220 67377 <183316Z01051995@anon.penet.fi> article Message-ID: <183316Z01051995@anon.penet.fi> Path: ix.netcom.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news.sprintlink.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories From: an105831@anon.penet.fi (The Archivist) X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an105831@anon.penet.fi Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 18:24:20 UTC Subject: TG ARCHIVES: "Pregnancy" (1/3) Lines: 626 * I did not write this story and I make no claims as to its content. I * am simply providing a service to the alt.sex.stories newsgroup. * * If you are the original author of one of these stories, and you wish * for me to remove from my archive, let me know. * * These stories deal primarily with female domination, forced feminization, * and strong transsexual themes. If you get squeemish from this stuff, * STOP READING NOW. * * All requests for subscriptions or reposts will be utterly ignored. * It's simple enough: just wait for the story to come around again. * * * The Archivist * TRANSGENDER ARCHIVES * an105831@anon.penet.fi Pregnancy - Part 1 author unknown ***** Alan had gone off to work with an "uneasiness" he couldn't describe. He had indulged his desire to spend hours dressed in pretty feminine maternity wear for almost forty years and through most of his married life his wife knew of his interest, though all his "advances" to have her "participate" fell on disinterested ears. The prior day he had spent a full day "dressed", and it seemed as always, his wife, Susan, was "down" after these "extended" sessions. Alan often feared it was because Susan felt "neglected" or maybe a little "jealous" of the "friend" that was something "special" to him. So, again Alan was worried that he had spent too much time or had done something "wrong". Allen sensed something was different as he left the house. He spent most of the day wondering and worrying about what the evening would bring. Was he going to have to promise to give up his time with this "special girl"? Could he keep that promise if he made it? Did he want to? Something was going to change, He didn't know what. It had been a particularly hot July day, coupled with the "worrying" Alan had been feeling "hot and sticky" and much in need of the refreshment a cool shower would give. When Alan arrived home, he detected his wife's attitude had improved, he hinted that after he took a shower they might want to "lay and watch TV for awhile", which usually translated into sexual fun and games. Getting out of his clothes, Alan headed for the shower. Indeed it was a refreshing shower. The cascading streams of cool water washing the cares of the day from his body as well as his mind. Soaping and rubbing his flesh brought a restored vigor to his spirit and he was ready for a romp on the sheets. After drying off, he reached into his underwear drawer only to find it empty. It was unusual to have an empty underwear drawer so he called to his wife, asking where he could find clean clothing. "I'll be right there", Susan called back. In Susan walked carrying a pile of pink colored cottony garments. Momentarily he was dumbfounded, then he realized what Susan was holding but he said nothing, waiting for her to speak. "Alan I have decided", Susan started "if you want to experience wearing female underpants you are going to have to start where every little girl starts, which is wearing these pretty pink diapers that I've made. You'll also wear this pair of rubber pants just in case you have any "accidents"." "Of coarse if you have any "accidents" you will have to wait longer before you "graduate" to "big girl" panties". "You will be well trained in controlling yourself before you get that opportunity", Susan finished. With mild protest he started to question, "do I have to wear these all the ..." Susan interrupted, "you will wear them all the time, unless we are going away as a family. I will keep enough washed that you will have one clean diaper each day, if you run out you will have to wear the wet one until I wash them again. Changing wet diapers will be your responsibility and you will rinse them and leave them in the bucket I've placed in the bathroom". Susan went on, "if you are good and don't wet your diaper you will get to "nurse" for an hour each evening but if you wet your diaper you will be put to bed with a bottle of formula, if you wet your clean diaper you will wear it all the next day." "Until you are "trained" you will not wear any other feminine garment. You will have to learn all the aspect of being a girl before you can experience "motherhood" again. Handing him a razor and shaving cream Susan continued, "you will shave all the hair off your body, little girls don't have hair, "anywhere". Alan started to speak, "even down..." yet somehow he knew not to continue his protest. In a way this was a dream come true but he was also experiencing a "loss of control" that was disturbing. As he eyed that pink pile in her hands, Alan knew he wanted to feel those soft garments covering his behind. He promised to follow her rules. Snugly diapered, Alan came to the dinner table and