down to it's hooves! "Son of a bitch!" Grumbled Dotty, "I can't build a mall if that bastard won't sell!" "I doubt he'll move out," said Mr. P.I. "he'll never leave since he's doin' so well." "That's it! I'm a genius!" Dotty squealed with delite. "We'll steal his damn cow...and we'll do it tonight!" So they waited until the farmer snored like a boar, And then with a crowbar they broke the barn door. They swiped his prized cow and since he was still in bed Dotty stole all his wheat so she could make golden bread. She processed the wheat and by morning had dough. She baked it into bread and then was ready to go. She visited the farmer whom she'd shamelessly robbed. And demanded his farmland since he was out of a job. He knew she stole his cow, and was about to have one himself until she started munching bread, and he remembered the shelf where he kept the wheat that would save all the farms. "Is she really eating that stuff? Will it do her any harm?" "I sure as hell hope so!" he thought as she ate. "You tried to save your farm but I'm afraid you're too late!" "You have no more money or food! It's about time that you left!" "It'd take a miracle to save your farm after your prize cow's theft!" At the sound of these words the farmer gave a big grin for he noticed a swelling under her "Dole '96" pin. Dotty finished one loaf but still wanted more but one of her buttons popped off and fell to the floor. It was then that she followed the farmer's glossy eyed stare And saw on chest what shouldn't be there... Bulging out of her dress was a great jiggling pair! "What's happening to me? What have you done?" "You've eaten my wheat, and now we'll have fun! For you see the breads magic has only begun!" Her breasts kept on growing, and as her bra-strap let go She knew her melons were too big for velcro. The magic was stronger than she could imagine For she was soon munching bread with wild abandon. As she gulped down the loaves she quickly realized She was starting to gain a little weight in her thighs. Her volleyball breasts barely got in her way As she gobbled the bread, but then to Dotty's dismay Her now beefy rump now had dangling behind her A swaying cow's tail that was covered with fur! "Oh no, I'm a cow!!" she shouted in horror As her billowing bust stuck out a good foot before her. "You look simply bovine!" The happy farmer said, As long hairy ears sprung out from her head. Her beach ball sized breasts made her fall to her knees, "These mammoth cow udders are beyond double 'D's," The farmer man thought as she collapsed under the load. "Oh God! They're too big! I'm going to explode!" Dotty's worries were doubled, for when she started to pout She opened her mouth and a big "MOO!" came out! From the swish of her breasts, the farmer could hear They were filling with milk, and started to fear She'd never stop growing, so he left Dotty there. Her bloated breasts pinned her from her knees to her hair. They swelled past her feet as she lay moaning, "MOO! MOO!" And as they grew over her face she knew she was through, Until she felt several hands that gave a great heave The farmers rolled her to her feet and couldn't believe That this inflated "cowgirl" was Dotty Doolittle. Her breasts were enormous, but thin was her middle. Then below, her butt and legs had gained some ground beef. They feared she'd explode, but to their relief The good farmer brought had a milker, with two large rubber tubes Which he attached one by one to each van sized boob. Slowly but surely her breasts shrank down in size Until she was back to normal, except for her thighs And her rump, tail, and ears. But her voice returned "For what you did to me I'll have you whole town burned!" But as she removed the tubes, she received a surprise. Her breasts swelled again, as well as her thighs This time, however, was a much greater shock For twice as much beef squeezed into each plump buttock. The bottom of her dress exploded like the top had before And her breasts grew so fast she fell to the floor. The good magic in the bread wouldn't tolerate evil and so It sensed Dotty's threat and forced her to grow Twice as fast as before and her skin became tight But just like before there was no end in sight. "MOO MOO!" Dotty said as she feared her fate When they put the tubes on her boobs it was almost too late For her nipples rose so high they needed a ladder. This second incident only made her even madder. The good farmer realized their troubles were through. For to save all the farms, all he had to do Was sell the milk from this woman, and thanks to her anger The endless milk supply would never be in danger! After her milking, Dotty's breasts weren't so small Her previous two bloating left her with giant beach balls! "I hate you all!" She groaned since her breasts were so sore. But grabbing at her breasts, she knew what was in store. "Should we milk her right now to save her from harm?" "Nah," the farmer said, pushing her through the door. "I want to see her so big, she fills up the barn!" THE END