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As the light from the early morning sun started coming thru the slits in the blinds, Patty awoke from her sleep, and climbed down off the bed.
She really was not fully awake yet, but she was able to walk around the floor, stretching her legs. She did not realize she was sniffing around the furniture as she moved around the floor, she also was moving with a great deal of ease on her all fours.
Mrs. Fisher awoke soon after, and after rolling over a few times in her large, soft bed, she too got up, and walked over to where her new little puppy was standing. She kneeled down and was scratching Patty under the chin, who responded by licking her hand.
"Such a sweet little girl, come with me, I will give you some fresh water". Instead, Patty, at a fast pace, moved past her towards the door which led to the basement, to the sandbox.
"What is it, do you have to go out, come on, speak, tell me what you want".
Patty walked over to the door, and lifted herself up and started pawing at the door, and emitted short and rapid loud barks. Her sounds attracted the other dogs, who came running in behind her.
Mrs. Fisher petted each of them and called them over to the outside door and pushed it open, letting them run free in the yard. She then looked down at Patty, looking up at her pawing at the door.
"You need to go downstairs little puppy, well, come on, lets go and see what you have learned". She opened the door, and Patty moved slowly but with confidence down the steps and ran through the basement to the other door leading to the special room.
Mrs. Fisher followed shortly behind and unlocked the door, and Patty climbed into the box and went about her business. She soon climbed back out and came out of the room, and sat back on her legs in front of Mrs. Fisher.
"Well my little girl, you behaving so well, I may have to treat you, would that make you happy, speak for mommy, come on, speak little puppy".
Patty began to bark over and over, pulling her hands in the air, trying to paw at Mrs. Fisher. She responded by petting Patty on the head, and started walking away down the cellar hall. Patty quickly followed her down the hall, yelping most of the way.
Making her way to another storage room, Mrs. Fisher brought Patty inside to where there was another dog lying on a doggie bed. Patty could sense other dogs there also. She tried moving over to where the scents were coming from, but Mrs. Fisher grabbed her by the collar and clipped her to the leash attached on the wall.
"I brought you here Patty because this new mommy here needs some assistance, and you have just the right "parts" to help her out with". With this, she moved a board away from the doorway where she was standing and six puppies came running out towards her and the dog lying in its bed.
"You see Patty, this little mommy dog is just too tired from feeding her many pups, this is her second litter in such a short time".
"With you here, we can put those milk filled tits to use, and get you prepared for when you have your own little pups, I might even let the dog who studed this litter try you!"
Patty appeared to be alarmed at the dogs overrunning her, and watching them pull at their mother for milk. The mother dog just layed there as the pups fed on her.
Mrs. Fisher unhooked Patty, and brought her over to another doggie bed where she was tied down. Mrs. Fisher removed the spandix strip which covered her breasts, and gently rubbed her breasts and nipples, making them moist and leaky.
Patty's nipples had become slightly longer due to the treatments, so when Mrs. Fisher brought two puppies over to her, they instantly went to Patty's breasts and started drawing on them, causing her some initial pain and soreness from their rough treatment.
With maternal and animal instinct, she nuzzled and licked the pups as they fed on her, and allowed each puppy to in turn come over and feed from her full breasts. Mrs. Fisher looked at this and smiled with delight.
"Well my little girl, you are taking such good care of these little pups, I think this treatment and training, you may be ready for some of your own!" "I think I will leave you here for awhile to get used to this part of your new life, and will be back for you later, when we will start your treatments again."
Mrs. Fisher came back a few hours later, and found both the dog, the puppies and Patty asleep, with one of the pups suckling lightly on one of Patty's nipples, drawing her sweet milk out.
She took the pup away from Patty, and put it with the others by its mom, where it soon was asleep next to its brothers and sisters. Gently she shook Patty awake. and she stood up.
"Well my little milk machine, did you enjoy feeding the little pups, they seemed to like it VERY much!" Mrs. Fisher took Patty's covering and pulled it around her breasts, pulling them tight and covering them up. She noticed some moisture leaking through the fabric.
"Patty, you are leaking, you must be so full inside those beautiful breasts of yours, well, cannot have you walking around with your tits swaying in the breeze dripping milk!" She unhooked the covering again, and while Patty looked up at her with a ver curious face, she picked up a carry bag and pulled a breast pump out of it.
Mrs. Fisher proceeded to drain the ample milk from Patty's breasts as she layed on her back, stomach being patted by Mrs. Fisher. In no time she filled up several bottles with her sweet milk. She re-attached the covering around her breasts again, and hooked a leash to Patty's collar.
"Come my little girl, there are tests to be done, and treatments to be given to you". Her breasts tender and sore, she walked with Mrs. Fisher slowly down the hallway, balancing herself now with ease on all fours, walking towards the next step in this process Mrs. Fisher was putting her through, her awareness of her previous personality and situation quickly vanishing from memory.
Patty soon found herself back in the same room where the transformation process began. Mrs. Fisher picked Patty up and put her on the examination table. She tried to resist, but she was scared, so she stood on the table shaking and crying.
Looking around, Patty saw some other dogs in cages around the room. There were many different types of dogs being kept, large and small. In a larger cage in the corner of the room, she saw a large golden retriever inside, running back and forth to the cage door. The dog seemed very excited, and some of the other dogs also seemed excited by the retrievers presences and scent.
Mrs. Fisher came over to Patty, and before she could react pricked her skin with a needle and administered a long injection of a clear fluid inside her. This was followed by two more similar injections. Patty was feeling warm, and was now laying down on the table.
"Well Patty, you must stay here now while this material takes hold of your system". "From here, if all goes according to schedule, you will spend some time in the cage there and I will monitor you reactions and see what and how you physically react and what happens from your encounter."
"Meanwhile, this small injection will make you sleep and allow the chemicals to do their work". Patty felt one more needle prick her skin, and soon fell into a deep sleep.
What she could not hear or feel was Mrs. Fisher picking up her limp body and putting it on a rolling table and bringing it over to the cage where the retriever was.
Patty's undergarment was removed, and she was placed on a bed on the opposite side of the cage. The retriever sniffed around close where she was, but a screen kept them apart, for now. The retriever layed down in front of the screen, eyeing the sleeping Patty.
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