no more was said about his situation. Things went very good for several weeks, until he had his first "accident". Alan had been torn between wanting to have an "accident" and wanting to get out of these diapers into real panties. Somehow Alan knew he was tempting fate when he had several large drinks with his lunch. Alan always had a strong bladder so he didn't figure he'd have any problem making it until he got home. He did get a little worried when he was asked to finish a document he was preparing, it was already past four. By 6:30 he had it finished and started home. Alan hadn't planned for a delay in traffic. He had been stopped for almost an hour when the need to find a "potty" began to come on strong. The vibrating engine aggravated his need and he hoped traffic would start to move soon. Alan nervously shifted his legs and strained to keep them held tightly together, in a desperate attempt to restrain the need to empty his swollen bladder. He felt like a little kid doing the "I don't have to go to the bathroom dance". As much as he told himself he didn't have to go the more he knew the inevitable was going to happen if he didn't get under way immediately. It was only a trickle at first and he was able to stop it. He figured he could hide this "little accident", hoping it would not affect his "graduation". Another "trickle" began to escape and he tried hard to stop it but it soon turned into a steady stream. Alan felt a warmness cover his entire bottom as the wetness permeated the pretty pink cloth he was wearing. He hoped the rubber pants would keep his secret. Alan checked as he exited his car and his outer pants were dry. Thank goodness! His "guilt" must have been showing. "Your not dry, are you?", Susan quizzed as Alan went right to the bathroom. "And I was beginning to think you were ready for your big girl panties. Well, you'll just have to wait." "Now change and get ready for supper." Alan never suspected what was to come as his ice tea glass was refilled several times during supper. At bedtime he dutifully took his bottle as he slumbered off to sleep. The events of the day came back to him in his dreams. Alan had gone to bed fearful of wetting his new dry diaper, knowing what the punishment would be. His dreams were filled with a series of events that brought him to the brink of having wet pants. At one point he was in a "Three Stooges" scene and was being chased by a mad scientist wielding a seltzer bottle who was trying to squirt it down his pants. Then he was chained to a wall by a band of mad nurses who were using squeeze bottles to soak the diaper that they had placed on him. The last scene Alan remember was standing at a stove, heating water for some purpose. For some reason he plunged his hand into it to test its warmth, with that he felt his bladder relieve itself. The warm fluid coated his genitals and then fully encircled his diapered bottom. Alan hoped he was only dreaming. When Alan awoke, his worst dream was true. He was soaked. A lumpy coldness permeated the diaper. He left his bed with a feeling that a weight had been tied around his bottom. The wet heaviness was more than he had expected. He no longer felt he wanted to wear this soaked diaper all day. Alan was going to test the opportunity to change when a voice in the darkness said, "maybe after wearing that all day you won't want to have a wet diaper again." He made no further arguments and got dressed for work. Each move during the day was a constant reminder of his "condition". Fear that he would be discovered flooded his mind. He was beginning to see that this was not as much fun as he had imagined. Alan was very self- conscious about his movements and tried to limit his needs to go about the office, calling folks that he would normally "walk over and see". The day drug on slowly, by noon he was feeling a noticeable "itch" and rawness that became more uncomfortable by the minute. He knew he was getting a case of "diaper rash" that would only worsen the longer he remained in these wet pants but the fear of discover and unsure how to dispose of the evidence made him continue his plight. By days end his thighs were warmed from the itch, his balls and shrinking penis were on fire. Even his butt cheeks felt the scratchy itch of the spreading rash. Alan did not want this to happen again. Alan's spouse greeted him at the door so she could make sure he had stayed diapered all day. When Susan patted his front with a "good boy" gesture he winced from the pain of the added pressure. His wife immediately understood his condition. "What'sa matter, baby got diaper rash"? "Let me take care of that for you". Susan told him to go to the bathroom and remove his wet garments and then come to the bedroom. In the bedroom Susan had him lie on the bed, his red raw bottom exposed to the rooms cool air conditioning. The fire from the rash and the coolness of the air brought life to his shriveled member. It quickly grew to it's full seven inches, engorging hard with blood as it blossomed. With a damp cloth his wife soothed as she wiped clean his irritated bottom. Then Susan spread baby lotion over most of the infected