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Just about two days later, Mrs. Fisher checked her remote monitors and charts and concluded Patty's initial treatment should be sufficient for now. Picking up her leash, she headed down to the treatment center in the cellar.
Patty was now lying in a large cage on her side, having been moved there after the initial 24 hours. A sedative kept her asleep while the treatments continued, and her body was in the same position any dog would be found in while sleeping.
Mrs. Fisher shut down the IV machines feeding the materials into Patty, and removed all of the tubes and needles. It would be a few minutes before she awoke, once the IV was removed, the drug would become inactive. Mrs. Fisher closed the cage door, and waited to see what Patty's reactions and response would be when she awoke.
Patty started to blink her eyes slightly, and began to slowly move her arms. She was still very groggy, but was starting to come around. Mrs. Fisher walked over to the cage and started calling her.
"Come on girl, time to wake up, come on, time to see how my handy work came off this time!" Patty slowly started to stand, and for the first time, she stopped trying to stand any further once she stood on all fours.
"What have yourr done torr me, grrr?", her voice trailed off, with many of the words mixed with low growling sounds. She was having trouble forming complete words and sentences.
"It would appear your first treatments have taken well, you are already starting to lose your ability to speak, and I think once I let you out, you will walk around a lot better without your straps".
Mrs. Fisher walked over to the cage, opened the safety gate, and started to rub Patty's head. She tried to speak against, but all that would come out were mumbled words and whimpers. Sensing she might be stable to move, Mrs. Fisher closed the safety gate, picked up Patty's leash, and went over to the cage to take her out.
Once the door was opened, Patty walked slowly on all fours out the door and onto the floor. With the straps now unhooked, she seemed to move a lot easier and with more comfort and stability with her new position.
Mrs. Fisher clipped the leash onto her collar, and kneeled down to pat her head and rub her under her chin. By natural instinct, Patty rubbed her face into Mrs. Fisher's hand, and when she put her hand out in front of her, stuck out and licked her hand with her tongue.
Mrs. Fisher was very impressed, this was the first of her test subjects which responded so quickly to the initial treatments. Putting the leash down for the moment to close up the cage and tidy up the area, Patty lied down on the floor, arms in front of her, head down, legs behind her.
When Mrs. Fisher walked over to her to pick up the leash, she tried to speak again. "Please, do not dorr this torr me, I don't......grrr.......and broke into some small grunts and barks. She kept barking, it was quiet because she did not have a lot of strength yet, and her female voice did not have a high pitch to make it piercing.
Mrs. Fisher was glowing with success as her little dog walker barked away on the floor. She petted her on the head again, and this seemed to calm her down. Pulling on the leash, Patty picked herself up and trotted down the hallway.
She took the stairs a lot better, the silk stockings still were a source of some slipping, but it made her a lot prettier.
There was something deep inside Patty's brain which was telling her this was wrong, but the new chemistry pulsing through her system was repressing these feelings and ideas.
Instead of being able to speak words, she found herself walking with her mouth open, tongue wagging, as she was brought back to the main floor. The audio and video tapes had made a strong impression on her mind.
Once upstairs, Mrs. Fisher led her into the spacious living room. The two other dogs came running over to Patty and began to sniff her. The treatments allowed Patty's body to emit a scent similar to a female dog through her sweat glands, and her sounds and yelping had caught the attention of the other dogs before she came upstairs. The dogs licked Patty's face and back, and she rubbed up against them in response.
Mrs. Fisher sent them away. She unhooked the leash from Patty's collar, and pulled her up on the couch. She jumped up in one shot, pulling herself up with her arms and palms.
Patty was still very tired, and layed down on her side, instantly putting her arms and legs down in front of her, staring out at the TV screen activated by Mrs. Fisher.
"Such a sweet little girl, you have responded so well, I will have to rethink the rest of the procedure for you, and perhaps take you to a more advanced stage!"
Mrs. Fisher noticed the light as it reflected off Patty's stockings, despite all of the medication and transformation, she was still quite a woman. Since dogs like to have their stomachs rubbed, she put her hand underneath Patty's stomach and started rubbing it back and forth slowly, then alternating to circles moving up underneath her breasts.
Patty's senses did not know how to react to this, her sub-conscious took this as a sexual advance, her brain was telling her to accept it as playful petting by her owner.
Patty rolled onto her back, pulled her arms and legs back and held them in the air, allowing Mrs. Fisher to use both her hands to massage her entire body down to her vagina.
Mrs. Fisher's hands found their way to Patty's female parts, and without warning, she took two fingers and entered her. Probing back and forth inside of her, Patty began to move her legs back and forth in response. She was getting wet, as was Mrs. Fisher, who was now rubbing deep inside her own body.
Patty was whimpering, if she could speak, she would no doubt be moaning loudly right now. Continuing to work inside herself also, Mrs. Fisher was working Patty into a frenzy of whimpering and body movements. After a few minutes of bucking her hips forward, Patty collapsed into a massive orgasm, flowing into Mrs. Fisher's hands.
With Patty still lying on her back, Mrs. Fisher layed back herself and continued to work on herself. She was emitting soft moans, loud enough to catch the attention of the dogs, and of course Patty. Rolling over onto all fours, she crawled over to Mrs. Fisher, put her head between Mrs. Fisher's legs, and started lapping at her.
As Mrs. Fisher's moans grew faster and louder, Patty's tongue moved faster and faster back and forth. Grabbing Patty's head, she let go of her own orgasm, which Patty continued to lap up, licking all around her.
Exhausted, Mrs. Fisher closed her legs and stood up off the couch. Clipping the leash to Patty's collar, she called her off the couch and led her out of the room. "Come my little girl. I need to rest, and I want my little girl to be lying there waiting for me with the rest of the puppies".
Led into Mrs. Fisher's huge bedroom, Patty was allowed to lay down across some huge feather pillows, while the other two dogs came in and rested there also. Mrs. Fisher stretched out on her bed, and was soon drifting off to sleep.
Patty's eyes slowly started to close on this day. She could not recall or remember much of anything, but she knew her life was changing and would be changing more. Not knowing what had happened to others who came before her, she did not know how true this was.
(To Be Continued)
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