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When she awoke, Patty found the two dogs waiting by the door, waiting for Mrs. Fisher to come and take them out. Usually by this time, Patty would have come and taken them out, but she was now in need of someone to help her.
Patty crawled out from her bed, and walked over to the door where the dogs were. Mrs. Fisher came in, and patted each of the dogs as they jumped up and down on her. Patty was sitting there on her legs, trying to loosen the stain from the straps, her eyes red from crying.
"Well my pretty young thing, it seems the pups here have to go outside, what about you, do you need a walk?" she said with a vicious grin on her face.
Patty pleaded with her, "please, let me go, let me up, I have too, I need to....." her voice trailed off as she turned her head down.
"First I have to take care of them, then you, so just sit tight and wait". With this, Mrs. Fisher took the dogs out into the yard.
Patty walked over to the window, and looked outside from what she could see at her height. It was getting darker out, so they would be inside soon. Suddenly she had an awful thought, would she make her go outside? She crawled as fast as she could back to her bed, hoping Mrs. Fisher would become tied up doing other things and forget about her for now. This would not be her luck.
The dogs came running in, and Mrs. Fisher walked over to her bed. Reaching around her neck, she clipped the leash onto the collar and pulled her up on all fours.
"Come on Patty, it is time for you". She tried pulling away, but as usual Mrs. Fisher had a tight grip on her. She reached around and smacked Patty across the behind once very hard, causing Patty to almost fall. Mrs. Fisher reached around to Patty's waist, and unsnapped the thin thong which covered her crotch area. She blushed with embarrassment.
"Well my dear, we can't have you outside where you could be seen, so I will take you downstairs to a special setup I have for you, come on".
With a great deal of fear in her eyes, with a cool breeze blowing through her middle, she trotted on all fours down the hall on the leash with Mrs. Fisher. On the way, Mrs. Fisher's hands found their way over her ass, running it over and over. This was making her feel uneasy and horny, which made her very nervous.
Mrs. Fisher slowly took Patty down the steps to her finished basement area. It was difficult for Patty getting down the steps, she slid slightly on her stockings, and the straps did not give her good balance.
"If you would learn how to walk on your own quicker, you would not need the straps" Mrs. Fisher told her has she reached the last step and was finally on the floor.
"What happens to me now?" Patty asked as Mrs. Fisher stopped her near another door in the basement.
She unlocked the door, which led to a room where Patty saw a large boxed in area filled with sand and tree branches. She led Patty into it, and unhooked the leash.
"Here you go my dear, I will be waiting outside for you, just yell when ready". She started to turn and walk away.
"Wait, I cannot do this, please, don't make me do this!" Patty cried out to her. Mrs. Fisher kept walking and told her, "it is this, or nothing else, so I would get used to it". With that, she walked out the door.
Patty stood there on all fours, wondering what to do next. She had to take care of business, but did not want to do it here. Sensing no other choice, she moved around to make the straps somewhat out of the way, stood up on her feet and spread her legs as wide as possible, and relieved herself.
Once finished, she made sure she rolled away from what she had done, and crawled out of the box, ashamed at what she had become and what she had to do. Mrs. Fisher came back into the room.
"There, was that so bad little girl" she said has she hooking Patty to her leash. "Pretty soon you will get used to that, it will become second nature". She took out Patty's thong and snapped it around her again. "We have to keep you pretty, don't want to have you crawling around with your parts hanging out!". She led Patty out of the room and back up the stairs.
Once in the main room, Patty tried to walk over to her bed area, but was pulled down the hall. She was walking fairly well, learning to balance herself on her feet and not letting the straps trip her up. She was brought into a room which had several large cages in it, an examination table, and lots of research information and equipment. Trying to pull away in fear, she was grabbed underneath by Mrs. Fisher and picked up and placed on the table. Only the fear of falling with being able to catch herself kept her from trying to jump off.
Mrs. Fisher unhooked the straps which connected her legs to her arms, so Patty was able to stretch out. This was a error Mrs. Fisher counted on, because as soon as she did, Patty was restrained to the table by her hands and feet.
"No, let me up, let me go, help!, please, oh....." with this a ball gag was inserted into her mouth, quieting her down. Patty looked around nervously as Mrs. Fisher prepared some needles in the corner.
"I guess you are wondering what these are, well, this is part of what I was talking about when you first woke up, this is the research". "I have taken a drug which deadens nerves and impulses in the brain, and mixed it with another compound found in certain dogs, one which controls behavior and response to verbal commands and actions".
"You are going to be injected with several of these now". "Over the next few hours, you will lose the ability to talk, to walk, to think with any complexity".
"In the meantime, your brain will process the chemical which I have taken from the animals and you will start reacting to the stimulus and the actions you are told and shown". "While you are lying here, I will play dog training and obedience tapes over and over for you as the drugs take effect, the results should have you barking and running around here like the pups in no time!"
Patty cried into heavy sobs as Mrs. Fisher walked over to her. She wiped the tears away, kissed her on the forehead, and began the injections. One by one, the injections were administered to her, and she slowly stopped resisting and soon was lying quite still.
Finishing up the medical part, Mrs. Fisher cleaned up the lab and prepared to shut down for the night. Patty was lying there on the table on her stomach now, headset on playing obedience tapes and other sounds over and over in conjunction with the video tapes being played in front of her. This would go on for the next 24 hours or so.
Mrs. Fisher turned down the lights, and walked out the door. Patty was on the table motionless, enthralled with what was happening on screen, as the new chemicals pulsed through her body.
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