area. His throbbing member Susan reserved for her warm lips. Slowly she bathed his rigid pole with balm like saliva. The moisture cooling in the air, only added to the intensity of his hardness. He knew if this pleasure/pain ritual continued he would erupt like a long dormant volcano. Alan's wife sensed his readiness to orgasm and ceased her oral manipulation of his manhood. "It's time to put that were it does the most good", Susan told him as she spread her legs. Gingerly he applied his prickled penis to the lips of her sex. Her honey pot wrapped its moist lips around his burning flesh and soothed his flesh as he entered her to the hilt. His mind was still racing with the thoughts of the day. He had been so scared that he was in for some unusual punishment but her he was being "rewarded" with the most enjoyable sex he could recall for some time. Alan was also preparing himself for the letdown of having to put on the diapers again, he was so hoping to graduate into "big girls" panties. As he erupted with climatic frenzy he lapsed into euphoric calmness. He was almost asleep. He was brought around by his wife calling him and saying, "your new things are in the bathroom. You should be able to put them on yourself". Things had really turned out better than he had hoped. Not only had he enjoyed great sex, he was going to get "graduation" panties. Anxious with excitement he rushed into the bathroom. His elation quickly evaporated as he picked up the things that had be set aside for him. He examined the rather plain cotton panties. They seemed to be extra think, he didn't know why. The cotton bra was also void of any fancy lace or design that would make it look more feminine. The tank top camisole was more like a boys t-shirt, to say he was disappointed would have been an understatement. Knowing not to object, Alan put on the garments and stepped into the bedroom. "Well, what do you think?", his wife asked. "I guess I was hoping for more sexy, feminine things", he almost inaudibly whined. "Come now, you just got out of diapers. Don't you know you need to go through some time with "training panties" so we can be sure your not going to have any more "accidents". Handing him a pinafore smock like dress Susan continued, "you'll wear this or something like it all the time your around the house. For the time being you will be able to wear your male clothes to work but gradually you will get more feminine or gender neutral attire. Around here you will be 'Alice' and you will call me "mommy" until you "grow-up" then you will be able to call me "sis". Alan's wife left him to finish dressing. His new cotton garments were a strange sensation. Jockey shorts had always been cotton but the bulkyness of these were different. He also noticed that the cut of the legs came more squarely across his thighs and there was no opening in them for when there was a need to go to the bathroom. He knew without asking that he would have to pull them down and sit to pee. His "training" was working. Alan, now Alice, wearing a dress that barely covered his pantied rear and wearing socks that rolled at the knees left what had been the safe world of his bedroom and ventured to the dinner table. Alan/Alice was quick to notice the coldness of the wooden furniture on the bare flesh of his legs that would normally be covered with slacks of some kind. The experience was something he had never thought about has a guy but would have to get use to as a "girl". "Alice, I bought you these today. You're very own patent leather shoes. They should go real nice with that dress." Alan/Alice was surprised how easily the shoes went on his feet. Their openness and boxy design coupled with their EEE width added to their fit. Bending to fasten the straps he felt a breeze caress his thighs and knew his panties had been exposed by the elevation of his smocked dress. "No, dear, you mustn't bend like that to fasten shoes. You must stoop "ladylike" and not expose yourself to the world." "Now undo them, and try again", Susan ordered. Alan/Alice lowered himself without letting his dress ride up and fastened the buckles on each shoe. Alice looked to "mom" for approval before rising. Alice liked her new shoes. Alice stood to admire her new footwear and was enjoying the vision of the bobby socks and glossy leather when he was taken by the site that it did indeed appear his pantied bottom indeed reflected in the shine of those shoes. Alice knew however, she would never get the opportunity to flaunt such "indecent" behavior. Alice pranced around the house all evening in his new role, even from time to time walking with a little "skip" step like a "girl" his age might do. At bedtime his wife produced a pair of "Dr. Dentin's" complete with feet and a "trap door" seat. "These are "little girl" pajamas and you will wear them until I am sure you are "grown" enough to have "baby dolls" or something more erotic." Alan put on his new garment and climbed into bed. Today had brought enormous changes to his life. He was still unsure of the lengths his wife was going to go but he knew if he ever wanted to wear his beautiful maternity clothes again he had to do what ever he was told. "Being a "little girl" wasn't so bad"' Alan thought, "as a matter of fact maybe it would be fun." The "little girl" lifestyle continued for about a month. Each morning "Alice" would neatly fold her PJ's and place them in his dresser. He would then retrieve a clean set of underclothes and take his shower. Each day as he stepped into those cottony garments he longed for the time when they would be replaced by silk and lace. And so the days went on. After a particularly hard day at work, Alan was thinking less about how he would "transform" once he got home and more about how he would come up with the next promotional campaign to sell their dying products. As a matter of fact, the change process was taking so long that Alan was tiring of the sport. He was beginning to believe his wife was only going to carry this so far and then "punish" him by not allowing him to ever bring out the pregnant girl he say in himself. Alan considered calling the whole thing off. Promising to rid his closet of all "Alice's" clothing and returning to the days when he "secretly" made his transformation on his many travels out of town. However, he knew more than ever that was a promise he would not keep. Alice's things were so pretty and had cost so much. He needed to put them on again. Alan, as would "Alice", would just have to be patient. Alan dutifully went direct to the shower passing and noting the cotton underwear laid out for him on the bed. He had hoped and dreamed that they would change but there they were in their "plain" white cotton purity. Alan, having washed the cares and weight of the day from his tired body was ready for his transformation into the girl he was trying so hard to become. Even the cotton panties would now be welcome as his skin felt alive and fresh from the pounding of the steamy water on his hard flesh. The erotic thoughts he had been exercising in his mind while showering had his loins boiling. The thought of those cotton panties caressing his manly flesh had brought him close to climaxing. He could only fear the punishment he would receive if he "came" in his clean white panties. As he retrieved the panties and began to step into them he was interrupted by his wife. "Wait, you will need this," his wife ordered him to stop dressing. Susan was holding what seemed to be some sort of white belt. Alan could not even guess it purpose. "What is that?", Alan inquired hesitantly. "It's to hold your sanitary napkin in place", his wife instructed. "Sanitary napkin?", Alan question, not understanding. "If you are to get pregnant", his wife continued, "you have to have "periods". I have decided that yours have started now and you will wear these pads for four consecutive days." Continuing her explanation about what he was to do Susan added, "even though they won't actually have a period but I bet that dripping cock of yours will provide enough spunk to soil them regularly, you must change them three times a day." Further instructing, Susan challenged, "since you don't carry a purse you will soon understand the embarrassment many woman go through when they have to try and conceal such necessary items, not wanting to draw attention to their plight by carrying a purse to the ladies room. I wonder how ingenious you will be". Alan pulled the belt up around his middle. He then attached the pad to the rear stay and reached under his hardening cock, pulling the pad forward, he attached it in the front. He forced is stiffened member to lay along the pad and hoisted his panties up his long nervous legs. Alan's training was progressing well. All these feminine things had Alan thinking very female, often errantly wondering into the ladies room by mistake. Along with tiring in the quest Alan was beginning to fear the changes he was experiencing. He began to worry that his actions might get him into trouble that he would be unable to offer any believable excuse. His ladies room escapades had already become the whispers of the office, split evenly between being "over worked", "gay" or "perverted". Alan was examining the calendar when he realized he was coming up on his ninth "period". He realized how instinctively he had "checked" the days to see if it was "that time of the month". Somehow he sensed the significance of the nine months of "periods". He began to believe that it was his wife's way of showing him what the nine months of "expecting" would hold. He was sure that when this period was over he would be told that he was "pregnant". He would be a nervous wreck before the end of the next three days. His suspicions where reinforced when his wife told him the morning of the third day, "I'm sorry your having such a difficult time this month, your "period" will last five days. Oh, well! Sometime that happens." He had done this for nine months, Alan was sure he could continue for two more days. The day his "period" ended Alan planned the most direct trip home from work. His thoughts filled with erotic wonder. He was ready for his "impregnation". He welcomed the opportunity to once again dress in his lovely maternity clothing. He waited to feel those wonderful feminine garments that had been packed away for such a long time. Before he left the office he changed his "pad" one last time. Alan did not want his pending "pregnancy" to be delayed because he failed to "take proper care" of himself. Alan's sexual thoughts were producing a steady seepage from his throbbing manhood. He could not exercise any measure of control to lessen its eruptions. He would just have to deal with any consequences when he arrive home. There was no discussion about Alan's "condition", either upon his arrival or during small talk during dinner. Alan knew not to bring up the subject. During the next days, Alan began to believe he was going to have to "experience" the days after one had a "period" and the days they could get pregnant. Once again Alan attempted to predict when his wife would "introduce" his pregnancy. With a small dot he marked the calendar, noting a three day period beginning ten days after the end of his last "period". His "fertile" period as he understood female biology. Alan wondered if his wife would put him through some sort of "impregnation" ritual. Susan did have a variety of large didoes and he could imagine them being used on him. though he dreaded them because of their size he thrilled in being violated by such a weapon and ending up "in the family way". The prime time came and went and Alan found nothing new in his wife's behavior. Clean lingerie was always available. "Alice" was enjoying the increased femininity of the styles and material. The occasions of wearing male oriented under clothing were now limited. Only when he would have to change clothes in "public" circumstances, like his periodic visits to the health club would Alan revert to his male attire. "Alice's" "periods" continued. Each month Alan hoped it would not come. Alan was "Alice" more and more. His dress became more androgynous. Alan's fitness had reduced his weight and honed his shape into a very attractive person that one could surmise a slight shift would make "her" more male or "him" more female. His presentation was confusing to most who met him. Strangers did not know whether to address him as he or she. Alan knew he was still Alan. He understood his male self and enjoyed it. He also understood "Alice" much better than he had almost two years ago when his wife gave him this ultimatum. For the first time in his life he felt a "control" that he had not previously experienced. He could be "Alice" as often as he liked. His wife had even been helpful in establishing her existence but he knew Alan. Alan controlled "Alice". He had thought for sometime that his wife controlled "Alice". He realized that he wanted "Alice" to be but did not want to give up Alan's masculinity. He had the best of both worlds and his wife in her own way had helped him to see the possibilities. Alan realized the way he would get pregnant was to have a date. He knew it would be one that his wife arranged and he wasn't sure exactly how it would turn out but he knew it was the next step in his progression. For Alan the "periods" continued. Each month with disheartened acceptance he found "pads" in Alice's dresser drawer. Again he added a fresh supply to his briefcase and longed for "next month". Alan was having a particularly bad day. He had begun to understand what men were referring to when they would remark "she must have the rag on, she's so bitchy". And though "Alice's" period had ended about a week ago the days events were making Alan increasingly "bitchy". Alan's phone had rung well beyond the three rings within which he was expected to answer. He yelled at it, "I'm coming", as if it understood his request for patience. Yet the phone continued to ring. Alan dropped the stack of papers he was trying to sort and swore as they scattered to the floor. Alan coarsely shouted "hello" into the phone. He was stopped in his tracks when he heard his wife's voice say "dear, you must get home as soon as possible, Alice has a DATE for this evening." Her emphasis on DATE had Alan's heart racing as it usually did when these unexpected overtures of advancement presented themselves to him. Alan had been having an increasingly difficult time walking by Chrissy's Maternity Boutique and wishing he had many of the lovely outfits that were displayed in the window. A particular lavender dress had caught his eye. The dress with lace collar and high waist were two features that Alan knew would show off his femininity as well as his "pregnancy". Alan quickly put his days work aside, sketched out his next days schedule and hurried to his car. A world of anticipation ran through Alan's head as he crawled his way through the rush hour traffic. His anxiety made the volume of traffic seem significantly worst though it was probably the normal days flow. The only feminine garment that Alice had on today were the silky blue lace unmentionables that his wife had given him just this past weekend. They really were sexy and far more "mature" than what he had wore in the previous weeks. Excitement had started his throbbing manhood to give up an amount of pre seminal fluid that was damping those lovely panties causing Alan to fear this "accident" might thwart the opportunity his wife had planned. Today was not to be a "disappointment" for Alice. As a matter of fact Alan's wife seemed pleased at the amount of stimulation Alan was showing in his panties. With a pumping "milking" action Susan brought on the full release of his seed that showed as white foam on the blue sea of his panties. "Before we go on your "date", I'm going to milk you completely dry of any maleness within you. You will fill my pussy and be prepared to receive an equal amount later", Susan warned. Susan then led him to the bedroom and pushed him onto their bed. Alan's wife removed her shorts and revealed her freshly shaved pussy. Susan lowered her naked sex onto his pulsing rod, seizing his tool with all the strength in her pubic muscles. Susan was riding his piston with furry that a oil rigger uses when driving that last few feet, knowing they will soon strike black gold. With each rebound Susan was coaxing the fluid from his loins. His wife's passion had him on the verge of explosion, yet for some reason his balls did not want to give up their precious load. Alan's body was saying "erupt", but his mind had not released the mental blocks that kept the eruption in check. Alan's rod was being rubbed raw from the friction of his wife's cunt. He was experiencing a strange sense of pleasure and pain, neither of which he wanted to cease. Orgasmic waves rushed over the gyrating body of his wife. The quick jerks triggered the same response in Alan and he felt streams of hot cum shoot upward into his wife's warm hole. The intensity of the orgasm was so great that Alan envisioned his cock being a large white fountain spewing streams of warm fluid into the air, then cascading back, forming pools of white foam. They locked in orgasmic ecstacy. Their loins welded together in the final throws of passion. Then with exhaustive release they ceased all motion. Alan's wife left the bed. Upon her return Susan was carrying Alice's clothes for the evening. The attached sales tags told Alan that this was a whole new wardrobe. One that would be a fitting number to have someone want to get Alice "in the family way". The black panties were as sensuous as he hoped. The lace scratched his cock as it struggled to confine his growing penis. "I thought I took care of that", his wife scolded and struck his throbbing manhood smartly on the head. Her swift blow seemed to instantly deflate his menacing member. The delicate lace on the bra matched the panties. This was more than Alan ever thought possible as he put his arms through the bra straps. He secured the padded cups over his flat bust but admired how the padding gave him a modest figure. His wife chided him when he began to retrieve the bust inserts that had long been stored in Alice's dresser. "Alice will have to "grow" into those cups. Believe me as her "pregnancy" advances so will her bust. For now you will have to be satisfied with a "budding" figure", Susan ended. Alan, now dressed in bra and panties felt Alice coming alive. Through all his "training" he had longed for this moment. There were times he thought his wife would never let him wear these "grown-up" girl fashions again. Alan felt an increase thumping in his chest as his heart raced in response to the simulation these garments were producing. He was "Dressing" again and even had a "date". Alice sat on the edge of the bed so "she" could easily veil "her" lovely legs into the black seamed pantyhose that were next on the pile. Alice found stepping into the straight navy skirt an easy task. She was a little disappointed that the length wasn't a little more "provocative", which translates to "shorter", but did find it's simplicity, and the way it hugged the curves of her bottom, rather alluring. The frilly white blouse with stand up collar was almost and "innocent" schoolgirl type of blouse. The black bra was eye-catching as it showed itself through the blouses thin material. Alice loved it. Patent leather pumps with slight two-inch heels completed the outfit. Alice was ready for her date. Like two girlfriends leaving for a date they headed for the door. Alice was thankful for the lower heeled shoes. She preferred the three plus inch heels but understood that for this "first time out" she would feel less awkward in this mid-size heel. Nervousness added wobble to her legs as they approached the door. Alice fought hard to subdue back the panic, as she realized that in an instant the door would open and they would be outside. Alice, fully dressed would be introduced to the world. Beads of perspiration were forming on the top of her brow. Tremors could be felt the full length of her arms. Alice knew if they didn't get through the door soon her knees would begin to knock. The last thought that struck Alice before opening the door was that her TO BE CONTINUED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out more about the anon service, send mail to help@anon.penet.fi. If you reply to this message, your message WILL be *automatically* anonymized and you are allocated an anon id. Read the help file to prevent this. Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to admin@anon.penet.fi.